Ela Sjølie
Ela Sjølie is Professor of Education and head of section Experts in teamwork (EiT), working in the area of teaching and learning in higher education. Her current research interests include student active learning and collaborative learning, as well as interdisciplinary teamwork and professional learning more broadly. Ela is involved in several international projects and networks. Her international work focusses particularly on practice theory and academic practices in higher education.
2023-current: Professor, Experts in Teamwork (EiT), IØT, NTNU
2017-2023: Associate Professor, Experts in Teamwork (EiT), IØT, NTNU
2014-2017: Associate Professor, Department of Teacher education, NTNU
2009-2014: PhD student, NTNU. "Pedagogy is just common sense: A case study of student teachers' academic learning practices".
2005-2009: University lecturer and senior consultant, Department of Teacher Education, NTNU
2004-2005: Mathematics teacher, Ringve high school Trondheim
1999-2003 Research Scientist, Sintef Unimed Trondheim. Developing new surgical tools and software for minimal invasive surgery
1997-1999: GE Vingmed Ultrasound Trondheim. Software developer for ultrasound scanners and research support for cardiologists and obstetricians
1991-1997: Dipl.ing, Elektrotechnik, Universität Karlsruhe, Tyskland
Bækken, Elisabeth Føll;
Rustad, Hanne;
Sjølie, Ela.
Klarspråk som varig praksis. En studie av klarspråksarbeidet i to offentlige virksomheter.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Goldshaft, Beverley;
Sjølie, Ela.
Creating communicative learning spaces in initial teacher education (ITE) with observation-grounded co-mentoring practices.
Professional Development in Education
Academic article
Rødsjø, Eline;
Sjølie, Ela;
Van Petegem, Peter.
Psychological safety in interdisciplinary virtual student project teams: A validation study.
Computers in Human Behavior Reports
Academic article
Fransisco, Susanne;
Sjølie, Ela.
Learning Through Change: What the Pandemic Has Taught Us About Living Well in a World Worth Living In.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sjølie, Ela;
Johnsen, Mette Mari Wold;
Van Petegem, Peter.
Profiling feedback antecedents in higher education students: a person-oriented perspective.
Frontiers in Education
Academic article
Johnsen, Mette Mari Wold;
Sjølie, Ela;
Johansen, Vegard.
Learning to Collaborate in a Project-based Graduate Course: A Multilevel Study of Student Outcomes.
Research in Higher Education
Academic article
Sjølie, Ela;
Van Petegem, Peter.
Measuring the sociability of virtual learning environments for interdisciplinary student teams – a validation study.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Academic article
Sjølie, Ela;
Espenes, Thomas Christian;
Buø, Ruth.
Social interaction and agency in self-organizing student teams during their transition from face-to-face to online learning.
Computers & Education
Academic article
Goldshaft, Beverley;
Sjølie, Ela;
Johannesen, Monica.
Student teachers’ research and development (R&D) practice - constraining and supporting practice architectures.
Pedagogy, Culture & Society
Academic article
Aspfors, Jessica ;
Jakhelln, Rachel Elise;
Sjølie, Ela.
Å analysere og endre praksis - teorien om praksisarkitekturer.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Sjølie, Ela;
Strømme, Alex;
Boks-Vlemmix, Juliette E P.
Team-skills training and real-time facilitation as a means for developing student teachers’ learning of collaboration.
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies
Academic article
Aspfors, Jessica ;
Jakhelln, Rachel Elise;
Sjølie, Ela.
En ny praksisteori i norsk kontekst.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sjølie, Ela;
Aspfors, Jessica ;
Jakhelln, Rachel Elise.
Praksisteori og teorien om praksisarkitekturer.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jakhelln, Rachel Elise;
Sjølie, Ela;
Aspfors, Jessica .
Behov for en ny praksisteori? .
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jakhelln, Rachel Elise;
Sjølie, Ela;
Aspfors, Jessica .
Bonusmateriale: Om utvikling av en teori.
Sjølie, Ela;
Moe, Nils Brede.
Work from X .
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liebech-Lien, Beathe;
Sjølie, Ela.
Teachers’ conceptions and uses of student collaboration in the classroom.
Educational Research
Academic article
Sjølie, Ela;
Østern, Maria Anna-Lena Viola.
Student teachers’ criticism of teacher education – through the lens of practice architectures.
