Ståle Angen Rye
I teach and supervise students in political geography, globalization, and sustainable development. My research focuses on civic engagement, political participation, and conflicts related to sustainable, just, and local development. The relationship between the state, local communities, and businesses (co-governance) is a central dimension.
There are two main themes in my research:
(i) Natural resources and sustainable development, with a special emphasis on mineral extraction.
(ii) Participation and co-governance in sustainable urban and local community development.
In addition, I have also conducted research on youth, international higher education, and the use of the Internet in global knowledge networks.
Globalization, transnational relations, and citizenship are central aspects of my work.
The empirical basis for my research is primarily Norway and Indonesia, but I also have some fieldwork experience in various African countries.
Putri, Primi Suharmadhi;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Understanding the role of place in local extractive sector transparency: Evidence from an oil-rich district of Indonesia.
The Extractive Industries and Society
Academic article
Dodge, Alexander Steven;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
The resource-making state: liquefied natural gas production networks and state strategies for domestic market development in Indonesia.
ZFW – Advances in Economic Geography
Academic article
Kurniawan, Nanang Indra;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
The relational state and local struggles in the mapping of land in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Journal of Peasant Studies
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Global citizenship and the geographical scale of young people’s political engagement.
Education, Citizenship and Social Justice
Academic article
Hyldmo, Håkon Da Silva;
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Vela Almeida, Diana Raquel.
A globally just and inclusive transition? Questioning policy representations of the European Green Deal.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Kurniawan, Nanang Indra;
Lujala, Päivi;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Negotiating Inclusion and Exclusion in Artisanal Oil Extraction: The Case of Two Villages in East Java, Indonesia.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Geografiske forskjeller, likhet og ulikhet i en sammenkoblet verden.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myklebust, Alexander;
Dodge, Alexander Steven;
Karlsen, Asbjørn;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Svadakritikk av innovasjon og berekraft.
Feature article
Indra Kurniawan, Nanang;
Lujala, Päivi;
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Vela Almeida, Diana Raquel.
The role of local participation in the governance of natural resource extraction.
The Extractive Industries and Society
Academic literature review
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Kallio, Kirsti Pauliina;
Bærenholdt, Jørgen Ole.
Developing Global Awareness among Young Students: A Study of Students’ Experiences with the Museum Exhibition A World at Stake.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Book review
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Vold, Silje.
International development aid and young people's participation in societal development of the global south.
Children's Geographies
Academic article
Kusakabe, Kyoko;
Rigg, Jonathan;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Jakobsen, Thomas Sætre. 2017. Living in Transition – Peasant-Workers Working Between Farmland and the Workplaces of the Urban in Post-Deng China.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Book review
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Kurniawan, Nanang Indra.
Claiming indigenous rights through participatory mapping and the making of citizenship.
Political Geography
Academic article
Lysgård, Hans Kjetil;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Between striated and smooth space: Exploring the topology of transnational student mobility.
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Young People’s Construction of Global Citizenship Through Internet Use.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rye, Ståle Angen.
The educational space of global online higher education.
Academic article
Kurniawan, Nanang Indra;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Online environmental activism and Internet use in the Indonesian environmental movement.
Information Development
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Connected youth : young students' extensibility and use of the Internet to search for information.
Nordicom Review
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Learning about distant places through the Internet: Young students as global citizens?.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Støkken, Anne Marie.
The Implications of the Local Context in Global Online Education.
International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning
Academic article
Moe, Carl Erik;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Blended learning: communication, locations and work-life Practices.
Educational Media International
Academic article
Austvik, Jostein;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Digitale medier, samfunnsfag og samfunnsengasjement.
Skriftserien, Universitet i Agder (154)
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Rye, Johan Fredrik;
Austvik, Jostein.
Skole + Wikipedia = sant.
Feature article
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Rye, Johan Fredrik.
Ungdom, Internett og samfunnsengasjement.
Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Austvik, Jostein;
Rye, Johan Fredrik.
En, fjern, liten verden.
Feature article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Digital communication, transportation and urban structuration in students' daily life.
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Austvik, Jostein;
Rye, Johan Fredrik.
Nettgenerasjonen utfordrer skolen.
Feature article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Negotiating the symbolic power of information and communication technologies (ICT): The spread of Internet-supported distance education.
Information Technology for Development
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Støkken, Anne Marie.
