Elizabeth Sanna Barron
Dr. Barron's research interests center around the intersection of the politics of knowledge and governance systems in addressing conservation, resource management, and sustainability initiatives. Three of her projects (EMBAST, Arctic Auditories, Mission Mjøsa) focus on different aspect of her work developing the concept of emplaced sustainability.
Originally from the United States, Dr. Barron has bachelor degrees in Anthropology and Conservation Biology from University of Wisconsin - Madison, a master’s degree in Forest Ecology from University of Massachusetts Amherst and a PhD in geography from Rutgers. After completing a three-year postdoctoral position at Harvard University, she worked as an assistant and then associate professor in geography and environmental studies at University of Wisconsin- Oshkosh before relocating to NTNU.
Dr. Barron is currently the Deputy Head of Education for the Department of Geography. She also serves as chair of the Fungal Use Specialty Group of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). From 2018-2022 she was a coordinating lead author for the IPBES Assessment on the Sustainable Use of Wild Species. From 2020 - 2022 she served as the Chair of the Cultural and Political Ecology Specialty Group (CAPE) of the American Association of Geographers.
Dr. Barron supervises bachelor students in geography, and master students in the natural resource management, globalization and development, and geography. Part thesis topics have included mining activities and ocean literacy in Ghana, resource use and environmental citizenship in Norway, and alternative economic metrics for sustainability.
Current Projects:
Emplacing Algal Blooms to Advance Sustainability Theory and Praxis (EMBAST). 2022 - 2026. Co-principle investigator. Funded by the National Science Foundation (USA). In collaboration with University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.
Oppdrag Mjøsa. 2022 - 2027. Diverse funding. Research team leader for "Forskningsløp omgivelsene". In collaboration with FFI, NIVA, Akvaplan NIVA, NGU, SINTEF, Statens kartverk, Mjøsamuseet, Vassdragsforbundet, Miljødirektoratet, HIAS, og kommuner i Mjøsregionen.
Conservation, Sustainability and Environmental Citizenship (CONSEC). 2021 - 2025. Funded by Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse - UTFORSK. Principle invegtigator. An international exchange program for bachelor students from NTNU and University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.
Arctic Auditories: Hydrosphere in the High North. 2021 - 2025. Funded by the Norwegian Research Council. Senior researcher and work package leader. In collaboration with University of Tromsø, University of Bern and University of the Arts London.
Building Capacity to Crosslink Coastal Pollution with Climate Change (BC5). 2022 - 2026. Funded by NORHED II. Senior researcher. In collaboration with University of Ghana and University of Dar Es Saalam.
Anvaari, Mohsen;
Aslaksen, Hildegunn Mellesmo;
Barron, Elizabeth Sanna;
Gjefsen, Mads Dahl;
Gjønnes, Synne Svinsås;
Haavik, Torgeir Kolstø.
Blindsoner om vekst og teknologioptimisme i arbeidet med stortingsmelding om bærekraftsarbeidet i Norge.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Losleben, Lisa Katrin;
Barron, Elizabeth Sanna;
Sweers, Britta;
Carlyle, Angus;
Mikalsen, Paula Ryggvik.
Arctic Auditories: Lyttelogg for Guider.
Carlyle, Angus;
Sweers, Britta;
Barron, Elizabeth Sanna;
Losleben, Lisa Katrin;
Mikalsen, Paula Ryggvik;
Zimmermann, Jane.
Arctic Auditories: Listening Journal for Conductors.
Fromentin, Jean-Marc;
Emery, Marla R.;
Donaldson, John;
Balachander, Ganesan;
Barron, Elizabeth Sanna;
Chaudhary, Ram P..
Status, challenges and pathways to the sustainable use of wild species.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Barron, Elizabeth Sanna.
Conservation of Abundance: How Fungi can Contribute to Rethinking Conservation.
Conservation and Society
Academic article
Weber, Elaina;
Barron, Elizabeth Sanna.
Coloniality and indigenous ways of knowing at the edges: Emplacing Earth kin in conservation communities.
New Zealand Geographer
Academic article
Losleben, Lisa Katrin;
Barron, Elizabeth Sanna.
Absence, Presence, Intrusion.
Website (informational material)
Carlyle, Angus;
Sweers, Britta;
Barron, Elizabeth Sanna;
Losleben, Lisa Katrin;
Mikalsen, Paula;
Zimmermann, Jane.
Arctic Auditories: Soundwalking and Soundsitting – A Manual for Conductors.
Barron, Elizabeth Sanna;
Chaudhary, Ram Prasad;
Carvalho Ribeiro, Sonia;
Gilman, Eric;
Hess, Jacqueline;
Hillborn, Ray.
Chapter 3: Status of and trends in the use of wild species and its implications for wild species, the environment and people.
