Elizabeth Ellen Peacock
Elizabeth Ellen Peacock
Professor, BA, MAC, PhD, FIIC, NKF-N
- Preservation and management of archaeological sites
- Nature, technology and deterioration of archaeological materials
- Archaeological conservation
- Research conservation
- Textile science
- Conservation of organic archaeological materials
- Conservation education
Peacock, E.E., Tegnhed, S., Maltin, E. and Turner-Walker, G. (2020) The Gällared shroud – a clandestine early 19th century foetal burial. Archaeological Textiles Review 62:152-163.
Peacock, E.E. and Callanan, M. (2018). The challenge of developing sustainable heritage management and preservation strategies for perennial snow patch artefacts. Contribution of the SPARC Project. Proceedings of the 13th ICOM-CC Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, E. Williams and E. Hocker (eds.), Emma (22-26).
Peacock, E.E. (2017). The postgraduate research methods course in conservation: The practical approach taken at the University of Gothenburg. Conservation, exposition et Restauration d'Objets d'Art, Suppl. HS 2017.
Peacock, E.E. (2016). Snow patch wooden artefacts from Norway: Preservation and taphonomy. Proceedings of the 12th ICOM-CC Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, T. Grant and C. Cook (eds.). Canada: ICOM-CC WOAM (425-428).
Hamill, J., Peacock, E.E., Callanan, M. and Vatne, G. (2016). The Snow Patch Archaeological Research Cooperation (SPARC): climate change and venerable high mountain heritage artefacts. Proceedings of the 12th ICOM-CC Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, T. Grant and C. Cook (eds.). Canada: ICOM-CC WOAM (429-432).
von Holstein, I.C.C; Font, L; Peacock, E.E; Collins, M.J. and Davies, G.R (2015). An assessment of procedures to remove exogenous Sr before 87Sr/86Sr analysis of wet archaeological textiles. Journal of Archaeological Science 53, pp. 84-93.
Von Holstein, I.C.C; Penkman, K.E.H; Peacock, E.E. and Colllins, M.J. (2014). Wet degradation of keratin proteins: linking amino acid, elemental and isotopic composition. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 28(19) pp. 2121-2133.
Peacock, E E (2014). Experimental soil burial studies for archaeological textile preservation and research – a review. A Stitch in Time: Essays in Honour of Lise Bender Jørgensen. GOTARC Series A, Nr. 4. Gothenburg Archeological Studies, 1-22.
Peacock, E E; Lindgaard, E; Sognnes, K; Sæterhaug, R and Turner-Walker; G (2014). The open-air rock-art site at Leirfall, Central Norway, within the context of Northern Scandinavian rock art conservation and management practices over the past 50 years. Open-air Rock-art Conservation and Management. London: Routledge, 82-97.
Solazzo, C; Wilson, J; Dyer, J M; Clerens, S; Plowman, J E; von Holstein, I C C; Walton Rogers, P; Peacock, E E and Collins, M J (2014). Modeling deamidation in sheep α-keratin peptides and application to archaeological wool textiles. Analytical Chemistry 86(1), pp. 567-575.
Solazzo, C; Clerens, S; Dyer, J M; Plowman, J E; Choudhury, S; Peacock, E E and Collins, M J (2013). Proteomic evaluation of the biodegradation of wool fabrics in experimental burials and implications for archaeological textile finds. International Biodeterioration and Biodegraration 80:48-59.
Nyström Godfrey, I; Bergstrand, T; Petersson, H.; Bohm, C; Christensson, E; Björdal, C.G.; Gregory, D; MacLeod, I; Peacock, E E; and Richards, V. (2012). The RAAR Project — heritage management aspects on reburial after ten years of work. Conservation and Management of Archeological Sites 14(1-4) (360-371).
Dzierzega, K; Bartosik, M; Zawadzki, W; Bratasz, Ł; Łukomski, M. and Peacock, E. (2012). Application of fiber Bragg gratings for strain measurement in historic textiles and paintings on canvas. Optica Applicata 42(3): 503-517.
Nyström Godfrey, I; Bergstrand, T; Bohm, C; Christensson, E; Gregory, D; Peacock, E E; Richards, V and MacLeod, I (2012). Reburial and Analysis of Archaeological Remains – the RAAR project. Phase II. Proceedings of the 11th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, K Strætkvern and E. Williams (eds.). USA: ICOM-CC WOAM (23-47).
Peacock, E.E., Skoglund, F W and Fastner, F. (2012). Deepwater Preservation and Management of Archaeological Sites: an overview of the DePMAS project. Proceedings of the 11th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, K Strætkvern and E. Williams (eds.). USA: ICOM-CC WOAM (1-7).
Peacock, E; Bergstrand, T; Nyström Godfrey, I; Björdal, C; Bohm, C; Christensson, E; Gregory, D; MacLeod, I; Nilsson, T; Richards, V; Turner-Walker, G (2012). Reburial: a method for preserving collections of marine archaeological artefacts? The Marstrand Project. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Underwater Archaeology (IKUWA3), J. Henderson (ed.). Bonn: Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH (395-400).
Campos, P F; Craig; O; Turner-Walker, G; Peacock E E; Willerslev, E and Gilbert, M T P (2012). DNA in ancient bone - where is it hiding and how should we extract it? Annals of Anatomy 194(1): 7-16.
Skoglund, F W and Peacock, E E (2012). Deepwater Preservation and Management of Archaeological Sites: presentation of the DePMAS project. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Underwater Archaeology (IKUWA3), J. Henderson (ed.). Bonn: Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH (75-81).
Peacock, E E (2011). Reburial and Analyses of Archaeolgical Remains (RAAR): investigation of the effects of burial on non-wood organic materials (textile, leather, antler, horn and bone). Reburial and Analyses of Archaeological Remains. The RAAR Project. Phase II – Results from the 4th retrieval in 2009 from Marstrand, Sweden, T Bergstrand, I Nyström Godfrey and H Petersson (Eds.). Uddevalla: Bohuslåns Museum and Studio Våstsvensk Konservering.
Peacock, E E (2010). Potential insights artefact studies can contribute to circumpolar research questions as illustrated by finds recovered from archaeological investigations of two Russian Pomor hunting stations on Svalbard. A Circumpolar Reappraisal. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports (BAR) (253-262).
Peacock, E E (2010). Biodegradation and characterization of water-degraded archaeological textiles created for conservation research. Cultural Heritage Microbiology: Fundamental Studies in Conservation Science. R. Mitchell and C.J. McNamara (Eds.). New York: AMS Press (111-122).
