Fabio Sgarbossa
Fabio Sgarbossa is Full Professor of Industrial Logistics at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at NTNU (Norway) from October 2018. He has received his Master Degree in Management Engineering in 2005 and his PhD in Industrial Engineering in 2010, both at the University of Padova (Italy).
The main activities of his research are as follows:
- design and management of industrial logistics and production systems,
- supply chain management and logistics networks,
- technological innovation and digitalization in logistics,
- materials handling and warehousing,
- material management and inventory control,
- maintenance and reliability,
- human factors in logistics and industrial systems,
- health care logistics and humanitarian logistics.
He is working within the Production Management Group at MTP and he is now responsible of the new Lab Logistics 4.0 at NTNU. He has been and he is involved in several European and National Projects.
He is author and co-author of about 130 publications in relevant international journals and international research conferences (first was published in 2007). The scopus database (February, 2022) has him listed as follows: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=17346547400:
- n° papers: 153
- total n° of citations: 2930
- h-index: 31.
He is currently Associate Editor of International Journal of Production Research, and member of the editorial boards of high-ranked journals, as International Journal of Production Economics. He has been also guest editor of several Special Issues in relevant International Journals, such as Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Computers and Industrial Engineering and Omega. He has been member of Organizing and Scientific Committees and Session Chairman of several International Conferences and Workshops (INCOM, MIM, others).
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Chen, Lujie;
Demeter, Krisztina;
Gansterer, Margaretha.
Perspectives on production economics.
International Journal of Production Economics
La Fata, Concetta Manuela;
Micale, Rosa;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Special Issue “ISR: Integrating sustainability issues into risk analysis: challenges and opportunities”.
Sustainable Futures
Dolgui, Alexandre;
Haddou Benderbal, Hichem;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Thevenin, Simon.
Editorial for the special issue: AI and data-driven decisions in manufacturing.
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
Fragapane, Giuseppe;
Koster, Rene de;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Autonomous Mobile Robots for Material Handling in Intralogistics.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lerher, Tone;
Marolt, Jakob;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Ekren, Banu;
Dukic, Goran.
Design and Operation of Single- and Multi-deep Shuttle-Based Storage and Retrieval Systems (SBS/RS).
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mourtzis, Dimitris;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Operations management and information systems for smart manufacturing.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Arena, Simone;
Florian, Eleonora;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Sølvsberg, Endre;
Zennaro, Ilenia.
A conceptual framework for machine learning algorithm selection for predictive maintenance.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Academic article
Lolli, Francesco;
Coruzzolo, Antonio Maria;
Forgione, Chiara;
Peron, Mirco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Semiautomatic rapid upper limb assessment methods: validation of AzKRULA.
International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics
Academic article
Moazzeni, Sahar;
Goez, Julio C.;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Collaborative Logistics 4.0 Operations among Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Rural Areas.
Academic article
Lucchese, Andrea;
Digiesi, Salvatore;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Human-centric optimisation in manual picker-to-parts systems: a holistic energy expenditure approach.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Lucchese, Andrea;
Panagou, Sotirios;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Investigating the impact of cognitive assistive technologies on human performance and well-being: an experimental study in assembly and picking tasks.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Marolt, Jakob;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Jimenez, Jesus A.;
Sharotry, Abhimanyu;
Lerher, Tone.
Analytical model and swapping policy assessment of a vertical lift module – buffer integrated storage system.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Jefroy, Niloofar;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
What do we know about material handling in library? An empirical assessment in the Nordic region.
Digital Transformation and Society (DTS)
Academic article
Peron, Mirco;
Coruzzolo, Antonio Maria;
Basten, Rob;
Knofius, Nils;
Lolli, Francesco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Choosing between additive and conventional manufacturing of spare parts: On the impact of failure rate uncertainties and the tools to reduce them.
International Journal of Production Economics
Academic article
Lolli, Francesco;
Coruzzolo, Antonio Maria;
Peron, Mirco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Insourcing additive manufacturing for spare parts production: is it profitable? An extensive analysis and the proposal of a Decision Support System.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Lolli, Francesco;
Coruzzolo, Antonio Maria;
Forgione, Chiara;
Peron, Mirco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Auto-AzKNIOSH: an automatic NIOSH evaluation with Azure Kinect coupled with task recognition.
Academic article
Mostafayi Darmian, Sobhan;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Welo, Torgeir.
A Fisher-Based Framework for the Circular Integration of Product Development and Supply Chain Design.
Academic article
Weerasinghe, Weerasinghe Arachchige Kasuni ;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Performance Analysis for Puzzle-based Movable Racks System with Diagonal Movements.
Academic article
Weerasinghe, Weerasinghe Arachchige Kasuni ;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Lobov, Andrei.
Model-Based System Engineering Approach to Design Customized Puzzle-Based Movable Rack Systems.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Demiralay, Enes;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Razavi, Nima.
A Framework to Assess the Impact of Recycled or Reused Metal Powder on Circular Additive Manufacturing.
Academic article
Lucchese, Andrea;
Panagou, Sotirios;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Performance Differences in the Ageing Workforce Era: An Experimental Study with Industry 4.0 Assistive Technologies.
Academic article
Fede, Giulia;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Paltrinieri, Nicola.
Integrating production and maintenance planning in process industries using Digital Twin: A literature review.
Academic article
Jefroy, Niloofar;
Lepre, Chiara;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Murino, Teresa.
A Simulation Study for Integrating Library Material Handling with Autonomous Mobile Robots.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Micheli, Guido;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Varianou-Mikellidou, Cleo.
Ageing with OSHP&ISP − Ageing Workforce: Interaction with Occupational Safety & Health Performance and Industrial Systems Productivity.
Safety Science
Academic article
Ngo, Thi Thao Uyen;
Alfnes, Erlend;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Semini, Marco Giovanni.
Construction Logistics Conceptualization: A Comprehensive Framework and Existing Challenges.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aron, Cosmin;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Ballot, Eric;
Ivanov, Dmitry.
Cloud material handling systems: a cyber-physical system to enable dynamic resource allocation and digital Interoperability.
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
Academic article
Jefroy, Niloofar;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Peron, Mirco.
An Appraisal Towards the Technological Improvement of Library Operations Management in Digital Era.
Academic article
Nguyen, Phu;
Ivanov, Dmitry;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
A Digital Twin–Based Approach to Reinforce Supply Chain Resilience: Simulation of Semiconductor Shortages.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mostafayi Darmian, Sobhan;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Welo, Torgeir.
