Hilde Bjørkhaug
Hilde Bjørkhaug is Professor in sociology within the area of sociological theory.
Hilde Bjørkhaug has her specialization in sociology of agriculture and food. She has through her career been involved in research on different aspects of rural development, diffusion of innovations, agricultural restructuring and financialization, land use and land use conflicts, ethics, sustainable development, climate change challenges, policy analysis, food systems analysis, power relations and organizational change. Gender perspectives have been employed in many projects. She has followed Norwegian legislation on gender balance in boardrooms through research projects and public debate. She holds a particular interest in advancing sociological theory and methods.
Bjørkhaug is partner in many large international research projects and is an experienced research coordinator. She has authored more than 20 articles in peer-reviewed journals, more than 20 scholarly book chapters and have edited several scholarly books and journal special issues. Recent booktitles are Bjørkhaug, H. P. McMichael and B. Muirhead (eds.) (2020) Finance or Food? The Role of Cultures, Values and Ethics in Land Use Negotiations. Toronto: University of Toronto Press and Bjørkhaug, Hilde, André Magnan, Geoffrey A. Lawrence (eds) (2018) The Financialization of Agri-Food Systems: Contested Transformation. Oxon, Routledge. Bjørkhaug is also actively contributing to the public debate in newspaper columns.
Bjørkhaug is an active member of the European Society for Rural Sociology and act as Secretary/Treasurer for the International Sociological Association’s Research Committee 40 (the sociology of agriculture and food). She is member of the editorial board of Journal of Rural studies.
Bjørkhaug previously worked as a research professor at RURALIS, Institute for Rural and Regional Research in Trondheim, Norway and Researcher I at Nordland Research Insitute.
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Muirhead, Bruce.
Når norsk melkeproduksjon surner, kan vi se til Canada. Nationen,.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Thorseth, May Britt.
Good animal welfare in a sustainable food system.
Wageningen Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moreno-Pérez, Olga M.;
Arnalte-Mur, Laura;
Cerrada-Serra, Pedro;
Martinez-Gomez, Victor;
Adamsone-Fiskovica, Anda;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Actions to strengthen the contribution of small farms and small food businesses to food security in Europe.
Food Security
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Büke, Atakan;
Ribeiro, José Duarte;
Sippel, Sarah Ruth.
The Food System in the (Post-)Pandemic World: Disruptions, Vulnerability, Resilience, and Alternatives - 1.
International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food
Academic article
Logstein, Brit;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Good Animal Welfare in Norwegian Farmers’ context. Can both industrial and natural conventions be achieved in the social license to farm?.
Journal of Rural Studies
Academic article
Mittenzwei, Klaus;
Gustavsen, Geir Wæhler;
Grimsrud, Kristine;
Lindhjem, Henrik;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Perceived effects of climate policy on rural areas and agriculture: A rural-urban divide.
Journal of Rural Studies
Academic article
Carolan, Michael;
Hale, James;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Dwiartama, Angga;
HIRAGA, Midori.
A Front Porch for Critical Agrifood Studies: Engagement Across the ‘Food System’ Boundaries.
International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food
Ortiz-Miranda, Dionisio;
Moreno-Pérez, Olga;
Arnalte-Mur, Laura;
Cerrada-Serra, Pedro;
Martinez-Gomez, Victor;
Adolph, Barbara.
The future of small farms and small food businesses as actors in regional food security: A participatory scenario analysis from Europe and Africa.
Journal of Rural Studies
Academic article
Duckett, Dominic;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Mur, Laura Arnalte;
Palmioli, Lucia.
New ‘old’ risks on the small farm: Iconic species rewilding in Europe.
Land Use Policy
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
God eller bedre dyrevelferd – hva er forskjellen? .
Ren Mat
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Hårstad, Renate Marie Butli.
Negative oppslag har ikke påvirket folks tillit til bønder.
Interview Journal
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Befolkningen stoler mest på myndighetene i dyrevelferdssaker .
Interview Journal
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Hårstad, Renate Marie Butli;
Borgen, Svein Ole.
Hvorfor er befolkningens støtte til dyrevernere halvert?.
Interview Journal
Kaasa, Jorunn;
Slettebak, Marie Holm;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Blekesaune, Arild.
Data for den kvantitative analysen.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Blekesaune, Arild;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Analyser av surveydata 2. Logistiske regresjonsmodeller og sammenligning av data fra ulike land.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Hårstad, Renate Marie Butli;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Borgen, Svein Ole.
Dyrevernskandaler: Hvem stoler vi på at forteller sannheten om dyrevelferd i norsk husdyrproduksjon?.
Feature article
McKee, Annie;
Vinge, Heidi;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Almås, Reidar.
Agricultural models in Scotland and Norway – a comparison.
Edinburgh University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skog, Kristine Lien;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Farmland under urbanization pressure: conversion motivation among Norwegian landowners.
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Borch, Kristian;
Follo, Gro Irene;
Hansen, Lillian;
Logstein, Brit.
Framsyn mot Bioøkonomisamfunnet.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
McMichael, Philip;
Muirhead, Bruce.
Finance or Food?: The Role of Cultures, Values, and Ethics in Land Use Negotiations.
University of Toronto Press
University of Toronto Press
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Rønningen, Katrina;
Vinge, Heidi.
