Morten Omholt Alver
Adjunct Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics. I primarily work in the research group for Ocean Biocybernetics. My MSc and PhD are both from the Department of Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU.
Key Qualifications
My main qualifications are within mathematical model development, ocean modelling and data assimilation, individual based energetic models, population models, instrumentation and automation in marine aquaculture, and programming/software development. I have experience with several established model systems within oceanography (SINMOD and ROMS) and meteorology (WRF), and have worked on development of modules within SINMOD for several years. Within the field of cage aquaculture I have worked on modelling of fish behavior, growth, feed distribution and dissolved oxygen levels.
Lane, Alistair;
Føre, Martin;
Alver, Morten Omholt;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Rasheed, Adil;
Hukkelås, Thor.
Digital Twins in aquaculture: Taking Precision Farming to the next level.
Aquaculture Europe
Popular scientific article
Føre, Martin;
Alver, Morten Omholt;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Rasheed, Adil;
Hukkelås, Thor;
Bjelland, Hans Vanhauwaert.
Digital Twins in intensive aquaculture — Challenges, opportunities and future prospects.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
Academic literature review
Alver, Morten Omholt;
Føre, Martin;
Urke, Henning Andre;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Mathematical modelling of dissolved oxygen levels in a multi-cage salmon farm.
Academic article
Kelly, Cian;
Michelsen, Finn Are;
Alver, Morten Omholt.
Estimation of fish catch potential using assimilation of synthetic measurements with an individual-based model.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Academic article
Halvorsen, Daniel Ørnes;
Alver, Morten Omholt.
Twin experiment analysis of data assimilation performance using Gaussian anamorphic transformation for highly skewed ocean model variables.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
oudijk, AE;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Johnsen, Geir;
Alver, Morten Omholt.
Simulating Hyperspectral Datacubes for Ocean Color: A Foundation for Phytoplankton Recognition in Spectral Signatures.
Academic article
Berget, Gunhild Elisabeth;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Alver, Morten Omholt;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dynamic stochasticmodeling for adaptive sampling of environmental
variables using an AUV.
Autonomous Robots
Academic article
Kelly, Cian;
Michelsen, Finn Are;
Alver, Morten Omholt.
An ensemble modelling approach for spatiotemporally explicit estimation of fish distributions using data assimilation.
Fisheries Research
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Føre, Martin;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Predicting oxygen levels in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) sea cages.
Academic article
Kelly, Cian;
Michelsen, Finn Are;
Kolding, Jeppe;
Alver, Morten.
Tuning and Development of an Individual-Based Model of the Herring Spawning Migration.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Academic article
Berget, Gunhild Elisabeth;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Alver, Morten;
Py, Frédéric;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Adaptive Underwater Robotic Sampling of Dispersal Dynamics in the Coastal Ocean.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kelly, Cian;
Michelsen, Finn Are;
Reite, Karl Johan;
Kolding, Jeppe;
Varpe, Øystein;
Prytz Berset, Are.
Capturing big fisheries data: Integrating fishers’ knowledge in a web-based decision support tool.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Academic article
Halvorsen, Daniel Ørnes;
Dallolio, Alberto;
Alver, Morten Omholt.
Assimilation of heterogeneous measurements at different spatial scales in the Arctic ocean and Norwegian sea.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Oudijk, Esmée;
Hasler, Oliver Kevin;
Øveraas, Henning;
Marty, Sabine;
Williamson, David Roddan;
Svendsen, Torbjørn Karl.
Campaign For Hyperspectral Data Validation In North Atlantic Coastal Waters.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Føre, Martin;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Effect of cage size on oxygen levels in Atlantic salmon sea cages: A model study.
Academic article
Solvang, Torfinn;
Bale, Emil Scott;
Broch, Ole Jacob;
Handå, Aleksander;
Alver, Morten.
Automation Concepts for Industrial-Scale Production of Seaweed.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Academic article
Broch, Ole Jacob;
Pascal, Klebert;
Michelsen, Finn Are;
Alver, Morten.
Multiscale modelling of cage effects on the transport of effluents from open aquaculture systems.
Academic article
Aas, Turid Synnøve;
Ytrestøyl, Trine;
Åsgård, Torbjørn Einar;
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist;
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Feed intake in Atlantic salmon fed with or without surface spreading of feed.
Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences (JAMS)
Academic article
Eisenhauer, Lionel;
Solvang, Torfinn;
Alver, Morten;
Krause, Daniel Franklin;
Hagemann, Andreas.
Dispersal of salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis Krøyer, 1837) egg strings from open-cage salmon farming: A neglected source for infestation dynamics.
Aquaculture Research
Academic article
Nepstad, Raymond;
Muñoz, Maria Liste;
Alver, Morten;
Nordam, Tor;
Davies, Emlyn John;
Glette, Tormod.
High-resolution numerical modelling of a marine mine tailings discharge in Western Norway.
Regional Studies in Marine Science
Academic article
Alver, Morten.
2019:00075 A - D5.1 Industrial production line for seedlings - MACROSEA WP5.
Broch, Ole Jacob;
Alver, Morten Omholt;
Bekkby, Trine;
Gundersen, Hege;
Forbord, Silje;
Handå, Aleksander.
The Kelp Cultivation Potential in Coastal and Offshore Regions of Norway.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Academic article
Jónsdóttir, Kristbjörg Edda;
Hvas, Malthe;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Føre, Martin;
Alver, Morten;
Bjelland, Hans Vanhauwaert.
Fish Welfare Based Classification Method of Ocean Current Speeds at Aquaculture Sites.
Aquaculture Environment Interactions
Academic article
Lapadatu, Monica;
Bakken, Sivert;
Grøtte, Mariusz Eivind;
Alver, Morten;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Simulation tool for hyper-spectral imaging from a satellite.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Bjørnson, Finn Olav;
Kelasidi, Eleni;
Føre, Martin;
Alver, Morten.
D5. 5 Virtual laboratory version.
Su, Biao;
Reite, Karl-Johan;
Føre, Martin;
Aarsæther, Karl Gunnar;
Alver, Morten;
Endresen, Per Christian.
