Lorenzo Cañás Bottos
I studied Socio-Cultural anthropology at the University of Buenos Aires (Lic, 1998) and Social Anthropology at the University of Manchester (MA, 1999; PhD, 2004). During 2004-2006 I took a postdoctoral position at University College Dublin. In 2006 I moved to Tallinn to build up the Baltic area´s Departmen of Sociocultural Anthropology and in 2007 was elected as the country’s first Chaired Professor of Sociocultural Anthropology.
Current Research
I am currently focusing on issues of mobility, subjectivity, integration and cultural transmission among Syrian and Lebanese immigrants (and their descendants). .
I am also involved in a project on the social and cultural life (from conception to consumption) of the Iberian pig (pata negra) where we focus on the anthropology of the senses, food production, certification and standardization.
Old Colony Mennonites and the Anthropology of the Future (1996-2000)
I did three summers fieldwork in an Old Colony Mennonite settlement in the Province of La Pampa (Argentina) and whole year among various colonies in Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia). I dealt with a variety of issues from community making to intrareligious conflict, transnationalism and trans-statalism, kinship and marriage strategies, conversion, interface between religion and politics, nation and state building, and the imagination of the future.
Ireland-Northern Ireland, Borders and Identity (2004-2006)
Between 2004 and 2006, I held a postdoctoral position at the Geary Institute (at the time called Institute for the Study of Social Change), University College Dublin where I was research coordinator of the “Intergenerational transmission and ethno-national identity in the [Irish] border area”. As part of a multi institutional, cross-border and interdisciplinary team, I did fieldwork in several locations on both sides of the Irish border (mostly the Monahan-Armagh section but also Derry/Londonderry-Letterkenny), focusing on generations, identity, nationality and religion.
Estonia (2006-2009)
While in Estonia I was PI of "Imagining the Future nation and state-making in comparative perspective" (funded by the Estonian Scientific Agency), a senior researcher at the "Landscape Heritage and Practice", and member of the EU funded, Center of Excellence in Cultural Theory. I have also done a short three months fieldwork during 2008 in a small inter-ethnic community of Anabaptist dissenters in Tarija (Bolivia).
Other Projects
While still a student in Buenos Aires (1994-1998) I participated as research assistant in two projects "The ecological dimension in industrial production and consumption" and "The ethnographic invention of Argentina".
Migration, mobility, settlement, Christianity, religion, global religions, political anthropology, interface between religion and politics, sovereignty, transnationalism, intrareligious conflict, anthropology of the future, statecraft, citizenship, nationalism, space and place, subjectivity,diaspora, food and nutrition.
Argentina, Bolivia, Ireland, Northern-Ireland, Estonia, Syrian and Lebanese diaspora, Spain.
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Simonsen, Jan Ketil;
Chen, Shuhua.
Cosmopolitan Networks–Networking Cosmopolitans: Between Anyone, the Other and the Making of Sociality.
Anthropological Forum: a journal of social anthropology and comparative sociology
Academic article
Canás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Exclusionary Cosmopolitanism in Buenos Aires.
Anthropological Forum: a journal of social anthropology and comparative sociology
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Un triángulo de cerdos, encinas y humanos. La emergencia natural del cerdo ibérico en la España Moderna.
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Simonsen, Jan Ketil;
Canás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Krisemaksimering ved NTNU?.
Feature article
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Stans reformkåtheten ved SU-fakultetet.
Feature article
Canás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Plasil, Tanja.
When Heritage Becomes Horizon: The Acquisition of Extra-Territorial Citizenship among Lebanese in Argentina.
Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales (REMI)
Academic article
Berg Westrum, Sara Natasha;
Canás Bottos, Lorenzo.
The room of silence: a vulnerability in academia. An anthropological research of the lecturer-student relationship and the co-production of knowledge at NTNU Dragvoll.
Masters thesis
Simonsen, Jan Ketil;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Perceiving Pigs / Apreciando Cerdos.
Simonsen, Jan Ketil;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
The Opening of the Ham.
Spigseth, Tuva;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Handlingsrom og andre rom.
Flyktninger og migranters agency og deres sosiale relasjoner i en digital verden.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Fakultet for samfunns- og utdanningsvitenskap, Institutt for sosialantropologi
Masters thesis
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Plasil, Tanja.
De “turcos” a Argentinos, y de Argentinos a Libaneses.Ciudadanía Extraterritorial de la Diáspora Libanesa en Argentina.
Antropología y Derecho
Academic article
Simonsen, Jan Ketil;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Crawford, Peter Ian.
La Apertura Del Jamón (Película etnográfica).
41st NAFA International Ethnographic Film Festival
Other presentation
Plasil, Tanja;
Stokland, Håkon B.;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Natural ingredient or nostalgic taste? Competing authenticities in the Norwegian vanilla tastescape.
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Plasil, Tanja.
From Grandmother’s Kitchen to Festivals and Professional Chef: The Standardization and Ritualization of Arab Food in Argentina.
Carolina Academic Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Desde el punto de vista de los nativos en etnografía multiespecies.
PUBLICAR. En Antropología y Ciencias Sociales.
Short communication
Amundsen, Nina Helen;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
To Be or Not to Be – The Question of Capital.
Young Adults Negotiating a Sense of Belonging in a Norwegian National Space.
Department of Social Anthropology, NTNU
Masters thesis
Loeng, Martin;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
The foreigner and the flycatcher : an ethnographic study of stereotypes and encounters between street sellers and foreign visitors in Arusha and Moshi, Tanzania.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences, Department of Social Anthropology
Doctoral dissertation
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Comments on Nigel Rapport's "Anthropology through Levinas (further Reflections): On Humanity, Being, Culture, Violation, Sociality, and Morality".
