Anders N. Gullhav
Sentralbygg 1, 1046, Gløshaugen
Research focus on methods and models for resource planning og control. Since 2015, I have been working together with the healthcare sector on projects related to resource planning of imaging equipment (MRI and CT), surgery scheduling, personnel scheduling, and planning of activities in outpatient clinics.
My doctoral thesis considered optimization of ICT services and data centers in the cloud computing area with a special focus on quality of service and power usage.
Klyve, Kjartan Kastet;
Løyning, Isabel Nordli;
Melby, Line Maria Haugen;
Andersson, Carl Henrik;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby.
A modeling framework for evaluating proactive and reactive nurse rostering strategies — A case study from a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Operations Research for Health Care
Academic article
Bovim, Thomas Reiten;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Andersson, Henrik;
Riise, Atle.
A framework for integrated resource planning in surgical clinics.
European Journal of Operational Research
Academic article
Andersson, Carl Henrik;
Høyland, Sondre;
Krogstad, Jesper Anker;
Flatberg, Truls;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby.
The Snow Grooming Routing Problem.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Barth, Maren Schliekelmann;
Palm, Katharina;
Andersson, Carl Henrik;
Granberg, Tobias Andersson;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Krüger, Andreas Jørstad.
Emergency exit layout planning using optimization and agent-based simulation.
Computational Management Science
Academic article
Bovim, Thomas;
Abdullahu, Anita;
Andersson, Henrik;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby.
Integrated master surgery and outpatient clinic scheduling.
Operations Research for Health Care
Academic article
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Skomsvoll, Johan Fredrik;
Heimstad, Runa Kristine;
Schultz, Joseph Samuel.
Reducing waiting times from 65 to under 40 days for children and adolescents receiving mental health services using a new scheduling policy.
Health Services Management Research
Academic article
Klyve, Kjartan Kastet;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby.
Fremtidens turnusplanlegging ved sykehus - erfaringer ved bruk av ny teknologi.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Barth, Maren Schliekelmann;
Palm, Katharina;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Andersson, Henrik;
Krüger, Andreas;
Granberg, Tobias.
Emergency Exit Planning using Agent-Based Simulation and Optimization.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Bovim, Thomas;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Andersson, Henrik;
Dale, Jostein;
Karlsen, Kjetil Andreas Hognestad.
Simulating emergency patient flow during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Journal of Simulation
Academic article
Klyve, Kjartan Kastet;
Andersson, Henrik;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Endreseth, Birger Henning.
Semi-cyclic rostering of ranked surgeons — A real-life case with stability and flexibility measures.
Operations Research for Health Care
Academic article
Gullhav, Anders Nordby.
Undervisning av matematisk modellering i operasjonsanalyse – innføring av studentsentrerte modelleringsøkter i forelesningene.
Læring om læring
Academic article
Bovim, Thomas;
Christiansen, Marielle;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Range, Troels Martin;
Hellemo, Lars.
Stochastic master surgery scheduling.
European Journal of Operational Research
Academic article
Bovim, Thomas;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Hellemo, Lars;
Jessen, Vigleik;
Mittet, Trude.
Fleksibel planlegging i sykehus er effektivt.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Feature article
Turkeš, Renata;
Sörensen, Kenneth;
Hvattum, Lars Magnus;
Barrena, Eva;
Chentli, Hayet;
Coelho, Leandro C.
Data for a meta-analysis of the adaptive layer in adaptive large neighborhood search.
Data in Brief
Academic article
Gullhav, Anders N.;
Christiansen, Marielle;
Nygreen, Bjørn;
Aarlott, Mats Mathisen;
Medhus, Jon Erik;
Skomsvoll, Johan Fredrik.
Block scheduling at magnetic resonance imaging labs.
Operations Research for Health Care
Academic article
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Cordeau, Jean-Francois;
Hvattum, Lars Magnus;
Nygreen, Bjørn.
Adaptive large neighborhood search heuristics for multi-tier service deployment problems in clouds.
