Arthur Mason
Arthur Mason is a political anthropologist specializing in energy security, ecological vulnerability, and aesthetics and futurity. His publications focus on extractive industry, futurity, and expertise.
Dr. Mason is completing a book manuscript titled Energy Image: Aesthetic Abstractions of Progress and Form which draws on affective imagery in the formation of energy planning. He has edited two volumes titled Arctic Abstractive Industry: Assembling the Valuable and Vulnerable North (Berghahn 2022) and Subterranean Estates: Life Worlds of Oil and Gas (Cornell 2016).
Dr. Mason's forthcoming book Energy Capitol: The Waning of Regulatory Form (Routledge 2024) explores the erosion of regulatory politics surrounding large-scale energy systems at the turn of the millennium. By illuminating key aspects of political decision-making processes on energy transportation infrastructure, Energy Capitol highlights the activities of regulatory intellectuals involved in large technical systems planning.
StudioPolar: The Registry explores secondary analysis of contrasting epistemic artefacts. Dr. Mason holds a Visiting Senior Fellow position in anthropology at London School of Economics.
Expertise Details
Energy Politics and policy; The Anthropocene; Event Ethnography; Cultures of Expertise; Arctic Late Industrialism
Select awards:
2021 – 2023 Peder-Sather Center for Advanced Study, UC Berkeley
2020 – 2023 U.S. National Science Foundation, UC Berkeley
2019 – 2020 Peder-Sather Center for Advanced Study, NADO Trondheim
2017 – 2018 Peder-Sather Center for Advanced Study, NADO Berkeley
2017 – 2018 DAAD Programme, Freie Universität Berlin
2016 – 2017 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship
2015 – 2018 Fulbright U.S. Scholar - Russia, St. Petersburg State University
2014 – 2018 U.S. National Science Foundation, Rice University
2013 – 2014 Ciriacy-Wantrup Fellow, UC Berkeley
2012 – 2013 Fulbright U.S. Scholar - Norway, University of Tromsø
2012 – 2013 Wenner-Gren Hunt Postdoctoral Fellow, UC Berkeley
2011 – 2013 U.S. National Science Foundation, UC Berkeley
2010 – 2011 U.S. National Science Foundation, Arizona State University
2006 – 2007 Fulbright U.S. Scholar - Canada, University of Calgary
Mason, Arthur.
Energy Capitol: The Waning of Regulatory Form.
Academic monograph
Mason, Arthur.
Empathy for the Graph.
Edinburgh University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mason, Arthur.
Synnøve K. N. Bendixsen and Edvard Hviding: Anthropology in Norway: Directions, Locations, Relations.
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Book review
Carson, Siri Granum;
Jenssen, Munro, Bjoern;
Johnsen, Geir;
Mason, Arthur.
En bærekraftig fremtid for Svalbard
– er utvinning av dyphavsmineraler
en del av svaret?.
Feature article
Mason, Arthur.
Arctic Abstractive Industry: Assembling the Valuable and Vulnerable North.
Berghahn Books
Berghahn Books
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Mason, Arthur.
Deluxe energy: Newly commodified regimes of luxurious energy.
Academic Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mason, Arthur.
Arctic Late Industrialism: Extracting Value through Abstraction.
Berghahn Books
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mason, Arthur.
Representation Without Resemblance: Graphical Expression in Hydrocarbon Industry.
Berghahn Books
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mason, Arthur.
From Northern Lights to Fluorescent Lights.
Berghahn Books
Mason, Arthur.
Consulting virtue: from judgement to decision-making in the natural gas industry.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Consulting Arctic Energy.
Mason, Arthur;
Watts, Michael;
Appel, Hannah.
Subterranean Estates: Life Worlds of Oil and Gas.
Cornell University Press (CUP)
Cornell University Press (CUP)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Mason, Arthur.
Events Collectives: The Social Life of a Promise-Disappointment Cycle.
Cornell University Press (CUP)
Mason, Arthur.
Arctic Abstractive Industry: Assessing the Valuable and Vulnerable North.