Current Anthropology
Short communication
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Race and Process: Certifying Iberian Pigs and Invisibilising Humans.
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Leinan, Ragna Svare;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Where the Past is Preserved and the Future Protected: Minority Image and Tourist Gaze in the Era of China’s Green Turn.
Masters thesis
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
PUBLICAR. En Antropología y Ciencias Sociales.
Academic article
Sperre, Henrik Fiskerstrand;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Speaking Truth: Linguistic and Rhetorical Practices in
Conversionary Processes Among Jehovah’s
Witnesses in Norway.
Masters thesis
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Plasil, Tanja.
Den arabiske maten til levantiske innvandrere til Argentina: Autentisitet og standardisering av folk og mat.
Scandinavian Academic Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Book review of: Royden Loewen, Horse-and-Buggy Genius: Listening to Mennonites Contest the Modern World. Winnipeg:
University of Manitoba Press, 2016. Pp. 256. Softcov-
er, $27.95.
Journal of Mennonite Studies
Book review
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Assemblages of sovereignty and anti-sovereign effects on the Irish border.
Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology
Academic article
Bruland, Stine;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Fuglerud, Øivind.
Underneath the margosa tree. Re-creating meaning in a Tamil family after war and migration.
Doctoral dissertation
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
PUBLICAR. En Antropología y Ciencias Sociales.
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Sedlenieks, Klavs.
"And Burn Today Whom Yesterday They Fed”: Citizens and State in Montenegro.
Tallinn University Press
Tallinn University Press
Doctoral dissertation
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Funktsioon ja Struktuur Briti Koolkonnas.
Tallinn University Press
Tallinn University Press
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Briti moodsa sotsiaalantropoloogia sünd.
Tallinn University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Marrying the Brother’s Wife’s Sister: An Analysis of Marriage Patterns among Old Colony Mennonites in Argentina.
Journal of Mennonite Studies
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Vida Religiosa de Anabautistas en Tarija, Bolivia.
Concurso de Fotografía: Lugares y Prácticas en el trabajo de campo antropológico (Photo Contest: Places and Practices in Anthropological Fieldwork)
Museum exhibition
van der Eynden, Andreas;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Rubber and Soul: Moral Economy, Development and Resistance in the Bousraa villages, Mondulkiri, Cambodia.
Masters thesis
Frost, Per;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
“The Long March” On the Margins of Global Trade: Identity Construction, Cultural Change and the Vietnamese Katu´s March towards Modernity.
Masters thesis
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Vida Religiosa de Anabautistas en Tarija, Bolivia.
PUBLICAR. En Antropología y Ciencias Sociales.
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Spriit, Risto.
„He“s a Good Man in the Wrong Party“: an Ethnographic case-study of a Political Campaign in Estonia.
Tallinn University
Masters thesis
Pedersen, Vegard;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Bananas and Bullets: Non-Governmental Governmentality in Sri Lanka.
Masters thesis
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Tserkassova, Polina.
The Never-Ending Story: A multi-sited approach to the process of integration of Russian-Speakers in Estonia.
Estonian Institute of Humanities, Tallinn University
Masters thesis
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Cubero, Carlo;
Ermel, Marje.
Seeking Krishna Through Corporeality: Constituting the Sacred in the Hare Krishna Movement.
Estonian Institute of Humanities, Tallinn University
Masters thesis
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Evensen, Julie.
Dubai between the global and the local.
Masters thesis
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Distorting mirrors: Mutual (mis)interpretations of Old Colony Mennonites and the Modern World.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Order and dissent among Old Colony Mennonites: a regime of embedded sovereignty.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Todd, Jennifer;
O´keefe, Theresa;
Rougier, Nathalie;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Does being Protestant matter? Protestant minorities, minority Protestants, and the salience of Protestant identity in contemporary Ireland.
National Identities
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Mõned põhjused, miks ma ei kasuta kultuuri mõistet.
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Moreno Romero, Carlos Alberto.
It really isn’t up to us”: Integration Narratives at a secondary school in Estonia.
Tallinn University
Masters thesis
Matulionis, Arvydas Virgiljus;
Teters, Daina;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Evaluation Report on Riga Stradins University’s MA Study Program: Social Anthropology.
Higher Education Quality Evaluation Centre of Latvia
Matulionis, Arvydas Virgiljus;
Teters, Daina;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Evaluation Report on Riga Stradins University’s BA Study Program: Sociology of Organizations and Management.
Higher Education Quality Evaluation Centre of Latvia
Matulionis, Arvydas Virgiljus;
Teters, Daina;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Evaluation Report on Riga Stradins University’s MA Study Program: Communications.
Higher Education Quality Evaluation Centre of Latvia
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Lévi-Strauss kui antropoloog.
Feature article
Todd, Jennifer;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Rougier, Nathalie.
Political Transformation and National Identity Change: Comparative Perspectives.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Rougier, Nathalie.
Generations on the Border: Changes in Ethno-national Identity in the Irish Border Area.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Todd, Jennifer;
O´keefe, Theresa;
Rougier, Nathalie;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Fluid and Frozen: Choice and change in ethno-national identification in contemporary Northern Ireland.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Old Colony Mennonites in Argentina and Bolivia: Nation making, Religious Conflict and Imagination of the Future.
Brill Academic Publishers
Religion in the Americas Series (REAM) (7)
Academic monograph
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Allaste, Airi-Alina;
Vihma, Peter.
