Elisabetta Tedeschi
Elisabetta Tedeschi (1980) is a Professor at the Department of Electric Energy. She belongs to the Power Electronic Systems and Components (PESC) Group.
She has been a member of the "Outstanding Academic Fellows Programme" of NTNU
She has a PhD in Industrial Engineering from the University of Padova, Italy, and a 5 year “Laurea” degree (M.Sc. equivalent - with honors) from the same university.
Main fields of research:
Offshore energy systems. Design and control of energy conversion systems for marine energy applications, including:
- Control and stability issues arising in offshore HVAC and HVDC (including multi-terminal configurations) transmission systems.
- Analysis of the power quality issues arising from the grid connection of multi-MW marine energy farms and compliance with local grid codes.
- Development of control strategies to maximize the energy extraction in the single wave energy converter (WEC) with a reduced rating of the Power Take-Off.
- Design and control of power electronics conversion systems for multi-MW wind turbines.
- Evaluation of energy storage needs in offshore energy farms and trade-off analysis of the rating/performance.
Distributed compensation and cooperative control in non-sinusoidal electric networks and micro-grids Optimized management of distributed compensation systems controlled in a cooperative way for application in distorted electric networks (e.g. offshore wind farms) and operation of micro-grid with significant renewable energy shares. In particular:
- Analysis and characterization of electric networks working under non sinusoidal conditions, due to the high penetration of power electronics converters.
- Development of optimized control techniques for reactive, harmonic and unbalance compensation in distributed applications.
- Study of renewable energies and storage integration into micro-grids.
Work Experience
- May 2014- present: Professor, Department of Electric Power Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Trondheim, Norway)
- May 2013 – April 2014: Research Scientist (80% position), SINTEF Energy (Trondheim, Norway
- January 2013 – May 2014: Adjunct Associate Professor (20% position), Department of Electric Power Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Trondheim, Norway)
- 2011-2013: Experienced Researcher, Tecnalia Research & Innovation (Derio, Spain)
- 2009-2010: Abel grant under the NILS mobility Project for 6 months research at the University of The Basque Country, (Bilbao, Spain)
- 2009-2011: Postdoctoral research associate, Department of Electric Power Engineering (NTNU) (Trondheim, Norway)
Teaching activities
Specialization course: ELK-23 “Power Electronics in Future Power Systems” – Fall semester (2014 - present)
PhD Course: ET8304 “Power Theories and Compensation with Power Electronics” – Spring semester (2016 - present)
International guest lecturer within the PhD/MSc course: "Distributed generation and compensation in low-voltage microgrids" offered at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brasil. Lecture on "The Instantaneous Power Theory" (2019).
International guest lecturer within the "Master in Offshore Renewable Energy" offered at the University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain. Module on "The role of power electronics in modern power systems" (2018).
International guest lecturer within the PhD/MSc course: "Modern electric power circuit analysis" offered at the Universidade Estadual Paulista, Sao paulo, Brasil. Lecture on "The Conservative Power Theory: origin and evolution" (2018).
MSc. Course: TET4850 “Experts in teamwork: The energy challenge for a sustainable future” – Spring semester (2015, 2016)
Principal scientific responsibilities and referee activities
- Ongoing supervision of 5 PhD fellows and 2 Post-Doctoral Fellows.
- National coordinator and member of the Joint Programme Board of the Joint International Master in Renewable Energy in the Marine Environment (Erasmus+).
- Topic Chair for the topic: “Other topics in control, modeling and optimization of power converters” of the IEEE ECCE 2019
- Member of the Steering Committee of the 5th IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference, IEEE SPEC/COBEP 2019
- Member of the Programme Committee of the IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics, IEEE COMPEL 2018
- Program Chair of the IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics, IEEE COMPEL 2016
- Member of the Program Committee of the IEEE EVER-Monaco Conferences since 2012.
- Member of the Technical Programme Committee of the IEEE Smart 2015 Conference
- Topic Chair for the topic: “Stability and power quality” of the IEEE ECCE 2013.
- Scientific evaluator for Innovation Canada.
- Scientific evaluator for the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and research.
- Scientific evaluator for the Chilean Research Council.
- Scientific evaluator for the Croatian Science Foundation.
- Reviewer of book proposals for Cambridge University Press, Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET), Elsevier, John Wiley & Sons.
- Reviewer for the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, IEEE Transactions of Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, the IET Renewable Power Generation, the MDPI Energies journal, the AIP Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (COMPEL), and several international conferences.
Participation/leadership of (selected) research projects and experience in international scientific collaboration
- 2019-22 Vista "EGO-OFF-STORE" project (Project manager), NTNU, Norway
- 2018-21 NFR "HES-OFF" project (Work-package leader), NTNU, Norway
- 2018-20 EU-H2020 "IMAGINE" project (NTNU Project manager/Work-package leader), NTNU, Norway
- 2017-20 NFR "NB_POCCREI" project (Project manager), NTNU, Norway
- 2016-19 NFR “IDeCON” project (Project manager), NTNU, Norway
- 2016-19 EU-Era-Net/NFR “CloudGrid” project (NTNU Project manager/Work-package leader), NTNU, Norway
- 2015-16 “Sustainable Energy Solutions for Powering Offshore Oil and Gas Installations”- Research contract with Statoil A.S., (NTNU Project manager), NTNU, Norway
- 2014-15: EEA-"Offshore 4.5 MW Wind modules" Research contract with Ingeteam S.A., (NTNU Project manager), NTNU, Norway
- 2013-14: EU-FP7 Marinet (SINTEF Project Leader), SINTEF, Norway
- 2013-14: EU-FP7 MARINA Platform (Researcher), NTNU, Norway
- 2013-14: KPN ProOfGrids, (Researcher), SINTEF, Norway;
- 2011-12: EU-FP7 Sea2grid (Principal Investigator), Tecnalia, Spain
- 2010-11: EEA - Grid connection of Wave Energy Converters, with specific focus on Wave Energy Farms (Principal Investigator), NTNU, Spain
International Academy Membership
- Senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (+IEEE PELS, IES, PES and WIE)
- Member of the Ocean Energy Europe
- Member of the Italian Register of Engineers since 2005
Adeyemo, Ayotunde Adekunle;
Marra, Francesco;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Sizing of energy storage for spinning reserve and efficiency increase in isolated power systems within a data-driven stochastic unit commitment framework.
Journal of Energy Storage
Academic article
Leite Paes, Felipe;
Carvalho Souza, Lucas;
Alonso, Augusto;
Arenas, Luis De Oro;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Evaluating A Coordinated Control Proposal in Operational Scenarios of an FPSO Oil and Gas Platform.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Adeyemo, Ayotunde Adekunle;
Savoi Araujo, Lucas;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Centralized vs. Decentralized Deployment of Battery Energy Storage System on Offshore Platforms.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abdul-Azeez, Sadiq Abba;
Banda, Joseph Kiran;
Savoi Araujo, Lucas;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Multi-Level BESS Power Conversion Topologies for Isolated Grids: a Systematic Comparison.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Banda, Joseph Kiran;
Savoi Araujo, Lucas;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Enhancing Reactive Power Capacity in Battery-fed
Power Conditioning System.
VDE Verlag GmbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Banda, Joseph Kiran;
Mota, Daniel dos Santos;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
A Physics-Informed Scaling Method for Power Electronic Converters in Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Beds.
IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications (OJIA)
Academic article
Rabanal Alcubilla, Arkaitz;
D'Arco, Salvatore;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Coordinated Control of a Dual Grid Forming Unit Connecting an Offshore Wind Farm and an E-STATCOM for Damping and Inertia Provision.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rabanal Alcubilla, Arkaitz;
Smith, Andrew Macmillan;
Ahaotu, Chiagoro Chinonyerem;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Energy storage systems for services provision in offshore wind farms.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic literature review
Alonso, Augusto;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Dispatchable Microgrids: An Extended Provision of Systemic Ancillary Services to Low-Voltage Distribution Grids.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Banda, Joseph Kiran;
Savoi Araujo, Lucas;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Exploring Bess Services for Transformer Energization on Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shao, Han;
Henriques, Rui;
Morais, Hugo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Automatic Power Quality Disturbance Feature Extraction Using Fast Iterative Filtering.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Callegari, João Marcus S.;
Brandao, Danilo I.;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Selective PQD Power Control Strategy for Single-Phase Grid-Following Inverters.
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
Academic article
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Trovato, Vincenzo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Optimal Energy Management in Autonomous Power Systems with Probabilistic Security Constraints and Adaptive Frequency Control.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Abdolmaleki, Babak;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Optimal Generation Capacity Allocation and Droop Control Design for Current Sharing in DC Microgrids.
Academic article
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Varagnolo, Damiano.
Data-driven sizing and control of energy storage for wind-powered offshore platforms.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (86)
Doctoral dissertation
Mota, Daniel dos Santos;
Banda, Joseph Kiran;
Adeyemo, Ayotunde Adekunle;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Harmonic-Invariant Scaling Method for Power Electronic Converters in Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Beds.
IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications (OJIA)
Academic article
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Polleux, Louis;
Guerassimoff, Gilles;
Korpås, Magnus;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Allocation of Spinning Reserves in Autonomous Grids Considering Frequency Stability Constraints and Short-Term Solar Power Variations.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Mota, Daniel dos Santos;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
D'Arco, Salvatore;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Coordination of Frequency Reserves in an Isolated Industrial Grid Equipped with Energy Storage and Dominated by Constant Power Loads.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Adeyemo, Ayotunde Adekunle;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Technology Suitability Assessment of Battery Energy Storage System for High-Energy Applications on Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms.
Academic literature review
Adeyemo, Ayotunde Adekunle;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Marra, Francesco;
Iglesias Brandao, Danilo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Suitability assessment of high-power energy storage technologies for offshore oil and gas platforms: A life cycle cost perspective.
Journal of Energy Storage
Academic article
Banda, Joseph Kiran;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Reduced Sizing and Control of Shunt Active Power Filter for Rectifier-capacitor Fed Motor Drives using Conservative Power Theory.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Banda, Joseph Kiran;
Adeyemo, Ayotunde Adekunle;
Marra, Francesco;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Co-operative Control of BESS and Wind Turbines for Heavy Motor Starting on Industrial Isolated Grids.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shao, Han;
Henriques, Rui;
Morais, Hugo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Power quality monitoring in electric grid integrating offshore wind energy: A review.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic literature review
Alonso, Augusto;
De Oro Arenas, Luis;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel.
Integrated Local and Coordinated Overvoltage Control to Increase Energy Feed-In and Expand DER Participation in Low-Voltage Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
Academic article
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Varagnolo, Damiano;
Marra, Francesco;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Data-informed scenario generation for statistically stable energy storage sizing in isolated power systems.
Journal of Energy Storage
Academic article
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Varagnolo, Damiano;
Marra, Francesco;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Data-driven energy management of isolated power systems under rapidly varying operating conditions.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Montoya, Francisco;
Arrabal-Campos, Francisco M.;
Ventura Gil, Jorge;
Alcayde, Alfredo;
Isanbaev, Viktor;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
VESPQ: Visual Event System for Power Quality.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Faanes, Andreas;
Varagnolo, Damiano;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Multi-objective control of isolated power systems under different uncertainty approaches.
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
Academic article
Dos Santos Alonso, Augusto Matheus;
Arenas, Luis De Oro;
Brandao, Danilo I.;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Machado, Ricardo Q.;
Marafão, Fernando P..
Current-Based Coordination of Distributed Energy Resources in a Grid-Connected Low-Voltage Microgrid: An Experimental Validation of Adverse Operational Scenarios.
Academic article
Menezes Ferreira, Daniele;
Silva, Sidelmo;
Silva, Waner;
Brandao, Danilo;
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Overview of Consensus Protocol and Its Application to Microgrid Control.
Academic literature review
Castellini, Luca;
Gallorini, Federico;
Alessandri, Giacomo;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Montoya Andrade, Dan El Andres;
Mudigonda, Bhavana.
Comparison of Offline, Real-Time Models and Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Results of a Power Take-Off for Wave Energy Applications.
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE)
Academic article
Elahidoost, Atousa;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Stability improvement of MMC-based hybrid AC/DC grids through the application of a decentralized optimal controller.
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Academic article
Mota, Daniel;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Svendsen, Harald Georg;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Offshore Wind Farms and Isolated Oil and Gas Platforms: Perspectives and Possibilities .
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Banda, Joseph Kiran;
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
MV Multi-functional Retrofit Converter for Enhanced Power Quality on O&G Platforms.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Adeyemo, Ayotunde Adekunle;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Sizing of Energy Storage for Virtual Inertia Emulation and Primary Frequency Control in Low-Inertia Systems.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Castellini, Luca;
Gallorini, Federico;
Alessandri, Giacomo;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Montoya Andrade, Dan El Andres;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Performance Comparison of Offline and Real-Time Models of a Power Take-Off for Qualification Activities of Wave Energy Converters.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dos Santos Alonso, Augusto Matheus;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel.
Resistive Shaping of Interconnected Low-Voltage Microgrids Operating Under Distorted Voltages.
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics (1982. Print)
Academic article
Guo, Xiaoqiang;
Nguyen, Minh-Khai;
Malinowski, Mariusz;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Grid-connected and isolated renewable energy systems.
Electronics (Basel)
Alessandri, Giacomo;
Gallorini, Federico;
Castellini, Luca;
Montoya Andrade, Dan El Andres;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
An Innovative Hardware-In-the-Loop Rig For Linear Power-Take-Off Testing.
Proceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC)
Academic article
Vitoi, Lais;
Brandao, Danilo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Active Power Filter Pre-Selection Tool to Enhance the Power Quality in Oil and Gas Platforms.
Academic article
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Mota, Daniel dos Santos;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Sizing of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems for Inertial and Primary Frequency Control.
Frontiers in Energy Research
Academic article
Elahidoost, Atousa;
Furieri, Luca;
Kamgarpour, Maryam;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Optimal Linear Controller for Minimizing DC Voltage Oscillations in MMC-Based Offshore Multiterminal HVDC Grids.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Mota, Daniel;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Understanding the Effects of Exponentially Decaying DC Currents on the Dual dq Control of Power Converters in Systems with High X/R.
Compatibility in power electronics
Academic article
Ferreira, Daniele;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Silva, Sidelmo Magalhaes.
Distributed Control Strategy for Low-Voltage Three-Phase Four-Wire Microgrids: Consensus Power-Based Control.
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Academic article
Montoya Andrade, Dan El Andres;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Castellini, Luca;
Martins, Tiago.
Passive model predictive control on a two-body self-referenced point absorber wave energy converter.
Academic article
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Varagnolo, Damiano;
Marra, Francesco;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Data dependent concurrent storage sizing and control design for
frequency support in isolated power systems.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Mota, Daniel dos Santos;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Corrigendum: Sizing of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems for Inertial and Primary Frequency Control (Front. Energy Res., (2021), 9, 10.3389/fenrg.2021.649200).
Frontiers in Energy Research
Mota, Daniel;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Dual Sequence Controller with Delayed Signal Cancellation in the Rotating Reference Frame.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Follo, Alessandra;
Saborío-Romano, Oscar;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Cutululis, Nicolaos A..
Challenges in all-dc offshore wind power plants.
Academic article
Stefanakos, Christos;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Brönner, Ute.
Offshore wind and wave energy resource assessment in the Norwegian waters based on ERA5 reanalysis.
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Dynamic Converter Capacity Allocation for
Multifunctional Energy Storage Systems in Oil and
Gas Applications.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mota, Daniel dos Santos;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
On Adaptive Moving Average Algorithms for the Application of the Conservative Power Theory in Systems with Variable Frequency.
Academic article
Le, Hoai Nam;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Comparative Evaluation of AC and DC Power Distribution Systems for Underwater Vehicles Based on Multiobjective Optimization Techniques.
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
Academic article
Paes, Felipe;
Arenas, Luis De Oro;
Alonso, Augusto;
Santana, Marcelo;
Paredes, Helmo;
Goncalves, Flavio.
Coordinated Control of Adjustable Speed Drives Applied to Oil and Gas Production Platforms.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faria da Rocha, Lorrana;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Vitoi, Lais;
Brandao, Danilo.
Control Strategies for Multifunctional Active Front-End Converter in Oil and Gas Platforms.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alessandri, Giacomo;
Gallorini, Federico;
Castellini, Luca;
Montoya, Dan El;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
An innovative Hardware-In-the-Loop rig for linear Power-Take-Off testing.
International Marine Energy Journal
Academic article
Riboldi, Luca;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Pilarczyk, Marcin;
Nord, Lars O.;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
HES-OFF H2: Integrated model of the hybrid energy system.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Dos Santos Alonso, Augusto Matheus;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel.
Distributed Selective Harmonic Mitigation and Decoupled Unbalance Compensation by Coordinated Inverters in Three-Phase Four-Wire Low-Voltage Networks.
Electric power systems research
Academic article
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Montoya Andrade, Dan El Andres;
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
D5.2 - EMG control strategy selection and pre-test report.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel;
Dos Santos Alonso, Augusto Matheus;
Göthner, Fredrik T. B. W.;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias.
Power- and Current-Based Control of Distributed Inverters in Low-Voltage Microgrids: Considerations in Relation to Classic Droop Control.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kantar, Emre;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Load Compensation by DSTATCOM with LCL-Filter by Comparing Different Resonance Damping Methods.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Riboldi, Luca;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Pilarczyk, Marcin;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Nord, Lars O..
Innovative Hybrid Energy System for stable Power and Heat Supply in offshore oil & gas Installation (HES-OFF): System Design and Grid Stability.
Computer-aided chemical engineering
Academic article
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Brandao, Danilo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Sufficient Conditions for Robust Frequency Stability of AC Power Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Wang, Liguo;
Lin, MaoFeng;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Engström, Jens;
Isberg, Jan.
Improving electric power generation of a standalone wave energy converter via optimal electric load control.
Academic article
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Three-Dimensional Representation of Electrical Circuit Quantities.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
San, Guocheng;
Zhang, Wenlin;
Luo, Ran;
Guo, Xiaoqiang;
Xin, Huanhai;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
A small-signal multi-frequency model for a grid-connected inverter with a more accurate PWM gain.
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems (JPES)
Academic article
Dos Santos Alonso, Augusto Matheus;
Afonso, Leonardo Carlos;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel.
