Arne Stormo
Stormo, Arne;
Grip, Jorunn.
Forstå, ikke bare gjøre. - Hva skjer i gruppesamtaler blant elever i videregående skole under eksperimenter i fysikk?.
Nordic Studies in Science Education
Academic article
Stormo, Arne;
Lengliné, Olivier;
Schmittbuhl, Jean;
Hansen, Alex.
Soft-Clamp Fiber Bundle Model and Interfacial Crack Propagation: Comparison Using a Non-linear Imposed Displacement.
Frontiers in Physics
Academic article
Gjerden, Knut Skogstrand;
Stormo, Arne;
Hansen, Alex.
Local dynamics of a randomly pinned crack front: a numerical study.
Frontiers in Physics
Academic article
Gjerden, Knut Skogstrand;
Stormo, Arne;
Hansen, Alex.
Universality classes of constrained crack growth.
Physical Review Letters
Academic article
Gjerden, Knut Skogstrand;
Stormo, Arne;
Hansen, Alex.
A model for stable interfacial crack growth.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Stormo, Arne;
Gjerden, Knut Skogstrand;
Hansen, Alex.
Onset of localization in heterogeneous interfacial failure.
Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
Academic article
Journal publications
Stormo, Arne;
Grip, Jorunn.
Forstå, ikke bare gjøre. - Hva skjer i gruppesamtaler blant elever i videregående skole under eksperimenter i fysikk?.
Nordic Studies in Science Education
Academic article
Stormo, Arne;
Lengliné, Olivier;
Schmittbuhl, Jean;
Hansen, Alex.
Soft-Clamp Fiber Bundle Model and Interfacial Crack Propagation: Comparison Using a Non-linear Imposed Displacement.
Frontiers in Physics
Academic article
Gjerden, Knut Skogstrand;
Stormo, Arne;
Hansen, Alex.
Local dynamics of a randomly pinned crack front: a numerical study.
Frontiers in Physics
Academic article
Gjerden, Knut Skogstrand;
Stormo, Arne;
Hansen, Alex.
Universality classes of constrained crack growth.
Physical Review Letters
Academic article
Gjerden, Knut Skogstrand;
Stormo, Arne;
Hansen, Alex.
A model for stable interfacial crack growth.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Stormo, Arne;
Gjerden, Knut Skogstrand;
Hansen, Alex.
Onset of localization in heterogeneous interfacial failure.
Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
Academic article
Popular scientific lectureDaae, Marianne; De Wit, Rosmarie Johanna; Kleinknecht, Nora; Stormo, Arne; Poudroux, Jean-Michael Yves; Parelius, Thomas Christoffer. (2012) Stand på forskningstorget, Trondheim 2012. Forskningstorget Trondheim 2012 2012-09-28 - 2012-09-29
Popular scientific lectureKleinknecht, Nora; De Wit, Rosmarie Johanna; Daae, Marianne; Bojesen, Troels Arnfred; Galteland, Peder Notto; Enoksen, Henrik. (2012) Stand på researcher's night 2012 "Fysikk på kjøkken". Researcher's night 2012 2012-09-28 -