Fleksibel utdanning i et nord-sørperspektiv ? om mastergradsstudiet Development Management.
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Exploring the gap of the digital divide - Conditions of connectivity and higher education participation.
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Dimensions of Flexibility - About the Relation Between Students, Technology and Distributed Education. - Media, technology and lifelong learning
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Conditions of Connectivity. The Internet and the time-space of distance education in Indonesia.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (314)
Doctoral dissertation
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Zubaidah, Ida.
Distance Education and the Complexity of Accessing the Internet.
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Flexibility, technology, and the daily life practices of distance students living beyond the digital mainstream.
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Moe, Carl Erik.
Dialog, kommunikasjon og e-læring.
Universitetet i Agder
Universitetet i Agder (144)
Moe, Carl Erik;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
E-læring som element i lederutvikling - Kan e-læring bidra til endring av lederutførelse?.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rye, Ståle Angen.
New Communication Technology and Distance Education - A case Study of a Master in Public Administartion in Indonesia.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rye, Ståle Angen.
RE-conceptualisation of Research on the Relation Between Technology and Social Change in Open and Distance Education.
Information Technology, Education and Society
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Borgersen, Trond-Arne.
The Dynamics of a Low Budget Tourist Area: The case of Prawirotaman.
ASEAN Journal on Hospitality & Tourism
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Mellom tradisjon og ny teknologi.
Universitetet i Oslo
Universitetet i Oslo (20)
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Simonsen, Pål André Aarsand.
Mellom tradisjon og ny teknologi : en studie av elever og lærere i ett teknologitett læringsmiljø.
Universitetet i Oslo
Universitetet i Oslo (20)
Rye, Ståle Angen.
The Effect of Local Structures on Industrial Development in an International Tourism Resort: A case study of low budget tourism in Sosrowijayan.
Journal of Asian Business
Academic article
Simonsen, Pål André Aarsand;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
IKT i skolens utvikling.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Mennesket og de fysiske omgivelsene : en teoretisk diskusjon.
Universitetet i Agder
Universitetet i Agder
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Mennesket og de fysiske omgivelsene - En teoreisk diskusjon.
Universitetet i Agder
Universitetet i Agder
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Geografiutdanning ved siden av jobb og utenfor lærestedet : en utredning av muligheter og konsekvenser av en utbygging av et fjernundervisning- og etterutdanningstilbud ved Geografisk institutt, NTNU.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (nr. 7)
Journal publications
Putri, Primi Suharmadhi;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Understanding the role of place in local extractive sector transparency: Evidence from an oil-rich district of Indonesia.
The Extractive Industries and Society
Academic article
Dodge, Alexander Steven;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
The resource-making state: liquefied natural gas production networks and state strategies for domestic market development in Indonesia.
ZFW – Advances in Economic Geography
Academic article
Kurniawan, Nanang Indra;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
The relational state and local struggles in the mapping of land in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Journal of Peasant Studies
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Global citizenship and the geographical scale of young people’s political engagement.
Education, Citizenship and Social Justice
Academic article
Hyldmo, Håkon Da Silva;
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Vela Almeida, Diana Raquel.
A globally just and inclusive transition? Questioning policy representations of the European Green Deal.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Myklebust, Alexander;
Dodge, Alexander Steven;
Karlsen, Asbjørn;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Svadakritikk av innovasjon og berekraft.
Feature article
Indra Kurniawan, Nanang;
Lujala, Päivi;
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Vela Almeida, Diana Raquel.
The role of local participation in the governance of natural resource extraction.
The Extractive Industries and Society
Academic literature review
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Kallio, Kirsti Pauliina;
Bærenholdt, Jørgen Ole.
Developing Global Awareness among Young Students: A Study of Students’ Experiences with the Museum Exhibition A World at Stake.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Book review
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Vold, Silje.
International development aid and young people's participation in societal development of the global south.
Children's Geographies
Academic article
Kusakabe, Kyoko;
Rigg, Jonathan;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Jakobsen, Thomas Sætre. 2017. Living in Transition – Peasant-Workers Working Between Farmland and the Workplaces of the Urban in Post-Deng China.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Book review
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Kurniawan, Nanang Indra.
Claiming indigenous rights through participatory mapping and the making of citizenship.
Political Geography
Academic article
Lysgård, Hans Kjetil;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Between striated and smooth space: Exploring the topology of transnational student mobility.
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
The educational space of global online higher education.
