

All NTNU staff have to write, and many have both experiences to share and questions to ask, either about how they can become better writers, or how they can help their students. Some have long-standing experience with including writing in the courses they teach, whereas others need tips on how to better integrate writing in their teaching. Where some have a long list of published articles, others have nothing but questions. Some have professional writing expertise, whereas others feel they know nothing.

Are you interested in discussing your or your students’ writing? Writers’ point is an informal meeting place, where staff from various disciplines meet to discuss writing over a cup of coffee or tea, asking questions or sharing experiences.

We are meeting once each month. Registration is not mandatory, but if you plan to come, please send an e-mail to, to hear when the next meeting are. That way we also have some idea of how many we will be. We would also appreciate it if your e-mail includes a question or topic you would like us to address.

Welcome to Skrivepunkt!