Cultural Anthropology Hot Spots
Popular scientific article
Mason, Arthur.
Arctic energy image: hydrocarbon aesthetics of progress and form.
Polar Geography
Academic article
Mason, Arthur;
Watts, Michael;
Appel, Hannah.
Oil Talk.
Cornell University Press (CUP)
Mason, Arthur.
Growth Imperative: Intermediaries, Discourse Frameworks, and the Arctic.
Yale University Press
Mason, Arthur.
Naming an Endless Process of Indigenization.
Current Anthropology
Book review
Mason, Arthur.
Inside the Energy Salon: Installation and Illusions of Finality.
Journal of business anthropology
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Cartel Consciousness and Horizontal Integration in Energy Industry.
Left Coast Press Inc.
Mason, Arthur.
Homo Energeticus: Maturity, Inheritance, Identity.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Natural Gas Industry Restructuring as Ethnographic Present.
The Polar Journal
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Corporeality of Consultant Expertise in Arctic Natural Gas Development.
Journal of Northern Studies
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Forms of Time in Alaska Natural Gas Development.
Polar Record
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Whither the Historicities of Alutiiq Heritage Work are Drifting.
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Mason, Arthur.
Vanguard Alutiiq Heritage Practice and the Import of Expertise.
Études Inuit Studies (EIS)
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Neglected Structures of Governance in US-Canadian Cross-Border Relations.
American Review of Canadian Studies
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Of Enlightenment and Alaska Early Moderns.
Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Rise of Consultant Forecasting in Liberalized Natural Gas Markets.
Public culture
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Images of the Energy Future.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
The Condition of Market Formation on Alaska’s Natural Gas Frontier.
Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Registering Discontinuity in Energy Market Analysis.
Knowledge, Technology and Policy
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Arctic Natural Gas: Reserves and Production.
Mason, Arthur.
Modernity and Decay of Alaska's Natural Gas Pipeline.
University of California Berkeley
Doctoral dissertation
Mason, Arthur.
The Rise of an Alaska Native Bourgeoisie.
Études Inuit Studies (EIS)
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
In a Strange Turn of Events: How Alutiiq Cultural Pride became a Commodity.
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Masters thesis
Journal publications
Mason, Arthur.
Synnøve K. N. Bendixsen and Edvard Hviding: Anthropology in Norway: Directions, Locations, Relations.
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Book review
Carson, Siri Granum;
Jenssen, Munro, Bjoern;
Johnsen, Geir;
Mason, Arthur.
En bærekraftig fremtid for Svalbard
– er utvinning av dyphavsmineraler
en del av svaret?.
Feature article
Mason, Arthur.
Consulting virtue: from judgement to decision-making in the natural gas industry.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Arctic Abstractive Industry: Assessing the Valuable and Vulnerable North.
Cultural Anthropology Hot Spots
Popular scientific article
Mason, Arthur.
Arctic energy image: hydrocarbon aesthetics of progress and form.
Polar Geography
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Naming an Endless Process of Indigenization.
Current Anthropology
Book review
Mason, Arthur.
Inside the Energy Salon: Installation and Illusions of Finality.
Journal of business anthropology
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Homo Energeticus: Maturity, Inheritance, Identity.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Natural Gas Industry Restructuring as Ethnographic Present.
The Polar Journal
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Corporeality of Consultant Expertise in Arctic Natural Gas Development.
Journal of Northern Studies
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Forms of Time in Alaska Natural Gas Development.
Polar Record
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Vanguard Alutiiq Heritage Practice and the Import of Expertise.
Études Inuit Studies (EIS)
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Neglected Structures of Governance in US-Canadian Cross-Border Relations.
American Review of Canadian Studies
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Of Enlightenment and Alaska Early Moderns.
Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Rise of Consultant Forecasting in Liberalized Natural Gas Markets.
Public culture
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Images of the Energy Future.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
The Condition of Market Formation on Alaska’s Natural Gas Frontier.
Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Registering Discontinuity in Energy Market Analysis.
Knowledge, Technology and Policy
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
The Rise of an Alaska Native Bourgeoisie.