A Multipurpose Framework for Modelling and Simulation of Marine Aquaculture Systems .
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Michelsen, Finn Are;
Klebert, Pascal;
Broch, Ole Jacob;
Alver, Morten.
Impacts of fish farm structures with biomass on water currents: A case study from Frøya.
Journal of Sea Research
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Solvang, Torfinn;
Dybvik, Henrikke.
D5.4 State of the art - MACROSEA WP5.
Alver, Morten;
Solvang, Torfinn.
2018:00785 - MACROSEA WP5 - D5.2 Proof of concept on seeding systems
Føre, Martin;
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Senneset, Gunnar;
Espmark, Åsa Maria Olofsdotter;
Terjesen, Bendik Fyhn.
Modelling how the physical scale of experimental tanks affects salmon growth performance.
Academic article
Fossum, Trygve Olav;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Ellingsen, Ingrid H.;
Alver, Morten;
Fragoso, Glaucia Moreira;
Johnsen, Geir.
Information-driven robotic sampling in the coastal ocean.
Journal of Field Robotics (JFR)
Academic article
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist;
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Modelling and simulation of rotary feed spreaders with application to sea cage aquaculture - A study of common and alternative designs.
Aquacultural Engineering
Academic article
Handå, Aleksander;
Solvang, Torfinn;
Alver, Morten.
Automatisering kan gjøre Norge verdensledende på taredyrking.
Norsk Sjømat
Popular scientific article
Nordam, Tor;
Brönner, Ute;
Skancke, Jørgen;
Nepstad, Raymond;
Rønningen, Petter;
Alver, Morten.
Numerical Integration and Interpolation in Marine Pollutant Transport Modelling.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist;
Alver, Morten;
Lundregan, Sarah;
Frank, Kevin;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Effects of wind on surface feed distribution in sea cage aquaculture: A simulation study.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Føre, Martin;
Frank, Kevin;
Norton, Tomas;
Svendsen, Eirik;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Dempster, Timothy David.
Precision fish farming: A new framework to improve production in aquaculture.
Biosystems Engineering
Academic article
Lader, Pål;
Kristiansen, David;
Alver, Morten;
Bjelland, Hans Vanhauwaert;
Myrhaug, Dag.
OMAE2017-61659 Classification of Aquaculture Locations in Norway With Respect to Wind Wave Exposure
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Føre, Martin;
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Marafioti, Giancarlo;
Senneset, Gunnar;
Birkevold, Jens.
Modelling growth performance and feeding behaviour of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in commercial-size aquaculture net pens: Model details and validation through full-scale experiments.
Academic article
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist;
Alver, Morten;
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Feed spreaders in sea cage aquaculture – Motion characterization and measurement of spatial pellet distribution using an unmanned aerial vehicle.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist;
Føre, Martin;
Aas, Turid Synnøve;
Oehme, Maike;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Modelling of surface and 3D pellet distribution in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) cages.
Aquacultural Engineering
Academic article
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist;
Aas, Turid Synnøve;
Alver, Morten;
Romarheim, Odd Helge;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Intrinsic settling rate and spatial diffusion properties of extruded fish feed pellets.
Aquacultural Engineering
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Broch, Ole Jacob;
Melle, Webjørn Raunsgård;
Bagøien, Espen;
Slagstad, Dag.
Validation of an Eulerian population model for the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus in the Norwegian Sea.
Journal of Marine Systems
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Michelsen, Finn Are.
Data assimilation with SINMOD.
SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk
Føre, Martin;
Senneset, Gunnar;
Terjesen, Bendik Fyhn;
Eding, E.;
Abbink, Wout;
Kamstra, Andries.
AquaExcel: e-infrastructures as a tool for enhancing European aquaculture research.
Aquaculture Europe
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist;
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Modelling spatial surface pellet distribution from rotary pneumatic feed spreaders.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hovland, Erlend Kjeldsberg;
Hancke, Kasper;
Alver, Morten;
Drinkwater, Kennneth F.;
Høkedal, Jo;
Johnsen, Geir.
Optical impact of an Emiliania huxleyi bloom in the frontal region of the Barents Sea.
Journal of Marine Systems
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Hancke, Kasper;
Sakshaug, Egil;
Slagstad, Dag.
A spectrally-resolved light propagation model for aquatic systems: Steps toward parameterizing primary production.
Journal of Marine Systems
Academic article
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist;
Alver, Morten;
Føre, Martin;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Modellbasert fôrdistribusjon i oppdrett.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Miljeteig, Cecilie;
Olsen, Anders Johny;
Båtnes, Anna Solvang;
Altin, Dag;
Nordtug, Trond;
Alver, Morten.
Sex and life stage dependent phototactic response of the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus (Copepoda: Calanoida).
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
Academic article
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist;
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
A Computer Vision Approach for Detection and Quantification of Feed Particles in Marine Fish Farms.
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brönner, Ute;
Nepstad, Raymond;
Eidnes, Grim;
Rønningen, Petter;
Rye, Henrik;
Alver, Morten.
A Real-Time Discharge Modelling and Environmental Monitoring System for Drilling Operations.
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reinen, Tor Arne;
Slagstad, Dag;
Alver, Morten;
Grythe, Knut Harald.
Ocean Space Surveillance - Network Deployment Based on Hydrodynamic Modeling.
International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grythe, Knut Harald;
Jensen, Irene Anite;
Lie, Arne;
Reinen, Tor Arne;
Alver, Morten;
Eidnes, Grim.
Ocean space surveillance system - OSS.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist;
Alver, Morten;
Føre, Martin;
Solvang-Garten, Torfinn;
Aas, Turid Synnøve;
Åsgård, Torbjørn Einar.
Pellet distribution modelling: a tool for improved feed delivery in sea cages.
International Aquafeed
Feature article
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Alver, Morten;
Eriksen, Tor-Inge J.
Architecture for automation and telepresence in a marine hatchery laboratory.
Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences
Broch, Ole Jacob;
Ellingsen, Ingrid H.;
Forbord, Silje;
Wang, Xinxin;
Volent, Zsolt;
Alver, Morten.