Integrating Closed-Loop Supply Chain Design-Planning into Product Development: A Systematic Literature Review.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Prathapage, Hiran;
Ivanov, Dmitry;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Product Recovery Options in Closed Loop Supply Chain Networks: A Literature Review.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vijayakumar, Vivek;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
The Impact of the Design Decisions of an Order Picking System on Human Factors Aspects of the Order Pickers.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sølvsberg, Endre;
Arena, Simone;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Schjølberg, Per.
Identifying Customer Returns in a Printed Circuit Board Production Line Using the Mahalanobis Distance.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Adelfio, Luca;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Leone, Rosanna;
Giada, La Scalia.
Life Cycle Assessment of Red Mud-Based Geopolymer Production at Industrial Scale.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jefroy, Niloofar;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Nyland, Bjørn Tore;
Sorheim, Arild.
An Investigation into Technological Potentials of Library Intralogistics Operations.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Weerasinghe, Kasuni Vimasha;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Fede, Giulia.
Optimal Class-Based Storage System with Diagonal Movements.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aron, Cosmin;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
The Physical Internet as an Approach for Resilient Logistics Practices: Literature Review and Future Research Avenues.
Academic article
Weerasinghe, Kasuni Vimasha;
Lobov, Andrei;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Tingelstad, Lars.
On Analysis of Puzzle-Based Warehouse Systems Using Modular Petri Nets.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grosse, Eric H.;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Berlin, Cecilia;
Neumann, W. Patrick.
Human-centric production and logistics system design and management: transitioning from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0.
International Journal of Production Research
Rahmani, Mina;
Romsdal, Anita;
Syversen, Øyvind;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Production scheduling using production feedback data; an illustrative case study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rahmani, Mina;
Syversen, Øyvind;
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Smart production planning and control; concept for improving planning quality with production feedback data.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cantini, Alessandra;
Peron, Mirco;
De Carlo, Filippo;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
A data-driven methodology for the periodic review of spare parts supply chain configurations.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Peron, Mirco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Decision support model for implementing assistive technologies in assembly activities: a case study.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Fragapane, Giuseppe;
Ivanov, Dmitry;
Peron, Mirco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Increasing flexibility and productivity in Industry 4.0 production networks with autonomous mobile robots and smart intralogistics.
Annals of Operations Research
Academic article
Peron, Mirco;
Alfnes, Erlend;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Kanban System in Industry 4.0 Era: A Systematic Literature Review.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abdous, Mohammed-Amine;
Delorme, Xavier;
Battini, Daria;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Berger-Douce, Sandrine.
Assembly line balancing problem with ergonomics: a new fatigue and recovery model.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Arena, Simone;
Tang, Ou;
Peron, Mirco.
Reprint of: Renewable hydrogen supply chains: A planning matrix and an agenda for future research.
International Journal of Production Economics
Academic article
Marolt, Jakob;
Goran, Dukic;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Lerher, Tone.
Optimization model for minimizing totes exchange in VLM and SBS/RS integrated system .
Academic article
Bernard, Alain;
Dolgui, Alexandre;
Benderbal, Hichem Haddou;
Ivanov, Dmitry;
Lemoine, David;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Edited by the people above.
Rahmani, Mina;
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola;
Holm, Mathias.
Towards smart production planning and control; a conceptual framework linking planning environment characteristics with the need for smart production planning and control.
Annual Reviews in Control
Academic article
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Glock, Christoph H.;
Grosse, Eric H.;
Calzavara, Martina;
de Koster, René.
The impact of monetary incentives and regulatory focus on worker productivity and learning in order picking.
International Journal of Operations & Production Management
Academic article
Balcik, Burcu;
Yucesoy, Ecem;
Akca, Berna;
Karakaya, Sirma;
Gevsek, Asena Ayse;
Baharmand, Hossein.
A mathematical model for equitable in-country COVID-19 vaccine allocation.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Simonetto, Marco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Battini, Daria;
Govindan, Kannan.
Closed loop supply chains 4.0: From risks to benefits through advanced technologies. A literature review and research agenda.
International Journal of Production Economics
Academic literature review
Peron, Mirco;
Arena, Simone;
Paltrinieri, Nicola;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Boustras, Georgios.
Risk assessment for handling hazardous substances within the European industry: Available methodologies and research streams.
Risk Analysis
Academic article
Agnusdei, Giulio Paolo;
Gnoni, M.G.;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Govindann, K..
Challenges and perspectives of the Industry 4.0 technologies within the last-mile and first-mile reverse logistics: A systematic literature review.
Research in Transportation Business and Management (RTBM)
Academic article
Agnusdei, Giulio Paolo;
Gnoni, Maria Grazia;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Are deposit-refund systems effective in managing glass packaging? State of the art and future directions in Europe.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Arena, Simone;
Tang, Ou;
Peron, Mirco.
Renewable hydrogen supply chains: A planning matrix and an agenda for future research.
International Journal of Production Economics
Academic article
Peron, Mirco;
Basten, Rob;
knofius, nils;
Lolli, Francesco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Additive or Conventional Manufacturing for Spare Parts: Effect of Failure Rate Uncertainty on the Sourcing Option Decision.
Academic article
Lolli, Francesco;
coruzzolo, antonio;
Peron, Mirco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
On the suitability of insourced Additive Manufacturing for spare parts management.
Academic article
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Flaarønning, Haakon Trøstheim;
Løvhaugen, Espen Birkeland.
Investigating the use of point of sales data in dynamic lot sizing for new product launches.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Bedoya, Yenny Lizeth Victoria.
Dynamic lot-sizing model for new product launches.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Cherrie, Emma Elisabeth Farstad;
Aasheim, Sofie.
Dynamic storage location assignment using operator idle time for reshuffling of goods in a manually operated warehouse.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Olsen, Sindre Eide.
Potential benefits of information sharing for a producer in the Norwegian food supply chain.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Peron, Mirco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Ivanov, Dmitry;
Dolgui, Alexandre.
Impact of Additive Manufacturing on Supply Chain Resilience During COVID-19 Pandemic.
