Giulia Vergerio
Giulia Vergerio (1992) is a Researcher/Project manager in the Smart Sustainable Cities group at the department of Architecture and Planning (IAP) at NTNU.
She has a Master in Architecture, Construction, City from Politecnico di Torino (Italy), where she joined the Ph.D. program in Energetics in 2018. She conducted an interdepartmental project at the Energy Center Lab, involving the departments of Energy (DENERG) and Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST), and defended her thesis in 2022, with the title: "Data-driven building performance evaluation at different scales. Innovative metrics and methodological insights". After her PhD she has been a Postdoc fellow at NTNU, working in the context of the FME ZEN Research Centre.
Her research is devoted to:
- multi-domain building performance assessment for informed decision-making
- sustainable neighbourhoods
- planning and building processes
- success factors and challenges in ambitious projects
- stakeholders roles
During her career she was involved in both local and international projects, and she has been teaching assistent, supervisor, and tutor for bachelor and master students.
Listed by type and year of publication (from most recent to least).
Journal articles – first author:
- Vergerio, G., Becchio, C., 2022. Pursuing occupants’ health and well-being in building management: Definition of new metrics based on indoor air parameters. Build. Environ. 223.
- Vergerio, G., Becchio, C., Delmastro, C., Lanzini, A., Corgnati, S.P., Borchiellini, R., 2018. A decision- making process to support public administrations in defining local energy policies. Therm. Sci. Eng. Prog. 6, pp. 398–409.
Conference proceedings – first author:
- Vergerio, G. (presenter), Cavana, G., Dell’Anna, F., Becchio, C., Viazzo, S., Bottero, M., 2022. A Multi-criteria and Multi-domain Model to Support the Comprehensive Assessment of Building Performance, in: Calabrò F., Della Spina L., Piñeira Mantiñán M.J. (Eds.), Lect. Notes Networks Syst., Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, pp. 1752–1761. Presented at the 5th International Symposium on New Metropolitan Perspectives, NMP 2022, 25-27 May 2022, Reggio Calabria, Italy.
- Vergerio, G. (presenter), Becchio, C., Bottero, M., Corgnati, S.P., 2021. A methodological framework for the economic assessment of ICT-tools for occupants’ engagement, in: Bevilacqua C., Calabrò F., Della Spina L. (Eds.), Smart Innov. Syst. Technol., Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, pp. 1198–1207. Presented at the 4th International Symposium on New Metropolitan Perspectives, NMP 2020, 26-28 May 2020, Reggio Calabria, Italy.
- Vergerio, G., Viazzo, S., Becchio, C., Corgnati, S.P., 2019. An energy-financial decision-making tool for planning building retrofit based on basic input data. Presented at the 4th Energy for Sustainability International Conference - Designing a Sustainable Future, 24-26 July 2019, Turin, Italy.
Journal articles – co-author:
- Abbà, I., Crespi, G., Vergerio, G., Becchio, C., Corgnati, S.P., 2024. Key Performance Indicators for Decision Support in Building Retrofit Planning: An Italian Case Study. Energies 17.
- Khovalyg, D., Berquand, C.A., Vergerio, G., Barthelmes, V.M., Chatterjee, A., Becchio, C., Licina, D., 2023. Energy, SBS symptoms, and productivity in Swiss open-space offices: Economic evaluation of standard, actual, and optimum scenarios. Build. Environ. 242.
- André, M., Bandurski, K., Bandyopadhyay, A., Bavaresco, M., Buonocore, C., de Castro, L., Hahn, J., Kane, M., Lingua, C., Pioppi, B., Piselli, C., Spigliantini, G., Vergerio, G., Lamberts, R., 2023. Practical differences in operating buildings across countries and climate zones: Perspectives of building managers/operators. Energy Build. 278.
- Dell’Anna, F., Pederiva, G., Vergerio, G., Becchio, C., Bottero, M., 2023. Supporting sustainability projects at neighbourhood scale: Green visions for the San Salvario district in Turin guided by a combined assessment framework. J. Clean. Prod. 384.
- Dell’anna, F., Vergerio, G., Corgnati, S., Mondini, G., 2019. A new price list for retrofit intervention evaluation on some archetypical buildings. Valori Valutazioni 2019, pp. 3–17.