Academic article
Kurniawan, Nanang Indra;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Online environmental activism and Internet use in the Indonesian environmental movement.
Information Development
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Connected youth : young students' extensibility and use of the Internet to search for information.
Nordicom Review
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Learning about distant places through the Internet: Young students as global citizens?.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Støkken, Anne Marie.
The Implications of the Local Context in Global Online Education.
International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning
Academic article
Moe, Carl Erik;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Blended learning: communication, locations and work-life Practices.
Educational Media International
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Rye, Johan Fredrik;
Austvik, Jostein.
Skole + Wikipedia = sant.
Feature article
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Rye, Johan Fredrik.
Ungdom, Internett og samfunnsengasjement.
Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Austvik, Jostein;
Rye, Johan Fredrik.
En, fjern, liten verden.
Feature article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Digital communication, transportation and urban structuration in students' daily life.
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Austvik, Jostein;
Rye, Johan Fredrik.
Nettgenerasjonen utfordrer skolen.
Feature article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Negotiating the symbolic power of information and communication technologies (ICT): The spread of Internet-supported distance education.
Information Technology for Development
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Støkken, Anne Marie.
Fleksibel utdanning i et nord-sørperspektiv ? om mastergradsstudiet Development Management.
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Exploring the gap of the digital divide - Conditions of connectivity and higher education participation.
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Dimensions of Flexibility - About the Relation Between Students, Technology and Distributed Education. - Media, technology and lifelong learning
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Zubaidah, Ida.
Distance Education and the Complexity of Accessing the Internet.
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Flexibility, technology, and the daily life practices of distance students living beyond the digital mainstream.
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
RE-conceptualisation of Research on the Relation Between Technology and Social Change in Open and Distance Education.
Information Technology, Education and Society
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Borgersen, Trond-Arne.
The Dynamics of a Low Budget Tourist Area: The case of Prawirotaman.
ASEAN Journal on Hospitality & Tourism
Academic article
Rye, Ståle Angen.
The Effect of Local Structures on Industrial Development in an International Tourism Resort: A case study of low budget tourism in Sosrowijayan.
Journal of Asian Business
Academic article
Part of book/report
Kurniawan, Nanang Indra;
Lujala, Päivi;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Negotiating Inclusion and Exclusion in Artisanal Oil Extraction: The Case of Two Villages in East Java, Indonesia.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Geografiske forskjeller, likhet og ulikhet i en sammenkoblet verden.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Young People’s Construction of Global Citizenship Through Internet Use.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moe, Carl Erik;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
E-læring som element i lederutvikling - Kan e-læring bidra til endring av lederutførelse?.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rye, Ståle Angen.
New Communication Technology and Distance Education - A case Study of a Master in Public Administartion in Indonesia.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Simonsen, Pål André Aarsand;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
IKT i skolens utvikling.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Austvik, Jostein;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Digitale medier, samfunnsfag og samfunnsengasjement.
Skriftserien, Universitet i Agder (154)
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Conditions of Connectivity. The Internet and the time-space of distance education in Indonesia.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (314)
Doctoral dissertation
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Moe, Carl Erik.
Dialog, kommunikasjon og e-læring.
Universitetet i Agder
Universitetet i Agder (144)
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Mellom tradisjon og ny teknologi.
Universitetet i Oslo
Universitetet i Oslo (20)
Rye, Ståle Angen;
Simonsen, Pål André Aarsand.
Mellom tradisjon og ny teknologi : en studie av elever og lærere i ett teknologitett læringsmiljø.
Universitetet i Oslo
Universitetet i Oslo (20)
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Mennesket og de fysiske omgivelsene : en teoretisk diskusjon.
Universitetet i Agder
Universitetet i Agder
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Mennesket og de fysiske omgivelsene - En teoreisk diskusjon.
