Egil Bakka
Bakka, Egil;
Karoblis, Gediminas;
Kibirige, Ronald;
Gwerevende, Solomon.
Cultural sustainability—Art and Ubuntu as rationales for dancing.
Cogent Social Sciences
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Dance and music in interplay. Types of choreo-musical relationships in Norwegian heritage. .
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Kva kan dansehistoria fortelja om røtene til bygdedansen?.
Musikk og tradisjon
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Eit attersyn på Landvik.
Folkedansforskning i Norden
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Migrating with Movement Expressions.
Arv. Nordic Yearbook of Folklore
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Kan og bør folkedansen ha historisk truverd?.
Folkedansforskning i Norden
Academic article
Bakka, Egil;
Karoblis, Gediminas.
Decolonising or recolonising: Struggles on cultural heritage.
Dance Research
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Transcription and Description: Tasks for Dance Research.
Berghahn Books
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Sauda Ungdomslag i Eiesland-tida.
Årsskrift / Sauda Sogelag
Popular scientific article
Bakka, Egil.
Sal av norsk bondedans i tida 1850-1900.
Folkedansforskning i Norden
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Bakka, Egil.
Kunstarroganse og kulturverdier.
Popular scientific article
Bakka, Egil.
Kunst og kultur i balanse.
Popular scientific article
Bakka, Egil.
Språklig komikk fra Sanna Sarromaa.
VG : Verdens gang
Reader opinion piece
Bakka, Egil.
A survey of the chapters in the book.
Open Book Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
The state of the research.
Open Book Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil;
Buckland, Theresa J;
Saarikoski, Helena;
Wharton, Anne von Bibra.
Open Book Publishers
Bakka, Egil.
The round dance paradigm.
Open Book Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
The Waltz at some Central European Courts.
Open Book Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
The ban on round dances 1917-1957: regulating social dancing in Norway community houses.
Open Book Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil;
Buckland, Theresa J;
Wharton, Anne von Bibra;
Saarikoski, Helena.
Waltzing Through Europe: Attitudes towards Couple Dances in the Long Nineteenth Century.
Open Book Publishers
Open Book Publishers
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Bakka, Egil.
Multi-Track Practises and Linearisation.
Musikk og tradisjon
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Din indre fridansar.
Feature article
Bakka, Egil.
Vidareføringa av immateriell kulturarv i Norden.
Folkedansforskning i Norden
Academic article
Bakka, Egil;
Mæland, Siri.
The Manipulation of Body Weight for Locomotion - Labanotation and the Svikt Analysis.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Revising Typologi and Classification in the Era of Digital Humanities.
Arv. Nordic Yearbook of Folklore
Academic article
Mæland, Siri;
Bakka, Egil;
Wierre-Gore, Georgiana.
Dansebygda Haltdalen – Knowledge-in-dancing in a Rural Community in Norway: Triangular interaction between dance, music and partnering.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2019/39)
Doctoral dissertation
Bakka, Egil.
The Norwegian Folk Dance Movement in Political Perspective.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
The Nordic “folkedansstemne”: A participatory intention in folk Dance meetings across borders.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil;
Erlien, Tone Honningsvåg.
Museums, Dance, and the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage: “Events of Practice” – A New Strategy for Museums?.
Santander Art and Culture Law Review
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Theorising and ‘De-theorising’ Dance.
Academic article
Karoblis, Gediminas;
Bakka, Egil;
Stranden, Marit;
Heide, Sigurd Johan;
Mæland, Siri.
Performer - audience interaction. A potential for dance art?.
Research Catalogue. An international database for artistic research
Other presentation
Bakka, Egil.
Safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage – the spirit and the letter of the law
Musikk og tradisjon
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Class Dimensions of Dance Spaces: Situating Central Agents accross Countries and Categories.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Den sceniske folkedansens posisjon i Norden 2014.
Folkedansforskning i Norden
Academic article
Bakka, Egil;
Karoblis, Gediminas;
Mæland, Siri;
Stranden, Marit.
How performer-spectator relationship affects private and public place distinction.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil;
Stranden, Marit.
Vern av tradisjonsdans.
Museumsforlaget AS
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mæland, Siri;
Bakka, Egil;
Svarstad, Elizabeth.
Vertikalitet og den franske 1700-talls menuetten.
Folkedansforskning i Norden
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Bakka, Egil.
Fiigedi, Janos, Colin Quigley, Vivien Szonyi, and Varga Sandor. Foundations of Hungarian Ethnochoreology: Selected Papers of Gy orgy Martin. Budapast: Research Centre for the Humanities Institute for Musicology, Hungaruan Heritage House, 2020. 824 pp. ISBN 978-6155167324.
Yearbook for Traditional Music
Book review
Bakka, Egil.
Rise and Fall of Dances.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Frå norsk folkedans til dansevitskap for verda.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Bakka, Egil.
Ideological discourse and practical priorities of the Norwegian folk dance movement.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Testing the Concept of ‘Hybridity’ in Dance Studies: The Case of Halling: Halling on the Ballet Stage in Copenhagen, Denmark, 1786.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Tracing lines through the History of Nordic Folk dance Movement.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil;
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Tracing Dance Fields.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil;
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Damsholt, Inger;
Hammergren, Lena;
Hoppu, Petri;
Nilsson, Mats.
Reflexsive Notes: A Conclusion.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil;
Karoblis, Gediminas.
Kūryba ir kartotė šokant ir šokį užrašant [Creativity and Repetition in Dancing and Recording of Dance].
Tautosakos darbai
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Noen linjer i den nordiske folkedansbevegelsens historie i Norden.
Folkedansforskning i Norden
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Barokkdans og folkedans.
Introduction, musical or theatrical programme
Bakka, Egil;
Karoblis, Gediminas.
Writing a dance: Epistemology for Dance Research.
Yearbook for Traditional Music
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Nordleik 1920-2009- Eit kritisk blikk på 90 år nordisk folkedans.
Folkedansforskning i Norden
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Bakka, Egil;
Gore, Georgiana.
Intangible cultural heritage: Agency and/or critical distance.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Dance structures. Live Illustrations. DVD-addition to the book: Dance structures. Perspectives on the analysis of human movement. 2 DVD-ar.
Multimedia product
Elvemo, Johan-Magnus;
Bakka, Egil.
Dance Structures - Live Illustrations - Addition to the book Dance Structures - Perspective on the analysis of human movement.
Bakka, Egil.
Tradisjonelle songdansar - Eit oversyn.