Different yet equal? Green ideology and gender roles: A case study.
Tallinn University
Masters thesis
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Transformations of Old Colony Mennonites: the making of a trans-statal community.
Global Networks. A journal of transnational affairs
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Self-assessment report: Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Accreditation of Curricula.
Estonian Institute of Humanities, Tallinn University
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Clifford Geertz: Lummav antropoloog, kes purustas etnograafia lummuse.
Popular scientific article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Old Colony Mennonites in South America: Refractions of the ‘Other’.
The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Rougier, Nathalie.
Generations on the Border: Changes in Ethno-national Identity in the Irish Border Area.
Nationalism & Ethnic Politics
Academic article
Todd, Jennifer;
Muldoon, Orla;
Trew, Karen;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Rougier, Nathalie;
McLaughlin, Katrina.
The moral boundaries of the nation: subverting state borders and constituting national identity in the South Eastern border counties of the Irish state.
Academic article
Todd, Jennifer;
O´keefe, Theresa;
Rougier, Nathalie;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Fluid or Frozen? Choice and change in ethno-national identification in contemporary Northern Ireland.
Nationalism & Ethnic Politics
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Christenvolk: Historia y etnografía de una colonia menonita.
Academic monograph
Guber, Rosana;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Visacovsky, Sergio.
Una Asignatura Pendiente: la antropología social argentina de los años ´60 en el "Norte Argentino".
Mundo de Antes
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Our Fatherland is Heaven: Struggles of Old Colony Mennonites in Bolivia and Argentina.
University of Manchester
Doctoral dissertation
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Entre la tierra y el cielo. Procesos de conformación de la identidad étnica menonita.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Some Aspects of Kinship in a Mennonite Colony.
University of Manchester
Masters thesis
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Christenvolk: Historia y Etnografía de una Colonia Menonita.
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Licentiate dissertation
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Control Cultural y Menonitas de la Vieja Orden.
Sociedad y Religión
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Entre la tierra y el cielo. Procesos de conformación de la identidad étnica menonita.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Garreta, Mariano;
Bellelli, Cristina;
Abramoff, Ernesto;
Ondelj, Margarita;
Bonaparte, Pablo Rafael;
Scheinsohn, Vivian.
Antropología Cultural y Arqueología. Textos básicos.
Oficina de Publicaciones del CBC, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Journal publications
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Simonsen, Jan Ketil;
Chen, Shuhua.
Cosmopolitan Networks–Networking Cosmopolitans: Between Anyone, the Other and the Making of Sociality.
Anthropological Forum: a journal of social anthropology and comparative sociology
Academic article
Canás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Exclusionary Cosmopolitanism in Buenos Aires.
Anthropological Forum: a journal of social anthropology and comparative sociology
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Simonsen, Jan Ketil;
Canás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Krisemaksimering ved NTNU?.
Feature article
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Stans reformkåtheten ved SU-fakultetet.
Feature article
Canás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Plasil, Tanja.
When Heritage Becomes Horizon: The Acquisition of Extra-Territorial Citizenship among Lebanese in Argentina.
Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales (REMI)
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Plasil, Tanja.
De “turcos” a Argentinos, y de Argentinos a Libaneses.Ciudadanía Extraterritorial de la Diáspora Libanesa en Argentina.
Antropología y Derecho
Academic article
Plasil, Tanja;
Stokland, Håkon B.;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Natural ingredient or nostalgic taste? Competing authenticities in the Norwegian vanilla tastescape.
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Desde el punto de vista de los nativos en etnografía multiespecies.
PUBLICAR. En Antropología y Ciencias Sociales.
Short communication
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Comments on Nigel Rapport's "Anthropology through Levinas (further Reflections): On Humanity, Being, Culture, Violation, Sociality, and Morality".
Current Anthropology
Short communication
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Race and Process: Certifying Iberian Pigs and Invisibilising Humans.
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
PUBLICAR. En Antropología y Ciencias Sociales.
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Book review of: Royden Loewen, Horse-and-Buggy Genius: Listening to Mennonites Contest the Modern World. Winnipeg:
University of Manitoba Press, 2016. Pp. 256. Softcov-
er, $27.95.
Journal of Mennonite Studies
Book review
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Assemblages of sovereignty and anti-sovereign effects on the Irish border.
Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
PUBLICAR. En Antropología y Ciencias Sociales.
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Marrying the Brother’s Wife’s Sister: An Analysis of Marriage Patterns among Old Colony Mennonites in Argentina.
Journal of Mennonite Studies
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Vida Religiosa de Anabautistas en Tarija, Bolivia.
PUBLICAR. En Antropología y Ciencias Sociales.
Academic article
Todd, Jennifer;
O´keefe, Theresa;
Rougier, Nathalie;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Does being Protestant matter? Protestant minorities, minority Protestants, and the salience of Protestant identity in contemporary Ireland.
National Identities
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Mõned põhjused, miks ma ei kasuta kultuuri mõistet.
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Lévi-Strauss kui antropoloog.
Feature article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Transformations of Old Colony Mennonites: the making of a trans-statal community.
Global Networks. A journal of transnational affairs
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Clifford Geertz: Lummav antropoloog, kes purustas etnograafia lummuse.
Popular scientific article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Old Colony Mennonites in South America: Refractions of the ‘Other’.
The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Rougier, Nathalie.
Generations on the Border: Changes in Ethno-national Identity in the Irish Border Area.
