Alemayehu Darge Dalbiso
B350 Beryllbygget, Gjøvik
Alemayehu Darge is a Structural Engineer with a Master's degree in Structural Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. He has over a decade of experience in the construction industry and academia. He served as a lecturer and chairholder at Addis Ababa University and contributed to timber and bamboo standardization at the Ethiopian Standards Agency. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Advanced Building Materials Lab at the Department of Manufacturing and Civil Engineering. His research focuses structural and sustainability performance evaluation of Timber Concrete Composite Structures. His expertise include: numerical modeling, experimental work and LCA.
Dalbiso, Alemayehu Darge;
Haj Mohammadian Baghban, Mohammad.
Environmental Impact of Timber Concrete Composites: An Overview.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Amede, Ermias;
Aklilu, Gabrella;
Kidane, Helen;
Dalbiso, Alemayehu Darge.
Examining the viability and benefits of cement-stabilized rammed earth as an affordable and durable walling material in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Cogent Engineering
Academic article
Dalbiso, Alemayehu Darge;
Nuramo, Denamo Addissie.
Ethiopian vernacular bamboo architecture and its potentials for adaptation in modern urban housing: A case study.
Taylor & Francis Group
Journal publications
Amede, Ermias;
Aklilu, Gabrella;
Kidane, Helen;
Dalbiso, Alemayehu Darge.
Examining the viability and benefits of cement-stabilized rammed earth as an affordable and durable walling material in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Cogent Engineering
Academic article
Part of book/report
Dalbiso, Alemayehu Darge;
Haj Mohammadian Baghban, Mohammad.
Environmental Impact of Timber Concrete Composites: An Overview.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dalbiso, Alemayehu Darge;
Nuramo, Denamo Addissie.
Ethiopian vernacular bamboo architecture and its potentials for adaptation in modern urban housing: A case study.
Taylor & Francis Group