Fromentin, Jean-Marc;
Emery, Marla R.;
Donaldson, John;
Danner, Marie-Claire;
Hallosserie, Agnes;
Kieling, Daniel.
The thematic assessment report on the sustainable use of wild species: Summary for Policymakers.
Barron, Elizabeth;
Hess, Jaqueline.
Non-human ‘labor’: the work of earth others.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Barron, Elizabeth;
Hartmann, Laura;
Hagemann, Frederik.
From Place to Emplacement: The Scalar Politics of Sustainability.
Local Environment : the International Journal of Justice and Sustainability
Academic article
Barron, Elizabeth.
Emplacing Sustainability in a Post-Capitalist World.
Cambridge University Press
Barron, Elizabeth.
Who Values what Nature? Constructing Conservation Values with Fungi.
Springer Nature
Raatikainen, Kaisa;
Barron, Elizabeth.
Current agri-environmental policies dismiss varied perceptions and discourses on management of traditional rural biotopes.
Land Use Policy
Academic article
Barron, Elizabeth.
Who Cares? The Human Perspective on Fungal Conservation.
Van Auken, Paul;
Barron, Elizabeth;
Xiong, Chong;
Persson, Carly.
’Like a Second Home’: Conceptualizing Experiences Within the Fox River Watershed Through a Framework of Emplacement.
Academic article
Barron, Elizabeth.
Situating Wild Product Gathering in a Diverse Economy: Negotiating Ethical Interactions with Natural Resources.
University of Minnesota Press
Barron, Elizabeth;
Sthultz, Chris;
Hurley, Dale;
Pringle, Anne.
Names Matter: Interdisciplinary research on taxonomy and nomenclature for ecosystem management.
Progress in physical geography
Academic article
Heilmann-Clausen, Jacob;
Barron, Elizabeth S.;
Boddy, Lynne;
Dahlberg, Anders;
Griffiths, Gareth Wyn;
Nordén, Jenni.
A fungal perspective on conservation biology.
Conservation Biology
Academic article
Lave, Rebecca;
Wilson, Matthew W.;
Barron, Elizabeth;
Biermann, Christine;
Carey, Mark A.;
Duvall, Chris S..
Critical Physical Geography.
The Canadian Geographer (TCG)
Academic article
Barron, Elizabeth;
Emery, Marla R..
Implications of Variation in Social-Ecological Systems for the Development of United States Fungal Management Policy.
Society & Natural Resources
Academic article
Pringle, Anne;
Barron, Elizabeth;
Sartor, K.;
Wares, J..
Fungi and the Anthropocene: Biodiversity Discovery in an Epoch of Loss.
Fungal ecology
Academic article
Barron, Elizabeth.
The Emergence and Coalescence of Fungal Conservation Social Networks in Europe and the U.S.A.
Fungal ecology
Academic article
Emery, Marla R.;
Barron, Elizabeth.
Using Local Ecological Knowledge to Assess Morel Decline in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region.
Economic Botany
Academic article
Barron, Elizabeth;
Patterson, William A..
Monitoring the Effects of Gypsy Moth Defoliation on Forest Stand Dynamics on Cape Cod, Massachusetts: Sampling Intervals and Appropriate Interpretations.
Forest Ecology and Management
Academic article
Journal publications
Anvaari, Mohsen;
Aslaksen, Hildegunn Mellesmo;
Barron, Elizabeth Sanna;
Gjefsen, Mads Dahl;
Gjønnes, Synne Svinsås;
Haavik, Torgeir Kolstø.
Blindsoner om vekst og teknologioptimisme i arbeidet med stortingsmelding om bærekraftsarbeidet i Norge.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Fromentin, Jean-Marc;
Emery, Marla R.;
Donaldson, John;
Balachander, Ganesan;
Barron, Elizabeth Sanna;
Chaudhary, Ram P..
Status, challenges and pathways to the sustainable use of wild species.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Barron, Elizabeth Sanna.
Conservation of Abundance: How Fungi can Contribute to Rethinking Conservation.
Conservation and Society
Academic article
Weber, Elaina;
Barron, Elizabeth Sanna.
Coloniality and indigenous ways of knowing at the edges: Emplacing Earth kin in conservation communities.
New Zealand Geographer
Academic article
Barron, Elizabeth;
Hartmann, Laura;
Hagemann, Frederik.
From Place to Emplacement: The Scalar Politics of Sustainability.
Local Environment : the International Journal of Justice and Sustainability
Academic article
Raatikainen, Kaisa;
Barron, Elizabeth.
Current agri-environmental policies dismiss varied perceptions and discourses on management of traditional rural biotopes.
Land Use Policy
Academic article
Van Auken, Paul;
Barron, Elizabeth;
Xiong, Chong;
Persson, Carly.