Conference proceedings – co- author:
- Becchio, C., Bottero, M., Corgnati, S.P., Dell’Anna, F., Delmastro, C., Pesce, E., Vergerio, G. (presenter), 2019. A cost-benefit analysis based model to evaluate the retrofit of a reference district, in: Corrado V., Fabrizio E., Gasparella A., Patuzzi F. (Eds.), Build. Simul. Conf. Proc., International Building Performance Simulation Association, pp. 3516–3523. Presented at the Building Simulation 2019, 2-4 September 2019, Rome, Italy.
- Becchio, C., Bottero, M., Corgnati, S.P., Dell’Anna, F., Pederiva, G., Vergerio, G. (presenter), 2019. A composite decision support system for assessing transformation scenarios at the district level. Presented at the 4th Energy for Sustainability International Conference - Designing a Sustainable Future, 24-26 Luglio 2019, Turin, Italy.
- Becchio, C., Bottero, M., Corgnati, S., Dell’Anna, F., Vergerio, G., 2021. Energy audit and multi-criteria decision analysis to identify sustainable strategies in the university campuses: Application to Politecnico di Torino, in: Bevilacqua C., Calabrò F., Della Spina L. (Eds.), Smart Innov. Syst. Technol., Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, pp. 1187–1197. Presented at the 4th International Symposium on New Metropolitan Perspectives, NMP 2020, 26-28 May 2020, Reggio Calabria, Italy.
- Becchio, C., Bottero, M.C., Corgnati, S.P., Dell’Anna, F., Pederiva, G., Vergerio, G., 2021. Proposal for an Integrated Approach to Support Urban Sustainability: The COSIMA Method Applied to Eco-Districts, in: Bisello A., Vettorato D., Haarstad H., Borsboom-van Beurden J. (Eds.), Green Energy and Technology. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, pp. 37–47. Presented at the 3rd International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions, SSPCR 2019, 9-13 December 2019, Bolzano, Italy.
- Lițiu, A.V., Barthelmes, V.M., Becchio, C., Fabi, V., Tarantini, M., Vergerio, G., Corgnati, S.P., Martinac, I., 2019. Graphical visualization of behavioural patterns in relation to indoor environment quality and energy use, in: Kurnitski J., Wargocki P., Mazzarela L., Zhang H., Nastase I., Tanabe S.-I., Gameiro da Silva M.C., Cao G., Inard C. (Eds.), E3S Web Conf., EDP Sciences. Presented at the 13th REHVA World Congress, CLIMA 2019, 26-29 May 2019, Bucharest, Romania.
Contribution in Books:
- Becchio, C., Bottero, M., Bravi, M., Corgnati, S., Dell’Anna, F., Mondini, G., Vergerio, G., 2020. Integrated assessments and energy retrofit: The contribution of the energy center lab of the Politecnico di Torino, in: Green Energy and Technology. Springer, pp. 365–384.
Projects Reports/Deliverables:
- Vergerio, G.; Knotten, V. (2024) Ensuring ambitious goals: Barrier and good practices in the planning and building process. SINTEF akademisk forlag ZEN Report (54)
- Vergerio, G.; Collins, D. (2024) BREEAM Communities and ZEN Definition at a glance. A qualitative comparison and what we can learn. SINTEF akademisk forlag ZEN Memo (56)
- Vergerio, G.; Kandpal, B.; Backe, S. (2024) Who should own the PV? Assessment of ownership structures for local energy production in zero emission neighbourhoods. SINTEF akademisk forlag ZEN Report (55)
- Barthelmes V. M., Becchio C., Fabi V., Lițiu A. V., Vergerio G., Corgnati S.P. (2018). MOBISTYLE D3.3 - Evaluation method to test the effectiveness of the combined feedback campaigns. H2020 MOBISTYLE Public Deliverable.
- Vetršek J., Podjed D., Pretnar A., van Delft A., Becchio C., Vergerio G., Sapalski A., Tisov A., Arabsolgar D., Heiselberg P. (2020). MOBISTYLE D6.3 - Evaluation on the effectiveness of the combined information and feedback campaigns. H2020 MOBISTYLE Public Deliverable.
