Aida Akbarzadeh
Ph.D. in Information Security and Communication Technology
Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience group (CISaR)
M.Sc in Safe communication and Cryptography
B.Sc in Electronics Engineering
Previous Projects:
“Cyber-Physical Security in Energy Infrastructure of Smart Cities” | (2019–2023)
Funded by the Research Council of Norway
(European University of Technology Alliance) | (2020–2023)
Funded by the EU
- CybWin
“Cybersecurity Platform for Assessment and Training for Critical Infrastructures
– Legacy to Digital Twin” | (2021–2023)
Funded by the Research Council of Norway
“Reinforcing Competence in Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructures: A Norway-
US Partnership” | (2023–2024)
Funded by the Research Council of Norway
- CybAlliance
“International Alliance for Strengthening Cybersecurity and Privacy in
Healthcare” | (2023–2024)
Funded by the Research Council of Norway
“Context-Based Real-Time OT-IT Systems Integrity Management” | (2023–
Funded by the Research Council of Norway
Current Projects:
“European Lighthouse to Manifest Trustworthy and Green AI” | (2024–current)
Funded by EU (HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions)
(European University of Technology Alliance) | (2023–current)
Funded by Erasmus+
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Chockalingam, Sabarathinam;
Ramaj, Xhesika;
Amro, Lama Mohammad Saed;
Sanchez Gordon, Mary Luz;
Gkioulos, Vasileios.
Workshop on Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructures.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Erdodi, Laszlo Tibor;
Houmb, Siv Hilde;
Soltvedt, Tore Geir.
Two-stage advanced persistent threat (APT) attack on an IEC 61850 power grid substation.
International Journal of Information Security
Academic article
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Katsikas, Sokratis K..
Towards Comprehensive Modeling of CPSs to Discover and Study Interdependencies.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Katsikas, Sokratis.
Towards Comprehensive Modeling of CPSs to Discover and Study Interdependencies.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Katsikas, Sokratis.
Modeling cyber and physical threats in IT&OT integrated systems.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Erdodi, Laszlo Tibor;
Houmb, Siv Hilde;
Soltvedt, Tore Geir;
Muggerud, Hans Kristian.
Attacking IEC 61850 Substations by Targeting the PTP Protocol.
Electronics (Basel)
Academic article
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Katsikas, Sokratis K..
Dependency based risk analysis in Cyber-Physical
Doctoral theses at NTNU (2023:83)
Doctoral dissertation
Akbarzadeh, Aida.
Towards Comprehensive Modeling of CPSs to Discover and Study Interdependencies
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) (13785)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Katsikas, Sokratis.
Unified IT&OT Modeling for Cybersecurity Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems.
IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society (OJ-IES)
Academic article
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Katsikas, Sokratis.
Dependency-based security risk assessment for cyber-physical systems.
International Journal of Information Security
Academic article
Erdodi, Laszlo;
Kaliyar, Pallavi;
Houmb, Siv Hilde;
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Waltoft-Olsen, Andrè Jung.
Attacking Power Grid Substations: An Experiment Demonstrating How to Attack the SCADA Protocol IEC 60870-5-104.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Katsikas, Sokratis.
Identifying and Analyzing Dependencies in and among Complex Cyber Physical Systems.
Academic article
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Pandey, Pankaj;
Katsikas, Sokratis.
Cyber-Physical Interdependencies in Power Plant Systems: A Review of Cyber Security Risks.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Katsikas, Sokratis.
Identifying Critical Components in Large Scale Cyber Physical Systems.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Erdodi, Laszlo Tibor;
Houmb, Siv Hilde;
Soltvedt, Tore Geir.
Two-stage advanced persistent threat (APT) attack on an IEC 61850 power grid substation.
International Journal of Information Security
Academic article
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Erdodi, Laszlo Tibor;
Houmb, Siv Hilde;
Soltvedt, Tore Geir;
Muggerud, Hans Kristian.
Attacking IEC 61850 Substations by Targeting the PTP Protocol.
Electronics (Basel)
Academic article
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Katsikas, Sokratis.
Unified IT&OT Modeling for Cybersecurity Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems.
IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society (OJ-IES)
Academic article
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Katsikas, Sokratis.
Dependency-based security risk assessment for cyber-physical systems.
International Journal of Information Security
Academic article
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Katsikas, Sokratis.
Identifying and Analyzing Dependencies in and among Complex Cyber Physical Systems.
Academic article
Akbarzadeh, Aida.
Towards Comprehensive Modeling of CPSs to Discover and Study Interdependencies
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) (13785)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Chockalingam, Sabarathinam;
Ramaj, Xhesika;
Amro, Lama Mohammad Saed;
Sanchez Gordon, Mary Luz;
Gkioulos, Vasileios.
Workshop on Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructures.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Katsikas, Sokratis K..
Towards Comprehensive Modeling of CPSs to Discover and Study Interdependencies.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Katsikas, Sokratis.
Towards Comprehensive Modeling of CPSs to Discover and Study Interdependencies.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Katsikas, Sokratis.
Modeling cyber and physical threats in IT&OT integrated systems.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Erdodi, Laszlo;
Kaliyar, Pallavi;
Houmb, Siv Hilde;
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Waltoft-Olsen, Andrè Jung.
Attacking Power Grid Substations: An Experiment Demonstrating How to Attack the SCADA Protocol IEC 60870-5-104.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Pandey, Pankaj;
Katsikas, Sokratis.
Cyber-Physical Interdependencies in Power Plant Systems: A Review of Cyber Security Risks.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Katsikas, Sokratis.
Identifying Critical Components in Large Scale Cyber Physical Systems.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Akbarzadeh, Aida;
Katsikas, Sokratis K..
Dependency based risk analysis in Cyber-Physical
Doctoral theses at NTNU (2023:83)
Doctoral dissertation
IIK8010 - Cyber Physical Systems Security
Master's thesis “Effects of Organizational Cyber Security Culture Across the Energy Sector Supply Chain”, Susanne Barkhald Sandberg, NTNU, 2022-2023
Master's thesis "Cloud based Model Predictive Control security –Closing the loop", Stig Myrland, NTNU, 2024-2025
PhD thesis "Digital Twin and AI/ML Supported Threat Modelling Framework for Cyber-Attack Prediction and Projection", Gizem Erceylan, NTNU, 2023-current
Academic lectureAkbarzadeh, Aida. (2024) Navigating Trustworthy AI in Cyber-Physical Systems: Challenges and Future Directions. CybAlliance W3.3 guest lectures and tutorials 2024-09-27 - 2024-09-27