Modelling the cultivation and bioremediation potential of the kelp Saccharina latissima in close proximity to an exposed salmon farm in Norway.
Aquaculture Environment Interactions
Academic article
Attramadal, Kari;
Øie, Gunvor;
Størseth, Trond Røvik;
Alver, Morten;
Vadstein, Olav;
Olsen, Yngvar.
The effects of moderate ozonation or high intensity UV-irradiation on the microbial environment in RAS for marine larvae.
Academic article
Torsethaugen, Knut;
Bjelland, Hans Vanhauwaert;
Ellingsen, Ingrid H.;
knudsen, øyvind;
Alver, Morten;
Haugen, Tony Idar.
Fôrleveranse til oppdrettsanlegg
Demonstrasjon DINO – Dynamiske informasjonssystem for operativ beslutningsstøtte i kystsonen.
SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk
Handå, Aleksander;
Alver, Morten;
Edvardsen, Christian Vik;
Halstensen, Stein;
Olsen, Anders Johny;
Øie, Gunvor.
Growth of farmed blue mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) in a Norwegian coastal area; comparison of food proxies by DEB modeling.
Journal of Sea Research
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Storøy, Werner;
Bardal, Tora;
Overrein, Ingrid;
Onsøyen, Mathias Karlsen;
Tennøy, Torodd.
Automatic measurement of Acartia tonsa nauplii density, and estimation of stage distribution.
Academic article
Frostick, Lynne;
McLelland, Stuart;
Mercer, TG;
Alver, Morten;
Damiani, L;
Ellingsen, Ingrid H..
Ecological experiments.
CRC Press
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Øie, Gunvor;
Storøy, Werner;
Olsen, Yngvar.
Automatic control of growth and density in rotifer cultures.
Aquacultural Engineering
Academic article
Øie, Gunvor;
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Kjørsvik, Elin;
Attramadal, Kari;
Olsen, Yngvar.
Status and challenges in cod larval production.
Special Publications (European Aquaculture Society)
Alver, Morten;
Tennøy, Tormod;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Øie, Gunvor;
Olsen, Yngvar.
Automatic control of rotifer density in larval first feeding tanks.
Control Engineering Practice
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Øie, Gunvor.
Estimating larval density in cod (Gadus morhua) first feeding tanks using measurements of feed density and larval growth rates.
Academic article
Alver, Morten.
Modelling, Instrumentation and Control in Marine Larviculture.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (7)
Doctoral dissertation
Alver, Morten;
Hagiwara, A.
An individual-based population model for the prediction of rotifer population dynamics and resting egg production.
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Tennoy, T;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Oie, G.
Automatic measurement of rotifer Brachionus plicatilis densities in first feeding tanks.
Aquacultural Engineering
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Olsen, Yngvar.
An individual-based population model for rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis) cultures.
Academic article
Høy, Erik;
Olsen, Yngvar;
Øie, Gunvor;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Alver, Morten.
Utvikling og testing av et system for automatisk regulering av rotatorietetthet i startfôring av marine fiskelarver.
Masters thesis
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Øie, Gunvor.
A system for model based biomass estimation of larvae in intensive cod larvicultures.
Aquaculture International
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Sigholt, Trygve.
Dynamic modelling of pellet distribution in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) cages.
Aquacultural Engineering
Academic article
Journal publications
Lane, Alistair;
Føre, Martin;
Alver, Morten Omholt;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Rasheed, Adil;
Hukkelås, Thor.
Digital Twins in aquaculture: Taking Precision Farming to the next level.
Aquaculture Europe
Popular scientific article
Føre, Martin;
Alver, Morten Omholt;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Rasheed, Adil;
Hukkelås, Thor;
Bjelland, Hans Vanhauwaert.
Digital Twins in intensive aquaculture — Challenges, opportunities and future prospects.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
Academic literature review
Alver, Morten Omholt;
Føre, Martin;
Urke, Henning Andre;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Mathematical modelling of dissolved oxygen levels in a multi-cage salmon farm.
Academic article
Kelly, Cian;
Michelsen, Finn Are;
Alver, Morten Omholt.
Estimation of fish catch potential using assimilation of synthetic measurements with an individual-based model.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Academic article
oudijk, AE;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Johnsen, Geir;
Alver, Morten Omholt.
Simulating Hyperspectral Datacubes for Ocean Color: A Foundation for Phytoplankton Recognition in Spectral Signatures.
Academic article
Berget, Gunhild Elisabeth;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Alver, Morten Omholt;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dynamic stochasticmodeling for adaptive sampling of environmental
variables using an AUV.
Autonomous Robots
Academic article
Kelly, Cian;
Michelsen, Finn Are;
Alver, Morten Omholt.
An ensemble modelling approach for spatiotemporally explicit estimation of fish distributions using data assimilation.
Fisheries Research
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Føre, Martin;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Predicting oxygen levels in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) sea cages.
Academic article
Kelly, Cian;
Michelsen, Finn Are;
Kolding, Jeppe;
Alver, Morten.
Tuning and Development of an Individual-Based Model of the Herring Spawning Migration.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Academic article
Kelly, Cian;
Michelsen, Finn Are;
Reite, Karl Johan;
Kolding, Jeppe;
Varpe, Øystein;
Prytz Berset, Are.
Capturing big fisheries data: Integrating fishers’ knowledge in a web-based decision support tool.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Academic article
Oudijk, Esmée;
Hasler, Oliver Kevin;
Øveraas, Henning;
Marty, Sabine;
Williamson, David Roddan;
Svendsen, Torbjørn Karl.
Campaign For Hyperspectral Data Validation In North Atlantic Coastal Waters.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Føre, Martin;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Effect of cage size on oxygen levels in Atlantic salmon sea cages: A model study.
Academic article
Solvang, Torfinn;
Bale, Emil Scott;
Broch, Ole Jacob;
Handå, Aleksander;
Alver, Morten.
Automation Concepts for Industrial-Scale Production of Seaweed.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Academic article
Broch, Ole Jacob;
Pascal, Klebert;
Michelsen, Finn Are;
Alver, Morten.
Multiscale modelling of cage effects on the transport of effluents from open aquaculture systems.
