Charlotte Ingeborg Björk Ingul
Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk;
Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte;
Sandbakk, Mari Mørkeset;
Grønseth, Torunn Ingfrid;
Rånes, Tone Iren K.;
Dyrendahl, Lars Tung.
Empowerment in Type 2 diabetes: A patient-centred approach for lifestyle change.
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
Academic article
Faldaas, Bjørn Ove;
Storm, Benjamin Stage;
Lappegård, Knut Tore;
How, Ole-Jakob;
Nilsen, Bent Aksel;
Kiss, Gabriel Hanssen.
A hands-free carotid Doppler can identify spontaneous circulation without interrupting cardiopulmonary resuscitation: an animal study.
Intensive Care Medicine Experimental
Academic article
Øvrebotten, Tarjei;
Mecinaj, Albulena;
Stavem, Knut;
Ghanima, Waleed;
Brønstad, Eivind;
Durheim, Michael Thomas.
Trajectory of cardiac troponin T following moderate-to-severe COVID-19 and the association with cardiac abnormalities.
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders
Academic article
Faldaas, Bjørn Ove;
Nielsen, Erik Waage;
Storm, Benjamin Stage;
Lappegård, Knut Tore;
Nilsen, Bent Aksel;
Kiss, Gabriel Hanssen.
Real-time feedback on chest compression efficacy by hands-free carotid Doppler in a porcine model.
Resuscitation Plus
Academic article
Moholdt, Trine Tegdan;
Garnæs, Kirsti Krohn;
Vik, Idunn Pernill;
Mørkved, Siv;
Salvesen, Kjell Åsmund Blix;
Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk.
Cardiovascular effects of exercise training in pregnant people with a high body mass index: secondary results from a randomised controlled trial (ETIP).
BMJ Open sport & exercise medicine
Academic article
Faldaas, Bjørn Ove;
Nielsen, Erik Waage;
Storm, Benjamin Stage;
Lappegård, Knut Tore;
How, Ole-Jakob;
nielsen, bent aksel.
Real Time Feedback of Chest Compressions by Hands-Free Carotid Doppler in a Porcine Model.
Faldaas, Bjørn Ove;
Nielsen, Erik Waage;
Storm, Benjamin;
Lappegård, Knut Tore;
How, Ole-Jakob;
Nilsen, Bent Aksel.
Hands-free continuous carotid Doppler ultrasound for detection of the pulse during cardiac arrest in a porcine model.
Resuscitation Plus
Academic article
Semb, Anne Grete;
Vesterbekk, Elisabeth Kleivhaug;
Retterstøl, Kjetil;
Atar, Dan;
Solberg, Erik E.;
Schirmer, Henrik.
PCSK9-hemmere på blå resept for hvem?.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Øvrebotten, Tarjei;
Heck, Siri Lagethon;
Skjørten, Ingunn;
Einvik, Gunnar;
Stavem, Knut;
Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk.
Minor Myocardial Scars in Association with Cardiopulmonary Function after COVID-19.
Academic article
Norekvål, Tone Merete;
Bale, Marte;
Hole, Torstein;
Bedane, Haji Kedir;
Hole, Torstein Laurits;
Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk.
Cardiac rehabilitation participation within 6 months of discharge in 37 136 myocardial infarction survivors: a nationwide registry study.
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (EJPC)
Academic article
Faldaas, Bjørn Ove;
Nielsen, Erik Waage;
Storm, Benjamin Stage;
Lappegård, Knut Tore;
How, Ole-Jakob;
Nilsen, Bent Aksel.
RescueDoppler: Non-invasive Handsfree Carotid Doppler Ultrasound For Continuous Hemodynamic-guided Resuscitation.
Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk;
Grimsmo, Jostein;
Mecinaj, Albulena;
Trebinjac, Divna;
Nossen, Magnus Berger;
Andrup, Simon.
Cardiac Dysfunction and Arrhythmias 3 Months After Hospitalization for COVID-19.
Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA)
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Edvardsen, Anne;
Follestad, Turid;
Trebinjac, Divna;
Ankerstjerne, Odd Andre Wathne;
Brønstad, Eivind.
Changes in cardiopulmonary exercise capacity and limitations 3-12 months after COVID-19.
European Respiratory Journal
Academic article
Slind, Eva Kjøl;
Lægran, Marianne;
Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk;
Eriksen-Volnes, Torfinn Kirknes;
Blindheimsvik, Martin Andre Brevik;
Myhre, Peder Langeland.
Norsk hjertesviktregister : Årsrapport 2021 : Med plan for forbedringstiltak.
Norsk hjerteviktregister
Øvrebotten, Tarjei;
Myhre, Peder Langeland;
Grimsmo, Jostein;
Mecinaj, Albulena;
Trebinjac, Divna;
Nossen, Magnus Berger.
Changes in cardiac structure and function from 3 to 12 months after hospitalization for COVID-19.
Clinical Cardiology
Academic article
Skjørten, Ingunn;
Ankerstjerne, Odd Andre Wathne;
Trebinjac, Divna;
Brønstad, Eivind;
Rasch-Halvorsen, Øystein;
Einvik, Gunnar.
Cardiopulmonary exercise capacity and limitations 3 months after COVID-19 hospitalisation.
European Respiratory Journal
Academic article
Myhre, Peder Langeland;
Heck, Siri Lagethon;
Skranes, Julia Brox;
Prebensen, Christian Haugland;
Jonassen, Christine M;
Berge, Trygve.
Cardiac pathology 6 months after hospitalization for COVID-19 and association with the acute disease severity.
American Heart Journal
Academic article
Mallard, Alistair R.;
Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Coombes, Jeff.
High day-to-day and diurnal variability of oxidative stress and inflammation biomarkers in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus and healthy individuals.
Redox report
Academic article
Dias, Katrin A.;
Ramos, Joyce S;
Wallen, Matthew P;
Davies, Peter S.W.;
Cain, Peter A;
Leong, Gary M.
Accuracy of Longitudinal Assessment of Visceral Adipose Tissue by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry in Children with Obesity.
Journal of Obesity
Academic article
Karlsen, Lillian;
Sandbakk, Mari Mørkeset;
Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk;
Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye.
Samhandling for fremtidens helsetjeneste.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk.
Low volume, high intensity: Time-efficient exercise for the treatment of hypertension.
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (EJPC)
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk;
Dias, Katrin A.;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Follestad, Turid;
Hosseini, Mansoureh Sadat;
Timilsina, Anita Sharma.
Effect of High Intensity Interval Training on Cardiac Function in Children with Obesity: A Randomised Controlled Trial.
Progress in cardiovascular diseases
Academic article
Nyrnes, Siri Ann;
Garnæs, Kirsti Krohn;
Salvesen, Øyvind;
Timilsina, Anita Sharma;
Moholdt, Trine;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Cardiac function in newborns of obese women and the effect of exercise during pregnancy. A randomized controlled trial.
Academic article
Dias, Katrin A.;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Keating, Shelley E.;
Gomersall, Sjaan R.;
Follestad, Turid.
Effect of high-intensity interval training on fitness, fat mass and cardiometabolic biomarkers in children with obesity: a randomised controlled trial.
Sports Medicine
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Garnæs, Kirsti Krohn;
Moholdt, Trine;
Nyrnes, Siri Ann.