Pedagogy, Culture & Society
Academic article
Brandshaug, Sigrid Westad;
Sjølie, Ela.
In liminality: interdisciplinary teams learning through challenges.
Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning
Academic article
Sjølie, Ela.
Den skjulte trusselen på hjemmekontoret.
Feature article
Sjølie, Ela;
Francisco, Susanne;
Mahon, Kathleen;
Kaukko, Mervi;
Kemmis, Stephen.
Learning of academics in the time of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Journal of Praxis in Higher Education (JPHE)
Academic article
Mahon, Kathleen;
Heikkinen, Hannu;
Huttunen, Rauno;
Boyle, Tess;
Sjølie, Ela.
What is Educational Praxis?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sjølie, Ela;
Espenes, Thomas Christian;
Buø, Ruth.
Slik taklet studentene å gå fra fysisk til digital undervisning.
Popular scientific article
Sjølie, Ela;
Francisco, Susanne;
Langelotz, Lill.
Communicative learning spaces and learning to become a teacher.
Pedagogy, Culture & Society
Academic article
Nilssen, Vivi Lisbeth;
Enge, Ole;
Fauskevåg, Odin;
Fjørtoft, Henning;
Haugan, Jan Arvid;
Klemp, Torunn.
Forskningsdeltakeres stemmer fra barnehage til lærerutdanning.
Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis
Sjølie, Ela.
Learning educational theory in teacher education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sjølie, Ela.
Å lære teori; en studie av lærerstudenters læringspraksiser.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sjølie, Ela.
When the form stands in the way of content – a study of student teachers’ reading practices.
Education Inquiry
Academic article
Sjølie, Ela.
In the Tension Between Idealism and Practicality – Student Teachers’ Meta-awareness of Learning and Teaching.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sjølie, Ela.
Pedagogy is just common sense - a case study of student teachers' academic learning practices.
Doctoral dissertation
Sjølie, Ela.
The role of theory in teacher education: reconsidered from a student teacher perspective.
Journal of Curriculum Studies
Academic article
Sjølie, Ela;
Haugaløkken, Ove Kr..
Praksisbasert lærerutdanning - fadderordning som alternativ praksisform i femårig lærerutdanning.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sjølie, Ela;
Haugaløkken, Ove Kr..
Praksisbasert lærerutdanning - fadderordning som alternativ praksisform i femårig lærerutdanning.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Goldshaft, Beverley;
Sjølie, Ela.
Creating communicative learning spaces in initial teacher education (ITE) with observation-grounded co-mentoring practices.
Professional Development in Education
Academic article
Rødsjø, Eline;
Sjølie, Ela;
Van Petegem, Peter.
Psychological safety in interdisciplinary virtual student project teams: A validation study.
Computers in Human Behavior Reports
Academic article
Sjølie, Ela;
Johnsen, Mette Mari Wold;
Van Petegem, Peter.
Profiling feedback antecedents in higher education students: a person-oriented perspective.
Frontiers in Education
Academic article
Johnsen, Mette Mari Wold;
Sjølie, Ela;
Johansen, Vegard.
Learning to Collaborate in a Project-based Graduate Course: A Multilevel Study of Student Outcomes.
Research in Higher Education
Academic article
Sjølie, Ela;
Van Petegem, Peter.
Measuring the sociability of virtual learning environments for interdisciplinary student teams – a validation study.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Academic article
Sjølie, Ela;
Espenes, Thomas Christian;
Buø, Ruth.
Social interaction and agency in self-organizing student teams during their transition from face-to-face to online learning.
Computers & Education
Academic article
Goldshaft, Beverley;
Sjølie, Ela;
Johannesen, Monica.
Student teachers’ research and development (R&D) practice - constraining and supporting practice architectures.
Pedagogy, Culture & Society
Academic article
Sjølie, Ela;
Strømme, Alex;
Boks-Vlemmix, Juliette E P.
Team-skills training and real-time facilitation as a means for developing student teachers’ learning of collaboration.
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies
Academic article
Liebech-Lien, Beathe;
Sjølie, Ela.
Teachers’ conceptions and uses of student collaboration in the classroom.
Educational Research
Academic article
Sjølie, Ela;
Østern, Maria Anna-Lena Viola.
Student teachers’ criticism of teacher education – through the lens of practice architectures.
