Ann Rigmor Nerheim
Ankeret, B415, Ålesund, Larsgårdsvegen 2
Æsøy, Lene;
Zhang, Houxiang;
Nerheim, Ann Rigmor.
Specific Fuel Oil Consumption Models for Simulating Energy Consumption of Wellboats.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Æsøy, Lene;
Piehl, Henry Peter;
Nerheim, Ann Rigmor.
Energy consumption and operational profile of a wellboat—Analysis of a field study.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Hansen, Irina-Emily;
Berstad Maraak, Rita;
Hildre, Hans Petter;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Nerheim, Ann Rigmor;
Strand, Øivind.
Grønn kai 2023. Sluttrapport.
Haugen, Randi Wenche;
Brekke, Kirsti;
Nerheim, Ann Rigmor;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Emblemsvåg, Jan.
NTNU kveld: Nok grønn energi til alle?.
NTNU kveld: Nok grønn energi til alle?
Other presentation
Hennum, Tor;
Skjong, Stian;
Ladstein, Jarle;
Kjerstad, Øivind Kåre;
Nerheim, Ann Rigmor.
A modeling and simulation based assessment of switching fuels for a norwegian fishing vessel.
ECMS European Council for Modelling and Simulation
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hansen, Irina-Emily;
Johansen, Torjus Levinsen;
Nydegger, Elise;
Lødemel Vedeld, Katrine;
Huseklepp Tunli, Emil André;
Sigurdsen Røstad, Erlen.
Prosjekt Grønn Kai -rapport sommerjobb 2022.
Nerheim, Ann Rigmor;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Slotsvik, Håkon;
Refsland, Hanna.
Utredning av LBG fyllestasjon for Ålesundsregionen.
NTNU Ålesund
Journal publications
Æsøy, Lene;
Zhang, Houxiang;
Nerheim, Ann Rigmor.
Specific Fuel Oil Consumption Models for Simulating Energy Consumption of Wellboats.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Æsøy, Lene;
Piehl, Henry Peter;
Nerheim, Ann Rigmor.
Energy consumption and operational profile of a wellboat—Analysis of a field study.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Part of book/report
Hennum, Tor;
Skjong, Stian;
Ladstein, Jarle;
Kjerstad, Øivind Kåre;
Nerheim, Ann Rigmor.
A modeling and simulation based assessment of switching fuels for a norwegian fishing vessel.
ECMS European Council for Modelling and Simulation
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hansen, Irina-Emily;
Berstad Maraak, Rita;
Hildre, Hans Petter;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Nerheim, Ann Rigmor;
Strand, Øivind.
Grønn kai 2023. Sluttrapport.
Hansen, Irina-Emily;
Johansen, Torjus Levinsen;
Nydegger, Elise;
Lødemel Vedeld, Katrine;
Huseklepp Tunli, Emil André;
Sigurdsen Røstad, Erlen.
Prosjekt Grønn Kai -rapport sommerjobb 2022.
Nerheim, Ann Rigmor;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Slotsvik, Håkon;
Refsland, Hanna.
Utredning av LBG fyllestasjon for Ålesundsregionen.
NTNU Ålesund
Haugen, Randi Wenche;
Brekke, Kirsti;
Nerheim, Ann Rigmor;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Emblemsvåg, Jan.
NTNU kveld: Nok grønn energi til alle?.
NTNU kveld: Nok grønn energi til alle?
Other presentation
- FENG1101 - Introduction to Renewable Energy 1
- FENG1102 - Introduction to Renewable Energy 2
- FENA2021 - Solar energy
- SKID2303 - Credits Rewarding Practice
- ELEA1002 - Electric circuits - modelling and analysis
- FENA1102 - Introduction to Renewable Energy 2
- FENA1201 - Electrical engineering
- IP500115 - Machinery for Power transmission – design and analysis
- FENA2320 - Energy conversion and system integration
- FENA1011 - Engineering Thermodynamics
- FENA1101 - Introduction to Renewable Energy 1
- FENT1101 - Introduction to Renewable Energy 1
- FENA2101 - Electrical energy systems and microgrids
- FENT1102 - Introduction to Renewable Energy 2
- ELEA1001 - Electrical circuits - introduction
- FENA2900 - Bachelor Thesis Renewable Energy
- TF101321 - Thermodynamics and fluid flow
Knowledge Transfer
Popular scientific lectureHansen, Irina-Emily; Berstad Maraak, Rita; Hildre, Hans Petter; Æsøy, Vilmar; Nerheim, Ann Rigmor; Strand, Øivind. (2023) GRØNN KAI 2023. Sluttpresentasjon NTNU- næringslivet- Stranda kommune og Stranda Hamnevesen. NTNU Grønn Kai 2023- Sluttpresentasjon , Ålesund 2023-08-28 - 2023-08-28
Academic lectureNerheim, Ann Rigmor; Hennum, Tor; Æsøy, Lene. (2023) Boil-off rate in LNG storage tanks as a function of initial liquid tempeature. ECMS - European Council for Modelling and Simulation ECMS International Conference on Modelling and Simulation ECMS 2023, , Florence 2023-06-20 - 2023-06-23
Academic lectureÆsøy, Lene; Piehl, Henry Peter; Nerheim, Ann Rigmor. (2022) System simulation-based feasibility and performance study of alternative fuel concepts for aquaculture wellboats. ASME 41st International Conference on Ocean - OMAE2022 , Hamburg 2022-06-05 - 2022-06-10
LectureHansen, Irina-Emily; Johansen, Torjus Levinsen; Nydegger, Elise; Huseklepp Tunli, Emil André; Sigurdsen Røstad, Erlen; Rødli Gjørtz, Hauk Emil. (2022) Prosjekt Grønn Kai-presentasjon resultater sommerjobb 2022. NTNU Grønn kai 2022: Forskningsresultater og veien videre , Ålesund 2022-09-08 -
LectureHansen, Irina-Emily; Levisen Johansen, Torjus; Hildre, Hans Petter; Nerheim, Ann Rigmor; Bryne, Lars Petter; Nord, Torodd Skjerve. (2021) Grønn kai - ny infrastruktur for utsleppsfrie fartøy - Workshop på Campus Ålesund. NTNU Aalesund Grønn kai prosjekt status 2021 , Norsk Maritime Kompetansesenter 2021-09-10 -
LectureNerheim, Ann Rigmor; Æsøy, Vilmar; Holmeset, Finn Tore. (2021) How to implement hydrogen as energy carrier in maritime energy systems?. Hydrogen Mission Hydrogen Online Workshop 2021 2021-03-25 - 2021-03-25
LectureNerheim, Ann Rigmor; Æsøy, Vilmar; Holmeset, Finn Tore. (2021) Hydrogen i maritime energisystem - Muligheter og utfordringer . GCE Blue Maritime Clustser og NTNU Fremtidens maritime energisystem - Hydrogenteknologi på skip , Webinar 2021-02-10 - 2021-02-10
Academic lectureNerheim, Ann Rigmor. (2015) LNG fuel systems for ships - experiences, challenges and solutions. 6th Gas fuelled ships conference, Hamburg, 2015. 2015-11-10 - 2015-11-12