European Journal of Operational Research
Academic article
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Nygreen, Bjørn;
Heegaard, Poul Einar.
Simulation of the response time distribution of fault-tolerant multi-tier cloud services.
Journal of Simulation
Academic article
Gullhav, Anders N..
Optimization-based Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2016:39)
Doctoral dissertation
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Nygreen, Bjørn.
A branch and price approach for deployment of multi-tier software services in clouds.
Computers & Operations Research
Academic article
Gullhav, Anders N.;
Nygreen, Bjørn.
Deployment of replicated multi-tier services in cloud data centres.
International Journal of Cloud Computing
Academic article
Gullhav, Anders N.;
Nygreen, Bjørn;
Heegaard, Poul Einar.
Approximating the Response Time Distribution of Fault-tolerant Multi-tier Cloud Services.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Klyve, Kjartan Kastet;
Løyning, Isabel Nordli;
Melby, Line Maria Haugen;
Andersson, Carl Henrik;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby.
A modeling framework for evaluating proactive and reactive nurse rostering strategies — A case study from a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Operations Research for Health Care
Academic article
Bovim, Thomas Reiten;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Andersson, Henrik;
Riise, Atle.
A framework for integrated resource planning in surgical clinics.
European Journal of Operational Research
Academic article
Andersson, Carl Henrik;
Høyland, Sondre;
Krogstad, Jesper Anker;
Flatberg, Truls;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby.
The Snow Grooming Routing Problem.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Barth, Maren Schliekelmann;
Palm, Katharina;
Andersson, Carl Henrik;
Granberg, Tobias Andersson;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Krüger, Andreas Jørstad.
Emergency exit layout planning using optimization and agent-based simulation.
Computational Management Science
Academic article
Bovim, Thomas;
Abdullahu, Anita;
Andersson, Henrik;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby.
Integrated master surgery and outpatient clinic scheduling.
Operations Research for Health Care
Academic article
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Skomsvoll, Johan Fredrik;
Heimstad, Runa Kristine;
Schultz, Joseph Samuel.
Reducing waiting times from 65 to under 40 days for children and adolescents receiving mental health services using a new scheduling policy.
Health Services Management Research
Academic article
Bovim, Thomas;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Andersson, Henrik;
Dale, Jostein;
Karlsen, Kjetil Andreas Hognestad.
Simulating emergency patient flow during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Journal of Simulation
Academic article
Klyve, Kjartan Kastet;
Andersson, Henrik;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Endreseth, Birger Henning.
Semi-cyclic rostering of ranked surgeons — A real-life case with stability and flexibility measures.
Operations Research for Health Care
Academic article
Gullhav, Anders Nordby.
Undervisning av matematisk modellering i operasjonsanalyse – innføring av studentsentrerte modelleringsøkter i forelesningene.
Læring om læring
Academic article
Bovim, Thomas;
Christiansen, Marielle;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Range, Troels Martin;
Hellemo, Lars.
Stochastic master surgery scheduling.
European Journal of Operational Research
Academic article
Bovim, Thomas;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Hellemo, Lars;
Jessen, Vigleik;
Mittet, Trude.
Fleksibel planlegging i sykehus er effektivt.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Feature article
Turkeš, Renata;
Sörensen, Kenneth;
Hvattum, Lars Magnus;
Barrena, Eva;
Chentli, Hayet;
Coelho, Leandro C.
Data for a meta-analysis of the adaptive layer in adaptive large neighborhood search.
Data in Brief
Academic article
Gullhav, Anders N.;
Christiansen, Marielle;
Nygreen, Bjørn;
Aarlott, Mats Mathisen;
Medhus, Jon Erik;
Skomsvoll, Johan Fredrik.
Block scheduling at magnetic resonance imaging labs.
Operations Research for Health Care
Academic article
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Cordeau, Jean-Francois;
Hvattum, Lars Magnus;
Nygreen, Bjørn.
Adaptive large neighborhood search heuristics for multi-tier service deployment problems in clouds.
