Amir R. Nejad
Projects, Job Vacancy, News & Events
Please see Marine System Dynamics and Vibration Lab (MD Lab) for latest projects, job vacancies, news and events.
Dr. Nejad is the current research group leader of "Marine Energy Systems and Autonomics (MESA)" at Marine Technology Department, NTNU, and the chair of EAWE WindEurope Scientific Track Committee as well as co-founder and co-chair of Drivetrain Technical Committee at European Academy of Wind Energy (EAWE). He is also a member of ISO committee on wind turbine drivetrain health monitoring, Shock and Vibration committee at Standard Norge, and Editorial Board member of "Ocean Engineering", "Wind Energy" and "Digital Twin" journals, also Associate Editor of "Wind Energy Science" journal.
His current research interests include: Stochastic and Reliability-based Design and Operation, Dynamic Modelling, Analysis, Fault Detection and Condition Monitoring of Electro-Mechanical Systems in Marine and Offshore Renewable Applications.
- MR8402: Reliability-based design and operation of marine machinery (PhD level course)
- TMR4330: Marine machinery design and condition monitoring (autumn semesters)
- TMR4505: Wind turbine drivetrains (part of Wind Turbine specialization course autumn semesters)
- TMR4535: Marine Mechatronics, specialization course (autumn semesters)
Awards and Honors
- Best Lecturer of the Year, 2019-2020, Dept. of Marine Technology, NTNU
- Best Lecturer of the Year, 2015-2016, Dept. of Marine Technology, NTNU
- Best Poster Award, 2016 (for the article by Ghane M., Nejad A.R., et. al), Torque Conference, Munich, Germany
- Best Scientific Content Award, 2014 (for article by Nejad A.R. et. al), EERA DeepWind Conference, Trondheim, Norway
- Nowitech Full Ph.D. Fellowship Award, 2012-2015
- Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Education Fund Award, 2009-2012
- Best Scientific Content Award, Prof. Jahanshahi Conf., Tehran University, 1997
- Postdoctoral Associate, Center for Ships and Ocean Structures (CeSOS), & Center for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems (AMOS), Dept. of Marine Technology, NTNU
- Ph.D. Marine Technology, Norwegian University of Science & Technology (PhD thesis was assessed by the committee as being within the top 10% international quality level)
- M.Sc. Subsea Engineering, Aberdeen University (with distinction)
- B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, Tehran University (with honors)
Current Projects & Students
Please see Marine System Dynamics and Vibration Lab (MD Lab).
Dr. Nejad's Erdös number is 4. (Amir R. Nejad-->Peter Fogh Odgaard-->Tariq Samad-->Douglas B. West-->Paul Erdös)
Lu, Biliang;
Dibaj, Ali;
Gao, Zhen;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Zhang, Yingjie.
A class-imbalance-aware domain adaptation framework for fault diagnosis of wind turbine drivetrains under different environmental conditions.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
van Binsbergen, Diederik;
Daems, Pieter-Jan;
Verstraeten, Timothy;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Helsen, Jan.
Scalable SCADA-Based Calibration for Analytical Wake Models Across an Offshore Cluster.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Siddiqui, Muhammad Omer;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Virtual Model Development of the Load Application System of a Wind Turbine Nacelle Test Bench for Hybrid Test Applications.
Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement, and Control
Academic article
Rezaei, Ashkan;
Schleich, Florian;
Menck, Oliver;
Grassmann, Matthis;
Bartschat, Arne;
Nejad, Amir R..
Comparative analysis of rolling contact fatigue life in
a wind turbine pitch bearing with different modeling
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
van Binsbergen, Diederik;
Daems, Pieter-Jan;
Verstraeten, Timothy;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Helsen, Jan.
Hyperparameter tuning framework for calibrating analytical wake models using SCADA data of an offshore wind farm.
Wind Energy Science
Academic article
van Binsbergen, Diederik;
Daems, Pieter-Jan;
Verstraeten, Timothy;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Helsen, Jan.
Performance comparison of analytical wake models calibrated on a large offshore wind cluster.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Alkarem, Yuksel;
Huguenard, Kimberly;
Verma, Amrit Shankar;
van Binsbergen, Diederik;
Bachynski-Polic, Erin Elizabeth;
Nejad, Amir R..
Passive Mooring-based Turbine Repositioning Technique for Wake Steering in Floating Offshore Wind Farms
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Tartt, Kelly Jane;
Kazemi-Amiri, Abbas Mehrad;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Carroll, James;
McDonald, Alasdair.
Life extension of wind turbine drivetrains by means of SCADA data: Case study of generator bearings in an onshore wind farm.
Results in Engineering (RINENG)
Academic article
Dibaj, Ali;
Valavi, Mostafa;
Nejad, Amir R..
Unsupervised anomaly detection of permanent-magnet offshore wind generators through electrical and electromagnetic measurements.
Wind Energy Science
Academic article
Rezaei, Ashkan;
Nejad, Amir R..
Effect of wind speed distribution and site assessment
on pitch bearing loads and life.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Ibrion, Mihaela;
Nejad, Amir R..