Springer Series in Supply Chain Management
Book review
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Romsdal, Anita;
Oluyisola, Olumide Emmanuel;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Digitalization in production and warehousing in food supply chains.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cantini, Alessandra;
Peron, Mirco;
De Carlo, Filippo;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
A decision support system for configuring spare parts supply chains considering different manufacturing technologies.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Fragapane, Giuseppe;
Roy, Debjit;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Planning Autonomous Material Transportation in Hospitals.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Peron, Mirco;
Mikkelsen, Axel Vislie;
Dahl, August Heiervang.
Cloud material handling system; leveraging dynamic dispatching and reinforcement learning in a cloud-enabled shop floor material handling system.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Pannu, Sherveer Singh.
Dynamic classification of fast-moving consumer goods in warehouses using forecasting for a third-party logistics provider.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Byfuglien, Sivert.
An investigation of the storage location assignment problem under dynamic conditions using simulation-based modeling.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Bakke, Sondre Martin.
The use of modelling to support production scheduling in the food processing industry.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Dolgui, Alexandre;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Simonetto, Marco.
Design and management of assembly systems 4.0: systematic literature review and research agenda.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Peron, Mirco;
Andersen, Vegard Jensås.
Intralogistics system design with autonomous mobile robots.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Florian, Eleonora;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Zennaro, Ilenia.
Machine learning-based predictive maintenance: A cost-oriented model for implementation.
International Journal of Production Economics
Academic literature review
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Rahmani, Mina;
Oluyisola, Olumide Emmanuel;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Smart production planning and control: do all planning environments need to be smart?.
Academic article
Fragapane, Giuseppe;
Koster, Rene de;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Planning and control of autonomous mobile robots for intralogistics: Literature review and research agenda.
European Journal of Operational Research
Academic article
Simonetto, Marco;
Peron, Mirco;
Fragapane, Giuseppe;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Digital Assembly Assistance System in Industry 4.0 Era: A Case Study with Projected Augmented Reality.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Oluyisola, Olumide Emmanuel;
Bhalla, Swapnil;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Designing and developing smart production planning and control systems in the industry 4.0 era: a methodology and case study.
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
Academic article
Oluyisola, Olumide Emmanuel;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Semini, Marco.
Towards Smart Production Planning and Control: Frameworks and case studies investigating the enhancement of production planning and control using internet-of-things, data analytics and machine learning.
Doctoral dissertation
Peron, Mirco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Additive Manufacturing and Spare Parts: Literature Review and Future Perspectives.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peron, Mirco;
Alfnes, Erlend;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Best Practices of Just-in-Time 4.0: Multi Case Study Analysis.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bhalla, Swapnil;
Alfnes, Erlend;
Hvolby, Hans-Henrik;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Advances in Spare Parts Classification and Forecasting for Inventory Control: A Literature Review.
Academic literature review
Arena, Simone;
Florian, Eleonora;
Zennaro, Ilenia;
Orru', Pierfrancesco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
A novel decision support system for managing predictive maintenance strategies based on machine learning approaches.
Safety Science
Academic article
Peron, Mirco;
Alfnes, Erlend;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Learning Through Action: On the Use of Logistics4.0 Lab as Learning Developer.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
Peron, Mirco;
knofius, nils;
Basten, Rob;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Impact of Failure Rate Uncertainties on the Implementation of Additive Manufacturing in Spare Parts Supply Chains.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
Peron, Mirco;
Arena, Simone;
Micheli, Guido;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
A decision support system for designing win–win interventions impacting occupational safety and operational performance in ageing workforce contexts.
Safety Science
Academic article
Lolli, Francesco;
coruzzolo, antonio;
Peron, Mirco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Age-based preventive maintenance with multiple printing options.
International Journal of Production Economics
Academic article
Simonetto, Marco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Straight and U-Shaped Assembly Lines in Industry 4.0 Era: Factors Influencing Their Implementation.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Calzavara, Martina;
Finco, Serena;
Battini, Daria;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Persona, Alessandro.
A Joint Assembly Line Balancing and Feeding Problem (JALBFP) considering direct and indirect supply strategies.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Vijayakumar, Vivek;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
A literature review on the level of automation in picker-to-parts order picking system: research opportunities.
Academic literature review
Leoni, Leonardo;
De Carlo, Filippo;
Paltrinieri, Nicola;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
BahooToroody, Ahmad.
On risk-based maintenance: A comprehensive review of three approaches to track the impact of consequence modelling for predicting maintenance actions.
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
Academic article
Vijayakumar, Vivek;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Neumann, W. Patrick;
Sobhani, Ahmad.
Framework for incorporating human factors into production and logistics systems.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Leoni, Leonardo;
BahooToroody, Ahmad;
Abaei, Mohammed Mahdi;
De Carlo, Filippo;
Paltrinieri, Nicola;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
On hierarchical bayesian based predictive maintenance of autonomous natural gas regulating operations.
Process Safety and Environmental Protection (PSEP)
Academic article
Buer, Sven-Vegard;
Semini, Marco;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
The complementary effect of lean manufacturing and digitalisation on operational performance.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Peron, Mirco;
Lolli, Francesco;
Balugani, Elia.
Conventional or additive manufacturing for spare parts management: An extensive comparison for Poisson demand.
International Journal of Production Economics
Academic article
Fragapane, Giuseppe;
Hvolby, Hans-Henrik;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Autonomous mobile robots in sterile instrument logistics: An evaluation of the material handling system for a strategic fit framework.
Production planning & control (Print)
Academic article
Fager, Patrik;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Calzavara, Martina.
Cost modelling of onboard cobot-supported item sorting in a picking system
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Finco, Serena;
Calzavara, Martina;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Zennaro, Ilenia.
Including rest allowance in mixed-model assembly lines
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Calzavara, Martina;
Battini, Daria;
Bogataj, David;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Zennaro, Ilenia.
Ageing workforce management in manufacturing systems: state of the art and future research agenda.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Finco, Serena;
Battini, Daria;
Delorme, Xavier;
Persona, Alessandro;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Workers’ rest allowance and smoothing of the workload in assembly lines.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Zennaro, Ilenia;
Florian, Eleonora;
Calzavara, Martina.
Age replacement policy in the case of no data: the effect of Weibull parameter estimation.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Romsdal, Anita;
Johannson, Finn Hartvig;
Krogen, Torbjørn.
Robot picker solution in order picking systems: an ergo-zoning approach.
Academic article
Leoni, Leonardo;
De Carlo, Filippo;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Paltrinieri, Nicola.
Comparison of risk-based maintenance approaches applied to a natural gas regulating and metering station.