Cardiac function in newborns of obese women and the
effect of an exercise intervention.
European Heart Journal, Supplement
Hosseini, Mansoureh Sadat;
Dias, Katrin A.;
Masterson, Concetta E;
Wallen, Matthew P;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Davies, Peter SW.
Assessment of the Five-Minute Oxygen Uptake Efficiency Slope in Children With Obesity.
Pediatric Exercise Science
Academic article
Mallard, Alexandre;
Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte;
Coombes, Jeff S;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Exercise intensity, redox homeostasis and inflammation in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport
Academic article
Dias, Katrin A.;
Spence, Angela L;
Sarma, Satyam;
Oxborough, David;
Timilsina, Anita Sharma;
Davies, Peter S.W..
Left ventricular morphology and function in adolescents: Relations to fitness and fatness.
International Journal of Cardiology
Academic article
Dias, Katrin A.;
Coombes, Jeff S;
Green, DJ;
Gomersall, SR;
Keating, SE;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik.
Effects of exercise intensity and nutrition advice on myocardial function in obese children and adolescents: a multicentre randomised controlled trial study protocol.
BMJ Open
Academic article
Dias, Katrin A.;
Masterson, CE;
Wallen, MP;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Davies, PS;
Leong, GM.
The Oxygen Uptake Efficiency Slope Reflects Exercise-training Induced Changes In VO2max In Obese Children.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Coombes, Jeff S;
Masterson, CE;
Wallen, MP;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Davies, PS;
Leong, GM.
Validity Of Six-minute Oxygen Uptake Efficiency Slope In Obese Children To Determine Cardiorespiratory Fitness.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Grimsmo, Jostein;
Igland, Jannicke;
Sulo, Gerhard;
Sulo, Enxhela;
Tell, Grethe S.;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Country report Norway - December 2016.
European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC)
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Lorås, Liv;
Tegnander, Eva;
Eik-Nes, Sturla;
Brantberg, Anne.
Maternal obesity affects fetal myocardial function as early as in the first trimester.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Academic article
Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte;
Høydahl, Sigve Fredrik;
Follestad, Turid;
Dalen, Håvard;
Bjørgaas, Marit Ragnhild Rokne;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Exercise Training Normalizes Timing of Left Ventricular Untwist Rate, but Not Peak Untwist Rate, in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes and Diastolic Dysfunction: A Pilot Study.
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
Academic article
Revdal, Anders;
Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Can Time Efficient Exercise Improve Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Type 2 Diabetes? A Pilot Study.
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Academic article
Dias, Katrin A.;
Green, Daniel J.;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Pavey, Toby G.;
Coombes, Jeff S..
Exercise and vascular function in child obesity: A meta-analysis.
Academic literature review
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Spis mar, ikke for mye, mest planter.
Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte;
Malmo, Vegard;
Follestad, Turid;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Fast food increases postprandial cardiac workload in type 2 diabetes independent of pre-exercise: A pilot study.
Nutrition Journal
Academic article
Rolim, Natale Pinheiro Lage;
Skårdal, Kristine;
Høydal, Morten;
Sousa, Mirta;
Malmo, Vegard;
Skrove, Guri Kaurstad.
Aerobic interval training reduces inducible ventricular arrhytmias in diabetic mice after myocardial infarction.
Basic Research in Cardiology
Academic article
Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte;
Bjørgaas, Marit Ragnhild Rokne;
Albrektsen, Grethe;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
High-intensity interval exercise effectively improves cardiac function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and diastolic dysfunction: A randomized controlled trial.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Letter to the editor
Timilsina, Anita Sharma;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Effect of Exercise Intensity and Diet Intervention on cardiac Function amongObese children and Adolescents.
Masters thesis
Revdal, Anders;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Low-volume interval training improves cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetes A randomized controlled trial.
Masters thesis
Høydahl, Sigve Fredrik;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Thesis at a second degree level
Olsen, Trude H.;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Kartlegging av ernæringskunnskap hos barnehageansatte i Trondheim.
Masters thesis
Zachariah, JP;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Marx, GR.
Linking pediatric obesity to subclinical alterations in cardiac structure and function.
JACC Cardiovascular Imaging
Academic article
Hatle, Håvard;
Støbakk, Per Kristian;
Hansen, Harald Edvard Mølmen;
Brønstad, Eivind;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Steinshamn, Sigurd Loe.
Effect of 24 sessions of high-intensity aerobic interval training carried out at either high or moderate frequency, a randomized trial.
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Foreldre vil påby sunn mat
Stavanger Aftenblad
Interview Journal
Brønstad, Eivind;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Rognmo, Øivind;
Dalen, Håvard;
Heggli, Alf Magne;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Aerobic exercise training improves right- and left ventricular systolic function in patients with COPD.
COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Academic article
Hollekim, Siri Marte;
Bjørgaas, Marit Ragnhild Rokne;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Wisloff, U;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
The effect of exercise on cardiac function in patients with type 2 diabetes and diastolic dysfunction.
European Heart Journal
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Brantberg, Anne Barbro Jacobsson;
Loraas, Liv;
Tegnander, Eva;
Moholdt, Trine;
Garnaes, K.K..
Reduced fetal cardiac function in obese pregnant women.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Brønstad, Eivind;
Rognmo, Øivind;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Dedichen, Hans Henrik;
Kirkeby-Garstad, Idar;
Håberg, Asta.
High-intensity knee extensor training restores skeletal muscle function in CORD patients.
European Respiratory Journal
Academic article
Molmen, Harald Edvard;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Aamot, Inger Lise;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Aerobic interval training compensates age related decline in cardiac function.
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal
Academic article
Hansen, Harald Edvard Mølmen;
Stølen, Tomas;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Aamot, Inger Lise;
Schjerve, Inga Ekeberg;
Tyldum, Gjertrud Aunet.
Aerobic interval training reduces blood pressure and improves myocardial function in hypertensive patients.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Academic article
Moholdt, Trine Tegdan;
Salvesen, Kjell Å;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Vik, Torstein;
Oken, Emily;
Mørkved, Siv.
Exercise Training in Pregnancy for obese women (ETIP): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Stølen, Tomas;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Impaired cardiac function among obese adolescents: effect of aerobic interval training.
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine
Academic article
Hansen, Harald Edvard Mølmen;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Aamot, Inger Lise;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Improved diastolic myocardial function in elderly after high intensity aerobic interval training, compared to old master athletes.
European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging
Hansen, Harald Edvard Mølmen;
Aamot, Inger Lise;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Influence of long-term vs. short-term endurance training in old males on left ventricular function.
European Heart Journal, Supplement
Dalen, Håvard;
Thorstensen, Anders;
Aase, Svein Arne;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Torp, Hans;
Vatten, Lars Johan.
Segmental and global longitudinal strain and strain rate based on echocardiography of 1266 healthy individuals: the HUNT study in Norway.
European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging
Academic article
Aase, Svein Arne;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Thorstensen, Anders;
Torp, Hans;
Støylen, Asbjørn.
Aortic Valve Closure: Relation to Tissue Velocities by Doppler and Speckle Tracking in Patients with Infarction and at High Heart Rates.
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Malm, Siri;
Refsdal, Erlend;
Hegbom, Knut;
Amundsen, Brage H.;
Støylen, Asbjørn.