European Journal of Operational Research
Academic article
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Nygreen, Bjørn;
Heegaard, Poul Einar.
Simulation of the response time distribution of fault-tolerant multi-tier cloud services.
Journal of Simulation
Academic article
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Nygreen, Bjørn.
A branch and price approach for deployment of multi-tier software services in clouds.
Computers & Operations Research
Academic article
Gullhav, Anders N.;
Nygreen, Bjørn.
Deployment of replicated multi-tier services in cloud data centres.
International Journal of Cloud Computing
Academic article
Part of book/report
Klyve, Kjartan Kastet;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby.
Fremtidens turnusplanlegging ved sykehus - erfaringer ved bruk av ny teknologi.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gullhav, Anders N.;
Nygreen, Bjørn;
Heegaard, Poul Einar.
Approximating the Response Time Distribution of Fault-tolerant Multi-tier Cloud Services.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Barth, Maren Schliekelmann;
Palm, Katharina;
Gullhav, Anders Nordby;
Andersson, Henrik;
Krüger, Andreas;
Granberg, Tobias.
Emergency Exit Planning using Agent-Based Simulation and Optimization.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Gullhav, Anders N..
Optimization-based Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2016:39)
Doctoral dissertation
- TIØ4505 - Anvendt økonomi og optimering, fordypningsemne
- IØ6555 - Digital transformasjon og beslutningsstøtte for ledere
- TIØ4905 - Anvendt økonomi og optimering, masteroppgave
- TIØ4126 - Optimering og beslutningsstøtte for teknisk-økonomisk planlegging
- TIØ4500 - Anvendt økonomi og optimering, fordypningsprosjekt
Academic lectureSørøy, Brede; Andersson, Carl Henrik; Gullhav, Anders Nordby. (2024) Solving an integrated project and personnel scheduling problem using Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition. EURO EURO 2024 , København 2024-06-30 - 2024-07-03
Academic lectureSørøy, Brede; Buan, Benjamin Sølvberg; Andersson, Carl Henrik; Gullhav, Anders Nordby. (2024) An integrated project and personnel scheduling problem using an adaptive large neighbourhood search procedure. EURO Working Group on Project Management and Scheduling PMS 2024 , Bern 2024-04-02 - 2024-04-05
Academic lectureSørøy, Brede; Andersson, Carl Henrik; Gullhav, Anders Nordby. (2024) A Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition approach for solving an integrated project and personnel scheduling problem. GOR OR 2024 , München 2024-09-03 - 2024-09-06
Academic lectureSørøy, Brede; Andersson, Carl Henrik; Gullhav, Anders Nordby. (2024) A Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition-based procedure to solve an integrated project and personnel scheduling problem. NORS Annual conference of the Norwegian Operations Research Society , Oslo 2024-11-26 - 2024-11-27
Academic lectureGullhav, Anders Nordby; Lahrichi, Nadia; Rousseau, Louis-Martin. (2024) Integrated shift and appointment template scheduling for a chemotherapy clinic. University of Turin Annual Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS) 2024 , Torino 2024-07-14 - 2024-07-20
Academic lectureGullhav, Anders Nordby; Lahrichi, Nadia; Rousseau, Louis-Martin. (2024) Tactical shift and appointment scheduling for a chemotherapy clinic. BI Oslo NORS annual conference 2024 , Oslo 2024-11-26 - 2024-11-27
