Elyas Larkermani
Postdoctoral Fellow specializing in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Large Eddy Simulation (LES), and Turbulence Modeling. Proficient in open-source CFD tools, advanced numerical methods, and high-performance computing. Dedicated to cutting-edge research in fluid dynamics and environmental engineering.
Bi, Yang;
Hu, Nan;
Sadeghian, Parastoo;
Sadrizadeh, Sasan;
Asuero Von Munthe Af Morgensti, Marina;
Mathisen, Hans Martin.
Numerical study on the application of low-turbulence air curtain surrounding laminar airflow distribution in operating rooms.
Building Simulation
Academic article
Larkermani, Elyas;
Georges, Laurent Francis Ghislain;
Bihs, Hans;
Müller, Bernhard Theodor;
Winckelmans, Grégoire.
Development of a Numerical Framework using Orthogonal Grids and Immersed Boundary Methods for Large Eddy Simulation of Indoor Airflows.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (335)
Doctoral dissertation
Larkermani, Elyas;
Bihs, Hans;
Winckelmans, Grégoire;
Duponcheel, Matthieu;
Martin, Tobias;
Müller, Bernhard Theodor.
Development of an accurate central finite-difference scheme with a compact stencil for the simulation of unsteady incompressible flows on staggered orthogonal grids.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Academic article
Larkermani, Elyas;
Bjerkeli, Vegard Mikkelsen;
Georges, Laurent.
Comparing the performance of RANS turbulence models
between different cavity flow benchmarks.
EDP Sciences
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Larkermani, Elyas;
Cao, Guangyu;
Georges, Laurent.
Characterization of the density-driven counter-flow through a doorway using Large Eddy Simulation.
Building and Environment
Academic article
Larkermani, Elyas;
Georges, Laurent;
Müller, Bernhard.
Investigation of the interfacial mixing in the gravity-driven bidirectional flow through a large vertical opening using CFD.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Larkermani, Elyas;
Georges, Laurent.
Analysis of the interfacial mixing in the gravity-driven counterflow through a large vertical opening using Large Eddy Simulation.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Larkermani, Elyas;
Roohi, Esan;
Porte-Agel, Fernando.
Evaluating the modulated gradient model in large eddy simulation of channel flow with OpenFOAM.
Journal of turbulence
Academic article
Journal publications
Bi, Yang;
Hu, Nan;
Sadeghian, Parastoo;
Sadrizadeh, Sasan;
Asuero Von Munthe Af Morgensti, Marina;
Mathisen, Hans Martin.
Numerical study on the application of low-turbulence air curtain surrounding laminar airflow distribution in operating rooms.
Building Simulation
Academic article
Larkermani, Elyas;
Bihs, Hans;
Winckelmans, Grégoire;
Duponcheel, Matthieu;
Martin, Tobias;
Müller, Bernhard Theodor.
Development of an accurate central finite-difference scheme with a compact stencil for the simulation of unsteady incompressible flows on staggered orthogonal grids.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Academic article
Larkermani, Elyas;
Cao, Guangyu;
Georges, Laurent.
Characterization of the density-driven counter-flow through a doorway using Large Eddy Simulation.
Building and Environment
Academic article
Larkermani, Elyas;
Roohi, Esan;
Porte-Agel, Fernando.
Evaluating the modulated gradient model in large eddy simulation of channel flow with OpenFOAM.
Journal of turbulence
Academic article
Part of book/report
Larkermani, Elyas;
Bjerkeli, Vegard Mikkelsen;
Georges, Laurent.
Comparing the performance of RANS turbulence models
between different cavity flow benchmarks.
EDP Sciences
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Larkermani, Elyas;
Georges, Laurent;
Müller, Bernhard.
Investigation of the interfacial mixing in the gravity-driven bidirectional flow through a large vertical opening using CFD.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Larkermani, Elyas;
Georges, Laurent.
Analysis of the interfacial mixing in the gravity-driven counterflow through a large vertical opening using Large Eddy Simulation.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Larkermani, Elyas;
Georges, Laurent Francis Ghislain;
Bihs, Hans;
Müller, Bernhard Theodor;
Winckelmans, Grégoire.
Development of a Numerical Framework using Orthogonal Grids and Immersed Boundary Methods for Large Eddy Simulation of Indoor Airflows.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (335)
Doctoral dissertation