Recovery of Function After Acute Myocardial Infarction Evaluated by Tissue Doppler Strain and Strain Rate.
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
Academic article
Hansen, HEM;
Stølen, Tomas;
Tjonna, AE;
Aamot, IL;
Ekeberg, IS;
Tyldum, G.
Journal of Hypertension
Stanton, T;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Holland, DJ;
Hare, JL;
Leano, R;
Marwick, TH.
Peak Systolic Strain Rate Is Predictive of Mortality in Patients With Diabetes Undergoing Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Stanton, T;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Hare, JL;
Leano, R;
Marwick, TH.
Relative Wall Thickness and Myocardial Ischemia Are the Most Important Factors in the Subendocardial Response to Stress.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Stanton, Tony;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Hare, JL;
Leano, Rodel;
Marwick, Thomas H..
Association of Myocardial Deformation With Mortality Independent of Myocardial Ischemia and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Academic article
Stanton, T;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Hare, JL;
Leano, R;
Marwick, TH.
Interaction of Left Ventricular Geometry and Myocardial Ischemia in the Response of Myocardial Deformation to Stress.
American Journal of Cardiology
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Stølen, Tomas;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ødegaard, Rønnaug;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik.
Endurance training improves contractility and stroke volume at rest and during exercise in obese adolescents.
European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Rozis, Ellen;
Slørdahl, Stig Arild;
Marwick, Thomas H..
Incremental value of strain rate imaging to wall motion analysis for prediction of outcome in patients undergoing dobutamine stress echocardiography.
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Slørdahl, Stig Arild;
Wiseth, Rune;
Burgess, Malcolm;
Marwick, Thomas H..
Automated analysis of myocardial deformation at dobutamine stress echocardiography: an angiographic validation.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Aase, Svein Arne.
Automated strain and strain rate.
Blackwell Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brekke, Svein;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Aase, Svein Arne;
Torp, Hans.
Increasing frame rate in ultrasound imaging by temporal morphing using tissue Doppler.
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control
Academic article
Aase, Svein Arne;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Frigstad, Sigmund;
Torp, Hans.
Automatic timing of aortic valve closure in apical tissue Doppler images.
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Slørdahl, Stig Arild;
Bjørnstad, Knut;
Aase, Svein Arne;
Torp, Hans.
Automated peak systolic strain rate increases the accuracy of dobutamine stress echocardiography.
European Heart Journal
Aase, Svein Arne;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Frigstad, Sigmund;
Torp, Hans.
Automatic timing of aortic valve closure using tissue Doppler imaging.
European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Slørdahl, Stig Arild.
Recovery of stunned myocardium in acute myocardial infarction quantified by strain rate imaging: A clinical study.
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Torp, Hans;
Aase, Svein Arne;
Berg, Sigrid;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Slørdahl, Stig Arild.
Automated analysis of strain rate and strain: Feasibility and clinical implications.
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
Academic article
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Torp, Hans.
Strain and Strain Rate Parametric Imaging. A new Method for Post Processing to 3- / 4-dimensional images from three standard apical planes. Preliminary Data on Feasibility, Artefact and Regional Dyssynergy Visualisation.
Cardiovascular Ultrasound
Academic article
Journal publications
Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk;
Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte;
Sandbakk, Mari Mørkeset;
Grønseth, Torunn Ingfrid;
Rånes, Tone Iren K.;
Dyrendahl, Lars Tung.
Empowerment in Type 2 diabetes: A patient-centred approach for lifestyle change.
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
Academic article
Faldaas, Bjørn Ove;
Storm, Benjamin Stage;
Lappegård, Knut Tore;
How, Ole-Jakob;
Nilsen, Bent Aksel;
Kiss, Gabriel Hanssen.
A hands-free carotid Doppler can identify spontaneous circulation without interrupting cardiopulmonary resuscitation: an animal study.
Intensive Care Medicine Experimental
Academic article
Øvrebotten, Tarjei;
Mecinaj, Albulena;
Stavem, Knut;
Ghanima, Waleed;
Brønstad, Eivind;
Durheim, Michael Thomas.
Trajectory of cardiac troponin T following moderate-to-severe COVID-19 and the association with cardiac abnormalities.
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders
Academic article
Faldaas, Bjørn Ove;
Nielsen, Erik Waage;
Storm, Benjamin Stage;
Lappegård, Knut Tore;
Nilsen, Bent Aksel;
Kiss, Gabriel Hanssen.
Real-time feedback on chest compression efficacy by hands-free carotid Doppler in a porcine model.
Resuscitation Plus
Academic article
Moholdt, Trine Tegdan;
Garnæs, Kirsti Krohn;
Vik, Idunn Pernill;
Mørkved, Siv;
Salvesen, Kjell Åsmund Blix;
Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk.
Cardiovascular effects of exercise training in pregnant people with a high body mass index: secondary results from a randomised controlled trial (ETIP).
BMJ Open sport & exercise medicine
Academic article
Faldaas, Bjørn Ove;
Nielsen, Erik Waage;
Storm, Benjamin Stage;
Lappegård, Knut Tore;
How, Ole-Jakob;
nielsen, bent aksel.
Real Time Feedback of Chest Compressions by Hands-Free Carotid Doppler in a Porcine Model.
Faldaas, Bjørn Ove;
Nielsen, Erik Waage;
Storm, Benjamin;
Lappegård, Knut Tore;
How, Ole-Jakob;
Nilsen, Bent Aksel.
Hands-free continuous carotid Doppler ultrasound for detection of the pulse during cardiac arrest in a porcine model.
Resuscitation Plus
Academic article
Semb, Anne Grete;
Vesterbekk, Elisabeth Kleivhaug;
Retterstøl, Kjetil;
Atar, Dan;
Solberg, Erik E.;
Schirmer, Henrik.
PCSK9-hemmere på blå resept for hvem?.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Øvrebotten, Tarjei;
Heck, Siri Lagethon;
Skjørten, Ingunn;
Einvik, Gunnar;
Stavem, Knut;
Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk.
Minor Myocardial Scars in Association with Cardiopulmonary Function after COVID-19.
Academic article
Norekvål, Tone Merete;
Bale, Marte;
Hole, Torstein;
Bedane, Haji Kedir;
Hole, Torstein Laurits;
Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk.
Cardiac rehabilitation participation within 6 months of discharge in 37 136 myocardial infarction survivors: a nationwide registry study.
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (EJPC)
Academic article
Faldaas, Bjørn Ove;
Nielsen, Erik Waage;
Storm, Benjamin Stage;
Lappegård, Knut Tore;
How, Ole-Jakob;
Nilsen, Bent Aksel.
RescueDoppler: Non-invasive Handsfree Carotid Doppler Ultrasound For Continuous Hemodynamic-guided Resuscitation.
Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk;
Grimsmo, Jostein;
Mecinaj, Albulena;
Trebinjac, Divna;
Nossen, Magnus Berger;
Andrup, Simon.
Cardiac Dysfunction and Arrhythmias 3 Months After Hospitalization for COVID-19.
Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA)
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Edvardsen, Anne;
Follestad, Turid;
Trebinjac, Divna;
Ankerstjerne, Odd Andre Wathne;
Brønstad, Eivind.
Changes in cardiopulmonary exercise capacity and limitations 3-12 months after COVID-19.