Academic article
Aas, Turid Synnøve;
Ytrestøyl, Trine;
Åsgård, Torbjørn Einar;
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist;
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Feed intake in Atlantic salmon fed with or without surface spreading of feed.
Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences (JAMS)
Academic article
Eisenhauer, Lionel;
Solvang, Torfinn;
Alver, Morten;
Krause, Daniel Franklin;
Hagemann, Andreas.
Dispersal of salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis Krøyer, 1837) egg strings from open-cage salmon farming: A neglected source for infestation dynamics.
Aquaculture Research
Academic article
Nepstad, Raymond;
Muñoz, Maria Liste;
Alver, Morten;
Nordam, Tor;
Davies, Emlyn John;
Glette, Tormod.
High-resolution numerical modelling of a marine mine tailings discharge in Western Norway.
Regional Studies in Marine Science
Academic article
Broch, Ole Jacob;
Alver, Morten Omholt;
Bekkby, Trine;
Gundersen, Hege;
Forbord, Silje;
Handå, Aleksander.
The Kelp Cultivation Potential in Coastal and Offshore Regions of Norway.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Academic article
Jónsdóttir, Kristbjörg Edda;
Hvas, Malthe;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Føre, Martin;
Alver, Morten;
Bjelland, Hans Vanhauwaert.
Fish Welfare Based Classification Method of Ocean Current Speeds at Aquaculture Sites.
Aquaculture Environment Interactions
Academic article
Lapadatu, Monica;
Bakken, Sivert;
Grøtte, Mariusz Eivind;
Alver, Morten;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Simulation tool for hyper-spectral imaging from a satellite.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Michelsen, Finn Are;
Klebert, Pascal;
Broch, Ole Jacob;
Alver, Morten.
Impacts of fish farm structures with biomass on water currents: A case study from Frøya.
Journal of Sea Research
Academic article
Føre, Martin;
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Senneset, Gunnar;
Espmark, Åsa Maria Olofsdotter;
Terjesen, Bendik Fyhn.
Modelling how the physical scale of experimental tanks affects salmon growth performance.
Academic article
Fossum, Trygve Olav;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Ellingsen, Ingrid H.;
Alver, Morten;
Fragoso, Glaucia Moreira;
Johnsen, Geir.
Information-driven robotic sampling in the coastal ocean.
Journal of Field Robotics (JFR)
Academic article
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist;
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Modelling and simulation of rotary feed spreaders with application to sea cage aquaculture - A study of common and alternative designs.
Aquacultural Engineering
Academic article
Handå, Aleksander;
Solvang, Torfinn;
Alver, Morten.
Automatisering kan gjøre Norge verdensledende på taredyrking.
Norsk Sjømat
Popular scientific article
Føre, Martin;
Frank, Kevin;
Norton, Tomas;
Svendsen, Eirik;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Dempster, Timothy David.
Precision fish farming: A new framework to improve production in aquaculture.
Biosystems Engineering
Academic article
Føre, Martin;
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Marafioti, Giancarlo;
Senneset, Gunnar;
Birkevold, Jens.
Modelling growth performance and feeding behaviour of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in commercial-size aquaculture net pens: Model details and validation through full-scale experiments.
Academic article
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist;
Alver, Morten;
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Feed spreaders in sea cage aquaculture – Motion characterization and measurement of spatial pellet distribution using an unmanned aerial vehicle.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist;
Føre, Martin;
Aas, Turid Synnøve;
Oehme, Maike;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Modelling of surface and 3D pellet distribution in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) cages.
Aquacultural Engineering
Academic article
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist;
Aas, Turid Synnøve;
Alver, Morten;
Romarheim, Odd Helge;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Intrinsic settling rate and spatial diffusion properties of extruded fish feed pellets.
Aquacultural Engineering
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Broch, Ole Jacob;
Melle, Webjørn Raunsgård;
Bagøien, Espen;
Slagstad, Dag.
Validation of an Eulerian population model for the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus in the Norwegian Sea.
Journal of Marine Systems
Academic article
Føre, Martin;
Senneset, Gunnar;
Terjesen, Bendik Fyhn;
Eding, E.;
Abbink, Wout;
Kamstra, Andries.
AquaExcel: e-infrastructures as a tool for enhancing European aquaculture research.
Aquaculture Europe
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Hovland, Erlend Kjeldsberg;
Hancke, Kasper;
Alver, Morten;
Drinkwater, Kennneth F.;
Høkedal, Jo;
Johnsen, Geir.
Optical impact of an Emiliania huxleyi bloom in the frontal region of the Barents Sea.
Journal of Marine Systems
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Hancke, Kasper;
Sakshaug, Egil;
Slagstad, Dag.
A spectrally-resolved light propagation model for aquatic systems: Steps toward parameterizing primary production.
Journal of Marine Systems
Academic article
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist;
Alver, Morten;
Føre, Martin;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Modellbasert fôrdistribusjon i oppdrett.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Miljeteig, Cecilie;
Olsen, Anders Johny;
Båtnes, Anna Solvang;
Altin, Dag;
Nordtug, Trond;
Alver, Morten.
Sex and life stage dependent phototactic response of the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus (Copepoda: Calanoida).
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
Academic article
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist;
Alver, Morten;
Føre, Martin;
Solvang-Garten, Torfinn;
Aas, Turid Synnøve;
Åsgård, Torbjørn Einar.
Pellet distribution modelling: a tool for improved feed delivery in sea cages.
International Aquafeed
Feature article
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Alver, Morten;
Eriksen, Tor-Inge J.
Architecture for automation and telepresence in a marine hatchery laboratory.
Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences
Broch, Ole Jacob;
Ellingsen, Ingrid H.;
Forbord, Silje;
Wang, Xinxin;
Volent, Zsolt;
Alver, Morten.
Modelling the cultivation and bioremediation potential of the kelp Saccharina latissima in close proximity to an exposed salmon farm in Norway.
Aquaculture Environment Interactions
Academic article
Attramadal, Kari;
Øie, Gunvor;
Størseth, Trond Røvik;
Alver, Morten;
Vadstein, Olav;
Olsen, Yngvar.