Academic lectureViana, Joe; Gullhav, Anders Nordby; Obstfelder, Aud Uhlen; Dreyer, Heidi Carin; Holmemo, Marte Daae-Qvale; Døhl, Øystein. (2024) Simulation Modelling for Integrated Health Care Planning. BI Norwegian Business School Norwegian Operations Research Society Annual Conference , Oslo 2024-11-26 - 2024-11-27
Academic lectureBigharaz, Sara; Andersson, Carl Henrik; Gullhav, Anders Nordby. (2023) A tactical multi-appointment scheduling problem with the integrated resources in outpatient clinic and operating room. 49th Annual Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services 2023-07-16 - 2023-07-21
Academic lectureGullhav, Anders Nordby; Andersson, Carl Henrik; Riise, Atle. (2023) Master and activity scheduling in surgical departments - Managing waiting lists across units ans specialties. TU Graz Operational Research Applied To Health Services , Graz, Austria 2023-07-16 - 2023-07-21
Academic lectureGullhav, Anders Nordby; Schiøtz, Mats I.; Tysse, Jostein H.; Hellemo, Lars. (2023) Advance Surgery Scheduling with downstream constraints and cancellations. TU Graz Annual Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS) , Graz 2023-07-16 - 2023-07-21
Academic lectureSørøy, Brede; Buan, Benjamin Sølvberg; Gullhav, Anders Nordby. (2023) An adaptive large neighbourhood search procedure for solving an integrated project and personnel scheduling problem. GOR OR 2023 , Hamburg 2023-08-29 - 2023-09-01
Academic lectureSørøy, Brede; Andersson, Carl Henrik; Gullhav, Anders Nordby. (2023) A Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition approach to solve an integrated project and personnel scheduling problem. INFORMS 2023 INFORMS Annual Meeting , Phoenix 2023-10-15 - 2023-10-18
Academic lectureBigharaz, Sara; Andersson, Carl Henrik; Gullhav, Anders Nordby. (2022) Designing a surgeon’s blueprint schedule for resource allocation to patient appointment series. 48th Annual Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22
Academic lectureSørøy, Brede; Buan, Benjamin Sølvberg; Gullhav, Anders Nordby. (2022) An Integrated Project and Personnel Scheduling Problem. EURO EURO 2022 , Espoo 2022-07-03 - 2022-07-06
Academic lectureSørøy, Brede; Gullhav, Anders Nordby. (2022) Benefits of Solving the Project and Personnel Scheduling Problems Simultaneously. NORS Annual conference of the Norwegian Operations Research Society , Trondheim 2022-11-29 - 2022-11-30
Academic lectureBigharaz, Sara; Andersson, Carl Henrik; Gullhav, Anders Nordby. (2022) A blueprint schedule for surgeons considering the integration of outpatient clinic and operating room scheduling. Annual Conference of the Norwegian Operations Research Society 2022-11-29 - 2022-11-30
Academic lectureLangfeldt, Sigurd Sigurdsson; Langholm, Magnus Hauge; Spangelo, Tomas Haugland; Andersson, Henrik; Gullhav, Anders Nordby. (2022) Neural Network Assisted Large Neighborhood Search for Personnel Rostering. NORS Annual conference of the Norwegian Operations Research Society , Trondheim 2022-11-29 - 2022-11-30
Academic lectureGullhav, Anders Nordby; Langfeldt, Sigurd Sigurdsson; Langholm, Magnus Hauge; Spangelo, Tomas Haugland; Andersson, Henrik. (2022) Integrating Machine Learning in Metaheuristics - an example using a Neural Network Assisted Large Neighborhood Search for Personnel Rostering. COMPAMA, NTNU COMPAMA Workshop - Learning for optimization , Trondheim 2022-11-28 - 2022-11-28