European Respiratory Journal
Academic article
Øvrebotten, Tarjei;
Myhre, Peder Langeland;
Grimsmo, Jostein;
Mecinaj, Albulena;
Trebinjac, Divna;
Nossen, Magnus Berger.
Changes in cardiac structure and function from 3 to 12 months after hospitalization for COVID-19.
Clinical Cardiology
Academic article
Skjørten, Ingunn;
Ankerstjerne, Odd Andre Wathne;
Trebinjac, Divna;
Brønstad, Eivind;
Rasch-Halvorsen, Øystein;
Einvik, Gunnar.
Cardiopulmonary exercise capacity and limitations 3 months after COVID-19 hospitalisation.
European Respiratory Journal
Academic article
Myhre, Peder Langeland;
Heck, Siri Lagethon;
Skranes, Julia Brox;
Prebensen, Christian Haugland;
Jonassen, Christine M;
Berge, Trygve.
Cardiac pathology 6 months after hospitalization for COVID-19 and association with the acute disease severity.
American Heart Journal
Academic article
Mallard, Alistair R.;
Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Coombes, Jeff.
High day-to-day and diurnal variability of oxidative stress and inflammation biomarkers in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus and healthy individuals.
Redox report
Academic article
Dias, Katrin A.;
Ramos, Joyce S;
Wallen, Matthew P;
Davies, Peter S.W.;
Cain, Peter A;
Leong, Gary M.
Accuracy of Longitudinal Assessment of Visceral Adipose Tissue by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry in Children with Obesity.
Journal of Obesity
Academic article
Karlsen, Lillian;
Sandbakk, Mari Mørkeset;
Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk;
Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye.
Samhandling for fremtidens helsetjeneste.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk.
Low volume, high intensity: Time-efficient exercise for the treatment of hypertension.
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (EJPC)
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk;
Dias, Katrin A.;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Follestad, Turid;
Hosseini, Mansoureh Sadat;
Timilsina, Anita Sharma.
Effect of High Intensity Interval Training on Cardiac Function in Children with Obesity: A Randomised Controlled Trial.
Progress in cardiovascular diseases
Academic article
Nyrnes, Siri Ann;
Garnæs, Kirsti Krohn;
Salvesen, Øyvind;
Timilsina, Anita Sharma;
Moholdt, Trine;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Cardiac function in newborns of obese women and the effect of exercise during pregnancy. A randomized controlled trial.
Academic article
Dias, Katrin A.;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Keating, Shelley E.;
Gomersall, Sjaan R.;
Follestad, Turid.
Effect of high-intensity interval training on fitness, fat mass and cardiometabolic biomarkers in children with obesity: a randomised controlled trial.
Sports Medicine
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Garnæs, Kirsti Krohn;
Moholdt, Trine;
Nyrnes, Siri Ann.
Cardiac function in newborns of obese women and the
effect of an exercise intervention.
European Heart Journal, Supplement
Hosseini, Mansoureh Sadat;
Dias, Katrin A.;
Masterson, Concetta E;
Wallen, Matthew P;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Davies, Peter SW.
Assessment of the Five-Minute Oxygen Uptake Efficiency Slope in Children With Obesity.
Pediatric Exercise Science
Academic article
Mallard, Alexandre;
Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte;
Coombes, Jeff S;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Exercise intensity, redox homeostasis and inflammation in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport
Academic article
Dias, Katrin A.;
Spence, Angela L;
Sarma, Satyam;
Oxborough, David;
Timilsina, Anita Sharma;
Davies, Peter S.W..
Left ventricular morphology and function in adolescents: Relations to fitness and fatness.
International Journal of Cardiology
Academic article
Dias, Katrin A.;
Coombes, Jeff S;
Green, DJ;
Gomersall, SR;
Keating, SE;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik.
Effects of exercise intensity and nutrition advice on myocardial function in obese children and adolescents: a multicentre randomised controlled trial study protocol.
BMJ Open
Academic article
Dias, Katrin A.;
Masterson, CE;
Wallen, MP;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Davies, PS;
Leong, GM.
The Oxygen Uptake Efficiency Slope Reflects Exercise-training Induced Changes In VO2max In Obese Children.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Coombes, Jeff S;
Masterson, CE;
Wallen, MP;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Davies, PS;
Leong, GM.
Validity Of Six-minute Oxygen Uptake Efficiency Slope In Obese Children To Determine Cardiorespiratory Fitness.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Lorås, Liv;
Tegnander, Eva;
Eik-Nes, Sturla;
Brantberg, Anne.
Maternal obesity affects fetal myocardial function as early as in the first trimester.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Academic article
Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte;
Høydahl, Sigve Fredrik;
Follestad, Turid;
Dalen, Håvard;
Bjørgaas, Marit Ragnhild Rokne;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Exercise Training Normalizes Timing of Left Ventricular Untwist Rate, but Not Peak Untwist Rate, in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes and Diastolic Dysfunction: A Pilot Study.
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
Academic article
Revdal, Anders;
Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Can Time Efficient Exercise Improve Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Type 2 Diabetes? A Pilot Study.
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Academic article
Dias, Katrin A.;
Green, Daniel J.;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Pavey, Toby G.;
Coombes, Jeff S..
Exercise and vascular function in child obesity: A meta-analysis.
Academic literature review
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Spis mar, ikke for mye, mest planter.
Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte;
Malmo, Vegard;
Follestad, Turid;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Fast food increases postprandial cardiac workload in type 2 diabetes independent of pre-exercise: A pilot study.
Nutrition Journal
Academic article
Rolim, Natale Pinheiro Lage;
Skårdal, Kristine;
Høydal, Morten;
Sousa, Mirta;
Malmo, Vegard;
Skrove, Guri Kaurstad.
Aerobic interval training reduces inducible ventricular arrhytmias in diabetic mice after myocardial infarction.
Basic Research in Cardiology
Academic article
Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte;
Bjørgaas, Marit Ragnhild Rokne;
Albrektsen, Grethe;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
High-intensity interval exercise effectively improves cardiac function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and diastolic dysfunction: A randomized controlled trial.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Letter to the editor
Zachariah, JP;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Marx, GR.
Linking pediatric obesity to subclinical alterations in cardiac structure and function.
JACC Cardiovascular Imaging
Academic article
Hatle, Håvard;
Støbakk, Per Kristian;
Hansen, Harald Edvard Mølmen;
Brønstad, Eivind;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Steinshamn, Sigurd Loe.
Effect of 24 sessions of high-intensity aerobic interval training carried out at either high or moderate frequency, a randomized trial.
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Foreldre vil påby sunn mat
Stavanger Aftenblad
Interview Journal
Brønstad, Eivind;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Rognmo, Øivind;
Dalen, Håvard;
Heggli, Alf Magne;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Aerobic exercise training improves right- and left ventricular systolic function in patients with COPD.
COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Academic article
Hollekim, Siri Marte;
Bjørgaas, Marit Ragnhild Rokne;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Wisloff, U;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
The effect of exercise on cardiac function in patients with type 2 diabetes and diastolic dysfunction.
European Heart Journal
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Brantberg, Anne Barbro Jacobsson;
Loraas, Liv;
Tegnander, Eva;
Moholdt, Trine;
Garnaes, K.K..
