Electric Power Systems (006ek)
Electric Power Systems
Electric Power Systems

This programme is meant for Scandinavian speaking students.
Electric power is a wide field covering the generation, distribution and use of electrical energy. The programme of study will focus on green power generation and provide a broad overview of trends in the energy sector. In modern vessels, most of the equipment is powered by electric energy, from propulsion systems to cranes and winches.
The programme of study in electric power systems has the same foundation as the programme in automation, but also offers specialization focused on the electric energy sector: Courses in the fields of electrical machinery, power electronics and electric power systems are a feature of the programme. The programme also includes elective courses on high-voltage equipment, electrical systems for ships and electrical documentation.
After completing your education, you will be qualified to work with all types of energy generation. You will be able to design electrical systems, to work as a consultant and an electrical contractor, and you can supervise electrical installations. Work offshore is as relevant as work on land. The electrical engineering programme provides an education that meets the needs of industry for expertise in electrical disciplines, aimed at both energy suppliers and the installation industry.
View content of the programme and information about each course in the Programme description.
Admission Samordna Opptak (sharing)
Language of instruction: Norwegian
You have to meet the Norwegian language requirements, or have a Scandinavian language as your mother tongue, if you want to apply to any of NTNU’s degree programmes taught in Norwegian.
The application deadline for the programme is April 15th. Students apply through Samordna Opptak.
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Engineering – Power Electronics
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Duration: 3 years, 180 ECTS
Programme code: 006EK
Application code: 194 006
Restricted admission: Yes
Department of ICT and Natural Sciences
City: Ålesund, Norway
Application deadline: 15 April
This information is relevant for the present academic year.
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For more general inquiries regarding admissions, you can contact the admissions office at NTNU.