Chemical Engineering Transactions
Academic article
Fager, Patrik;
Calzavara, Martina;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Modelling time efficiency of cobot-supported kit preparation.
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Academic article
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Peron, Mirco;
Fragapane, Giuseppe.
Cloud Material Handling Systems: Conceptual Model and Cloud-Based Scheduling of Handling Activities.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fragapane, Giuseppe;
Hvolby, Hans-Henrik;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Autonomous Mobile Robots in Hospital Logistics.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Simonetto, Marco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Introduction to Material Feeding 4.0: Strategic, Tactical, and Operational Impact.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vijayakumar, Vivek;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Tools for Evaluating Human Factor Aspects in Production and Logistics System.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Oluyisola, Olumide Emmanuel;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Smart Production Planning and Control: Concept, Use-Cases and Sustainability Implications
Academic article
Peron, Mirco;
Fragapane, Giuseppe;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Kay, Michael.
Digital Facility Layout Planning.
Academic article
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Grosse, Eric H.;
Neumann, W. Patrick;
Battini, Daria;
Glock, Christoph H..
Human factors in production and logistics systems of the future.
Annual Reviews in Control
Academic literature review
Lindstad, Espen Ohnstad;
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Warehouse zoning in picker-to-parts semi-automated warehouses.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Domínguez, Marta Magán;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Fragapane, Giuseppe.
Evaluation of automating the material handling system in a confectionery factory.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Botti, Lucia;
Battini, Daria;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Mora, Cristina.
Door-to-door waste collection: Analysis and recommendations for improving ergonomics in an Italian case study.
Waste Management
Academic article
Battini, Daria;
Persona, Alessandro;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Erratum to: “A sustainable EOQ model: Theoretical formulation and applications” [Int. J. Prod. Econ. 149 2014 145–153]
International Journal of Production Economics
Battini, Daria;
Zennaro, Ilenia;
Aldrighetti, Riccardo;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Centralised healthcare supply networks for efficient and sustainable drug management: An Italian case study
International Journal of Integrated Supply Management
Academic article
Battini, Daria;
Finco, Serena;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Human-oriented assembly line balancing and sequencing model in the industry 4.0 era
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Calzavara, Martina;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Persona, Alessandro.
Vertical Lift Modules for small items order picking: an economic evaluation.
International Journal of Production Economics
Academic article
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Calzavara, Martina;
Persona, Alessandro.
Throughput models for a dual-bay VLM order picking system under different configurations.
Industrial management & data systems
Academic article
Calzavara, Martina;
Persona, Alessandro;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Visentin, Valentina.
A model for rest allowance estimation to improve tasks assignment to operators.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Calzavara, Martina;
Glock, Christoph;
Grosse, Eric H.;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
An integrated storage assignment method for manual order picking warehouses considering cost, workload and posture.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Fragapane, Giuseppe;
Zhang, Cevin;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
An Agent-Based Simulation Approach To Model Hospital Logistics.
International Journal of Simulation Modelling
Academic article
Fager, Patrik;
Calzavara, Martina;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Kit preparation with cobot-supported sorting in mixed model assembly.
Academic article
Fontana Granotto, Giovanni;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Glock, Christoph;
Grosse, Eric H..
The effect of worker fatigue on the performance of a bucket brigade order picking system.
Academic article
Winkelhaus, Sven;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Calzavara, Martina;
Grosse, Eric H..
The effects of human fatigue on learning in order picking: an explorative experimental investigation.
Academic article
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Zennaro, Ilenia;
Florian, Eleonora;
Persona, Alessandro.
Impacts of weibull parameters estimation on preventive maintenance cost.
Academic article
Battaia, Olga;
Otto, Alena;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Pesch, Erwin.
Future trends in Management and Operation of Assembly Systems: From customized assembly systems to cyber-physical systems.
Omega. The International Journal of Management Science
Zennaro, Ilenia;
Battini, Daria;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Persona, Alessandro;
De Marchi, Rosario.
Micro downtime: Data collection, analysis and impact on OEE in bottling lines the San Benedetto case study.
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management
Academic article
Battini, Daria;
Calzavara, Martina;
Isolan, Ilaria;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Zangaro, Francesco.
Sustainability in Material Purchasing: A Multi-Objective Economic Order Quantity Model under Carbon Trading.
Academic article
Finco, Serena;
Battini, Daria;
Delorme, Xavier;
Persona, Alessandro;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Heuristic methods to consider rest allowance into assembly balancing problem.
Academic article
Calzavara, Martina;
Persona, Alessandro;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Visentin, Valentina.
A device to monitor fatigue level in order-picking.
Industrial management & data systems
Academic article
Battini, Daria;
Calzavara, Martina;
Persona, Alessandro;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
A method to choose between carton from rack picking or carton from pallet picking.
Computers & industrial engineering
Academic article
Calzavara, Martina;
Persona, Alessandro;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Modelling of Rail Guided Vehicles serving an automated parts-to-picker system.
Academic article
Zuin, Silvia;
Calzavara, Martina;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Persona, Alessandro.
Ultra Wide Band Indoor Positioning System: analysis and testing of an IPS technology.
Academic article
Abdous, Mohammad amine;
Delorme, Xavier;
Battini, Daria;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Berger-douce, Sandrine.
Multi-objective optimization of assembly lines with workers fatigue consideration.
Academic article
Visentin, Valentina;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Calzavara, Martina;
Persona, Alessandro.
Fatigue accumulation in the assignment of manual material handling activities to operators.
Academic article
Battini, Daria;
Calzavara, Martina;
Persona, Alessandro;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Visentin, Valentina;
Zennaro, Ilenia.
Integrating mocap system and immersive reality for efficient human-centred workstation design.
Academic article
Battini, Daria;
Botti, Lucia;
Mora, Cristina;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Ergonomics and human factors in waste collection: analysis and suggestions for the door-to-door method.
Academic article
Zangaro, Francesco;
Battini, Daria;
Calzavara, Martina;
Persona, Alessandro;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
A Model to Optimize the Reference Storage Assignment in a Supermarket to Expedite the Part Feeding Activities.
Academic article
Journal publications
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Chen, Lujie;
Demeter, Krisztina;
Gansterer, Margaretha.
Perspectives on production economics.
International Journal of Production Economics
La Fata, Concetta Manuela;
Micale, Rosa;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Special Issue “ISR: Integrating sustainability issues into risk analysis: challenges and opportunities”.