Peacock, E E (2007). Reburial and Analyses of Archaeolgical Remains (RAAR): investigation of the effects of burial on organic materials other than wood (textile, leather, antler, horn and bone). Reburial and Analyses of Archaeological Remains – Studies on the Effect of Reburial on Archaeological Materials Performed in Marstrand, Sweden 2002-2005. The RAAR Project, T Bergstrand and I Nyström Godfrey (Eds.). Uddevalla: Bohuslåns Museum and Studio Våstsvensk Konservering (Appendix 5).
Peacock, E E (2007). Archaeological textiles intimately associated with human remains – where is the dilemma? NESAT IX Archäologische Textilfunde - Archaeological Textiles. Ennenda: Archeo Tex (12-16).
Peacock, E.E. (2006) Book reviews. Studies in Conservation 51(2):158-160.
Peacock, E E (2005). Il deterioramento biologico delle fibre tessili in contesti archaeologici – implicazioni per le scelte di conservazione (24-45) / The Biodeterioration of textile fibres in wet archaeological contexts with implications for conservation choices (46-61). Incontri di Restauro 4. Trento: Provincia Autonoma di Trento.
Peacock, E E (2005). Investigation of conservation methods for a textile recovered from the American Civil War submarine H.L. Hunley (1864). Proceedings of the 9th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, P Hoffmann; K Strætkvern; J A Spriggs and D Gregory (Eds.). Bremerhavn: WOAM (497-512).
Peacock, E E (2005). Introduction (17-19) / Introduzione (20-22). Incontri di Restauro 4. Trento: Provincia Autonoma di Trento.
Peacock, E E (2005). Conservation of severely deteriorated wet archaeological leather recovered from the Norwegian Arctic. Preliminary results. Proceedings of the 9th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, P Hoffmann; K Strætkvern; J A Spriggs and D Gregory (Eds.). Bremerhavn: WOAM (565-578).
Bergstrand, T; Björdal, C G; Nilsson, T; Bohm, C; Christensson, E; Gregory, D; Nyström, I; Peacock, E; Turner-Walker, G; Richards, V and MacLeod, I (2005). Reburial as a method of preserving archaeological remains. A presentation of the Marstrand Project. Proceedings of the 9th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, P Hoffmann; K Strætkvern; J A Spriggs and D Gregory (Eds.). Bremerhavn: WOAM (9-39).
Peacock, E E (2005). The nature of archaeological textiles. Conservation challenges and strategies. Textile and Paper Illustrated Conservation Dictionary Workshop. Tainan (Taiwan): National Center for the Restoration and Preservation of Cultural Property (25-28).
Peacock, E E (2004). Moseforsøg – the next generation. Priceless Inventions of Humanity – Textiles, J Maik (Ed.). Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia Nr. 50/1. Łódz: Polish Academy of Sciences (185-193).
Peacock, E E and Turner-Walker, G (2004). Building for a new millennium: monitoring for the first 10 years? Preserving Archaeological Remains In-situ? T Nixon (Ed.) London: Museum of London Archaeology Service (65-71).
Peacock, E E (2002). Monitoring the In Situ Archaeological Deposits at Schultzgt. 3-7, Trondheim, Norway (1996-2001). Rapport Arkeologisk Serie 2002:1. Trondheim: Vitenskapsmuseum.
Peacock, E.E., Tegnhed, S. og Maltin, E. (2021). Skjulte fosterbegravelser i kirker – en tragisk, men omsorgsfull skikk. SPOR [in Norwegian].
Peacock, E.E. (2021). Museumsmagasiner – utfordringer som aldri tar slutt. SPOR [in Norwegian].
Peacock, E E (2014). Ta vare på dine gjenstander: postkort / Take care of your heirlooms. Postcards. SPOR 29(2):42-45 [in Norwegian].
Peacock, E E (2011). Housekeeping. Ochrona zabytkowych tkanin, L. Bratasz (Ed.). Krakow: National Museum in Krakow (27).
Peacock, E E (2011). Ta vare på dine gamle gjenstander: fotoalbum / Take care of your heirlooms. Photo albums. SPOR 26(1):38-40 [in Norwegian].
Peacock, E E (2010). Ta vare på dine gamle gjenstander: klokker / Take care of your heirlooms. Clocks. SPOR 25(1):38-41 [in Norwegian].
Peacock, E E (2009). Ta vare på dine gamle gjenstander: leketøy og spill / Take care of your heirlooms. Toys and games. SPOR 24(1):46-49 [in Norwegian].
Peacock E E (2008). Ta vare på dine gamle gjenstander: tepper og matter / Take care of your heirlooms. Carpets and rugs. SPOR 23(1):42-44 [in Norwegian].
Peacock, E E (2007). Ta vare på dine gamle gjenstander: gamle fotografier / Take care of your heirlooms. Photographs on metal and glass. SPOR 22(2):46-48 [in Norwegian].
Peacock, E E (2006). Ta vare på dine gamle gjenstander: gamle bøker / Take care of your heirlooms. Books. SPOR 21(1):48-51 [in Norwegian].
Peacock, E E (2005). Menneskets første kunststoff: egyptisk fajanse / Man’s first synthetic material: Egyptian faience. SPOR 20(2):20-23 [in Norwegian].
Peacock, E E (2004). Havbunn – fremtidens lagringsplass for marinarkeologiske gjenstander? / The seabed – the future store for marine archaeological finds? SPOR 19(2):34-37 [in Norwegian].
Solazzo, Caroline;
Dyer, Jolon M;
Clerens, Stefan;
Plowman, Jeff;
Peacock, Elizabeth E.;
Collins, Matthew J.
Proteomic evaluation of the biodegradation of wool fabrics in experimental burials.
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation
Academic article
Zawadzki, W;
Bartosik, M;
Dzierzega, K;
Bratasz, L;
Lukomski, M;
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Application of fiber Bragg gratings for strain measurement in historic textiles and paintings on canvas.
Optica Applicata
Academic article
Campos, Paula F.;
Craig, Oliver E.;
Turner-Walker, Gordon;
Peacock, Elizabeth E.;
Willerslev, Eske;
Gilbert, M. Thomas P..
DNA in ancient bone - where is it and how should we extract it?.
Annals of Anatomy
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth E.;
Skoglund, Fredrik;
Fastner, Jørgen.
Deepwater preservation and management of archaeological sites. Outlining the DePMAS Project.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Science-based doctoral degrees in conservation: room for conservators and scientists alike.
