Course - Modern German linguistics - TYSK3600
TYSK3600 - Modern German linguistics
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Home exam
Grade: Letter grades
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Grade deviation | Examination aids |
Home exam | 100/100 | 7 days |
Course content
The course deals with a limited area in modern German linguistics. It addresses empirical as well as theoretical and methologial questions, preferably seen from a contrastive point of view. Through work with the theme of preference the students will also become familiar with empirical work, e.g. use of web-based corpora. Through working on 1-2 written assignments, the students will get the opportunity to concentrate on a specific topic within the chosen field.
Learning outcome
The candidate
- has extensive theoretical and empirical knowledge about a selected academic field within modern German linguistics
- has extensive knowledge about the methods used in this discipline
- has knowledge about contrastively important differences between German and Norwegian in this selected field of study
The candidate
- is expected to be able to use and reflect independently on theoretical and methodological approaches within a limited academic field
- is expected to be able to present, analyze and compare different presentations, theories and methods within the discipline
- is expected to be able to use an accurate linguistic conceptual system in German
- is expected to be able to look up relevant sources and bibliographies, and use these critically to structure and formulate academic reasoning in German within the discipline
- is expected to be able to reflect on (i.e. present, discuss, analyze) contrastively important differences between Norwegian and German within the discipline
The candidate
- is expected to be able to plan and carry through an independent, limited research project under supervision in German
- is expected to be able to use a scientific conceptual system when working with a complex theme
- is expected to be able to present and relate to academic problems, analyzes and conclusions in modern German linguistics while using adequate academic language, both orally and in writing
- is expected to be able to use his/her knowledge in new areas in order to carry out advanced tasks and projects
Learning methods and activities
Lectures, seminars and exercises. The lectures will take place either on campus, hybrid or web based. It is presupposed that the students come prepared to the lectures and that they participate actively and on a regular basis. In order to be able to sit the exam, participation in at least 50 % of the lectures is compulsory.
Compulsory assignment:
- Minimum 50% attendance on lectures
- Either 1 written assignment in German of approx. 2000 word or 2 shorter written assignments
Compulsory assignments
- 50% mandatory attendance
- 1 written assignment in German of approx. 2000 words or 2 shorter written assignments
Further on evaluation
Home examination (7 days). The paper should be approximately 3000 words, not counting the index, the formulation of the thesis theme and literature list. The home examination must be written in German.
Specific conditions
Admission to a programme of study is required:
German (MTYSK)
Language Studies with Teacher Education, years 8 - 13 (MLSPRÅK)
Recommended previous knowledge
Courses at specialisation level in German (2000 level at NTNU and UiO; 200 level at UiB)
Course materials
The reading list will be available at the beginning of the semester.
Version: 1
15.0 SP
Study level: Second degree level
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: AUTUMN 2024
Language of instruction: German
Location: Trondheim
- German Language
- German
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Language and Literature
Examination arrangement: Home exam
- Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
- Autumn ORD Home exam 100/100 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates -
Home exam
12:00 -
Room Building Number of candidates
- * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.
For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"