Reduced fetal cardiac function in obese pregnant women.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Brønstad, Eivind;
Rognmo, Øivind;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Dedichen, Hans Henrik;
Kirkeby-Garstad, Idar;
Håberg, Asta.
High-intensity knee extensor training restores skeletal muscle function in CORD patients.
European Respiratory Journal
Academic article
Molmen, Harald Edvard;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Aamot, Inger Lise;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Aerobic interval training compensates age related decline in cardiac function.
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal
Academic article
Hansen, Harald Edvard Mølmen;
Stølen, Tomas;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Aamot, Inger Lise;
Schjerve, Inga Ekeberg;
Tyldum, Gjertrud Aunet.
Aerobic interval training reduces blood pressure and improves myocardial function in hypertensive patients.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Academic article
Moholdt, Trine Tegdan;
Salvesen, Kjell Å;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Vik, Torstein;
Oken, Emily;
Mørkved, Siv.
Exercise Training in Pregnancy for obese women (ETIP): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Stølen, Tomas;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Impaired cardiac function among obese adolescents: effect of aerobic interval training.
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine
Academic article
Hansen, Harald Edvard Mølmen;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Aamot, Inger Lise;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Improved diastolic myocardial function in elderly after high intensity aerobic interval training, compared to old master athletes.
European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging
Hansen, Harald Edvard Mølmen;
Aamot, Inger Lise;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Influence of long-term vs. short-term endurance training in old males on left ventricular function.
European Heart Journal, Supplement
Dalen, Håvard;
Thorstensen, Anders;
Aase, Svein Arne;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Torp, Hans;
Vatten, Lars Johan.
Segmental and global longitudinal strain and strain rate based on echocardiography of 1266 healthy individuals: the HUNT study in Norway.
European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging
Academic article
Aase, Svein Arne;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Thorstensen, Anders;
Torp, Hans;
Støylen, Asbjørn.
Aortic Valve Closure: Relation to Tissue Velocities by Doppler and Speckle Tracking in Patients with Infarction and at High Heart Rates.
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Malm, Siri;
Refsdal, Erlend;
Hegbom, Knut;
Amundsen, Brage H.;
Støylen, Asbjørn.
Recovery of Function After Acute Myocardial Infarction Evaluated by Tissue Doppler Strain and Strain Rate.
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
Academic article
Hansen, HEM;
Stølen, Tomas;
Tjonna, AE;
Aamot, IL;
Ekeberg, IS;
Tyldum, G.
Journal of Hypertension
Stanton, T;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Holland, DJ;
Hare, JL;
Leano, R;
Marwick, TH.
Peak Systolic Strain Rate Is Predictive of Mortality in Patients With Diabetes Undergoing Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Stanton, T;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Hare, JL;
Leano, R;
Marwick, TH.
Relative Wall Thickness and Myocardial Ischemia Are the Most Important Factors in the Subendocardial Response to Stress.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Stanton, Tony;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Hare, JL;
Leano, Rodel;
Marwick, Thomas H..
Association of Myocardial Deformation With Mortality Independent of Myocardial Ischemia and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Academic article
Stanton, T;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Hare, JL;
Leano, R;
Marwick, TH.
Interaction of Left Ventricular Geometry and Myocardial Ischemia in the Response of Myocardial Deformation to Stress.
American Journal of Cardiology
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Stølen, Tomas;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ødegaard, Rønnaug;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik.
Endurance training improves contractility and stroke volume at rest and during exercise in obese adolescents.
European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Rozis, Ellen;
Slørdahl, Stig Arild;
Marwick, Thomas H..
Incremental value of strain rate imaging to wall motion analysis for prediction of outcome in patients undergoing dobutamine stress echocardiography.
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Slørdahl, Stig Arild;
Wiseth, Rune;
Burgess, Malcolm;
Marwick, Thomas H..
Automated analysis of myocardial deformation at dobutamine stress echocardiography: an angiographic validation.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Academic article
Brekke, Svein;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Aase, Svein Arne;
Torp, Hans.
Increasing frame rate in ultrasound imaging by temporal morphing using tissue Doppler.
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control
Academic article
Aase, Svein Arne;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Frigstad, Sigmund;
Torp, Hans.
Automatic timing of aortic valve closure in apical tissue Doppler images.
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Slørdahl, Stig Arild;
Bjørnstad, Knut;
Aase, Svein Arne;
Torp, Hans.
Automated peak systolic strain rate increases the accuracy of dobutamine stress echocardiography.
European Heart Journal
Aase, Svein Arne;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Frigstad, Sigmund;
Torp, Hans.
Automatic timing of aortic valve closure using tissue Doppler imaging.
European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Slørdahl, Stig Arild.
Recovery of stunned myocardium in acute myocardial infarction quantified by strain rate imaging: A clinical study.
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
Academic article
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Torp, Hans;
Aase, Svein Arne;
Berg, Sigrid;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Slørdahl, Stig Arild.
Automated analysis of strain rate and strain: Feasibility and clinical implications.
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
Academic article
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Torp, Hans.
Strain and Strain Rate Parametric Imaging. A new Method for Post Processing to 3- / 4-dimensional images from three standard apical planes. Preliminary Data on Feasibility, Artefact and Regional Dyssynergy Visualisation.
Cardiovascular Ultrasound
Academic article
Part of book/report
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk;
Aase, Svein Arne.
Automated strain and strain rate.
Blackwell Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Slind, Eva Kjøl;
Lægran, Marianne;
Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk;
Eriksen-Volnes, Torfinn Kirknes;
Blindheimsvik, Martin Andre Brevik;
Myhre, Peder Langeland.
Norsk hjertesviktregister : Årsrapport 2021 : Med plan for forbedringstiltak.
Norsk hjerteviktregister
Grimsmo, Jostein;
Igland, Jannicke;
Sulo, Gerhard;
Sulo, Enxhela;
Tell, Grethe S.;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Country report Norway - December 2016.
European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC)
Timilsina, Anita Sharma;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Effect of Exercise Intensity and Diet Intervention on cardiac Function amongObese children and Adolescents.
Masters thesis
Revdal, Anders;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Low-volume interval training improves cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetes A randomized controlled trial.
Masters thesis
Høydahl, Sigve Fredrik;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Thesis at a second degree level
Olsen, Trude H.;
Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk.
Kartlegging av ernæringskunnskap hos barnehageansatte i Trondheim.