Svenskt visarkiv
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Bakka, Egil.
Vincenzo galeotti's Norwegian Springdance - Stereotype or Fantasy?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil;
Biskop, Gunnel.
Norden Dancing. Folk - Expertise - Research.
Novus Forlag
Novus Forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Bakka, Egil.
Den nyskapte tradisjonen - Noreg.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Startinnsats hos pedagoger. i skoler og lokalmiljøer. Norge.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Sangleken - et problembarn - Norge.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Fra folkeminnearkiv til folkedansarkiv - Norge.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Summary in English.
Novus Forlag
Bakka, Egil.
Novus Forlag
Bakka, Egil.
Novus Forlag
Bakka, Egil.
Novus Forlag
Bakka, Egil.
Novus Forlag
Bakka, Egil.
Lokalhistorie - innledning.
Novus Forlag
Bakka, Egil.
På tiljorna - de skrå brædder.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Men folkedansen ble glemt. Norge.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Frå topografen til bygdebokskrivaren - Noreg.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Analysis of traditional dance in Norway and the Nordic countries.
Akadémiai Kiadó
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Noreg - yngst på forsking.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Folkedansspesialistane - Noreg.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Det populære. uoffisielle svenskerepertoaret - Norge.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Folkedansen i scenekunstens tjeneste før 1950 - Norge.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Dansen i folkelivet på 1800-tallet - Norge.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Eksotisk og provinsielt i bygd og by - Noreg.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Nordic Strategies in folk dance transmission.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil;
Gore, Georgiana.
Constructing dance knowledge in the field: bridging the gap between realisation and concept.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil;
Heide, Sigurd Johan;
Aae Klausen, Sigurd.
Other presentation
Bakka, Egil.
Samdans? Folkedans og scenedans møtest. Rapport frå prosjektarbeid om folkedans og samtidsdans i Noreg.
Folkedansforskning i Norden
Short communication
Grau, Andrée;
Wierre-Gore, Georgiana;
Bakka, Egil.
Antropologi de la danse. Genèse et construction d'une discipline.
Centre national de la danse
Centre national de la danse
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Bakka, Egil.
Koreomusikalsk idealisering og praksis. En komparativ koreomusikalsk analyse av 13 versjoner av balletten Ildfuglen.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (136)
Doctoral dissertation
Bakka, Egil;
Hernes, Leif.
Samdans? Folkedans og scenedans møtest.
NTNU Institutt for musikk Program for dansevitenskap
Bakka, Egil.
Samdans? Rapport frå prosjektarbeid om folkedans og samtidsdans i Noreg.
Rådet for folkemusikk og folkedans, Institutt for musikk, program for dansevitskap
Bakka, Egil.
Dance studies ("Dansevitskap") a nordic discipline ?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Svettedråpen. Folkedansdråpar : læremateriell for folkedans i grunnskulen / av Egil Bakka, Brit Versland og Dag Vårdal.
Norsk dansevyrke
Bakka, Egil.
Svettedråpen. Folkedansdråpar : læremateriell for folkedans i grunnskulen / av Egil Bakka, Brit Versland og Dag Vårdal.
Multimedia product
Bakka, Egil.
Eit streiflys over songleiken.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Dance Paradigms - Movement Analysis and Dance studies.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Traditional dance - Safeguarded heritage - Revival practice - Stage material?.
Folkedansforskning i Norden
Academic article
Bakka, Egil;
Mæland, Siri.
Danseteaterførestillingar (3 ulike)
Other presentation
Bakka, Egil.
Sluttrapport for prosjektet Fjordapuls august 2001 - august 2004.
Rådet for folkemusikk og folkedans
Bakka, Egil.
Dans - en flyktig vetenskap. Erfaringskunnskap, intuisjon og folkedansforskning.
I Henry Sjöbergs anda. 30.10.2003 Henry Sjöberg 75 år. F¨r folkdansen i Sverige. Ett år i Henry Sjöbergs anda.
Popular scientific article
Bakka, Egil.
The Polka Before and After Polka.
Yearbook for Traditional Music
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Noreg i Dans og Spel. Læremateriell for musikkfaget. (Red. Egil Bakka).
Other product
Bakka, Egil.
The Bygdedans. A candidature for Unesco's Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
Other product
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Bakka, Egil.
Dance Knowledge. Danskunnskap. International Conference on Cognitive Aspects of Dance. Proceedings from 6th NOFOD Conference, Trondheim January 10-13 2002. I.
Rådet for folkemusikk og folkedans og Nordisk forum for danseforskning
Bakka, Egil.
History of dance in the Nordic countries 1800-1850. Exploring sources.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Whose Dances, Whose Authenticity?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Toussaint, Gerthory;
Pedersen, Atle;
Oterhals, Geir;
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C;
Bongaardt, Robert.
La det swinge! Om kropp og bevegelse.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Voices of the Revival.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Folk Dance Traditions Beyond the Peasants.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
The Polka Before and After the Polka.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Polonez w Norwegii.
Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Etnochoreologicsnego
Popular scientific article
Bakka, Egil.
The Polonaise in Norway.
Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Etnochoreologicsnego
Popular scientific article
Bakka, Egil.
�Or Shortly They would be Lost Forever': Documenting for Revival and Research.
Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil;
Urup, Henning;
Christensen, Anders;
Biskop, Gunnel;
Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa;
Valgeirsdottir, Sigridur.
Nordisk folkedanstypologi. En systematisk katalog over publiserte nordiske folkedanser.
Nordisk forening for folkedansforskning og Rff-sentret
Bakka, Egil;
Wikan, Arne.
Dansetradisjoner fra Finnmark.
Finnmark ungdomslag, Rådet for folkemusikk og folkedans
Non-fiction book
Waagen, Wenche;
Bakka, Egil;
Gravesen, Finn;
Høgset, Carl;
Nedberg, Nina;
Rygg, Maja Lise Rønneberg.
Musikk dans drama:Grunnkurs.
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S
Kristoffersen, Siv;
Bakka, Egil;
Straume, Eldrid;
Lie, Rolf W.;
Sellevold, Berit Jansen.
Modvo - et gårdsanlegg fra eldre jernalder i Hafslo, Indre Sogn.
Arkeologiske skrifter - Historisk Museum, Universitetet i Bergen
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Journal publications
Bakka, Egil;
Karoblis, Gediminas;
Kibirige, Ronald;
Gwerevende, Solomon.