The effects of moderate ozonation or high intensity UV-irradiation on the microbial environment in RAS for marine larvae.
Academic article
Handå, Aleksander;
Alver, Morten;
Edvardsen, Christian Vik;
Halstensen, Stein;
Olsen, Anders Johny;
Øie, Gunvor.
Growth of farmed blue mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) in a Norwegian coastal area; comparison of food proxies by DEB modeling.
Journal of Sea Research
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Storøy, Werner;
Bardal, Tora;
Overrein, Ingrid;
Onsøyen, Mathias Karlsen;
Tennøy, Torodd.
Automatic measurement of Acartia tonsa nauplii density, and estimation of stage distribution.
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Øie, Gunvor;
Storøy, Werner;
Olsen, Yngvar.
Automatic control of growth and density in rotifer cultures.
Aquacultural Engineering
Academic article
Øie, Gunvor;
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Kjørsvik, Elin;
Attramadal, Kari;
Olsen, Yngvar.
Status and challenges in cod larval production.
Special Publications (European Aquaculture Society)
Alver, Morten;
Tennøy, Tormod;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Øie, Gunvor;
Olsen, Yngvar.
Automatic control of rotifer density in larval first feeding tanks.
Control Engineering Practice
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Øie, Gunvor.
Estimating larval density in cod (Gadus morhua) first feeding tanks using measurements of feed density and larval growth rates.
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Hagiwara, A.
An individual-based population model for the prediction of rotifer population dynamics and resting egg production.
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Tennoy, T;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Oie, G.
Automatic measurement of rotifer Brachionus plicatilis densities in first feeding tanks.
Aquacultural Engineering
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Olsen, Yngvar.
An individual-based population model for rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis) cultures.
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Øie, Gunvor.
A system for model based biomass estimation of larvae in intensive cod larvicultures.
Aquaculture International
Academic article
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Sigholt, Trygve.
Dynamic modelling of pellet distribution in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) cages.
Aquacultural Engineering
Academic article
Part of book/report
Halvorsen, Daniel Ørnes;
Alver, Morten Omholt.
Twin experiment analysis of data assimilation performance using Gaussian anamorphic transformation for highly skewed ocean model variables.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Berget, Gunhild Elisabeth;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Alver, Morten;
Py, Frédéric;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Adaptive Underwater Robotic Sampling of Dispersal Dynamics in the Coastal Ocean.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Halvorsen, Daniel Ørnes;
Dallolio, Alberto;
Alver, Morten Omholt.
Assimilation of heterogeneous measurements at different spatial scales in the Arctic ocean and Norwegian sea.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Su, Biao;
Reite, Karl-Johan;
Føre, Martin;
Aarsæther, Karl Gunnar;
Alver, Morten;
Endresen, Per Christian.
A Multipurpose Framework for Modelling and Simulation of Marine Aquaculture Systems .
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nordam, Tor;
Brönner, Ute;
Skancke, Jørgen;
Nepstad, Raymond;
Rønningen, Petter;
Alver, Morten.
Numerical Integration and Interpolation in Marine Pollutant Transport Modelling.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist;
Alver, Morten;
Lundregan, Sarah;
Frank, Kevin;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Effects of wind on surface feed distribution in sea cage aquaculture: A simulation study.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lader, Pål;
Kristiansen, David;
Alver, Morten;
Bjelland, Hans Vanhauwaert;
Myrhaug, Dag.
OMAE2017-61659 Classification of Aquaculture Locations in Norway With Respect to Wind Wave Exposure
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist;
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
Modelling spatial surface pellet distribution from rotary pneumatic feed spreaders.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist;
Alver, Morten;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve.
A Computer Vision Approach for Detection and Quantification of Feed Particles in Marine Fish Farms.
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brönner, Ute;
Nepstad, Raymond;
Eidnes, Grim;
Rønningen, Petter;
Rye, Henrik;
Alver, Morten.
A Real-Time Discharge Modelling and Environmental Monitoring System for Drilling Operations.
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reinen, Tor Arne;
Slagstad, Dag;
Alver, Morten;
Grythe, Knut Harald.
Ocean Space Surveillance - Network Deployment Based on Hydrodynamic Modeling.
International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grythe, Knut Harald;
Jensen, Irene Anite;
Lie, Arne;
Reinen, Tor Arne;
Alver, Morten;
Eidnes, Grim.
Ocean space surveillance system - OSS.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Frostick, Lynne;
McLelland, Stuart;
Mercer, TG;
Alver, Morten;
Damiani, L;
Ellingsen, Ingrid H..
Ecological experiments.
CRC Press
Alver, Morten.
2019:00075 A - D5.1 Industrial production line for seedlings - MACROSEA WP5.
Bjørnson, Finn Olav;
Kelasidi, Eleni;
Føre, Martin;
Alver, Morten.
D5. 5 Virtual laboratory version.
Alver, Morten;
Solvang, Torfinn;
Dybvik, Henrikke.
D5.4 State of the art - MACROSEA WP5.
Alver, Morten;
Solvang, Torfinn.
2018:00785 - MACROSEA WP5 - D5.2 Proof of concept on seeding systems
Alver, Morten;
Michelsen, Finn Are.
Data assimilation with SINMOD.
SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk
Torsethaugen, Knut;
Bjelland, Hans Vanhauwaert;
Ellingsen, Ingrid H.;
knudsen, øyvind;
Alver, Morten;
Haugen, Tony Idar.
Fôrleveranse til oppdrettsanlegg
Demonstrasjon DINO – Dynamiske informasjonssystem for operativ beslutningsstøtte i kystsonen.
SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk
Alver, Morten.
Modelling, Instrumentation and Control in Marine Larviculture.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (7)
Doctoral dissertation
Høy, Erik;
Olsen, Yngvar;
Øie, Gunvor;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Alver, Morten.
Utvikling og testing av et system for automatisk regulering av rotatorietetthet i startfôring av marine fiskelarver.