On a road map for technology qualification, innovation and cost reduction in floating offshore wind: learning from Hywind and Norwegian approach.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Mehlan, Felix Christian;
Nejad, Amir R..
Rotor imbalance detection and diagnosis in floating wind turbines by means of drivetrain condition monitoring.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Mehlan, Felix Christian;
Keller, Jonathan;
Nejad, Amir R..
Virtual sensing of wind turbine hub loads and drivetrain fatigue damage.
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen
Academic article
Rezaei, Ashkan;
Guo, Yi;
Keller, Jonathan;
Nejad, Amir R..
Effects of wind field characteristics on pitch bearing reliability: a case study of 5 MW reference wind turbine at onshore and offshore sites.
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen
Academic article
Purcell, Etienne;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Bekker, Anriëtte.
Detection of ice using ship propulsion and navigation measurements.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Siddiqui, Muhammad Omer;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Wenske, Jan.
On a new methodology for testing full load responses of wind turbine drivetrains on a test bench.
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen
Academic article
van Binsbergen, Diederik;
Valavi, Mostafa;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Helsen, Jan.
Effect of generator torque ripple optimization on a geared wind turbine drivetrain.
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen
Academic article
Nejad, Amir R..
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Bhaskaran, Saravanan;
Verma, Amrit Shankar;
Goupee, Andrew J.;
Bhattacharya, Subhamoy;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Shi, Wei.
Comparison of Extreme Wind and Waves Using Different Statistical Methods in 40 Offshore Wind Energy Lease Areas Worldwide.
Academic article
Siddiqui, Muhammad Omer;
Feja, Paul Robert;
Borowski, Philipp;
Kyling, Hans;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Wenske, Jan.
Wind turbine nacelle testing: State-of-the-art and development trends.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic literature review
Nejad, Amir R.;
Keller, Jonathan ;
Guo, Yi;
Sheng, Shawn;
Polinder, Henk;
Watson, Simon.
Wind turbine drivetrains: state-of-the-art technologies
and future development trends.
Wind Energy Science
Academic article
Tartt, Kelly Jane;
Amiri, Abbas K.;
Nejad, Amir R.;
McDonald, A.;
Carroll, J..
Development of a Vulnerability Map of Wind Turbine Power Converters.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Mehlan, Felix Christian;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Gao, Zhen.
Digital twin based virtual sensor for online fatigue damage monitoring in offshore wind turbine drivetrains.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Dibaj, Ali;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Gao, Zhen.
A data-driven approach for fault diagnosis of drivetrain system in a spar-type floating wind turbine based on the multi-point acceleration measurements.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Mehlan, Felix Christian;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Nejad, Amir R..
Modelling of wind turbine gear stages for Digital Twin and real-time virtual sensing using bond graphs.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
van Binsbergen, Diederik;
soares, marcelo nesci;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Nejad, Amir R..
A physics-, SCADA-based remaining useful life calculation approach for wind turbine drivetrains.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Dibaj, Ali;
Gao, Zhen;
Nejad, Amir R..
Fault detection of offshore wind turbine drivetrains in different environmental conditions through optimal selection of vibration measurements.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Nejad, Amir R..
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Khazaeli Moghadam, Farid;
Nejad, Amir R..
Theoretical and experimental study of wind turbine drivetrain fault diagnosis by using torsional vibrations and modal estimation.
Journal of Sound and Vibration
Academic article
Khazaeli Moghadam, Farid;
Nejad, Amir R..
Online condition monitoring of floating wind turbines drivetrain by means of digital twin.
Mechanical systems and signal processing
Academic article
van Binsbergen, Diederik;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Helsen, Jan.
Dynamic Model Development of Wind Turbine Drivetrains by Using Sensor Measurements.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Purcell, Etienne;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Valavi, Mostafa;
Bekker, Anriëtte.
On Uncertainty Assessment of Fatigue Damage of Propulsion Shaft Under Ice Impact.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Berge , Vegard;
Helgesen, Christoffer Rene;
Ivanov, Dimitar Zdravkov;
Jahren, Marianne Helno;
Opstad, Pauline Sundvor;
Sletten, Petter Solem.
On State-of-the-Art and Alternative Energy-Efficient Lifting Technologies for Deep Sea Mining.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mehlan, Felix Christian;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Gao, Zhen.
Estimation of Wind Turbine Gearbox Loads for Online Fatigue Monitoring Using Inverse Methods.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khazaeli Moghadam, Farid;
Nejad, Amir R..
Vibration-Based Condition Monitoring of Drivetrains in Large Offshore Wind Turbines in a Digital Twin Perspective.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Doctoral dissertation
Wang, Shuaishuai;
Moan, Torgeir;
Nejad, Amir R..
A comparative study of fully coupled and de-coupled methods on dynamic behaviour of floating wind turbine drivetrains.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Nejad, Amir R.;
Breivik, Andreas;
Valavi, Mostafa.
Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Induction Motor for Ship Propulsion by utilizing Electrical Signature and Finite Element Method.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Torsvik, Jone;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Experimental field study of floater motion effects on a main bearing in a full-scale spar floating wind turbine.
