Francis Chantel Nixon
I am an Associate Professor of physical geography and Quaternary geology. I teach courses on geomorphology, natural hazards, and field methods in physical geography. My research is interdisciplinary, field-based, and focused on Arctic coasts.
Education and experience
I earned my PhD in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Alberta, Canada, where I reconstructed past ice sheet margins and relative sea-level change in the western Canadian High Arctic. While a PhD student, I had the good fortune to teach several Environmental Technology Program courses at Nunavut Arctic College in Iqaluit, Nunavut. After moving to Norway, I worked at the Geological Survey of Norway in the Marine Geology group. I have been an associate professor in the Department of Geography at NTNU since 2018.
The overarching theme of my research program is to investigate the impacts of climate change and pollution on coastal landscapes in Norway, the circum-Arctic, and elsewhere. Current research projects include:
- Reducing uncertainty in century-scale relative sea-level projections for Norway using Holocene analogues and improved glacial isostatic adjustment modelling.
- Documenting and elucidating impacts of climate change on Arctic coasts
- Mapping the sources, transport pathways, and sinks for plastic litter in the coastal zone.
Research interests
- reconstructing geomorphological, sedimentological, and biogeochemical responses of coastal environments to past sea-level change;
- mapping and documenting the impacts of macroplastics in coastal soils;
- reconstructing past coastal sea ice conditions and Arctic Ocean dynamics using driftwood and other proxy data;
- collaborating with communities and local stakeholders to identify their most pressing environmental concerns and increase our collective understanding of them.
Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie;
Nixon, Francis Chantel.
Plastic litter affected by heat or pressure: A review of current research on remoulded plastic litter.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic literature review
Thorsnes, Terje;
Chand, Shyam;
Bellec, Valerie Karin;
Nixon, Francis Chantel;
Brunstad, Harald;
Lepland, Aivo.
Gas seeps in Norwegian waters – distribution and mechanisms.
Norwegian Journal of Geology
Academic article
Peter, Maria;
Andersen, Jane Lund;
Nixon, Francis Chantel;
Etzelmüller, Bernd;
Westermann, Sebastian;
Fredin, Ola.
Near-surface temperatures and potential for frost weathering in blockfields in Norway and Svalbard.
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Academic article
Nixon, Francis Chantel.
Wood, whales, and the water's edge: Three proxies for interpreting past sea-ice conditions on Arctic beaches.
Past Global Changes Magazine
Popular scientific article
Lakeman, Thomas;
Nixon, Francis Chantel;
Romundset, Anders;
Simpson, Matthew J.R.;
Svendsen, John Inge;
Vasskog, Kristian.
Improving past and future relative sea-level constraints for the Norwegian coast.
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts
Holthuis, Max;
Nixon, Francis Chantel;
Kylander, Malin E.;
van der Bilt, Willem Godert Maria;
Martin, Jake;
Lakeman, Thomas.
Late Holocene sea-level change and storms in southwestern Norway based on new data from intertidal basins and salt marshes.
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts
Martin, Jake;
Lusher, Amy L.;
Nixon, Francis Chantel.
A review of the use of microplastics in reconstructing dated sedimentary archives.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic literature review
Kveberg, Anne Aasen;
Nixon, Francis Chantel;
Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie.
Mikroplast i sedimenter fra Trøndelagskysten, Norge.
Institutt for Geografi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Dalton, April S.;
Margold, Martin;
Stokes, Chris R.;
Tarasov, Lev;
Dyke, Arthur S.;
Adams, Roberta S..
An updated radiocarbon-based ice margin chronology for the last deglaciation of the North American Ice Sheet Complex.
Quaternary Science Reviews
Academic literature review
Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie;
Nixon, Francis Chantel.
GEOG1014 - VR Feltkurs.
Digital learning tools
Bellec, Valérie K.;
Bøe, Reidulv;
Bjarnadóttir, Lilja Rún;
Albretsen, Jon;
Dolan, Margaret F.J.;
Chand, Shyam.
Sandbanks, sandwaves and megaripples on Spitsbergenbanken, Barents Sea.
Marine Geology
Academic article
Nixon, Chantel;
Chand, Shyam;
Thorsnes, Terje;
Bjarnadóttir, Lilja Rún.
A modified gas hydrate-geomorphological model for a new discovery of enigmatic craters and seabed mounds in the Central Barents Sea, Norway.
Geo-Marine Letters
Academic article
Oliva, Frank;
Peros, Matthew Charles;
Viau, Andre E;
Reinhardt, Eduard G;
Nixon, Chantel;
Morin, A.
A multi-proxy reconstruction of tropical cyclone variability during the past 800 years from Robinson Lake, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Marine Geology
Academic article
Lakeman, Thomas;
Pienkowski, Anna J.;
Nixon, Francis Chantel;
Furze, Mark F.A.;
Blasco, Steve;
Andrews, John T..
Collapse of a marine-based ice stream during the early Younger Dryas chronozone, western Canadian Arctic.
Short communication
Nixon, Francis Chantel;
England, John H.;
Lajeunesse, Patrick;
Hanson, Michelle A..
An 11 000-year record of driftwood delivery to the western Queen Elizabeth Islands, Arctic Canada.
Academic article
Journal publications
Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie;
Nixon, Francis Chantel.
