
TS501823 - Change management and technological challenges


New from the academic year 2024/2025

Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: Assignment
Grade: Letter grades

Evaluation Weighting Duration Grade deviation Examination aids
Assignment 100/100

Course content

Society develops continuously and in step with the development of new technology, and the ability to navigate through change processes is crucial. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is taking up more space and business models must change in line with development. This topic goes in depth by exploring how effective change management often involves the use of all aspects of leadership. Many managers point out that it is in the face of significant change processes that they really understand the essence of the leadership role.

- An introduction to perspectives on organisation, organizational understanding and management

- Change management

  • Different ways of thinking in the development of individuals, groups and organisations
  • Planning, organization and management of change processes
  • Customer-driven change and continuous development through customer orientation Involvement and ownership of the change processes
  • Different phases in the work with change processes
  • Pitfalls and success factors in change
  • Strategies for overcoming resistance to change
  • The manager as change agent, the employee as resource person
  • The employee as a resource person in the change work
  • Coaching as a tool for creating successful change
  • Use of external consultants

- Competence-driven change

- Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • An introduction to what AI is, what it can be used for
  • What significance it can have for an organization and how it can be used in an organization
  • AI and decision support in an operational context
  • Change, new technology and operating methods
  • Intellectual property rights - legal introduction

Learning outcome

Knowledge goals

Students must acquire basic knowledge in management, communication and interpersonal relationships. They must know and be familiar with current concepts, issues, theories related to the management of current change work. The focus is particularly directed at middle managers' challenges when it comes to changes and safeguarding a good working environment and the individual employee's need for job mastery and competence development. The perspective must be future-oriented, market-oriented and solution-oriented in that traditional rule-oriented and bureaucratic attitudes and behavior patterns in the individual organization are challenged.

Skill target

The students must have acquired the competence to work purposefully and systematically themselves in the leadership role with current change work that an organization is facing. Emphasis is placed on the students developing their own personal motivating leadership style with a focus on the employee being the organisation's most important resource so that they are actively involved in the change work on a team basis. Special emphasis is placed on being able to handle tensions and conflicts related to changes in a good way. After completing the education, the students are expected to be able to effectively plan, implement and follow up current changes related to their own workplace using relevant methods and tools. Particular emphasis is placed on being able to deal with the phenomenon of "resistance to change" in an appropriate way.

Attitude goal

The study is based on a positive view of humanity rooted in ethical values. The students must be trained in a critical and reflective attitude regarding established systems and routines with awareness of continuous improvement and so-called "best practice". The fact that the employee is the organisation's most important resource obliges the students, as future managers, to always develop attitudes characterized by opportunities and solutions related to what can be concretely done so that the employees can succeed in their jobs.

Compulsory assignments

  • Mandatory assignments

Further on evaluation

Exam: Individual project report (min. 10 - 15 pages).

The report shall be submitted in NTNU's Learning Management System INSPERA as a pdf-file.

Mandatory assignments: The student must have 80% attendance in the course in order to register for the exam. Special cases are assessed individually by submitting an application to the Program manager.

Compulsory activities from the previous semester can be approved by the department.

The resit exam will be held next semester.

Specific conditions

Admission to a programme of study is required:
Management of Demanding Marine Operations (MLAKMO)
Operational Maritime Management (830MDO)

Course materials

Bok: Bolman, Lee G. og Terrence E. Deal. 2014. Nytt perspektiv på organisasjon og ledelse: strukturer, sosiale relasjoner, politikk og symboler. 5. utg. Gyldendal akademisk

Bok: Einarsen, Martinsen Organisasjonspsykologi og ledelse

Bok: Einarsen, Ståle og Harald Pedersen. 2017. Håndtering av konflikter og trakassering i arbeidslivet. Gyldendal akademisk. Kapittel 1 og 2.

Bok: Glasø, Lars og Geir Thompson, red. 2013. Transformasjonsledelse. Gyldendal akademisk Kapittel 1

Bok: Jacobsen, Dag Ingvar. 2012. Organisasjonsendringer og endringsledelse. 2. utg. Fagbokforlaget

Bok: Lai, Linda. 2013. Strategisk kompetanseledelse. 3. utg. Fagbokforlaget. Kapittel 1

Bok: Vestergaard, Bo

Bok: Martinsen, Øyvind L., red. 2015. Perspektiver på ledelse. 3. utg. Gyldendal akademisk. Yukl

Bok: Bolman, Lee G. og Terrence E. Deal. 2014. Nytt perspektiv på organisasjon og ledelse: strukturer, sosiale relasjoner, politikk og symboler. 5. utg. Gyldendal akademisk

Bok: Brochs-Haukedal, William. 2010. Arbeids- og lederpsykologi. 8. utg. Cappelen akademisk

Bok: Einarsen, Ståle og Harald Pedersen. 2017. Håndtering av konflikter og trakassering i arbeidslivet. Gyldendal akademisk

Bok: Gjerde, Susann. 2010. Coaching: hva - hvorfor - hvordan. 2. utg. Fagbokforlaget

Bok: Glasø, Lars og Geir Thompson, red. 2013. Transformasjonsledelse. Gyldendal akademisk

Bok: Jacobsen, Dag Ingvar. 2012. Organisasjonsendringer og endringsledelse. 2. utg. Fagbokforlaget

Bok: Lai, Linda. 2013. Strategisk kompetanseledelse. 3. utg. Fagbokforlaget

Bok: Martinsen, Øyvind L., red. 2015. Perspektiver på ledelse. 3. utg. Gyldendal akademisk

More on the course



Version: 1
Credits:  7.5 SP
Study level: Second degree level


Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  AUTUMN 2024

Language of instruction: Norwegian

Location: Ålesund

Subject area(s)
  • Organization and Leadership
Contact information
Course coordinator: Lecturer(s):

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Ocean Operations and Civil Engineering


Examination arrangement: Assignment

Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
Autumn ORD Assignment 100/100





Room Building Number of candidates
Spring UTS Assignment 100/100 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates
  • * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.

For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"

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