Key Research Projects
2017-10 - 2020-06 - Project: National Nutrition Survey 2018 Scope/workload: 40% Funding source: UKAID - Budget: 900,000 GBP
2014-10 - 2017-12 - Project: Combined Protocol for Acute Malnutrition Study (ComPAS) Scope/workload: 2% Funding source: Action Against Hunger - Budget: $150,000
2014-03 - 2017-08 - Project: Research on Food Assistance for Nutritional Impact (REFANI) Scope/workload: 25% Funding source: UKAID - Budget: 500,0000 GBP
2015-10 - 2017-06 - Project: Evaluation of the effectiveness and impact of community case management of SAM through Lady Health Workers as compared to a facility-based program Scope/workload: 50% Funding source: The Innocent Foundation - Budget: $250,000
2015-08 - 2017-06 - Project: The effect of three point-of-use water treatment devices in the context of community-managed acute malnutrition (CMAM) Scope/workload: 50% Funding source: R2HC - Budget: $300,000
2014-09 - 2017-06 Project: Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) Bottleneck Analysis Scope/workload: 30% Funding source: The Innocent Foundation - Budget: $25,000
Majer, J., Udoh, K., Beleke, A., Ahmed, D., Kumar, D., Summers, A., Ververs, M., IMC-CDC COVID-19 Research Team, Bollemeijer, I. and Doocy, S., 2022. Operational challenges and considerations for COVID-19 research in humanitarian settings: a qualitative study of a project in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan. Plos one, 17(6), p.e0267822.
Hussain, I., Habib, A., Ariff, S., Khan, G.N., Rizvi, A., Channar, S., Hussain, A., Fazal, S., Kumar, D., Alvarez, J.L. and Guerrero, S., 2021. Effectiveness of management of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) through community health workers as compared to a traditional facility-based model: a cluster randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Nutrition, pp.1-8.
Noreen, N., Dil, S., Niazi, S. U. K., Naveed, I., Khan, N. U., Khan, F. K., ... & Kumar, D. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic and Pakistan; Limitations and Gaps.
Jatoi, M. A., Kumar, D., Ahmed, D., & Bollemeijer, I. (2019). International Medical Corps strengthens nutrition alert and surveillance systems in South Sudan. Field Exchange 61.
Rogers, E., Tappis, H., Doocy, S., Martinez, K., Villeminot, N., Suk, Ann, Kumar, D, . . . Puett, C. (2019). Costs and cost-effectiveness of three point-of-use water treatment technologies added to community-based treatment of severe acute malnutrition in Sindh Province, Pakistan. Global Action Health, 12.
Rogers, E., Guerrero, S., Kumar, D., Soofi, S., Fazal, S., Martínez, K., Morán, J.L.A. and Puett, C., 2019. Evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of the treatment of uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition by lady health workers as compared to an outpatient therapeutic feeding programme in Sindh Province, Pakistan. BMC Public Health, 19(1), p.84.
Doocy, S., Tappis, H., Villeminot, N., Suk, A., Kumar, D., Fazal, S., Grant, A. and Pietzsch, S., 2018. Point-of-use water treatment improves recovery rates among children with severe acute malnutrition in Pakistan: results from a site-randomized trial. Public health nutrition, 21(16), pp.3080-3090
Rogers, E., Ali, M., Fazal, S., Kumar, D., Guerrero, S., Hussain, I., Soofi, S. and Morán, J.L.A., 2017. Quality of care of treatment for uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition provided by lady health workers in Pakistan. Public Health Nutrition, pp.1-6.