Cristina Sanfeliu Melia
Cristina is an industrial engineer, who specialized in building construction and facilities. She has a strong interest in fire safety, renewable energy storage systems, and building construction. She graduated in 2019 in MSc Industrial Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Spain. Her master's thesis was performed at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at NTNU as an academic exchange. Since 2020, she was a researcher at RISE Fire Research. She started as a PhD candidate in Fire Safety at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at NTNU in June 2022.
Her PhD topic is Fire Safe, Sustainable Solutions for Energy Systems in Buildings. The PhD research focuses on the requirement of fire safety measures for energy systems in buildings. The understanding of how battery energy storage systems (BESS) behave in the event of a fire, what fire mitigation measures are needed and how to limit damage to the building, occupants and firefighters. An experimental study will be conducted in this thesis. The experimental work will be developed to study the fire characteristics of lithium-ion batteries in rooms. The project is funded through Green2050 - Centre for Green Shift in the Built Environment, hosted by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU. Collaboration with SafeBESS project –
Technology and building design for safe operation of battery energy storage systems, led by SINTEF. Collaboration with research groups in fire tests of batteries (RISE Fire Research, Norway and RISE, Sweden)
Sanfeliu Melia, Cristina;
Stølen, Reidar;
Olsø, Brynhild Garberg;
Steen-Hansen, Anne Elise.
Energy production and storage in buildings. Fire safety challenges with Photovoltaics and Li-ion battery systems.
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
Sanfeliu Melia, Cristina;
Stølen, Reidar;
Olsø, Brynhild Garberg.
Fire safety challenges with photovoltaics and Li-ion battery
system installations in buildings.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Rumi, Jishan Mahmud;
Kraaijeveld, Arjen;
Sanfeliu Melia, Cristina.
Reliable fire detection systems for the at-risk groups.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Amiri, Razieh;
Steen-Hansen, Anne Elise;
Larsson, Anna-Carin;
Patra, Anuttam;
Sanfeliu Melia, Cristina.
Demonstration test of passive fire safety measures for upholstered furniture. Application of fire-retardant treatment.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stølen, Reidar;
Meliá, Cristina Sanfeliu.
Fire safety of energy storage and energy production in buildings.
Fire Research and Innovation Centre (FRIC)
Journal publications
Sanfeliu Melia, Cristina;
Stølen, Reidar;
Olsø, Brynhild Garberg.
Fire safety challenges with photovoltaics and Li-ion battery
system installations in buildings.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Part of book/report
Sanfeliu Melia, Cristina;
Stølen, Reidar;
Olsø, Brynhild Garberg;
Steen-Hansen, Anne Elise.
Energy production and storage in buildings. Fire safety challenges with Photovoltaics and Li-ion battery systems.
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
Rumi, Jishan Mahmud;
Kraaijeveld, Arjen;
Sanfeliu Melia, Cristina.
Reliable fire detection systems for the at-risk groups.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Amiri, Razieh;
Steen-Hansen, Anne Elise;
Larsson, Anna-Carin;
Patra, Anuttam;
Sanfeliu Melia, Cristina.
Demonstration test of passive fire safety measures for upholstered furniture. Application of fire-retardant treatment.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stølen, Reidar;
Meliá, Cristina Sanfeliu.
Fire safety of energy storage and energy production in buildings.
Fire Research and Innovation Centre (FRIC)
PosterSanfeliu Melia, Cristina; Steen-Hansen, Anne Elise; Lobaccaro, Gabriele; Meraner, Christoph. (2023) Fire behavior tests for lithium-ion batteries – a literature review. IAFSS IAFSS 2023, 14th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science , Tsukuba 2023-10-22 - 2023-10-27
Academic lectureRumi, Jishan Mahmud; Kraaijeveld, Arjen; Sanfeliu Melia, Cristina. (2022) Reliable fire detection systems for residents with drug and psychiatric disorders. NFPA Suppression, Detection and Signaling Research and Applications Conference 2022-09-13 - 2022-09-16
LectureRumi, Jishan Mahmud; Kraaijeveld, Arjen; Sanfeliu Melia, Cristina. (2022) Reliable fire detection systems for the at-risk groups. Research institutes of Sweden Nordic Fire & Safety Days 2022 , Lund 2022-06-21 - 2022-06-22
Academic lectureAmiri, Razieh; Steen-Hansen, Anne Elise; Larsson, Anna-Carin; Patra, Anuttam; Sanfeliu Melia, Cristina. (2022) Demonstration test of passive fire safety measures for upholstered furniture. Application of fire-retardant treatment. Research institutes of Sweden Nordic Fire & Safety Days 2022 , Lund 2022-06-21 - 2022-06-22
LectureSanfeliu Melia, Cristina. (2021) FRIC webinar: Impact of building integrated energy systems and SMART technology on fire safety of buildings. FRIC/RISE Fire Research FRIC webinar: Impact of building integrated energy systems and SMART technology on fire safety of buildings , Webinar 2021-08-25 - 2021-08-25
Academic lectureSanfeliu Melia, Cristina; Stølen, Reidar; Mikalsen, Ragni Fjellgaard; Aamodt, Edvard; Steen-Hansen, Anne Elise; Li, Tian. (2021) Energy storage, energy production and SMART technology in buildings. Nordic Fire and Safety Days 2021 2021-06-15 - 2021-06-16