"Jordvern" as a Situation of Action: The Material and Non-Material Forces Shaping the Protection of Farmland in Norway.
University of Toronto Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Gjenoppbygging av natur som opplevd risiko.
Feature article
Gjertsen, Arild;
Bay-Larsen, Ingrid Agathe;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Vangelsten, Bjørn Vidar.
Access to Areas for Algae Cultivation in Norway.
Marine Policy
Academic article
Arnalte-Mur, Laura;
Ortiz-Miranda, Dionisio;
Cerrada-Serra, P;
Martinez-Gómez, V;
Moreno-Pérez, O;
Barbu, R.
The drivers of change for the contribution of small farms to regional food security in Europe. .
Global Food Security
Academic article
Galli, Francesca;
Grando, Stefano;
Adamsone-Fiskovica, Anda;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Czekaj, Marta;
Ducket, Dominic.
How do small farms contribute to food and nutrition security? Linking European small farms, strategies and outcomes in territorial food systems.
Global Food Security
Academic article
McMichael, Philip;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Muirhead, Bruce.
Land and the Value Calculus: Towards a Reculturalization of Farmland.
University of Toronto Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
McMichael, Philip;
Muirhead, Bruce.
Introduction to Cultures, Values, Ethics and Agruments on Agricultural Land.
University of Toronto Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tisenkopf, Talis;
Adamsone-Fiskovica, Anda;
Kilis, Emils;
Suname, Sandra;
Grivins, Mikelis;
Pinto-Correia, Teresa.
Territorial fitting of small farms in Europe.
Global Food Security
Academic article
McKee, Annie;
Vinge, Heidi;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Almås, Reidar.
Land ownership and land management policies in Norway and Scotland.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Heia kvinner i landbruket! .
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Visjon om et bærekraftig samfunn uten olje.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
For enkelt å svindle med mat?.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Når forskningen utfordrer verdiene våre.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Verdens verste dyrevelferd? .
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Trenger vi en bygdepolitikk?.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Forhandling om matjord.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Jeg tror ikke folk flest bor i Oslo i 2050.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Regnskogen brennes for å fø verden.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Knickel, Karlheinz.
Rethinking the links between farm modernisation,rural development and resilience
Journal of Rural Studies
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Magnan, Andre;
Lawrence, Geoffrey.
Introduction: The financialization of agri-food.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Brobakk, Jostein Tapper.
Profit, aid and ethics in public finacialisation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Magnan, Andre;
Lawrence, Geoffrey.
The Financialization of Agri-Food Systems: Contested Transformations.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Et slag for det mellomstore bruket.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Ta Plass i bioøkonomien .
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Hansen, Lillian;
Zahl-Thanem, Alexander.
Sektorvise scenarier for bioøkonomien.
Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning (4/18)
Bay-Larsen, Ingrid Agathe;
Risvoll, Camilla;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Vestrum, Ingebjørg.
Local protein sources in animal feed - Perceptions among arctic sheep farmers.
Journal of Rural Studies
Academic article
Rye, Johan Fredrik;
Slettebak, Marie Holm;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
From Family to Domestic and Global Labour? A Decade of Proletarisation of Labour in the Norwegian Horticulture Industry.
European Countryside
Academic article
Guiomar, Nuno;
Godinho, Sérgio;
Pinto-Correia, Teresa;
Almeida, Mara;
Bartolini, Fabio;
Bezák, Peter.
Typology and distribution of small farms in Europe: Towards a better picture.
Land Use Policy
Academic article
Almaas, Henrik Eli;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Almås, Reidar.
Faktaark Agrispace 1-4 om kylling, sau, gris og melkeproduksjon. .
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Kjøtt i endring.
Feature article
Vik, Jostein;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Thanem, Alexander.
En større andel av bøndene har hatt positiv økonomisk utvikling på sine bruk. Faktaark 2/17.
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Thanem, Alexander.
Andelen kvinnebønder øker. Faktaark 4/17.
Forbord, Magnar;
Hansen, Lillian;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Kan bioøkonomien redde verden?.
Feature article
Flemsæter, Frode;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Brobakk, Jostein Tapper.
Farmers as climate citizens.
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Vik, Jostein;
Richards, Carol.
The chicken game-Organization and integration in the Norwegian agri-food sector.
Research in Rural Sociology and Development
Academic article
Miele, Mara;
Vaughan, Higgins;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Truninger, Monica.
Transforming the Rural. Global Prcesses and Local Futures.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Research in Rural Sociology and Development (0)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Kvam, Gunn-Turid;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Pedersen, Ann-Charlott.
How relationships can influence an organic firm’s network identity.
European Planning Studies
Academic article
Hansen, Lillian;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Visions and Expectations for the Norwegian Bioeconomy.
Academic article
Miele, Mara;
Truninger, Mónica;
Higgins, Vaughan;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Research in Rural Sociology and Development
Academic article
Klimek, Björn;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Norwegian Agro-Food Attracting Private Equity Capital; Varieties of Capitalism – Varieties of Financialisation?.
Sociologia Ruralis
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Thanem, Alexander;
Kvam, Gunn-Turid.
Hvorfor ikke produsere økologisk?.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Elite og bønder med felles sak.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Den norske landbrukssosiologien. Historisk påvirkning i nåtidig forskning på familiejordbruket.
Sosiologi i dag
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Når bønder blir kyllinger.
