Halvard Buhaug
Halvard Buhaug is Research Professor at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and Professor of Political Science at NTNU. Research interests include security implications of climate change and related processes linked to loss of food securty, economic shock, forced migration, and natural disasters. See www.prio.org/staff/halvard for details.
Vestby, Jonas;
Schutte, Sebastian;
Tollefsen, Andreas Forø;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Societal determinants of flood-induced displacement.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Global Security Challenges of Climate Change.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Erdal, Marta Bivand;
Aslany, Maryam;
Tollefsen, Andreas Forø;
Mjelva, Mathilde Bålsrud;
Carling, Jørgen;
Sommerfelt, Tone.
Migration drivers across time and space: selected examples.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gilmore, Elisabeth A;
Wrathall, David;
Adams, Helen;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Castellanos, Edwin;
Hilmi, Nathalie.
Defining severe risks related to mobility from climate change.
Climate Risk Management
Academic article
Skramstad, Laila;
Tollefsen, Andreas Forø;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Migrant Exposure and Individual-Level Trust: First Impressions from a Systematic Literature Review.
PRIO Paper (7)
Buhaug, Halvard.
What is in a number? Some reflections on disaster
displacement modelling.
International migration
Short communication
Buhaug, Halvard;
Coning, Cedric de;
von Uexkull, Nina.
Should the Security Council Engage with Implications of Climate Change? Let’s Look at the Scientific Evidence.
Global Observatory (IPI)
Popular scientific article
O'Neill, Brian;
van Aalst, Maarten;
Ibrahim, Zelina Zaiton;
Ford, Lea Berrang;
Bhadval, Suruchi;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Key Risks Across Sectors and Regions.
Cambridge University Press
Thomson, Henry;
Bahgat, Karim;
Urdal, Henrik;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Urban Social Disorder 3.0: A global, city-level event dataset of political mobilization and disorder.
Journal of Peace Research
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Benjaminsen, Tor A;
Gilmore, Elisabeth;
Hendrix, Cullen S..
Climate-driven risks to peace over the 21st century.
Climate Risk Management
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Armed conflict and climate change: How these two threats play out in Africa.
The Conversation
Feature article
Vestby, Jonas;
Tollefsen, Andreas Forø;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Climate and International Migration Flows: A Sensitivity Analysis of Gravity Model Specifications.
Institutt for fredsforskning
Institutt for fredsforskning
de Bruin, Sophie P;
Hoch, Jannis M.;
von Uexkull, Nina;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Demmers, Jolle;
Visser, Hans.
Projecting long-term armed conflict risk: An underappreciated field of inquiry?.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
von Uexkull, Nina.
Vicious circles: Violence, vulnerability, and climate change.
Annual Review Environment and Resources
Academic literature review
von Uexkull, Nina;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Security implications of climate change: A decade of scientific progress.
Journal of Peace Research
Thomson, Henry;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Urdal, Henrik;
Rosvold, Elisabeth Lio.
Group organization, elections and urban political mobilization in the developing world.
Academic article
Gilmore, Elisabeth;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Climate mitigation policies and the potential pathways to conflict: Outlining a research agenda.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change (WIRESs)
Academic literature review
Schutte, Sebastian;
Vestby, Jonas;
Carling, Jørgen;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Author Correction: Climatic conditions are weak predictors of asylum migration.
Nature Communications
Vestby, Jonas;
Buhaug, Halvard;
von Uexkull, Nina.
Why do some poor countries see armed conflict while others do not? A dual sector approach.
World Development
Academic article
Hoch, Jannis M.;
de Bruin, Sophie P;
Buhaug, Halvard;
von Uexkull, Nina;
van Beek, Rens;
Wanders, Niko.
Projecting armed conflict risk in Africa towards 2050 along the SSP-RCP scenarios: a machine learning approach.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
von Uexkull, Nina.
Climate-conflict research: A decade of scientific progress.
New Security Beat
Feature article
Benjaminsen, Tor Arve;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Jarle Hansen, Stig.
De egentlige årsakene til konflikter tåkelegges.
Feature article
von Uexkull, Nina;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Is climate change driving global conflict?.
Political Violence @ A Glance: Expert Analysis on Violence and Its Alternatives
Feature article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Can climate variability spark conflict?.
Feature article
Rosvold, Elisabeth Lio;
Buhaug, Halvard.
GDIS, a global dataset of geocoded disaster locations.
Scientific Data
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Croicu, Mihai;
Fjelde, Hanne;
von Uexkull, Nina.
A conditional model of local income shock and civil conflict.
Journal of Politics
Academic article
Schutte, Sebastian;
Vestby, Jonas;
Carling, Jørgen;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Climatic conditions are weak predictors of asylum migration.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Vesco, Paola;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Climate and conflict.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mach, Katharine J.;
Adger, W. Neil;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Burke, Marshall;
Fearon, James D.;
Field, Christopher B..
Directions for Research on Climate and Conflict.
Earth's Future
Academic literature review
Rudolfsen, Ida;
Buhaug, Halvard.
The World Food Program won the Nobel Peace Prize. Does food aid boost peace?.