Skoglund, Fredrik;
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Deepwater Preservation and Management of Archaeological Sites: presentation of the DePMAS Project.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nyström Godfrey, Inger;
Bergstrand, Thomas;
Bohm, Carola;
Christensson, Eva;
Björdal, Charlotte G.;
Gregory, David.
Reburial and analyses of archaeological remains - The RAAR project. Phase III.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E.;
Bergstrand, Thomas;
Nyström Godfrey, Inger;
Björdal, Charlotte G.;
Bohm, Carola;
Christensson, Eva.
Reburial: a method for preserving collections of marine archaeological artefacts? Contributions of the Marstrand Project.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nyström Godfrey, Inger;
Bergstrand, Thomas;
Petersson, Håkan;
Bohm, Carola;
Björdal, Charlotte G.;
Christensson, Eva.
The RAAR Project — Heritage Management Aspects on Reburial After Ten Years of Work.
Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Ta vare på dine gamle gjenstander: Fotoalbum.
Popular scientific article
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Drying archaeological textiles.
Getty Conservation Institute
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
ICOM-CC Lissabon 2011. Education and Training in Conservation Working Group.
Septentrio Conference Series
Short communication
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Experimental and results. Summaries of the sub-projects reports. Organic nonwood materials.
Bohusläns museums förlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Discussion and conclusion. Findings of the RAAR project after seven years of burial. Non-wood organic materials.
Bohusläns museums förlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Ta vare på dine gamle gjenstander: Klokker.
Popular scientific article
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Biodegradation and Characterization of Water-Degraded Archaeological Textiles Created for Conservation Research.
AMS Press Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Potential Insights Cultural Material Conservation Can Contribute to Circumpolar Research Questions as Illustrated by Textile and Leather Artefacts Recovered from Archaeological Investigations of Two Russian Pomor Hunting Stations on Svalbard.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Book Reviews. Elizabeth E. Peacock Reviews Plant Biology for Cultural Heritage: Biodeterioration an Conservation.
Journal of the Institute of Conservation
Book review
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Ta vare på dine gamle gjenstander: Leketøy og spill.
Popular scientific article
Peacock, Elizabeth E.;
Turner-Walker, Gordon.
Reburial and Analysis of Archaeological Remains (RAAR): Investigation of the Effects of Burial on Non-wood Organic Materials. Preliminary Results.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nyström Godfrey, Inger;
Bergstrand, Thomas;
Björdal, Charlotte G.;
Nilsson, Thomas;
Bohm, Carola;
Christensson, Eva.
Reburial and Analysis of Archaeological Remains - the RAAR Project. Project Status and Cultural Heritage Management Implications Based on the First Preliminary Results.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Making some sense of collections surveys.
Wenhua zichan baocun xuekan
Academic article
Turner-Walker, Gordon;
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Preliminary results of bone diagenesis in Scandinavian bogs.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth E.;
Bergstrand, Thomas;
Godfrey, Inger Nyström;
Björdal, Charlotte G.;
Bohm, Carola;
Christensson, Eva.
The Marstrand Reburial Project - overview, phase I and future work.
Geoarchaeological and Bioarchaeological Studies
Academic article
Turner-Walker, Gordon;
Peacock, Elizabeth E.;
Gilbert, M T P;
Koon, H.E.C..
An experimental study of morphological and chemical degradation of bone in wetlands: potential for DNA extraction and amplification.
Geoarchaeological and Bioarchaeological Studies
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Ta vare på dine gamle gjenstander: tepper og matter.
Popular scientific article
Vuissoz, A.;
Worobey, M.;
Odegaard, N.;
Bunce, M.;
Machado, C.A.;
Lynnerup, N..
The survival of PCR-amplifiable DNA in cow leather.
Journal of Archaeological Science
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Ta vare på dine gamle gjenstander: Fotografisk materiale på glass og metall.
Popular scientific article
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Study of archaeological textiles intimately associated with human remains - where is the ethical dilemma?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
The contribution of X-Radiography to the conservation and study of textile/leather composite archaeological footwear recovered from the Norwegian Arctic.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Organic material other than wood.
Bohusläns museums förlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Ny serie: Ta vare på dine gamle gjenstander: Bøker.
Popular scientific article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Book Reviews. Japanning in Sweden 1680s-1790s: Characteristics and Preservation of Orientalized Coatings on Wooden Surfaces. Göteborg Studies in Conservation 11. Maria Brunskog.
Studies in Conservation
Book review
Dal Ri, Cristina;
Moser, Luisa;
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Intrecci vegetali e fibre tessili da ambiente umido. Analisi Conservazione e Restauro.
Provincia Autonoma di Trento
Non-fiction book
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
The biodeterioration of textile fibres in wet archaeological contexts with implications for conservation choices.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Il deterioramento biologico delle fibre tessili in contesti archeologici umidi implicazioni per le scelte di conservazione.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Investigation of conservation methods for a textile recovered from the American Civil War submarine "H.L. Hunley" (1864).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nyström Godfrey, Inger;
Berstrand, Thomas;
Björdal, Charlotte G.;
Nilsson, Thomas;
Bohm, Carola;
Christensson, Eva.
Reburial as a method of preserving archaeological remains. A presentation of the Marstrand Project.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
The nature of archaeological textiles. Conservation challenges and strategies.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Conservation of severely deteriorated wet archaeological leather recovered from the Norwegian Arctic. Preliminary results.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Moseforsøg - two generations of bog burial studies. Interim results.
Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Havbunnen. Fremtidens magasin for samlinger av marinarkeologiske gjenstandsmateriale?.
Popular scientific article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen;
Turner-Walker, Gordon.
Building for the new millennium: monitoring for the first ten years?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Monitoring the In Situ Archaeological Deposits at Schultzgt. 3-7, Trondheim, Norway (1996-2001).
Rapport Arkeologisk serie (2002-1)
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Review. Focus on Textile Conservation.
Archaeological Textiles Newsletter
Feature article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
The contribution of experimental archaeology to the research of ancient textiles.
Oxbow Books
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Water-degraded archaeological leather: an overview of treatments used at Vitenskapsmuseum (Trondheim).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Leather, on-site conservation.
Encyclopedia article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Leather, on-site conservation.
Encyclopedia article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Fibrous materials, archaeological: on-site conservation.
Encyclopedia article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Fibrous materials, archaeological: on-site conservation.
Encyclopedia article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
A note on the effect of multiple freeze-thaw treatment on natural fibre fabrics.