Nationalism & Ethnic Politics
Academic article
Todd, Jennifer;
Muldoon, Orla;
Trew, Karen;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Rougier, Nathalie;
McLaughlin, Katrina.
The moral boundaries of the nation: subverting state borders and constituting national identity in the South Eastern border counties of the Irish state.
Academic article
Todd, Jennifer;
O´keefe, Theresa;
Rougier, Nathalie;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Fluid or Frozen? Choice and change in ethno-national identification in contemporary Northern Ireland.
Nationalism & Ethnic Politics
Academic article
Guber, Rosana;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Visacovsky, Sergio.
Una Asignatura Pendiente: la antropología social argentina de los años ´60 en el "Norte Argentino".
Mundo de Antes
Academic article
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Control Cultural y Menonitas de la Vieja Orden.
Sociedad y Religión
Academic article
Artistic productions
Simonsen, Jan Ketil;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Perceiving Pigs / Apreciando Cerdos.
Simonsen, Jan Ketil;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
The Opening of the Ham.
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Funktsioon ja Struktuur Briti Koolkonnas.
Tallinn University Press
Tallinn University Press
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Todd, Jennifer;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Rougier, Nathalie.
Political Transformation and National Identity Change: Comparative Perspectives.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Old Colony Mennonites in Argentina and Bolivia: Nation making, Religious Conflict and Imagination of the Future.
Brill Academic Publishers
Religion in the Americas Series (REAM) (7)
Academic monograph
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Christenvolk: Historia y etnografía de una colonia menonita.
Academic monograph
Garreta, Mariano;
Bellelli, Cristina;
Abramoff, Ernesto;
Ondelj, Margarita;
Bonaparte, Pablo Rafael;
Scheinsohn, Vivian.
Antropología Cultural y Arqueología. Textos básicos.
Oficina de Publicaciones del CBC, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Part of book/report
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Un triángulo de cerdos, encinas y humanos. La emergencia natural del cerdo ibérico en la España Moderna.
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Plasil, Tanja.
From Grandmother’s Kitchen to Festivals and Professional Chef: The Standardization and Ritualization of Arab Food in Argentina.
Carolina Academic Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Plasil, Tanja.
Den arabiske maten til levantiske innvandrere til Argentina: Autentisitet og standardisering av folk og mat.
Scandinavian Academic Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Briti moodsa sotsiaalantropoloogia sünd.
Tallinn University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Distorting mirrors: Mutual (mis)interpretations of Old Colony Mennonites and the Modern World.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Order and dissent among Old Colony Mennonites: a regime of embedded sovereignty.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Rougier, Nathalie.
Generations on the Border: Changes in Ethno-national Identity in the Irish Border Area.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Todd, Jennifer;
O´keefe, Theresa;
Rougier, Nathalie;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Fluid and Frozen: Choice and change in ethno-national identification in contemporary Northern Ireland.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Entre la tierra y el cielo. Procesos de conformación de la identidad étnica menonita.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Christenvolk: Historia y Etnografía de una Colonia Menonita.
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Licentiate dissertation
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Entre la tierra y el cielo. Procesos de conformación de la identidad étnica menonita.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Berg Westrum, Sara Natasha;
Canás Bottos, Lorenzo.
The room of silence: a vulnerability in academia. An anthropological research of the lecturer-student relationship and the co-production of knowledge at NTNU Dragvoll.
Masters thesis
Spigseth, Tuva;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Handlingsrom og andre rom.
Flyktninger og migranters agency og deres sosiale relasjoner i en digital verden.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Fakultet for samfunns- og utdanningsvitenskap, Institutt for sosialantropologi
Masters thesis
Amundsen, Nina Helen;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
To Be or Not to Be – The Question of Capital.
Young Adults Negotiating a Sense of Belonging in a Norwegian National Space.
Department of Social Anthropology, NTNU
Masters thesis
Loeng, Martin;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
The foreigner and the flycatcher : an ethnographic study of stereotypes and encounters between street sellers and foreign visitors in Arusha and Moshi, Tanzania.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences, Department of Social Anthropology
Doctoral dissertation
Leinan, Ragna Svare;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Where the Past is Preserved and the Future Protected: Minority Image and Tourist Gaze in the Era of China’s Green Turn.
Masters thesis
Sperre, Henrik Fiskerstrand;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Speaking Truth: Linguistic and Rhetorical Practices in
Conversionary Processes Among Jehovah’s
Witnesses in Norway.
Masters thesis
Bruland, Stine;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Fuglerud, Øivind.
Underneath the margosa tree. Re-creating meaning in a Tamil family after war and migration.
Doctoral dissertation
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Sedlenieks, Klavs.
"And Burn Today Whom Yesterday They Fed”: Citizens and State in Montenegro.
Tallinn University Press
Tallinn University Press
Doctoral dissertation
van der Eynden, Andreas;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Rubber and Soul: Moral Economy, Development and Resistance in the Bousraa villages, Mondulkiri, Cambodia.
Masters thesis
Frost, Per;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
“The Long March” On the Margins of Global Trade: Identity Construction, Cultural Change and the Vietnamese Katu´s March towards Modernity.
Masters thesis
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Spriit, Risto.
„He“s a Good Man in the Wrong Party“: an Ethnographic case-study of a Political Campaign in Estonia.
Tallinn University
Masters thesis
Pedersen, Vegard;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Bananas and Bullets: Non-Governmental Governmentality in Sri Lanka.
Masters thesis
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Tserkassova, Polina.
The Never-Ending Story: A multi-sited approach to the process of integration of Russian-Speakers in Estonia.