Pedagogy, Culture & Society
Academic article
Brandshaug, Sigrid Westad;
Sjølie, Ela.
In liminality: interdisciplinary teams learning through challenges.
Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning
Academic article
Sjølie, Ela.
Den skjulte trusselen på hjemmekontoret.
Feature article
Sjølie, Ela;
Francisco, Susanne;
Mahon, Kathleen;
Kaukko, Mervi;
Kemmis, Stephen.
Learning of academics in the time of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Journal of Praxis in Higher Education (JPHE)
Academic article
Sjølie, Ela;
Espenes, Thomas Christian;
Buø, Ruth.
Slik taklet studentene å gå fra fysisk til digital undervisning.
Popular scientific article
Sjølie, Ela;
Francisco, Susanne;
Langelotz, Lill.
Communicative learning spaces and learning to become a teacher.
Pedagogy, Culture & Society
Academic article
Nilssen, Vivi Lisbeth;
Enge, Ole;
Fauskevåg, Odin;
Fjørtoft, Henning;
Haugan, Jan Arvid;
Klemp, Torunn.
Forskningsdeltakeres stemmer fra barnehage til lærerutdanning.
Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis
Sjølie, Ela.
When the form stands in the way of content – a study of student teachers’ reading practices.
Education Inquiry
Academic article
Sjølie, Ela.
The role of theory in teacher education: reconsidered from a student teacher perspective.
Journal of Curriculum Studies
Academic article
Aspfors, Jessica ;
Jakhelln, Rachel Elise;
Sjølie, Ela.
Å analysere og endre praksis - teorien om praksisarkitekturer.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Fransisco, Susanne;
Sjølie, Ela.
Learning Through Change: What the Pandemic Has Taught Us About Living Well in a World Worth Living In.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspfors, Jessica ;
Jakhelln, Rachel Elise;
Sjølie, Ela.
En ny praksisteori i norsk kontekst.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sjølie, Ela;
Aspfors, Jessica ;
Jakhelln, Rachel Elise.
Praksisteori og teorien om praksisarkitekturer.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jakhelln, Rachel Elise;
Sjølie, Ela;
Aspfors, Jessica .
Behov for en ny praksisteori? .
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jakhelln, Rachel Elise;
Sjølie, Ela;
Aspfors, Jessica .
Bonusmateriale: Om utvikling av en teori.
Sjølie, Ela;
Moe, Nils Brede.
Work from X .
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mahon, Kathleen;
Heikkinen, Hannu;
Huttunen, Rauno;
Boyle, Tess;
Sjølie, Ela.
What is Educational Praxis?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sjølie, Ela.
Learning educational theory in teacher education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sjølie, Ela.
Å lære teori; en studie av lærerstudenters læringspraksiser.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sjølie, Ela.
In the Tension Between Idealism and Practicality – Student Teachers’ Meta-awareness of Learning and Teaching.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sjølie, Ela;
Haugaløkken, Ove Kr..
Praksisbasert lærerutdanning - fadderordning som alternativ praksisform i femårig lærerutdanning.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sjølie, Ela;
Haugaløkken, Ove Kr..
Praksisbasert lærerutdanning - fadderordning som alternativ praksisform i femårig lærerutdanning.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bækken, Elisabeth Føll;
Rustad, Hanne;
Sjølie, Ela.
Klarspråk som varig praksis. En studie av klarspråksarbeidet i to offentlige virksomheter.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Sjølie, Ela.
Pedagogy is just common sense - a case study of student teachers' academic learning practices.