Studies in Conservation
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
VITARK - seminar '99: Current Topics in Archaeological Science.
Popular scientific article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen;
Griffin, Elizabeth.
Rehousing a collection of archaeological textiles.
The Conservator
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Moselik på kunstigvis.
Popular scientific article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen;
Schofield, G..
A survey of conservation methods for Trondheim's water-degraded archaeological rope.
Proceedings of the 6th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, York 1996
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Hvor er tekstilene?.
Popular scientific article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen;
Binns, K. Støren;
Skogrand, T..
Kulturminnedatabasen ved Vitenskapsmuseet, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet.
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Biodegradation and characterization of water-degraded archaeological textiles created for conservation research.
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Characterization and simulation of water-degraded archaeological textiles : a review.
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
X-ray fluorescence analysis of burial-degraded textiles.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Solazzo, Caroline;
Dyer, Jolon M;
Clerens, Stefan;
Plowman, Jeff;
Peacock, Elizabeth E.;
Collins, Matthew J.
Proteomic evaluation of the biodegradation of wool fabrics in experimental burials.
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation
Academic article
Zawadzki, W;
Bartosik, M;
Dzierzega, K;
Bratasz, L;
Lukomski, M;
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Application of fiber Bragg gratings for strain measurement in historic textiles and paintings on canvas.
Optica Applicata
Academic article
Campos, Paula F.;
Craig, Oliver E.;
Turner-Walker, Gordon;
Peacock, Elizabeth E.;
Willerslev, Eske;
Gilbert, M. Thomas P..
DNA in ancient bone - where is it and how should we extract it?.
Annals of Anatomy
Academic article
Nyström Godfrey, Inger;
Bergstrand, Thomas;
Petersson, Håkan;
Bohm, Carola;
Björdal, Charlotte G.;
Christensson, Eva.
The RAAR Project — Heritage Management Aspects on Reburial After Ten Years of Work.
Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Ta vare på dine gamle gjenstander: Fotoalbum.
Popular scientific article
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
ICOM-CC Lissabon 2011. Education and Training in Conservation Working Group.
Septentrio Conference Series
Short communication
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Ta vare på dine gamle gjenstander: Klokker.
Popular scientific article
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Book Reviews. Elizabeth E. Peacock Reviews Plant Biology for Cultural Heritage: Biodeterioration an Conservation.
Journal of the Institute of Conservation
Book review
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Ta vare på dine gamle gjenstander: Leketøy og spill.
Popular scientific article
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Making some sense of collections surveys.
Wenhua zichan baocun xuekan
Academic article
Turner-Walker, Gordon;
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Preliminary results of bone diagenesis in Scandinavian bogs.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth E.;
Bergstrand, Thomas;
Godfrey, Inger Nyström;
Björdal, Charlotte G.;
Bohm, Carola;
Christensson, Eva.
The Marstrand Reburial Project - overview, phase I and future work.
Geoarchaeological and Bioarchaeological Studies
Academic article
Turner-Walker, Gordon;
Peacock, Elizabeth E.;
Gilbert, M T P;
Koon, H.E.C..
An experimental study of morphological and chemical degradation of bone in wetlands: potential for DNA extraction and amplification.
Geoarchaeological and Bioarchaeological Studies
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Ta vare på dine gamle gjenstander: tepper og matter.
Popular scientific article
Vuissoz, A.;
Worobey, M.;
Odegaard, N.;
Bunce, M.;
Machado, C.A.;
Lynnerup, N..
The survival of PCR-amplifiable DNA in cow leather.
Journal of Archaeological Science
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Ta vare på dine gamle gjenstander: Fotografisk materiale på glass og metall.
Popular scientific article
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Ny serie: Ta vare på dine gamle gjenstander: Bøker.
Popular scientific article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Book Reviews. Japanning in Sweden 1680s-1790s: Characteristics and Preservation of Orientalized Coatings on Wooden Surfaces. Göteborg Studies in Conservation 11. Maria Brunskog.
Studies in Conservation
Book review
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Moseforsøg - two generations of bog burial studies. Interim results.
Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Havbunnen. Fremtidens magasin for samlinger av marinarkeologiske gjenstandsmateriale?.
Popular scientific article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Review. Focus on Textile Conservation.
Archaeological Textiles Newsletter
Feature article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
A note on the effect of multiple freeze-thaw treatment on natural fibre fabrics.
Studies in Conservation
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
VITARK - seminar '99: Current Topics in Archaeological Science.
Popular scientific article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen;
Griffin, Elizabeth.
Rehousing a collection of archaeological textiles.
The Conservator
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Moselik på kunstigvis.
Popular scientific article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen;
Schofield, G..
A survey of conservation methods for Trondheim's water-degraded archaeological rope.
Proceedings of the 6th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, York 1996
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Hvor er tekstilene?.
Popular scientific article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen;
Binns, K. Støren;
Skogrand, T..
Kulturminnedatabasen ved Vitenskapsmuseet, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet.
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Biodegradation and characterization of water-degraded archaeological textiles created for conservation research.
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation
Academic article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Characterization and simulation of water-degraded archaeological textiles : a review.
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation
Academic article
Dal Ri, Cristina;
Moser, Luisa;
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Intrecci vegetali e fibre tessili da ambiente umido. Analisi Conservazione e Restauro.
Provincia Autonoma di Trento
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Peacock, Elizabeth E.;
Skoglund, Fredrik;
Fastner, Jørgen.
Deepwater preservation and management of archaeological sites. Outlining the DePMAS Project.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Science-based doctoral degrees in conservation: room for conservators and scientists alike.
Skoglund, Fredrik;
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Deepwater Preservation and Management of Archaeological Sites: presentation of the DePMAS Project.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nyström Godfrey, Inger;
Bergstrand, Thomas;
Bohm, Carola;
Christensson, Eva;
Björdal, Charlotte G.;
Gregory, David.
Reburial and analyses of archaeological remains - The RAAR project. Phase III.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E.;
Bergstrand, Thomas;
Nyström Godfrey, Inger;
Björdal, Charlotte G.;
Bohm, Carola;
Christensson, Eva.
Reburial: a method for preserving collections of marine archaeological artefacts? Contributions of the Marstrand Project.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Drying archaeological textiles.
Getty Conservation Institute
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Experimental and results. Summaries of the sub-projects reports. Organic nonwood materials.
Bohusläns museums förlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Discussion and conclusion. Findings of the RAAR project after seven years of burial. Non-wood organic materials.
Bohusläns museums förlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Biodegradation and Characterization of Water-Degraded Archaeological Textiles Created for Conservation Research.