Cultural sustainability—Art and Ubuntu as rationales for dancing.
Cogent Social Sciences
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Kva kan dansehistoria fortelja om røtene til bygdedansen?.
Musikk og tradisjon
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Eit attersyn på Landvik.
Folkedansforskning i Norden
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Migrating with Movement Expressions.
Arv. Nordic Yearbook of Folklore
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Kan og bør folkedansen ha historisk truverd?.
Folkedansforskning i Norden
Academic article
Bakka, Egil;
Karoblis, Gediminas.
Decolonising or recolonising: Struggles on cultural heritage.
Dance Research
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Sauda Ungdomslag i Eiesland-tida.
Årsskrift / Sauda Sogelag
Popular scientific article
Bakka, Egil.
Sal av norsk bondedans i tida 1850-1900.
Folkedansforskning i Norden
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Bakka, Egil.
Kunstarroganse og kulturverdier.
Popular scientific article
Bakka, Egil.
Kunst og kultur i balanse.
Popular scientific article
Bakka, Egil.
Språklig komikk fra Sanna Sarromaa.
VG : Verdens gang
Reader opinion piece
Bakka, Egil.
Multi-Track Practises and Linearisation.
Musikk og tradisjon
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Din indre fridansar.
Feature article
Bakka, Egil.
Vidareføringa av immateriell kulturarv i Norden.
Folkedansforskning i Norden
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Revising Typologi and Classification in the Era of Digital Humanities.
Arv. Nordic Yearbook of Folklore
Academic article
Bakka, Egil;
Erlien, Tone Honningsvåg.
Museums, Dance, and the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage: “Events of Practice” – A New Strategy for Museums?.
Santander Art and Culture Law Review
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Theorising and ‘De-theorising’ Dance.
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage – the spirit and the letter of the law
Musikk og tradisjon
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Den sceniske folkedansens posisjon i Norden 2014.
Folkedansforskning i Norden
Academic article
Mæland, Siri;
Bakka, Egil;
Svarstad, Elizabeth.
Vertikalitet og den franske 1700-talls menuetten.
Folkedansforskning i Norden
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Bakka, Egil.
Fiigedi, Janos, Colin Quigley, Vivien Szonyi, and Varga Sandor. Foundations of Hungarian Ethnochoreology: Selected Papers of Gy orgy Martin. Budapast: Research Centre for the Humanities Institute for Musicology, Hungaruan Heritage House, 2020. 824 pp. ISBN 978-6155167324.
Yearbook for Traditional Music
Book review
Bakka, Egil;
Karoblis, Gediminas.
Kūryba ir kartotė šokant ir šokį užrašant [Creativity and Repetition in Dancing and Recording of Dance].
Tautosakos darbai
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Noen linjer i den nordiske folkedansbevegelsens historie i Norden.
Folkedansforskning i Norden
Academic article
Bakka, Egil;
Karoblis, Gediminas.
Writing a dance: Epistemology for Dance Research.
Yearbook for Traditional Music
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Nordleik 1920-2009- Eit kritisk blikk på 90 år nordisk folkedans.
Folkedansforskning i Norden
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Bakka, Egil.
Samdans? Folkedans og scenedans møtest. Rapport frå prosjektarbeid om folkedans og samtidsdans i Noreg.
Folkedansforskning i Norden
Short communication
Bakka, Egil.
Traditional dance - Safeguarded heritage - Revival practice - Stage material?.
Folkedansforskning i Norden
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Dans - en flyktig vetenskap. Erfaringskunnskap, intuisjon og folkedansforskning.
I Henry Sjöbergs anda. 30.10.2003 Henry Sjöberg 75 år. F¨r folkdansen i Sverige. Ett år i Henry Sjöbergs anda.
Popular scientific article
Bakka, Egil.
The Polka Before and After Polka.
Yearbook for Traditional Music
Academic article
Bakka, Egil.
Polonez w Norwegii.
Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Etnochoreologicsnego
Popular scientific article
Bakka, Egil.
The Polonaise in Norway.
Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Etnochoreologicsnego
Popular scientific article
Kristoffersen, Siv;
Bakka, Egil;
Straume, Eldrid;
Lie, Rolf W.;
Sellevold, Berit Jansen.
Modvo - et gårdsanlegg fra eldre jernalder i Hafslo, Indre Sogn.
Arkeologiske skrifter - Historisk Museum, Universitetet i Bergen
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Artistic productions
Elvemo, Johan-Magnus;
Bakka, Egil.
Dance Structures - Live Illustrations - Addition to the book Dance Structures - Perspective on the analysis of human movement.
Bakka, Egil;
Buckland, Theresa J;
Wharton, Anne von Bibra;
Saarikoski, Helena.
Waltzing Through Europe: Attitudes towards Couple Dances in the Long Nineteenth Century.
Open Book Publishers
Open Book Publishers
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Bakka, Egil;
Biskop, Gunnel.
Norden Dancing. Folk - Expertise - Research.
Novus Forlag
Novus Forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Grau, Andrée;
Wierre-Gore, Georgiana;
Bakka, Egil.
Antropologi de la danse. Genèse et construction d'une discipline.
Centre national de la danse
Centre national de la danse
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Bakka, Egil.
Svettedråpen. Folkedansdråpar : læremateriell for folkedans i grunnskulen / av Egil Bakka, Brit Versland og Dag Vårdal.
Norsk dansevyrke
Bakka, Egil;
Wikan, Arne.
Dansetradisjoner fra Finnmark.
Finnmark ungdomslag, Rådet for folkemusikk og folkedans
Non-fiction book
Waagen, Wenche;
Bakka, Egil;
Gravesen, Finn;
Høgset, Carl;
Nedberg, Nina;
Rygg, Maja Lise Rønneberg.
Musikk dans drama:Grunnkurs.
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S
Part of book/report
Bakka, Egil.
Dance and music in interplay. Types of choreo-musical relationships in Norwegian heritage. .
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Transcription and Description: Tasks for Dance Research.
Berghahn Books
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
A survey of the chapters in the book.
Open Book Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
The state of the research.
Open Book Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil;
Buckland, Theresa J;
Saarikoski, Helena;
Wharton, Anne von Bibra.
Open Book Publishers
Bakka, Egil.
The round dance paradigm.
Open Book Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
The Waltz at some Central European Courts.
Open Book Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
The ban on round dances 1917-1957: regulating social dancing in Norway community houses.
Open Book Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil;
Mæland, Siri.
