Edd Anders Blekkan
Edd Blekkan is professor specializing in catalysis.
Edd Blekkan has an MSc in Industrial chemistry, NTH 1981, and a Dr.-ing.-degree in Industrial chemistry, from NTH in 1985.
- Head of department, Dep. of Chemical Engineering, NTNU (2013-2017)
- Professor Industrial Chemistry, Chemical Engineering NTH/NTNU (1995-)
- Associate professor Industrial chemistry NTH (1988-1995)
- Advisor to SINTEF (1988-2013)
- Visiting professor, Univ. of Cambridge (2010)
- Visiting professor, University of Cardiff (2005)
- Visiting researcher, Statoil (Trondheim) and Borealis (Porsgrunn) (2000)
- Head of Department, Department of Industrial Chemistry, NTNU (1998)
- Deputy Head, Department of Industrial Chemistry, NTNU/NTH (1991- 1997)
- Visiting professor, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France (1992-93)
- Research Scientist, SINTEF Applied Chemistry, Trondheim, Norway (1982-1984 and 1987-88)
- Postdoc, University of Reading, UK (1986)
Research fellow, NTH, Dep. of Industrial Chemistry (1985)
Elected Member, Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA) and the Royal Norwegian Society of Science and Letters (DKNVS)
- Heterogeneous catalysis
- Natural gas conversion
- Petrochemistry
- Oil refining
- Biofuels and biorefineries
- Process technology.
Teaching and Supervision
- Teacher at all levels in Chemical Engineering (Introduction to Chemical Engineering (year 1-3), specialist courses in Chemical Engineering and catalysis/Petrochemistry and Gas Conversion (year 4-5) as well as PhD-level courses in Heterogeneous Catalysis, and project based education.
- Supervisor and co-supervisor for about 20 Dr.-Ing./PhD-students, 50 diploma-students (MSc thesis) and 100+ project students.
- Award for teaching excellence (NTNU NT-faculty, 2009).
Gavrilovic, Ljubisa;
Save, Jonas;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
The Effect of Potassium on Cobalt-Based Fischer– Tropsch Catalysts with Different Cobalt Particle Sizes.
Academic article
Gavrilovic, Ljubisa;
Brandin, Jan;
Holmen, Anders;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Myrstad, Rune;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
The effect of aerosol-deposited ash components on a cobalt-based Fischer–Tropsch catalyst.
Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis
Academic article
Chen, Qingjun;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Gavrilovic, Ljubisa;
Chen, De;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
Effect of trace potassium on hydrogen adsorption and dissociation on hcp cobalt: A density functional theory study.
Surface Science
Academic article
Gavrilovic, Ljubisa;
Brandin, Jan;
Holmen, Anders;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Myrstad, Rune;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis—Investigation of the deactivation of a Co catalyst by exposure to aerosol particles of potassium salt.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
Academic article
Gavrilovic, Ljubisa;
Brandin, Jan;
Holmen, Anders;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Myrstad, Rune;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
Deactivation of Co-based Fischer-Tropsch Catalyst by Aerosol Deposition of Potassium Salts.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Patanou, Eleni;
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Myrstad, Rune;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
The impact of sequential H2-CO-H2 activation treatment on the structure
and performance of cobalt based catalysts for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Journal publications
Gavrilovic, Ljubisa;
Save, Jonas;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
The Effect of Potassium on Cobalt-Based Fischer– Tropsch Catalysts with Different Cobalt Particle Sizes.
Academic article
Gavrilovic, Ljubisa;
Brandin, Jan;
Holmen, Anders;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Myrstad, Rune;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
The effect of aerosol-deposited ash components on a cobalt-based Fischer–Tropsch catalyst.
Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis
Academic article
Chen, Qingjun;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Gavrilovic, Ljubisa;
Chen, De;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
Effect of trace potassium on hydrogen adsorption and dissociation on hcp cobalt: A density functional theory study.
Surface Science
Academic article
Gavrilovic, Ljubisa;
Brandin, Jan;
Holmen, Anders;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Myrstad, Rune;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis—Investigation of the deactivation of a Co catalyst by exposure to aerosol particles of potassium salt.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
Academic article
Gavrilovic, Ljubisa;
Brandin, Jan;
Holmen, Anders;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Myrstad, Rune;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
Deactivation of Co-based Fischer-Tropsch Catalyst by Aerosol Deposition of Potassium Salts.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Patanou, Eleni;
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Myrstad, Rune;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
The impact of sequential H2-CO-H2 activation treatment on the structure
and performance of cobalt based catalysts for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
- TKP4176 - Drift og sikkerhet i industrielle prosesser
- TKP4580 - Kjemisk prosessteknologi, fordypningsprosjekt
- TKP4905 - Nanoteknologi, masteroppgave
- TKP4570 - Nanoteknologi, fordypningsprosjekt
- TKP4581 - Kjemisk prosessteknologi, fordypningsprosjekt
- TKP4150 - Industriell kjemi og raffinering
- TKP4852 - Eksperter i team - Bærekraftige løsninger for prosessindustrien
- KP6003 - Bærekraftige industrielle prosesser og ressursutnyttelse