AMS Press Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Potential Insights Cultural Material Conservation Can Contribute to Circumpolar Research Questions as Illustrated by Textile and Leather Artefacts Recovered from Archaeological Investigations of Two Russian Pomor Hunting Stations on Svalbard.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E.;
Turner-Walker, Gordon.
Reburial and Analysis of Archaeological Remains (RAAR): Investigation of the Effects of Burial on Non-wood Organic Materials. Preliminary Results.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nyström Godfrey, Inger;
Bergstrand, Thomas;
Björdal, Charlotte G.;
Nilsson, Thomas;
Bohm, Carola;
Christensson, Eva.
Reburial and Analysis of Archaeological Remains - the RAAR Project. Project Status and Cultural Heritage Management Implications Based on the First Preliminary Results.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Study of archaeological textiles intimately associated with human remains - where is the ethical dilemma?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
The contribution of X-Radiography to the conservation and study of textile/leather composite archaeological footwear recovered from the Norwegian Arctic.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth E..
Organic material other than wood.
Bohusläns museums förlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
The biodeterioration of textile fibres in wet archaeological contexts with implications for conservation choices.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Il deterioramento biologico delle fibre tessili in contesti archeologici umidi implicazioni per le scelte di conservazione.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Investigation of conservation methods for a textile recovered from the American Civil War submarine "H.L. Hunley" (1864).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nyström Godfrey, Inger;
Berstrand, Thomas;
Björdal, Charlotte G.;
Nilsson, Thomas;
Bohm, Carola;
Christensson, Eva.
Reburial as a method of preserving archaeological remains. A presentation of the Marstrand Project.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
The nature of archaeological textiles. Conservation challenges and strategies.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Conservation of severely deteriorated wet archaeological leather recovered from the Norwegian Arctic. Preliminary results.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen;
Turner-Walker, Gordon.
Building for the new millennium: monitoring for the first ten years?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
The contribution of experimental archaeology to the research of ancient textiles.
Oxbow Books
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Water-degraded archaeological leather: an overview of treatments used at Vitenskapsmuseum (Trondheim).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Leather, on-site conservation.
Encyclopedia article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Leather, on-site conservation.
Encyclopedia article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Fibrous materials, archaeological: on-site conservation.
Encyclopedia article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Fibrous materials, archaeological: on-site conservation.
Encyclopedia article
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
X-ray fluorescence analysis of burial-degraded textiles.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen.
Monitoring the In Situ Archaeological Deposits at Schultzgt. 3-7, Trondheim, Norway (1996-2001).
Rapport Arkeologisk serie (2002-1)
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2013) WP4 ‐ Bevaring av arkeologiske funn fra snøfonner. SAK, VM SPARC brukermøtet. , Trondheim 2013-01-07 - 2013-01-08
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2012) Science-based doctoral degrees in conservation: room for conservators and science graduates alike. Turkish Chemical Society Chemistry for Cultural Heritage , Istanbul 2012-07-09 - 2012-07-12
PosterCallanan, Martin Eugene; Skar, Birgitte; Vatne, Geir; Solli, Brit; Peacock, Elizabeth E.; Berthling, Ivar Thoralf. (2012) SPARC-Snow Patch Archaeological Research Cooperation. Yukon Government Frozen Pasts. 3rd International Glacial Archaeology Conference , Whitehorse 2012-06-03 - 2012-06-08
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2012) The Potential Contribution of Artefact Taphonomy to Snow Patch Research. Yukon Department of Tourism & Culture Frozen Pasts: 3rd International Glacial Archaeology Symposium , Whitehorse, Yukon 2012-06-03 - 2012-06-08
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.; Brede, Annette. (2011) The bank, the public library and the museum: three approaches to community accessible in situ urban archaeological heritage. European Association of Archaeologists EAA 17th Annual Meeting , Oslo 2011-09-14 - 2011-09-18
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2011) Conservation methods for historic textiles. National Museum in Krakow Fiber: Direct monitoring of strain for protection of historic textiles and paintings on canvas , Krakow 2011-04-15 - 2011-04-15
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.; Kozlowski, Roman. (2011) Conservation guidelines. National Museum in Krakow Fiber. Direct monitoring of strain for protection of historic textiles and paintings on canvas , Krakow 2011-04-15 - 2011-04-15
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.; Skoglund, Fredrik; Fastner, Jørgen. (2010) Deepwater Preservation and Management of Archaeological Sites. Presentation of the DePMAS Project. East Carolina University The 11th ICOM-CC WOAM Conference , Greenville, NC 2010-05-24 - 2010-05-29
Academic lectureNyström Godfrey, Inger; Bergstrand, Thomas; Bohm, Carola; Christensson, Eva; Gregory, David; Peacock, Elizabeth E.. (2010) Reburial and analyses of archaeological remains - The RAAR project. Phase III. East Carolina University The 11th ICOM-CC conference on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials , Greenville, NC 2010-05-24 - 2010-05-29
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2009) Community Access to the In-situ Urban Archaeological Heritage as Illustrated by Case Studies in Trondheim, Norway. European Association of Archaeologists 15th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists , Riva del Garda 2009-09-15 - 2009-09-20
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2009) Innledning. Sesjon 4. ”Science” og arkeologi i det 21. århundre". Det norske arkeologimøtet Det norske arkeologimøtet 2009 , Trondheim 2009-11-05 - 2009-11-07
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.; Sæterhaug, Roar; Turner-Walker, Gordon. (2009) Environmental Monitoring of a Norwegian Rock Art Site - its Practical Application in Implementing a Conservation Strategy. Seksjon for arkeologi og kulturhistorie, Vitenskapsmuseet Fredagsseminar , Trondheim 2009-11-13 - 2009-11-13
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.; Turner-Walker, Gordon; Sæterhaug, Roar. (2009) Environmental Monitoring of a Norwegian Rock Art Site and its Practical Application in Implementing a Preservation Strategy. European Association of Archaeologists 15th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists , Riva del Garda 2009-09-15 - 2009-09-20
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2009) Climate change and its potential impact on the preservation of our in-situ archaeological heritage. Institutionen för geovetenskaper, Göteborgs universitet Klimatförändring i ett lokalt perspektiv , Göteborg 2009-02-26 - 2009-02-26