Washington Post
Feature article
Rosvold, Elisabeth Lio;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Rustad, Siri Camilla Aas.
Development Aid, Drought and Coping Capacity.
PRIO Policy Brief (4)
Bergius, Mikael;
Benjaminsen, Tor A;
Maganga, Faustin;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Green economy, degradation narratives, and land-use conflicts in Tanzania.
World Development
Academic article
Bakken, Ingrid Vik;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Civil war and female empowerment.
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Academic article
Mach, Katharine J.;
Kraan, Caroline M.;
Adger, W. Neil;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Burke, Marshall;
Fearon, James D..
Climate as a risk factor for armed conflict.
Academic article
Rustad, Siri Camilla Aas;
Rosvold, Elisabeth Lio;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Development Aid, Drought, and Coping Capacity.
Journal of Development Studies
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Nordås, Ragnhild;
Rosvold, Elisabeth Lio.
Coping with calamity: Natural disasters, armed conflict and development aid.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Doctoral dissertation
Buhaug, Halvard;
Vestby, Jonas.
On growth projections in the shared socioeconomic pathways.
Global Environmental Politics
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Global Security Challenges of Climate Change.
Toda Peace Institute
Gilmore, Elisabeth;
Herzer Risi, Lauren;
Tennant, Elizabeth;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Bridging Research and Policy on Climate Change and Conflict.
Current Climate Change Reports
Academic literature review
Bahgat, Karim;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Urdal, Henrik.
Urban Social Disorder: An Update.
PRIO Paper (2018)
Vestby, Jonas;
Rudolfsen, Ida;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Does hunger cause conflict?.
PRIO Blogs
Popular scientific article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Matpriser og sosial uro.
Den norske Atlanterhavskomité - internett-tekster
Feature article
Vestby, Jonas;
Rudolfsen, Ida;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Fører matmangel til mer krig?.
Feature article
Strand, Håvard;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Tracing Armed Conflict over Time: A Reversal of the Recent Decline?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Benjaminsen, Tor A;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Grove, Kevin;
McConnell, Fiona;
Steinberg, Philip.
Political geography in the impasse.
Political Geography
Theisen, Ole Magnus;
Gleditsch, Nils Petter;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Climate change and violence: Reviewing the evidence.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Buhaug, Halvard.
What Do the Experts Think?.
PRIO Blogs
Popular scientific article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Food insecurity and political instability.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Benjaminsen, Tor A;
Buhaug, Halvard;
McConnell, Fiona;
Sharp, Joanne;
Steinberg, Philip E..
Political Geography and the environment.
Political Geography
von Uexküll, Nina;
Croicu, Mihai;
Fjelde, Hanne;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Civil conflict sensitivity to growing-season drought.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Climate Change and Conflict: Taking Stock.
Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy
Academic article
Gilmore, Elisabeth;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Hegre, Håvard.
Maintaining Security: What Can Be Done to Prevent the Pressures of Climate Change Leading to Conflict?.
Climate 2020 (2016)
Hendrix, Cullen S.;
Gates, Scott;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Environment and Conflict.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Buhaug, Halvard;
McConnell, Fiona;
Sharp, Jo;
Sidaway, James D.;
Steinberg, Philip E..
Changes at Political Geography.
Political Geography
Strand, Håvard;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Armed Conflict, 1946–2014.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Buhaug, Halvard;
Cederman, Lars-Erik;
Skrede Gleditsch, Kristian.
Ulikhet, eksklusjon og borgerkrig.
Politica - Tidsskrift for politisk videnskab
Academic article
Hegre, Håvard;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Calvin, Katherine V.;
Nordkvelle, Jonas;
Waldhoff, Stephanie T.;
Gilmore, Elisabeth.
Forecasting civil conflict along the shared socioeconomic pathways.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Benjaminsen, Tor A;
Sjaastad, Espen Olav;
Theisen, Ole Magnus.
Climate variability, food production shocks, and violent conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Rudolfsen, Ida.
A Climate of Conflicts?.
Conflict Trends (Oslo) (5)
Linke, Andrew;
Schutte, Sebastian;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Population attitudes and the spread of political violence in sub-saharan Africa.
International Studies Review
Academic article
Tollefsen, Andreas Forø;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Insurgency and Inaccessibility.
International Studies Review
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Climate-conflict research: Some reflections on the way forward.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change (WIRESs)
Academic literature review
Buhaug, Halvard;
Nordkvelle, Jonas.
Climate and conflict: A Comment on Hsiang et al.'s Reply to Buhaug et al.
PRIO Paper (6)
Buhaug, Halvard;
Levy, Jack S,;
Urdal, Henrik.
50 years of peace research: An introduction to the Journal of Peace Research anniversary special issue.
Journal of Peace Research
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Seter, Hanne.
Environmental Change and Armed Conflict.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Buhaug, Halvard.
Concealing Agreements over Climate-Conflict Results.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Letter to the editor
Wischnath, Gerdis;
Buhaug, Halvard.
On climate variability and civil war in Asia.