Considerations on Communication Infrastructures for Cooperative Operation of Smart Inverters.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Elahidoost, Atousa;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Control Optimization of the Offshore HVDC Grid based on Modular Multilevel Converter for Improving DC Voltage Stability.
The Renewable Energies and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ)
Academic article
Riboldi, Luca;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Pilarczyk, Marcin;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Nord, Lars O..
Optimal Design of a Hybrid Energy System for the Supply of Clean and Stable Energy to Offshore Installations.
Frontiers in Energy Research
Academic article
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
de Jong, Erik;
D'Arco, Salvatore;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Online parameter adjustment method for arm voltage estimation of the modular multilevel converter .
IEEE transactions on power electronics
Academic article
Robles, Eider;
Haro-Larrode, Marta;
Santos-Mugica, Maider;
Etxegarai, Agurtzane;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Comparative analysis of European grid codes relevant to offshore renewable energy installations.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic article
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Montoya Andrade, Dan El Andres;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
IMAGINE D5.1 - EMG control strategy analysis report.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Pilarczyk, Marcin;
Riboldi, Luca;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Nord, Lars O.;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
HES-OFF H1: Case study definition and benchmarking .
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Varagnolo, Damiano;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Techno-Economic Evaluation of the Sizing and Operation of Battery Storage for Isolated Oil and Gas Platforms with High Wind Power Penetration.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vitoi, Lais;
Brandao, Danilo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Power quality enhancement by SiC Active Power Filters in Oil and Gas Platforms.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Taffese, Abel Assegid.
Electrical power transmission and grid integration.
IET Digital Library
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alonso, Augusto Matheus Dos Santos;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Coordinated Control of Parallel Power Conditioners Synthesizing Resistive Loads in Single-Phase AC Microgrids.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Couto, Henrique P.;
Brandao, Danilo;
Silva, Sidelmo Magalhaes;
Caldognetto, Tommaso;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Selective output impedance based control for grid-connected inverters.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sagatun, Nora Plassbak;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Energy Storage Emulation in Islanded low Voltage Grid.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Göthner, Fredrik T. B. W.;
Brandao, Danilo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Unbalanced Load Compensation by PowerBased Control in the Synchronous Reference Frame .
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Ferreira, Willian;
Alonso, Augusto Matheus Dos Santos;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel.
Optimal Multiobjective Control of Low-Voltage AC Microgrids: Power Flow Regulation and Compensation of Reactive Power and Unbalance.
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Academic article
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Smart Load Management with Energy Storage for Power Quality Enhancement in Wind-Powered Oil and Gas Applications.
Academic article
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Zonetti, Daniele;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Ortega, Romeo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
PI Passivity-Based Control and Performance Analysis of MMC Multiterminal HVDC Systems.
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
Academic article
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Garces, Alejandro;
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Dynamics and Stability of Meshed Multiterminal HVDC Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Formentini, Andrea;
Zanchetta, Pericle;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Particle Swarm Optimization Tuning of Modular Multilevel Converters in a Time-Invariant Framework.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alonso, Augusto;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Compenscão distribuída de harmônicos em microrredes monofãsicas de baixa Tensâo.
The XXII Brazilian Conference on Automation
Academic article
Santamargarita, D.;
Huerta, F;
Sanz, M.;
Lazaro, A;
D'Arco, Salvatore;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago.
Study of Applicability of Simple Closed Loop Input
Impedance Model for Grid-Tie Inverters.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
D'Arco, Salvatore;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Power oscillation damping with virtual capacitance support from modular multilevel converters.
IET Renewable Power Generation
Academic article
Espvik, Joachim;
Tranulis, Erling Vatn;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Modeling of Multiterminal HVDC Offshore Grids with Renewable Energy and Storage Integration by Opensource Tools.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Elahidoost, Atousa;
Furieri, Luca;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Kamgarpour, Maryam.
Optimizing HVDC grid expansion and control for enhancing DC stability.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Duong, Dinh Thuc;
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Performance evaluation of the empirical method for online detection of power oscillations: a multiterminal HVDC application.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Simplified Modelling of the F2F MMC-Based High Power DC-DC Converter Including the Effect of Circulating Current Dynamics.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Coordination of Modular Multilevel Converter Based HVDC Terminals for Ancillary Services.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nejati Fard, Razieh;
Eidsvik, Ole Alexander;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Schjølberg, Ingrid.
Cable Selection Considerations for Subsea Vehicles.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Verri liberado, Eduardo;
Alonso, Augusto;
Marafao, Fernando;
Pomilio, Jose Antenor;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Joel, Guerreiro.
Three/Four-leg Inverter Current Control Based on Generalized Symmetrical Components.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
A plug-and-play grid for the transmission of large amounts of offshore energy .
Website (informational material)
Alonso, Augusto Matheus Dos Santos;
Liberado, Eduardo Verri;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel;
Pomilio, Jose Antenor;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Guerreiro, Joel.
Three/Four-leg Inverter Current Control Based on Generalized Symmetrical Components.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Elahidoost, Atousa;
Furieri, Luca;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Kamgarpour, Maryam.
Reducing HVDC Network Oscillations Considering Wind Intermittency Through Optimized Grid Expansion Decision.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nejati Fard, Razieh;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Power System Design Considerations for a Seafloor Mining Vehicle.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
D'Arco, Salvatore;
Holdyk, Andrzej;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
An Approach for Small Scale Power Hardware in the Loop Emulation of HVDC Cables.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nejati Fard, Razieh;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Integration of Distributed Energy Resources into
Offshore and Subsea Grids.
CPSS transactions on power electronics and applications (TPEA)
Academic literature review
Wang, Liguo;
Isberg, Jan;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Review of control strategies for wave energy conversion systems and their validation: the wave-to-wire approach.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic literature review
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Port Hamiltonian Modelling of Modular Multilevel Converters with Fixed Equilibrium Point.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Tuning of Control Loops for Grid-Connected Modular
Multilevel Converters under a Simplified Port
Representation for Large System Studies.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
de Jong, Erik.
A control scheme for utilizing energy storage of the modular multilevel converter for power oscillation damping.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Zonetti, Daniele;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Ortega, Romeo.
PI passivity-based control of modular multilevel converters for multi-Terminal HVDC systems.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khan, Salman Saeed;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Modeling of MMC for fast and accurate simulation of electromagnetic transients: A review.
Academic literature review
Garces, Alejandro;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
HVDC meshed multi-terminal networks for offshore wind farms: Dynamic model, load flow and equilibrium.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
D'Arco, Salvatore;
Sanz, Marina.
Impedance computation for power electronic
converters with Hilbert transform.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Jafar, Muhammad;
Silva Diaz, Jesus Ernesto;
Marichalar, Alexandra.
Smart load management of water injection systems in offshore oil and gas platforms integrating wind power.
IET Renewable Power Generation
Academic article
Elahidoost, Atousa;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Expansion of offshore HVDC grids: An overview of contributions, status, challenges and perspectives.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Flåten, Ida Langvik;
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Control of HVDC systems based on diode rectifier for offshore wind farm applications.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Harmonic Resonance Mode Analysis in dq Domain.
The Renewable Energies and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ)
Academic article
Alonso, Augusto Matheus Dos Santos;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Guerreiro, Joel.
A guideline for employing PSIM on power converter applications: Prototyping and educational tool.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ferreira, W M;
Brandao, Danilo;
Guimaraes, F G;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Marafao, F P.
Multiobjective approach for power flow and unbalance control in low-voltage networks considering distributed energy resources.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alonso, A;
Marafao, F P;
Brandao, Danilo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Guerreiro, J F.
A Guideline for employing PSIM on power converter Applications: Prototyping and educational tool.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
de Jong, Erik.
Arm Voltage Estimation Method for Compensated Modulation of Modular Multilevel Converters.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nejati Fard, Razieh;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Investigation of AC and DC power distributions to seafloor mining equipment.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khan, Salman Saeed;
Suul, Jon Are Wold;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Jafar, Muhammad.
Blocking capability for switching function and average models of modular multilevel converters.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
de Jong, Erik.
Modelling of DC-DC converters based on front-to-front connected MMC for small signal studies.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dominguez-Navarro, José Antonio;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Evaluation of the Fluid Model Approach for the Sizing of Energy Storage in Wave-Wind Energy Systems.
Academic article
Silva, Jesus;
Jafar, Muhammad;
Marichalar, Alexandra;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Integration of Wind Power to Supply Water Injection Systems as Controllable Loads in Offshore Oil and Gas Facilities.
Offshore Energy and Storage Symposium 2016
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Djustrom, Jam;
Ehnberg, Jimmy;
Segundo, Rafael.
CloudGrid – the development of a transnational smart grid lab cooperation.
21 Annual international conference on innovation Baltic Dynamics 2016
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
de Jong, Erik;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Modelling of DC-DC Converter for System Level Studies.
IEEE Benelux Young researchers symposium in Electrical Power Engineering
Shihabudheen, Kavungal Kolpara;
Suul, Jon Are Wold;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Analysis of DC/DC converters in multiterminal HVDC systems for large offshore wind farms.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugan, Thomas Sagvold;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Reactive and harmonic compensation using the conservative power theory.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mandelli, Stefano;
Merlo, Marco;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta.