Universitetet i Agder
Universitetet i Agder
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Geografiutdanning ved siden av jobb og utenfor lærestedet : en utredning av muligheter og konsekvenser av en utbygging av et fjernundervisning- og etterutdanningstilbud ved Geografisk institutt, NTNU.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (nr. 7)
- GEOG3021 - Internship - Innovasjon og bærekraftig samfunnsutvikling
- GEOG3100 - Samfunnsperspektiv på innovasjon og bærekraftig omstilling
- GEOG2022 - Globalisering og politikk for bærekraftig utvikling
- GEOG3012 - Internship - Globalisation and Sustainable Development
- GEOG3102 - Prosjekt innovasjon og bærekraftig samfunnsutvikling
- GEOG3950 - Masteroppgave - Innovasjon og bærekraftig samfunnsutvikling
- GEOG3951 - Masteroppgave - Innovasjon og bærekraftig samfunnsutvikling
Academic lectureKurniawan, Nanang Indra; Rye, Ståle Angen; Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2024) Justifying Mineral Extraction for Green Transitions in Times of Urgency. University of Copenhagen The 10th Nordic Geographers Meeting: Transitioning Geographies , Copenhagen 2024-06-24 - 2024-06-27
Academic lectureMyklebust, Helene; Karlsen, Asbjørn; Rye, Ståle Angen. (2019) Assessing knowledge spillover in ‘micro clusters’: Comparing two Coworking Spaces with varying degrees of specialization. Norwegian University of Science and Technology 8th Nordic Geographers Meeting , Trondheim 2019-06-17 - 2019-06-19
Academic lectureLysgård, Hans Kjetil; Rye, Ståle Angen. (2015) Transnational student mobility: in-between striated and smooth space. Association of American Geographers AAG 2015 , Chicago 2015-04-21 - 2015-04-25
InterviewRye, Ståle Angen. (2014) Elevene svermer til Wikipedia. Namdalsavisa Namdalsavisa [Internet] 2014-01-30
Academic lectureRye, Johan Fredrik; Rye, Ståle Angen. (2013) Transnational Rural Youth. Nordic Youth Research Symphosium , Tallinn 2013-06-12 - 2013-06-14
Academic lectureHidle, Knut; Lysgård, Hans Kjetil; Rye, Ståle Angen; Rye, Johan Fredrik. (2011) Transnational migration and connectivity: How skilled labour migrants connect to places and cultures. Roskilde Universitetscentre 4th Nordic Geographers Meeting , Roskilde 2011-05-24 - 2011-05-27
Academic lectureRye, Ståle Angen. (2011) What has rainforest in Kalimantan to do with Norway?. Uninversitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Scandinavian studies student group, UGM , Yogyakarta 2011-05-12 -
Academic lectureRye, Ståle Angen. (2011) Global social movements and the power of communication. Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Department of Politics and Governance, UGM , Yogyakarta 2011-05-24 -
Academic lectureRye, Ståle Angen. (2011) The new public space and the environmental movement. Uninversitas lampung (UNILA) School of Social and Political Sciences, UNILA , Bandar Lampung 2011-03-20 -
InterviewRye, Ståle Angen. (2011) Har verden på fingerspissene, men griper den ikke. Fedrelandsvennen Fedrelandsvennen [Newspaper] 2011-02-12
InterviewRye, Johan Fredrik; Rye, Ståle Angen; Austvik, Jostein. (2010) Nettgenerasjonen utfordrer skolen. Fedrelandsvennen Fedrelandsvennen [Newspaper] 2010-10-07
Academic lectureRye, Ståle Angen. (2010) Who benefits from the new media?. Uninversitas Gadjah Mada: The research group - New Media and Transformation of Power. utenTitteltekst , Jogyakarta, Indonesia 2010-12-16 - 2010-12-16
Academic lectureRye, Ståle Angen. (2009) Communication in Global Virtual Networks: Equal Collaboration or a new Dependency?. Nordic Geographers Meeting ? Change, Society Environment Scinece in Transcition , Turku, Finland 2009-08-11 - 2009-08-13
Academic lectureRye, Ståle Angen; Støkken, Anne Marie. (2009) The internet, global education and local students. The Norwegian Association for Development Research (NFU) Annual Conference: Development Challenges and alterantives , Kritiansand, Norway 2009-09-24 - 2009-09-24
Academic lectureRye, Ståle Angen. (2007) What does Technology do with the Flexibility of Distance Students? - A Case Study of Distance Students in Indonesia. 22nd ICDE World Conference on Disetance Education , Rio de Janerio 2007-09-03 - 2007-09-06
