Christian Schulz
I am working in Almaas Lab on genome-scale metabolic modelling to analyze the cell’s systems response to local changes, as for example knock-outs.
My main project is an Digital Life Norway project called BedPan. The project aims to produce palladium-nanoparticles with E. coli. For the project I perform the genome-scale modelling.
Additionally, I am working on an initiative to determine organisms’ macromolecular content, specifically, the biomass composition such as the rations of DNA, RNA, protein, carbohydrates, lipids, and others.
To achieve high-quality measurements in the laboratory, we generate micro-organism biomass in defined culturing conditions using fermenters and chemostat setups. This biomass is analyzed with various methods such as MS and NMR, to generate high-quality data for the given environments. The data is stored in a database to increase the genome-scale metabolic modeling precision, and to be used for machine learning techniques to predict organism behavior.
For the future we plan to include higher organisms such as the salmon, plants, and human samples (e.g. cancer cells vs. healthy cells) as well.
Knowledge for a better world.
Karlsen, Emil;
Gylseth, Marianne Cieslik;
Schulz, Christian;
Almaas, Eivind.
A study of a diauxic growth experiment using an expanded dynamic flux balance framework.
Academic article
Simensen, Vetle;
Schulz, Christian;
Karlsen, Emil;
Bråtelund, Signe;
Burgos, Idun Maria Tokvam;
Thorfinnsdottir, Lilja Brekke.
Experimental determination of Escherichia coli biomass composition for constraint-based metabolic modeling.
Academic article
Schulz, Christian;
Kumelj, Tjasa;
Karlsen, Emil;
Almaas, Eivind.
Genome-scale metabolic modelling when changes in environmental conditions affect biomass composition.
PLoS Computational Biology
Academic article
Joudeh, Nadeem;
Saragliadis, Athanasios;
Schulz, Christian;
Voigt, Andre;
Almaas, Eivind;
Linke, Dirk.
Transcriptomic Response Analysis of Escherichia coli to Palladium Stress.
Frontiers in Microbiology
Academic article
Schulz, Christian;
Almaas, Eivind.
Genome-scale reconstructions to assess metabolic phylogeny and organism clustering.
Academic article
Karlsen, Emil;
Schulz, Christian;
Almaas, Eivind.
Automated generation of genome-scale metabolic draft reconstructions based on KEGG.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Journal publications
Karlsen, Emil;
Gylseth, Marianne Cieslik;
Schulz, Christian;
Almaas, Eivind.
A study of a diauxic growth experiment using an expanded dynamic flux balance framework.
Academic article
Simensen, Vetle;
Schulz, Christian;
Karlsen, Emil;
Bråtelund, Signe;
Burgos, Idun Maria Tokvam;
Thorfinnsdottir, Lilja Brekke.
Experimental determination of Escherichia coli biomass composition for constraint-based metabolic modeling.
Academic article
Schulz, Christian;
Kumelj, Tjasa;
Karlsen, Emil;
Almaas, Eivind.
Genome-scale metabolic modelling when changes in environmental conditions affect biomass composition.
PLoS Computational Biology
Academic article
Joudeh, Nadeem;
Saragliadis, Athanasios;
Schulz, Christian;
Voigt, Andre;
Almaas, Eivind;
Linke, Dirk.
Transcriptomic Response Analysis of Escherichia coli to Palladium Stress.
Frontiers in Microbiology
Academic article
Schulz, Christian;
Almaas, Eivind.
Genome-scale reconstructions to assess metabolic phylogeny and organism clustering.
Academic article
Karlsen, Emil;
Schulz, Christian;
Almaas, Eivind.