Climatic Change
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Cederman, Lars-Erik;
Skrede Gleditsch, Kristian.
Square Pegs in Round Holes: Inequalities, Grievances, and Civil War.
International Studies Quarterly
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Nordkvelle, Jonas;
Bernauer, Thomas;
Böhmelt, Tobias;
Brzoska, Michael;
Busby, Joshua W..
One effect to rule them all? A comment on climate and conflict.
Climatic Change
Academic article
Böhmelt, Tobias;
Bernauer, Thomas;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gleditsch, Nils Petter;
Tribaldos, Theresa;
Wischnath, Gerdis.
Demand, supply, and restraint: Determinants of domestic water conflict and cooperation.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Wischnath, Gerdis;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Rice or riots: On food production and conflict severity across India.
Political Geography
Academic article
Theisen, Ole Magnus;
Gleditsch, Nils Petter;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Is climate change a driver of armed conflict?.
Climatic Change
Academic article
Cederman, Lars-Erik;
Skrede Gleditsch, Kristian;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Inequality, Grievances, and Civil War.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
Academic monograph
Buhaug, Halvard;
Urdal, Henrik;
Østby, Gudrun.
Sustainable Cities: Urbanization and Human Security.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Buhaug, Halvard;
Urdal, Henrik.
An urbanization bomb? Population growth and social disorder in cities.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Theisen, Ole Magnus;
Holtermann, Helge;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Climate wars? Assessing the claim that drought breeds conflict.
International Security
Academic article
Bernauer, Thomas;
Böhmelt, Tobias;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gleditsch, Nils Petter;
Tribaldos, Theresa;
Berg Weibust, Eivind.
Water-Related Intrastate Conflict and Cooperation (WARICC): A New Event Dataset.
International Interactions
Academic article
Tollefsen, Andreas Forø;
Strand, Håvard;
Buhaug, Halvard.
PRIO-GRID: A unified spatial data structure.
Journal of Peace Research
Academic article
Benjaminsen, Tor A;
Alinon, Koffi;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Buseth, Jill Tove.
Does climate change drive land-use conflicts in the Sahel?.
Journal of Peace Research
Academic article
Theisen, Ole Magnus;
Gleditsch, Nils Petter;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Climate Change and Armed Conflict.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Buhaug, Halvard;
Theisen, Ole Magnus.
On Environmental Change and Armed Conflict.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gleditsch, Nils Petter;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Årsaker til krig.
Abstrakt forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dyrstad, Karin;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Ringdal, Kristen;
Simkus, Albert Andrew;
Listhaug, Ola.
Microfoundations of Civil Conflict Reconciliation: Ethnicity and Context.
International Interactions
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Skrede Gleditsch, Kristian;
Holtermann, Helge;
Østby, Gudrun;
Tollefsen, Andreas Forø.
It's the Local Economy, Stupid! Geographic Wealth Dispersion and Conflict Outbreak Location.
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Academic article
Rustad, Siri Camilla Indreland Aas;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Falch, Åshild;
Gates, Scott Geoffrey.
All Conflict is Local: Modeling Sub-National Variation in Civil Conflict Risk.
Conflict Management and Peace Science
Academic article
Urdal, Henrik;
Theisen, Ole Magnus;
Gleditsch, Nils Petter;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Klimakriger? En vurdering av det faglige grunnlaget.
Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Climate not to blame for African civil wars.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Reply to Burke et al.: Bias and Climate War Research.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gleditsch, Nils Petter;
Theisen, Ole Magnus.
Implications of Climate Change for Armed Conflict.
World Bank
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Buhaug, Halvard.
Dude, Where's My Conflict? LSG, Relative Strength, and the Location of Civil War.
Conflict Management and Peace Science
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gates, Scott Geoffrey;
Lujala, Paivi.
Geography, Rebel Capability, and the Duration of Civil Conflict.
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Academic article
Cederman, Lars-Erik;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Rød, Jan Ketil.
Ethno-Nationalist Dyads and Civil War: A GIS-Based Analysis.
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gates, Scott Geoffrey;
Hegre, Håvard;
Strand, Håvard;
Urdal, Henrik.
Nils Petter Gleditsch: A Lifetime Achiever.
European Political Science
Popular scientific article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gates, Scott G.;
Hegre, Håvard;
Strand, Håvard;
Urdal, Henrik.
Nils Petter Gleditsch: A Lifetime Achiever.
European Political Science
Popular scientific article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gleditsch, Kristian Skrede.
Contagion or Confusion? Why Conflicts Cluster in Space.
International Studies Quarterly
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Cederman, Lars-Erik;
Rød, Jan Ketil.
Disaggregating Ethno-Nationalist Civil Wars: A Dyadic Test of Exclusion Theory.
International Organization
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gleditsch, Nils Petter.
Slett ingen fred i verden.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Rød, Jan Ketil.
Local Determinants of African Civil Wars, 1970–2001.
Political Geography
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Exploring subregional conflict: Opportunities for conflict prevention.
Journal of Peace Research
Book review
Buhaug, Halvard.
Relative Capability and Rebel Objective in Civil War.