Estonian Institute of Humanities, Tallinn University
Masters thesis
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Cubero, Carlo;
Ermel, Marje.
Seeking Krishna Through Corporeality: Constituting the Sacred in the Hare Krishna Movement.
Estonian Institute of Humanities, Tallinn University
Masters thesis
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Evensen, Julie.
Dubai between the global and the local.
Masters thesis
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Moreno Romero, Carlos Alberto.
It really isn’t up to us”: Integration Narratives at a secondary school in Estonia.
Tallinn University
Masters thesis
Matulionis, Arvydas Virgiljus;
Teters, Daina;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Evaluation Report on Riga Stradins University’s MA Study Program: Social Anthropology.
Higher Education Quality Evaluation Centre of Latvia
Matulionis, Arvydas Virgiljus;
Teters, Daina;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Evaluation Report on Riga Stradins University’s BA Study Program: Sociology of Organizations and Management.
Higher Education Quality Evaluation Centre of Latvia
Matulionis, Arvydas Virgiljus;
Teters, Daina;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Evaluation Report on Riga Stradins University’s MA Study Program: Communications.
Higher Education Quality Evaluation Centre of Latvia
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Allaste, Airi-Alina;
Vihma, Peter.
Different yet equal? Green ideology and gender roles: A case study.
Tallinn University
Masters thesis
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Self-assessment report: Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Accreditation of Curricula.
Estonian Institute of Humanities, Tallinn University
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Our Fatherland is Heaven: Struggles of Old Colony Mennonites in Bolivia and Argentina.
University of Manchester
Doctoral dissertation
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Some Aspects of Kinship in a Mennonite Colony.
University of Manchester
Masters thesis
Simonsen, Jan Ketil;
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo;
Crawford, Peter Ian.
La Apertura Del Jamón (Película etnográfica).
41st NAFA International Ethnographic Film Festival
Other presentation
Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Vida Religiosa de Anabautistas en Tarija, Bolivia.
Concurso de Fotografía: Lugares y Prácticas en el trabajo de campo antropológico (Photo Contest: Places and Practices in Anthropological Fieldwork)
Museum exhibition
Knowledge Transfer
InterviewCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Varsavsky, Julian. (2024) A estas fiestas los originarios no estan invitados. Pagina 12 Pagina 12 [Newspaper] 2024-07-08
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Simonsen, Jan Ketil. (2023) Un triángulo de cerdos, encinas y humanos. La emergencia del cerdo ibérico en la España moderna. Asociación de Antropología del Estado Español Congreso Internacional de Antropología, Spanish anthrpological association , A Coruña 2023-09-05 - 2023-09-08
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2022) “When heritage becomes horizon: The acquisition of extra-territorial citizenship among Lebanese in Argentina.”. Department of Social Anthropology, NTNU Departmental Seminar , Trondheim 2022-10-10 - 2022-10-10
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2021) Thesis defense after the pandemic. Disenchantment de-ritualization and de-funding. Teaching Anthropology Network, Euro.Ass. of Social Anthropol Teaching and Learning Anthropology during the Pandemic. Dilemmas, Challenges and Opportunities , Web 2021-03-17 -
InterviewFAGERNES, ANNE BERIT; Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2021) To år etter at Pia spiste hesten sin, får hun ikke kjøpt seg ny hest. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2021-09-06
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2020) Multiple nationality and offshore citizenship among Lebanese in Argentina. European Association of Social Anthropologists 16th EASA Biennual Conference New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe , Lisbon (Virtual) 2020-07-20 - 2020-07-24
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2020) "Performances and Palimpsests. The shades of Argentine Cosmopolitanism". . Department of Social Anthropology, NTNU Departmental Seminar, NTNU , Trondheim 2020-02-03 -
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2020) "Performances and Palimpsests. The shades of Argentine Cosmopolitanism". Department of Social Anthropology, UiO Departmental Seminar, UiO , Oslo 2020-01-29 -
Popular scientific lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2019) Sirios y Libaneses en Argentina: 100 años después de la inmigración. Centro Argentino para la Investigación Inmigracion Libanesa Guest Talk , Rosario 2019-03-20 - 2019-03-20
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2019) Con Mary Douglas en España: El mundo clasificatorio del cerdo ibérico. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires Seccion Etnología, Cátedra Antropología Sistemática III , Buenos Airess 2019-03-26 - 2019-03-26
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2019) Domesticanting difference and networking cosmopolitans. The place and performance of “colectividades” in the imagination of contemporary Argentina. Temporalities of Mobility and Migration Research Group Cosmopolitan Networks The Biennial Trondheim Colloquium in Social Anthropology , Royal Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters 2019-10-21 - 2019-10-22
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2019) On the PhD monograph. Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences, NTNU PhD writing course , Trondheim 2019-06-03 -
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2019) Race, time and process. On the classification and certification of Iberian Pigs . Sosialantropologisk Institutt, NTNU Departmental Seminar , Trondheim 2019-09-30 -
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2019) Transformations of Arab Dance in Argentina. Department of Social Anthropology, NTNU Lunch Seminar , Trondheim 2019-10-09 -
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2018) The transformations of arab dance in Argentina. Department of Music, NTNU Special Workshop, Choreomundus Erasmus+ Department of Music, NTNU , Trondheim 2018-04-20 -