Automated generation of genome-scale metabolic draft reconstructions based on KEGG.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
PosterSchulz, Christian; Simensen, Vetle; Karlsen, Emil; Almaas, Eivind. (2022) Analyzing the Biomass for an organism. DLN conference , Trondheim 2022-10-20 - 2022-10-21
PosterSchulz, Christian; Simensen, Vetle; Karlsen, Emil; Almaas, Eivind. (2022) Analyzing the Biomass for an organism. Cobra conference , Galway 2022-09-28 - 2022-09-30
PosterKarlsen, Emil; Gylseth, Marianne; Schulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2022) Investigating Diauxic Growth Using Dynamic Enzyme-Constrained Flux Balance Analysis. 8th Conference on Constraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis (COBRA 2022) | AIChE , Galway 2022-09-28 - 2022-09-30
Programme participationJevne, Lone Sunniva; Schulz, Christian; Røe, Ingeborg Treu; Vethe, Daniel; Johansen, Børge Andreas Heggen; Lindholm, Håvard Takle. (2020) Forsker Grand Prix 2019, Trondheim. NRK2 NRK2 [TV] 2020-01-25
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2020) Combining Theory and Praxis: Measuring (Microbial) Biomass Composition for Genome-Scale Metabolic Modelling. NBS contact meeting 2020-01-23 - 2020-01-26
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2020) Beer in the NMR - Who left Fingerprints?. NORBIS anual conference 2020-11-03 - 2020-11-03
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2020) First project meeting presentation. BedPan project meeting 2020-03-04 - 2020-03-05
PosterSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2019) Genome-scale metabolic reconstructions for phylogeny?. Multivariate analysis of omics data with special emphasis on metabolomics Summerschool 2019-05-17 - 2019-05-21
PosterSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2019) Genome-scale metabolic reconstructions for phylogeny?. Fish under stress - Systems biology and mathematical modelling 2019-05-24 - 2019-05-28
Popular scientific lectureSchulz, Christian. (2019) Producing more plastic to save the world. Forsker Grand Prix 2019 Trondheim 2019-09-26 - 2019-09-26
Popular scientific lectureSchulz, Christian. (2019) GenomeScale metabolic modelling for Nylon production. PhD Grand Prix NV faculty NTNU 2019-03-20 - 2019-03-20
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Diab, Joseph. (2019) ForskerGrandPrix: Experiences, Talks, and what we have learned. NORBIS NORBIS anual conference , Oslo 2019-09-30 - 2019-10-02
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2019) Genome-scale metabolic modelling 3. Bianual project meeting 2019-03-11 - 2019-03-11
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2019) Genome-scale metabolic modeling: Metabolic engineering to increase production of nylon precursors in Pseudomonas. NBS NBS meeting 2019 2019-01-24 - 2019-01-27
PosterSchulz, Christian; Karlsen, Emil; Kumar, Kanhaiya; Bartosova, Zdenka; Schmid, Jochen; Bruheim, Per. (2019) Measuring Biomass Composition for Modelling. DLN anual conference 2019-09-05 - 2019-09-06
InterviewSchulz, Christian. (2019) Urnorsk gjær lager øl superraskt. [Business/trade/industry journal] 2019-12-18
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2019) Combining Genome-Scale modelling with HUNT. Jebsen Center meeting 2019-10-25 - 2019-10-25
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2019) Genome-Scale modelling - No4. Bianual project meeting 2019-10-30 - 2019-10-30
LectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2019) Beer'omics - Kveik for Christmas. IBT department Seminar 2019-12-18 - 2019-12-18
LectureSchulz, Christian. (2019) What I've learned from Forsker GrandPrix - Presentation techniques. PhD retreat IBT 2019-10-21 - 2019-10-22
Academic lecture
LectureSchulz, Christian. (2019) Beer’omics – Kveik for Christmas. IBT IBT's weekly Department lunch , IBT's lunch room, NV Faculty, NTNU, Gløshaugen 2019-12-18 -
Academic lectureKarlsen, Emil; Schulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Automatic assembly of genome-scale metabolic draft reconstructions from KEGG data. NORBIS NORBIS Annual Conference 2018 , Voss 2018-10-17 - 2018-10-19
PosterSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Genome-scale metabolic reconstructions for phylogeny?. COBRA conference 2018 , Seattle, WA 2018-10-14 - 2018-10-16
Academic lectureAlmaas, Eivind; Karlsen, Emil; Schulz, Christian; Martyushenko, Nikolay. (2018) Dynamic FBA with Global Constraints on Cellular Protein Fraction. 5th Conference on Constraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis , Seattle 2018-10-14 - 2018-10-16
PosterSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Virtual biological cell engineering: Differences and similarities in genome-scale metabolic models shown for the Pseudomonas case. DigitalLife anual conference 2018-03-20 - 2018-03-21
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Genome-Scale metabolic modelling. Bianual PolyBugs project meeting , Trondheim 2018-08-13 - 2018-08-13
PosterSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Using reaction networks to identify cross-organism-wide genes with conserved functions. Summer School Systems and Synthetic Biology , Sienna 2018-07-24 - 2018-07-30
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Genome-Scale Metabolic Modeling for Biotechnology: What We Need to Conduct Our Magic. Micobial Biotechnology Division meeting 2018-03-09 - 2018-03-09
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Using reactions networks to identify cross organism-wide genes with conserved functions. NetSci 2018 Conference Paris 2018-06-11 - 2018-06-15
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Cross-organism-wide network comparison to identify conserved gene functions. Digital Life Annual PhD School meeting 2018-05-30 - 2018-06-01
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Discovery of conserved functions within cross-organism-wide genes using reaction networks. BioCat annual conference 2018-06-03 - 2018-06-06
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Combining phylogeny with genome-scale metabolic networks: Another tree of life and infinite engineering possibilities?. Micobial Biotechnology Division meeting 2018-06-22 - 2018-06-22
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) PolyBugs – WP2 Genome-Scale Metabolic Modelling. Project meeting 2018-01-16 - 2018-01-17
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) From Zero to Hero: The Story of Modeling Pseudomonas. Department meeting IBT and Food Science 2018-05-16 - 2018-05-16
PosterSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2017) Comparison of publicly available Pseudomonas genome scale metabolic models. Norbis anual Conference 2017-11-08 - 2017-11-10