Electri-Mechanical Model for Understanding the Operation and Dynamic Behavior of a Micro-Grid: a case study in Tanzania.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pescetto, Paolo;
Bergna Diaz, Gilbert;
Zubimendi, Ignacio;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Comparison of Parallel Connected Medium Voltage Grid Side VSCs for Offshore Wind Turbines.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brantsæter, Henrik;
Kocewiak, Łukasz;
Rygg, Atle;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Passive filter design and offshore wind turbine modelling for system level harmonic studies.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Shihabudheen, Kavungal Kolpara;
Suul, Jon Are Wold;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
DC/DC Converters for interconnecting independent HVDC systems into multiterminal DC grids.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Costanzo, Luca;
Zubimendi, Ignacio;
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Parallelization of Medium Voltage Generator-Side Converters for Multi-MW Wind Turbines: comparison of two topological alternatives.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maranon-Ledesma, Hector;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Energy Storage Sizing by Stochastic Optimization for a Combined Wind-Wave-Diesel Supplied System.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugan, Thomas Sagvold;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Active Power Filtering Under Non-Ideal Voltage Conditions Using the Conservative Power Theory.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bozzetto, Alessandro;
Spro, Ole Christian Baumann;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Impact of technical power take-off constraints on the power extraction of unidirectional and bidirectional point absorbers.
Academic article
Amin, Mohammad;
Suul, Jon Are Wold;
D'Arco, Salvatore;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta.
Impact of state-space modelling fidelity on the small-signal
dynamics of VSC-HVDC systems.
IET Digital Library
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
The challenges of offshore grids.
Pan European Networks: Science and Techology Magazine
Academic literature review
Santos-Mugica, Maider;
Robles, Eider;
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Giebhardt, Jochen.
Grid integration and power quality testing of Marine Energy Converters: Research activities in the MaRINET Project.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Løtveit, Marte Wiig;
Suul, Jon Are Wold;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta .
A study of biomass in a hybrid stand-alone Micro-Grid for the rural village of Wawashang, Nicaragua.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bozzetto, Alessandro;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Wave power extraction with constrained power take-off: Single capture vs. double capture point absorbers.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Amin, Mohammad;
Zadeh, Mehdi Karbalaye;
Suul, Jon Are Wold;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta ;
Fosso, Olav B.
Stability analysis of interconnected AC power systems with multi-terminal DC grids based on the Cigré DC grid test system.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Santos, Maider.
Modeling and Control of a Wave Energy Farm Including Energy Storage for Power Quality Enhancement: the Bimep Case Study.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta ;
Ringwood, John V..
Control systems - design and implementation.
IET Digital Library
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Sjolte, Jonas;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta ;
Santos, Maider.
Stochastic Rating of Storage Systems in Isolated Networks withIncreasing Wave Energy Penetration.
Academic article
Sjolte, Jonas;
Sandvik, Christian Mclisky;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta .
Exploring the Potential for Increased Production from the Wave Energy Converter Lifesaver by Reactive Control.
Academic article
Alberti, Luigi;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Bianchi, Nicola;
Santos, Maider;
Fasolo, Alessandro.
Effect of the generator sizing on a wave energy converter considering different control strategies.
Academic article
Estala, Eleder Araneta;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta ;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
A Modular Simulation Platform for Testing Hybrid DC/AC Future Grid Solutions for Remote Areas.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta .
Tunable Control Strategy for Wave Energy Converters With Limited Power Takeoff Rating.
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics (1982. Print)
Academic article
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas, Marta.
Wave-to-Wave Buoys Control for Improved Power Extraction under Electro-Mechanical Constraints.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Santos, M.;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Ricci, P;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta ;
Martin, J.
Grid Connection Improvements by Control Strategy Selection for Wave Energy Converters.
The Renewable Energies and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ)
Academic article
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Carraro, Matteo;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta ;
Mattavelli, Paolo.
Effect of Control Strategies and Power Take-Off Efficiency on the Power Capture From Sea Waves.
IEEE transactions on energy conversion
Academic article
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Santos, M.;
Ricci, P;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta ;
Villate, J.
Control Strategies for Grid Integration of Wave Energy Converters at the BIscay Marine Energy Platform.
EWTEC 2011,
Bracco, Giovanni;
Giorcelli, Ermanno;
Mattiazzo, Giuliana;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta .
Control Strategies for the ISWEC Wave Energy System.
EWTEC 2011
Garces Ruiz, Alejandro;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Verez, Guillaume;
Molinas, Marta.
Power Collection Array for Improved Wave Farm Output based on Reduced Matrix Converters.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas, Marta.
Control Strategies of Wave Energy Converters Optimized under Power Electronics Rating Constraints.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas, Marta.
Impact of control strategies on the rating of electric poewer take off for wave energy conversion.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Carraro, Matteo;
Mattavelli, Paolo;
Molinas, Marta.
Analysis of Power Extraction from Irregular Waves by All-Electric Power Take Off.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Adeyemo, Ayotunde Adekunle;
Marra, Francesco;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Sizing of energy storage for spinning reserve and efficiency increase in isolated power systems within a data-driven stochastic unit commitment framework.
Journal of Energy Storage
Academic article
Banda, Joseph Kiran;
Mota, Daniel dos Santos;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
A Physics-Informed Scaling Method for Power Electronic Converters in Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Beds.
IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications (OJIA)
Academic article
Rabanal Alcubilla, Arkaitz;
Smith, Andrew Macmillan;
Ahaotu, Chiagoro Chinonyerem;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Energy storage systems for services provision in offshore wind farms.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic literature review
Alonso, Augusto;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Dispatchable Microgrids: An Extended Provision of Systemic Ancillary Services to Low-Voltage Distribution Grids.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Callegari, João Marcus S.;
Brandao, Danilo I.;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Selective PQD Power Control Strategy for Single-Phase Grid-Following Inverters.
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
Academic article
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Trovato, Vincenzo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Optimal Energy Management in Autonomous Power Systems with Probabilistic Security Constraints and Adaptive Frequency Control.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Abdolmaleki, Babak;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Optimal Generation Capacity Allocation and Droop Control Design for Current Sharing in DC Microgrids.
Academic article
Mota, Daniel dos Santos;
Banda, Joseph Kiran;
Adeyemo, Ayotunde Adekunle;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Harmonic-Invariant Scaling Method for Power Electronic Converters in Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Beds.
IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications (OJIA)
Academic article
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Polleux, Louis;
Guerassimoff, Gilles;
Korpås, Magnus;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Allocation of Spinning Reserves in Autonomous Grids Considering Frequency Stability Constraints and Short-Term Solar Power Variations.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Mota, Daniel dos Santos;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
D'Arco, Salvatore;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Coordination of Frequency Reserves in an Isolated Industrial Grid Equipped with Energy Storage and Dominated by Constant Power Loads.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Adeyemo, Ayotunde Adekunle;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Technology Suitability Assessment of Battery Energy Storage System for High-Energy Applications on Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms.
Academic literature review
Adeyemo, Ayotunde Adekunle;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Marra, Francesco;
Iglesias Brandao, Danilo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Suitability assessment of high-power energy storage technologies for offshore oil and gas platforms: A life cycle cost perspective.
Journal of Energy Storage
Academic article
Shao, Han;
Henriques, Rui;
Morais, Hugo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Power quality monitoring in electric grid integrating offshore wind energy: A review.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic literature review
Alonso, Augusto;
De Oro Arenas, Luis;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel.
Integrated Local and Coordinated Overvoltage Control to Increase Energy Feed-In and Expand DER Participation in Low-Voltage Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
Academic article
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Varagnolo, Damiano;
Marra, Francesco;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Data-informed scenario generation for statistically stable energy storage sizing in isolated power systems.
Journal of Energy Storage
Academic article
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Varagnolo, Damiano;
Marra, Francesco;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Data-driven energy management of isolated power systems under rapidly varying operating conditions.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Faanes, Andreas;
Varagnolo, Damiano;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Multi-objective control of isolated power systems under different uncertainty approaches.
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
Academic article
Dos Santos Alonso, Augusto Matheus;
Arenas, Luis De Oro;
Brandao, Danilo I.;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Machado, Ricardo Q.;
Marafão, Fernando P..
Current-Based Coordination of Distributed Energy Resources in a Grid-Connected Low-Voltage Microgrid: An Experimental Validation of Adverse Operational Scenarios.
Academic article
Menezes Ferreira, Daniele;
Silva, Sidelmo;
Silva, Waner;
Brandao, Danilo;
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Overview of Consensus Protocol and Its Application to Microgrid Control.
Academic literature review
Castellini, Luca;
Gallorini, Federico;
Alessandri, Giacomo;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Montoya Andrade, Dan El Andres;
Mudigonda, Bhavana.
Comparison of Offline, Real-Time Models and Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Results of a Power Take-Off for Wave Energy Applications.
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE)
Academic article
Elahidoost, Atousa;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Stability improvement of MMC-based hybrid AC/DC grids through the application of a decentralized optimal controller.
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Academic article
Dos Santos Alonso, Augusto Matheus;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel.
Resistive Shaping of Interconnected Low-Voltage Microgrids Operating Under Distorted Voltages.
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics (1982. Print)
Academic article
Guo, Xiaoqiang;
Nguyen, Minh-Khai;
Malinowski, Mariusz;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Grid-connected and isolated renewable energy systems.
