Bente Thyli
Kolstad, Lena Rengård;
Thyli, Bente.
Hvordan opplever videreutdanningsstudenter i operasjonssykepleie læringsmiljøet ved operasjonsavdelinger?.
Inspira – tidsskrift for anestesi-, operasjon- og intensivsykepleiere
Academic article
Thyli, Bente.
Det er en strykprosent helt ute av proposjoner i sykepleierutdanning.
Tidsskriftet sykepleien
Reader opinion piece
Thyli, Bente.
Med makt og mulighet til å endre.
Reader opinion piece
Brooker, Kathrine Johnsen;
Vikan, Magnhild;
Thyli, Bente.
A Qualitative Exploratory Study of Norwegian OR Nurses' Patient Positioning Priorities .
AORN Journal
Academic article
Thyli, Bente;
Hedelin, Birgitta;
Athlin, Elsy.
Experiences of health and care when growing old in Norway - From the perspective of elderly immigrants with minority ethnic backgrounds.
Clinical Nursing Studies
Academic article
Thyli, Bente;
Dawes, Twinkle;
Sharma, Madhu.
Eldre og helse.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thyli, Bente;
Athlin, Elsy;
Hedelin, Birgitta.
Challenges in community health nursing of old migrant patients in Norway an exploratory study.
International Journal of Older People Nursing
Academic article
Thyli, Bente.
Grenseløs omsorg.
Oppland arbeiderblad
Feature article
Journal publications
Kolstad, Lena Rengård;
Thyli, Bente.
Hvordan opplever videreutdanningsstudenter i operasjonssykepleie læringsmiljøet ved operasjonsavdelinger?.
Inspira – tidsskrift for anestesi-, operasjon- og intensivsykepleiere
Academic article
Thyli, Bente.
Det er en strykprosent helt ute av proposjoner i sykepleierutdanning.
Tidsskriftet sykepleien
Reader opinion piece
Thyli, Bente.
Med makt og mulighet til å endre.
Reader opinion piece
Brooker, Kathrine Johnsen;
Vikan, Magnhild;
Thyli, Bente.
A Qualitative Exploratory Study of Norwegian OR Nurses' Patient Positioning Priorities .
AORN Journal
Academic article
Thyli, Bente;
Hedelin, Birgitta;
Athlin, Elsy.
Experiences of health and care when growing old in Norway - From the perspective of elderly immigrants with minority ethnic backgrounds.
Clinical Nursing Studies
Academic article
Thyli, Bente;
Athlin, Elsy;
Hedelin, Birgitta.
Challenges in community health nursing of old migrant patients in Norway an exploratory study.
International Journal of Older People Nursing
Academic article
Thyli, Bente.
Grenseløs omsorg.
Oppland arbeiderblad
Feature article
Part of book/report
Thyli, Bente;
Dawes, Twinkle;
Sharma, Madhu.
Eldre og helse.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureThyli, Bente; Rengård Kolstad, Lena. (2023) How do operating room nurse students experience the learning environment in the operating room?. Operasjonssykepleierne Norsk Sykepleieforbund (NSFLOS) NORNA Kongress 2023 , Bergen 2023-09-06 - 2023-09-08
InterviewThyli, Bente; Svendsen, Njord Vegard. (2022) Sykt mye stryk - dette handler overhodet ikke om studentenes ferdigheter. Khrono Khrono [Newspaper] 2022-02-02
LectureThyli, Bente. (2018) Studentdeltagelse i forskningsprosjektet Norwegian Old age Health and Retirement Survey (NORSE- Oppland). NTNU, HINN og Sykehuset Innlandet Innlandets forskningskonferanse helse- og sosialfag , Gjøvik 2018-09-27 - 2018-09-27
Academic lectureThyli, Bente. (2008) Health and care among non-western immigrants as related to ageing in a second homeland. International Nursing Research Conference , Royal College of Nursing, Liverpool UK 2008-04-08 - 2008-08-11
Academic lectureThyli, Bente. (2008) Health and care as related to ageing: Non-western immigrants' experiences. 19th Nordic Congress of Gerontology: Ageing, dignity and diversity , Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel, Oslo 2008-05-25 - 2008-05-28