Journal of Peace Research
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gleditsch, Nils Petter.
The Death of Distance? The Globalization of Armed Conflict.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Buhaug, Halvard.
Dangerous Dyads Revisited: Democracies May Not Be That Peaceful after All.
Conflict Management and Peace Science
Academic article
Lujala, Päivi;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Accounting for scale: Measuring geography in quantitative studies of civil war.
Political Geography
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard.
The Behavioural Origins of Civil War.
Journal of Peace Research
Book review
Buhaug, Halvard.
The Geography of Armed Civil Conflict.
Tapir Trykk
Doctoral dissertation
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gates, Scott Geoffrey.
The Geography of Civil War.
Sage Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gates, Scott Geoffrey.
The Geography of Civil War.
Journal of Peace Research
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Assessing the Domestic-Foreign Conflict Nexus - The Discriminating Impact of Political Systems.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Thesis at a second degree level
Journal publications
Vestby, Jonas;
Schutte, Sebastian;
Tollefsen, Andreas Forø;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Societal determinants of flood-induced displacement.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Gilmore, Elisabeth A;
Wrathall, David;
Adams, Helen;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Castellanos, Edwin;
Hilmi, Nathalie.
Defining severe risks related to mobility from climate change.
Climate Risk Management
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard.
What is in a number? Some reflections on disaster
displacement modelling.
International migration
Short communication
Buhaug, Halvard;
Coning, Cedric de;
von Uexkull, Nina.
Should the Security Council Engage with Implications of Climate Change? Let’s Look at the Scientific Evidence.
Global Observatory (IPI)
Popular scientific article
Thomson, Henry;
Bahgat, Karim;
Urdal, Henrik;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Urban Social Disorder 3.0: A global, city-level event dataset of political mobilization and disorder.
Journal of Peace Research
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Benjaminsen, Tor A;
Gilmore, Elisabeth;
Hendrix, Cullen S..
Climate-driven risks to peace over the 21st century.
Climate Risk Management
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Armed conflict and climate change: How these two threats play out in Africa.
The Conversation
Feature article
de Bruin, Sophie P;
Hoch, Jannis M.;
von Uexkull, Nina;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Demmers, Jolle;
Visser, Hans.
Projecting long-term armed conflict risk: An underappreciated field of inquiry?.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
von Uexkull, Nina.
Vicious circles: Violence, vulnerability, and climate change.
Annual Review Environment and Resources
Academic literature review
von Uexkull, Nina;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Security implications of climate change: A decade of scientific progress.
Journal of Peace Research
Thomson, Henry;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Urdal, Henrik;
Rosvold, Elisabeth Lio.
Group organization, elections and urban political mobilization in the developing world.
Academic article
Gilmore, Elisabeth;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Climate mitigation policies and the potential pathways to conflict: Outlining a research agenda.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change (WIRESs)
Academic literature review
Schutte, Sebastian;
Vestby, Jonas;
Carling, Jørgen;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Author Correction: Climatic conditions are weak predictors of asylum migration.
Nature Communications
Vestby, Jonas;
Buhaug, Halvard;
von Uexkull, Nina.
Why do some poor countries see armed conflict while others do not? A dual sector approach.
World Development
Academic article
Hoch, Jannis M.;
de Bruin, Sophie P;
Buhaug, Halvard;
von Uexkull, Nina;
van Beek, Rens;
Wanders, Niko.
Projecting armed conflict risk in Africa towards 2050 along the SSP-RCP scenarios: a machine learning approach.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
von Uexkull, Nina.
Climate-conflict research: A decade of scientific progress.
New Security Beat
Feature article
Benjaminsen, Tor Arve;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Jarle Hansen, Stig.
De egentlige årsakene til konflikter tåkelegges.
Feature article
von Uexkull, Nina;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Is climate change driving global conflict?.
Political Violence @ A Glance: Expert Analysis on Violence and Its Alternatives
Feature article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Can climate variability spark conflict?.
Feature article
Rosvold, Elisabeth Lio;
Buhaug, Halvard.
GDIS, a global dataset of geocoded disaster locations.
Scientific Data
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Croicu, Mihai;
Fjelde, Hanne;
von Uexkull, Nina.
A conditional model of local income shock and civil conflict.
Journal of Politics
Academic article
Schutte, Sebastian;
Vestby, Jonas;
Carling, Jørgen;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Climatic conditions are weak predictors of asylum migration.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Mach, Katharine J.;
Adger, W. Neil;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Burke, Marshall;
Fearon, James D.;
Field, Christopher B..
Directions for Research on Climate and Conflict.
Earth's Future
Academic literature review
Rudolfsen, Ida;
Buhaug, Halvard.
The World Food Program won the Nobel Peace Prize. Does food aid boost peace?.
Washington Post
Feature article
Bergius, Mikael;
Benjaminsen, Tor A;
Maganga, Faustin;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Green economy, degradation narratives, and land-use conflicts in Tanzania.
World Development
Academic article
Bakken, Ingrid Vik;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Civil war and female empowerment.