Marine Structures
Academic article
Nejad, Amir R.;
Purcell, Etienne;
Mostafa, Valavi;
Roman, Hudak;
Benjamin, Lehmann;
Francisco Gutiérrez, Guzmán.
Condition Monitoring of Ship Propulsion Systems: State-of-the-Art, Development Trend and Role of Digital Twin.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ibrion, Mihaela;
Paltrinieri, Nicola;
Nejad, Amir R..
Learning from failures in cruise ship industry: The blackout of Viking Sky in Hustadvika, Norway.
Engineering Failure Analysis
Academic article
R. Nejad, Amir;
Torsvik, Jone.
Drivetrains on floating offshore wind turbines: lessons learned over the last 10 years.
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen
Academic article
Khazaeli Moghadam, Farid;
Rebouças, G. F. S.;
Nejad, Amir R..
Digital twin modeling for predictive maintenance of gearboxes in floating offshore wind turbine drivetrains
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen
Academic article
Wang, Shuaishuai;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth;
Moan, Torgeir.
A comparative study on the dynamic behaviour of 10 MW conventional and compact gearboxes for offshore wind turbines.
Wind Energy
Academic article
Wang, Shuaishuai;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Moan, Torgeir.
Design and Dynamic Analysis of a Compact 10 MW Medium Speed Gearbox for Offshore Wind Turbines. .
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Ibrion, Mihaela;
Nejad, Amir R..
On Building a Safe Ocean, The oceanscape and the necessity for developing an Ocean Culture.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Tartt, Kelly Jane;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Amiri, Abbas K.;
McDonald, A..
On Lifetime Extension of Wind Turbine Drivetrains.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cho, Seongpil;
Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Numerical modeling of the hydraulic blade pitch actuator in a spar‐type floating wind turbine considering fault conditions and their effects on global dynamic responses.
Wind Energy
Academic article
Khazaeli Moghadam, Farid;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Evaluation of PMSG-based drivetrain technologies for 10 MW floating offshore wind turbines: pros and cons in a life-cycle perspective.
Wind Energy
Academic article
Moan, Torgeir;
Gao, Zhen;
Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Recent Advances in Integrated Response Analsysis of Floating Wind Turbines in a Reliability Perspective.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Wang, Shuaishuai;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Moan, Torgeir.
On design, modelling, and analysis of a 10‐MW medium‐speed drivetrain for offshore wind turbines.
Wind Energy
Academic article
Ibrion, Mihaela;
Paltrinieri, Nicola;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Learning from non-failure of Onagawa nuclear power station: an accident investigation over its life cycle.
Results in Engineering (RINENG)
Academic article
van Binsbergen, Dirk Willem;
Wang, Shuaishuai;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Effects of induction and wake steering control on power and drivetrain responses for 10 MW floating wind turbines in a wind farm.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Life Prediction and Health Monitoring of Marine Propulsion System under Ice Impact (HealthProp).
Website (informational material)
Ibrion, Mihaela;
Paltrinieri, Nicola;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Learning from failures: Accidents of marine structures on Norwegian continental shelf over 40 years time period.
Engineering Failure Analysis
Academic article
Dong, Wenbin;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Moan, Torgeir;
Gao, Zhen.
Structural reliability analysis of contact fatigue design of gears in wind turbine drivetrains.
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
Academic article
Wang, Shuaishuai;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Moan, Torgeir.
Dynamic Behaviour Comparison of a 10-MW Drivetrain in a Bottom-Fixed Monopile and a Spar Floating Wind Turbines.
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Shuaishuai;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth;
Moan, Torgeir.
Effects of bedplate flexibility on drivetrain dynamics: Case study of a 10 MW spar type floating wind turbine.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Rebouças, G. F. S.;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
On Down-Scaled Modelling of Wind Turbine Drivetrains.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Khazaeli Moghadam, Farid;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Natural frequency estimation by using torsional response, and applications for wind turbine drivetrain fault diagnosis
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Lee, Chern Fong;
Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Consequences of load mitigation control strategies for a floating wind turbine.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Wang, Shuaishuai;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Moan, Torgeir.
On initial design and modelling of a 10 MW medium speed drivetrain for offshore wind turbines.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Johansen, Sigrid S.;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
On Digital Twin Condition Monitoring Approach for Drivetrains in Marine Applications.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khazaeli Moghadam, Farid;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Experimental Validation of Angular Velocity Measurements for Wind Turbines Drivetrain Condition Monitoring.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth;
Moan, Torgeir.
Effect of axial acceleration on drivetrain responses in a spar-type floating wind turbine.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Wang, Shuaishuai;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Moan, Torgeir.
Design and Dynamic Analysis of a Compact 10 MW Medium Speed Gearbox for Offshore Wind Turbines.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ibrion, Mihaela;
Paltrinieri, Nicola;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
On Disaster Risk Reduction in Norwegian Oil and Gas Industry Through Life-Cycle Perspective.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ibrion, Mihaela;
Paltrinieri, Nicola;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
On risk of digital twin implementation in marine industry: Learning from aviation industry.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Aoyanagi, Yuriko;
Ibrion, Mihaela.
