Arnstein Watn
Byggteknisk, Gløshaugen
Dai, Jian;
Hellan, Øyvind;
Watn, Arnstein;
Kok Keng, Ang.
Modular Multi-purpose Floating Structures for Space Creation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ang, Kok Keng;
Dai, Jian;
Hellan, Øyvind;
Watn, Arnstein;
Si, Michael Boon Ing.
Design and potential applications of floating structures in Singapore.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hoff, Inge;
Scibilia, Elena;
Rieksts, Karlis;
Loranger, Benoit;
Watn, Arnstein.
Sluttrapport FROST-prosjektet.
Hoff, Inge;
Watn, Arnstein.
Design of roads using frost insulation materials – case study new E6 in Hedmark, Norway .
Norges teknisk naturvitenskapelig universitet, NTNU
Dai, Jian;
Ang, Kok Keng;
Jin, Jingzhe;
Wang, Chien Ming;
Hellan, Øyvind;
Watn, Arnstein.
Large floating structure with free-floating, self-stabilizing tanks for hydrocarbon storage.
Academic article
Grimstad, Gustav;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Watn, Arnstein;
Hoff, Inge.
Frost protection in roads using insulation materials.
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wan, Ling;
Magee, Allan Ross;
Hellan, Øyvind;
Watn, Arnstein;
Ang, Kok Keng;
Wang, Chien Ming.
Initial Design of a Double Curved Floating Bridge and Global Hydrodynamic Responses Under Environmental Conditions.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Górniak, Joanna;
Tankéré, Marie;
Delmas, Philippe;
Barral, Camille;
Watn, Arnstein;
Hyrve, Oddvar.
Determination of pull-out strength and interface friction of geosynthetic reinforcement embedded in expanded clay LWA.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Le, Thi Minh Hue;
Christensen, Stein Olav;
Watn, Arnstein;
Christiansen, L.F.;
Emdal, Arnfinn;
Norem, Harald.
Effects of deflection wall on run-up height of debris flow.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Górniak, Joanna;
Villard, Pascal;
Barral, C.;
Delmas, Ph.;
Watn, Arnstein.
Experimental and analytical studies of geosynthetic tubes filled with expanded clay lightweight aggregate.
Geosynthetics International
Academic article
Bæverfjord, Maj Gøril Glåmen;
Tangen, Håkon;
Wold, Magne;
Watn, Arnstein.
Observations of condition and functionality of soil-filled geosynthetic bags for erosion protection purposes along an Arctic coastline.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Watn, Arnstein;
Finseth, Jomar;
Delmas, Philippe;
Górniak, Joanna;
Pettersen, Tom Atle.
Construction of retaining walls combining geosynthetic reinforcement and expanded clay lightweight aggregates.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thakur, Vikas;
Oset, Frode;
Degago, Samson Abate;
Aabøe, Roald;
Watn, Arnstein.
Transportation Infrastructure on Soft Sensitive Clays: Some Essential Aspects and Examples.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Finseth, Jomar;
Bæverfjord, Maj Gøril Glåmen;
Lothe, Arne Erling;
Watn, Arnstein;
Delmas, Philippe.
Use of geosynthetics for coastal protection in Arctic areas.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Watn, Arnstein;
Hoff, Inge.
Virkemåten og mulighetene er mange - slik kan armering brukes i veger.
Våre veger
Popular scientific article
Artieres, Olivier;
Lostumbo, J;
Watn, Arnstein;
Bæverfjord, Maj Gøril Glåmen;
Delmas, Philippe;
Caquel, F.
Geosynthetics as eco‐friendly defence against erosion in arctic regions.
Proceedings of the The 63rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference and the 6th Canadian Permafrost Conference, Alberta, Canada
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Oiseth, E;
Thakur, V;
Watn, Arnstein.
Application of geosynthetics reinforcement in freezing thawing roads: A case study from Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Dai, Jian;
Ang, Kok Keng;
Jin, Jingzhe;
Wang, Chien Ming;
Hellan, Øyvind;
Watn, Arnstein.
Large floating structure with free-floating, self-stabilizing tanks for hydrocarbon storage.
Academic article
Górniak, Joanna;
Villard, Pascal;
Barral, C.;
Delmas, Ph.;
Watn, Arnstein.
Experimental and analytical studies of geosynthetic tubes filled with expanded clay lightweight aggregate.
Geosynthetics International
Academic article
Watn, Arnstein;
Hoff, Inge.
Virkemåten og mulighetene er mange - slik kan armering brukes i veger.
Våre veger
Popular scientific article
Artieres, Olivier;
Lostumbo, J;
Watn, Arnstein;
Bæverfjord, Maj Gøril Glåmen;
Delmas, Philippe;
Caquel, F.
Geosynthetics as eco‐friendly defence against erosion in arctic regions.
Proceedings of the The 63rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference and the 6th Canadian Permafrost Conference, Alberta, Canada
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Part of book/report
Dai, Jian;
Hellan, Øyvind;
Watn, Arnstein;
Kok Keng, Ang.
Modular Multi-purpose Floating Structures for Space Creation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ang, Kok Keng;
Dai, Jian;
Hellan, Øyvind;
Watn, Arnstein;
Si, Michael Boon Ing.
Design and potential applications of floating structures in Singapore.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Watn, Arnstein;
Hoff, Inge.
Frost protection in roads using insulation materials.
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wan, Ling;
Magee, Allan Ross;
Hellan, Øyvind;
Watn, Arnstein;
Ang, Kok Keng;
Wang, Chien Ming.