The Manipulation of Body Weight for Locomotion - Labanotation and the Svikt Analysis.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
The Norwegian Folk Dance Movement in Political Perspective.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
The Nordic “folkedansstemne”: A participatory intention in folk Dance meetings across borders.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Class Dimensions of Dance Spaces: Situating Central Agents accross Countries and Categories.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil;
Karoblis, Gediminas;
Mæland, Siri;
Stranden, Marit.
How performer-spectator relationship affects private and public place distinction.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil;
Stranden, Marit.
Vern av tradisjonsdans.
Museumsforlaget AS
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Rise and Fall of Dances.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Frå norsk folkedans til dansevitskap for verda.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Bakka, Egil.
Ideological discourse and practical priorities of the Norwegian folk dance movement.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Testing the Concept of ‘Hybridity’ in Dance Studies: The Case of Halling: Halling on the Ballet Stage in Copenhagen, Denmark, 1786.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Tracing lines through the History of Nordic Folk dance Movement.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil;
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Tracing Dance Fields.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil;
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Damsholt, Inger;
Hammergren, Lena;
Hoppu, Petri;
Nilsson, Mats.
Reflexsive Notes: A Conclusion.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Barokkdans og folkedans.
Introduction, musical or theatrical programme
Bakka, Egil;
Gore, Georgiana.
Intangible cultural heritage: Agency and/or critical distance.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Tradisjonelle songdansar - Eit oversyn.
Svenskt visarkiv
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Bakka, Egil.
Vincenzo galeotti's Norwegian Springdance - Stereotype or Fantasy?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Den nyskapte tradisjonen - Noreg.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Startinnsats hos pedagoger. i skoler og lokalmiljøer. Norge.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Sangleken - et problembarn - Norge.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Fra folkeminnearkiv til folkedansarkiv - Norge.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Summary in English.
Novus Forlag
Bakka, Egil.
Novus Forlag
Bakka, Egil.
Novus Forlag
Bakka, Egil.
Novus Forlag
Bakka, Egil.
Novus Forlag
Bakka, Egil.
Lokalhistorie - innledning.
Novus Forlag
Bakka, Egil.
På tiljorna - de skrå brædder.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Men folkedansen ble glemt. Norge.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Frå topografen til bygdebokskrivaren - Noreg.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Analysis of traditional dance in Norway and the Nordic countries.
Akadémiai Kiadó
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Noreg - yngst på forsking.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Folkedansspesialistane - Noreg.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Det populære. uoffisielle svenskerepertoaret - Norge.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Folkedansen i scenekunstens tjeneste før 1950 - Norge.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Dansen i folkelivet på 1800-tallet - Norge.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Eksotisk og provinsielt i bygd og by - Noreg.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Nordic Strategies in folk dance transmission.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil;
Gore, Georgiana.
Constructing dance knowledge in the field: bridging the gap between realisation and concept.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Dance studies ("Dansevitskap") a nordic discipline ?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Eit streiflys over songleiken.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Dance Paradigms - Movement Analysis and Dance studies.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
History of dance in the Nordic countries 1800-1850. Exploring sources.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Whose Dances, Whose Authenticity?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Toussaint, Gerthory;
Pedersen, Atle;
Oterhals, Geir;
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C;
Bongaardt, Robert.
La det swinge! Om kropp og bevegelse.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Voices of the Revival.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
Folk Dance Traditions Beyond the Peasants.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
The Polka Before and After the Polka.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil.
�Or Shortly They would be Lost Forever': Documenting for Revival and Research.
Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mæland, Siri;
Bakka, Egil;
Wierre-Gore, Georgiana.
Dansebygda Haltdalen – Knowledge-in-dancing in a Rural Community in Norway: Triangular interaction between dance, music and partnering.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2019/39)
Doctoral dissertation
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Bakka, Egil.
Koreomusikalsk idealisering og praksis. En komparativ koreomusikalsk analyse av 13 versjoner av balletten Ildfuglen.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (136)
Doctoral dissertation
Bakka, Egil;
Hernes, Leif.
Samdans? Folkedans og scenedans møtest.
NTNU Institutt for musikk Program for dansevitenskap
Bakka, Egil.
Samdans? Rapport frå prosjektarbeid om folkedans og samtidsdans i Noreg.
Rådet for folkemusikk og folkedans, Institutt for musikk, program for dansevitskap
Bakka, Egil.
Sluttrapport for prosjektet Fjordapuls august 2001 - august 2004.
Rådet for folkemusikk og folkedans
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Bakka, Egil.
Dance Knowledge. Danskunnskap. International Conference on Cognitive Aspects of Dance. Proceedings from 6th NOFOD Conference, Trondheim January 10-13 2002. I.
Rådet for folkemusikk og folkedans og Nordisk forum for danseforskning
Bakka, Egil;
Urup, Henning;
Christensen, Anders;
Biskop, Gunnel;
Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa;
Valgeirsdottir, Sigridur.
Nordisk folkedanstypologi. En systematisk katalog over publiserte nordiske folkedanser.
Nordisk forening for folkedansforskning og Rff-sentret
Karoblis, Gediminas;
Bakka, Egil;
Stranden, Marit;
Heide, Sigurd Johan;
Mæland, Siri.
Performer - audience interaction. A potential for dance art?.
Research Catalogue. An international database for artistic research
Other presentation
Bakka, Egil;
Heide, Sigurd Johan;
Aae Klausen, Sigurd.
Other presentation
Bakka, Egil;
Mæland, Siri.
Danseteaterførestillingar (3 ulike)
Other presentation
Bakka, Egil.
Dance structures. Live Illustrations. DVD-addition to the book: Dance structures. Perspectives on the analysis of human movement. 2 DVD-ar.
Multimedia product
Bakka, Egil.
Svettedråpen. Folkedansdråpar : læremateriell for folkedans i grunnskulen / av Egil Bakka, Brit Versland og Dag Vårdal.
Multimedia product
Bakka, Egil.
Noreg i Dans og Spel. Læremateriell for musikkfaget. (Red. Egil Bakka).
Other product
Bakka, Egil.
