Han Shao
Han Shao is a PhD candidate at the Department of Electric Power Engineering at NTNU, and also a Marie Sktodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR) taking part in InnoCyPES project.
Her research topic is "Real-time analytics on high fidelity synchronized measurements". The aim of her PhD is to develop real-time Power Quality (PQ) disturbance detection and classification algorithms in the electric grid integrating offshore wind energy, by using an emerging technique - Synchronized Waveform Measurement (SWM).
Shao, Han;
Henriques, Rui;
Morais, Hugo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Automatic Power Quality Disturbance Feature Extraction Using Fast Iterative Filtering.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shao, Han;
Henriques, Rui;
Morais, Hugo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Power quality monitoring in electric grid integrating offshore wind energy: A review.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic literature review
Journal publications
Shao, Han;
Henriques, Rui;
Morais, Hugo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Power quality monitoring in electric grid integrating offshore wind energy: A review.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic literature review
Part of book/report
Shao, Han;
Henriques, Rui;
Morais, Hugo;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Automatic Power Quality Disturbance Feature Extraction Using Fast Iterative Filtering.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
PosterShao, Han; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2023) Power Quality Monitoring in Electric Grid Integrating Offshore Wind Energy. SINTEF, NTNU and EERA JP wind EERA DeepWind Conference , Trondheim, Norway 2023-01-18 - 2023-01-20