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Academic article
Mach, Katharine J.;
Kraan, Caroline M.;
Adger, W. Neil;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Burke, Marshall;
Fearon, James D..
Climate as a risk factor for armed conflict.
Academic article
Rustad, Siri Camilla Aas;
Rosvold, Elisabeth Lio;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Development Aid, Drought, and Coping Capacity.
Journal of Development Studies
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Vestby, Jonas.
On growth projections in the shared socioeconomic pathways.
Global Environmental Politics
Academic article
Gilmore, Elisabeth;
Herzer Risi, Lauren;
Tennant, Elizabeth;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Bridging Research and Policy on Climate Change and Conflict.
Current Climate Change Reports
Academic literature review
Vestby, Jonas;
Rudolfsen, Ida;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Does hunger cause conflict?.
PRIO Blogs
Popular scientific article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Matpriser og sosial uro.
Den norske Atlanterhavskomité - internett-tekster
Feature article
Vestby, Jonas;
Rudolfsen, Ida;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Fører matmangel til mer krig?.
Feature article
Benjaminsen, Tor A;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Grove, Kevin;
McConnell, Fiona;
Steinberg, Philip.
Political geography in the impasse.
Political Geography
Buhaug, Halvard.
What Do the Experts Think?.
PRIO Blogs
Popular scientific article
Benjaminsen, Tor A;
Buhaug, Halvard;
McConnell, Fiona;
Sharp, Joanne;
Steinberg, Philip E..
Political Geography and the environment.
Political Geography
von Uexküll, Nina;
Croicu, Mihai;
Fjelde, Hanne;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Civil conflict sensitivity to growing-season drought.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Climate Change and Conflict: Taking Stock.
Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
McConnell, Fiona;
Sharp, Jo;
Sidaway, James D.;
Steinberg, Philip E..
Changes at Political Geography.
Political Geography
Buhaug, Halvard;
Cederman, Lars-Erik;
Skrede Gleditsch, Kristian.
Ulikhet, eksklusjon og borgerkrig.
Politica - Tidsskrift for politisk videnskab
Academic article
Hegre, Håvard;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Calvin, Katherine V.;
Nordkvelle, Jonas;
Waldhoff, Stephanie T.;
Gilmore, Elisabeth.
Forecasting civil conflict along the shared socioeconomic pathways.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Benjaminsen, Tor A;
Sjaastad, Espen Olav;
Theisen, Ole Magnus.
Climate variability, food production shocks, and violent conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Linke, Andrew;
Schutte, Sebastian;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Population attitudes and the spread of political violence in sub-saharan Africa.
International Studies Review
Academic article
Tollefsen, Andreas Forø;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Insurgency and Inaccessibility.
International Studies Review
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Climate-conflict research: Some reflections on the way forward.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change (WIRESs)
Academic literature review
Buhaug, Halvard;
Levy, Jack S,;
Urdal, Henrik.
50 years of peace research: An introduction to the Journal of Peace Research anniversary special issue.
Journal of Peace Research
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Concealing Agreements over Climate-Conflict Results.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Letter to the editor
Wischnath, Gerdis;
Buhaug, Halvard.
On climate variability and civil war in Asia.
Climatic Change
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Cederman, Lars-Erik;
Skrede Gleditsch, Kristian.
Square Pegs in Round Holes: Inequalities, Grievances, and Civil War.
International Studies Quarterly
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Nordkvelle, Jonas;
Bernauer, Thomas;
Böhmelt, Tobias;
Brzoska, Michael;
Busby, Joshua W..
One effect to rule them all? A comment on climate and conflict.
Climatic Change
Academic article
Böhmelt, Tobias;
Bernauer, Thomas;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gleditsch, Nils Petter;
Tribaldos, Theresa;
Wischnath, Gerdis.
Demand, supply, and restraint: Determinants of domestic water conflict and cooperation.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Wischnath, Gerdis;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Rice or riots: On food production and conflict severity across India.
Political Geography
Academic article
Theisen, Ole Magnus;
Gleditsch, Nils Petter;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Is climate change a driver of armed conflict?.
Climatic Change
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Urdal, Henrik.
An urbanization bomb? Population growth and social disorder in cities.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Theisen, Ole Magnus;
Holtermann, Helge;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Climate wars? Assessing the claim that drought breeds conflict.
International Security
Academic article
Bernauer, Thomas;
Böhmelt, Tobias;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gleditsch, Nils Petter;
Tribaldos, Theresa;
Berg Weibust, Eivind.
Water-Related Intrastate Conflict and Cooperation (WARICC): A New Event Dataset.
International Interactions
Academic article
Tollefsen, Andreas Forø;
Strand, Håvard;
Buhaug, Halvard.
PRIO-GRID: A unified spatial data structure.
Journal of Peace Research
Academic article
Benjaminsen, Tor A;
Alinon, Koffi;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Buseth, Jill Tove.
Does climate change drive land-use conflicts in the Sahel?.
Journal of Peace Research
Academic article
Dyrstad, Karin;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Ringdal, Kristen;
Simkus, Albert Andrew;
Listhaug, Ola.
Microfoundations of Civil Conflict Reconciliation: Ethnicity and Context.