Team and Research Based Learning Methods Applied in Multidisciplinary Marine Engineering Education.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Balestra, Lorenzo;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Naldi, Giovanni.
On Design and Analysis of a Drivetrain Test Rig for Wind Turbine Health Monitoring.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ghane, Mahdi;
Nejad, Amir Rasekhi;
Blanke, Mogens;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Condition monitoring of spar‐type floating wind turbine drivetrain using statistical fault diagnosis.
Wind Energy
Academic article
Moan, Torgeir;
Nejad, Amir Rasekhi.
Proceedings of the 3rd Offshore Structural Reliability Conference (OSRC2016).
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Li, Lin;
Guachamin Acero, Wilson Ivan;
Moan, Torgeir.
A Systematic Design Approach of Gripper’s Hydraulic System Utilized in Offshore Wind Turbine Monopile Installation.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nejad, Amir Rasekhi.
Modelling and Analysis of Drivetrains in Offshore Wind Turbines.
John Wiley & Sons
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nejad, Amir Rasekhi;
Odgaard, Peter Fogh;
Moan, Torgeir.
Conceptual study of a gearbox fault detection method applied on a 5‐MW spar‐type floating wind turbine.
Wind Energy
Academic article
Torsvik, Jone;
Nejad, Amir Rasekhi;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Main bearings in large offshore wind turbines: development trends, design and analysis requirements.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Moan, Torgeir.
On model-based system approach for health monitoring of
drivetrains in floating wind turbines.
Procedia Engineering
Academic article
Nejad, Amir Rasekhi;
Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth;
Moan, Torgeir.
On Tower Top Axial Acceleration and Drivetrain Responses in a Spar-Type Floating Wind Turbine.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ghane, Mahdi;
Nejad, Amir Rasekhi;
Blanke, Mogens;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Diagnostic monitoring of drivetrain in a 5 MW spar-type floating wind turbine using Hilbert spectral analysis.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth;
Li, Lin;
Moan, Torgeir.
Correlation between Acceleration and Drivetrain Load Effects for Monopile Offshore Wind Turbines.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Jiang, Zhiyu;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Drivetrain load effects in a 5-MW bottom-fixed wind turbine under blade-pitch fault condition and emergency shutdown.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Ghane, Mahdi;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Blanke, Mogens;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Statistical fault diagnosis of wind turbine drivetrain applied to a 5MW floating wind turbine.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Guo, Yi;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Development of a 5 MW reference gearbox for offshore wind turbines.
Wind Energy
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Xing, Yihan;
Guo, Yi;
Keller, Jonathan;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Effects of floating sun gear in a wind turbine’s planetary gearbox with geometrical imperfections.
Wind Energy
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Dynamic analysis and design of gearboxes in offshore wind turbines in a structural reliability perspective.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (191)
Doctoral dissertation
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Fatigue Damage Comparison of Mechanical Components in a Land-based and a Spar Floating Wind Turbine.
Procedia Engineering
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth;
Kvittem, Marit Irene;
Luan, Chenyu;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Stochastic dynamic load effect and fatigue damage analysis of drivetrains in land-based and TLP, spar and semi-submersible floating wind turbines.
Marine Structures
Academic article
Guo, Yi;
Keller, Jonathan;
LaCava, William;
Austin, Jason;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Halse, Chris.
Recommendations on Model Fidelity for Wind Turbine Gearbox Simulations.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Odgaard, Peter Fogh;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
A prognostic method for fault detection in wind turbine drivetrains.
Engineering Failure Analysis
Academic article
Odgaard, Peter Fogh;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Frequency based Wind Turbine Gearbox Fault Detection applied to a 750 kW Wind Turbine.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Fatigue Reliability-Based Inspection and Maintenance Planning of Gearbox Components in Wind Turbine Drivetrains.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
On long-term fatigue damage and reliability analysis of gears under wind loads in offshore wind turbine drivetrains.
International Journal of Fatigue
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Long-term Analysis of Gear Loads in Fixed Offshore Wind Turbines Considering Ultimate Operational Loadings.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Nejad, Amir R;
Xing, Yihan;
Moan, Torgeir.
Gear Train Internal Dynamics in Large Offshore Wind Turbines.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Lu, Biliang;
Dibaj, Ali;
Gao, Zhen;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Zhang, Yingjie.
A class-imbalance-aware domain adaptation framework for fault diagnosis of wind turbine drivetrains under different environmental conditions.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
van Binsbergen, Diederik;
Daems, Pieter-Jan;
Verstraeten, Timothy;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Helsen, Jan.
Scalable SCADA-Based Calibration for Analytical Wake Models Across an Offshore Cluster.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Siddiqui, Muhammad Omer;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Virtual Model Development of the Load Application System of a Wind Turbine Nacelle Test Bench for Hybrid Test Applications.
Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement, and Control
Academic article
Rezaei, Ashkan;
Schleich, Florian;
Menck, Oliver;
Grassmann, Matthis;
Bartschat, Arne;
Nejad, Amir R..
