Chamila Thushari Attanapola
Bygg 2, 2527, Dragvoll
I works at the Research Support Office, Faculty of Humanities.
Work tasks
External financing on research (BOA)
- Faculty EU research advisor
- (RCN)
- EEA and other funding sources
- Documenting and archiving external research financial activities in Ephorte
- Research data and data management plan
Faculty CRISTIN super-user
- Registration of publications
- Internal control
- Information on publication support
- Publishing in Open Access
Faculty contact person at Sikt about research projects
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari;
Brun, Cathrine.
Professionalization of humanitarian work: The Norwegian case.
EUPRHA - European Universities on professionalization on humanitarian action
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
Narrating migration and health: Complexity of perceptions and experiences among Asian immigrant women in Trondheim, Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
Ignored voices of globalization: women’s agency in coping with human rights violations in an export processing zone in Sri Lanka.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
Back and forth with hopes and fears: Sri Lankan men's narratives on gender and mobility in transnational livelihoods.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari;
Brun, Cathrine;
Lund, Ragnhild.
Working gender after crisis: partnerships and disconnections in Sri Lanka after the Indian Ocean tsunami.
Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography
Academic article
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
Migration and Health : A literature review of the health of immigrant populations in Norway.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari;
Lund, Ragnhild.
Contested identities of indigenous people: Indigenization or integration of the Veddas in Sri Lanka.
Singapore journal of tropical geography
Academic article
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari;
Brun, Cathrine;
Lund, Ragnhild.
Gender and Post-tsunami Recovery.
Social Scientists' Association
Social Scientists' Association
Popular scientific book
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
Women's empowerment for promoting health: Stories of migrant women workers in Katuanayake export-processing zone, Sri Lanka.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
Were they ever 'in place'? Sense of place and self-identities among migrant female export-processing zone workers in Sri Lanka.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
Experiences of globalization and health in the narratives of female industrial workers in Sri Lanka.
Gender, Technology and Development
Academic article
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
PhD Dissertation - Unravelling women's stories of health. Female workers' experiences of work, gender roles and empowerment relating to health in Katunayake export-processing zone, Sri Lanka.
NTNU- Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Doctoral dissertation
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
Globalization as social and cultural change: female agency and health in structure-agency perspective.
Acta Geographica Trondheim serie B (Serie B Nr. 6)
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
Changing gender roles and health impacts among female workers in export-processing industries in Sri Lanka.
Social Science and Medicine
Academic article
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
Multiple voices, multiple realities: female industrial workers' health in Sri Lanka.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Journal publications
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
Back and forth with hopes and fears: Sri Lankan men's narratives on gender and mobility in transnational livelihoods.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari;
Brun, Cathrine;
Lund, Ragnhild.
Working gender after crisis: partnerships and disconnections in Sri Lanka after the Indian Ocean tsunami.
Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography
Academic article
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari;
Lund, Ragnhild.
Contested identities of indigenous people: Indigenization or integration of the Veddas in Sri Lanka.
Singapore journal of tropical geography
Academic article
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
Women's empowerment for promoting health: Stories of migrant women workers in Katuanayake export-processing zone, Sri Lanka.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
Were they ever 'in place'? Sense of place and self-identities among migrant female export-processing zone workers in Sri Lanka.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
Experiences of globalization and health in the narratives of female industrial workers in Sri Lanka.
Gender, Technology and Development
Academic article
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
Changing gender roles and health impacts among female workers in export-processing industries in Sri Lanka.
Social Science and Medicine
Academic article
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
Multiple voices, multiple realities: female industrial workers' health in Sri Lanka.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari;
Brun, Cathrine;
Lund, Ragnhild.
Gender and Post-tsunami Recovery.
Social Scientists' Association
Social Scientists' Association
Popular scientific book
Part of book/report
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
Narrating migration and health: Complexity of perceptions and experiences among Asian immigrant women in Trondheim, Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
Ignored voices of globalization: women’s agency in coping with human rights violations in an export processing zone in Sri Lanka.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari;
Brun, Cathrine.
Professionalization of humanitarian work: The Norwegian case.
EUPRHA - European Universities on professionalization on humanitarian action
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
Migration and Health : A literature review of the health of immigrant populations in Norway.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
PhD Dissertation - Unravelling women's stories of health. Female workers' experiences of work, gender roles and empowerment relating to health in Katunayake export-processing zone, Sri Lanka.
NTNU- Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Doctoral dissertation
Attanapola, Chamila Thushari.
Globalization as social and cultural change: female agency and health in structure-agency perspective.