International Interactions
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Skrede Gleditsch, Kristian;
Holtermann, Helge;
Østby, Gudrun;
Tollefsen, Andreas Forø.
It's the Local Economy, Stupid! Geographic Wealth Dispersion and Conflict Outbreak Location.
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Academic article
Rustad, Siri Camilla Indreland Aas;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Falch, Åshild;
Gates, Scott Geoffrey.
All Conflict is Local: Modeling Sub-National Variation in Civil Conflict Risk.
Conflict Management and Peace Science
Academic article
Urdal, Henrik;
Theisen, Ole Magnus;
Gleditsch, Nils Petter;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Klimakriger? En vurdering av det faglige grunnlaget.
Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Climate not to blame for African civil wars.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Reply to Burke et al.: Bias and Climate War Research.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Dude, Where's My Conflict? LSG, Relative Strength, and the Location of Civil War.
Conflict Management and Peace Science
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gates, Scott Geoffrey;
Lujala, Paivi.
Geography, Rebel Capability, and the Duration of Civil Conflict.
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Academic article
Cederman, Lars-Erik;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Rød, Jan Ketil.
Ethno-Nationalist Dyads and Civil War: A GIS-Based Analysis.
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gates, Scott Geoffrey;
Hegre, Håvard;
Strand, Håvard;
Urdal, Henrik.
Nils Petter Gleditsch: A Lifetime Achiever.
European Political Science
Popular scientific article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gates, Scott G.;
Hegre, Håvard;
Strand, Håvard;
Urdal, Henrik.
Nils Petter Gleditsch: A Lifetime Achiever.
European Political Science
Popular scientific article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gleditsch, Kristian Skrede.
Contagion or Confusion? Why Conflicts Cluster in Space.
International Studies Quarterly
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Cederman, Lars-Erik;
Rød, Jan Ketil.
Disaggregating Ethno-Nationalist Civil Wars: A Dyadic Test of Exclusion Theory.
International Organization
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gleditsch, Nils Petter.
Slett ingen fred i verden.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Buhaug, Halvard;
Rød, Jan Ketil.
Local Determinants of African Civil Wars, 1970–2001.
Political Geography
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Exploring subregional conflict: Opportunities for conflict prevention.
Journal of Peace Research
Book review
Buhaug, Halvard.
Relative Capability and Rebel Objective in Civil War.
Journal of Peace Research
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard.
Dangerous Dyads Revisited: Democracies May Not Be That Peaceful after All.
Conflict Management and Peace Science
Academic article
Lujala, Päivi;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Accounting for scale: Measuring geography in quantitative studies of civil war.
Political Geography
Academic article
Buhaug, Halvard.
The Behavioural Origins of Civil War.
Journal of Peace Research
Book review
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gates, Scott Geoffrey.
The Geography of Civil War.
Journal of Peace Research
Academic article
Cederman, Lars-Erik;
Skrede Gleditsch, Kristian;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Inequality, Grievances, and Civil War.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
Academic monograph
Part of book/report
Buhaug, Halvard.
Global Security Challenges of Climate Change.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Erdal, Marta Bivand;
Aslany, Maryam;
Tollefsen, Andreas Forø;
Mjelva, Mathilde Bålsrud;
Carling, Jørgen;
Sommerfelt, Tone.
Migration drivers across time and space: selected examples.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
O'Neill, Brian;
van Aalst, Maarten;
Ibrahim, Zelina Zaiton;
Ford, Lea Berrang;
Bhadval, Suruchi;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Key Risks Across Sectors and Regions.
Cambridge University Press
Vesco, Paola;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Climate and conflict.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Strand, Håvard;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Tracing Armed Conflict over Time: A Reversal of the Recent Decline?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Theisen, Ole Magnus;
Gleditsch, Nils Petter;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Climate change and violence: Reviewing the evidence.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Buhaug, Halvard.
Food insecurity and political instability.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hendrix, Cullen S.;
Gates, Scott;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Environment and Conflict.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Strand, Håvard;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Armed Conflict, 1946–2014.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Buhaug, Halvard;
Seter, Hanne.
Environmental Change and Armed Conflict.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Buhaug, Halvard;
Urdal, Henrik;
Østby, Gudrun.
Sustainable Cities: Urbanization and Human Security.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Theisen, Ole Magnus;
Gleditsch, Nils Petter;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Climate Change and Armed Conflict.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Buhaug, Halvard;
Theisen, Ole Magnus.
On Environmental Change and Armed Conflict.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gleditsch, Nils Petter;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Årsaker til krig.
Abstrakt forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gleditsch, Nils Petter;
Theisen, Ole Magnus.
Implications of Climate Change for Armed Conflict.
World Bank
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gleditsch, Nils Petter.
The Death of Distance? The Globalization of Armed Conflict.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Buhaug, Halvard;
Gates, Scott Geoffrey.
The Geography of Civil War.
Sage Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skramstad, Laila;
Tollefsen, Andreas Forø;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Migrant Exposure and Individual-Level Trust: First Impressions from a Systematic Literature Review.