Plastic litter affected by heat or pressure: A review of current research on remoulded plastic litter.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic literature review
Thorsnes, Terje;
Chand, Shyam;
Bellec, Valerie Karin;
Nixon, Francis Chantel;
Brunstad, Harald;
Lepland, Aivo.
Gas seeps in Norwegian waters – distribution and mechanisms.
Norwegian Journal of Geology
Academic article
Peter, Maria;
Andersen, Jane Lund;
Nixon, Francis Chantel;
Etzelmüller, Bernd;
Westermann, Sebastian;
Fredin, Ola.
Near-surface temperatures and potential for frost weathering in blockfields in Norway and Svalbard.
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Academic article
Nixon, Francis Chantel.
Wood, whales, and the water's edge: Three proxies for interpreting past sea-ice conditions on Arctic beaches.
Past Global Changes Magazine
Popular scientific article
Lakeman, Thomas;
Nixon, Francis Chantel;
Romundset, Anders;
Simpson, Matthew J.R.;
Svendsen, John Inge;
Vasskog, Kristian.
Improving past and future relative sea-level constraints for the Norwegian coast.
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts
Holthuis, Max;
Nixon, Francis Chantel;
Kylander, Malin E.;
van der Bilt, Willem Godert Maria;
Martin, Jake;
Lakeman, Thomas.
Late Holocene sea-level change and storms in southwestern Norway based on new data from intertidal basins and salt marshes.
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts
Martin, Jake;
Lusher, Amy L.;
Nixon, Francis Chantel.
A review of the use of microplastics in reconstructing dated sedimentary archives.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic literature review
Dalton, April S.;
Margold, Martin;
Stokes, Chris R.;
Tarasov, Lev;
Dyke, Arthur S.;
Adams, Roberta S..
An updated radiocarbon-based ice margin chronology for the last deglaciation of the North American Ice Sheet Complex.
Quaternary Science Reviews
Academic literature review
Bellec, Valérie K.;
Bøe, Reidulv;
Bjarnadóttir, Lilja Rún;
Albretsen, Jon;
Dolan, Margaret F.J.;
Chand, Shyam.
Sandbanks, sandwaves and megaripples on Spitsbergenbanken, Barents Sea.
Marine Geology
Academic article
Nixon, Chantel;
Chand, Shyam;
Thorsnes, Terje;
Bjarnadóttir, Lilja Rún.
A modified gas hydrate-geomorphological model for a new discovery of enigmatic craters and seabed mounds in the Central Barents Sea, Norway.
Geo-Marine Letters
Academic article
Oliva, Frank;
Peros, Matthew Charles;
Viau, Andre E;
Reinhardt, Eduard G;
Nixon, Chantel;
Morin, A.
A multi-proxy reconstruction of tropical cyclone variability during the past 800 years from Robinson Lake, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Marine Geology
Academic article
Lakeman, Thomas;
Pienkowski, Anna J.;
Nixon, Francis Chantel;
Furze, Mark F.A.;
Blasco, Steve;
Andrews, John T..
Collapse of a marine-based ice stream during the early Younger Dryas chronozone, western Canadian Arctic.
Short communication
Nixon, Francis Chantel;
England, John H.;
Lajeunesse, Patrick;
Hanson, Michelle A..
An 11 000-year record of driftwood delivery to the western Queen Elizabeth Islands, Arctic Canada.
Academic article
Kveberg, Anne Aasen;
Nixon, Francis Chantel;
Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie.
Mikroplast i sedimenter fra Trøndelagskysten, Norge.
Institutt for Geografi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie;
Nixon, Francis Chantel.
GEOG1014 - VR Feltkurs.
Digital learning tools
Academic lectureCyvin, Jakob Bonnevie; Nixon, Francis Chantel; Coutris, Claire; Nemes, Attila. (2024) Water Infiltration capacity in soil polluted with macroplastic. MICRO2024 MICRO2024 , Lanzarote 2024-09-23 - 2024-09-27
PosterCyvin, Jakob Bonnevie; Hausken, Amanda Veronica; Sledz, Zuzanna Maria; Nixon, Francis Chantel. (2023) A novel method for coring plastic-infiltrated coastal soils & quantification of leaking microplastics from central Norway. The governement of Iceland the Second International Symposium on Plastics in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic Region , Reykjavik 2023-11-22 - 2023-11-23
PosterSledz, Zuzanna Maria; Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie; Nixon, Francis Chantel. (2023) Effect of macroplastic on soil percolation and infiltration rate: a lysimeter test using artificial rainfall on samples from the central Norwegian coast. SETAC Europe SETAC Europe 33th Annual Meeting , Dublin 2023-04-30 - 2023-05-04
LectureCyvin, Jakob Bonnevie; Kronbäck, Sebastian; Skottun, Ane; Berglid, Thomas; Nixon, Chantel. (2022) VIRTUAL REALITY FOR ACTIVE LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION. HOW AND WHY?. WEEC Network 11th World Environmental Education Congress , Pague 2022-03-14 - 2022-03-18
Academic lectureHolthuis, Max; Nixon, Francis Chantel; Kylander, Malin E.; van der Bilt, Willem Godert Maria; Martin, Jake; Lakeman, Thomas. (2022) Late Holocene sea-level change and storms in southwestern Norway based on new data from intertidal basins and salt marshes. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27