Sustainable Futures
Dolgui, Alexandre;
Haddou Benderbal, Hichem;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Thevenin, Simon.
Editorial for the special issue: AI and data-driven decisions in manufacturing.
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
Arena, Simone;
Florian, Eleonora;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Sølvsberg, Endre;
Zennaro, Ilenia.
A conceptual framework for machine learning algorithm selection for predictive maintenance.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Academic article
Lolli, Francesco;
Coruzzolo, Antonio Maria;
Forgione, Chiara;
Peron, Mirco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Semiautomatic rapid upper limb assessment methods: validation of AzKRULA.
International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics
Academic article
Moazzeni, Sahar;
Goez, Julio C.;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Collaborative Logistics 4.0 Operations among Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Rural Areas.
Academic article
Lucchese, Andrea;
Digiesi, Salvatore;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Human-centric optimisation in manual picker-to-parts systems: a holistic energy expenditure approach.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Lucchese, Andrea;
Panagou, Sotirios;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Investigating the impact of cognitive assistive technologies on human performance and well-being: an experimental study in assembly and picking tasks.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Marolt, Jakob;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Jimenez, Jesus A.;
Sharotry, Abhimanyu;
Lerher, Tone.
Analytical model and swapping policy assessment of a vertical lift module – buffer integrated storage system.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Jefroy, Niloofar;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
What do we know about material handling in library? An empirical assessment in the Nordic region.
Digital Transformation and Society (DTS)
Academic article
Peron, Mirco;
Coruzzolo, Antonio Maria;
Basten, Rob;
Knofius, Nils;
Lolli, Francesco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Choosing between additive and conventional manufacturing of spare parts: On the impact of failure rate uncertainties and the tools to reduce them.
International Journal of Production Economics
Academic article
Lolli, Francesco;
Coruzzolo, Antonio Maria;
Peron, Mirco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Insourcing additive manufacturing for spare parts production: is it profitable? An extensive analysis and the proposal of a Decision Support System.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Lolli, Francesco;
Coruzzolo, Antonio Maria;
Forgione, Chiara;
Peron, Mirco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Auto-AzKNIOSH: an automatic NIOSH evaluation with Azure Kinect coupled with task recognition.
Academic article
Mostafayi Darmian, Sobhan;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Welo, Torgeir.
A Fisher-Based Framework for the Circular Integration of Product Development and Supply Chain Design.
Academic article
Weerasinghe, Weerasinghe Arachchige Kasuni ;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Performance Analysis for Puzzle-based Movable Racks System with Diagonal Movements.
Academic article
Demiralay, Enes;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Razavi, Nima.
A Framework to Assess the Impact of Recycled or Reused Metal Powder on Circular Additive Manufacturing.
Academic article
Lucchese, Andrea;
Panagou, Sotirios;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Performance Differences in the Ageing Workforce Era: An Experimental Study with Industry 4.0 Assistive Technologies.
Academic article
Fede, Giulia;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Paltrinieri, Nicola.
Integrating production and maintenance planning in process industries using Digital Twin: A literature review.
Academic article
Micheli, Guido;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Varianou-Mikellidou, Cleo.
Ageing with OSHP&ISP − Ageing Workforce: Interaction with Occupational Safety & Health Performance and Industrial Systems Productivity.
Safety Science
Academic article
Aron, Cosmin;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Ballot, Eric;
Ivanov, Dmitry.
Cloud material handling systems: a cyber-physical system to enable dynamic resource allocation and digital Interoperability.
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
Academic article
Jefroy, Niloofar;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Peron, Mirco.
An Appraisal Towards the Technological Improvement of Library Operations Management in Digital Era.
Academic article
Aron, Cosmin;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
The Physical Internet as an Approach for Resilient Logistics Practices: Literature Review and Future Research Avenues.
Academic article
Grosse, Eric H.;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Berlin, Cecilia;
Neumann, W. Patrick.
Human-centric production and logistics system design and management: transitioning from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0.
International Journal of Production Research
Cantini, Alessandra;
Peron, Mirco;
De Carlo, Filippo;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
A data-driven methodology for the periodic review of spare parts supply chain configurations.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Peron, Mirco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Decision support model for implementing assistive technologies in assembly activities: a case study.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Fragapane, Giuseppe;
Ivanov, Dmitry;
Peron, Mirco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Increasing flexibility and productivity in Industry 4.0 production networks with autonomous mobile robots and smart intralogistics.
Annals of Operations Research
Academic article
Abdous, Mohammed-Amine;
Delorme, Xavier;
Battini, Daria;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Berger-Douce, Sandrine.
Assembly line balancing problem with ergonomics: a new fatigue and recovery model.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Arena, Simone;
Tang, Ou;
Peron, Mirco.
Reprint of: Renewable hydrogen supply chains: A planning matrix and an agenda for future research.
International Journal of Production Economics
Academic article
Marolt, Jakob;
Goran, Dukic;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Lerher, Tone.
Optimization model for minimizing totes exchange in VLM and SBS/RS integrated system .
Academic article
Bernard, Alain;
Dolgui, Alexandre;
Benderbal, Hichem Haddou;
Ivanov, Dmitry;
Lemoine, David;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Edited by the people above.
Rahmani, Mina;
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola;
Holm, Mathias.
Towards smart production planning and control; a conceptual framework linking planning environment characteristics with the need for smart production planning and control.
Annual Reviews in Control
Academic article
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Glock, Christoph H.;
Grosse, Eric H.;
Calzavara, Martina;
de Koster, René.
The impact of monetary incentives and regulatory focus on worker productivity and learning in order picking.
International Journal of Operations & Production Management
Academic article
Balcik, Burcu;
Yucesoy, Ecem;
Akca, Berna;
Karakaya, Sirma;
Gevsek, Asena Ayse;
Baharmand, Hossein.
A mathematical model for equitable in-country COVID-19 vaccine allocation.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Simonetto, Marco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Battini, Daria;
Govindan, Kannan.
Closed loop supply chains 4.0: From risks to benefits through advanced technologies. A literature review and research agenda.
International Journal of Production Economics
Academic literature review
Peron, Mirco;
Arena, Simone;
Paltrinieri, Nicola;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Boustras, Georgios.
Risk assessment for handling hazardous substances within the European industry: Available methodologies and research streams.
Risk Analysis
Academic article
Agnusdei, Giulio Paolo;
Gnoni, M.G.;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Govindann, K..
