Elisa Pastor-Vallés
I am a PhD student under the supervision of Johan Berg Pettersen and my research focuses on the sustainability assessment of the silicon industry, particularly looking at industrial symbiosis and circular economy opportunities between the silicon and aluminium industries and aluminothermic reduction with CO2 looping, under the umbrella of the H2020 project SisAl Pilot project.
I hold a B.Sc. in Environmental Engineering with distinction to the best academic record (Rey Juan Carlos University) and also an EMJMD master’s degree in Circular Economy, imparted by both Chalmers University of Technology and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Besides, I have completed two university-specific master's degrees in Integrated Management Systems (Camilo José Cela University and IMF Business School) and Decision Making and Innovation (University of Alcalá). I am as well an EiT Climate-KIC Alumni of FCT Nova, University of Hamburg and Technická univerzita v Košiciach.
Previously, I have worked for the environmental management for the construction, aeronautic, and insurance sectors, as well as a climate change consultant for a consultancy firm, developing projects in Life Cycle Assessment, circular economy, and mitigation and adaptation strategies. In addition, during my studies, I was an intern in the Ministry of Environment of Spain (General Directorate of Sustainability of the Coast and the Sea), addressing marine litter.
My research interests focus on the study of the complex relationship between environment, society, economy, and the development of new technologies, as well as the application of environmental system analyses tools such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Material Flow Analysis (MFA) to quantify these changes. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you want to know more about this!
Vallejo Olivares, Alicia;
Pastor Valles, Elisa;
Pettersen, Johan Berg;
Tranell, Maria Gabriella.
LCA of recycling aluminium incineration bottom ash, dross and shavings in a rotary furnace and environmental benefits of salt-slag valorisation .
Waste Management
Academic article
Zhu, Mengyi;
Philipson, Harald;
Blandhol, Kjell;
Djupvik, Veronika;
Engvoll, Krister;
Safarian, Jafar.
Pilot-Scale Aluminothermic Production of Silicon Alloy and Alumina-Rich Slag.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering
Academic article
Pastor Valles, Elisa;
Vallejo Olivares, Alicia;
Tranell, Maria Gabriella;
Pettersen, Johan Berg.
Measuring circular economy through life cycle assessment - challenges and recommendations based on a study on recycling of Al dross, bottom ash and shavings.
The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nøstvold, Cathrine;
Pastor Valles, Elisa;
Andersen, Vegar;
Tranell, Maria Gabriella;
Pettersen, Johan Berg.
Life Cycle Assessment of Metallurgical Grade Silicon Comparing Charge Mixtures and Yields.
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy
Academic article
Journal publications
Vallejo Olivares, Alicia;
Pastor Valles, Elisa;
Pettersen, Johan Berg;
Tranell, Maria Gabriella.
LCA of recycling aluminium incineration bottom ash, dross and shavings in a rotary furnace and environmental benefits of salt-slag valorisation .
Waste Management
Academic article
Zhu, Mengyi;
Philipson, Harald;
Blandhol, Kjell;
Djupvik, Veronika;
Engvoll, Krister;
Safarian, Jafar.
Pilot-Scale Aluminothermic Production of Silicon Alloy and Alumina-Rich Slag.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering
Academic article
Nøstvold, Cathrine;
Pastor Valles, Elisa;
Andersen, Vegar;
Tranell, Maria Gabriella;
Pettersen, Johan Berg.
Life Cycle Assessment of Metallurgical Grade Silicon Comparing Charge Mixtures and Yields.
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy
Academic article
Part of book/report
Pastor Valles, Elisa;
Vallejo Olivares, Alicia;
Tranell, Maria Gabriella;
Pettersen, Johan Berg.
Measuring circular economy through life cycle assessment - challenges and recommendations based on a study on recycling of Al dross, bottom ash and shavings.
The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
TMT4306 - Energy balances as a basis for LCA.