Electronics (Basel)
Alessandri, Giacomo;
Gallorini, Federico;
Castellini, Luca;
Montoya Andrade, Dan El Andres;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
An Innovative Hardware-In-the-Loop Rig For Linear Power-Take-Off Testing.
Proceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC)
Academic article
Vitoi, Lais;
Brandao, Danilo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Active Power Filter Pre-Selection Tool to Enhance the Power Quality in Oil and Gas Platforms.
Academic article
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Mota, Daniel dos Santos;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Sizing of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems for Inertial and Primary Frequency Control.
Frontiers in Energy Research
Academic article
Elahidoost, Atousa;
Furieri, Luca;
Kamgarpour, Maryam;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Optimal Linear Controller for Minimizing DC Voltage Oscillations in MMC-Based Offshore Multiterminal HVDC Grids.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Mota, Daniel;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Understanding the Effects of Exponentially Decaying DC Currents on the Dual dq Control of Power Converters in Systems with High X/R.
Compatibility in power electronics
Academic article
Ferreira, Daniele;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Silva, Sidelmo Magalhaes.
Distributed Control Strategy for Low-Voltage Three-Phase Four-Wire Microgrids: Consensus Power-Based Control.
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Academic article
Montoya Andrade, Dan El Andres;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Castellini, Luca;
Martins, Tiago.
Passive model predictive control on a two-body self-referenced point absorber wave energy converter.
Academic article
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Mota, Daniel dos Santos;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Corrigendum: Sizing of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems for Inertial and Primary Frequency Control (Front. Energy Res., (2021), 9, 10.3389/fenrg.2021.649200).
Frontiers in Energy Research
Follo, Alessandra;
Saborío-Romano, Oscar;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Cutululis, Nicolaos A..
Challenges in all-dc offshore wind power plants.
Academic article
Mota, Daniel dos Santos;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
On Adaptive Moving Average Algorithms for the Application of the Conservative Power Theory in Systems with Variable Frequency.
Academic article
Le, Hoai Nam;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Comparative Evaluation of AC and DC Power Distribution Systems for Underwater Vehicles Based on Multiobjective Optimization Techniques.
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
Academic article
Alessandri, Giacomo;
Gallorini, Federico;
Castellini, Luca;
Montoya, Dan El;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
An innovative Hardware-In-the-Loop rig for linear Power-Take-Off testing.
International Marine Energy Journal
Academic article
Dos Santos Alonso, Augusto Matheus;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel.
Distributed Selective Harmonic Mitigation and Decoupled Unbalance Compensation by Coordinated Inverters in Three-Phase Four-Wire Low-Voltage Networks.
Electric power systems research
Academic article
Riboldi, Luca;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Pilarczyk, Marcin;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Nord, Lars O..
Innovative Hybrid Energy System for stable Power and Heat Supply in offshore oil & gas Installation (HES-OFF): System Design and Grid Stability.
Computer-aided chemical engineering
Academic article
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Brandao, Danilo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Sufficient Conditions for Robust Frequency Stability of AC Power Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Wang, Liguo;
Lin, MaoFeng;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Engström, Jens;
Isberg, Jan.
Improving electric power generation of a standalone wave energy converter via optimal electric load control.
Academic article
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Three-Dimensional Representation of Electrical Circuit Quantities.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
San, Guocheng;
Zhang, Wenlin;
Luo, Ran;
Guo, Xiaoqiang;
Xin, Huanhai;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
A small-signal multi-frequency model for a grid-connected inverter with a more accurate PWM gain.
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems (JPES)
Academic article
Elahidoost, Atousa;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Control Optimization of the Offshore HVDC Grid based on Modular Multilevel Converter for Improving DC Voltage Stability.
The Renewable Energies and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ)
Academic article
Riboldi, Luca;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Pilarczyk, Marcin;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Nord, Lars O..
Optimal Design of a Hybrid Energy System for the Supply of Clean and Stable Energy to Offshore Installations.
Frontiers in Energy Research
Academic article
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
de Jong, Erik;
D'Arco, Salvatore;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Online parameter adjustment method for arm voltage estimation of the modular multilevel converter .
IEEE transactions on power electronics
Academic article
Robles, Eider;
Haro-Larrode, Marta;
Santos-Mugica, Maider;
Etxegarai, Agurtzane;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Comparative analysis of European grid codes relevant to offshore renewable energy installations.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic article
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Ferreira, Willian;
Alonso, Augusto Matheus Dos Santos;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel.
Optimal Multiobjective Control of Low-Voltage AC Microgrids: Power Flow Regulation and Compensation of Reactive Power and Unbalance.
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Academic article
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Smart Load Management with Energy Storage for Power Quality Enhancement in Wind-Powered Oil and Gas Applications.
Academic article
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Zonetti, Daniele;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Ortega, Romeo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
PI Passivity-Based Control and Performance Analysis of MMC Multiterminal HVDC Systems.
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
Academic article
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Garces, Alejandro;
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Dynamics and Stability of Meshed Multiterminal HVDC Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Alonso, Augusto;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Compenscão distribuída de harmônicos em microrredes monofãsicas de baixa Tensâo.
The XXII Brazilian Conference on Automation
Academic article
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
D'Arco, Salvatore;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Power oscillation damping with virtual capacitance support from modular multilevel converters.
IET Renewable Power Generation
Academic article
Nejati Fard, Razieh;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Integration of Distributed Energy Resources into
Offshore and Subsea Grids.
CPSS transactions on power electronics and applications (TPEA)
Academic literature review
Wang, Liguo;
Isberg, Jan;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Review of control strategies for wave energy conversion systems and their validation: the wave-to-wire approach.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic literature review
Khan, Salman Saeed;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Modeling of MMC for fast and accurate simulation of electromagnetic transients: A review.
Academic literature review
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Jafar, Muhammad;
Silva Diaz, Jesus Ernesto;
Marichalar, Alexandra.
Smart load management of water injection systems in offshore oil and gas platforms integrating wind power.
IET Renewable Power Generation
Academic article
Flåten, Ida Langvik;
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Control of HVDC systems based on diode rectifier for offshore wind farm applications.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Harmonic Resonance Mode Analysis in dq Domain.
The Renewable Energies and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ)
Academic article
Dominguez-Navarro, José Antonio;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Evaluation of the Fluid Model Approach for the Sizing of Energy Storage in Wave-Wind Energy Systems.
Academic article
Brantsæter, Henrik;
Kocewiak, Łukasz;
Rygg, Atle;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Passive filter design and offshore wind turbine modelling for system level harmonic studies.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Bozzetto, Alessandro;
Spro, Ole Christian Baumann;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Impact of technical power take-off constraints on the power extraction of unidirectional and bidirectional point absorbers.
Academic article
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
The challenges of offshore grids.
Pan European Networks: Science and Techology Magazine
Academic literature review
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Santos, Maider.
Modeling and Control of a Wave Energy Farm Including Energy Storage for Power Quality Enhancement: the Bimep Case Study.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Sjolte, Jonas;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta ;
Santos, Maider.
Stochastic Rating of Storage Systems in Isolated Networks withIncreasing Wave Energy Penetration.
Academic article
Sjolte, Jonas;
Sandvik, Christian Mclisky;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta .
Exploring the Potential for Increased Production from the Wave Energy Converter Lifesaver by Reactive Control.
Academic article
Alberti, Luigi;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Bianchi, Nicola;
Santos, Maider;
Fasolo, Alessandro.
Effect of the generator sizing on a wave energy converter considering different control strategies.
Academic article
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta .
Tunable Control Strategy for Wave Energy Converters With Limited Power Takeoff Rating.
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics (1982. Print)
Academic article
Santos, M.;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Ricci, P;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta ;
Martin, J.
Grid Connection Improvements by Control Strategy Selection for Wave Energy Converters.
The Renewable Energies and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ)
Academic article
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Carraro, Matteo;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta ;
Mattavelli, Paolo.
Effect of Control Strategies and Power Take-Off Efficiency on the Power Capture From Sea Waves.
IEEE transactions on energy conversion
Academic article
Part of book/report
Leite Paes, Felipe;
Carvalho Souza, Lucas;
Alonso, Augusto;
Arenas, Luis De Oro;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Evaluating A Coordinated Control Proposal in Operational Scenarios of an FPSO Oil and Gas Platform.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Adeyemo, Ayotunde Adekunle;
Savoi Araujo, Lucas;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Centralized vs. Decentralized Deployment of Battery Energy Storage System on Offshore Platforms.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abdul-Azeez, Sadiq Abba;
Banda, Joseph Kiran;
Savoi Araujo, Lucas;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Multi-Level BESS Power Conversion Topologies for Isolated Grids: a Systematic Comparison.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Banda, Joseph Kiran;
Savoi Araujo, Lucas;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Enhancing Reactive Power Capacity in Battery-fed
Power Conditioning System.