Comparative analysis of rolling contact fatigue life in
a wind turbine pitch bearing with different modeling
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
van Binsbergen, Diederik;
Daems, Pieter-Jan;
Verstraeten, Timothy;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Helsen, Jan.
Hyperparameter tuning framework for calibrating analytical wake models using SCADA data of an offshore wind farm.
Wind Energy Science
Academic article
van Binsbergen, Diederik;
Daems, Pieter-Jan;
Verstraeten, Timothy;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Helsen, Jan.
Performance comparison of analytical wake models calibrated on a large offshore wind cluster.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Alkarem, Yuksel;
Huguenard, Kimberly;
Verma, Amrit Shankar;
van Binsbergen, Diederik;
Bachynski-Polic, Erin Elizabeth;
Nejad, Amir R..
Passive Mooring-based Turbine Repositioning Technique for Wake Steering in Floating Offshore Wind Farms
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Tartt, Kelly Jane;
Kazemi-Amiri, Abbas Mehrad;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Carroll, James;
McDonald, Alasdair.
Life extension of wind turbine drivetrains by means of SCADA data: Case study of generator bearings in an onshore wind farm.
Results in Engineering (RINENG)
Academic article
Dibaj, Ali;
Valavi, Mostafa;
Nejad, Amir R..
Unsupervised anomaly detection of permanent-magnet offshore wind generators through electrical and electromagnetic measurements.
Wind Energy Science
Academic article
Rezaei, Ashkan;
Nejad, Amir R..
Effect of wind speed distribution and site assessment
on pitch bearing loads and life.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Ibrion, Mihaela;
Nejad, Amir R..
On a road map for technology qualification, innovation and cost reduction in floating offshore wind: learning from Hywind and Norwegian approach.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Mehlan, Felix Christian;
Nejad, Amir R..
Rotor imbalance detection and diagnosis in floating wind turbines by means of drivetrain condition monitoring.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Mehlan, Felix Christian;
Keller, Jonathan;
Nejad, Amir R..
Virtual sensing of wind turbine hub loads and drivetrain fatigue damage.
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen
Academic article
Rezaei, Ashkan;
Guo, Yi;
Keller, Jonathan;
Nejad, Amir R..
Effects of wind field characteristics on pitch bearing reliability: a case study of 5 MW reference wind turbine at onshore and offshore sites.
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen
Academic article
Purcell, Etienne;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Bekker, Anriëtte.
Detection of ice using ship propulsion and navigation measurements.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Siddiqui, Muhammad Omer;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Wenske, Jan.
On a new methodology for testing full load responses of wind turbine drivetrains on a test bench.
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen
Academic article
van Binsbergen, Diederik;
Valavi, Mostafa;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Helsen, Jan.
Effect of generator torque ripple optimization on a geared wind turbine drivetrain.
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen
Academic article
Nejad, Amir R..
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Bhaskaran, Saravanan;
Verma, Amrit Shankar;
Goupee, Andrew J.;
Bhattacharya, Subhamoy;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Shi, Wei.
Comparison of Extreme Wind and Waves Using Different Statistical Methods in 40 Offshore Wind Energy Lease Areas Worldwide.
Academic article
Siddiqui, Muhammad Omer;
Feja, Paul Robert;
Borowski, Philipp;
Kyling, Hans;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Wenske, Jan.
Wind turbine nacelle testing: State-of-the-art and development trends.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic literature review
Nejad, Amir R.;
Keller, Jonathan ;
Guo, Yi;
Sheng, Shawn;
Polinder, Henk;
Watson, Simon.
Wind turbine drivetrains: state-of-the-art technologies
and future development trends.
Wind Energy Science
Academic article
Tartt, Kelly Jane;
Amiri, Abbas K.;
Nejad, Amir R.;
McDonald, A.;
Carroll, J..
Development of a Vulnerability Map of Wind Turbine Power Converters.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Mehlan, Felix Christian;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Gao, Zhen.
Digital twin based virtual sensor for online fatigue damage monitoring in offshore wind turbine drivetrains.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Dibaj, Ali;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Gao, Zhen.
A data-driven approach for fault diagnosis of drivetrain system in a spar-type floating wind turbine based on the multi-point acceleration measurements.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Mehlan, Felix Christian;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Nejad, Amir R..
Modelling of wind turbine gear stages for Digital Twin and real-time virtual sensing using bond graphs.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
van Binsbergen, Diederik;
soares, marcelo nesci;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Nejad, Amir R..
A physics-, SCADA-based remaining useful life calculation approach for wind turbine drivetrains.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Dibaj, Ali;
Gao, Zhen;
Nejad, Amir R..
Fault detection of offshore wind turbine drivetrains in different environmental conditions through optimal selection of vibration measurements.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Nejad, Amir R..
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Khazaeli Moghadam, Farid;
Nejad, Amir R..
Theoretical and experimental study of wind turbine drivetrain fault diagnosis by using torsional vibrations and modal estimation.
Journal of Sound and Vibration
Academic article
Khazaeli Moghadam, Farid;
Nejad, Amir R..
Online condition monitoring of floating wind turbines drivetrain by means of digital twin.