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Simonsen, Jan Ketil; Crawford, Peter Ian. (2018) From Acorns to Ham. Notes on the production of Iberico "Pata Negra" Pigs. Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, NTNU Kult Lunch Seminars , Dragvol 2018-03-15 -
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Plasil, Tanja. (2018) The Imagination and Creation of a Levantine Cuisine and Taste in Argentina. European Association of Social Anthropologists EASA2018: Staying, Moving, Settling , Stockholm 2018-08-14 - 2018-08-17
Academic lectureSimonsen, Jan Ketil; Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Crawford, Peter Ian. (2018) Pigs, people, and land: The politics of food identity in south-western Spain. NTNU KULT og NTNU VM NTNU Sustainability seminar: The History and Culture of Environments (HCE) , Trondheim 2018-10-19 - 2018-10-19
Academic lectureSimonsen, Jan Ketil; Crawford, Peter Ian; Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2018) Reimagining Pata Negra. The future of a food icon. Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University Staying - Moving – Settling: 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists , Stockholm 2018-08-14 - 2018-08-17
Academic lectureSimonsen, Jan Ketil; Crawford, Peter Ian; Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2018) The cultural significance of the Iberian so-called blackfoot pig, the pata negra. The Hungarian University, Federation of Cluj-Napoca, NAFA The 38th NAFA International Ethnographic Film Festival , Cluj 2018-09-11 - 2018-09-11
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Loeng, Martin. (2017) Framtiders konstruksjoner og virkninger. Høgskolen i Innlandet Norsk Antropologisk Forening , Lillehamer 2017-05-05 - 2017-05-07
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2017) De Menonitas a Maronitas (y otros levantinos). Contrastes de inmigración e integración. Sección de Etnología, FFyL, Universidad de Buenos Aires Extraordinary Guest lecture , Buenos Aires 2017-07-10 -
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2017) The Classificatory World of the Iberian Pig. Norwegian Anthropological Film Association NAFA International Film Festival, Visual Anthropology of Food Symposium , Moesgaard Museum, Aarhus University 2017-08-21 - 2017-08-25
LectureSimonsen, Jan Ketil; Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2017) People, pigs, and land. NTNU Departmental Seminar , Dragvoll 2017-05-22 -
Popular scientific lectureThomassen, Hans Martin; Brandal, Erlend; Hagen, Guri Greger Nordland; Rosten, Monica; Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2016) Panel: Integrering - hvem vil vi være?. Linjeforeningen Communitas Antropologidagene 2016 , Trondheim 2016-03-01 -
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Plasil, Tanja. (2016) Levantines in Argentina a hundred years after immigration: From geographical to social mobility. Norwegian Network for the Anthropology of Mobilities Worksho Norwegian Network for the Anthropology of Mobilities Workshop , Granada 2016-04-27 - 2016-04-30
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Plasil, Tanja. (2016) The field of Arab dance in Argentina. Department of Music, NTNU Special Workshop, Choreomundus Erasmus+ consortium , Trondheim 2016-03-15 -
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2016) Syrian and Lebanese Immigration Then and Now: Anthropological takes on the current “refugee crisis”. Fakultet for samfunnsvitesnkap og teknologidelse, NTNU Nettverkssamling for lærere: Flyktningkrisen , Charlottenlund vgs 2016-04-13 -
Popular scientific lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2016) Migration 100 years later: Levantines in Argentina 1880-1970. Communitas, Linjeforeningen for sosialantropologi ved NTNU Antropologidagene , Trondheim 2016-03-01 - 2016-03-03
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2016) Transnationalism without moving: Levantine migrants and their Argentine descendents. Norwegian Network for the Anthropology of Mobilities The Biennial Trondheim Colloquium in Social Anthropology: The Potential Value of Mobility as an Analytical and Methodological Perspective , Trondheim 2016-10-31 - 2016-11-02
InterviewCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Plasil, Tanja; Weisser, Agnethe. (2016) Norge sett med utenfraøyne: Å nærme seg en nordmann. Ukeadressa Ukeadressa [Newspaper] 2016-08-05
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Plasil, Tanja. (2016) Kibbeh, Quebbe, Kupi: Standardizing processes, fuzzyness and authenticity of Levantine taste and cuisine in Argentina . Social Anthropology Department, NTNU Departmental Seminar , Trondheim 2016-02-04 -
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2015) Looking at how the state counts: Levantines in Argentina 1880-1970. Sosialantropologisk Institutt Departmental Seminar , NTNU 2015-04-30 - 2015-04-30
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2015) Arbeidsgruppe: Nye stier i studiet av mobilitet. Sosialantropologisk Institutt Norsk Antropologisk Forenings årskonferanse , NTNU 2015-05-10 - 2015-05-10
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2015) Margins and Borders: Methodological and Heuristic Potentialities in Anthropology. University of Ljubljana (CREOLE Erasmus consortium) CREOLE Intensive Programme: Alternatives , Piran 2015-05-30 - 2015-06-11
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2015) Levantines in Argentina: Narratives of migration and integration. University of Bergen, Department of Social Anthropology Departmental Seminar , Bergen 2015-10-22 - 2015-10-22
Popular scientific lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Plasil, Tanja. (2015) Syrian and Lebanese Food in Argentina Today. NTNU University Libray kunnskap:kaffe , Dragvolll 2015-11-10 -
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2015) Fra «turcos» til «argentinos»: Fortellinger om mobilitet og transnasjonalisme. NTNU Norsk Antropologisk Forenings årskonferanse 2015-05-08 - 2015-05-10
LectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Plasil, Tanja. (2015) Syrian and Lebanese Immigration Then and Now: Immigration Standards and Immigrant Social Mobility in Argentina and Western Europe. CUFF project. Department of Social Anthropology. NTNU The Cultural Logic of Facts and Figures. Final conference , Trondheim 2015-12-16 - 2015-12-18