PRIO Paper (7)
Vestby, Jonas;
Tollefsen, Andreas Forø;
Buhaug, Halvard.
Climate and International Migration Flows: A Sensitivity Analysis of Gravity Model Specifications.
Institutt for fredsforskning
Institutt for fredsforskning
Rosvold, Elisabeth Lio;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Rustad, Siri Camilla Aas.
Development Aid, Drought and Coping Capacity.
PRIO Policy Brief (4)
Buhaug, Halvard;
Nordås, Ragnhild;
Rosvold, Elisabeth Lio.
Coping with calamity: Natural disasters, armed conflict and development aid.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Doctoral dissertation
Buhaug, Halvard.
Global Security Challenges of Climate Change.
Toda Peace Institute
Bahgat, Karim;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Urdal, Henrik.
Urban Social Disorder: An Update.
PRIO Paper (2018)
Gilmore, Elisabeth;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Hegre, Håvard.
Maintaining Security: What Can Be Done to Prevent the Pressures of Climate Change Leading to Conflict?.
Climate 2020 (2016)
Buhaug, Halvard;
Rudolfsen, Ida.
A Climate of Conflicts?.
Conflict Trends (Oslo) (5)
Buhaug, Halvard;
Nordkvelle, Jonas.
Climate and conflict: A Comment on Hsiang et al.'s Reply to Buhaug et al.
PRIO Paper (6)
Buhaug, Halvard.
The Geography of Armed Civil Conflict.
Tapir Trykk
Doctoral dissertation
Buhaug, Halvard.
Assessing the Domestic-Foreign Conflict Nexus - The Discriminating Impact of Political Systems.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Thesis at a second degree level
Academic lectureGleditsch, Nils Petter; Buhaug, Halvard; Bernauer, Thomas; Böhmelt, Tobias; Weibust, Eivind Berg; Wischnath, Gerdis. (2011) Intrastate Water-Related Conflict and Cooperation: A New Event-Dataset. The 52nd Annual Convention of the International Studies Asso , Montreal 2011-03-16 - 2011-03-18
Academic lectureGleditsch, Nils Petter; Buhaug, Halvard; Bernauer, Thomas; Böhmelt, Tobias; Weibust, Eivind Berg; Wischnath, Gerdis. (2011) Intrastate Water-Related Conflict and Cooperation: A New Event-Dataset. CLICO meeting Konferanse , Berlin 2011-02-16 - 2011-02-18
Academic lectureTheisen, Ole Magnus; Holtermann, Helge; Buhaug, Halvard. (2010) Drought, political exclusion, and civil war. International Studies Association ISA 51. Annual conference , New Orleans 2010-02-17 - 2010-02-20
Academic lectureGleditsch, Nils Petter; Buhaug, Halvard; Falch, Åshild. (2010) Climate Change and the Bottom Billion. 51st Annual Convention of the International Studies Association , New Orleans 2010-02-17 - 2010-02-20
Academic lectureBenjaminsen, Tor A.; Alinon, Koffi; Buhaug, Halvard; Buseth, Jill T.. (2010) Land Use Conflicts in the Inner Niger Delta of Mali: Does Climate Change Play a Role?. Climate Change and Security , Trondheim 2010-06-21 - 2010-06-24
Academic lectureGates, Scott Geoffrey; Rustad, Siri Aas; Buhaug, Hallvard; Falck, Åshild. (2009) 'Subnational Variation in Civil Conflict Risk'. 50th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association , New York 2009-02-15 - 2009-02-18
Academic lectureBuhaug, Halvard; Ringdal, Kristen; Simkus, Albert Andrew; Listhaug, Ola. (2008) Ethnic Polarization and Post-Conflict Animosity: The Case of Macedonia. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association , Boston 2008-08-28 - 2008-08-31
Academic lectureRød, Jan Ketil; Buhaug, Halvard. (2007) Civil Wars: Prospects and Problems with the use of Local Indicators. Association of American Geographers 2007 Annual Meeting of AAG , San Francisco 2007-04-17 - 2007-04-21
Academic lectureRød, Jan Ketil; Buhaug, Halvard. (2007) Civil Wars: Prospects and Problems with the use of Local Indicators. Norwegian University of Life Sciences The 11th Scandinavian Research Conference on Geographical Information Science , Ås 2007-09-05 - 2007-09-07
Academic lectureBuhaug, Halvard; Ringdal, Kristen; Simkus, Albert Andrew; Listhaug, Ola. (2007) Geographic Patterns in Attitudes towards Post-Conflict Reconciliation in Macedonia. ECPR 6th Pan-European International Relations Conference , Turin 2007-09-12 - 2007-09-15
Academic lectureBuhaug, Halvard; Cederman, Lars-Erik; Rød, Jan Ketil. (2006) Modeling Ethnic Conflict in Center-Periphery Dyads. Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) Polarization and Conflict , Nicosia 2006-04-26 - 2006-04-29