Masters thesis
Academic lectureMoholdt, Trine; Garnæs, Kirsti Krohn; Mørkved, Siv; Salvesen, Kjell Åsmund Blix; Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk. (2024) Effekt av trening på kondisjon, hjertefunksjon og endotelfunksjon hos gravide med overvekt/fedme. Forum for Klinisk Fysiologi , Trondheim 2024-01-11 - 2024-01-12
PosterFaldaas, Bjørn Ove; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Storm, Benjamin Stage; Lappegård, Knut Tore; How, Ole-Jakob; Nilsen, Bent Aksel. (2020) Abstract 301: RescueDoppler: Non-invasive Handsfree Carotid Doppler Ultrasound For Continuous Hemodynamic-guided Resuscitation. American Heart Association Resuscitation Science Symposium , Chicago, Illinois 2020-11-05 -
Academic lectureIngul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk; Dias, Katrin A.; Hosseini, Mansoureh Sadat; Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte; Follestad, Turid; davies, psv. (2018) Sustained improvements in cardiac function and fitness one year after an exercise intervention in obese children. ESC EuroPrevent 2018 , Ljubljana 2018-04-19 - 2018-04-21
PosterIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Garnæs, Kirsti Krohn; Moholdt, Trine; Nyrnes, Siri Ann. (2017) Cardiac function in newborns of obese women and the effect of an exercise intervention. European Society of Cardiology ESC Congress 2017 , Barcelona 2017-08-26 - 2017-08-30
PosterIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Solli, Adrian; He, S; Yang, D; Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte. (2016) Long duration, low frequency compared to short duration, high frequency high intensity exercise improved heart rate variability, both exercise protocols improved cardiac function in type 2 diabetes. ESC CONGRESS 2016 2016-08-26 - 2016-08-30
PosterIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Timilsina, Anita Sharma; Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte. (2016) Diastolic exercise stress echo can unmask diastolic dysfunction in type 2 diabetes, a five-year follow-up study. EuroEcho-Imaging 2016 2016-12-07 - 2016-12-10
PosterIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte. (2016) The effect of exercise training on cardiac function during exercise stress echo in patients with type 2 diabetes and diastolic dysfunction. EuroEcho-Imaging 2016 2016-12-07 - 2016-12-10
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2015) Mat under golfrunden: Bør alle spise det samme?. Norsk golf Norsk golf [Business/trade/industry journal] 2015-08-25
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2015) Velger du bort næring, velger du bort resultater . Norsk golf Norsk golf [Business/trade/industry journal] 2015-06-30
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2015) Gi eldre apetitt på livet. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2015-11-28
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2015) Helt greit å legge på seg to tre kilo i jula . Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2015-12-23
Academic lectureIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2015) Kosthold og fysisk aktivitet i et helseperspektiv. Den Norske tannlegeforeningen Norsk tannlegeforenings landsmøte 2015 , Lillestrøm 2015-10-28 - 2015-10-31
Academic lectureIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2015) Livsstilspåvirkning in utero. Påvirkning av hjertefunksjon ved overvekt hos mor. . NORSK FORENING FOR ASSISTERT BEFRUKTNING NORSK FORENING FOR ASSISTERT BEFRUKTNING årsmøte , Trondheim 2015-10-30 - 2015-10-31
LectureIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2015) Cardiac deformation imaging in clinical intervention studies:with a twist and a strain. Kardiologen, Sahlgrenska Universitetsjukhus Kardiologisk utbidlningsdag , Göteborg 2015-02-27 - 2015-02-27
LectureIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2015) Cardiac deformation imaging in clinical intervention studies. Klin fys Sahlgrenska Universitetsjukhuset Utbidlningsdag kliniska fysiologer , Göteborg 2015-04-14 - 2015-04-14
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2015) Overvektige barn trener bort hjertesvekkelse. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2015-03-09
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2015) Trivsel betyr bedre helse. Norsk golf nummer 6 2015 Norsk golf nummer 6 2015 [Business/trade/industry journal] 2015-10-01
LectureIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2015) Coronary artery disease, stress echocardiography and coronary angiography. Sahlgrenska Universitetsjukhus Klinisk fysiologi utbildningsdag , Göteborg 2015-05-05 - 2015-05-06
Popular scientific lectureIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2015) Mat for eldre. Fylkesmannen i Sør-Trøndelag og Forbrukerrådet Politikermøte i regi av Fylkesmannen og Forbrukerrådet , Trondheim 2015-09-08 - 2015-09-08
Programme participationIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2015) Overvektige gravide svekker fostrenes hjerter . NRK Dagsrevyen NRK Dagsrevyen [TV] 2015-03-20
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2014) Vil ha forbud av salg av energidrikker. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2014-02-26
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Raastad, Rachel. (2014) Kostholdsekspertens tips til hvordan du bør spise på banen. Norsk Golf Norsk Golf [Newspaper] 2014-07-29
Academic lectureHøydahl, Sigve Fredrik; Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2014) Effects of endurance exercise training on left ventricular twist in individuals with type 2 diabetes and diastolic dysfunction. University of Oslo The 12th Annual CHFR Symposium on Heart Failure , Oslo 2014-09-17 - 2014-09-19
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2014) Mangler kunnskap om kosthold NRK NRK [TV] 2014-06-29
PosterHøydal, Sigve; Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2014) The effect of exercise on left ventricular twist in patients with type 2 diabetes and diastolic dysfunction. Abstract 89892. European Society of Cardiology ESC CONGRESS 2014 , Barcelona 2014-08-30 - 2014-09-03
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2014) Åtte av ti trodde olivenolje inneholdt lite fett . agder flekkefjords tidende agder flekkefjords tidende [Internet] 2014-06-30
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2014) – Matkunnskapen i barnehagene er en skam . NRK trøndelag NRK trøndelag [Internet] 2014-06-30
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2014) Lite kunnskap om ernæring i barnehagene . dagsavisen dagsavisen [Internet] 2014-06-30
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2014) Svært lave kunnskaper om ernæring i barnehagene . Utdanning Utdanning [Internet] 2014-06-30
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2014) Mangelfull matkunnskap . oppland arbeiderblad og hamar arbeiderblad oppland arbeiderblad og hamar arbeiderblad [Internet] 2014-06-30
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2014) Åtte av ti trodde olivenolje inneholdt lite fett . gudbrandsdølen dagningen + 5 andre gudbrandsdølen dagningen + 5 andre [Internet] 2014-06-30
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2014) Åtte av ti trudde olivenolje inneheldt lite feitt . hordaland hordaland [Internet] 2014-06-30
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2014) Åtte av ti i barnehagane trudde olivenolje inneheldt lite feitt . nationen nationen [Internet] 2014-06-30
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2013) Innfør gratis skolemat. Romsdals Budstikke Romsdals Budstikke [Newspaper] 2013-02-14
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2013) Ta PCen og mobilen fra barna. NRK Møre og Romsdal NRK Møre og Romsdal [Internet] 2013-02-13
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2013) Forebygging er nøkkelen. Romsdals budstikke Romsdals budstikke [Internet] 2013-02-13