Études Inuit Studies (EIS)
Academic article
Mason, Arthur.
Energy Capitol: The Waning of Regulatory Form.
Academic monograph
Mason, Arthur.
Arctic Abstractive Industry: Assembling the Valuable and Vulnerable North.
Berghahn Books
Berghahn Books
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Mason, Arthur;
Watts, Michael;
Appel, Hannah.
Subterranean Estates: Life Worlds of Oil and Gas.
Cornell University Press (CUP)
Cornell University Press (CUP)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Mason, Arthur.
Empathy for the Graph.
Edinburgh University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mason, Arthur.
Deluxe energy: Newly commodified regimes of luxurious energy.
Academic Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mason, Arthur.
Arctic Late Industrialism: Extracting Value through Abstraction.
Berghahn Books
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mason, Arthur.
Representation Without Resemblance: Graphical Expression in Hydrocarbon Industry.
Berghahn Books
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mason, Arthur.
From Northern Lights to Fluorescent Lights.
Berghahn Books
Mason, Arthur.
Consulting Arctic Energy.
Mason, Arthur.
Events Collectives: The Social Life of a Promise-Disappointment Cycle.
Cornell University Press (CUP)
Mason, Arthur;
Watts, Michael;
Appel, Hannah.
Oil Talk.
Cornell University Press (CUP)
Mason, Arthur.
Growth Imperative: Intermediaries, Discourse Frameworks, and the Arctic.
Yale University Press
Mason, Arthur.
Cartel Consciousness and Horizontal Integration in Energy Industry.
Left Coast Press Inc.
Mason, Arthur.
Whither the Historicities of Alutiiq Heritage Work are Drifting.
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Mason, Arthur.
Arctic Natural Gas: Reserves and Production.
Mason, Arthur.
Modernity and Decay of Alaska's Natural Gas Pipeline.
University of California Berkeley
Doctoral dissertation
Mason, Arthur.
In a Strange Turn of Events: How Alutiiq Cultural Pride became a Commodity.
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Masters thesis
Knowledge Transfer
Popular scientific lectureMason, Arthur. (2022) Notes to an Aestheticized Economy of Asset Description. Trondheim Academy of Art Expert in Teams , Trondheim 2022-01-14 - 2022-01-14
Popular scientific lectureMason, Arthur. (2022) Visualizing the Anthropocene. Department of Anthropology Presentation to Anthropology and the Anthropocene undergraduate and MA course, Department of Anthropology, London School of Economics, London, United Kingdom , London School of Economics 2022-10-18 - 2022-10-18
LectureMason, Arthur. (2022) Energy Image: Hydrocarbon Aesthetics of Progress and Form. Department of Anthropology, London School of Economics Book proposal presentation , London School of Economics 2022-11-16 - 2022-11-16
LectureMason, Arthur. (2022) Ethics and Aesthetics of Energy Development. Green/Black Research Council Norway Green/Black Research Council Norway Project kick-off 2022-04-22 - 2022-04-22
Academic lectureMason, Arthur. (2022) Ethical Performance and Ethical Aesthetics as Cultural Practice. SINTEF Oceans Invited Seminar Lecture , Trondheim 2022-05-25 -
Popular scientific lectureMason, Arthur. (2022) Transitions - Engaging Knowledge, Interest, and Critique. NTNU Oceans Transitions - Engaging Knowledge, Interest, and Critique Evening Workshop at NTNU Ocean Week 2022-05-02 - 2022-05-02
Academic lectureMason, Arthur. (2022) Arctic Late Industrialism: Governance of Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Restoration. China-Norway Marine University consortium China-Norway Marine University Consortium Alliance Annual Academic Conference 2022-11-14 - 2022-11-15
Popular scientific lectureMason, Arthur. (2022) The Changing Arctic at NTNU Ocean Week. NTNU Oceans NTNU Ocean Week 2022 2022-05-03 - 2022-05-03
Academic lectureMason, Arthur. (2022) Charting the Translocal Arctic. Arctic Frontiers AS Arctic Frontiers 2022-05-08 - 2022-08-11