Ana Širović
Ana Širović is a marine bioacoustician, interested in development and use of new methods to improve understanding of highly exploited and endangered marine species. She is interested in noise and the effects of anthropogenic noise on marine life. Her group uses acoustic tools to answer ecological, population-level questions relevant to the management of animal resources.
Prior to joining NTNU, Ana was a faculty member at Texas A&M University at Galveston and Alaska Pacific University and a research oceanographer at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. She is the recipient of the Medwin prize from the Acoustical Society of America and the US Antarctic Service Medal.
My research interests revolve around three main themes:
- the use of acoustics to study whale and fish populations, especially endangred or commercially important species
- understanding long term trends in ocean ambient sounds
- impacts of sound on marine life and ecosystems
The support for research on these topics for my group has been provided over the years by a variety of sources, including US National Science Foundation, US Office of Naval Research, US Navy's Living Marine Resources Program, Benioff Ocean Initiative, Flora Family Foundation, California Sea Grant, and most recently The Research Council of Norway under the JPI Oceans program.
Pure Wind
Below are my publications since joining NTNU in fall 2021. For a full list of publications, visit my Google Scholar page.
Pensieri, Sara;
Sirovic, Ana.
Impact of sound from offshore wind farms.
Hydro International
Academic article
Nymark, Marianne;
Ashcroft, Felicity Jayne;
Wild, Richard J.;
Häger, Wiebke;
Sirovic, Ana;
Sueldo, Daniela Jorgelina.
Fosna-Folkets nyhetsstudio - Det var overaskende å se hvor mye som var kommet i løpet av vinteren.
Popular scientific article
Bjørnsen, Anja Karine;
Sirovic, Ana.
The Relationship Between Bryde's Whale Call Occurrence and Prey Abundance in the Southern California Bight.
Masters thesis
Amundsen, Birgitte;
Sirovic, Ana.
Fine-scale frequency characteristics of blue whale song across the North Atlantic Ocean.
Masters thesis
Miller, Brian S.;
Andrews-Goff, Virginia;
Barlow, Jay;
Bell, Elanor;
Calderan, Susannah;
Double, Michael C..
Antarctic sonobuoy surveys for blue whales from 2006-2021 reveal contemporary distribution, changes over time, and paths to further our understanding of their distribution and biology.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Academic article
Schoenbeck, Clara M.;
Solsona-Berga, Alba;
Franks, Peter J. S.;
Frasier, Kaitlin E.;
Trickey, Jennifer S.;
Aguilar, Catalina.
Ziphius cavirostris presence relative to the vertical and temporal variability of oceanographic conditions in the Southern California Bight.
Ecology and Evolution
Academic article
Constaratas, Alexandra Nathalie;
Holcer, Draško;
Özgöbek, Özlem;
Sirovic, Ana.
Acoustic occurrence of deep-diving cetaceans in the southern Adriatic Sea.
Marine mammal science
Academic article
Sirovic, Ana;
Zoe, Groenewoud.
Communicating in noisy waters: assessing the impact of shipping activity on blue and fin whale calling activity in the Santa Barbara Channel during Covid-19.
Masters thesis
Delory, Eric;
Sirovic, Ana;
Jesus, Sergio.
Editorial: Observing ocean sound.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Waddell, Emily E.;
Sirovic, Ana.
Effects of anthropogenic noise and natural soundscape on larval fish behavior in four estuarine species.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Academic article
Domínguez-Sánchez, P. Santiago;
Sirovic, Ana;
Fonseca-Ponce, Iliana A.;
Zavala-Jiménez, Aldo A.;
Rubin, Robert D.;
Kumli, Katherine R..
Occupancy of acoustically tagged oceanic manta rays, Mobula birostris, in Bahia de Banderas, Mexico.
Marine Biology
Academic article
Wilson, Katherine C;
Semmens, Brice X.;
Gittings, Stephen R.;
McCoy, Croy;
Pattengill-Semmens, Christy V.;
Sirovic, Ana.