Academic lectureHollekim, Siri Marte; Bjørgaas, Marit Rokne; Tjønna, Arnt Erik; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2013) The effect of exercise on cardiac function in patients with type 2 diabetes and diastolic dysfunction. ESC ESC congress 2013 , Amsterdam 2013-08-30 - 2013-09-03
PosterHollekim, Siri Marte; Bjørgaas, Marit; Tjønna, Arnt Erik; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2013) Aerobic interval training improves diastolic dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes, a tissue Doppler study. ESC EuroEcho-Imaging 2013 , Istanbul 2013-12-11 - 2013-12-14
PosterHollekim, Siri Marte; Bjørgaas, Marit; Tjønna, Arnt Erik; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2013) The effect of exercise on cardiac function in patients with type 2 diabetes and diastolic dysfunction. International diabetes federation World diabetes congress 2013 , Melbourne 2013-12-02 - 2013-12-06
Academic lectureIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2013) Can exercise reverse diastolic dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes?. University Hospital Leuven Myocardial Velocity and Deformation Imaging , Leuven 2013-02-07 - 2013-02-08
Academic lectureIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Brantberg, Anne Barbro Jacobsson; Loraas, Liv; Tegnander, Eva; Moholdt, Trine; Garnaes, K.K.. (2013) Reduced fetal cardiac function in obese pregnant women. ISUOG 23rd World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology , Sydney 2013-10-06 - 2013-10-09
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2013) Litt ekstra godt er greit. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2013-03-23
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2012) - Bort med pølser, boller og sukkerbomber. Dagens Næringsliv Dagens Næringsliv [Newspaper] 2012-03-09
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2012) -Fortell ikke til barna at maten er sunn. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2012-04-03
InterviewWisløff, Ulrik; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2012) Bytter ut dugnadskakene med sunn mat. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2012-03-10
Academic lectureIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2012) The development of the fetal heart from week 14 in obese women. Cardiac Imaging Research Group of the K.U.Leuven Symposium on Myocardial Velocity and Deformation Imaging , Leuven 2012-02-09 - 2012-02-10
Academic lectureIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2012) Impaired Cardiac Function in Obese Adolescents: Reversal by Aerobic Interval Training. American Physiological Society 2012 APS Intersociety Meeting: The Integrative Biology of Exercise VI , Westminster 2012-10-10 - 2012-10-13
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2012) Hvil vite var unge spiser på skolen. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2012-03-07
InterviewIngul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2012) Små munner-voksen mat. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2012-12-15
PosterBrønstad, Eivind; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk; Tjønna, Arnt Erik; Dalen, Håvard; Wisløff, Ulrik; Steinshamn, Sigurd Loe. (2010) Improved left- and right ventricular function after exercise training in COPD. ERS ERS 2010 , Barcelona 2010-09-18 - 2010-09-22
PosterHansen, Harald Edvard Mølmen; Wisløff, Ulrik; Aamot, Inger Lise; Støylen, Asbjørn; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2010) Improved diastolic myocardial function in elderly after high intensity aerobic interval training, compared to old master athletes. European Society of Cardiology Euroecho 2010 , Copenhagen 2010-12-08 - 2010-12-11
PosterHansen, Harald Edvard Mølmen; Aamot, Inger Lise; Wisløff, Ulrik; Støylen, Asbjørn; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2010) Influence of long-term vs. short-term endurance training in old males on left ventricular function. European Society of Cardiology ESC Congress 2010 , Stockholm 2010-08-28 - 2010-09-01
Academic lectureStøbakk, Per Kristian; Hatle, Håvard; Mølmen, Harald Edvard; Brønstad, Eivind; Stølen, Tomas; Steinshamn, Sigurd Loe. (2009) EFFECTS OF FREQUENCY OF EXERCISE FOR IMPROVING AEROBIC CAPACITY: TRAINING AND DE-TRAINING. European Society of Cardiology European Society of Cardiology Congress 2009 , Barcelona 2009-08-29 - 2009-09-02
Academic lectureStøbakk, Per Kristian; Hatle, Håvard; Mølmen, Harald Edvard; Brønstad, Eivind; Stølen, Tomas; Tjønna, Arnt Erik. (2009) EFFECTS OF FREQUENCY OF EXERCISE FOR IMPROVING AEROBIC CAPACITY: TRAINING AND DE-TRAINING. European College of Sports Science 14th annual congress of the European College of Sports Science , Oslo 2009-06-24 - 2009-06-27
Academic lectureDalen, Håvard; Thorstensen, Anders; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk; Aase, Svein Arne; Vatten, Lars Johan; Støylen, Asbjørn. (2009) Normal values for diastolic strain rate from combined speckle tracking and Doppler tissue imaging. Preliminary data from the HUNT3-study. European Society of Cardiology European Society of Cardiology Congress , Barcelona 2009-08-29 -
PosterIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Brønstad, Eivind; Tjønna, Arnt Erik; Rognmo, Øivind; Dalen, Håvard; Wisløff, Ulrik. (2009) Improved left- and right ventricular function after exercise training in COPD patients. European society of cardiology ESC Congress 2009 , Barcelona 2009-08-29 - 2009-09-02
PosterMølmen, Harald Edvard; Stølen, Tomas; Wisløff, Ulrik; Aamot, Ingerlise; Schjerve, Inga Ekeberg; Tyldum, Gjertrud Aunet. (2009) Aerobic interval training decreases blood pressure more than moderate intensity training in essential hypertension. European society of hypertension ESH 2009 , Milan 2009-06-12 - 2009-06-16
PosterMølmen, Harald Edvard; Stølen, Tomas; Wisløff, Ulrik; Aamot, Ingerlise; Schjerve, Inga Ekeberg; Tyldum, Gjertrud Aunet. (2009) Aerobic interval training decreases blood pressure more than moderate intensity training in essential hypertension. European society of cardiology ESC 2009 , Barcelona 2009-08-29 - 2009-09-02
PosterRolim, Natale Pinheiro Lage; Stølen, Tomas; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk; Johnsen, Anne Berit; Hansen, Harald; Alves, Marcia. (2009) Increased sensitivity to myocardial infarction in diabetic cardiomyopathy: The role of Calcium handling. 1st International Conference on Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction 2009-10-22 - 2009-10-25
PosterIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Malm, Siri; Refsdal, Erlend; Amundsen, Brage H.; Støylen, Asbjørn. (2009) Early recovery of function after Acute Myocardial Infarction evaluated by tissue Doppler strain and strain rate. European society of cardiology Euroecho 2009 , Madrid 2009-12-09 - 2009-12-12
Programme participation
Academic lectureDalen, Håvard; Støylen, Asbjørn; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk. (2008) Normal values for systolic strain and strain rate from combined speckle tracking and doppler tissue imaging. Preliminary data from the HUNT3-study. European Association of Echocardiography, ESC Euroecho 2008 , Lyon 2008-12-10 - 2008-12-13
Academic lectureStanton, Tony; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk; Hare, J.L; Leano, R; Marwick, Thomas H.. (2008) Abnormal myocardial deformation during stress echocardiography is predictive of mortality independent of left ventricular hypertrophy and myocardial ischaemia. European Society of Cardiology ESC Congress 2008 , Munich 2008-08-30 - 2008-09-03
Academic lectureIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Stølen, Tomas; Støylen, Asbjørn; Tjønna, Arnt Erik; Wisløff, Ulrik; Ødegård, Rønnaug. (2008) Endurance training improves contractility and stroke volume at rest and during exercise in obese adolescents, a tissue Doppler study. Norsk Cardiologisk Selskap Norsk Cardiologisk Selskaps Vintermøte , Lillehammer 2008-02-01 - 2008-02-03
PosterStanton, Tony; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk; Hare, J.L; Leano, R; Marwick, Thomas H.. (2008) Left ventricular hypertrophy has an important influence on myocardial deformation response during dobutamine stress echocardiography. European Association of Echocardiography, ESC Euroecho 2008 , Lyon 2008-12-10 - 2008-12-13