Mechanical systems and signal processing
Academic article
Wang, Shuaishuai;
Moan, Torgeir;
Nejad, Amir R..
A comparative study of fully coupled and de-coupled methods on dynamic behaviour of floating wind turbine drivetrains.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Torsvik, Jone;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Experimental field study of floater motion effects on a main bearing in a full-scale spar floating wind turbine.
Marine Structures
Academic article
Ibrion, Mihaela;
Paltrinieri, Nicola;
Nejad, Amir R..
Learning from failures in cruise ship industry: The blackout of Viking Sky in Hustadvika, Norway.
Engineering Failure Analysis
Academic article
R. Nejad, Amir;
Torsvik, Jone.
Drivetrains on floating offshore wind turbines: lessons learned over the last 10 years.
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen
Academic article
Khazaeli Moghadam, Farid;
Rebouças, G. F. S.;
Nejad, Amir R..
Digital twin modeling for predictive maintenance of gearboxes in floating offshore wind turbine drivetrains
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen
Academic article
Wang, Shuaishuai;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth;
Moan, Torgeir.
A comparative study on the dynamic behaviour of 10 MW conventional and compact gearboxes for offshore wind turbines.
Wind Energy
Academic article
Wang, Shuaishuai;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Moan, Torgeir.
Design and Dynamic Analysis of a Compact 10 MW Medium Speed Gearbox for Offshore Wind Turbines. .
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Cho, Seongpil;
Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Numerical modeling of the hydraulic blade pitch actuator in a spar‐type floating wind turbine considering fault conditions and their effects on global dynamic responses.
Wind Energy
Academic article
Khazaeli Moghadam, Farid;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Evaluation of PMSG-based drivetrain technologies for 10 MW floating offshore wind turbines: pros and cons in a life-cycle perspective.
Wind Energy
Academic article
Moan, Torgeir;
Gao, Zhen;
Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Recent Advances in Integrated Response Analsysis of Floating Wind Turbines in a Reliability Perspective.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Wang, Shuaishuai;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Moan, Torgeir.
On design, modelling, and analysis of a 10‐MW medium‐speed drivetrain for offshore wind turbines.
Wind Energy
Academic article
Ibrion, Mihaela;
Paltrinieri, Nicola;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Learning from non-failure of Onagawa nuclear power station: an accident investigation over its life cycle.
Results in Engineering (RINENG)
Academic article
van Binsbergen, Dirk Willem;
Wang, Shuaishuai;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Effects of induction and wake steering control on power and drivetrain responses for 10 MW floating wind turbines in a wind farm.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Ibrion, Mihaela;
Paltrinieri, Nicola;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Learning from failures: Accidents of marine structures on Norwegian continental shelf over 40 years time period.
Engineering Failure Analysis
Academic article
Dong, Wenbin;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Moan, Torgeir;
Gao, Zhen.
Structural reliability analysis of contact fatigue design of gears in wind turbine drivetrains.
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
Academic article
Wang, Shuaishuai;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth;
Moan, Torgeir.
Effects of bedplate flexibility on drivetrain dynamics: Case study of a 10 MW spar type floating wind turbine.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Rebouças, G. F. S.;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
On Down-Scaled Modelling of Wind Turbine Drivetrains.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Khazaeli Moghadam, Farid;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Natural frequency estimation by using torsional response, and applications for wind turbine drivetrain fault diagnosis
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Lee, Chern Fong;
Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Consequences of load mitigation control strategies for a floating wind turbine.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Wang, Shuaishuai;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Moan, Torgeir.
On initial design and modelling of a 10 MW medium speed drivetrain for offshore wind turbines.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth;
Moan, Torgeir.
Effect of axial acceleration on drivetrain responses in a spar-type floating wind turbine.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Ibrion, Mihaela;
Paltrinieri, Nicola;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
On risk of digital twin implementation in marine industry: Learning from aviation industry.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Aoyanagi, Yuriko;
Ibrion, Mihaela.
Team and Research Based Learning Methods Applied in Multidisciplinary Marine Engineering Education.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Ghane, Mahdi;
Nejad, Amir Rasekhi;
Blanke, Mogens;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Condition monitoring of spar‐type floating wind turbine drivetrain using statistical fault diagnosis.
Wind Energy
Academic article
Nejad, Amir Rasekhi;
Odgaard, Peter Fogh;
Moan, Torgeir.
Conceptual study of a gearbox fault detection method applied on a 5‐MW spar‐type floating wind turbine.
Wind Energy
Academic article
Torsvik, Jone;
Nejad, Amir Rasekhi;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Main bearings in large offshore wind turbines: development trends, design and analysis requirements.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Moan, Torgeir.
On model-based system approach for health monitoring of
drivetrains in floating wind turbines.
Procedia Engineering
Academic article
Ghane, Mahdi;
Nejad, Amir Rasekhi;
Blanke, Mogens;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Diagnostic monitoring of drivetrain in a 5 MW spar-type floating wind turbine using Hilbert spectral analysis.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth;
Li, Lin;
Moan, Torgeir.