Grouper source levels and aggregation dynamics inferred from passive acoustic localization at a multispecies spawning site.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Academic article
Vaagland, Henriette;
Evertsen, Jussi;
Båtnes, Anna Solvang;
Sirovic, Ana;
Svendsen, Thea;
Khron-Pettersen, Gitte.
Opplev havets egen lys og lyd - og hils på dyrene hos havforskerne.
Other presentation
Wood, Megan;
Sirovic, Ana.
Characterization of fin whale song off the Western Antarctic Peninsula.
Academic article
Rice, Ally;
Sirovic, Ana;
Hildebrand, John A;
Wood, Megan;
Carbaugh-Rutland, Alexander;
Baumann-Pickering, Simone.
Update on frequency decline of Northeast Pacific blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) calls.
Academic article
Dziak, Robert P.;
Copeland, Adrienne;
Sirovic, Ana;
Bohnenstiehl, DelWayne R.;
van Opzeeland, Ilse.
Editorial: Innovation and Discoveries in Marine Soundscape Research.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Sirovic, Ana;
Oleson, Erin M.
The Bioacoustics of Blue Whales—Global diversity and behavioral variability in a foraging specialist.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Waddell, Emily E.;
Rasmussen, Jeppe Have;
Sirovic, Ana.
Applying artificial intelligence methods to detect and classify fish calls from the northern gulf of mexico.
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE)
Academic article
Miller, Brian S;
Calderan, Susannah;
Leaper, Russell;
Miller, Elanor J;
Sirovic, Ana;
Stafford, Kathleen M..
Source level of Antarctic blue and fin whale sounds recorded on sonobuoys deployed in the deep-ocean Off Antarctica.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Academic article
Miller, Brian S;
Stafford, Kathleen M.;
van Opzeeland, Ilse;
Harris, Danielle;
Samaran, Flore;
Sirovic, Ana.
An open access dataset for developing automated detectors of Antarctic baleen whale sounds and performance evaluation of two commonly used detectors.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Journal publications
Pensieri, Sara;
Sirovic, Ana.
Impact of sound from offshore wind farms.
Hydro International
Academic article
Nymark, Marianne;
Ashcroft, Felicity Jayne;
Wild, Richard J.;
Häger, Wiebke;
Sirovic, Ana;
Sueldo, Daniela Jorgelina.
Fosna-Folkets nyhetsstudio - Det var overaskende å se hvor mye som var kommet i løpet av vinteren.
Popular scientific article
Miller, Brian S.;
Andrews-Goff, Virginia;
Barlow, Jay;
Bell, Elanor;
Calderan, Susannah;
Double, Michael C..
Antarctic sonobuoy surveys for blue whales from 2006-2021 reveal contemporary distribution, changes over time, and paths to further our understanding of their distribution and biology.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Academic article
Schoenbeck, Clara M.;
Solsona-Berga, Alba;
Franks, Peter J. S.;
Frasier, Kaitlin E.;
Trickey, Jennifer S.;
Aguilar, Catalina.
Ziphius cavirostris presence relative to the vertical and temporal variability of oceanographic conditions in the Southern California Bight.
Ecology and Evolution
Academic article
Constaratas, Alexandra Nathalie;
Holcer, Draško;
Özgöbek, Özlem;
Sirovic, Ana.
Acoustic occurrence of deep-diving cetaceans in the southern Adriatic Sea.
Marine mammal science
Academic article
Delory, Eric;
Sirovic, Ana;
Jesus, Sergio.
Editorial: Observing ocean sound.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Waddell, Emily E.;
Sirovic, Ana.
Effects of anthropogenic noise and natural soundscape on larval fish behavior in four estuarine species.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Academic article
Domínguez-Sánchez, P. Santiago;
Sirovic, Ana;
Fonseca-Ponce, Iliana A.;
Zavala-Jiménez, Aldo A.;
Rubin, Robert D.;
Kumli, Katherine R..