VDE Verlag GmbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rabanal Alcubilla, Arkaitz;
D'Arco, Salvatore;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Coordinated Control of a Dual Grid Forming Unit Connecting an Offshore Wind Farm and an E-STATCOM for Damping and Inertia Provision.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Banda, Joseph Kiran;
Savoi Araujo, Lucas;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Exploring Bess Services for Transformer Energization on Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shao, Han;
Henriques, Rui;
Morais, Hugo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Automatic Power Quality Disturbance Feature Extraction Using Fast Iterative Filtering.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Banda, Joseph Kiran;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Reduced Sizing and Control of Shunt Active Power Filter for Rectifier-capacitor Fed Motor Drives using Conservative Power Theory.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Banda, Joseph Kiran;
Adeyemo, Ayotunde Adekunle;
Marra, Francesco;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Co-operative Control of BESS and Wind Turbines for Heavy Motor Starting on Industrial Isolated Grids.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Montoya, Francisco;
Arrabal-Campos, Francisco M.;
Ventura Gil, Jorge;
Alcayde, Alfredo;
Isanbaev, Viktor;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
VESPQ: Visual Event System for Power Quality.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mota, Daniel;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Svendsen, Harald Georg;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Offshore Wind Farms and Isolated Oil and Gas Platforms: Perspectives and Possibilities .
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Banda, Joseph Kiran;
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
MV Multi-functional Retrofit Converter for Enhanced Power Quality on O&G Platforms.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Adeyemo, Ayotunde Adekunle;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Sizing of Energy Storage for Virtual Inertia Emulation and Primary Frequency Control in Low-Inertia Systems.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Castellini, Luca;
Gallorini, Federico;
Alessandri, Giacomo;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Montoya Andrade, Dan El Andres;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Performance Comparison of Offline and Real-Time Models of a Power Take-Off for Qualification Activities of Wave Energy Converters.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Varagnolo, Damiano;
Marra, Francesco;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Data dependent concurrent storage sizing and control design for
frequency support in isolated power systems.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mota, Daniel;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Dual Sequence Controller with Delayed Signal Cancellation in the Rotating Reference Frame.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stefanakos, Christos;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Brönner, Ute.
Offshore wind and wave energy resource assessment in the Norwegian waters based on ERA5 reanalysis.
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Dynamic Converter Capacity Allocation for
Multifunctional Energy Storage Systems in Oil and
Gas Applications.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Paes, Felipe;
Arenas, Luis De Oro;
Alonso, Augusto;
Santana, Marcelo;
Paredes, Helmo;
Goncalves, Flavio.
Coordinated Control of Adjustable Speed Drives Applied to Oil and Gas Production Platforms.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faria da Rocha, Lorrana;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Vitoi, Lais;
Brandao, Danilo.
Control Strategies for Multifunctional Active Front-End Converter in Oil and Gas Platforms.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel;
Dos Santos Alonso, Augusto Matheus;
Göthner, Fredrik T. B. W.;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias.
Power- and Current-Based Control of Distributed Inverters in Low-Voltage Microgrids: Considerations in Relation to Classic Droop Control.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kantar, Emre;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Load Compensation by DSTATCOM with LCL-Filter by Comparing Different Resonance Damping Methods.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dos Santos Alonso, Augusto Matheus;
Afonso, Leonardo Carlos;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel.
Considerations on Communication Infrastructures for Cooperative Operation of Smart Inverters.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Varagnolo, Damiano;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Techno-Economic Evaluation of the Sizing and Operation of Battery Storage for Isolated Oil and Gas Platforms with High Wind Power Penetration.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vitoi, Lais;
Brandao, Danilo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Power quality enhancement by SiC Active Power Filters in Oil and Gas Platforms.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Taffese, Abel Assegid.
Electrical power transmission and grid integration.
IET Digital Library
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alonso, Augusto Matheus Dos Santos;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Coordinated Control of Parallel Power Conditioners Synthesizing Resistive Loads in Single-Phase AC Microgrids.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Couto, Henrique P.;
Brandao, Danilo;
Silva, Sidelmo Magalhaes;
Caldognetto, Tommaso;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Selective output impedance based control for grid-connected inverters.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sagatun, Nora Plassbak;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Energy Storage Emulation in Islanded low Voltage Grid.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Göthner, Fredrik T. B. W.;
Brandao, Danilo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Unbalanced Load Compensation by PowerBased Control in the Synchronous Reference Frame .
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Formentini, Andrea;
Zanchetta, Pericle;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Particle Swarm Optimization Tuning of Modular Multilevel Converters in a Time-Invariant Framework.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Santamargarita, D.;
Huerta, F;
Sanz, M.;
Lazaro, A;
D'Arco, Salvatore;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago.
Study of Applicability of Simple Closed Loop Input
Impedance Model for Grid-Tie Inverters.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Espvik, Joachim;
Tranulis, Erling Vatn;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Modeling of Multiterminal HVDC Offshore Grids with Renewable Energy and Storage Integration by Opensource Tools.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Elahidoost, Atousa;
Furieri, Luca;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Kamgarpour, Maryam.
Optimizing HVDC grid expansion and control for enhancing DC stability.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Duong, Dinh Thuc;
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Performance evaluation of the empirical method for online detection of power oscillations: a multiterminal HVDC application.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Simplified Modelling of the F2F MMC-Based High Power DC-DC Converter Including the Effect of Circulating Current Dynamics.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Coordination of Modular Multilevel Converter Based HVDC Terminals for Ancillary Services.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nejati Fard, Razieh;
Eidsvik, Ole Alexander;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Schjølberg, Ingrid.
Cable Selection Considerations for Subsea Vehicles.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Verri liberado, Eduardo;
Alonso, Augusto;
Marafao, Fernando;
Pomilio, Jose Antenor;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Joel, Guerreiro.
Three/Four-leg Inverter Current Control Based on Generalized Symmetrical Components.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alonso, Augusto Matheus Dos Santos;
Liberado, Eduardo Verri;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel;
Pomilio, Jose Antenor;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Guerreiro, Joel.
Three/Four-leg Inverter Current Control Based on Generalized Symmetrical Components.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Elahidoost, Atousa;
Furieri, Luca;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Kamgarpour, Maryam.
Reducing HVDC Network Oscillations Considering Wind Intermittency Through Optimized Grid Expansion Decision.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nejati Fard, Razieh;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Power System Design Considerations for a Seafloor Mining Vehicle.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
D'Arco, Salvatore;
Holdyk, Andrzej;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
An Approach for Small Scale Power Hardware in the Loop Emulation of HVDC Cables.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Port Hamiltonian Modelling of Modular Multilevel Converters with Fixed Equilibrium Point.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Tuning of Control Loops for Grid-Connected Modular
Multilevel Converters under a Simplified Port
Representation for Large System Studies.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
de Jong, Erik.
A control scheme for utilizing energy storage of the modular multilevel converter for power oscillation damping.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Zonetti, Daniele;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Ortega, Romeo.
PI passivity-based control of modular multilevel converters for multi-Terminal HVDC systems.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Garces, Alejandro;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
HVDC meshed multi-terminal networks for offshore wind farms: Dynamic model, load flow and equilibrium.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
D'Arco, Salvatore;
Sanz, Marina.
Impedance computation for power electronic
converters with Hilbert transform.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Elahidoost, Atousa;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Expansion of offshore HVDC grids: An overview of contributions, status, challenges and perspectives.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alonso, Augusto Matheus Dos Santos;
Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel;
Brandao, Danilo Iglesias;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Guerreiro, Joel.
A guideline for employing PSIM on power converter applications: Prototyping and educational tool.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ferreira, W M;
Brandao, Danilo;
Guimaraes, F G;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Marafao, F P.
Multiobjective approach for power flow and unbalance control in low-voltage networks considering distributed energy resources.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alonso, A;
Marafao, F P;
Brandao, Danilo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Guerreiro, J F.
A Guideline for employing PSIM on power converter Applications: Prototyping and educational tool.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
de Jong, Erik.
Arm Voltage Estimation Method for Compensated Modulation of Modular Multilevel Converters.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nejati Fard, Razieh;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Investigation of AC and DC power distributions to seafloor mining equipment.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khan, Salman Saeed;
Suul, Jon Are Wold;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Jafar, Muhammad.
Blocking capability for switching function and average models of modular multilevel converters.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
de Jong, Erik.
Modelling of DC-DC converters based on front-to-front connected MMC for small signal studies.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shihabudheen, Kavungal Kolpara;
Suul, Jon Are Wold;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Analysis of DC/DC converters in multiterminal HVDC systems for large offshore wind farms.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugan, Thomas Sagvold;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Reactive and harmonic compensation using the conservative power theory.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mandelli, Stefano;
Merlo, Marco;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta.
Electri-Mechanical Model for Understanding the Operation and Dynamic Behavior of a Micro-Grid: a case study in Tanzania.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pescetto, Paolo;
Bergna Diaz, Gilbert;
Zubimendi, Ignacio;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Comparison of Parallel Connected Medium Voltage Grid Side VSCs for Offshore Wind Turbines.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shihabudheen, Kavungal Kolpara;
Suul, Jon Are Wold;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
DC/DC Converters for interconnecting independent HVDC systems into multiterminal DC grids.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Costanzo, Luca;
Zubimendi, Ignacio;
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Parallelization of Medium Voltage Generator-Side Converters for Multi-MW Wind Turbines: comparison of two topological alternatives.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maranon-Ledesma, Hector;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Energy Storage Sizing by Stochastic Optimization for a Combined Wind-Wave-Diesel Supplied System.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugan, Thomas Sagvold;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Active Power Filtering Under Non-Ideal Voltage Conditions Using the Conservative Power Theory.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Amin, Mohammad;
Suul, Jon Are Wold;
D'Arco, Salvatore;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta.
