Geir Helge Kiplesund
Dezert, Theo;
Kiplesund, Geir Helge;
Sigtryggsdottir, Fjola Gudrun.
Parametric Breach Model Evaluation from Laboratory Rockfill Dam Models under Overtopping Conditions.
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Academic article
Kiplesund, Geir Helge;
Sigtryggsdottir, Fjola Gudrun;
Lia, Leif.
Breach Progression Observation in Rockfill Dam Models Using Photogrammetry.
Remote Sensing
Academic article
Dezert, Theo;
Kiplesund, Geir Helge;
Sigtryggsdottir, Fjola Gudrun.
Riprap Protection Exposed to Overtopping Phenomena: A Review of Laboratory Experimental Models.
Academic article
Smith, Nils Solheim;
Kiplesund, Geir Helge;
Hiriyanna Rao Ravindra, Ganesh;
Rokstad, Marius Møller;
Sigtryggsdottir, Fjola Gudrun.
Physical and numerical research on rockfill dams subjected to throughflow due to core overtopping.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kiplesund, Geir Helge;
Sigtryggsdottir, Fjola Gudrun.
Laboratory Investigations into Stability and Breaching of Rockfill Dams Using Dynamic Structure from Motion.
Proceedings of the IAHR World Congress
Academic article
Sigurjónsson, Styrmir;
Sigtryggsdottir, Fjola Gudrun;
Kiplesund, Geir Helge.
Pertinence of parametric based breach models for rockfill dams.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kiplesund, Geir Helge;
Sigtryggsdottir, Fjola Gudrun.
Laboratory Investigations into Stability and Breaching of Rockfill Dams.
Publications of the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, C
Kiplesund, Geir Helge;
Hiriyanna Rao Ravindra, Ganesh;
Rokstad, Marius Møller;
Sigtryggsdottir, Fjola Gudrun.
Effects of toe configuration on throughflow properties of rockfill dams.
Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research
Academic article
Kiplesund, Geir Helge;
Strokkenes, Stig Arne;
Johnsborg, Hilde Bruheim;
Osen, Randi;
Thomassen, Gaute.
Typeeksempler på ombygging av dammer i små
nedbørfelt for flomdemping.
Norges Vassdrags og Energidirektorat
Kraabøl, Morten;
Gregersen, Finn;
Kiplesund, Geir Helge.
Restaurering av gyteområde for storørret ved Harpe
bru i Gudbrandsdalslågen.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Kraabøl, Morten;
Gregersen, Finn;
Kiplesund, Geir Helge.
Restaurering av gyteområde for storørret ved Harpe bru i Gudbrandsdalslågen. Situasjonsbeskrivelse og forslag til restaureringsplan.
NINA rapport (1224)
Journal publications
Dezert, Theo;
Kiplesund, Geir Helge;
Sigtryggsdottir, Fjola Gudrun.
Parametric Breach Model Evaluation from Laboratory Rockfill Dam Models under Overtopping Conditions.
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Academic article
Kiplesund, Geir Helge;
Sigtryggsdottir, Fjola Gudrun;
Lia, Leif.
Breach Progression Observation in Rockfill Dam Models Using Photogrammetry.
Remote Sensing
Academic article
Dezert, Theo;
Kiplesund, Geir Helge;
Sigtryggsdottir, Fjola Gudrun.
Riprap Protection Exposed to Overtopping Phenomena: A Review of Laboratory Experimental Models.
Academic article
Kiplesund, Geir Helge;
Sigtryggsdottir, Fjola Gudrun.
Laboratory Investigations into Stability and Breaching of Rockfill Dams Using Dynamic Structure from Motion.
Proceedings of the IAHR World Congress
Academic article
Kiplesund, Geir Helge;
Sigtryggsdottir, Fjola Gudrun.
Laboratory Investigations into Stability and Breaching of Rockfill Dams.
Publications of the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, C
Kiplesund, Geir Helge;
Hiriyanna Rao Ravindra, Ganesh;
Rokstad, Marius Møller;
Sigtryggsdottir, Fjola Gudrun.
Effects of toe configuration on throughflow properties of rockfill dams.
Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research
Academic article
Kraabøl, Morten;
Gregersen, Finn;
Kiplesund, Geir Helge.
Restaurering av gyteområde for storørret ved Harpe
bru i Gudbrandsdalslågen.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Part of book/report
Smith, Nils Solheim;
Kiplesund, Geir Helge;
Hiriyanna Rao Ravindra, Ganesh;
Rokstad, Marius Møller;
Sigtryggsdottir, Fjola Gudrun.
Physical and numerical research on rockfill dams subjected to throughflow due to core overtopping.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sigurjónsson, Styrmir;
Sigtryggsdottir, Fjola Gudrun;
Kiplesund, Geir Helge.
Pertinence of parametric based breach models for rockfill dams.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kiplesund, Geir Helge;
Strokkenes, Stig Arne;
Johnsborg, Hilde Bruheim;
Osen, Randi;
Thomassen, Gaute.
Typeeksempler på ombygging av dammer i små
nedbørfelt for flomdemping.
Norges Vassdrags og Energidirektorat
Kraabøl, Morten;
Gregersen, Finn;
Kiplesund, Geir Helge.
Restaurering av gyteområde for storørret ved Harpe bru i Gudbrandsdalslågen. Situasjonsbeskrivelse og forslag til restaureringsplan.
NINA rapport (1224)
Academic lectureDezert, Theo; Kiplesund, Geir Helge; Sigtryggsdottir, Fjola Gudrun. (2023) Parametric breach models evaluation from laboratory rockfill dam overtopping. SWEDCOLD ICOLD Symposium Proceedings Management for Safe Dams , Gothenburg 2023-06-13 - 2023-06-14
LectureKiplesund, Geir Helge. (2022) Overtopping of rockfill dams. Multiconsult Norge AS God forskermorgen , online 2022-06-10 - 2022-06-10
Academic lectureKiplesund, Geir Helge; Almestad, Christian; Ruud, Anne Marit. (2018) Towards a more detailed evaluation of the consequences of dam failure and a more realistic dam safety classification. The international journal on hydropower and dams Hydro 2018 , Gdansk 2018-10-15 - 2018-10-17
Academic lectureKiplesund, Geir Helge; Diep-Lynne, Anders; Bjerke, André Aune. (2017) Understanding why hydropower plants in general and small hydropower plants in particular often fail to deliver the expected power production. The international journal on hydropower and dams Hydro 2017 , Sevilla 2017-10-09 - 2017-10-11