Occupancy of acoustically tagged oceanic manta rays, Mobula birostris, in Bahia de Banderas, Mexico.
Marine Biology
Academic article
Wilson, Katherine C;
Semmens, Brice X.;
Gittings, Stephen R.;
McCoy, Croy;
Pattengill-Semmens, Christy V.;
Sirovic, Ana.
Grouper source levels and aggregation dynamics inferred from passive acoustic localization at a multispecies spawning site.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Academic article
Wood, Megan;
Sirovic, Ana.
Characterization of fin whale song off the Western Antarctic Peninsula.
Academic article
Rice, Ally;
Sirovic, Ana;
Hildebrand, John A;
Wood, Megan;
Carbaugh-Rutland, Alexander;
Baumann-Pickering, Simone.
Update on frequency decline of Northeast Pacific blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) calls.
Academic article
Dziak, Robert P.;
Copeland, Adrienne;
Sirovic, Ana;
Bohnenstiehl, DelWayne R.;
van Opzeeland, Ilse.
Editorial: Innovation and Discoveries in Marine Soundscape Research.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Waddell, Emily E.;
Rasmussen, Jeppe Have;
Sirovic, Ana.
Applying artificial intelligence methods to detect and classify fish calls from the northern gulf of mexico.
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE)
Academic article
Miller, Brian S;
Calderan, Susannah;
Leaper, Russell;
Miller, Elanor J;
Sirovic, Ana;
Stafford, Kathleen M..
Source level of Antarctic blue and fin whale sounds recorded on sonobuoys deployed in the deep-ocean Off Antarctica.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Academic article
Miller, Brian S;
Stafford, Kathleen M.;
van Opzeeland, Ilse;
Harris, Danielle;
Samaran, Flore;
Sirovic, Ana.
An open access dataset for developing automated detectors of Antarctic baleen whale sounds and performance evaluation of two commonly used detectors.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Part of book/report
Sirovic, Ana;
Oleson, Erin M.
The Bioacoustics of Blue Whales—Global diversity and behavioral variability in a foraging specialist.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørnsen, Anja Karine;
Sirovic, Ana.
The Relationship Between Bryde's Whale Call Occurrence and Prey Abundance in the Southern California Bight.
Masters thesis
Amundsen, Birgitte;
Sirovic, Ana.
Fine-scale frequency characteristics of blue whale song across the North Atlantic Ocean.
Masters thesis
Sirovic, Ana;
Zoe, Groenewoud.
Communicating in noisy waters: assessing the impact of shipping activity on blue and fin whale calling activity in the Santa Barbara Channel during Covid-19.
Masters thesis
Vaagland, Henriette;
Evertsen, Jussi;
Båtnes, Anna Solvang;
Sirovic, Ana;
Svendsen, Thea;
Khron-Pettersen, Gitte.
Opplev havets egen lys og lyd - og hils på dyrene hos havforskerne.
Other presentation
PosterSirovic, Ana. (2023) PURE WIND: imPactof soUndon maRineEcosystems from offshore WIND energy generation. Michel Andre, UPC Oceanoise 2023 , Vilanova i la Geltru 2023-05-22 - 2023-05-26
Popular scientific lectureSirovic, Ana. (2023) Lyd og musikk i havet. Ringve Ringve museum , Trondheim 2023-04-22 - 2023-04-22
Academic lectureSirovic, Ana; Constaratas, Alexandra Nathalie; Holcer, Draško; Wood, Megan; Özgöbek, Özlem. (2023) Cetaceans in the Adriatic – what can acoustics and machine learning teach us?. FER Breaking the Surface Conference , Kumbor, Montenegro 2023-09-25 - 2023-09-29
InterviewSirovic, Ana. (2023) Agelast 180: Ana Širović: Proučavanje kitova na Antarktiku, bioakustika, pesma kitova. [Internet] 2023-05-18