Challenges and perspectives of the Industry 4.0 technologies within the last-mile and first-mile reverse logistics: A systematic literature review.
Research in Transportation Business and Management (RTBM)
Academic article
Agnusdei, Giulio Paolo;
Gnoni, Maria Grazia;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Are deposit-refund systems effective in managing glass packaging? State of the art and future directions in Europe.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Arena, Simone;
Tang, Ou;
Peron, Mirco.
Renewable hydrogen supply chains: A planning matrix and an agenda for future research.
International Journal of Production Economics
Academic article
Peron, Mirco;
Basten, Rob;
knofius, nils;
Lolli, Francesco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Additive or Conventional Manufacturing for Spare Parts: Effect of Failure Rate Uncertainty on the Sourcing Option Decision.
Academic article
Lolli, Francesco;
coruzzolo, antonio;
Peron, Mirco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
On the suitability of insourced Additive Manufacturing for spare parts management.
Academic article
Peron, Mirco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Ivanov, Dmitry;
Dolgui, Alexandre.
Impact of Additive Manufacturing on Supply Chain Resilience During COVID-19 Pandemic.
Springer Series in Supply Chain Management
Book review
Cantini, Alessandra;
Peron, Mirco;
De Carlo, Filippo;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
A decision support system for configuring spare parts supply chains considering different manufacturing technologies.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Dolgui, Alexandre;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Simonetto, Marco.
Design and management of assembly systems 4.0: systematic literature review and research agenda.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Florian, Eleonora;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Zennaro, Ilenia.
Machine learning-based predictive maintenance: A cost-oriented model for implementation.
International Journal of Production Economics
Academic literature review
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Rahmani, Mina;
Oluyisola, Olumide Emmanuel;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Smart production planning and control: do all planning environments need to be smart?.
Academic article
Fragapane, Giuseppe;
Koster, Rene de;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Planning and control of autonomous mobile robots for intralogistics: Literature review and research agenda.
European Journal of Operational Research
Academic article
Oluyisola, Olumide Emmanuel;
Bhalla, Swapnil;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Designing and developing smart production planning and control systems in the industry 4.0 era: a methodology and case study.
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
Academic article
Bhalla, Swapnil;
Alfnes, Erlend;
Hvolby, Hans-Henrik;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Advances in Spare Parts Classification and Forecasting for Inventory Control: A Literature Review.
Academic literature review
Arena, Simone;
Florian, Eleonora;
Zennaro, Ilenia;
Orru', Pierfrancesco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
A novel decision support system for managing predictive maintenance strategies based on machine learning approaches.
Safety Science
Academic article
Peron, Mirco;
Alfnes, Erlend;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Learning Through Action: On the Use of Logistics4.0 Lab as Learning Developer.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
Peron, Mirco;
knofius, nils;
Basten, Rob;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Impact of Failure Rate Uncertainties on the Implementation of Additive Manufacturing in Spare Parts Supply Chains.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
Peron, Mirco;
Arena, Simone;
Micheli, Guido;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
A decision support system for designing win–win interventions impacting occupational safety and operational performance in ageing workforce contexts.
Safety Science
Academic article
Lolli, Francesco;
coruzzolo, antonio;
Peron, Mirco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Age-based preventive maintenance with multiple printing options.
International Journal of Production Economics
Academic article
Calzavara, Martina;
Finco, Serena;
Battini, Daria;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Persona, Alessandro.
A Joint Assembly Line Balancing and Feeding Problem (JALBFP) considering direct and indirect supply strategies.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Vijayakumar, Vivek;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
A literature review on the level of automation in picker-to-parts order picking system: research opportunities.
Academic literature review
Leoni, Leonardo;
De Carlo, Filippo;
Paltrinieri, Nicola;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
BahooToroody, Ahmad.
On risk-based maintenance: A comprehensive review of three approaches to track the impact of consequence modelling for predicting maintenance actions.
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
Academic article
Vijayakumar, Vivek;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Neumann, W. Patrick;
Sobhani, Ahmad.
Framework for incorporating human factors into production and logistics systems.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Leoni, Leonardo;
BahooToroody, Ahmad;
Abaei, Mohammed Mahdi;
De Carlo, Filippo;
Paltrinieri, Nicola;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
On hierarchical bayesian based predictive maintenance of autonomous natural gas regulating operations.
Process Safety and Environmental Protection (PSEP)
Academic article
Buer, Sven-Vegard;
Semini, Marco;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
The complementary effect of lean manufacturing and digitalisation on operational performance.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Peron, Mirco;
Lolli, Francesco;
Balugani, Elia.
Conventional or additive manufacturing for spare parts management: An extensive comparison for Poisson demand.
International Journal of Production Economics
Academic article
Fragapane, Giuseppe;
Hvolby, Hans-Henrik;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Autonomous mobile robots in sterile instrument logistics: An evaluation of the material handling system for a strategic fit framework.
Production planning & control (Print)
Academic article
Fager, Patrik;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Calzavara, Martina.
Cost modelling of onboard cobot-supported item sorting in a picking system
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Finco, Serena;
Calzavara, Martina;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Zennaro, Ilenia.
Including rest allowance in mixed-model assembly lines
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Calzavara, Martina;
Battini, Daria;
Bogataj, David;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Zennaro, Ilenia.
Ageing workforce management in manufacturing systems: state of the art and future research agenda.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Finco, Serena;
Battini, Daria;
Delorme, Xavier;
Persona, Alessandro;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Workers’ rest allowance and smoothing of the workload in assembly lines.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Zennaro, Ilenia;
Florian, Eleonora;
Calzavara, Martina.
Age replacement policy in the case of no data: the effect of Weibull parameter estimation.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Romsdal, Anita;
Johannson, Finn Hartvig;
Krogen, Torbjørn.
Robot picker solution in order picking systems: an ergo-zoning approach.
Academic article
Leoni, Leonardo;
De Carlo, Filippo;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Paltrinieri, Nicola.
Comparison of risk-based maintenance approaches applied to a natural gas regulating and metering station.
Chemical Engineering Transactions
Academic article
Fager, Patrik;
Calzavara, Martina;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Modelling time efficiency of cobot-supported kit preparation.
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Academic article
Oluyisola, Olumide Emmanuel;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Smart Production Planning and Control: Concept, Use-Cases and Sustainability Implications
Academic article
Peron, Mirco;
Fragapane, Giuseppe;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Kay, Michael.