Academic lectureRød, Jan Ketil; Buhaug, Halvard. (2005) African Civil Wars, 1970 - 2001. Does Geography Matter?. NTNU Global myths - local realities? (Re)exploring the links between Environment and Development in Africa. Thematic AEGIS conference. , Trondheim 2005-04-14 - 2005-04-15
Academic lectureBuhaug, Halvard; Rød, Jan Ketil. (2005) Local Determinants of African Civil Wars, 1970�2001. 46th Annual International Studies Association Convention , Honolulu 2005-03-01 - 2005-03-05
Academic lectureBuhaug, Halvard. (2005) Exit, Voice and Violence. Determinants of Territorial and Governmental Conflict, 1946-99. 13th National Conference in Political Science , Hurdalsjøen 2005-01-05 - 2005-01-07
Academic lectureBuhaug, Halvard; Gleditsch, Kristian Skrede. (2005) Boundary Length, Location, Strategic goal and the Diffusion of Civil War. The 3rd ECPR Conference , Budapest 2005-09-08 - 2005-09-10
Academic lectureRød, Jan Ketil; Buhaug, Halvard. (2005) Using disaggregated grid cells for a study on the onset of African Civil Wars. Mapping the Complexity of Civil Wars 2005-09-15 - 2005-09-17
Academic lectureBuhaug, Halvard; Gates, Scott; Lujala, Päivi. (2005) Geography, Strategic Ambition, and the Duration of Civil Conflict. American Political Science Association Konferanse , Washington, DC 2005-09-01 - 2005-09-04
Academic lectureBuhaug, Halvard. (2005) The Origin of Conflict Clusters: Contagion or Bad Neighborhoods?. European Consortium for Political Research Konferanse , Budapest 2005-09-06 - 2005-09-10
Academic lectureBuhaug, Halvard; Gleditsch, Nils Petter. (2004) The Death of Distance? The Globalization of Armed Conflict. Institute for International, Comparative, and Area Studies Conference on Globalization, Territoriality, and Conflict , University of California, San Diego 2004-01-16 - 2004-01-18
Academic lectureBuhaug, Halvard. (2004) The Geography of Armed Conflict. Konflikt och fredssinstitutionen Seminar , Uppsala Universitet 2004-10-13 -
Academic lectureBuhaug, Halvard; Lujala, Paivi. (2004) Terrain, Resources, and Civil War: Does the Level of Measurement Matter?. International Studies Association ISA 2004 , Montreal 2004-03-17 - 2004-03-20
Academic lectureBuhaug, Halvard; Gleditsch, Nils Petter. (2004) The Death of Distance? The Globalization of Armed Conflict. Network of European Peace Scientists Tinbergen 2004 , Amsterdam 2004-06-09 - 2004-06-11
Academic lectureBuhaug, Halvard; Gleditsch, Nils Petter. (2004) Territoriality and Armed Intrastate Conflict. Institute for International, Comparative, and Area Studies Conference on "Globalization, Territoriality, and Conflict" , La Jolla 2004-01-16 - 2004-01-18
Academic lectureBuhaug, Halvard; Lujala, Päivi. (2003) Linking Geography with Civil War: From Country-Level Aggregates to Sub-National Data. 37th annual meetings of the Peace Science Society (International) , Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA 2003-11-16 -
Academic lectureBuhaug, Halvard. (2003) Spatial Data on Armed Intrastate Conflict. Joint Sessions of Workshops, European Consortium for Political Research , Edinburgh, Skottland 2003-04-02 -
Academic lectureBuhaug, Halvard; Lujala, Päivi. (2003) How to Deal with the Spatial Dimension: GIS Data on Intrastate Conflict and Natural Resources. 44th annual International Studies Association (ISA) convention , Portland, Oregon, USA 2003-03-01 -
Academic lectureBuhaug, Halvard; Gleditsch, Nils Petter. (2003) Territoriality and Armed Intrastate Conflict. Globalization, Territoriality, and Conflict , San Diego, California, USA 2003-01-18 -
Academic lectureBuhaug, Halvard; Gates, Scott Geoffrey; Lujala, Päivi. (2002) Lootable Natural Resources and the Duration of Armed Civil Conflicts, 1946-2001. Peace Science Society (International) , Tucson, Arizona 2002-11-03 -
Academic lectureBuhaug, Halvard. (2002) Does Regime Type Matter? An Empirical Test of the Domestic-Foreign Conflict Nexus. International Studies Association 2002 , New Orleans, Louisiana 2002-03-27 -
Popular scientific lectureRød, Jan Ketil; Gleditsch, Nils Petter; Buhaug, Halvard. (2002) Kartografisk Visualisering av Konflikter. Kartdagene 2002 , Oslo 2002-03-15 -
Academic lectureBuhaug, Halvard; Gates, Scott Geoffrey; Lujala, Päivi. (2002) Lootable Natural Resources and the Duration of Armed Civil Conflict, 1946-2001. Meeting of the Peace Science Society , Tucson, AZ 2002-11-03 -
Popular scientific lectureBuhaug, Halvard. (2002) Krig og konflikter i tid og rom. Fagligpedagogisk dag for lærere, arrangert av Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap, NTNU , NTNU Dragvoll 2002-11-22 -