Masters thesis
PosterKelly, Cian; Ellingsen, Ingrid Helene; Daae, Ragnhild Lundmark; Alver, Morten Omholt. (2024) Variability in Antarctic krill transport patterns influences variability in fishing activity in the Southern Ocean. ICES ASC 2024-09-09 - 2024-09-12
Academic lectureEllingsen, Ingrid Helene; Daae, Ragnhild Lundmark; Alver, Morten Omholt. (2024) Variability in Antarctic krill transport pathways in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research SCAR open science conference 2024 , Pucón, Chile 2024-08-18 - 2024-08-23
Academic lectureEllingsen, Ingrid Helene; Daae, Ragnhild Lundmark; Alver, Morten Omholt. (2024) Variability in Antarctic krill transport pathways in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean: Results from high resolution model simulations. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research SCAR open science conference 2024 , Pucón, Chile 2024-08-18 - 2024-08-24
LectureKelly, Cian; Ellingsen, Ingrid Helene; Daae, Ragnhild Lundmark; Alver, Morten Omholt. (2024) Variability in Antarctic krill transport pathways in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean: Results from high resolution model simulations. SCAR 2024-08-19 - 2024-08-23
LectureOudijk, Esmée; Hasler, Oliver Kevin; Overaas, H; Marty, Sabine; Williamson, David; Svendsen, T. (2022) Campaign For Hyperspectral Data Validation In North Atlantic Coastal Waters. 2022 12th Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS) 2022-10-13 - 2022-10-16
PosterKelly, Cian; Alver, Morten; Michelsen, Finn Are. (2021) FishGuider: Data assimilation for improving models of fish migrations. ICES conference 2021-08-23 - 2021-09-10
Academic lectureSu, Biao; Reite, Karl-Johan; Føre, Martin; Aarsæther, Karl Gunnar; Alver, Morten; Endresen, Per Christian. (2019) A Multipurpose Framework for Modelling and Simulation of Marine Aquaculture Systems . ASME ASME 2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14
Popular scientific lectureBroch, Ole Jacob; Rogers, Shane; Brönner, Ute; Evans, Oliver; Handå, Aleksander; Alver, Morten. (2019) Cultivation potentials for Brown and Red Algae in Norway. SINTEF Ocean, NTNU, Blått Kompteansesenter, NFR, IN SIG Seaweed , Trondheim 2019-11-27 - 2019-11-27
Academic lectureLapadatu, Monica; Bakken, Sivert; Grøtte, Mariusz Eivind; Alver, Morten; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2019) Simulation tool for hyper-spectral imaging from a satellite. 10th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS) , Amsterdam 2019-09-24 - 2019-09-26
PosterForbord, Silje; Brodahl, Guri; Matsson, Sanna; Broch, Ole Jacob; Skjermo, Jorunn; Alver, Morten. (2018) Nasjonalt dyrkningsprogram for sukkertare. Forskningsrådet Havbruk 2018 , Oslo 2018-04-18 - 2018-04-20
Academic lectureForbord, Silje; Brodahl, Guri; Matsson, Sanna; Skjermo, Jorunn; Broch, Ole Jacob; Alver, Morten. (2018) A NORWEGIAN CULTIVATION PROGRAM FOR THE SUGAR KELP Saccharina latissima. World Aquaculture Society and European Aquaculture Society Aqua 2018 #We R Aquaculture , Montpellier 2018-08-25 - 2018-08-29
LectureHandå, Aleksander; Broch, Ole Jacob; Forbord, Silje; Skjermo, Jorunn; Alver, Morten; Solvang, Torfinn. (2018) Taredyrking – en næring i vekst. Norges forskningsråd Havbrukskonferasen , Oslo 2018-04-15 - 2018-04-15
InterviewEisenhauer, Lionel; Alver, Morten; Svendsen, Eirik; Solvang, Torfinn. (2018) Kan behandlingstiltak øke risikoen for eksternsmitte av lakselus? . [Internet] 2018-06-29
Academic lectureHancke, Kasper; Broch, Ole Jacob; Bekkby, Trine; Olsen, Yngvar; Fieler, Reinhold; Gundersen, Hege. (2018) Kelp industrial production: Potential impacts on coastal ecosystems. World Aquaculture Society World Aquaculture Society Conference - AQUA2018 , Montpellier 2018-08-25 - 2018-08-29
LectureHandå, Aleksander; Broch, Ole Jacob; Forbord, Silje; Skjermo, Jorunn; Alver, Morten. (2018) Taredyrking – en næring i vekst. SINTEF og Teknologirådet Seminar , Trondheim 2018-02-15 - 2018-02-15
Popular scientific lectureBroch, Ole Jacob; Alver, Morten; Tiller, Rachel ; Bekkby, Trine; Gundersen, Hege; Handå, Aleksander. (2018) Potensialet for dyrking av makroalger i Trøndelag. Blått kompetansesenter Frøya og Trøndelag Fylkeskommune Algesmeinar på Frøya , Frøya kultur- og kompetansesenter 2018-08-21 -
Academic lectureBroch, Ole Jacob; Alver, Morten; Bekkby, Trine; Gundersen, Hege; Handå, Aleksander; Skjermo, Jorunn. (2018) THE POTENTIAL FOR KELP (Saccharina latissima) CULTIVATION IN NORWAY. World Aquaculture Society og European Aquaculture Society AQUA 2018 , Montpellier 2018-08-25 - 2018-08-29
Popular scientific lectureBroch, Ole Jacob; Alver, Morten; Bekkby, Trine; Gundersen, Hege; Handå, Aleksander; Skjermo, Jorunn. (2018) Potensialet for dyrking av makroalger i Trøndelag, med blikk til Finnmark. Kunnskapsparken Origo, Algenettverk Nord AS, Barents Seaweed Forum for Biomarine Næringer , Tana 2018-05-24 - 2018-05-25
Academic lectureFøre, Martin; Bjørnson, Finn Olav; Alver, Morten; Senneset, Gunnar; Kelasidi, Eleni. (2018) E-infrastructure supporting virtual aquaculture experiments. World Aquaculture Society AQUA 2018 , Montpellier 2018-08-25 - 2018-08-29