Impact of state-space modelling fidelity on the small-signal
dynamics of VSC-HVDC systems.
IET Digital Library
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Santos-Mugica, Maider;
Robles, Eider;
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Giebhardt, Jochen.
Grid integration and power quality testing of Marine Energy Converters: Research activities in the MaRINET Project.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Løtveit, Marte Wiig;
Suul, Jon Are Wold;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta .
A study of biomass in a hybrid stand-alone Micro-Grid for the rural village of Wawashang, Nicaragua.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bozzetto, Alessandro;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Wave power extraction with constrained power take-off: Single capture vs. double capture point absorbers.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Amin, Mohammad;
Zadeh, Mehdi Karbalaye;
Suul, Jon Are Wold;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta ;
Fosso, Olav B.
Stability analysis of interconnected AC power systems with multi-terminal DC grids based on the Cigré DC grid test system.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta ;
Ringwood, John V..
Control systems - design and implementation.
IET Digital Library
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Estala, Eleder Araneta;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta ;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
A Modular Simulation Platform for Testing Hybrid DC/AC Future Grid Solutions for Remote Areas.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas, Marta.
Wave-to-Wave Buoys Control for Improved Power Extraction under Electro-Mechanical Constraints.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Garces Ruiz, Alejandro;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Verez, Guillaume;
Molinas, Marta.
Power Collection Array for Improved Wave Farm Output based on Reduced Matrix Converters.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas, Marta.
Control Strategies of Wave Energy Converters Optimized under Power Electronics Rating Constraints.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas, Marta.
Impact of control strategies on the rating of electric poewer take off for wave energy conversion.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Carraro, Matteo;
Mattavelli, Paolo;
Molinas, Marta.
Analysis of Power Extraction from Irregular Waves by All-Electric Power Take Off.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Varagnolo, Damiano.
Data-driven sizing and control of energy storage for wind-powered offshore platforms.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (86)
Doctoral dissertation
Riboldi, Luca;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Pilarczyk, Marcin;
Nord, Lars O.;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
HES-OFF H2: Integrated model of the hybrid energy system.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Montoya Andrade, Dan El Andres;
Chapaloglou, Spyridon;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
D5.2 - EMG control strategy selection and pre-test report.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Montoya Andrade, Dan El Andres;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
IMAGINE D5.1 - EMG control strategy analysis report.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Pilarczyk, Marcin;
Riboldi, Luca;
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Nord, Lars O.;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
HES-OFF H1: Case study definition and benchmarking .
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Silva, Jesus;
Jafar, Muhammad;
Marichalar, Alexandra;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Integration of Wind Power to Supply Water Injection Systems as Controllable Loads in Offshore Oil and Gas Facilities.
Offshore Energy and Storage Symposium 2016
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Djustrom, Jam;
Ehnberg, Jimmy;
Segundo, Rafael.
CloudGrid – the development of a transnational smart grid lab cooperation.
21 Annual international conference on innovation Baltic Dynamics 2016
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
de Jong, Erik;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Modelling of DC-DC Converter for System Level Studies.
IEEE Benelux Young researchers symposium in Electrical Power Engineering
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Santos, M.;
Ricci, P;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta ;
Villate, J.
Control Strategies for Grid Integration of Wave Energy Converters at the BIscay Marine Energy Platform.
EWTEC 2011,
Bracco, Giovanni;
Giorcelli, Ermanno;
Mattiazzo, Giuliana;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta .
Control Strategies for the ISWEC Wave Energy System.
EWTEC 2011
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
A plug-and-play grid for the transmission of large amounts of offshore energy .
Website (informational material)
InterviewTedeschi, Elisabetta; Adeyemo, Ayotunde Adekunle. (2024) Energy Storage Can Bring a Safety Boost to O&G Platforms. [Business/trade/industry journal] 2024-04-01
Academic lectureSavoi de Araujo, Lucas; Banda, Joseph Kiran; Brandao, Danilo Iglesias; Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2024) Exploring Bess Services for Transformer Energization on Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms. 2024 IEEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference Brasil (PCIC Brasil) 2024-04-16 - 2024-04-18
PosterSavoi Araujo, Lucas; Banda, Joseph Kiran; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2024) Enhancing Reactive Power Capacity in Battery-fed Power Conditioning System. PCIM Europe 2024; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management 2024-06-11 - 2024-06-13
Academic lectureHenriques, Rui; Morais, Hugo; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2024) Automatic Power Quality Disturbance Feature Extraction Using Fast Iterative Filtering. IEEE 2024 21st International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP) , Chengdu, China 2024-10-15 - 2024-10-18
Academic lectureHenriques, Rui; Morais, Hugo; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2024) Comparing Deep Neural Networks for 1D Multi-Label Power Quality Disturbance Classification: ResNet, MobileNet, and DenseNet. IEEE IECON 2024- 50th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society , Chicago, US 2024-11-03 - 2024-11-06
LectureMota, Daniel dos Santos; Banda, Joseph Kiran; Adeyemo, Ayotunde Adekunle; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2023) Harmonic-Invariant Scaling Method for Power Electronic Converters in Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Beds . IEEE IEEE Energy Conversion and Expo , Nashville 2023-10-29 - 2023-11-02
LectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2023) Smart offshore renewables: role and challenges within the energy transition . D4D Seminar Series 2023-01-11 -
PosterShao, Han; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2023) Power Quality Monitoring in Electric Grid Integrating Offshore Wind Energy. SINTEF, NTNU and EERA JP wind EERA DeepWind Conference , Trondheim, Norway 2023-01-18 - 2023-01-20
Popular scientific lectureBanda, Joseph Kiran; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2023) Reduced Sizing and Control of Shunt Active Power Filter for Rectifier-capacitor Fed Motor Drives using Conservative Power Theory. IEEE 2023 11th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE 2023 - ECCE Asia) , Jeju Island 2023-05-22 - 2023-05-25
Popular scientific lectureBanda, Joseph Kiran; Adeyemo, Ayotunde Adekunle; Marra, Francesco; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2023) Co-operative Control of BESS and Wind Turbines for Heavy Motor Starting on Industrial Isolated Grids. IEEE 2023 11th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE 2023 - ECCE Asia) , Jeju Island 2023-05-22 - 2023-05-25
Academic lectureBanda, Joseph Kiran; Chapaloglou, Spyridon; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2022) MV Multi-functional Retrofit Converter for Enhanced Power Quality on O&G Platforms. IEEE 2022 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG) , Kiel 2022-06-26 - 2022-06-29
Programme participationAdeyemo, Ayotunde Adekunle; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2022) Nordic Energy Challenge (Renewables and Energy STORage for Isolated Networks’ Greenification). [Internet] 2022-10-29
LectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2022) Offshore Energy Systems: Key Assets Towards Carbon Neutrality. Alumni Association of University of Cassino Southern Lazio Second International Conference on Sustainable Mobility Applications, Renewables and Technology (SMART) 2022-11-24 -
LectureAdeyemo, Ayotunde Adekunle; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2022) Sizing of Energy Storage for Virtual Inertia Emulation and Primary Frequency Control in Low-Inertia Systems. IEEE and south china university of technology 5th International conference on power and energy applications , Guangzhou 2022-11-18 - 2022-11-20
Popular scientific lectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2021) Ocean wave energy: challenges and perspectives. UN Global Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions Network Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions Network Webinar on Ocean Energy 2021-06-29 -
LectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2021) Offshore Energy Systems: Innovation and Challenges towards the Green Shift. 9th International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering 2021-08-13 -
LectureTedeschi, Elisabetta; Alves, Erick Fernando. (2020) Model and laboratory integration. HES-OFF video meeting 2020-05-07 -
Academic lectureRiboldi, Luca; Alves, Erick Fernando; Pilarczyk, Marcin; Tedeschi, Elisabetta; Nord, Lars O.. (2020) Innovative Hybrid Energy System for stable Power and Heat Supply in offshore oil & gas Installation (HES-OFF): System Design and Grid Stability. ESCAPE 30 European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering 2020-08-31 - 2020-09-02
PosterAlves, Erick Fernando; Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2019) Power quality in wind-powered oil and gas platforms. SINTEF / EERA EERA Deep Wind 2019 - 16th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference , Trondheim 2019-01-16 - 2019-01-18
Academic lectureElahidoost, Atousa; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2019) Model-based design and optimization of offshore HVDC grids. NTNU / SINTEF Ocean Week 2019 , Trondheim 2019-05-06 - 2019-05-08
Academic lectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2019) The Instantaneous Power Theory. Guest lecture at the Federal University of Minas Gerais , Belo Horizonte 2019-06-05 - 2019-06-05
LectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2019) Introduction to the National Smart Grid Laboratory. NTNU HES-OFF meeting at NTNU , Trondheim 2019-05-27 -
LectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2019) Large-scale offshore electric grids: perspectives and challenges. NTNU Ocean Week 2019 , Trondheim 2019-05-07 -
LectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2019) Power quality in offshore grids. EERA Deep Wind 2019 - 16th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference 2019-01-17 -
PosterChapaloglou, Spyridon; Varagnolo, Damiano; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2019) Techno-Economic Evaluation of the Sizing and Operation of Battery Storage for Isolated Oil and Gas Platforms with High Wind Power Penetration. IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) IECON 2019 , Lisbon 2019-10-14 - 2019-10-17
Popular scientific lectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2018) Power quality and stability in oil & gas platforms: challenges with the integration of wind power . Norwegian Chapter of the IEEE PES Society IEEE Power and Energy Society Seminar , Trondheim 2018-11-27 -
LectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2018) The Conservative Power Theory: origin and evolution. UNESP NB_POCCREI joint workshop , Sorocaba 2018-05-07 - 2018-05-07
LectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2018) Power Quality, Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Oil and Gas Platforms. UNESP NB_POCCREI joint workshop 2018-05-08 -
Academic lectureSanchez Acevedo, Santiago; D'Arco, Salvatore; Holdyk, Andrzej; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2018) An Approach for Small Scale Power Hardware in the Loop Emulation of HVDC Cables. 2018 Thirteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER) 2018-04-10 - 2018-04-12
Academic lectureSanchez Acevedo, Santiago; Duong, Dinh Thuc; Taffese, Abel Assegid; Uhlen, Kjetil; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2018) Performance evaluation of the empirical method for online detection of power oscillations: a multiterminal HVDC application. IEEE IECON 2018 Annual conference of the IEEE industrial electronics society , Washington 2018-10-21 - 2018-10-23
Academic lectureAlonso, Augusto Matheus Dos Santos; Brandao, Danilo Iglesias; Tedeschi, Elisabetta; Marafao, Fernando Pinhabel. (2018) Compensacao Distribuida de Harmonicos em Microrredes Monofasicas de Baixa Tensao. XXII Brazilian Conference on Automation (CBA) , Joao Pessoa 2018-09-09 - 2018-09-12
Popular scientific lectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2018) Electrification of the offshore space: conveying energy from and to the oceans . DNV GL DNV GL Professor Day , Høvik 2018-11-29 - 2018-11-29
LectureBergna-Diaz, Gilbert; Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2017) Port Hamiltonian Modelling of Modular Multilevel Converters with Fixed Equilibrium Point. 2017th Twelfth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER) 2017-04-11 - 2017-04-13
LectureSanchez Acevedo, Santiago; Tedeschi, Elisabetta; Pinares, Gustavo; Lennerhag, Oscar; Bahmani, Amin; Thiringer, Torbjörn. (2017) Converter interoperability in offshore HVDC grids. Chalmers University Elkraft 2017 , Gothenburg 2017-05-18 - 2017-05-18
LectureSanchez Acevedo, Santiago; Tedeschi, Elisabetta; Obushevs, Artjoms; Mutule, Anna; Lennerhag, Oscar; Hilberg, Emil. (2017) Interconnection of Labs in the "Transnational Smart Grid Cloud". Chalmers University Elkraft 2017 , Gothenburg 2017-05-18 - 2017-05-18
LectureSanchez Acevedo, Santiago; Tedeschi, Elisabetta; Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert. (2017) Tuning of Control Loops for Grid-Connected Modular Multilevel Converters under a Simplified Port Representation for Large System Studies. 2017th International Conference on Ecological Vehichles and Renewable Energies (EVER) , Monaco 2017-04-11 - 2017-04-13
LectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2017) Making the offshore grid "smart": perspectives and challenges. 5th IEEE International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering , Oshawa 2017-08-16 -
Popular scientific lectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2017) The IDeCON project: Integrated approach to the Design and Control of Offshore HVDC Networks. Internal seminar at ETH , Zurich, ETH 2017-01-19 - 2017-01-19
PosterBergna-Diaz, Gilbert; Zonetti, Daniele; Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago; Tedeschi, Elisabetta; Ortega, Romeo. (2017) PI Passivity-based Control of Modular Multilevel Converters for Multi-Terminal HVDC Systems. Stanford University IEEE COMPEL 2017 - Control and Modelling of Power Electronics , Standford, California 2017-07-09 - 2017-07-12
LectureGarces, Alejandro; Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago; Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2017) HVDC meshed multi-terminal networks for offshore wind farms: Dynamic model, load flow and equilibrium. IEEE 2017 IEEE 18th Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics - COMPEL. , Palo-Alto, California 2017-07-09 - 2017-07-12
LectureSanchez Acevedo, Santiago; Tedeschi, Elisabetta; Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert; D'Arco, Salvatore; Sanz, Marina. (2017) Impedance computation for power electronic converters with Hilbert transform. IEEE 2017 IEEE 18th Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics - COMPEL. , Palo-Alto, California 2017-07-09 - 2017-07-12
PosterTaffese, Abel Assegid; Elahidoost, Atousa; Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2017) The Integrated Role of Power Electronics and Control in the Electrification of the Ocean Space. IEEE Workshop on Electronic Power Transmission and Distribution 2017-11-07 - 2017-11-09
LectureHillberg, Emil; Lennerhag, Oscar; Segundo Sevilla, F. R.; Ehnberg, Jimmy; Mutule, Anna; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2017) CloudGrid - Transnational Cloud for Interconnection of Demonstration Facilities for Smart Grid Lab Research & Development. Elkraft 2017 2017-05-17 - 2017-05-18
Popular scientific lectureTedeschi, Elisabetta; Sanchez, Santiago; Bahmani, Amin. (2016) Transnational CLOUD for Interconnection of Demonstration Facilities for Smart GRID Lab Research & Development CloudGrid WP6 interoperability of Converters. CloudGrid Consortium meeting , Riga 2016-09-14 - 2016-09-14
LectureTaffese, Abel Assegid; de Jong, Erik; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2016) Modelling of DC-DC Converter for System Level Studies. Eindhoven University of Technology 8th IEEE Benelux Young researchers symposium in Electrical Power Engineering , Eindhoven 2016-05-12 - 2016-05-13
Popular scientific lectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2016) the blue energy sector perspectives and challenges. DNV GL professor day 2016 2016-01-27 -
Popular scientific lectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2016) The IDeCON project Integrated approach to the Design and Control of Offshore HVDC Networks. NTNU/DNV NTNU - DNV GL Workshop , NTNU 2016-01-14 -
Popular scientific lectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2016) Research activities in the field of renewable energies and future energy systems at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. University of Trento University meeting , Trento 2016-06-10 -
Popular scientific lectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2016) The IDeCON project Integrated approach to the Design and Control of Offshore HVDC networks. NTNU-Statoil meeting 2016-03-18 -
InterviewTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2015) Renessansemennesket på Gløshaugen. Energiteknikk Energiteknikk [Business/trade/industry journal] 2015-02-01
Popular scientific lectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2015) Industrial collaboration on specialization projects NTNU-ABB. Industry meeting , ABB Factory in Vaasa 2015-08-14 - 2015-08-14
LectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2015) The challenges of power extraction and grid connection in wave energy applications. NTNU Ocean Week 2015-05-05 - 2015-05-05
InterviewD'Arco, Salvatore; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2014) Supernettet ordsjø. Enegiteknikk s.20-21 Enegiteknikk s.20-21 [Business/trade/industry journal] 2014-11-10
LectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2014) From distorted electric networks to renewable offshore energy. NTNU SJTU - NTNU JRC IN SUSTAINABLE ENERGY , NTNU 2014-06-25 - 2014-06-29
LectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2014) Offshore grid activities at NTNU – Elkraft: present and future outlook. NTNU/DNV Steering Group Meeting DNV GL - NTNU , Trondheim 2014-10-06 - 2014-10-06
LectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2014) Offshore grid activities at NTNU – Elkraft: present and future outlook. NTNU Meeting NTNU – DNV GL , Trondheim 2014-07-09 - 2014-07-09
LectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2014) Making Offshore Grid Smart: The challenges of isolated and non-isolated AC/DC networks. DNV GL – NTNU Yearly workshop DNV GL – NTNU , Høvik, Oslo 2014-11-12 -
Academic lectureGarces Ruiz, Alejandro; Tedeschi, Elisabetta; Verez, Guillaume; Molinas, Marta. (2010) Power Collection Array for Improved Wave Farm Output based on Reduced Matrix Converters. IEEE / COMPEL 12th IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL 2010) , Boulder, CO 2010-06-28 - 2010-06-30
Academic lectureTedeschi, Elisabetta; Ricci, Pierpaolo; Santos, Maider; Molinas, Marta; Martin, Jose Luis. (2010) "Control Strategies of a Wave Energy Converter for Power Quality Improvement". The Center for Renewable Energy - NTNU-SINTEF-IFE Renewable Energy Research Conference 2010 , Trondheim 2010-06-07 - 2010-06-08
Popular scientific lectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2010) Research activities on Wave Energy of the Energy Conversion Group at NTNU in the period September 2009-january 2010. NTNU-Langlee Wave Power Meeting for dissemination of research activities , Trondheim 2010-01-18 -
Popular scientific lectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2009) Research activities of the Energy Conversion Group at NTNU, trondheim, on Wave Energy. Department of Information Engineering Meeting for dissemination of research activities , University of Padova 2009-12-21 -
Popular scientific lectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2009) Wave Energy research at the Deparment of Electric Power Engineering. Fred Olsen Ltd Meeting for dissemination of research activities , Oslo 2009-11-13 -
Popular scientific lectureTedeschi, Elisabetta. (2009) Research activities on Wave Energy of the Energy Conversion Group at NTNU - Trondheim. Fundacion Robotiker - Tecnalia Meeting for dissemination of research activities , Bilbao 2009-12-15 -