Head of the National Center for STEM Recruitment which is organized as at IE faculty administration.
NSR has our own offers aimed at young people; ENT3R, rollemodell.no, velgriktig.no, and is a partner in Girl Tech Fest and Girls and Technology. In addition, the center works strategically with the higher education sector nationally and has high competence in what motivates young people to study science and technology. Collaboration with businesses and other organizations with interests in increased recruitment to the STEM subjects is key.
In addition to the higher education sector, the target groups for the work at the center are students from primary school to upper secondary school, parents, teachers, counselors and school owners, who all play an important role in the work of strengthening young people's science capital and choice skills.
NSR is also a platform partner in the EU STEM Coalion, a European network and knowledge hub for data, analyzer and sharing of best practices for collaboration between educational institutions, companies and authorities.