Acta Geographica Trondheim serie B (Serie B Nr. 6)
LectureAttanapola, Chamila Thushari. (2017) Migrasjon og helse: Noen utfordringer i møte med kulturer. Dialogsenter, Kvalifiseringssenter for Innvandrere Fagdag for Nettverk i minoritetshelse for helsepersonell med sykepleierfaglig bakgrunn , Trondheim 2017-11-08 - 2017-11-08
LectureAttanapola, Chamila Thushari. (2014) Alternative geographies of gender and development - Contributions of Ragnhild Lund. Geografisk institutt, NTNU Alternative Development: Unravelling Marginalization, Voicing change , Britannia Hotel. Trondheim 2014-03-05 - 2014-03-05
Academic lectureAttanapola, Chamila Thushari. (2013) Back and forth with hopes and fears: Sri Lankan men's narratives on gender and mobility in transnational livelihoods. Norwegian Network on Geographies of Mobilities Mobility as movements and moorings , PRIO, Oslo 2013-05-27 - 2013-05-28
Academic lectureAttanapola, Chamila Thushari. (2013) Complexities of migration and health- Narratives of Asian immigrant women living in Trondheim, Norway. Globalization Research Programme, NTNU Globalization: Opportunities and Challenges , Britannia Hotel, Trondheim 2013-06-13 - 2013-06-13
Academic lectureAttanapola, Chamila Thushari. (2012) Gender, transnational migration and welfare of men in Asia. Network on gender in Asia (GAN), NIAS og NTNU Globaliserings 3rd Gendering Asia workshop (GAN) , Trondheim 2012-08-21 - 2012-08-24
Academic lectureAttanapola, Chamila Thushari. (2011) Work migration and return home as gendered choices: Women’s negotiation and contestation with power. University of Reykjavik, Iceland 2nd Gendering Asia Workshop , Reykjavik 2011-10-10 - 2011-10-13
PosterAttanapola, Chamila Thushari; Lund, Ragnhild. (2011) Photo exhibition: Livelihoods and Identities of Tribal Women in Odisha India. Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet - NTNU India2011 , NTNU Dragvoll 2011-10-01 - 2011-10-09
Academic lectureAttanapola, Chamila Thushari; Brun, Cathrine; Lund, Ragnhild. (2008) Gender pressure: Elasticity of identity, gender roles and power relations in post-crisis situations. Norsk Geografisk Selskap, Trondheim og Geografisk institutt, Norwegian Geographical Society Conference 2008 , Trondheim 2008-03-27 - 2008-03-28
Academic lectureLund, Ragnhild; Attanapola, Chamila Thushari; Brun, Cathrine. (2007) Changing livelihoods, gender roles and identities, case of a FORUT post-tsunami project in Southern Sri Lanka. NTNU/FORUT Workshop on Livelihoods, NTNU 17-18, 2007 , Trondheim 2007-10-17 - 2007-10-18
PosterAttanapola, Chamila Thushari. (2006) Livelihoods: A litarature review. FONT: FORUT/NTNU project Livelihoods workshop , Colombo 2006-02-13 - 2006-02-17
Popular scientific lectureAttanapola, Chamila Thushari. (2004) Unraveling their stories of health and empowerment in globalization era. Norges teknisk og naturvitenskap universitet Forum for Globaliseringsforskning , Suhmhuset, Vitenskapsmuseet, Trondheim 2004-12-06 - 2004-12-06
Academic lectureAttanapola, Chamila Thushari. (2003) Dilemma of economic development: health status of female workers in export processing industries in Sri Lanka. Norges forskningsrådet. Conference on Globalization and Marginalization: Development Paths in South. , Quality Hotell Oslo 2003-01-09 -
Academic lectureAttanapola, Chamila Thushari. (2002) Gender roles and health impacts. Case of female workers at free trade Zone industries, Sri Lanka. Eighth National convention on women's studies. SriLanka , Centre for Women's Research (CENWOR), Colombo, Sri Lanka 2002-03-26 -
Academic lectureAttanapola, Chamila Thushari. (2002) Gender roles and health among female workers in export processing zone, Sri Lanka. III International Congress on Women, Work and Health. , Stockholm, Sweden 2002-06-05 -
Academic lectureAttanapola, Chamila Thushari. (2002) Workers rights and labour laws. Case of female workers at export processing industris in Sri Lanka. Norasia II: Conflicts and developments in Asia , Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim. 2002-08-31 -
Popular scientific lectureAttanapola, Chamila Thushari. (2002) Workers rights and labour laws. Case of female workers at export-processing industries in Sri Lanka. Asia Network og Arena for utviklingsstudier- NTNU Norasia II: Conflicts and Developments in Asia. , Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim 2002-08-29 - 2002-08-31
Popular scientific lectureAttanapola, Chamila Thushari. (2002) Gender and health impacts: Case of female workers in free trade zone industries in Sri Lanka. Centre for Women's Research (CENWOR) Eighth National Convention on Women's Studies , Colombo 2002-03-23 - 2002-03-26
Popular scientific lectureAttanapola, Chamila Thushari. (2002) Health impacts of industrialization and urban lifestyles on young women: Case from Sri Lanka. Institute of Gender and Developmt Studies Guest Lecture , Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Bangkok 2002-03-05 - 2002-03-05
Popular scientific lectureAttanapola, Chamila Thushari. (2002) Globalization and the international workforce. The case of female industrial workers in Sri Lanka. Globalization and gender group: NTNU Rethinking and reconceptualizing gender in view of globalization , NTNU, Trondheim 2002-06-07 - 2002-06-08
Popular scientific lectureAttanapola, Chamila Thushari. (2001) Gender roles and health among female workers in export-processing zone, Sri Lanka. Arbetslivsinstitutet. National Institute for Working Life III International Congress on Women, Work and Health. , Stockholm 2001-06-02 - 2002-06-05
Popular scientific lectureAttanapola, Chamila Thushari. (2001) Where were the women and what happened to their health. A critical historical analysis of development of studies within Health Geography. Forskerkurs: Forskning og Samfunn (Vitenskapsteori) , Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim. 2001-04-19 -
Popular scientific lectureAttanapola, Chamila Thushari. (2001) Globalisation, changing gender roles and health impacts. Case of female workers in export processing industries in Sri Lanka. Doctoral course: Gender work and body , Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim. 2001-09-26 -
Popular scientific lectureAttanapola, Chamila Thushari. (2001) Presentation of doctoral project: Empowerment of women for health promotion. Nasjonal forskerkurs i kvinne-kjønnsforskning: Kjønn, subject og aktør i feministisk theori og forskning. , Vatnahalsen høyfjellshotell, Myrdal. 2001-09-21 -