Academic lectureTurner-Walker, Gordon; Peacock, Elizabeth E.; Bergstrand, Thomas; Nyström Godfrey, Inger; Björdal, Charlotte G.; Bohm, Carola. (2009) Experimental Degradation of Wood and Metals in a Marine Environment: The Marstrand Reburial Project. Republic of China Council of Public Affairs Conservation of Underwater Cultural Heritage , Taipei 2009-11-24 - 2009-11-25
PosterPeacock, Elizabeth E.; Skoglund, Fredrik. (2009) Underwater Paleolandscapes in Peril: Characterising and Managing the Underwater Heritage Beyond the Reach of Divers. European Association of Archaeologists 15th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists , Riva del Garda 2009-09-15 - 2009-09-20
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2008) Conservation PhD Programme at the University of Gothenburg. Institutionen för kulturvård, Gøteborgs universitet Scandinavian Conservation PhD Students Colloquium , Gøteborg 2008-12-02 - 2008-12-03
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2008) Research in conservation. National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Introduction to conservation , Douliou 2008-12-29 - 2008-12-29
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2008) Potential insights that artefact studies can contribute to circumpolar research questions as illustrated by finds excavated from archaeological investigations of two Russian Pomor hunting stations on Svalbard. NTNU A Circumpolar Reappraisal. The legacy of Gutorm Gjessing (1906-1979) , Trondheim 2008-10-10 - 2008-10-12
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2008) En konservators karrierespor. Svenska Föreningen för Textilkonservering Svenska Föreningen för Textilkonservering Höstmöte , Göteborg 2008-10-17 - 2008-10-17
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2008) Konserveringslaboratoriet ved Vitenskapsmuseet, NTNU. Hva holder de på med for tiden?. Studio Västsvensk Konservering Arkeologisk konservering , Göteborg 2008-03-06 - 2008-03-07
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2008) Min profil inom konserveringsforskning. Institutionen för kulturvård, Göteborgs universitet Forskarseminarier i Kulturvård , Göteborg 2008-04-02 - 2008-04-02
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2008) The Marstrand Project. Seksjon for arkeologi og kulturhistorie, VM, NTNU DePMAS Project Seminar , Trondheim 2008-05-28 - 2008-05-29
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2008) The continuing potential of soil burial studies. Experimental Archaeology Research - New Approaches , Östersund 2008-10-01 - 2008-10-03
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2008) Konservering utenfor laboratoriet. Instit. för kulturvård - Mariestad, Göteborgs universitet Forskarseminarier i Kulturvård , Mariestad 2008-06-10 - 2008-06-10
Academic lectureSkoglund, Fredrik; Peacock, Elizabeth E.. (2008) DePMAS – A New Scientific Approach to the Study of Site Formation Processes on Deepwater Wrecks. Vitenskapsmuseet, NTNU SMIA IX: Current Trends in Nordic Archaeological Science: 9th Nordic Conference on the Application of Scientific Methods in Archaeology - SMIA , Trondheim 2008-09-11 - 2008-09-14
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.; Bergstrand, Thomas; Godfrey, Inger Nyström; Björdal, Charlotte G.; Bohm, Carola; Christensson, Eva. (2008) Reburial and Analyses of Archaeological Remains (RAAR): The Marstrand Project. Vitenskapsmuseet, NTNU Current Trends in Nordic Archaeological Science: 9th Nordic Conference on the Application of Scientific Methods in Archaeology - SMIA , Trondheim 2008-09-11 - 2008-09-14
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.; Bergstrand, Thomas; Godfrey, Inger Nyström; Björdal, Charlotte G.; Bohm, Carola; Christensson, Eva. (2008) Reburial: A method for preserving collections of marine archaeological artefacts? The Marstrand Project. 3rd International Congress on Underwater Archaeology , London 2008-07-09 - 2008-07-12
Academic lectureSkoglund, Fredrik; Peacock, Elizabeth E.. (2008) "Deepwater Preservation and Management of Archaeological Sites; presentation of the DePMAS project". Unesco, IFA, NAS, English Heritage, British Archaeology IKUWA3 - The 3rd International Congress on Underwater Archaeology , UCL, London 2008-07-09 - 2008-07-12
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2007) Marstrand reburial project. National Yunlin Univ. of Science and Technology Land-based and Marine Archaeology , Douliou 2007-04-18 - 2007-04-18
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2007) Skinn og lær. Praktiske øvelser og diskusjon. Seksjon for Indus., Kommun. og Anlegg, Norges Museumsforbund Konservering av tekstiler og lær og skinn i museet , Løkken Verk 2007-10-03 - 2007-10-05
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.; Turner-Walker, Gordon. (2007) Reburial and Analysis of Archaeological Remains (RAAR): Investigation of the effects of burial on non-wood organic materials. Preliminary results. RACM: National Serivce for Archaeology, Cultural Landscape ICOM-CC WOAM Conference , Amsterdam 2007-09-10 - 2007-09-14
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2007) Skinn og lær. Materiale og nedbrytning. Seksjon for Indus. Kommun. og Anlegg, Norges Museumsforbund Konservering av tekstiler og lær og skinn i museet , Løkken Verk 2007-10-03 - 2007-10-05
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2007) Skinn og lær. Konserveringsmuligheter: Preventiv konservering. Sekejon for Indus., Kommun. og Anlegg, Norges Museumsforbund Konservering av tekstiler og lær og skinn i museet , Løkken Verk 2007-10-03 - 2007-10-05
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2007) Metals and textiles. Tainan National University of the Arts Metals Technology and Conservation , Tainan 2007-12-28 - 2007-12-28
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2007) Basic fibre identification in practice. National Museum of Science and Technology The Application of Microscopic Techniques for Identifying Cultural Conservation Materials , Kaohsiung 2007-05-24 - 2007-05-25
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2007) Basic principles of fibre identification. National Museum of Science and Technology The Application of Microscopic Techniques for Identifying Cultural Conservation Materials , Kaohsiung 2007-05-24 - 2007-05-25
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2007) The Sámi people: the indigenous people of Norway. National Yunlin University of Science and Technology School of Cultural Heritage Conservation Seminar Serie , Douliou 2007-05-08 - 2007-05-08
InterviewPeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2007) News from the School of Conservation, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology. [Newspaper] 2007-03-28
Popular scientific lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2007) The nation of Norway. Yunlin Junior High School Student Seminar , Douliou 2007-01-04 - 2007-01-04
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.; Bergstrand, Thomas; Nyström Godfrey, Inger; Björdal, Charlotte G.; Bohm, Carola; Christensson, Eva. (2006) The Marstrand Reburial Project - overview, phase I and future work. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Preserving Archaeological Remains in situ 3 , Amsterdam 2006-12-07 - 2006-12-09
Academic lectureGilbert, M.T.P.; Campos, P.F.; Craig, O.; Svensson, E.M.; Gotherstrom, A.; Turner-Walker, G.. (2006) DNA in bones – where is it, and how can we get at it?. University of Stockholm Second International Symposium on Biomolecular Archaeology , Stockholm 2006-09-07 - 2006-09-08