’Like a Second Home’: Conceptualizing Experiences Within the Fox River Watershed Through a Framework of Emplacement.
Academic article
Barron, Elizabeth;
Sthultz, Chris;
Hurley, Dale;
Pringle, Anne.
Names Matter: Interdisciplinary research on taxonomy and nomenclature for ecosystem management.
Progress in physical geography
Academic article
Heilmann-Clausen, Jacob;
Barron, Elizabeth S.;
Boddy, Lynne;
Dahlberg, Anders;
Griffiths, Gareth Wyn;
Nordén, Jenni.
A fungal perspective on conservation biology.
Conservation Biology
Academic article
Lave, Rebecca;
Wilson, Matthew W.;
Barron, Elizabeth;
Biermann, Christine;
Carey, Mark A.;
Duvall, Chris S..
Critical Physical Geography.
The Canadian Geographer (TCG)
Academic article
Barron, Elizabeth;
Emery, Marla R..
Implications of Variation in Social-Ecological Systems for the Development of United States Fungal Management Policy.
Society & Natural Resources
Academic article
Pringle, Anne;
Barron, Elizabeth;
Sartor, K.;
Wares, J..
Fungi and the Anthropocene: Biodiversity Discovery in an Epoch of Loss.
Fungal ecology
Academic article
Barron, Elizabeth.
The Emergence and Coalescence of Fungal Conservation Social Networks in Europe and the U.S.A.
Fungal ecology
Academic article
Emery, Marla R.;
Barron, Elizabeth.
Using Local Ecological Knowledge to Assess Morel Decline in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region.
Economic Botany
Academic article
Barron, Elizabeth;
Patterson, William A..
Monitoring the Effects of Gypsy Moth Defoliation on Forest Stand Dynamics on Cape Cod, Massachusetts: Sampling Intervals and Appropriate Interpretations.
Forest Ecology and Management
Academic article
Part of book/report
Barron, Elizabeth Sanna;
Chaudhary, Ram Prasad;
Carvalho Ribeiro, Sonia;
Gilman, Eric;
Hess, Jacqueline;
Hillborn, Ray.
Chapter 3: Status of and trends in the use of wild species and its implications for wild species, the environment and people.
Barron, Elizabeth;
Hess, Jaqueline.
Non-human ‘labor’: the work of earth others.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Barron, Elizabeth.
Emplacing Sustainability in a Post-Capitalist World.
Cambridge University Press
Barron, Elizabeth.
Who Values what Nature? Constructing Conservation Values with Fungi.
Springer Nature
Barron, Elizabeth.
Who Cares? The Human Perspective on Fungal Conservation.
Barron, Elizabeth.
Situating Wild Product Gathering in a Diverse Economy: Negotiating Ethical Interactions with Natural Resources.
University of Minnesota Press
Fromentin, Jean-Marc;
Emery, Marla R.;
Donaldson, John;
Danner, Marie-Claire;
Hallosserie, Agnes;
Kieling, Daniel.
The thematic assessment report on the sustainable use of wild species: Summary for Policymakers.
Losleben, Lisa Katrin;
Barron, Elizabeth Sanna;
Sweers, Britta;
Carlyle, Angus;
Mikalsen, Paula Ryggvik.
Arctic Auditories: Lyttelogg for Guider.
Carlyle, Angus;
Sweers, Britta;
Barron, Elizabeth Sanna;
Losleben, Lisa Katrin;
Mikalsen, Paula Ryggvik;
Zimmermann, Jane.
Arctic Auditories: Listening Journal for Conductors.
Losleben, Lisa Katrin;
Barron, Elizabeth Sanna.
Absence, Presence, Intrusion.
Website (informational material)
Carlyle, Angus;
Sweers, Britta;
Barron, Elizabeth Sanna;
Losleben, Lisa Katrin;
Mikalsen, Paula;
Zimmermann, Jane.
Arctic Auditories: Soundwalking and Soundsitting – A Manual for Conductors.
Popular scientific lectureSørensen, Asgeir Johan; Barron, Elizabeth Sanna; Ingulstad, Mats; Eikemo, Terje Andreas; Ødegård, Rune Strand; Davidsen, Jan Grimsrud. (2023) Hva har ammunisjonsdumping, gamle skipsvrak, alger, satellitter, drikkevann og droner til felles?. NTNU Gjøvik/NTNU Ocean Week Ocean Week Gjøvik , Gjøvik 2023-05-04 - 2023-05-05
Academic lectureBarron, Elizabeth; Stokland, Håkon B.. (2021) Assessment of the sustainable use of wild species. Miljødirektoratet Nettmøte om høring av Naturpanelet (IPBES) sin utredningsrapport om bærekraftig bruk av ville arter 2021-05-20 -