Doctoral dissertation
Academic lectureSjølie, Ela; Kemmis, Stephen. (2023) Interdisciplinary Teamwork: How Does the Magic Happen. EERA ECER conference 2023 , Glasgow 2023-08-22 - 2023-08-25
Academic lectureLangelotz, Lill; Kaukko, Merki; Fransisco, Susanne; Kemmis, Stephen; Mahon, Kathleen; Sjølie, Ela. (2023) Practising Professionally in Higher Education Amidst Changing and Challenging Conditions – A Cross National Study. EERA ECER conference 2023 , Glasgow 2023-08-22 - 2023-08-25
Academic lectureSjølie, Ela; Rødsjø, Eline; Skancke, Lars; Carvajal, Paulina; Solhaug, Solvor; Jensen, Magnus Rom. (2023) A systematic mapping review of research on student project collaboration in higher education. EERA ECER conference 2023 , Glasgow 2023-08-22 - 2023-08-25
Academic lectureAndersen, Nina Haugland; Forset, Marte Blekastad; Sjølie, Ela; Tvenge, Nina. (2023) Being Social Online – How Self-organized Virtual Student Teams Created and Sustained the Social Climate in the Team (or not). ECER Conference 2023-08-22 - 2023-08-25
InterviewMoe, Nils Brede; Sjølie, Ela; Brugrand, Camilla Skjær. (2023) Digitalt samarbeid krever ikke mindre areal. Dagens Perspektiv Dagens Perspektiv [Newspaper] 2023-04-05
InterviewSjølie, Ela; Moe, Nils Brede. (2023) Nytt kontor baklengs inn i fremtiden. Gemini.no Gemini.no [Business/trade/industry journal] 2023-03-05
InterviewMoe, Nils Brede; Sjølie, Ela; Tønseth, Svein. (2023) Nye kontorbygg baklengs inn i fremtiden. Gemini.no Gemini.no [Internet] 2023-03-05
Academic lectureJohnsen, Mette Mari Wold; Sjølie, Ela. (2022) Having to and having fun: Enablers of learning to collaborate in higher education. The Nordic Experts in Teams Network and NTNU The 6th conference on interdisciplinary teamwork skills for the 21st century , Trondheim, Norway. 2022-06-16 - 2022-06-17
Academic lectureSjølie, Ela; Fransisco, Susanne; Kaukko, Mervi; Kemmis, Stephen; Langelotz, Lill; Mahon, Kathleen. (2021) The screen as a practice architecture for academic work. AARE AARE 2021 , Online 2021-11-28 - 2021-12-02
Academic lectureJohnsen, Mette Mari Wold; Spjelkevik, Maiken; Sjølie, Ela. (2021) Interdisciplinary collaboration for sustainable development - Students´ experiences with working in interdisciplinary teams in a virtual setting. AARE AARE 2021 , Online 2021-11-28 - 2021-12-02
Academic lectureVan Petegem, Peter; Sjølie, Ela. (2021) Sociability of Virtual Learning Environments in Times of Corona: Validation of an Instrument . American Educational Research Association AERA , Online 2021-04-08 - 2021-04-12
Academic lectureRødsjø, Eline; Johnsen, Mette Mari Wold; Sjølie, Ela; Engen, Håvard; Verhulst, Elli; Brandshaug, Sigrid Westad. (2021) Fra forelesning til nettkurs på rekordtid – erfaringer fra prosessen. NTNU Læringsfestivalen , Trondheim 2021-05-10 - 2021-05-11
Academic lectureEspenes, Thomas Christian; Sjølie, Ela; Buø, Ruth; Veine, Sven; Haugen, Thor Halvor. (2020) Fra fysisk til digitalt samarbeid: Studenters erfaringer med prosjektarbeid i grupper da campus stengte. NTNU Webinarfestivalen , Trondheim 2020-11-24 - 2020-11-24
Academic lectureSjølie, Ela; Strømme, Alex; Boks-Vlemmix, Juliette E P. (2019) ‘Teachers In Teams’ – An Intervention Study On Facilitating Student Teachers’ Reflection On Teamwork. American Educational Research Association AERA , Vancouver 2019-04-05 - 2019-04-09
Academic lectureStrømme, Alex; Sjølie, Ela; Boks-Vlemmix, Juliette E P. (2018) Teachers in Team. its21 2018-06-20 - 2018-06-21
Academic lectureMahon, Kathleen; Sjølie, Ela; Kemmis, Stephen; Langelotz, Lill; Boyle, Tess; Santos, Doris. (2018) Researching practice in higher education. University of Sydney AARE 2018 , Sydney 2018-12-02 - 2018-12-06
LectureSjølie, Ela; Morud, Elin Bø. (2017) Læreres læring og profesjonelle læringsfellesskap. Seminar for lærere ved Spongdal skole 2017-01-27 -