The Bygdedans. A candidature for Unesco's Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
Other product
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Karoblis, Gediminas; Kibirige, Ronald. (2022) Roundtable "Dance as Personal Data". 32nd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology, Brežice, Slovenia 2022 2022-07-29 - 2022-08-05
Academic lectureKaroblis, Gediminas; Bakka, Egil. (2019) ROUNDTABLE—DOES SCHOLARSHIP OF DANCE SERVE GLOBALISATION OR LOCALISATION? (Chair: Gediminas Karoblis). THE 45TH ICTM WORLD CONFERENCE 2019-07-11 - 2019-07-17
Popular scientific lectureBakka, Egil. (2018) Fargerike felleskap - kvitt raseri. Ein tredje kamp om det nasjonale . Jörn Hilme-stemne Jörn Hilme-stemne , Fagernes 2018-07-12 - 2018-07-12
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2018) Balancing dance in education. Art and/or Culture?. ICTM Studygroup of Ethnochoreology Symposium of the ICTM Studygroup of Ethnochoreology , Szeged 2018-07-29 - 2018-08-03
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2018) Dans og forsking. Personlege perspektiv og kjepphestar . Norsk folkemusikklag Norsk folkemusikklags seminar , Bø i Telemark 2018-11-01 - 2018-11-01
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2018) Færøydansen i historisk perspektiv. Fróðskaparsetur Føroya Gjesteforelesning , Torshavn 2018-10-26 - 2018-10-26
Popular scientific lectureBakka, Egil. (2018) Færøysk dans i historisk perspektiv. Sláið Ring og Nordens Hus Kvæðatiltak , Torshavn 2018-10-27 - 2018-10-27
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Mæland, Siri; Heide, Sigurd Johan; Granli, Jan Beitohaugen; Gjendem, Anna; Roland, Stian. (2018) Dance and music in interplay. Types of choreo-musical relationships in the Nordic heritage Music and Dance from Norway. Dep. Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology, Un. Wien European Voices 5: Music for Dance. International Symposium and Concerts , Wien 2018-03-20 - 2018-03-23
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2018) Dance and music in interplay. Types of choreo-musical relationships in the Nordic heritage. Dep. Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology, Un. Wien European Voices 5: Music for Dance. International Symposium and Concerts , Wien 2018-03-20 - 2018-03-23
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2018) The Norwegian folk dance movement in a political perspective – Heirs and Users. The Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences International Symposium Folklore Revival Movement of the Second Half of the 20th Century , Praha 2018-10-17 - 2018-10-19
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2018) Safeguarding Heritage and Cultural Diversity. Perspectives on the 2003 UNESCO Convention. School of Performing Arts, University of Ghana Invitert besøk til Universitetet i Ghana, veiledning, samtaler undervisning mm. , Accra 2018-01-31 - 2018-02-07
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2017) Analysing the concept of legacy in arts and education. International Council for Traditional Music 44th ICTM World Conference , Limerick 2017-07-13 - 2017-07-19
Academic lectureSvarstad, Elizabeth; Hoppu, Petri; Bakka, Egil. (2017) «Analysing minuet step(s): embodying equality and change». Nordic forum for dance studies The 13th NOFOD conference: Dance and Democracy. , University of Gothenburg 2017-06-14 - 2017-06-17
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2017) Participatory revival folk dance in Norway. The Hungarian Heritage House Conference on the international adaptation of the Tanchaz-method , Budapest 2017-05-12 - 2017-05-12
Academic lectureNor, Modh Anis; Bakka, Egil; Buckland, Theresa; Grau, Andrée; Kaeppler, Adrienne L.; Felföldi, Laszló. (2017) Celebratory roundtable - The contribution of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoroelogy on the study of dance. The International Council of Traditional Music The 44th ICTM World Conference , Limerick 2017-07-13 - 2017-07-19
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2015) Choreography and choreographers in the Nordic folkdance movements. International Council for Traditional Music 43rd ICTM World Conference , Astana 2015-07-16 - 2015-07-22
LectureBakka, Egil. (2014) Politics, expertise and Practice. Dynamics in the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Nordic Committee for Folk Music Tradition for Tomorrow, conference, festival and workshops , Akureyri 2014-08-20 - 2014-08-23
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2014) Safeguarding of ICH and the role of community. The ICTM study group on ethnochoreology 28th symposium of the ICTM study group on ethnochoreology , Korcula 2014-07-07 - 2014-07-17
LectureBakka, Egil. (2014) Den sceniska folkdansens position i Norden 2014. Nordlek Nordisk folkkulturkongress , Stockholm 2014-11-14 - 2014-11-15
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Svarstad, Elizabeth; Mæland, Siri. (2013) Vertical Patterns in Feuillet Notation. NOFOD, SDHS, NTNU DanceActions – Traditions and Transformations , NTNU Dragvoll 2013-06-08 - 2013-06-11
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2013) Some ‘Whys’ and ‘Hows’ in Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Alberta Museums Association Annual conference , Edmonton 2013-09-18 - 2013-09-19
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2013) Changing values in dance transmission systems. International Council for Traditional Musc The 42nd World ICTM Conference , Shanghai 2013-07-11 - 2013-07-17
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Rouhiainen, Leena; Aschengreen, Erik; Hammergren, Lena. (2013) Keynote: Dance Actions that Developed Research in the Nordic region and Beyond. Nordic Forum for Dance Research & Society for Dance History Dance ACTions 2013- Traditions and Transformations , Trondheim 2013-06-08 - 2013-06-11
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Gore, Georgiana. (2013) Choreomundus - International Master i Dance Knowledge Practice and Heritage. Centre français du patrimoine culturel immatériel Enseigner le patrimoine culturel immatériel ? Le « PCI » dans les formations universitaires en Europe , Vitre 2013-09-04 - 2013-09-06
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Mæland, Siri; Svarstad, Elizabeth. (2013) Menuetten i Norge? Tolkning av Barokkens Menuett med Sviktanalyse. Nordisk Forening for Folkedansforskning Menuetten i Norge og Norden , Rff-senteret, Dragvoll, Trondheim 2013-04-06 - 2013-04-07
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Mæland, Siri; Karoblis, Gediminas; Stranden, Marit. (2012) How performer-spectator realtionship affects private and public place distinction. International council for traditional music (ICTM) The 27th Symposium for the Study Group on Ethnochoreology/ 50th Anniversary of the study group , Limerick 2012-07-22 - 2012-07-29