Digital Facility Layout Planning.
Academic article
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Grosse, Eric H.;
Neumann, W. Patrick;
Battini, Daria;
Glock, Christoph H..
Human factors in production and logistics systems of the future.
Annual Reviews in Control
Academic literature review
Botti, Lucia;
Battini, Daria;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Mora, Cristina.
Door-to-door waste collection: Analysis and recommendations for improving ergonomics in an Italian case study.
Waste Management
Academic article
Battini, Daria;
Persona, Alessandro;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Erratum to: “A sustainable EOQ model: Theoretical formulation and applications” [Int. J. Prod. Econ. 149 2014 145–153]
International Journal of Production Economics
Battini, Daria;
Zennaro, Ilenia;
Aldrighetti, Riccardo;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Centralised healthcare supply networks for efficient and sustainable drug management: An Italian case study
International Journal of Integrated Supply Management
Academic article
Calzavara, Martina;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Persona, Alessandro.
Vertical Lift Modules for small items order picking: an economic evaluation.
International Journal of Production Economics
Academic article
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Calzavara, Martina;
Persona, Alessandro.
Throughput models for a dual-bay VLM order picking system under different configurations.
Industrial management & data systems
Academic article
Calzavara, Martina;
Persona, Alessandro;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Visentin, Valentina.
A model for rest allowance estimation to improve tasks assignment to operators.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Calzavara, Martina;
Glock, Christoph;
Grosse, Eric H.;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
An integrated storage assignment method for manual order picking warehouses considering cost, workload and posture.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Fragapane, Giuseppe;
Zhang, Cevin;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
An Agent-Based Simulation Approach To Model Hospital Logistics.
International Journal of Simulation Modelling
Academic article
Fager, Patrik;
Calzavara, Martina;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Kit preparation with cobot-supported sorting in mixed model assembly.
Academic article
Fontana Granotto, Giovanni;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Glock, Christoph;
Grosse, Eric H..
The effect of worker fatigue on the performance of a bucket brigade order picking system.
Academic article
Winkelhaus, Sven;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Calzavara, Martina;
Grosse, Eric H..
The effects of human fatigue on learning in order picking: an explorative experimental investigation.
Academic article
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Zennaro, Ilenia;
Florian, Eleonora;
Persona, Alessandro.
Impacts of weibull parameters estimation on preventive maintenance cost.
Academic article
Battaia, Olga;
Otto, Alena;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Pesch, Erwin.
Future trends in Management and Operation of Assembly Systems: From customized assembly systems to cyber-physical systems.
Omega. The International Journal of Management Science
Zennaro, Ilenia;
Battini, Daria;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Persona, Alessandro;
De Marchi, Rosario.
Micro downtime: Data collection, analysis and impact on OEE in bottling lines the San Benedetto case study.
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management
Academic article
Battini, Daria;
Calzavara, Martina;
Isolan, Ilaria;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Zangaro, Francesco.
Sustainability in Material Purchasing: A Multi-Objective Economic Order Quantity Model under Carbon Trading.
Academic article
Finco, Serena;
Battini, Daria;
Delorme, Xavier;
Persona, Alessandro;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Heuristic methods to consider rest allowance into assembly balancing problem.
Academic article
Calzavara, Martina;
Persona, Alessandro;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Visentin, Valentina.
A device to monitor fatigue level in order-picking.
Industrial management & data systems
Academic article
Battini, Daria;
Calzavara, Martina;
Persona, Alessandro;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
A method to choose between carton from rack picking or carton from pallet picking.
Computers & industrial engineering
Academic article
Calzavara, Martina;
Persona, Alessandro;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Modelling of Rail Guided Vehicles serving an automated parts-to-picker system.
Academic article
Zuin, Silvia;
Calzavara, Martina;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Persona, Alessandro.
Ultra Wide Band Indoor Positioning System: analysis and testing of an IPS technology.
Academic article
Abdous, Mohammad amine;
Delorme, Xavier;
Battini, Daria;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Berger-douce, Sandrine.
Multi-objective optimization of assembly lines with workers fatigue consideration.
Academic article
Visentin, Valentina;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Calzavara, Martina;
Persona, Alessandro.
Fatigue accumulation in the assignment of manual material handling activities to operators.
Academic article
Battini, Daria;
Calzavara, Martina;
Persona, Alessandro;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Visentin, Valentina;
Zennaro, Ilenia.
Integrating mocap system and immersive reality for efficient human-centred workstation design.
Academic article
Battini, Daria;
Botti, Lucia;
Mora, Cristina;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Ergonomics and human factors in waste collection: analysis and suggestions for the door-to-door method.
Academic article
Zangaro, Francesco;
Battini, Daria;
Calzavara, Martina;
Persona, Alessandro;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
A Model to Optimize the Reference Storage Assignment in a Supermarket to Expedite the Part Feeding Activities.
Academic article
Part of book/report
Fragapane, Giuseppe;
Koster, Rene de;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Autonomous Mobile Robots for Material Handling in Intralogistics.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lerher, Tone;
Marolt, Jakob;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Ekren, Banu;
Dukic, Goran.
Design and Operation of Single- and Multi-deep Shuttle-Based Storage and Retrieval Systems (SBS/RS).
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mourtzis, Dimitris;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Operations management and information systems for smart manufacturing.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Weerasinghe, Weerasinghe Arachchige Kasuni ;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Lobov, Andrei.
Model-Based System Engineering Approach to Design Customized Puzzle-Based Movable Rack Systems.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jefroy, Niloofar;
Lepre, Chiara;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Murino, Teresa.
A Simulation Study for Integrating Library Material Handling with Autonomous Mobile Robots.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ngo, Thi Thao Uyen;
Alfnes, Erlend;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Semini, Marco Giovanni.
Construction Logistics Conceptualization: A Comprehensive Framework and Existing Challenges.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nguyen, Phu;
Ivanov, Dmitry;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
A Digital Twin–Based Approach to Reinforce Supply Chain Resilience: Simulation of Semiconductor Shortages.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mostafayi Darmian, Sobhan;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Welo, Torgeir.
Integrating Closed-Loop Supply Chain Design-Planning into Product Development: A Systematic Literature Review.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Prathapage, Hiran;
Ivanov, Dmitry;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Product Recovery Options in Closed Loop Supply Chain Networks: A Literature Review.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vijayakumar, Vivek;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
The Impact of the Design Decisions of an Order Picking System on Human Factors Aspects of the Order Pickers.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sølvsberg, Endre;
Arena, Simone;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Schjølberg, Per.