PosterForbord, Silje; Brodahl, Guri; Matsson, Sanna; Broch, Ole Jacob; Skjermo, Jorunn; Alver, Morten. (2018) A Norwegian cultivation program for sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima). Seafarm, AquaAgri Kelp and Sweaweed Tjärnö International Seaweed Conference , Tjärnö Marine Laboratory 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-20
Academic lectureMichelsen, Finn Are; Alver, Morten. (2017) Optimal in situ measurement networks for ocean data. IEEE OCEANS17 , Aberdeen 2017-06-19 - 2017-06-22
Academic lectureLader, Pål; Kristiansen, David; Alver, Morten; Bjelland, Hans Vanhauwaert; Myrhaug, Dag. (2017) OMAE2017-61659 Classification of Aquaculture Locations in Norway With Respect to Wind Wave Exposure . NTNU, SINTEF Ocean, ASME OMAE 2017 , Trondheim 2017-06-25 - 2017-06-30
Academic lectureNordam, Tor; Brönner, Ute; Skancke, Jørgen; Nepstad, Raymond; Rønningen, Petter; Alver, Morten. (2017) Numerical Integration and Interpolation in Marine Pollutant Transport Modelling. Emergencies Science and Technology Section (ESTS), Science a The 40th AMOP technical seminar on environmental contamination and response 2017-10-01 - 2017-10-03
Academic lectureSkøien, Kristoffer Rist; Alver, Morten; Lundregan, Sarah; Frank, Kevin; Alfredsen, Jo Arve. (2016) Effects of wind on surface feed distribution in sea cage aquaculture: A simulation study. EUCA, CSS, IFAC Control Conference (ECC), 2016 European , Aalborg 2016-06-29 - 2016-07-01
Academic lectureBrönner, Ute; Nordam, Tor; Alver, Morten; Aarnes, Øivin; Møskeland, Thomas; Frost, Tone Karin. (2015) Real-time Decision Support for Drilling Operations in Sensitive Areas. The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) 18th International symposium on Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms (PRIMO18) , Trondheim 2015-05-24 - 2015-05-27
Academic lectureSkøien, Kristoffer Rist; Alver, Morten; Alfredsen, Jo Arve. (2015) Modelling spatial surface pellet distribution from rotary pneumatic feed spreaders. IEEE, CSS Control and Automation (MED), 2015 23th Mediterranean Conference on , Torremolinos 2015-06-16 - 2015-06-19
Academic lectureFøre, Martin; Alver, Morten; Alfredsen, Jo Arve; Terjesen, Bendik Fyhn; Espmark, Åsa Maria Olofsdotter; Senneset, Gunnar. (2014) A numerical model of how the physical scale of aquaculture production units affects salmon performance. The European Aquaculture Society Aquaculture Europe 2014 , Donostia - San Sebastian 2014-10-14 - 2014-10-17
Academic lectureFøre, Martin; Alver, Morten; Alfredsen, Jo Arve; Terjesen, Bendik Fyhn; Espmark, Åsa Maria Olofsdotter; Senneset, Gunnar. (2014) Simulating the effect of unit size and feed delivery on fish growth. European Aquaculture Society Aquaculture Europe 2014 , San Sebastian 2014-10-14 - 2014-10-17
PosterSkøien, Kristoffer Rist; Alver, Morten; Alfredsen, Jo Arve. (2014) A Computer Vision Approach for Detection and Quantification of Feed Particles in Marine Fish Farms. IEEE Signal Processing Society IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Paris 2014-10-27 - 2014-10-30
PosterSkøien, Kristoffer Rist; Alver, Morten; Alfredsen, Jo Arve. (2014) A Computer Vision Approach for Detection and Quantification of Feed Particles in Marine Fish Farms. NTNU - ITK Department of Engineering Cybernetics - 60 year jubilee , Trondheim 2014-11-07 - 2014-11-07
Popular scientific lectureSkøien, Kristoffer Rist; Alver, Morten; Aas, Turid Synnøve; Åsgård, Torbjørn Einar; Føre, Martin; Alfredsen, Jo Arve. (2014) Spredning og kontroll av fôr i merd. SINTEF CREATE 2014-11-12 - 2014-11-12
Academic lectureEspmark, Åsa Maria Olofsdotter; Kolarevic, Jelena; Åsgård, Torbjørn Einar; Willumsen, Finn Victor; Lange, Guttorm; Alfredsen, Jo Arve. (2014) Comparing performance of Atlantic salmon in sea cages and different tank sizes. The European Aquaculture Society Aquaculture Europe 2014 , San Sebastian 2014-10-14 - 2014-10-17
Academic lectureEspmark, Åsa Maria Olofsdotter; Kolarevic, Jelena; Åsgård, Torbjørn Einar; Willumsen, Finn Victor; Lange, Guttorm; Alfredsen, Jo Arve. (2014) Can the industry rely on small scale research?. The European Aquaculture Society Aquaculture Europe 2014 , Donostia - San Sebastian 2014-10-14 - 2014-10-17
LectureGrythe, Knut Harald; Jensen, Irene Anite; Lie, Arne; Reinen, Tor Arne; Alver, Morten; Michelsen, Finn Are. (2013) Ocean space surveillance system - OSS. IEEE OCEANS - Bergen, 2013 MTS/IEEE , Bergen 2013-06-10 - 2013-06-14
Academic lectureReinen, Tor Arne; Slagstad, Dag; Alver, Morten; Grythe, Knut Harald. (2013) Ocean Space Surveillance - Network Deployment Based on Hydrodynamic Modeling. IARIA Sensorcomm , Barcelona 2013-08-25 - 2013-08-31
Popular scientific lectureSkøien, Kristoffer Rist; Alver, Morten; Føre, Martin; Solvang-Garten, Torfinn; Aas, Turid Synnøve; Åsgård, Torbjørn Einar. (2013) Modellbasert pelletplassering i stormerd - neste skritt?. SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture TEKMAR , Trondheim 2013-12-03 - 2013-12-04