Feature article
Rønningen, Katrina;
Vinge, Heidi;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Små grønne flekker eller godt vern av matjord.
Reader opinion piece
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Brandth, Berit.
Litt Jane og litt Tarzan: Om makt og innflytelse i landbrukssamvirkets styrerom.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alsos, Gry Agnete;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Bolsø, Agnes;
Ljunggren, Elisabet.
Kjønn og næringsliv i Norge.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Alsos, Gry Agnete;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Bolsø, Agnes;
Ljunggren, Elisabet.
Introduksjon – kjønn og norsk næringsliv.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Landbruket bør rekruttere flere kvinner.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Bioøkonomi for Bygde-Norge?.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Norsk mat i globale system.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Almås, Reidar;
Vik, Jostein.
Mindre makt, men bedre utvalg.
Feature article
Brandth, Berit;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Gender quotas for agricultural boards: changing constructions of gender?.
Gender, Work & Organization
Academic article
Dramstad, Wenche;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Sustainable agriculture – leading the way to the future we want.
Vik, Jostein;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Kyllingens politiske økonomi - et bilde av det fremtidige landbruket?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Burton, Rob J.F.;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Typologisering av nye verdikjeder for mat: Når profitt er målet og "ikke-mat" er middelet.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brustad, Sigvat;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Omdømme, makt og mulighetsrom for bærekraftig styring - om Norsk Kylling i media.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Almås, Reidar;
Vik, Jostein.
Nyskaping og maktforhold i den norske matvarekjeden.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Almås, Reidar;
Vik, Jostein.
Norsk matmakt i endring.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Almås, Reidar;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Vik, Jostein.
Matmakt - en introduksjon.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Blekesaune, Arild;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Spatial diffusion of innovation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rønningen, Katrina;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Agricultural policy regimes 1999-2014.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Forbord, Magnar;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Burton, Rob J.F..
Drivers of change in Norwegian agricultural land control and the emergence of rental farming.
Journal of Rural Studies
Academic literature review
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Rønningen, Katrina.
Global Shocks, Changing Agricultural Policy and the Viability of Rural Communities.
International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food
Academic literature review
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Rønningen, Katrina.
Crisis? What Crisis? Marginal Farming, Rural Communities and Climate Robustness: The Case of Northern Norway.
International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food
Academic article
Almås, Reidar;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Campbell, Hugh;
Smedshaug, Christian Anton.
Fram mot ein robust norsk landbruksmodell tilpassa eit fleksibelt og berekraftig globalt matvareregime.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Almås, Reidar;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Campbell, Hugh;
Smedshaug, Christian Anton.
Klimautfordringane og den norske landbrukspolitiske modellen.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Rønningen, Katrina;
Ballari, Øystein;
Rødven, Rolf.
Må satse på arktisk matproduksjon.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Almås, Reidar;
Brobakk, Jostein Tapper.
Klimaendringer og matvaresikkerhet: Er bærekraftig intensivering løsningen?.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Almås, Reidar;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Campbell, Hugh;
Smedshaug, Christian Anton.
Fram mot ein berekraftig og klimatilpassa norsk landbruksmodell.
Akademika forlag
Akademika forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Ida Harboe Knudsen: New Lithuania in Old Hands. Effects and Outcomes of Europeanization in Rural Lithuania.
Nordisk Østforum
Book review
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Blekesaune, Arild.
Development of organic farming in Norway: A statistical analysis of neighbourhood effects.
Academic article
Bolsø, Agnes;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Sørensen, Siri Øyslebø.
Gender-balanced corporate boards.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Richards, Carol;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Lawrence, Geoffrey;
Hickman, Emmy.
Retailer-driven agricultural restructuring-Australia, the UK and Norway in comparison.
Agriculture and Human Values
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Almås, Reidar;
Brobakk, Jostein Tapper.
Emerging neo-productivist agriculture as an approach to food security and climate change in Norway.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Exploring the sociology of agriculture: Family farmers in Norway - future or past food producers?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Forbord, Magnar;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
De nye leilendingene?.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Sørensen, Siri Øyslebø.
Why gender quotas are necessary.
European Voice
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Sørensen, Siri Øyslebø.
Feminism without Gender? Arguments for Gender Quotas on Corporate Boards in Norway.
Comparative Social Research
Academic article
Almås, Reidar;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Rivera-Ferre, Marta G..
Agriculture and Climate Change: Introduction.
International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Kvam, Gunn-Turid.
Local small-scale food enterprises: ambitions and initiatives for achieving business growth among male and female owners and managers.
Ager: Revista de Estudios sobre Despoblación y Desarrollo Rural
Academic article
Rønningen, Katrina;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Holm, Frank Egil;
Vik, Jostein.
Tromslandbruket. Regional analyse.
Norsk senter for bygdeforskning
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Det norske familiejordbruket.
Feature article
Wiborg, Agnete;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Challenges for future farming in Norway: The role of place for farm succession.
Norsk senter for bygdeforsknin
Medical Student Research Thesis
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Fra enfold til mangfold? Om veien til balansert kjønnssammensetning i landbrukssamvirkets styrer.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Flere kvinner i styrerom - katalysator for profesjonalisering av styrearbeid? :.
Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning
Academic article
Bolsø, Agnes;
Sørensen, Siri Øyslebø;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Lønnsomt eller bare rettferdig?.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Mittenzwei, Klaus;
Stokstad, Grete.
Kunnskap om struktur.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Wiborg, Agnete.
Challenges for succession in family farming - Perspectives and research questions.
NF-notat (1007/2010)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Madsen, Einar Lier;
Wiborg, Agnete.
Eierskifte - en framtidstest?.
Feature article
Madsen, Einar Lier;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Wiborg, Agnete.
Lakmustest for framtida.
Avisa Nordland
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Madsen, Einar Lier;
Wiborg, Agnete.
Fra den ene gårdbruker til den andre.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Hva med økologisk? By- og bygdefolks preferanser for mat og landbruk.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (2/09)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Kvam, Gunn-Turid.
Strategies and goals for growth among small-scale food enterprises in Norgay: A gender sensitive approach.
Notat Norsk senter for bygdeforskning (1/09)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Trender i økologisk landbruk.
Notat Norsk senter for bygdeforskning (5/09)
Heggem, Reidun;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Fornuft og følelser - en odelslov til besvær.
Statistiske analyser
Academic article
Forbord, Magnar;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Rekruttering til landbruket: Hva mener organisasjonene og forvaltningen?.
Statistiske analyser
Academic article
Richards, C;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Comment: The importance of agency in facilitating the transition to a multifunctional countryside.
Journal of Rural Studies
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Follo, Gro Irene;
Heggem, Reidun.
Lang vei til likestilling.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Richards, CA.
Multifunctional agriculture in policy and practice? A comparative analysis of Norway and Australia.
Journal of Rural Studies
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Blekesaune, Arild.
Gender and Work in Norwegian Family Farm Businesses.
Sociologia Ruralis
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Blekesaune, Arild.
Masculinisation or Professionalisation of Norwegian Farm Work - A gender neutral division of work on Norwegian family farms?.
Journal of Comparative Family Studies
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Heggem, Reidun;
Melberg, Kjersti.
Diversity of women’s role and motivation in Norwegian farms.
Wageningen Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Sustainable agriculture in the Norwegian farmers’ context: Exploring farming habitus and practice on the Norwegian agricultural field.
The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Is there a Female Principle in Organic Farming? An interpretation og data for Norway.
CABI Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heggem, Reidun;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Kvinner i landbruket - tilpasning til eller utfordring av en etablert mannlig driftskultur?.
Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning (13/06)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Future Prospects of the Average Norwegian Farm.
Wageningen Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pettersen, Liv Toril;
Ljunggren, Elisabet;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Hva betyr hushold, familie og kjønn for bedriftsetablering?.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Heggem, Reidun.
Framtidslandbruket Kvinner Pluss.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Heggem, Reidun.
Odelsjentenes kamp mot traktorgenet.
Feature article
Pettersen, Liv Toril;
Ljunggren, Elisabeth;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Betydningen av familie, hushold og kjønn for bedriftsetablering på bygda.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Richards, Carol, A..
Sustaining agricultural in Australia and Norway : a multifunctional approach.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (8/04)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Is there a "feminine principle" of farming - and is organic farming a way of expressing it?.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (5/04)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Brobakk, Jostein Tapper.
Exceptional policies for exceptional situations? How COVID-19 revealed persisting precarity for seasonal migrant workers.
International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food
Academic article
Storstad, Oddveig;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Foundations of production and consumption of organic food in Norway: Common attitudes among farmers and consumers?.
Agriculture and Human Values
Academic article
Almås, Reidar;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Brobakk, Jostein Tapper.
GMO Foods and Trust in Risk Society - a European Comparative Perspective.
Norsk senter for bygdeforskning
Fjeldavli, Elsa;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Ensomme bønder - i klemme mellom arbeid og fritid.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
"Konvensjonell" eller "økologisk"? : bønders motivasjon for valg av driftsform.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
"Konvensjonell" eller "økologisk"? : bønders motivasjon for valg av driftsform.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (5/01)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Storstad, Oddveig.
Common attitudes towards food production among farmers and consumers?.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (5/01)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Storstad, Oddveig.
En komparativ studie av økologisk forbruk i Norge og Danmark.
Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning (2/01)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Flø, Bjørn Egil.
Når storoksan ikkje beiter ved Femund si'er.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Ensomme bønder - myte eller virkelighet?.
Landbruksøkonomisk forum (1/2000)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Flø, Bjørn Egil.
Production and distribution of organic food in Norway : from the farmer's point of view.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (5/99)
Flø, Bjørn Egil;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Økologisk produksjon - rusk i forgassaren eller lågt dreiemoment?.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (7/99)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Flø, Bjørn Egil.
Mat og miljø : frekvensrapport fra en undersøkelse blant gårdbrukere.
Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning (14/99)
Elden, Kari Mette;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Sosiokultur og næring i utmark : frekvensrapport fra en undersøkelse blant grunneiere i to kommuner.
Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning (12/99)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Holdninger til rovvilt og forvaltningen av rovvilt - lokalbefolkningen i Femundsregionen som case.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Blekesaune, Arild;
Aasetre, Jørund.
Nye modeller for konflikthåndtering i rovviltkonflikten.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
The property structure in Norwegian forestry.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (10/99)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Lokalt eller utenbygds eie? : eierskapets betydning for skog og utmarksrelatert verdiskaping.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (9/99)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Elden, Kari Mette.