Popular scientific lectureBakka, Egil. (2012) Engelskdans i trønderske storgardsmiljø. Nordlek, nordisk folkedansstemne Fagseminar Nordlek , Steinkjer 2012-07-11 - 2012-07-11
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2012) Writing Dance. Epistemology for Dance Research. Hungarian Ethnochoreological Society Memorial Session for György Martin , Budapest 2012-11-10 - 2012-11-10
Academic lectureSvarstad, Elizabeth; Mæland, Siri; Bakka, Egil. (2012) Vertical patterns in Feuillet notation. Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles, Jean-Noël Laurenti Colloque International La danse francaise et son rayonnement (1600-1800) , Versailles 2012-12-17 - 2012-12-19
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2011) Halling on the Ballet Stage in Copenhagen, Denmark, 1786. Cultural Centre University of Malaya Asia Pacific International Dance Conference 2011 (APIDC 2011) , Kuala Lumpur 2011-09-21 - 2011-09-25
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Karoblis, Gediminas; Larsen, Maj Vester. (2011) Finiteness of Dance Knowledge or Infinite. International Council for Traditional Music ICTM World Conference , St. John, New Foundland 2011-07-13 - 2011-07-19
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; VAN ZANTEN, Wim; PROSCHAN, Frank; ARAÚJO, Samuel; FÜRNISS, Susanne; NARODITSKAYA, Inna. (2011) Safeguarding Living Culture. The State of Affairs as Regards the 2003 UNESCO Convention. International Council for Traditional Music ICTM World Conference 2011 , St. John New Foundland 2011-07-13 - 2011-07-19
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2010) "Rise and fall of dances" within the panel "Heritagization of Latin American dances within UNESCO’s Program for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage". ICTM 26th SYMPOSIUM OF THE ICTM STUDY GROUP ON ETHNOCHOREOLOGY , Trest, Czech Republic 2010-07-19 - 2010-07-25
Academic lectureKaroblis, Gediminas; Bakka, Egil; Fiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2010) "Triangulation of dance analysis" (a part of panel "Field Works: Towards Collaborative Research Practices in Dance Work in Progress"). De Montfort University DANCE ETHNOGRAPHY FORUM , Leicester 2010-01-30 - 2010-01-30
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2010) Spectacularisation in Norwegian traditional dance. Society for Dance History Scholars Dance and Spectacle , University of Surrey 2010-07-09 - 2010-07-10
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Mogstad, Ivar; Mæland, Siri. (2010) Kildehåndtering og registrering av dans. Nettverk for norske folkemusikk- og folkdansarkiv Arkivseminar for folkemusikk- og folkedansarkiv , Trondheim 2010-03-22 - 2010-03-23
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2010) Tracing Dance Fields in Norway 1900-1930. Program for dansevitenskap ved Universitetet i Salzburg Utveksling med Universitetet i Salzburg , Salzburg 2010-06-23 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2010) Documenting, Preserving, Reconstructing Norwegian Folkdances. Program for dansevitenskap, Universitetet i Salzburg Utveksling med Universitet i Salzburg , Salzburg 2010-06-22 -
Popular scientific lectureBakka, Egil. (2010) Role of NGOs in international cooperation in the framework of ICH Convention. Estonian National Commission for UNESCO The role of NGOs in implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the ICH , Tallinn 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-03
Popular scientific lectureBakka, Egil. (2010) Folkedansens posisjon i samfunnet i dag - Et historisk perspektiv. Nordlek Folkedans i skolen. Nordisk folkekulturkongress , København 2010-11-26 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2010) Working with UNESCO. Program for dansevitenskap, universitetet i Salzburg Utveksling med Universitetet i Salzburg , Salzburg 2010-05-22 -
InterviewBakka, Egil; Bråten, Knut Aastad. (2009) Danseeksperten. Spelemannsbladet Spelemannsbladet [Newspaper] 2009-02-01
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2009) Konvensjonen, folkemusikk og folkedans. Norsk handverksutvikling Kickoff for implementeringa av UNESCO-konvensjenen for immateriell kulturarv i Norge , Lillehammer 2009-12-02 - 2009-12-03
Academic lectureHeide, Sigurd Johan; Frihetsli, Marte; Roland, Stian; Bakka, Egil. (2009) Bygda dansar. Norsk handverksutvikling Kickoff for implementeringa av UNESCO-konvensjenen for immateriell kulturarv i N , Lillehammer 2009-11-02 - 2009-11-03
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Lauritsen, Elizabeth Svarstad; Mæland, Siri. (2009) A minuet in Beachamps-Feuillet notation interpreted with a Norwegian tool for movement analysis - The Svikt analysis. Department of Dance, UC Riverside og Dansevitskap, NTNU Dance across classes and centuries. Popular and theatrical dance interacting , University of California, Riverside 2009-11-22 - 2009-11-23
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2009) Immateriell kulturarv - dansen og kulturminnevernet. Hilmarfestivalen 2009 Død eller levande – seminar om immateriell kulturarv , Steinkjer 2009-11-13 - 2009-11-13
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Fiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2009) Vincenzo Galeotti and the Norwegian Springdance. Dance Department, UC Riverside og Dansevitskap, NTNU Dance across classes and centuries. Popular and theatrical dance interacting , University of California, Riverside 2009-11-22 - 2009-11-23
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Larsen, Maj Vester. (2009) Det kulturelle og kunstnariske uttrykket for NORDLEK 2009 i Lahtis. Hilmarfestivalen 2009 Folk flest i 1859 - 2009, kultur og ideal , Steinkjer 2009-11-13 - 2009-11-13
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2009) Lateinamerikanische Tänze - Immaterielles Kulturerbe und/oder Ware. Institut von Musikwissenschaft Universitet von Weimar/Jena Öffentliche Diskussionsrunde Tanz und Musik als immaterielles Kulturerbe , Weimar 2009-10-17 - 2009-10-17
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2009) Unesco-konvensjonen om immateriell kulturarv. Svenskt visarkiv Seminar om Unesco-konvensjonen , Stockholm 2009-03-30 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2009) Borders between dance genres in 19th century Norway: Open, confining or excluding?. A FEDERATION INTERNAT\ONALE POUR LA RECHERCHE THEATRALE Silent Voices Forbidden Lives. Censorship and Performance , Lisboa 2009-07-12 - 2009-07-18
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2009) Theorising and ‘detheorising’ in the teaching of Norwegian folk dance. Centre for Excellence:Teaching&Learning in Performance Arts Global perspectives on dance pedagogy - research and practice , De Montfort University, Leicester 2009-06-26 - 2009-06-27
InterviewBakka, Egil. (2009) Frikar og Melodi grand prix. Lokalradioen Oppland/Hedemark Lokalradioen Oppland/Hedemark [Radio] 2009-05-14