Correlation between Acceleration and Drivetrain Load Effects for Monopile Offshore Wind Turbines.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Jiang, Zhiyu;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Drivetrain load effects in a 5-MW bottom-fixed wind turbine under blade-pitch fault condition and emergency shutdown.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Ghane, Mahdi;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Blanke, Mogens;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Statistical fault diagnosis of wind turbine drivetrain applied to a 5MW floating wind turbine.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Guo, Yi;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Development of a 5 MW reference gearbox for offshore wind turbines.
Wind Energy
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Xing, Yihan;
Guo, Yi;
Keller, Jonathan;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Effects of floating sun gear in a wind turbine’s planetary gearbox with geometrical imperfections.
Wind Energy
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Fatigue Damage Comparison of Mechanical Components in a Land-based and a Spar Floating Wind Turbine.
Procedia Engineering
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth;
Kvittem, Marit Irene;
Luan, Chenyu;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Stochastic dynamic load effect and fatigue damage analysis of drivetrains in land-based and TLP, spar and semi-submersible floating wind turbines.
Marine Structures
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Odgaard, Peter Fogh;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
A prognostic method for fault detection in wind turbine drivetrains.
Engineering Failure Analysis
Academic article
Odgaard, Peter Fogh;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Frequency based Wind Turbine Gearbox Fault Detection applied to a 750 kW Wind Turbine.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Fatigue Reliability-Based Inspection and Maintenance Planning of Gearbox Components in Wind Turbine Drivetrains.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
On long-term fatigue damage and reliability analysis of gears under wind loads in offshore wind turbine drivetrains.
International Journal of Fatigue
Academic article
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Gao, Zhen;
Moan, Torgeir.
Long-term Analysis of Gear Loads in Fixed Offshore Wind Turbines Considering Ultimate Operational Loadings.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Moan, Torgeir;
Nejad, Amir Rasekhi.
Proceedings of the 3rd Offshore Structural Reliability Conference (OSRC2016).
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
van Binsbergen, Diederik;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Helsen, Jan.
Dynamic Model Development of Wind Turbine Drivetrains by Using Sensor Measurements.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Purcell, Etienne;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Valavi, Mostafa;
Bekker, Anriëtte.
On Uncertainty Assessment of Fatigue Damage of Propulsion Shaft Under Ice Impact.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Berge , Vegard;
Helgesen, Christoffer Rene;
Ivanov, Dimitar Zdravkov;
Jahren, Marianne Helno;
Opstad, Pauline Sundvor;
Sletten, Petter Solem.
On State-of-the-Art and Alternative Energy-Efficient Lifting Technologies for Deep Sea Mining.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mehlan, Felix Christian;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Gao, Zhen.
Estimation of Wind Turbine Gearbox Loads for Online Fatigue Monitoring Using Inverse Methods.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nejad, Amir R.;
Purcell, Etienne;
Mostafa, Valavi;
Roman, Hudak;
Benjamin, Lehmann;
Francisco Gutiérrez, Guzmán.
Condition Monitoring of Ship Propulsion Systems: State-of-the-Art, Development Trend and Role of Digital Twin.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ibrion, Mihaela;
Nejad, Amir R..
On Building a Safe Ocean, The oceanscape and the necessity for developing an Ocean Culture.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Tartt, Kelly Jane;
Nejad, Amir R.;
Amiri, Abbas K.;
McDonald, A..
On Lifetime Extension of Wind Turbine Drivetrains.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Shuaishuai;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Moan, Torgeir.
Dynamic Behaviour Comparison of a 10-MW Drivetrain in a Bottom-Fixed Monopile and a Spar Floating Wind Turbines.
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansen, Sigrid S.;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
On Digital Twin Condition Monitoring Approach for Drivetrains in Marine Applications.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khazaeli Moghadam, Farid;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Experimental Validation of Angular Velocity Measurements for Wind Turbines Drivetrain Condition Monitoring.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Shuaishuai;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Moan, Torgeir.
Design and Dynamic Analysis of a Compact 10 MW Medium Speed Gearbox for Offshore Wind Turbines.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ibrion, Mihaela;
Paltrinieri, Nicola;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
On Disaster Risk Reduction in Norwegian Oil and Gas Industry Through Life-Cycle Perspective.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Balestra, Lorenzo;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Naldi, Giovanni.
On Design and Analysis of a Drivetrain Test Rig for Wind Turbine Health Monitoring.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Li, Lin;
Guachamin Acero, Wilson Ivan;
Moan, Torgeir.
A Systematic Design Approach of Gripper’s Hydraulic System Utilized in Offshore Wind Turbine Monopile Installation.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nejad, Amir Rasekhi.
Modelling and Analysis of Drivetrains in Offshore Wind Turbines.
John Wiley & Sons
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nejad, Amir Rasekhi;
Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth;
Moan, Torgeir.
On Tower Top Axial Acceleration and Drivetrain Responses in a Spar-Type Floating Wind Turbine.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nejad, Amir R;
Xing, Yihan;
Moan, Torgeir.
Gear Train Internal Dynamics in Large Offshore Wind Turbines.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khazaeli Moghadam, Farid;
Nejad, Amir R..