Frekvensrapport fra en undersøkelse blant norske skogbrukere.
Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning (13/99)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Institusjonelle ordninger rettet mot forvaltning av rurale ressurser. Eiendomssystemer, naturvern og lokalbefolkning i Femundsregionen. Hovedoppgave i sosiologi.
Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning (5/98)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Bærekraftig landbruk ved hjelp av økologisk dyrkede genmodifiserte planter? : hvordan vil tanken om en kombinasjon av genteknologi og økologisk produksjon bli tatt i mot av ulike aktører i matvarekjeden og i samfunnet?.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (7/98)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Flø, Bjørn Egil.
Institusjonelle ordningar retta mot forvaltning av rurale ressursar - Frekvensrapport.
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Flø, Bjørn Egil;
Torjusen, Hanne ;
Vittersø, Gunnar.
Økologisk mat - forskning, strategier og erfaringer i Danmark : rapport fra en studietur november 1997.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (3/98)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Flø, Bjørn Egil;
Daugstad, Karoline.
Kartlegging av lokale bruksinteresser og forvaltning i de foreslåtte verneområdene i Verdal-Snåsa-Lierne samt Hartkjølen.
Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning (7/98)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Flø, Bjørn Egil;
Torjusen, Hanne;
Vittersø, Gunnar.
Økologisk mat- forskning, strategier og erfaringer i Danmark.
Rapport - Senter for bygdeforskning (3/98)
Journal publications
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Muirhead, Bruce.
Når norsk melkeproduksjon surner, kan vi se til Canada. Nationen,.
Feature article
Moreno-Pérez, Olga M.;
Arnalte-Mur, Laura;
Cerrada-Serra, Pedro;
Martinez-Gomez, Victor;
Adamsone-Fiskovica, Anda;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Actions to strengthen the contribution of small farms and small food businesses to food security in Europe.
Food Security
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Büke, Atakan;
Ribeiro, José Duarte;
Sippel, Sarah Ruth.
The Food System in the (Post-)Pandemic World: Disruptions, Vulnerability, Resilience, and Alternatives - 1.
International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food
Academic article
Logstein, Brit;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Good Animal Welfare in Norwegian Farmers’ context. Can both industrial and natural conventions be achieved in the social license to farm?.
Journal of Rural Studies
Academic article
Mittenzwei, Klaus;
Gustavsen, Geir Wæhler;
Grimsrud, Kristine;
Lindhjem, Henrik;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Perceived effects of climate policy on rural areas and agriculture: A rural-urban divide.
Journal of Rural Studies
Academic article
Carolan, Michael;
Hale, James;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Dwiartama, Angga;
HIRAGA, Midori.
A Front Porch for Critical Agrifood Studies: Engagement Across the ‘Food System’ Boundaries.
International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food
Ortiz-Miranda, Dionisio;
Moreno-Pérez, Olga;
Arnalte-Mur, Laura;
Cerrada-Serra, Pedro;
Martinez-Gomez, Victor;
Adolph, Barbara.
The future of small farms and small food businesses as actors in regional food security: A participatory scenario analysis from Europe and Africa.
Journal of Rural Studies
Academic article
Duckett, Dominic;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Mur, Laura Arnalte;
Palmioli, Lucia.
New ‘old’ risks on the small farm: Iconic species rewilding in Europe.
Land Use Policy
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
God eller bedre dyrevelferd – hva er forskjellen? .
Ren Mat
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Hårstad, Renate Marie Butli.
Negative oppslag har ikke påvirket folks tillit til bønder.
Interview Journal
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Befolkningen stoler mest på myndighetene i dyrevelferdssaker .
Interview Journal
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Hårstad, Renate Marie Butli;
Borgen, Svein Ole.
Hvorfor er befolkningens støtte til dyrevernere halvert?.
Interview Journal
Hårstad, Renate Marie Butli;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Borgen, Svein Ole.
Dyrevernskandaler: Hvem stoler vi på at forteller sannheten om dyrevelferd i norsk husdyrproduksjon?.
Feature article
Skog, Kristine Lien;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Farmland under urbanization pressure: conversion motivation among Norwegian landowners.
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Gjenoppbygging av natur som opplevd risiko.
Feature article
Gjertsen, Arild;
Bay-Larsen, Ingrid Agathe;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Vangelsten, Bjørn Vidar.
Access to Areas for Algae Cultivation in Norway.
Marine Policy
Academic article
Arnalte-Mur, Laura;
Ortiz-Miranda, Dionisio;
Cerrada-Serra, P;
Martinez-Gómez, V;
Moreno-Pérez, O;
Barbu, R.
The drivers of change for the contribution of small farms to regional food security in Europe. .
Global Food Security
Academic article
Galli, Francesca;
Grando, Stefano;
Adamsone-Fiskovica, Anda;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Czekaj, Marta;
Ducket, Dominic.
How do small farms contribute to food and nutrition security? Linking European small farms, strategies and outcomes in territorial food systems.
Global Food Security
Academic article
Tisenkopf, Talis;
Adamsone-Fiskovica, Anda;
Kilis, Emils;
Suname, Sandra;
Grivins, Mikelis;
Pinto-Correia, Teresa.
Territorial fitting of small farms in Europe.
Global Food Security
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Heia kvinner i landbruket! .