Academic lectureMahon, Kathleen; Sjølie, Ela; Santos, Doris; Schaffar-Kronqvist, Birgit; Kemmis, Stephen. (2017) Researching practice in higher education. University College Copenhagen ECER 2017 2017-08-22 - 2017-08-25
PosterSjølie, Ela; Strømme, Alex; Boks-Vlemmix, Juliette E P. (2017) ‘Teachers in Team’ - a case study of group work in teacher education. Uppsala universitet Interdisciplinary Teamwork Skills (Its21) , Uppsala 2017-06-13 - 2017-06-14
LectureSjølie, Ela; Morud, Elin Bø. (2016) Skolebasert kompetanseutvikling og pedagogisk loppemarked. Fagdag for lærere 2016-01-28 -
LectureSjølie, Ela; Morud, Elin Bø. (2016) Relasjoners betydning for elevers læring. Fagdag for lærere 2016-09-26 -
LectureSjølie, Ela; Morud, Elin Bø. (2016) Gruppearbeid og samarbeidslæring. Seminar for lærere ved Spongdal skole 2016-03-14 -
LectureSjølie, Ela; Morud, Elin Bø. (2016) Praktisk - Variert - Motiverende: Skolebasert kompetanseutvikling og klasseledelse. Fagdag for lærere 2016-04-18 -
Academic lectureSjølie, Ela. (2016) Communicative spaces and teacher learning – a discussion across national borders. AARE AARE 2016 Conference , Melbourne 2016-11-27 - 2016-12-01
LectureSjølie, Ela. (2015) Learning to be a teacher. Griffith University Practice Theory Perspectives on Pedagogy and Education: Praxis, Diversity and Contestation , Brisbane 2015-06-04 - 2015-06-06
Academic lectureSjølie, Ela. (2014) Pedagogy is just common sense - a case study of student teachers' academic practices. AARE AARE-NZARE 2014 Conference , Brisbane 2014-11-30 - 2014-12-04
Academic lectureSjølie, Ela. (2014) Pedagogy is just common sense - a case study of student teachers' academic learning practices. NAFOL NAFOLS nasjonale konferanse , Tromsø 2014-05-21 - 2014-05-21
Academic lectureSjølie, Ela. (2013) It’s just too much! Student teachers’ learning: enablers and constraints. NERA NERA conference 2013 , Reykjavik 2013-03-07 - 2013-03-09
LectureSjølie, Ela. (2013) Å være lærerstudent anno 2013. «Forskning om lærerutdanning - hva vet vi?". Forskningsrådet PRAKUTs temakonferanse , Oslo 2013-11-13 -
Academic lectureSjølie, Ela; Clayton, Kathleen. (2012) Pre-service teachers and theory in initial teacher education: A comparison of two studies. AARE AARE 2012 Conference , Sydney 2012-12-02 - 2012-12-06
Academic lectureSjølie, Ela. (2012) The role of theory in teacher education - reconsidered in a pre-service teacher perspective. AARE AARE 2012 Conference , Sydney 2012-12-02 - 2012-12-06
Popular scientific lectureStrømme, Alex; Haugaløkken, Ove Kr.; Wæge, Kjersti; Sjølie, Ela. (2010) Praksisbasert lærerutdanning - sementering eller fundamentering. Utdanningsforbundet Når utdanning møter yrke , Oslo 2010-01-25 - 2010-01-25
Academic lectureSjølie, Ela; Emsheimer, Peter. (2010) Students teachers’ understanding of theoretical concepts based on experiences in practicum. AARE AARE 2010 Conference , Melbourne 2010-11-29 - 2010-12-02
Academic lectureSjølie, Ela. (2010) Emerging capacity to articulate the importance of theoretical concepts based on novice teaching experiences during teacher education. AARE AARE 2010 Conference , Melbourne 2010-11-29 - 2010-12-02
Academic lectureMattson, Matts; Sjølie, Ela; Johansson, Inge; Rorrison, Doreen; Männikkö-Barbutiu, Sirkku; Stålbrandt, Eva. (2010) Researching practicum: Professional Practice Knowledge in Teacher Education, symposium. AARE AARE 2010 Conference , Melbourne 2010-11-29 - 2010-12-02
Academic lectureSjølie, Ela; Haugaløkken, Ove Kr.. (2007) LUR-praksis: styrking av praksisdimensjonen i femårig lærerutdanning ved NTNU. Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag FOU i praksis , Trondheim 2007-04-19 - 2007-04-20
PosterSjølie, Ela; Haugaløkken, Ove Kr.. (2006) Practice- based teacher education - a new model for organising practical training in teacher education. EARLI European Practice Based and Practitioner Research conference on learning and instruction , Leuven 2006-10-19 - 2006-10-21