Elisabeth Rønningen
Buland, Trond Hallgeir;
Rønningen, Elisabeth.
Evaluering av Ungdom i vekst.
Buland, Trond Hallgeir;
Rønningen, Elisabeth.
Evaluering av Ungdom i vekst.
Academic lectureDjupedal, Elise Farstad; Rønningen, Elisabeth. (2024) A historical descriptive analysis of homework in Norwegian curriculum, 1936-1998. UiO 10th Nordic Curriculum Theory Conference , Oslo 2024-10-24 - 2024-10-25
Academic lectureRønningen, Elisabeth. (2023) How do teachers understand homework as a policy and its implications for their practice?. University of South-Eastern Norway Åsgårdstrand seminar 2023. Education policy and education practice between stability and change , Åsgårdstrand, Norway 2023-08-30 - 2023-08-31
Academic lectureHallsén, Stina; Mikhaylova, Tatiana; Rønningen, Elisabeth. (2023) Extended School Hours as the Nordic Solution: Policy for Equality or Individual Achievement?. European Educational Research Association The Value of Diversity in Education and Educational Research - ECER2023 , Glasgow, Scotland 2024-08-20 - 2024-08-23
Academic lectureRønningen, Elisabeth. (2023) Discourses on homework in education found in the hearing processes to policy changes in Norway and Sweden. Comparative and International Education Society Improving Education for a more Equitable World - CIES2023 , Washington D. C. 2023-02-18 - 2023-02-22
PosterDjupedal, Elise Farstad; Fiskvik, Marte Helland; Rønningen, Elisabeth. (2023) Framtidas ungdomsskole. NTNU Researchers´ night: Ungdommens forskernatt NTNU , Trondheim 2023-09-29 - 2023-09-29
Academic lectureRønningen, Elisabeth; Engen, Dagrun Astrid Aarø; Hoveid, Marit Honerød; Hoveid, Halvor; Veelo, Nicole Christine; Tahirsylaj, Armend. (2023) Bildung and Curriculum – An Educational Research Perspective. EERA ECER Conference 2023 , Glasgow 2023-05-22 - 2023-08-25
Academic lectureVeelo, Nicole Christine; Engen, Dagrun Astrid Aarø; Rønningen, Elisabeth; Tahirsylaj, Armend; Jensen, Magnus Rom; Solhaug, Solvor. (2023) Mapping Educational Research on Bildung - a Systematic Review. Oslo Met NERA Conference 2023 , Oslo 2023-03-15 - 2023-03-17
Academic lectureRønningen, Elisabeth; Tahirsylaj, Armend. (2022) Mapping scholarship on Bildung - a general overview. University of Iceland Nordic Educational Research Association 2022 , Reykjavik 2022-06-01 - 2022-06-03
Academic lectureTahirsylaj, Armend; Rønningen, Elisabeth; Hoveid, Marit Honerød; Engen, Dagrun Astrid Aarø; Hoveid, Halvor; Veelo, Nicole Christine. (2022) Educational research on Bildung - Bildung in and Curriculum. Linnaeus University 9th Nordic Curriculum Theory Conference , Växjö 2022-10-20 -
Academic lectureRønningen, Elisabeth. (2021) What is homework?. NAFOL / HVL NAFOL/HVL conference 2021 Diversity in Teacher Education Research , Bergen 2021-11-09 - 2021-11-11
InterviewFarstad Djupedal, Elise; Tagseth, Tuva; Rønningen, Elisabeth. (2021) Her skulle de gjerne fortsatt med leksefri. NRK NRK [Internet] 2021-06-05
LectureRønningen, Elisabeth; Holte, Kjersti E. Lien. (2021) Høringssvar fra Forskningsmiljø om lekser. Regjeringen.no Høyring Forslag til ny opplæringslov og endringar i friskolelova , Trondheim/Halden 2021-12-20 - 2021-12-20
Academic lectureRønningen, Elisabeth. (2015) På tide å ta farvel med ein sosialt urettferdig praksis?. DMMH FoU i praksis. "Snipp, snapp, snute - danning er ute" - Utdanning 2015: skal alt kunne måles? , Trondheim 2015-04-15 -