- Bompard, E.; Botterud, A.; Corgnati, S. P.; Leone, P.; Mauro, S.; Montesano, G.; Papa, C.; Profumo, F.; Grosso, D.; Huang, T.; Delmastro, C.; Jafari, M.; Crespi, G.; Abbà, I.; Becchio, C.; Vergerio, G.; Viazzo, S.; Rosciarelli, L.; Battocchio, T.; Gaidano, M.; Fragno, M. S.; Armiento, M.; Napoli, C.; Di Rosa, D. (2020). Electrity Italy. Fondazione Centro Studi Enel, Torino, P. 238. ISBN: 9788885745421
- Capozzoli A., Corgnati S. P., Brandi S., Mazzarelli D. M., Vergerio G., Viazzo S. (2018). Caratterizzazione Della Prestazione E Della Gestione Energetica Di Edifici Residenziali Pilota. Report Ricerca di Sistema Elettrico RdS/PAR2018/026.
Vergerio, Giulia;
Knotten, Vegard.
What does it take to meet zen goals? A framework to support ZEN realization.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (72)
Vergerio, Giulia;
Kandpal, Bakul;
Backe, Stian.
Who should own the PV? Assessment of ownership structures for local energy production in zero emission neighbourhoods.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (55)
Vergerio, Giulia;
Knotten, Vegard.
Ensuring ambitious goals: Barrier and good practices in the planning and building process.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (54)
Vergerio, Giulia;
Collins, Dave.
BREEAM Communities and ZEN Definition at a glance. A qualitative comparison and what we can learn.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Memo (56)
Rokseth, Lillian Sve;
Vergerio, Giulia;
Bø, Lars Arne.
Prosessveileder for ZEN .
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (70)
Ramirez, Victor Andreu Banuls;
Shen, Haiping;
Campagna, Laura;
Vergerio, Giulia;
Backe, Stian.
ZEN and District heating: Tensions and opportunities.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Memo (60)
Knotten, Vegard;
Vergerio, Giulia.
Klare mål og samarbeid er viktig for å lykkes med
nullutslippsprosjekter. Det viser erfaringer fra flere klimaambisiøse prosjekter.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Vergerio, Giulia;
Knotten, Vegard.
Perspectives on ambitious goals and collaboration.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (65)
Journal publications
Knotten, Vegard;
Vergerio, Giulia.
Klare mål og samarbeid er viktig for å lykkes med
nullutslippsprosjekter. Det viser erfaringer fra flere klimaambisiøse prosjekter.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Vergerio, Giulia;
Knotten, Vegard.
What does it take to meet zen goals? A framework to support ZEN realization.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (72)
Vergerio, Giulia;
Kandpal, Bakul;
Backe, Stian.
Who should own the PV? Assessment of ownership structures for local energy production in zero emission neighbourhoods.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (55)
Vergerio, Giulia;
Knotten, Vegard.
Ensuring ambitious goals: Barrier and good practices in the planning and building process.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (54)
Vergerio, Giulia;
Collins, Dave.
BREEAM Communities and ZEN Definition at a glance. A qualitative comparison and what we can learn.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Memo (56)
Rokseth, Lillian Sve;
Vergerio, Giulia;
Bø, Lars Arne.
Prosessveileder for ZEN .
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (70)
Ramirez, Victor Andreu Banuls;
Shen, Haiping;
Campagna, Laura;
Vergerio, Giulia;
Backe, Stian.
ZEN and District heating: Tensions and opportunities.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Memo (60)
Vergerio, Giulia;
Knotten, Vegard.
Perspectives on ambitious goals and collaboration.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (65)
InterviewKnotten, Vegard; Vergerio, Giulia. (2024) Ambisiøse energimål kan sikres ved hjelp av en god byggeprosess. Byggfakta Nyheter Byggfakta Nyheter [Internet] 2024-03-18
InterviewKnotten, Vegard; Vergerio, Giulia. (2024) Ambisiøse energimål kan sikres ved hjelp av en god byggeprosess. Fremtidens Byggenæring Fremtidens Byggenæring [Internet] 2024-03-19