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Karoblis, Gediminas; Folkedal, Halldis. (2009) Negociating traditional dance as a phenomenon of the present. International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) 40th World Conference of the ICTM , Durban 2009-07-01 - 2009-07-08
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Karoblis, Gediminas. (2009) Užrašyti šokį? Kūrybingumas ir kartotė. Nasjonalt seminar for folkloristikk , Vilnius 2009-10-07 -
Popular scientific lectureBakka, Egil; Mæland, Siri; Mogstad, Ivar. (2009) Erfaringar frå arkivarbeid med film og videomateriale. Nettverk for norske folkemusikkarkiv Arkivseminar for norske folkemusikkarkiv , Trondheim 2009-10-27 -
Popular scientific lectureBakka, Egil. (2009) Rff som redskap for arbeidet med vern av den immaterielle kulturarven. Rådet for folkemusikk og folkedans Kunnande og vitande, seminar for Representantskapsmøte , Trondheim 2009-10-16 -
Popular scientific lectureBakka, Egil. (2009) Kva betyr ei ratifisering av Unesco-konvensjonen om immateriell kulturarv?. Riksförbundet for folklig dans og Vetenskap & Allmänhet Science cafe , Stockholm 2009-03-30 -
Popular scientific lectureBakka, Egil. (2009) Betydning og sammenheng mellom UNESCO konvensjonen om immateriell kulturarv og lokal aktivitet. Folkekulturforbundet Årsmøte i Folkekulturforbundet , Oslo 2009-05-25 -
Popular scientific lecture
Academic lectureMogstad, Ivar; Bakka, Egil. (2008) Digitalisation and syncronising of sound for the Rff 8mm film collection. Institute for Musicology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Technical Challenges and Developments in the 21st Century Folk Music Archiving , Budapest 2008-06-11 - 2008-06-12
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Lauritsen, Elizabeth Svarstad. (2008) L’analyse de danse, le svikt. Nordisk forening for folkedansforskning Seminar om Menuetten , Paris 2008-06-16 - 2008-06-18
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Gore, Georgiana. (2008) Intangible Cultural Heritage: Agency and/or Critical Distance. ICTM STUDY GROUP ON ETHNOCHOREOLOGY 25th SYMPOSIUM OF THE ICTM STUDY GROUP ON ETHNOCHOREOLOGY , Kuala Lumpur 2008-08-11 - 2008-08-17
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete; Bakka, Egil. (2008) Vincenzo Galoeotti’s Springdance – Stereotype or Fantasy. 2.Rotenfelzer Tanzsymphosion Vom Schäferidyll zur Revolution. Europäische Tanzkultur im 18. Jahrhundert , Burg Rothenfels 2008-05-21 - 2008-05-25
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2008) Folkedansen som samværsformer og kunstform. Nordisk forening for folkedansforsking Norden i dans. Folk - fag - forskning. Seminar om folkedans i kulturvern og kulturliv , København 2008-10-03 - 2008-10-05
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Fiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2008) "Dance in Nordic Spaces. Tracing dance fields: a pilot study". Nordisk forum for danseforskning Dance - Movement - Mobility - 9th international NOFOD Conference , Tampere 2008-10-23 - 2008-10-26
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Fiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2008) "Vincezo Galeotti's Norwegian Springdance - Stereotype or Fantasy". Rothenfelser 2. Tanzsymposium, 2008 Tanzsymposium: Vom Schäferidyll zur Revolution 2008 , Burg Rothenfels 2008-05-21 - 2008-05-25
InterviewBakka, Egil; Wedø, Mari. (2008) Kongen av folkedans. NRK Trøndelag NRK Trøndelag [Internet] 2008-10-06
InterviewBakka, Egil; Hovstein, Solveig. (2008) Livet er en folkedans. Universitetsavisa Universitetsavisa [Internet] 2008-10-13
InterviewBakka, Egil; Grotnes, Elin Beate. (2008) Vil forske på juletregang. Universitetsavisa Universitetsavisa [Internet] 2008-04-22
Popular scientific lectureBakka, Egil. (2008) No-MA-ds Nordisk mastergrad i dansevitskap. Senter for internasjonalisering av høgre utdanning (SIU) Nordplus informasjonsmøte, Trondheim , Trondheim 2008-02-07 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2007) Méthodes pour l’analyse de danse. Université Blaise Pascal Masterkurs , Clermont-Ferrand 2007-11-15 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2007) Issues of authenticity and appropriation of the past: revival & revitalisation processes. Roehampton university Masterkurs , London 2007-03-20 - 2007-03-20
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2007) Tradisjonsdans i Møre og Romsdal: handlingsbåren kunnskap og immateriell kulturarv. Fylkesoppgaver Stiftelsen Nordmøre Museum HANDLINGSBÅREN KUNNSKAP OG FARTØYVERN , Kristiansund 2007-09-26 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2007) Vegar til fortid – skrift og kropp. Osafestivalen Historisk dans og folkedans, , Voss 2007-10-25 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2007) Learning folk dance in past and present. Department of Ethnology & Cultural Anthropology, University Dance Traditions: Transmission and Maintainance , Szeged 2007-12-07 - 2007-12-09
InterviewSkretting, Kathrine; Bakka, Egil; Furuseth, Sissel; Ressem, Synnøve. (2007) Sparekniv og nyskaping på HF. Universitetsavisa Universitetsavisa [Internet] 2007-02-01
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2007) Tradition, revival and academia negotiating. International Council for Traditional Music 39th ICTM WORLD CONFERENCE , Wien 2007-07-04 - 2007-07-11
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Gore, Georgiana. (2007) Constructing dance knowledge in the field: bridging the gap between realisation and concept. Society Re-Thinking Practice and Theory. Intrenational Symposium on Dance Research , Paris 2007-06-21 - 2007-06-24
PosterBakka, Egil. (2007) Erasmus Intensive program in Dance Analysis/Dance Knowledge (IPEDA/IPEDAK). Deutscher Akademischer Austtausch Dienst European Conference on ERASMUS Intensive Programmes , Bonn 2007-12-09 - 2007-12-10
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2006) Organised folkedancing in the Nordic countries. Athens universitet Kurs i danseantropologi , Athen 2006-04-11 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2006) Dans som nasjonsbyggende strategi. Stockholms universitet MA-kurs i danseteori , Stockholm 2006-09-12 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2006) Ideological discourse and practical priorities of the Norwegian folkdance movement. International Council for Traditional Music, StG Ethnochoreo 24th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology , Cluj 2006-07-10 - 2006-07-16
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2006) Danses norvégiennes. Exercises pratique - analyse dansé. Université Blaise Pascal MA-kurs , Clermont-Ferrand 2006-12-15 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2006) L’analyse de danse traditionnel. Un point de départ Norvégien. Université Blaise Pascal MA-kurs i danseantropologi , Clermont-Ferrand 2006-12-14 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2006) Form og norm. Etisk og emisk. Københavns universitet Masterkurs danseanalyse , København 2006-02-28 -