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Visjon om et bærekraftig samfunn uten olje.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
For enkelt å svindle med mat?.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Når forskningen utfordrer verdiene våre.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Verdens verste dyrevelferd? .
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Trenger vi en bygdepolitikk?.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Forhandling om matjord.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Jeg tror ikke folk flest bor i Oslo i 2050.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Regnskogen brennes for å fø verden.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Knickel, Karlheinz.
Rethinking the links between farm modernisation,rural development and resilience
Journal of Rural Studies
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Et slag for det mellomstore bruket.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Ta Plass i bioøkonomien .
Feature article
Bay-Larsen, Ingrid Agathe;
Risvoll, Camilla;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Vestrum, Ingebjørg.
Local protein sources in animal feed - Perceptions among arctic sheep farmers.
Journal of Rural Studies
Academic article
Rye, Johan Fredrik;
Slettebak, Marie Holm;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
From Family to Domestic and Global Labour? A Decade of Proletarisation of Labour in the Norwegian Horticulture Industry.
European Countryside
Academic article
Guiomar, Nuno;
Godinho, Sérgio;
Pinto-Correia, Teresa;
Almeida, Mara;
Bartolini, Fabio;
Bezák, Peter.
Typology and distribution of small farms in Europe: Towards a better picture.
Land Use Policy
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Kjøtt i endring.
Feature article
Forbord, Magnar;
Hansen, Lillian;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Kan bioøkonomien redde verden?.
Feature article
Flemsæter, Frode;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Brobakk, Jostein Tapper.
Farmers as climate citizens.
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Vik, Jostein;
Richards, Carol.
The chicken game-Organization and integration in the Norwegian agri-food sector.
Research in Rural Sociology and Development
Academic article
Kvam, Gunn-Turid;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Pedersen, Ann-Charlott.
How relationships can influence an organic firm’s network identity.
European Planning Studies
Academic article
Hansen, Lillian;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Visions and Expectations for the Norwegian Bioeconomy.
Academic article
Miele, Mara;
Truninger, Mónica;
Higgins, Vaughan;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Research in Rural Sociology and Development
Academic article
Klimek, Björn;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Norwegian Agro-Food Attracting Private Equity Capital; Varieties of Capitalism – Varieties of Financialisation?.
Sociologia Ruralis
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Thanem, Alexander;
Kvam, Gunn-Turid.
Hvorfor ikke produsere økologisk?.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Elite og bønder med felles sak.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Den norske landbrukssosiologien. Historisk påvirkning i nåtidig forskning på familiejordbruket.
Sosiologi i dag
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Når bønder blir kyllinger.
Feature article
Rønningen, Katrina;
Vinge, Heidi;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Små grønne flekker eller godt vern av matjord.
Reader opinion piece
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Landbruket bør rekruttere flere kvinner.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Bioøkonomi for Bygde-Norge?.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Norsk mat i globale system.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Almås, Reidar;
Vik, Jostein.
Mindre makt, men bedre utvalg.
Feature article
Brandth, Berit;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Gender quotas for agricultural boards: changing constructions of gender?.
Gender, Work & Organization
Academic article
Forbord, Magnar;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Burton, Rob J.F..
Drivers of change in Norwegian agricultural land control and the emergence of rental farming.
Journal of Rural Studies
Academic literature review
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Rønningen, Katrina.
Global Shocks, Changing Agricultural Policy and the Viability of Rural Communities.
International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food
Academic literature review
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Rønningen, Katrina.
Crisis? What Crisis? Marginal Farming, Rural Communities and Climate Robustness: The Case of Northern Norway.
International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Rønningen, Katrina;
Ballari, Øystein;
Rødven, Rolf.
Må satse på arktisk matproduksjon.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Ida Harboe Knudsen: New Lithuania in Old Hands. Effects and Outcomes of Europeanization in Rural Lithuania.
Nordisk Østforum
Book review
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Blekesaune, Arild.
Development of organic farming in Norway: A statistical analysis of neighbourhood effects.
Academic article
Richards, Carol;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Lawrence, Geoffrey;
Hickman, Emmy.
Retailer-driven agricultural restructuring-Australia, the UK and Norway in comparison.
Agriculture and Human Values
Academic article
Forbord, Magnar;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
De nye leilendingene?.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Sørensen, Siri Øyslebø.
Why gender quotas are necessary.
European Voice
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Sørensen, Siri Øyslebø.
Feminism without Gender? Arguments for Gender Quotas on Corporate Boards in Norway.
Comparative Social Research
Academic article
Almås, Reidar;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Rivera-Ferre, Marta G..
Agriculture and Climate Change: Introduction.
International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Kvam, Gunn-Turid.
Local small-scale food enterprises: ambitions and initiatives for achieving business growth among male and female owners and managers.
Ager: Revista de Estudios sobre Despoblación y Desarrollo Rural
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Det norske familiejordbruket.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Flere kvinner i styrerom - katalysator for profesjonalisering av styrearbeid? :.
Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning
Academic article
Bolsø, Agnes;
Sørensen, Siri Øyslebø;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Lønnsomt eller bare rettferdig?.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Mittenzwei, Klaus;
Stokstad, Grete.
Kunnskap om struktur.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Madsen, Einar Lier;
Wiborg, Agnete.
Eierskifte - en framtidstest?.