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2014) Antropologia (de la religión) de Buenos Aires a (casi) el Polo Norte: Estilos y Contextos Académicos. Nucleo de Estudios en Religion y Cultura Antropologia (de la religión) de Buenos Aires a (casi) el Polo Norte: Estilos y Contextos Académicos. Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales FLACSO, Buenos Aires , Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) 2014-04-11 - 2014-04-11
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2013) Mobile Levantines in Argentina. Norwegian Network of the Anthropology of Mobilities Mobilities and their intersections. The Biennial Trondheim Colloquium in Social Anthropology , Rica Hotel. Trondheim 2013-12-02 - 2013-12-03
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2013) Finding Mobile Subjects: Levantines in Argentina. Norwegian Network for the Anthropology of Mobilities Norwegian Network for the Anthropology of Mobilities Workshop , NTNU, Trondheim 2013-09-23 - 2013-09-23
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2013) Thinking the field, thinking anthropology. NTNU Institute of Social Anthropology PhD Research Methods Course "From Text To Field and Field to Text" , Trondheim 2013-03-11 - 2013-03-13
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Garsten, Christina. (2012) Panel: Organizational ideoscapes: rationality, faith, and emotion. Sveriges Antropologforbund / Norsk Antropologisk Forening SANT-NAF Konferens 2012 , Stockholm 2012-05-04 - 2012-05-06
InterviewCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Tilseth, Trond Ola. (2012) Den banale nasjonalismen. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2012-05-16
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2011) Sibling Exchange among Old Colony Mennonites in Argentina: Reflections on Spousal Selection. The Chair in Mennonite Studies, University of Winnipeg Anti-Modern Pathways: 'Horse And Buggy' Mennonites in Canada, Belize and Latin America , Winnipeg 2011-10-21 - 2011-10-22
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2011) Work and Religion among Anabaptists in Bolivia. Department of Social Anthropology, NTNU Working Lives, Praying Lives: Exploring the interface of religion and economy in contemporary Latin America , Trondheim 2011-09-29 - 2011-09-30
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2011) Sovereignty on the Irish Border. Department of Social Anthropology, NTNU Departmental Seminar , Trondheim 2011-04-07 -
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2011) Introduction to Social Anthropology. Department of Form and Colour, NTNU Vis.com and the Tate Modern , Trondheim 2011-03-15 - 2011-03-15
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Campbell, Ben. (2010) Imagined resources and governance of community. European Association of Social Anthropologists European Association of Social Anthropologists Biennial Conference , Maynooth 2010-08-24 - 2010-08-27
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2010) Defining research problems. NTNU PhD Nordic Research Methods Course in Social Anthropology: "From Text to Field and Field to Text" , Trondheim 2010-04-16 - 2010-04-18
InterviewCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Kristiansen, Nina. (2010) Koselig barnefest eller nasjonalistisk parademarsj?. http://www.forskning.no/artikler/2010/mai/250307 http://www.forskning.no/artikler/2010/mai/250307 [Internet] 2010-05-17
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2010) Towards an anthropology of the future. Norsk Antropologisk Forenings Norsk Antropologisk Forenings Årskonferanse , Trondheim 2010-05-07 - 2010-05-09
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2010) Doing Ethnographic Fieldwork. Latvian Academy of Culture Introduction to Research Methods in Anthropology , Riga 2010-03-27 - 2010-03-27
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2010) How to create a research problem. Latvian Academy of Culture Introduction to Research Methods in Anthropology , Riga 2010-03-26 - 2010-03-26
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2009) From the Fibel to the Laptop: Literacy and Dissent among (ex-) Old Colony Mennonites in Bolivia. Society for the Anthropology of Religion-Society of Psycholo Society for the Anthropology of Religion-Society of Psychological Anthropology, Biannual Joint Meeting, , Asilomar, CA 2009-03-27 - 2009-03-29
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2008) The Milky Way: the social life of dairy products in a Mennonite Colony. Eesti Antropoloogia Ühendus Autumn Meeting , Tõravere Observatory 2008-10-10 - 2008-10-12
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2008) Negotiating States, Rejecting Nations. Estonian Foreign Policy Institute Comparative perspectives of development experiences in South America and Eastern Europe , Tallinn University 2008-10-08 - 2008-10-10
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2008) Old Colony Mennonites, Technology and Modernity. Estonian Academy of Arts Departmental Seminar , Tallinn 2008-03-23 - 2008-03-23
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2008) An anthropologist confesses against culture. Estonian Institute of Humanities, Tallinn University Languages of culture, Estonian Institute of Humanities 20th anniversary conference. , Tallinn 2008-12-12 - 2008-12-12
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2008) Nacionalismo Banal: Imágenes del Fin del Mundo entre los Menonitas de la Vieja Colonia. IX Congreso Argentino de Antropología Social , Posadas 2008-08-05 - 2008-08-08
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2008) Levi-Strauss, the prohibition of incest, and the constitution of society. Eesti Antropoloogia Ühendus Special Meeting in Honour of Levi-Strauss' centenial , Tallinn University 2008-11-28 - 2008-11-28
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2008) Perspectives on the Estonian System of Higher Education. Estonian Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Study in Estonia , Estonian Embassy, Helsinki 2008-10-21 - 2008-10-21
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2008) Anthropology and the Future. Estonian Centre of Excellence in Cultural Theory Estonian Centre of Excellence in Cultural Theory First Autumn Conference , Tartu 2008-11-20 - 2008-11-22
InterviewCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Kaaristo, Maarja. (2008) Mennoniidid – alternatiiv rahvusriigile. Sirp. Tallinn, Estonia Sirp. Tallinn, Estonia [Newspaper] 2008-06-13
InterviewCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Tamm, Marek. (2008) Antropoloog: Eesti-suguste ääremaade tegemisi eiratakse endiselt. Postimees. Tallinn, Estonia Postimees. Tallinn, Estonia [Newspaper] 2008-05-24
InterviewCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Pesti, Mele. (2008) Argentiina antropoloog õhutab eestlasi debatile. Eesti Ekspress. Tallinn, Estonia Eesti Ekspress. Tallinn, Estonia [Newspaper] 2008-05-16
InterviewCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Sarv, Hannes. (2008) Mida me teame Argentinast?. Kärdla PÖFFI Erileht Kärdla PÖFFI Erileht [Newspaper] 2008-12-01
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2008) Banal Millenialism: images of the end of the world among Old Colony Mennonites. European Association of Social Anthropologists European Association of Social Anthropologists, Biennial Conference 2008 Ljubljana , Ljubljana 2008-08-26 - 2008-08-29
Popular scientific lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2008) Argentine culture and cinema. PÖFF (Black Nights Film Festival) , Kärdla Cultural Centre, Hiiumaa 2008-12-05 - 2008-12-07
Popular scientific lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2008) Ethnographic Dilemmas and Intercultural Communication. Skype Skype Devices Quarterly Meeting , Swisshotel, Tallinn 2008-04-24 - 2008-04-24
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2006) Old Colony Mennonites in South America: Refractions of the ‘Other’. Centre of Latin American Studies, University of Cambridge The Will to Incarnate": Latin American Narratives of Foundation , Cambridge 2006-05-18 - 2006-05-20
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2006) Geertz: an enchanting anthropologist who disenchanted ethnography. Tallinn University Workshop in Memory of Clifford Geertz , Tallinn 2006-11-10 - 2006-11-10
Academic lectureRougier, Nathalie; Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Todd, Jennifer. (2006) Lived experiences and intergenerational identity transmission: Primordialist narratives of ethno-national identity in the Irish border area. Society for Personality and Social 7th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology , Palm Springs, CA 2006-01-26 - 2006-01-28
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2006) Generational change in ethno-national identity in the Irish border area. Geary Institute, University College Dublin Social transformations, political conflict and the human dimension: Comparative perspectives on the Intergenerational Transmission of Ethno-National Identity in Ireland, Europe and beyond , Dublin 2006-01-26 - 2006-01-27
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2006) Old Colony Mennonites and the Superabundance of the Sacred. European Association of Social Anthropologists 9th European Association of Social Anthropologists Biennial Conference "Europe and the World" , Bristol 2006-09-18 - 2006-09-21
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2005) Life on/of the Irish Border. Department of Social Anthropology, University of Manchester Departmental Seminar, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Manchester , Manchester 2005-04-04 - 2005-04-04
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2005) Old Colony Mennonites and the Charisma of Modernity. School of History and Anthropology Departmental Seminar, School of History and Anthropology, Queens University Belfast , Belfast 2005-10-11 - 2005-10-11
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2005) Life on/of the Irish Border. Institute of Sociology and Anthropology, Beijing University Departmental Seminar, Institute of Sociology and Anthropology, Beijing University , Beijing 2005-01-06 - 2005-01-06
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Todd, Jennifer; Rougier, Nathalie. (2005) Reconfiguration of Ethno-National Identities in the Irish Border Area. Columbia University World Convention, Association for the Study of Nationalities , New York 2005-04-13 - 2005-04-15
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2005) Careers in the Faith: Failed conversions in and out of the Old Colony Mennonites. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting American Anthropological Association , Washington DC 2005-11-30 - 2005-12-04
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2005) Order and dissent among Old Colony Mennonites. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology The legitimate and the supernatural: law and religion in a complex world. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology , Halle-Saale 2005-08-25 - 2005-08-27
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2004) Writing Dissent: On some uses of Literacy among Old Colony Mennonites in Bolivia and Argentina. LSE Latin America Seminar, London School of Economics and Political Science , London 2004-02-16 - 2004-02-16
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2003) Revealing Technology (or how some Mennonites read modernity). Association of Social Anthropologists of Great Britain Association of Social Anthropologists Decennial Conference, Anthropology and Science , Manchester 2003-06-14 - 2003-06-17
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2001) Cisma e Continuidade: Dilemas dos Menonitas na Boliva e na Argentina. Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas Departmental Seminar, Instituto de Postgraduacao em Filosofía e Ciencias Humanas, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro , Rio de Janeiro 2001-05-14 - 2001-05-14
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo. (2000) Los Menonitas y el Estado. Instituto de Desarollo Economico y Social Guest Lecture , Buenos Aires 2000-09-15 - 2000-09-15
InterviewCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Libedinsky, Juana. (1998) Los menonitas, una comunidad ideal para la antropología. Un investigador de la UBA convivió con la colonia para realizar una tesis. La Nacion. Buenos Aires, Argentina La Nacion. Buenos Aires, Argentina [Newspaper] 1998-03-27
Academic lectureCañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Dominguez Mon, Ana; Perazzi, Pablo. (1997) De Belén a la Rosada. Tramas del poder local y nacional en la etnografía de Esther Hermitte. Universidad Nacional de La Plata V Congreso Argentino de Antropología Social , La Plata 1997-07-29 - 1997-08-04