Academic lectureSørøy, Brede; Buan, Benjamin Sølvberg; Gullhav, Anders Nordby. (2021) Integrated Project and Personnel Scheduling using Optimisation and Metaheuristic Methods – With Applications in the Construction Industry. NORS Annual conference of the Norwegian Operations Research Society , Bergen 2021-11-17 - 2021-11-18
Academic lectureGullhav, Anders Nordby; Hellemo, Lars. (2020) Combined outpatient and master surgery scheduling. ORAHS e-ORAHS , University of Vienna 2020-07-26 - 2020-07-31
LectureGullhav, Anders Nordby. (2020) Planlegging og styring i sykehus . Sykehuset Innlandet Ledersamling, Psykisk Helsevern Sykehuset Innlandet , Sanderud 2020-02-13 - 2020-02-13
Academic lectureGullhav, Anders Nordby; Berdal, Tore B.; Nydal, Erlend M.; Andersson, Henrik; Nygreen, Bjørn. (2020) Emergency Department Layout Planning Using Simulation and Optimization. ORAHS 2020 , Digital 2020-07-26 - 2020-07-31
LectureGullhav, Anders Nordby; Rønneberg, Martine Helene; Ingrid, Ødegård; Andersson, Henrik; Nygreen, Bjørn. (2019) Multi-Appointment Scheduling at a Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic. ORAHS 2019 , Karlsruhe 2019-07-28 - 2019-08-02
Popular scientific lectureGullhav, Anders Nordby; Christiansen, Marielle. (2018) Helselogistikk og pasientflyt – optimeringsbasert beslutningsstøtte ved St. Olavs hospital. St. Olavs hospital Fredagsforelesning ved St. Olavs hospital , St. Olavs hospital 2018-05-04 - 2018-05-04
Academic lectureGullhav, Anders Nordby; Bovim, Thomas Reiten; Christiansen, Marielle; Hellemo, Lars; Range, Troels Martin. (2018) Master surgery scheduling under uncertainty: a stochastic modelling approach for dimensioning and allocating flexible capacity under a hybrid policy. EURO WORKING GROUP ON OPERATIONS RESEARCH APPLIED TO HEALTH ORAHS , Oslo 2018-07-29 - 2018-08-03
Academic lectureGullhav, Anders Nordby; Kvillum, Vilde N.; Vigerust, Anne Marit R.; Andersson, Henrik; Nygreen, Bjørn. (2018) A Matheuristic Approach to the Hospital Facility Layout Problem . International Symposium on Mathematical Programming , Bordeaux 2018-07-01 - 2018-07-06
Academic lectureNygreen, Bjørn; Gullhav, Anders N.; Christiansen, Marielle; Eilertsen, Anders Rogne; Selvaag, Hanna M.. (2017) Appointment Scheduling of MRI examinations. International Federation of Operational Research Societies IFORS 2017 , Quebec City 2017-07-17 - 2017-07-21
Academic lectureGullhav, Anders N.; Christiansen, Marielle; Eilertsen, Anders Rogne; Nygreen, Bjørn; Selvaag, Hanna M.. (2017) Optimizing the Appointment Scheduling at MRI labs. Informs Informs annual meeting 2017 , Houston 2017-10-21 - 2017-10-25
Academic lectureGullhav, Anders N.; Christiansen, Marielle; Eilertsen, Anders Rogne; Nygreen, Bjørn; Selvaag, Hanna M.. (2017) Decision Support for Appointment Scheduling of MRI Examinations. ORAHS ORAHS 2017 , Bath 2017-07-30 - 2017-08-04
Academic lectureGullhav, Anders N.; Christiansen, Marielle; Eilertsen, Anders Rogne; Nygreen, Bjørn; Selvaag, Hanna M.. (2017) Appointment Scheduling at the MRI labs of a Norwegian hospital. Informs Informs Healthcare , Rotterdam 2017-07-25 - 2017-07-28
Academic lectureNygreen, Bjørn; Gullhav, Anders Nordby; Christiansen, Marielle. (2016) MRI Block Scheduling at a Norwegian Hospital. School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh Gjesteforelesning , Edinburgh 2016-10-14 - 2016-10-14
Academic lectureNygreen, Bjørn; Gullhav, Anders Nordby. (2016) A Branch and Price Approach for Deployment of Multi-tier Software Services in Clouds. Informs 2016 INFORMS Annual Meeting , Nashville 2016-11-13 - 2016-11-16