Feature article
Madsen, Einar Lier;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Wiborg, Agnete.
Lakmustest for framtida.
Avisa Nordland
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Madsen, Einar Lier;
Wiborg, Agnete.
Fra den ene gårdbruker til den andre.
Feature article
Heggem, Reidun;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Fornuft og følelser - en odelslov til besvær.
Statistiske analyser
Academic article
Forbord, Magnar;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Rekruttering til landbruket: Hva mener organisasjonene og forvaltningen?.
Statistiske analyser
Academic article
Richards, C;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Comment: The importance of agency in facilitating the transition to a multifunctional countryside.
Journal of Rural Studies
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Follo, Gro Irene;
Heggem, Reidun.
Lang vei til likestilling.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Richards, CA.
Multifunctional agriculture in policy and practice? A comparative analysis of Norway and Australia.
Journal of Rural Studies
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Blekesaune, Arild.
Gender and Work in Norwegian Family Farm Businesses.
Sociologia Ruralis
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Blekesaune, Arild.
Masculinisation or Professionalisation of Norwegian Farm Work - A gender neutral division of work on Norwegian family farms?.
Journal of Comparative Family Studies
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Sustainable agriculture in the Norwegian farmers’ context: Exploring farming habitus and practice on the Norwegian agricultural field.
The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Heggem, Reidun.
Framtidslandbruket Kvinner Pluss.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Heggem, Reidun.
Odelsjentenes kamp mot traktorgenet.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Brobakk, Jostein Tapper.
Exceptional policies for exceptional situations? How COVID-19 revealed persisting precarity for seasonal migrant workers.
International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food
Academic article
Storstad, Oddveig;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Foundations of production and consumption of organic food in Norway: Common attitudes among farmers and consumers?.
Agriculture and Human Values
Academic article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Flø, Bjørn Egil.
Når storoksan ikkje beiter ved Femund si'er.
Feature article
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
McMichael, Philip;
Muirhead, Bruce.
Finance or Food?: The Role of Cultures, Values, and Ethics in Land Use Negotiations.
University of Toronto Press
University of Toronto Press
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Magnan, Andre;
Lawrence, Geoffrey.
The Financialization of Agri-Food Systems: Contested Transformations.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Miele, Mara;
Vaughan, Higgins;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Truninger, Monica.
Transforming the Rural. Global Prcesses and Local Futures.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Research in Rural Sociology and Development (0)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Alsos, Gry Agnete;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Bolsø, Agnes;
Ljunggren, Elisabet.
Kjønn og næringsliv i Norge.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Almås, Reidar;
Vik, Jostein.
Norsk matmakt i endring.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Almås, Reidar;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Campbell, Hugh;
Smedshaug, Christian Anton.
Fram mot ein berekraftig og klimatilpassa norsk landbruksmodell.
Akademika forlag
Akademika forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Thorseth, May Britt.
Good animal welfare in a sustainable food system.
Wageningen Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kaasa, Jorunn;
Slettebak, Marie Holm;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Blekesaune, Arild.
Data for den kvantitative analysen.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Blekesaune, Arild;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Analyser av surveydata 2. Logistiske regresjonsmodeller og sammenligning av data fra ulike land.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
McKee, Annie;
Vinge, Heidi;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Almås, Reidar.
Agricultural models in Scotland and Norway – a comparison.
Edinburgh University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Borch, Kristian;
Follo, Gro Irene;
Hansen, Lillian;
Logstein, Brit.
Framsyn mot Bioøkonomisamfunnet.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Rønningen, Katrina;
Vinge, Heidi.
"Jordvern" as a Situation of Action: The Material and Non-Material Forces Shaping the Protection of Farmland in Norway.
University of Toronto Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
McMichael, Philip;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Muirhead, Bruce.
Land and the Value Calculus: Towards a Reculturalization of Farmland.
University of Toronto Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
McMichael, Philip;
Muirhead, Bruce.
Introduction to Cultures, Values, Ethics and Agruments on Agricultural Land.
University of Toronto Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
McKee, Annie;
Vinge, Heidi;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Almås, Reidar.
Land ownership and land management policies in Norway and Scotland.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Magnan, Andre;
Lawrence, Geoffrey.
Introduction: The financialization of agri-food.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Brobakk, Jostein Tapper.
Profit, aid and ethics in public finacialisation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Brandth, Berit.
Litt Jane og litt Tarzan: Om makt og innflytelse i landbrukssamvirkets styrerom.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alsos, Gry Agnete;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Bolsø, Agnes;
Ljunggren, Elisabet.
Introduksjon – kjønn og norsk næringsliv.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dramstad, Wenche;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Sustainable agriculture – leading the way to the future we want.
Vik, Jostein;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Kyllingens politiske økonomi - et bilde av det fremtidige landbruket?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Burton, Rob J.F.;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Typologisering av nye verdikjeder for mat: Når profitt er målet og "ikke-mat" er middelet.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brustad, Sigvat;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Omdømme, makt og mulighetsrom for bærekraftig styring - om Norsk Kylling i media.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Almås, Reidar;
Vik, Jostein.
Nyskaping og maktforhold i den norske matvarekjeden.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Almås, Reidar;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Vik, Jostein.
