Course - Electric circuits - modelling and analysis - ELEG1002
ELEG1002 - Electric circuits - modelling and analysis
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: School exam
Grade: Letter grades
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Grade deviation | Examination aids |
School exam | 100/100 | 4 hours | H |
Course content
The course aims to give the student tools and understanding for modelling, analysis and operation of electrical circuits as part of a larger sustainable energy system. The subject focuses on methods for the analysis of non-direct current (DC) circuits, with particular focus on alternating current (AC) circuits including magnetically coupled circuits and transformers. Additionally, AC circuit concepts such as active and reactive power, resonances, pointers, balanced three-phase circuits, etc. will be introduced. The subject covers basic regulation in electrical systems, with examples from power electronics and simple motor control.
Items in the subject:
- Alternating current and voltage under stationary sinusoidal conditions. Impedance, complex power, apparent power, active power, reactive power. Instantaneous values, RMS values, frequency and phase. Phase representation.
- Analysis of circuits in the frequency domain. Active and passive filters, resonance and resonance frequency.
- Circuits with magnetic coupling and ideal transformer. Mutual inductance.
- Basic three-phase systems. IT, TT and TN grid.
- Basic power electronics and non-linear systems. Inverters , rectifiers, DC converters.
- Analogies to, as well as application of, the circuit concept and analysis techniques to other physical domains.
- Sustainable energy systems with storage.
- Basic regulation in electrical systems. Power electronics and simple motor control.
- Reflections on ethics and sustainability in connection with electrical systems and components.
- Brief description of the historical development within circuit theory.
- Hand calculation and simulation/calculation using digital tools.
- Group work and practical laboratory work.
- Writing a technical report.
Some adjustments to the theme and focus may occur, and more detailed information about the syllabus will be made available at the start of the semester.
Learning outcome
The student must understand:
- Expand modeling and analysis of a selection of circuits, and basic techniques for controlling electrical circuits.
- Application of the circuit concept to other physical domains.
- Safety in the lab, physical circuit connections and troubleshooting, as well as precision and limitations in measuring instruments.
The student must be able to:
- Use network theorems, component characteristics and fundamental laws in electrical circuit theory to calculate parameters in systems with a selection of components.
- Calculate current, voltage and power in single- phase and three-phase circuits under stationary sinusoidal conditions; In the time domain and the frequency domain.
- Carry out system analyzes using hand calculations and simulations, as well as practical connection and measurement in the lab.
- Connect simple circuits according to given specifications. Measure electrical values using a multimeter and oscilloscope.
- Dimensioning/designing a selection of circuits.
- Carry out and report group work/laboratory work in technical reports.
After completing the course, the candidate has the general competence to:
- Use basic laws and analysis methods from this subject in later parts of the candidate's studies and in work situations.
- Know Norwegian and English technical terms for methods/techniques, components/ parameters , measuring units etc.
- Use a simulation tool for the analysis of simple energy systems.
- Follow safety instructions for laboratory work.
- Report laboratory work.
Learning methods and activities
The learning activities will be a combination of lectures and student-centered learning activities.
Obligatory activites: Laboratory work and exercises.
Some of the teaching activities may be taught in English.
Compulsory assignments
- Exercises
- Laboratory Work
Further on evaluation
If there is a re-sit exam in August the assessment form may be changed to oral.
Specific conditions
Admission to a programme of study is required:
Electrical Engineering (BIELEKTRO)
Renewable Energy - Engineering (BIFOREN)
Recommended previous knowledge
ELEG1001 Electric circuits - introduction (or similar)
Course materials
To be announced at the beginning of the course.
Credit reductions
Course code | Reduction | From | To |
ELEA1002 | 7.5 | AUTUMN 2023 | |
ELET1002 | 7.5 | AUTUMN 2023 | |
TET4100 | 5.0 | AUTUMN 2024 | |
TTK4240 | 5.0 | AUTUMN 2024 | |
AIS2001 | 5.0 | AUTUMN 2024 | |
AIS1004 | 5.0 | AUTUMN 2024 | |
ELE1051 | 5.0 | AUTUMN 2024 | |
TELE2002 | 5.0 | AUTUMN 2024 | |
IELET1001 | 2.5 | AUTUMN 2024 | |
IELEA1001 | 2.5 | AUTUMN 2024 | |
IELEG1001 | 2.5 | AUTUMN 2024 |
Version: 1
7.5 SP
Study level: Foundation courses, level I
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: SPRING 2025
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Location: Gjøvik
- Energy- and Environmental Physics
- Electronics
- Electrical Power Engineering
- Electrical Power Engineering
Department with academic responsibility
Department of electric energy
Examination arrangement: School exam
- Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
- Spring ORD School exam 100/100 H 2025-05-27 09:00 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates M433-Eksamensrom 4.etg Mustad, Inngang A 69 - Summer UTS School exam 100/100 H INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates
- * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.
For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"