Anita Kaltenborn
Happily employed at the Department of Biology with special responsibility within the subject Bi1002, Faunistics and Floristics. Responsible for administrative tasks such as course planning, implementation and coordination of, among other things, lab, field activity and graduation. Teach the invertebrates, which involves lectures/flipped classrooms as well as field and lab teaching. Assists in lab teaching for other lecturers and in other courses as well as supporting teaching and research assignments related to the department. Responsible for keeping track of and maintaining the systematic collection of animals used in teaching. Ethanol Responsibility. Coordinates rental of Sletvik field station. In addition, responsibilities and tasks in the field of dissemination include, among other things, visits by school students and other events. I like both Inspera and Blacboard. Feel free to contact me if you have questions.
Altin, Dag;
Bakken, Torkild;
Rapp, Hans Tore;
Kaltenborn, Anita;
Sandlund, Vera.
Systematisk oversikt i faunistikk. BI1002 Faunistikk og floristikk. Utgave 3.0.
Institutt for biologi, NTNU
Kaltenborn, Anita.
Pathophysiological events occurring on endothelial cells after bubble formation made by decompression sickness: An evaluation of methods of treatment and the experimental procedures applied.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Thesis at a second degree level
Kaltenborn, Anita.
Pathophysiological events occurring on endothelial cells after bubble formation made by decompression sickness: An evaluation of methods of treatment and the experimental procedures applied.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Thesis at a second degree level
Altin, Dag;
Bakken, Torkild;
Rapp, Hans Tore;
Kaltenborn, Anita;
Sandlund, Vera.
Systematisk oversikt i faunistikk. BI1002 Faunistikk og floristikk. Utgave 3.0.
Institutt for biologi, NTNU
Kaltenborn, Anita.
Pathophysiological events occurring on endothelial cells after bubble formation made by decompression sickness: An evaluation of methods of treatment and the experimental procedures applied.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Thesis at a second degree level
Kaltenborn, Anita.
Pathophysiological events occurring on endothelial cells after bubble formation made by decompression sickness: An evaluation of methods of treatment and the experimental procedures applied.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Thesis at a second degree level
Knowledge Transfer
PosterAltin, Dag; Kaltenborn, Anita; Bakken, Torkild. (2004) På genjakt etter flekkskate. Kjenner vi skatene i Norge?. Norske havforskeres forening Årsmøtet 2004 , Trondheim 2004-11-04 - 2004-11-06