Academic lecture
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2006) Movement analysis. Norwegian approach. Athen universitet Kurs i danseantropologi , Athen 2006-04-10 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2006) Singing games. Institutt for musikk, NTNU Muntlig tradering i vokal folkemusikk , Trondheim 2006-03-03 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2006) Dance and Music in Nordic Traditional Dancing. Roehampton University World Music and Dance module , London 2006-03-07 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2006) Dance studies (“Dansevitskap”) a Nordic discipline?. Nordisk forum for danseforskning Nordisk forum for danseforsknings konferanse , Stockholm 2006-01-12 - 2006-01-15
Popular scientific lectureBakka, Egil. (2006) Utvikling og endringar i tradisjonsprosessen. Landslaget for Spelemenn Tradisjonsseminar , Lillehammer 2006-01-20 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2005) Britiske impulsar i folkeleg norsk dans og musikk. Etnlogiska institutionen, Göteborgs universitet Seminaret Folkmusiken och dansen runt Nordsjön , Göteborg 2005-03-04 - 2005-03-05
InterviewBakka, Egil; Bjerkem, Johan Einar. (2005) Eit liv for folkekultur. Tidsskriftet Bunad Tidsskriftet Bunad [Newspaper] 2005-11-01
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2005) Norwegian Dance & Music. Focus:Dance-music relationship. Roehampton University Roehampton University, London: Course in World Dance and Music , London 2005-02-22 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2005) Panel on Nineteenth-century Derived Couple Dances. International Council for Traditional Music 38th ICTM World Conference , Sheffield 2005-08-03 - 2005-08-10
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2005) Traditional dance - Safeguarded heritage - Revival practice - Stage material. International Council for Traditional Music 38th ICTM World Conference , Sheffield 2005-08-03 - 2005-08-10
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2005) Dance Folklore and European Academic Dance Studies. Choreological Institut, University of Poznan The Dance in Our Times , Poznan 2005-09-15 - 2005-09-19
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2005) Labanotasjon i Etnokoreologien. André Austvoll Seminar om Laban bevegelsesanalyse , Oslo 2005-10-12 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2005) Un point de depart Norvegien pour l'analyse de danse. Université Blaise Pascal Masterkurs danseantropologi , Clermont-Ferrand 2005-12-14 - 2005-12-15
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2005) Un genre de danse europeen - les jeux dansés. Université Blaise Pascal Masterkurs i danseantropologi , Clermont-Ferrand 2005-12-15 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2004) Old couple dances of Norway. Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences and Humanities Polish-Swedish-Norwegian musicological conference, Warszawa , Warszawa 2004-05-19 - 2004-05-23
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2004) Dance-music relationship. University of Surrey, Roehampton Research seminar, London , London 2004-02-17 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2004) Historisitet i relasjon til folkelig kultur. Københavns universitet Gjesteforelesing, mastergrad, Københavns universitet , København 2004-10-05 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2004) L�analyse de danse traditionnelle. Université Blaise Pascal Gjesteførelesing, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand , Clermont-Ferrand 2004-11-03 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2004) Bevegelsesanalyse i europeisk etnokoreologi. Københavns universitet Gjesteforelesning for mastergrad Københavns universitet , København 2004-11-09 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2004) East-West meeting in ethnochoreology--Current research and new perspectives (Round table discussion). The International Council for Traditional Music 37th World Conference of ICTM, Kina , Fuzhou & Quanzhou 2004-01-04 - 2004-01-11
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2004) To dance on the beat: Changing norms in metrical dance-music relationship. The International Council for Traditional Music 37th World conference of the ICTM, Kina , Fuzhou & Quanzhou 2004-01-04 - 2004-01-11
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2004) Norwegian dance and music. University of Surrey, Roehampton Gjesteforelesning University of Surrey, Roehampton, London , London 2004-02-16 - 2004-02-18
Popular scientific lectureBakka, Egil. (2004) Danses norvégiennes. Exercises pratiques - l'analyse dansée. Université Blaise Pascal, Gjesteforelesing Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand , Clermont-Ferrand 2004-11-04 -
Popular scientific lectureBakka, Egil. (2004) Folkedansforskningens historie i Norden i Växjö. Smålands musikarkiv Nordiskt folkmusikforskar- och arkivmöte , Växjö 2004-10-22 - 2004-10-24
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2003) Principes de structure dans les danses traditionels Norvegiennes. Université Blaise Pascal, Antropologie des pratiques corporelles , Clermont.-Ferrand, Frankrike 2003-12-19 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2003) Les jeux de danse chantés, un genre de danse europeen. Université Blaise Pascal, Antropologie des pratiques corporelles , Clermont.-Ferrand, Frankrike 2003-12-19 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2003) Faithfulness and Trendiness, Enemies or Companions in Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage. The Role of Heritage in 21st Century-Society Conference arranged by Hungarian Heritage House, European Folklore Institute, CIOFF Hungary , Budapest 2003-05-20 -
Popular scientific lectureBakka, Egil. (2003) Saveguarding of traditional culture. Third Task Force Meeting, UNESCO, culture , Naha city, Okinawa, Japan 2003-06-11 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2002) Dance Paradigms - Movement Analysis and Dance studies. 22nd Symposium of the International Council for Traditional Music's Studygroup on Ethnochoreology , Szeged, Ungarn 2002-07-31 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2002) Principes pour l'analyse de la danse traditionelle dans les pays Nordic. Université Blaise Pascal , Clermont-Ferrand, Frankrike 2002-12-20 -
Academic lectureBakka, Egil. (2002) Cartographier les normes de la danse traditionnelle par un dialogue en mouvement. Université Blaise Pascal , Clermont-Ferrand, Frankrike 2002-12-20 -
Popular scientific lectureBakka, Egil. (2002) Frå almogedans til dans som kunstnarleg uttrykk. Fagseminar ved Ole Bull Akademiet knytt til Osafestivalen (Folkemusikkfestival) , Voss 2002-10-10 -