LectureGullhav, Anders Nordby; Nygreen, Bjørn. (2016) A Branch and Price Approach for Deployment of Cloud Services. GERAD og PUC Rio Column Generation 2016 , Buzios 2016-05-22 - 2016-05-25
LectureGullhav, Anders Nordby; Christiansen, Marielle; Nygreen, Bjørn; Aarlott, Mats Mathisen; Medhus, Jon Erik. (2016) MRI Block Scheduling at a Norwegian Hospital. EURO EURO 2016 , Poznan 2016-07-03 - 2016-07-06
Academic lectureGullhav, Anders N.; Nygreen, Bjørn. (2015) Deployment of Multi-tier Software Services in Clouds – a Branch-and-Price Approach. EURO EURO 2015 , Glasgow 2015-07-12 - 2015-07-15
Academic lectureGullhav, Anders N.; Nygreen, Bjørn. (2014) Solving a Multi-tier Cloud Service Deployment Problem Using Branch-and-Price. CIRRELT og GERAD (Montreal) Optimization Days 2014 , Montreal 2014-05-05 - 2014-05-07
Academic lectureNygreen, Bjørn; Gullhav, Anders N.. (2014) Service Deployment in Cloud Data Centres - Problem specification and solution methods. School of Mathematics, The University of Edinburgh ERGO- Seminar , Edinburgh 2014-06-30 - 2014-06-30
Academic lectureGullhav, Anders N.; Nygreen, Bjørn. (2014) A Column Generation Approach for Modelling Deployment of Multi-tier Cloud Services. IFORS IFORS 2014 , Barcelona 2014-07-13 -
Academic lectureNygreen, Bjørn; Gullhav, Anders N.. (2014) A Branch-and-Price Approach for Energy-efficient Deployment of Multi-tier Services in Cloud Data Centres. Warwick Business School APMOD (Applied Mathematical Optimization and Modelling)2014 , Coventry 2014-04-09 - 2014-04-11
Academic lectureNygreen, Bjørn; Gullhav, Anders N.. (2014) A Branch-and-Price Approach for Deployment of Multi-tier Cloud Services. Informs Annual Informs meeting 2014 , San Francisco 2014-11-09 - 2014-11-12
Academic lectureGullhav, Anders N.; Nygreen, Bjørn. (2013) IP Column Generation for a Service Deployment Problem. Informs Informs Annual Meeting 2013 , Minneapolis 2013-10-06 - 2013-10-09
Academic lectureGullhav, Anders N.; Nygreen, Bjørn; Heegaard, Poul Einar. (2013) Approximating the Response Time Distribution of Fault-tolerant Multi-tier Cloud Services. IEEE/ACM, Technical University of Dresden 2013 IEEE/ACM 6th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC) , Dresden 2013-12-09 - 2013-12-12
Academic lectureNygreen, Bjørn; Gullhav, Anders N.. (2013) A Branch-and-Price Approach for a Cloud Service Deployment Problem. Chalmers and the Swedish OR organization Nordic Optimisation Symphosium 6 , Chalmers, Gøteborg 2013-10-24 -
Academic lectureGullhav, Anders N.; Nygreen, Bjørn. (2012) Deployment of Multi-tier Services in Cloud Data Centers confined by Quality of Service (QoS) Requirements. IØT, NTNU 5th Nordic Optimization Symposium , Trondheim 2012-06-07 - 2012-06-09
Academic lectureNygreen, Bjørn; Gullhav, Anders N.. (2012) Deployment of Multi-tier ICT Services in Cloud Data Centres. The Operational Research Society (British) OR54 (Annual British OR Conference) , Edinburgh 2012-09-04 - 2012-09-06
Academic lectureGullhav, Anders N.; Nygreen, Bjørn. (2012) Service deployment in cloud data centers regarding quality of service requirements. Mathematical optimization society (MOS) International symposium on mathematical programming (ISMP) , Berlin 2012-08-19 - 2012-08-23
Academic lectureGullhav, Anders N.; Nygreen, Bjørn; Heegaard, Poul Einar. (2011) Service Deployment Decisions in Cloud Data Centers Based on Service Level Agreements (SLA). Informs Informas 2011 Annual Meeting , Charlotte, NC 2011-11-13 - 2011-11-16