Academic lectureRye, Ståle Angen. (2007) Handling eller medlidenhet - Media og de unges forestillinger om en verden langt borte. Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige univeristet (NTNU) utenTitteltekst , Trondheim 2007-11-26 - 2007-11-27
Academic lectureRye, Ståle Angen. (2006) Det usikker og det emosjonelle - bilder av en verden langt borte. Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige univeristet (NTNU) Prosjekt fagformidling , Trondheim 2006-11-23 - 2006-11-23
Academic lectureRye, Ståle Angen. (2006) What does Technology do with the Flexibility of Distance Students? - A Case Study of Distance Students in Indonesia. 22nd ICDE World Conference on Distance Education. Promoting Quality in On-Line, Flexible and Distance Education , Rio de Janerio, Brasil 2006-07-07 - 2006-07-09
Academic lectureRye, Ståle Angen. (2005) Facing the access problem - A case study of distance students’ use of technology in Indonesia. The 19th AAOU Annual Conference: Quality and Capacity building in Open and Distance Learning" , Jakarta, Indonesia 2005-09-15 - 2005-09-17
Academic lectureRye, Ståle Angen. (2004) Does Technology Make any Difference for Students? - A Study of Distance Student¿s Daily Life and Their Use of Technology. 18th Annual Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU) Conference , Shanghai 2004-11-27 - 2004-11-29
PosterRye, Ståle Angen. (2003) Eleven som IKT-ekspert. Nasjonalt fagdidaktisk seminar - Konstruksjonen av ”Eleven” Elevkompetanser, elevsyn og faglig metode , Grimstad 2003-09-24 - 2003-09-26
Academic lectureRye, Ståle Angen. (2003) How flexible is the Flexible Student? - A comparative Study. Annual workshop 2003 “Information and Communication Technologies in Education in the South Beyond Futurological Prophecies and Critical Dystopias , Bergen 2003-10-02 - 2003-10-03
Academic lectureRye, Ståle Angen. (2002) Teknologi og endring i skolen - En studie av implementering av IKT i en videreående skole. Annual Conference of the Norwegian Geographical Society. , Trondheim 2002-05-04 - 2002-06-04
PosterRye, Ståle Angen. (2002) Teknologien tas i bruk. Forskningsseminar i regi av Forsknings- og kompetansenettverket for IT i utdanning (ITU) , kjøbenhavn 2002-06-07 - 2002-06-08
Popular scientific lectureRye, Ståle Angen. (2002) Bruk av Internett i skolen. Bygland Kommune utenTitteltekst , Bygland 2002-08-25 - 2002-08-25
Popular scientific lectureRye, Ståle Angen. (2002) Tekonlogi og endreinger i skolens pedaggiske praksis. Prosjekt inovasjon i læring og organisasjon og teknologi (PILOT), Eile utenTitteltekst , Farsund 2002-05-23 - 2002-05-23
Popular scientific lectureRye, Ståle Angen. (2001) Elever i teknologitette læringsmiløer. Prosjekt inovasjon i læring og organisasjon og teknologi (PILOT), Eile utenTitteltekst , Farsund 2001-05-20 - 2001-05-20
Popular scientific lectureRye, Ståle Angen. (2001) Når teknologien er tilstede, hvor er læreren?. Prosjekt inovasjon i læring og organisasjon og teknologi (PILOT), Eile utenTitteltekst , Farsund 2001-09-03 - 2001-09-03
Popular scientific lectureRye, Ståle Angen. (2001) Bruk av Internett i Samfunsfagsundervisningen. Evje-Hornes Kommune utenTitteltekst , Evje 2001-08-12 - 2001-08-12
Academic lectureRye, Ståle Angen; Borgersen, Trond-Arne. (2001) Tourism Industry - A Strategy for Growth and Development?. Business Management Review, Vol. 7, No. 1 , Dar es Salam 2001-09-18 - 2001-09-20
Academic lectureLysgård, Hans Kjetil; Rye, Ståle Angen; Hidle, Knut. (2001) Transnational student mobility. How transnational networks and mobility influence students’ geographical life path and work related career plans. Association of American Geographers AAG 2014 , Tampa 2001-04-08 - 2014-04-12
PosterRye, Ståle Angen. (2000) Hva er fjernt og hva er nært? - perspektiver på felksibel og didribuert læring. Fagseminar om fleksibel og disdribuert læring som strategi innen den videregående skolen , Vennelsa 2000-08-02 - 2000-08-02
Academic lectureRye, Ståle Angen; Borgersen, Trond-Arne; Stiawan, Khusdhianto. (2000) SMEs in the Low Budget Tourism – A Strategy for Growth and Development?. The 4th Annual International Conference on Africa Entrepreneurship and small Business Development(ICAESB) , 28-29 septembrm, 2000