Initial Design of a Double Curved Floating Bridge and Global Hydrodynamic Responses Under Environmental Conditions.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Górniak, Joanna;
Tankéré, Marie;
Delmas, Philippe;
Barral, Camille;
Watn, Arnstein;
Hyrve, Oddvar.
Determination of pull-out strength and interface friction of geosynthetic reinforcement embedded in expanded clay LWA.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Le, Thi Minh Hue;
Christensen, Stein Olav;
Watn, Arnstein;
Christiansen, L.F.;
Emdal, Arnfinn;
Norem, Harald.
Effects of deflection wall on run-up height of debris flow.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bæverfjord, Maj Gøril Glåmen;
Tangen, Håkon;
Wold, Magne;
Watn, Arnstein.
Observations of condition and functionality of soil-filled geosynthetic bags for erosion protection purposes along an Arctic coastline.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Watn, Arnstein;
Finseth, Jomar;
Delmas, Philippe;
Górniak, Joanna;
Pettersen, Tom Atle.
Construction of retaining walls combining geosynthetic reinforcement and expanded clay lightweight aggregates.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thakur, Vikas;
Oset, Frode;
Degago, Samson Abate;
Aabøe, Roald;
Watn, Arnstein.
Transportation Infrastructure on Soft Sensitive Clays: Some Essential Aspects and Examples.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Finseth, Jomar;
Bæverfjord, Maj Gøril Glåmen;
Lothe, Arne Erling;
Watn, Arnstein;
Delmas, Philippe.
Use of geosynthetics for coastal protection in Arctic areas.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Oiseth, E;
Thakur, V;
Watn, Arnstein.
Application of geosynthetics reinforcement in freezing thawing roads: A case study from Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hoff, Inge;
Scibilia, Elena;
Rieksts, Karlis;
Loranger, Benoit;
Watn, Arnstein.
Sluttrapport FROST-prosjektet.
Hoff, Inge;
Watn, Arnstein.
Design of roads using frost insulation materials – case study new E6 in Hedmark, Norway .
Norges teknisk naturvitenskapelig universitet, NTNU
Academic lectureGrimstad, Gustav; Watn, Arnstein; Degago, Samson Abate; Dadrasajirlou, Davood; Haugen, Ellen Davis; Dolva, Bjørn Kristoffer. (2024) FORSKNINGSPROJEKT SAUNA - STABILITET AV NATURLIGE SKRÅNINGER I KVIKKLEIRE - CASE TOFTE, HALSNØY. Norsk geoteknisk forening Geoteknikkdagen 2024 , Oslo 2024-11-01 - 2024-11-01
Academic lectureGrimstad, Gustav; Degago, Samson Abate; Dadrasajirlou, Davood; Watn, Arnstein; Haugen, Ellen Davis; Brattlien, Kjetil. (2024) STABILITY OF NATURAL SLOPES - ROBUSTNESS AND SAFETY. Swedish geotechnical society 19th Nordic Geotechnical Meeting , Gothenburg 2024-09-18 - 2024-09-20
InterviewHoff, Inge; Watn, Arnstein; Homleid, Ådne. (2019) Anbefaler å endre retningslinjene for veibygging. Byggeindustrien Byggeindustrien [Business/trade/industry journal] 2019-06-20
Academic lectureWatn, Arnstein; Hoff, Inge; Recker, Christian. (2016) Geosynthetics for road pavements in Cold climate. International geosyntetic society 6th EUROPEAN GEOSYNTHETICS CONGRESS , LJUBLJANA 2016-09-25 - 2016-09-28
LectureLe, Thi Minh Hue; Christensen, Stein Olav; Watn, Arnstein; Christiansen, L. F.; Emdal, Arnfinn; Norem, Harald. (2016) Effects of deflection wall on run-up height of debris flow. ISL 2016 , Napoli 2016-06-12 - 2016-06-19
LectureTime, Berit; Watn, Arnstein. (2015) SFI Klima 2050. Dialogmøte. Miljødirektoratet. , Oslo 2015-05-07 -
LectureWatn, Arnstein; Christensen, Stein Olav. (2015) Sluttrapport fra NIFS-programmet - en orientering. Lunsjpresentasjon i Klima 2050 , Trondheim/Oslo 2015-12-10 -
LectureFinseth, Jomar; Watn, Arnstein; Delmas, Philippe; Górniak, Joanna; Pettersen, Tom Atle. (2013) TeMaSi – INNOVATIV LØSNING FOR BYGGING AV BRATTE SKRÅNINGER MED GEOSYNTETER OG LETTKLINKER. NJFF Geoteknikkdagen , Oslo 2013-11-22 -
Academic lectureWatn, Arnstein. (2010) Recovery of alternative fuels and raw materials and treatment of organic hazardous wastes through co-processing in resource and energy intensive industry in India. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) / SINTEF Building and Infrastructure Indo-Norwegian Workshop on Environmental Friendly Strategy for Waste Management in India Utilising Cement and Concrete Production Technology , Nagpur, India 2010-10-06 - 2010-10-06
Academic lectureLisø, Kim Robert; Watn, Arnstein. (2010) Climate change | Buildings and infrastructure. PhD course BA 8107 “Consequences of climate change on buildings and infrastructure” , NTNU, Gløshaugen, Trondheim 2010-03-24 - 2010-03-24
Academic lectureWatn, Arnstein. (2010) SINTEF's activities in India. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) / SINTEF Building and Infrastructure Indo-Norwegian Workshop on Environmental Friendly Strategy for Waste Management in India Utilising Cement and Concrete Production Technology , Nagpur, India 2010-10-06 - 2010-10-06