Identifying Customer Returns in a Printed Circuit Board Production Line Using the Mahalanobis Distance.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Adelfio, Luca;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Leone, Rosanna;
Giada, La Scalia.
Life Cycle Assessment of Red Mud-Based Geopolymer Production at Industrial Scale.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jefroy, Niloofar;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Nyland, Bjørn Tore;
Sorheim, Arild.
An Investigation into Technological Potentials of Library Intralogistics Operations.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Weerasinghe, Kasuni Vimasha;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Fede, Giulia.
Optimal Class-Based Storage System with Diagonal Movements.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Weerasinghe, Kasuni Vimasha;
Lobov, Andrei;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Tingelstad, Lars.
On Analysis of Puzzle-Based Warehouse Systems Using Modular Petri Nets.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rahmani, Mina;
Romsdal, Anita;
Syversen, Øyvind;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Production scheduling using production feedback data; an illustrative case study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rahmani, Mina;
Syversen, Øyvind;
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Smart production planning and control; concept for improving planning quality with production feedback data.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peron, Mirco;
Alfnes, Erlend;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Kanban System in Industry 4.0 Era: A Systematic Literature Review.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Romsdal, Anita;
Oluyisola, Olumide Emmanuel;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Digitalization in production and warehousing in food supply chains.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fragapane, Giuseppe;
Roy, Debjit;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Planning Autonomous Material Transportation in Hospitals.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Simonetto, Marco;
Peron, Mirco;
Fragapane, Giuseppe;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Digital Assembly Assistance System in Industry 4.0 Era: A Case Study with Projected Augmented Reality.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peron, Mirco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Additive Manufacturing and Spare Parts: Literature Review and Future Perspectives.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peron, Mirco;
Alfnes, Erlend;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Best Practices of Just-in-Time 4.0: Multi Case Study Analysis.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Simonetto, Marco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Straight and U-Shaped Assembly Lines in Industry 4.0 Era: Factors Influencing Their Implementation.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Peron, Mirco;
Fragapane, Giuseppe.
Cloud Material Handling Systems: Conceptual Model and Cloud-Based Scheduling of Handling Activities.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fragapane, Giuseppe;
Hvolby, Hans-Henrik;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Autonomous Mobile Robots in Hospital Logistics.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Simonetto, Marco;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Introduction to Material Feeding 4.0: Strategic, Tactical, and Operational Impact.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vijayakumar, Vivek;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Tools for Evaluating Human Factor Aspects in Production and Logistics System.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Battini, Daria;
Finco, Serena;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Human-oriented assembly line balancing and sequencing model in the industry 4.0 era
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Flaarønning, Haakon Trøstheim;
Løvhaugen, Espen Birkeland.
Investigating the use of point of sales data in dynamic lot sizing for new product launches.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Bedoya, Yenny Lizeth Victoria.
Dynamic lot-sizing model for new product launches.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Cherrie, Emma Elisabeth Farstad;
Aasheim, Sofie.
Dynamic storage location assignment using operator idle time for reshuffling of goods in a manually operated warehouse.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Olsen, Sindre Eide.
Potential benefits of information sharing for a producer in the Norwegian food supply chain.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Peron, Mirco;
Mikkelsen, Axel Vislie;
Dahl, August Heiervang.
Cloud material handling system; leveraging dynamic dispatching and reinforcement learning in a cloud-enabled shop floor material handling system.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Pannu, Sherveer Singh.
Dynamic classification of fast-moving consumer goods in warehouses using forecasting for a third-party logistics provider.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Byfuglien, Sivert.
An investigation of the storage location assignment problem under dynamic conditions using simulation-based modeling.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Bakke, Sondre Martin.
The use of modelling to support production scheduling in the food processing industry.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Peron, Mirco;
Andersen, Vegard Jensås.
Intralogistics system design with autonomous mobile robots.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Oluyisola, Olumide Emmanuel;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Semini, Marco.
Towards Smart Production Planning and Control: Frameworks and case studies investigating the enhancement of production planning and control using internet-of-things, data analytics and machine learning.
Doctoral dissertation
Lindstad, Espen Ohnstad;
Romsdal, Anita;
Sgarbossa, Fabio.
Warehouse zoning in picker-to-parts semi-automated warehouses.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Domínguez, Marta Magán;
Sgarbossa, Fabio;
Fragapane, Giuseppe.
Evaluation of automating the material handling system in a confectionery factory.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
- PK6019 - Maintenance Management
- TPK4164 - Shipbuilding and Customized Manufacturing
- TPK4131 - Design of Industrial Logistics Systems
- TPK4165 - ERP and PLM Systems
- TPK4430 - Production Management and Logistics
- TPK4530 - Production Management, Specialization Project
- PK6028 - Production and Supply Chain Management
- PK8202 - Analysis and Modelling for Sustainable Manufacturing and Logistics
- PK8001 - Models and Approaches for Logistics 4.0
- TPK4190 - Manufacturing Technology
- TPK4191 - Production optimization and control
- TMM4128 - Machine Learning for Engineers
- TPK4930 - Production Management, Master's Thesis
Academic lectureBaharmand, Hossein; Sgarbossa, Fabio; Piotrowicz, Wojciech; Ntayi, Joseph; Widera, Adam. (2021) (Digital) Technology in Cash-based Assistance in Refugee Crises. Hanken School of Economics EURO HOpe 2021 , Helsinki 2021-11-24 - 2021-11-25
Academic lectureSgarbossa, Fabio. (2018) Production Logistics in the I4.0 era. 15th International Material Handling Research Colloquium (IMHRC 2018) 2018-07-22 - 2018-07-26
Academic lectureSgarbossa, Fabio; Calzavara, Martina; Persona, Alessandro. (2018) Economic and performance analysis of dual-bay Vertical Lift Modules. 15th International Material Handling Research Colloquium (IMHRC 2018) 2018-07-22 - 2018-07-26
Academic lectureSgarbossa, Fabio; Zuin, Silvia; Calzavara, Martina; Persona, Alessandro. (2018) State of the art on design and management of material handling systems. 23rd Summer School "Francesco Turco" - Industrial Systems Engineering 2018 2018-09-12 - 2018-09-14