Vibration-Based Condition Monitoring of Drivetrains in Large Offshore Wind Turbines in a Digital Twin Perspective.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Doctoral dissertation
Nejad, Amir R.;
Breivik, Andreas;
Valavi, Mostafa.
Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Induction Motor for Ship Propulsion by utilizing Electrical Signature and Finite Element Method.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Dynamic analysis and design of gearboxes in offshore wind turbines in a structural reliability perspective.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (191)
Doctoral dissertation
Guo, Yi;
Keller, Jonathan;
LaCava, William;
Austin, Jason;
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir;
Halse, Chris.
Recommendations on Model Fidelity for Wind Turbine Gearbox Simulations.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Rasekhi Nejad, Amir.
Life Prediction and Health Monitoring of Marine Propulsion System under Ice Impact (HealthProp).
Website (informational material)
- TMR4535 - Marine Machinery, Specialization Course
- MR8402 - Reliability-Based Design and Operation of Marine Machinery
- TMR4256 - Marine technology 6 - Design of marine systems
- TMR5950 - Wind Turbine Energy - Offshore Engineering, Master Thesis
- TMR4330 - Marine Machinery - Design and Condition Monitoring
- SKOLE6622 - Technology and Research - Module III Wind Turbines and Conflicts of Interest
- TMR4530 - Marine Machinery, Specialization Project
- TMR4590 - Wind Turbine Energy - Offshore Engineering, Specialization Project
InterviewOftedahl, Live; Nejad, Amir R.. (2024) Felles erklæring om havvind mellom Norge og Belgia. NTNU Nyheter NTNU Nyheter [Internet] 2024-07-03
PosterKrathe, Veronica Liverud; Jonkman, Jason M.; Gebel, Jakob Vincent; Rivera Arreba, Irene; Rasekhi Nejad, Amir; Bachynski-Polic, Erin Elizabeth. (2023) Main bearing fatigue sensitivity to synthetic turbulence models. NREL, CU Boulder NAWEA/WindTech 2023 , Denver, Colorado 2023-10-30 - 2023-11-01
Academic lectureChabaud, Valentin Bruno; Khazaeli Moghadam, Farid; Nejad, Amir R.. (2022) Effect of tracking grid power command on drivetrain degradation – A multiscale farm control problem. EERA DeepWind'2022 conference , Trondheim 2022-01-19 - 2022-01-21
Programme participationNejad, Amir R.; Ibrion, Mihaela. (2021) A Need for Interdisciplinary Education in Ocean Fields. ECO Magazine ECO Magazine [Business/trade/industry journal] 2021-08-10
Academic lectureKhazaeli Moghadam, Farid; Nejad, Amir R.. (2021) Consequences of unequal droop control on degradation of next generation grid-forming wind turbines. ForWind Wind Energy Science Conference 2021 , Hannover, Germany 2021-05-25 - 2021-05-28
DocumentaryNejad, Amir R.. (2021) Viking Sky blackout highlights safety potential of digital twin. [Business/trade/industry journal] 2021-06-01
LectureRasekhi Nejad, Amir. (2020) Life Prediction and Health Monitoring of Marine Propulsion System under Ice Impact (HealthProp). MarTERA Presentation of the ERA-NET Cofund MarTERA Call 2019 , Online 2020-09-15 - 2020-09-15
Academic lectureKhazaeli Moghadam, Farid; Rasekhi Nejad, Amir. (2019) Experimental Validation of Angular Velocity Measurements for Wind Turbines Drivetrain Condition Monitoring. ASME 2019 2nd International Offshore Wind Technical Conference (IOWTC2019) 2019-11-03 - 2019-11-06
Academic lectureKhazaeli Moghadam, Farid; Rasekhi Nejad, Amir. (2019) Drivetrain technology trend in multi megawatt offshore wind turbines considering design, fabrication, installation and operation. EERA DeepWind 2019 conference 2019-01-16 - 2019-01-18
PosterKhazaeli Moghadam, Farid; Rasekhi Nejad, Amir. (2019) Drivetrain fault detection of multi-megawatt offshore wind turbines by statistical learning. WindEurope Offshore 2019 2019-11-26 - 2019-11-28
Academic lectureRasekhi Nejad, Amir. (2019) Drivetrain Optimization in Multi-megawatt Offshore Wind Turbines. European Academy of Wind Energy Wind Energy Science Conference , Cork 2019-06-17 - 2019-06-20
Academic lectureRasekhi Nejad, Amir. (2019) EAWE Drivetrain Technical Committee Workshop. European Academy of Wind Energy Wind Europe , Bilbao 2019-04-02 - 2019-04-04
Academic lectureRasekhi Nejad, Amir. (2019) Drivetrains in floating offshore wind turbines. INSA Lyon Condition monitoring workshop , Lyon 2019-09-18 - 2019-09-19
Academic lectureNejad, Amir R; Moan, Torgeir. (2012) Effect of Geometrical Imperfections of Gears in Large Offshore Wind Turbine Gear Trains: 0.6–10 MW Case Studies. EWEA 2012 Annual Event 2012-04-16 - 2012-04-19