Academic lectureSkøien, Kristoffer Rist; Alver, Morten; Føre, Martin; Solvang-Garten, Torfinn; Aas, Turid Synnøve; Åsgård, Torbjørn Einar. (2013) Modelling and measurement of feed concentrations in salmon cages - Tools for optimization of feeding. AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2013 , Trondheim 2013-08-09 - 2013-08-12
LectureEspmark, Åsa Maria Olofsdotter; Kolarevic, Jelena; Åsgård, Torbjørn Einar; Willumsen, Finn Viktor; Lange, Guttorm; Alfredsen, Jo Arve. (2013) Tank size in experimental design matters. European Aquaculture Society’s Annual Conference, EAS 2013 , Trondheim 2013-08-12 -
Academic lectureAlfredsen, Jo Arve; Alver, Morten; Eriksen, Tor-Inge. (2013) ARCHITECTURE FOR AUTOMATION AND TELEPRESENCE IN A MARINE HATCHERY LABORATORY. Ghent university 6th fish & shellfish larviculture symposium, Larvi 2013, belgium 2-5 september 2013 , Ghent 2013-09-02 - 2013-09-05
Academic lectureBrönner, Ute; Nepstad, Raymond; Eidnes, Grim; Rønningen, Petter; Rye, Henrik; Alver, Morten. (2013) A Real-Time Discharge Modelling and Environmental Monitoring System for Drilling Operations. Society of Petroleum Engineers European HSE Conference and Exhibition, 16-18 April, London, United Kingdom , London 2013-04-16 - 2013-04-18
PosterMarafioti, Giancarlo; Alfredsen, Jo Arve; Alver, Morten. (2012) Estimering av vekst hos oppdrettslaks (Salmo Salar L.) med utgangspunkt i dynamisk energibudsjett-modell (DEB) of Kalman-filtering. Havbruk 2012 2012-04-16 - 2012-04-18
PosterMarafioti, Giancarlo; Alfredsen, Jo Arve; Alver, Morten. (2012) Estimation of growth in farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo Salar L. based on Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) model and Kalman filtering. AQUA 2012 2012-09-01 - 2012-09-05
PosterAlver, Morten; Kjørsvik, Elin. (2011) Automatisert rotatorieproduksjongir stabilitet, kvalitet og reduserte kostnader. Faktaark for NTNU/SINTEFs stand ved AquaNor 2011. Stiftelsen Nor-Fishing Aqua Nor 2011. , Trondheim 2011-08-16 - 2011-08-19
Academic lectureAlver, Morten; Alfredsen, Jo Arve; Storøy, Werner; Li, Keshuai; Bardal, Tora; Overrein, Ingrid. (2010) Prosessovervåkning og styring i neste generasjons klekkeri. Norges Forskningsråd Programkonferansen HAVBRUK , Trondheim 2010-04-19 - 2010-04-21
Academic lectureAlver, Morten; Hancke, Kasper; Sakshaug, Egil; Slagstad, Dag. (2010) A spectral light model for ecosystem modeling in the Barents Sea. Norges Forskningsråd m.fl. IPY Oslo Science Conference , Oslo 2010-06-08 - 2010-06-12
Academic lectureAlver, Morten; Broch, Ole Jacob; Ellingsen, Ingrid H. Ellingsen; Handå, Aleksander; Olsen, Yngvar; Slagstad, Dag. (2010) Modelling IMTA: bioremediation potential and trophic pathways of excess nutrient loads. European Aquaculture Society Aquaculture Europe 2010 , Porto 2010-10-05 - 2010-10-08
Academic lectureØie, Gunvor; Alver, Morten; Storøy, Werner; Bardal, Tora; Overrein, Ingrid; Alfredsen, Jo Arve. (2010) Automation in Marine Larviculture With Use of Copepods (Acartia tonsa) as Live Food. European Aquaculture Society Aquaculture Europe 2010 , Porto 2010-10-05 - 2010-10-08
Academic lectureØie, Gunvor; Alver, Morten; Alfredsen, Jo Arve; Kjørsvik, Elin; Attramadal, Kari; Olsen, Yngvar. (2009) Status and challenges in cod larval production. Ghent University Larvi 2009 – 5th fish & shellfish larviculture symposium , Ghent 2009-09-07 - 2009-09-10
Academic lectureBroch, Ole Jacob; Alver, Morten; Ellingsen, Ingrid Helene; Reitan, Kjell Inge; Slagstad, Dag. (2009) A model study of multi-trophic aquaculture with salmon, mussels and macroalgae. European Aquaculture Society Aquaculture Europe 2009 , Trondheim 2009-08-15 - 2009-08-17
Academic lectureAlver, Morten; Øie, Gunvor; Olsen, Yngvar; Alfredsen, Jo Arve. (2009) Process monitoring and control in the next generation hatchery. Ghent University Larvi 2009 5th fish & shellfish larviculture symposium , Gent 2009-09-07 - 2009-09-10
Academic lectureAlver, Morten. (2008) DEB modelling in blue mussel and marine juvenile production. Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute Sino-Norwegian workshop, Quingdao 2008 , Quingdao 2008-05-28 - 2008-05-30
Popular scientific lectureKjørsvik, Elin; Attramadal, Kari; Øie, Gunvor; Alfredsen, Jo Arve; Alver, Morten; Larssen, Harald. (2008) CODTECH En prosessorientert tilnærming til intensiv produksjon av marin fiskeyngel med hovedfokus på torsk. Norges forskningsråd Faktaark for forskningsprogrammet "Havbruk - en næring i vekst" 2008-10-28 -
Academic lectureAlver, Morten; Alfredsen, Jo Arve. (2007) Automatic control of rotifer Brachionus plicatilis cultures. European Aquaculture Society Aquaculture Europe 2007 , Istanbul 2007-10-25 - 2007-10-27
PosterHøy, Erik; Alfredsen, Jo Arve; Alver, Morten; Øie, Gunvor; Olsen, Yngvar. (2006) Computer controlled appetite feeding of marine larvae. World Aquaculture Society Aqua 2006 , Firenze 2006-05-09 - 2006-05-12
Academic lectureAlver, Morten; Alfredsen, Jo Arve; Olsen, Yngvar. (2005) An individual based model for estimating nutritional value of rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) as start feed for fish larvae. European Aquaculture Society Aquaculture Europe 2005 , Trondheim 2005-08-09 - 2005-08-12