Academic lectureTurner-Walker, G.; Peacock, Elizabeth E.; Gilbert, M.T.P.; Koon, H.E.C.. (2006) An experimental study of morphological and chemical degradation of bone in wetlands: potential for DNA extraction and amplification. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Preserving Archaeological Remains in situ 3 , Amsterdam 2006-12-07 - 2006-12-09
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2006) The conservator's contribution to the discourse on perishable fibre technologies. European Association for Archaeologists EAA 12th Annual meeting , Krakow 2006-09-19 - 2006-09-24
Academic lectureBergstrand, Thomas; Björdal, Charlotte G.; Bohm, Carola; Christensson, Eva; Gregory, David; Godfrey, Inger Nyström. (2006) Reburial as a method of preserving waterlogged archaeological remains. Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology AIMA/ASHA Conference , Darwin 2006-09-14 - 2006-09-18
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2006) Marstrandsprosjektet. Seksjon for arkeologi og kulturhistorie, VM, NTNU Fredagsseminar , Trondheim 2006-04-21 - 2006-04-21
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2006) Intrecci vegetali e fibre tessili: introduzione. Università degli Studi di Firenze Presentazione degli Atti del Convegno internazionale (Trento, 2003) , Firenze 2006-03-14 - 2006-03-14
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2006) Preservation of archaeological textiles. National Museum of History Textiles and Metals , Hanoi 2006-01-04 - 2006-01-04
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2006) Organic materials other than wood. Studio Västsvensk Konservering Reburial and Analyses of Archaeological Remains (RAAR) , Göteborg 2006-05-18 - 2006-05-18
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth E.. (2006) The science challenge of experimental archaeology. European Association of Archaeologists EAA 12th Annual Meeting , Krakow 2006-09-19 - 2006-09-24
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2005) In-situ preservation. Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin EU FAITH Berlin Seminar , Berlin 2005-06-20 - 2005-06-22
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2005) Archaeological textiles intimately associated with human remains. Where is the dilemma?. North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles 9th NESAT Symposium , Braunwald 2005-05-18 - 2005-05-21
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2005) The Nature of Archaeological Textiles - Conservation Challenges and Strategies. Nat. Cntr. for Research & Preser. of Cultural Properties Textile and Paper Illustrated Conservation Dictionary Workshop , Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei 2005-03-23 - 2005-03-24
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2005) A View of Conservation in the North: Case Studies from Trondheim. Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin EU FAITH Berlin Seminar , Berlin 2005-06-20 - 2005-06-22
Academic lectureTurner-Walker, Gordon; Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2005) Bone Diagenesis in Northern Bogs: Experimental Bog Bodies. University of Cape Town 5th International Bone Diagenesis Conference , Cape Town 2005-08-28 - 2005-08-31
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2005) Metals and Textiles. Tainan National College of Arts Course: Conservation of Metals , Tainan 2005-12-09 - 2005-12-09
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2005) The Research Potential of Archaeological Bone and Horn. Institute of Environmental and Cultural Studies The Analysis of Archaeological Materials , University of Gothenburg 2005-10-05 - 2005-10-06
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2005) The Research Potential of Archaeological Skin Materials. Institute of Environmental and Cultural Studies The Analysis of Archaeological Materials , University of Gothenburg 2005-10-04 - 2005-10-04
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2005) The Research Potential of Archaeological Textiles. Institute of Environmental and Cultural Studies The Analysis of Archaeological Materials , University of Gothenburg 2005-10-02 - 2005-10-03
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2004) Textile Terminology and Storage Basics. Institute of Textiles and Clothing, Fu-jen University Textile Conservation Workshop , Taipei 2004-12-18 - 2004-12-19
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2004) Investigation of Conservation Methods for a Textile Recovered From the H.L. Submarine (1894). National Museum of Denmark 9th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference , Copenhagen 2004-06-07 - 2004-06-10
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2004) The Nature and Analysis of Archaeologial Textiles. National Palace Museum National Palace Museum Lecture Series , Taipei 2004-12-29 - 2004-12-29
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2004) The Nature and Analysis of Archaeological Textiles. School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University School of Archaeology Lecture Series , Beijing 2004-12-07 - 2004-12-07
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2004) Against All Odds! The Survival of Textile Materials in the Archaeological Record. Textile Conservation Centre, University of Southampton 1st Annual Conference , Winchester 2004-07-13 - 2004-07-15
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2004) Havnbunnen. Fremtidens magasin for samlinger av marinsrkeologiske gjenstandsmateriale?. SAK, Vitenskapsmuseet, NTNU Fredags seminar , Trondheim 2004-03-19 - 2004-03-19
Academic lectureBergstrand, Thomas; Gjelstrup Björdal, Charlotte; Nilsson, Thomas; Bohm, Carola; Christensson, Eva; Gregory, David. (2004) Reburial as a Method of Preserving Archaeological Remains. National Museum of Denmark 9th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference , Copenhagen 2004-06-07 - 2004-06-10
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2004) The Scientific Analysis of Archaeological Textiles. Inst. of Hist. Metallurgy, Univ. of Sci. and Tech. Beijing 30th Anniversary Conference , Beijing 2004-12-04 - 2004-12-05
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2004) Conservation of Severely Deteriorated Wet Archaeological Leather Recovered From the Norwegian Arctic. Preliminary Results. National Museum of Denmark 9th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference , Copenhagen 2004-06-07 - 2004-06-10
PosterNyström Godfrey, Inger; Bergstrand, Thomas; Gjelstrup Björdal, Charlotte; Bohm, Carola; Gregory, David; Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2004) Reburial and Analyses of Archaeological Remains (RAAR). UCL Centre for Sustainable Heritage 6th European Commission Conference on Sustaining Europe's Cultural Heritage , London 2004-09-01 - 2004-09-03
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2003) The Nature of Archaeological Textiles: Insights They Can Provide. Graduate Institute of Clothing and Textiles, Fu Jen Catholic University , Taipei City, Taiwan ROC 2003-12-17 -
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2003) The Recovery and Excavation of the CSS Hunley. National Science and Technology Museum , Kaohsiung, Taiwan ROC 2003-12-08 -
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2003) The Biodeterioration of Textile Fibres in Wet Archaeological Contexts with Implications for Conservation Choices. Incontri di Restauro 4 , Trento, Italia 2003-05-30 -
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2003) The Nature of Archaeological Textiles and Insights They Can Provide. The Norwegian Institute at Athens , Athens, Greece 2003-03-06 -
PosterPeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2002) Housing solutions for archaeological textiles. 8th NESAT Symposium , Lodz, Poland 2002-05-10 -
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2002) Moseforsøg - two generations of bog burial studies. Interim textile results. North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles (NESAT) , Lodz, Poland 2002-05-10 -
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2002) Conservation of Textiles. Institute of Nautical Archaeology - Egypt, Supreme Council of Antiquities, Institute of International Education, and the United States Agency for International Development , Cairo, Egypt 2002-09-25 -
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2002) Biodeterioration of water-degraded archaeological textiles with implications for their conservation. Art, Biology, and Conservation 2002. Biodeterioration of Works of Art , The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, U.S.A. 2002-06-15 -
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2002) Conservation of Textiles. Institute of Nautical Archaeology - Egypt, Supreme Council of Antiquities, Institute of International Education, and United States Agency for International Development , Alexandria, Egypt 2002-07-10 -
PosterPeacock, Elizabeth Ellen; Turner-Walker, Gordon; Sæterhaug, Roar. (2001) Actualistic soil burial studies of resistant biopolymers. 8th ICOM-CC Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Group Conference , Stockholm 2001-06-15 -
PosterPeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2001) Housing solutions for archaeological textiles. 8th ICOM-CC Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Group Conference , Stockholm 2001-06-15 -
PosterPeacock, Elizabeth Ellen; Turner-Walker, Gordon; Sæterhaug, Roar. (2001) Preliminary results of actualistic soil burial studies. 8th ICOM-CC Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Group Conference , Stockholm 2001-06-15 -
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen; Turner-Walker, Gordon. (2001) Experimental bog body taphonomy. Archaeological Science 01 , Newcastle upon Tyne, UK 2001-09-01 -
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2001) Conservation of marine archaeological textiles and rope. EVTEK Institute of Art and Design , Helsinki, Finland 2001-08-30 -
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2001) Conservation of marine archaeological leather. EVTEK Institute of Art and Design , Helsinki, Finland 2001-04-12 -
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen; Turner-Walker, Gordon. (2001) Building for the new millennium: monitoring for the first ten years?. PARIS2 (The 2nd conference on Preserving archaeological remains in situ) , London 2001-09-14 -
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2001) Drying water-degraded archaeological textiles. Focus on Textile Conservation , Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2000-11-17 -
Programme participationPeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2000) "The Science of Conservation". Interview on 'The Morning Show'. [TV]
Popular scientific lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2000) De myke funnene i Erkebispegården. , Museet Erkebispegården, 26.03.2000
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2000) Drying water-degraded archaeological textiles. Focus on Textile Conservation , Amsterdam, 13-17 November 2000
PosterPeacock, Elizabeth Ellen; Turner-Walker, Gordon; Sæterhaug, Roar. (2000) Actualistic soil burial studies of resistant biopolymers. Focus on Textile Conservation , Amsterdam, 13-17 November 2000
PosterPeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (2000) Housing solutions for archaeological textiles. Focus on Textile Conservation , Amsterdam, 13-17 November 2000
PosterPeacock, Elizabeth Ellen; Turner-Walker, Gordon; Sæterhaug, Roar. (1999) Actualistic soil burial studies of resistant biopolymers. Methods in Analysis of the Deterioration of Collagen based Historic Materials in Relation to Conservation and Storage , Copenhagen, Denmark
PosterPeacock, Elizabeth Ellen; Turner-Walker, Gordon; Sæterhaug, Roar. (1999) Actualistic soil burial studies of reisitant biopolymers. VITARK - seminar '99. Current Topics in Archaeological Science , Trondheim,
Popular scientific lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (1999) Overvåkningsprosjektet på Schultzgt. , Håndverkerforening,Trondheim, 12.10.1999
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (1999) In-situ preservation projects in Norway. European Association of Archaeologists 5th Annual Meeting , 14.-19.09.1999
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen; Turner-Walker, Gordon. (1999) 20th century saves Europe's oldest moneymaker. 7th ICOM-CC Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference , Grenoble, France 19.-23.10.1998
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (1999) Conservation of the archbishops' mint workshop. Specialized Techniques and Research for Wet Objects , Ottawa, Canada 12.-15.04.1999
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (1999) In-situ archaeological conservation projects in Trondheim. , Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 24.03.1999
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (1999) Conservation of wet organic archaeological materials for museum studies specialists. , Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 23.03.1999
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (1999) Conservation of wet organic archaeological materials for archaeologists. , Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 22.03.1999
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (1999) Changes in fiber morphology in natural fiber textiles from wet archaeological contexts. 11th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium , Arlington, Virginia, USA, 01.-06.08.1999
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (1998) Bevaring in-situ: myntverkstedet i Erkebispegården. Det norske arkeologmøtet 1998 , Sør-Trøndelag Flykeskommune, Trondheim
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (1998) Water-degraded archaeological leather: an overview of treatments used in Trondheim. Current Treatments in the Conservation of Waterlogged and Desiccated Archaeological Leather , British Museum, London, UK
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (1998) 20th century technology saves Europe's oldest moneymaker. International Conference on Conservation of Wet Organic Archaeological Materials , Grenoble, France
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (1998) Bevaring in-situ: Schultzgt. Det norske arkeologmøtet 1998 , Sør-Trøndelag Flykeskommune, Trondheim
Popular scientific lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (1998) Konservering av myntverkstedet. Bevaring av myntverkstedet - Erkebispegården , Museet på Erkebispegården
Popular scientific lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (1998) Konserveringen av arkeologiske tekstiler. Minisymposium om torvens konserverende egenskaper , Inst. for bioteknologi, NTNU
Academic lectureSæterhaug, Roar; Peacock, Elizabeth Ellen. (1996) Archaeological collections : alternative storage strategies. Internation Institute for Conservation Archaeological Conservation and Its Consequences , Copenhagen 1996-08-26 - 1996-08-30
Academic lecturePeacock, Elizabeth Ellen; Sæterhaug, Roar. (1996) Quantifying the conservation backlog : the Trøndelag project. ICOM. Committee for Conservation. 11th Triennal Meeting , [Mangler data]