PosterStanton, Tony; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk; Hare, J.L; Haluska, B; Marwick, Thomas H.. (2008) Abnormal Myocardial Deformation Is Associated With Mortality Independent Of Hypertrophy In The Absence of Ischemia. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2008 , New Orleans 2008-11-08 - 2008-11-12
PosterStanton, Tony; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk; Hare, J.L; Leano, R; Marwick, Thomas H.. (2008) Subclinical LV dysfunction influences outcome: association of abnormal myocardial deformation and mortality independent of hypertrophy and in the absence of ischaemia. European Association of Echocardiography, ESC Euroecho 2008 , Lyon 2008-12-10 - 2008-12-13
PosterIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Tjønna, Arnt Erik; Stølen, Tomas; Støylen, Asbjørn; Wisløff, Ulrik. (2008) Recovery of myocardial function by tissue Doppler among obese adolescents after aerobic interval training. European Ass. of Echocardiography, European Soc. of Cardiolo Euroecho 2008 , Lyon 2008-12-10 - 2008-12-13
Academic lectureIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Slørdahl, Stig Arild; Torp, Hans; Marwick, Thomas H.. (2005) Impact of Age and Hemodynamics on Strain Rate During Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography: Is Designation of a Normal Range Feasible?. American Society of Echocardiography 16th Annual Scientific Sessions of the American Society of Echocardiography , BOSTON 2005-05-15 - 2005-05-18
Academic lectureIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Rozis, Ellen; Marwick, Thomas H.. (2005) Prediction of Mortality Using Strain Rate in Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography. American Heart Association AHA Scientific Sessions 2005 , Dallas, Texas 2005-11-13 - 2005-11-16
Academic lectureIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Rozis, Ellen; Marwick, Thomas H.. (2005) Prediction of Mortality Using Strain Rate in Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography. European Society of Cardiology Euroecho 9 , Florence 2005-12-07 - 2005-12-10
Academic lectureIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Slørdahl, Stig Arild; Torp, Hans; Marwick, Thomas H.. (2005) Impact of Age and Hemodynamics on Strain Rate During Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography: Is Designation of a Normal Range Feasible?. European Society of Cardiology ESC Congress 2005 , Stockholm 2005-09-03 -
Academic lectureSagberg, Einar; Malm, Siri; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk; Torp, Hans; Støylen, Asbjørn. (2004) Feasibility of 3D reconstructed parametric strain rate data in recognition og myocardial infarction. European society of cardiology Euroecho 8 , Athen 2004-12-01 - 2004-12-05
Academic lectureBrekke, Svein; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk; Aase, Svein Arne; Torp, Hans. (2004) Increasing frame rate in ultrasound imaging by temporal morphing using tissue Doppler. IEEE UFFC 2004 IEEE International Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 50th Anniversary Joint Conference , Montreal 2004-08-24 - 2004-08-27
PosterIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Torp, Hans; Støylen, Asbjørn; Slørdahl, Stig Arild. (2004) Strain rate values based on tissue Doppler velocity or speckle tracking are different. European Association of Echocardiography Euroecho 8 , Athen 2004-12-01 - 2004-12-04
PosterBrekke, Svein; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk; Aase, Svein Arne; Torp, Hans. (2004) Increasing frame rate in ultrasound imaging by temporal morphing using tissue Doppler. IEEE UFFC 2004 IEEE International Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 50th Anniversary Joint Conference , Montreal 2004-08-24 - 2004-08-27
PosterIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Torp, Hans; Berg, Sigrid; Aase, Svein Arne; Støylen, Asbjørn; Slørdahl, Stig Arild. (2004) Automatic measurement of strain rate is timesaving and has comparable accuracy to manual measurement. Norsk Cardiologisk Selskap Vårmøte 2004 , Trondheim 2004-05-27 - 2004-05-29
PosterIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Torp, Hans; Berg, Sigrid; Aase, Svein Arne; Støylen, Asbjørn; Slørdahl, Stig Arild. (2004) Automatic strain rate measurement from tissue Doppler combined with speckle tracking reduces measurement variability. Norsk Cardiologisk Selskap Kardiologisk vårmøte 2004 , Trondheim 2004-05-27 - 2004-05-29
PosterSagberg, Einar; Malm, Siri; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk; Torp, Hans; Støylen, Asbjørn. (2004) Spatial velocity distribution for visualising velocity gradients. Feasibility and preliminary experience. European society of cardiology Euroecho 8 , Athen 2004-12-01 - 2004-12-05
PosterAase, Svein Arne; Støylen, Asbjørn; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk; Frigstad, Sigmund; Torp, Hans. (2004) Automated Detection of Aortic Valve Closure in Apical Tissue Doppler Images. IEEE IEEE UFFC symposium , Montreal 2004-08-23 - 2004-08-27
PosterIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Støylen, Asbjørn; Torp, Hans; Slørdahl, Stig Arild. (2004) Automated quatification of dobutamine stress echocardiography by strain rate and strain is feasible. European Association of Echocardiography Euroecho 8 , Athen 2004-12-01 - 2004-12-04
PosterIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Torp, Hans; Berg, Sigrid; Aase, Svein Arne; Støylen, Asbjørn; Slørdahl, Stig Arild. (2004) Automatic measurement of strain rate is timesaving and has comparable accuracy to manual measurement. European Society of Cardiology ESC Annual Congress , München 2004-08-28 - 2004-09-01
PosterAase, Svein Arne; Støylen, Asbjørn; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk; Frigstad, Sigmund; Torp, Hans. (2004) Automated Detection of Aortic Valve Closure in Apical Tissue Doppler Images. IEEE IEEE UFFC symposium , Montreal 2004-08-23 - 2004-08-27
PosterStøylen, Asbjørn; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk; Torp, Hans. (2003) 3-/4-dimensional parametric imaging allows quick visualisation of regional dysfunction and reverberation artefacts. ESC congress , Wien 2003-09-03 -
PosterIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Støylen, Asbjørn; Slørdahl, Stig Arild. (2003) Time to peak systolic strain rate is not a reliable index of regional myocardial function. Euroecho 7 , Barcelona 2003-12-06 -
PosterIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Støylen, Asbjørn; Torp, Hans; Skjærpe, Terje; Slørdahl, Stig Arild. (2003) Stunning recovery in acute myocardial infarction quantified by strain rate imaging. A clinical study. . Norsk Cardiologisk Selskaps Vintermøte , Lillehammer 2003-02-02 -
Academic lectureIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Støylen, Asbjørn; Torp, Hans; Skjærpe, Terje; Slørdahl, Stig Arild. (2003) Stunning recovery in acute myocardial infarction quantified by strain rate imaging. A clinical study. ESC congress , Wien 2003-09-03 -
Academic lectureIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Støylen, Asbjørn; Torp, Hans; Skjærpe, Terje; Slørdahl, Stig Arild. (2003) Border zone in Acute Myocardial Infarction: Natural history and assessment by Ultrasound Strain Rate Imaging. ESC congress 2003 , Wien 2003-09-03 -
Academic lectureWahba, Alexander; Rygnestad, Tarjei; Lien, Steinar; Ingul, Charlotte Bjørk; Rein, KA; Laake, AK. (2003) Bruk av perkutan ekstrakorporal sirkulasjon for behandling av intoksikasjon med kardiodepressive medikamenter-en kasuis. 79. Høstmøte i Norsk Kirurgisk Forening , Oslo 2003-10-24 -
Academic lectureIngul, Charlotte Bjørk; Støylen, Asbjørn; Torp, Hans; Skjærpe, Terje; Slørdahl, Stig Arild. (2003) Border zone in Acute Myocardial Infarction: Natural history and assessment by Ultrasound Strain Rate Imaging. Norsk kardiologisk selskaps vårmøte , Bergen 2003-05-24 -