Matmakt - en introduksjon.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Blekesaune, Arild;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Spatial diffusion of innovation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rønningen, Katrina;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Agricultural policy regimes 1999-2014.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Almås, Reidar;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Campbell, Hugh;
Smedshaug, Christian Anton.
Fram mot ein robust norsk landbruksmodell tilpassa eit fleksibelt og berekraftig globalt matvareregime.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Almås, Reidar;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Campbell, Hugh;
Smedshaug, Christian Anton.
Klimautfordringane og den norske landbrukspolitiske modellen.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Almås, Reidar;
Brobakk, Jostein Tapper.
Klimaendringer og matvaresikkerhet: Er bærekraftig intensivering løsningen?.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bolsø, Agnes;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Sørensen, Siri Øyslebø.
Gender-balanced corporate boards.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Almås, Reidar;
Brobakk, Jostein Tapper.
Emerging neo-productivist agriculture as an approach to food security and climate change in Norway.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Exploring the sociology of agriculture: Family farmers in Norway - future or past food producers?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Fra enfold til mangfold? Om veien til balansert kjønnssammensetning i landbrukssamvirkets styrer.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Heggem, Reidun;
Melberg, Kjersti.
Diversity of women’s role and motivation in Norwegian farms.
Wageningen Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Is there a Female Principle in Organic Farming? An interpretation og data for Norway.
CABI Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Future Prospects of the Average Norwegian Farm.
Wageningen Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pettersen, Liv Toril;
Ljunggren, Elisabet;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Hva betyr hushold, familie og kjønn for bedriftsetablering?.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pettersen, Liv Toril;
Ljunggren, Elisabeth;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Betydningen av familie, hushold og kjønn for bedriftsetablering på bygda.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fjeldavli, Elsa;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Ensomme bønder - i klemme mellom arbeid og fritid.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
"Konvensjonell" eller "økologisk"? : bønders motivasjon for valg av driftsform.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Holdninger til rovvilt og forvaltningen av rovvilt - lokalbefolkningen i Femundsregionen som case.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Blekesaune, Arild;
Aasetre, Jørund.
Nye modeller for konflikthåndtering i rovviltkonflikten.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Hansen, Lillian;
Zahl-Thanem, Alexander.
Sektorvise scenarier for bioøkonomien.
Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning (4/18)
Almaas, Henrik Eli;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Almås, Reidar.
Faktaark Agrispace 1-4 om kylling, sau, gris og melkeproduksjon. .
Rønningen, Katrina;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Holm, Frank Egil;
Vik, Jostein.
Tromslandbruket. Regional analyse.
Norsk senter for bygdeforskning
Wiborg, Agnete;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Challenges for future farming in Norway: The role of place for farm succession.
Norsk senter for bygdeforsknin
Medical Student Research Thesis
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Wiborg, Agnete.
Challenges for succession in family farming - Perspectives and research questions.
NF-notat (1007/2010)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Hva med økologisk? By- og bygdefolks preferanser for mat og landbruk.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (2/09)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Kvam, Gunn-Turid.
Strategies and goals for growth among small-scale food enterprises in Norgay: A gender sensitive approach.
Notat Norsk senter for bygdeforskning (1/09)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Trender i økologisk landbruk.
Notat Norsk senter for bygdeforskning (5/09)
Heggem, Reidun;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Kvinner i landbruket - tilpasning til eller utfordring av en etablert mannlig driftskultur?.
Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning (13/06)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Richards, Carol, A..
Sustaining agricultural in Australia and Norway : a multifunctional approach.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (8/04)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Is there a "feminine principle" of farming - and is organic farming a way of expressing it?.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (5/04)
Almås, Reidar;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Brobakk, Jostein Tapper.
GMO Foods and Trust in Risk Society - a European Comparative Perspective.
Norsk senter for bygdeforskning
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
"Konvensjonell" eller "økologisk"? : bønders motivasjon for valg av driftsform.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (5/01)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Storstad, Oddveig.
Common attitudes towards food production among farmers and consumers?.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (5/01)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Storstad, Oddveig.
En komparativ studie av økologisk forbruk i Norge og Danmark.
Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning (2/01)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Ensomme bønder - myte eller virkelighet?.
Landbruksøkonomisk forum (1/2000)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Flø, Bjørn Egil.
Production and distribution of organic food in Norway : from the farmer's point of view.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (5/99)
Flø, Bjørn Egil;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Økologisk produksjon - rusk i forgassaren eller lågt dreiemoment?.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (7/99)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Flø, Bjørn Egil.
Mat og miljø : frekvensrapport fra en undersøkelse blant gårdbrukere.
Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning (14/99)
Elden, Kari Mette;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Sosiokultur og næring i utmark : frekvensrapport fra en undersøkelse blant grunneiere i to kommuner.
Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning (12/99)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
The property structure in Norwegian forestry.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (10/99)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Lokalt eller utenbygds eie? : eierskapets betydning for skog og utmarksrelatert verdiskaping.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (9/99)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Elden, Kari Mette.
Frekvensrapport fra en undersøkelse blant norske skogbrukere.
Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning (13/99)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Institusjonelle ordninger rettet mot forvaltning av rurale ressurser. Eiendomssystemer, naturvern og lokalbefolkning i Femundsregionen. Hovedoppgave i sosiologi.
Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning (5/98)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Bærekraftig landbruk ved hjelp av økologisk dyrkede genmodifiserte planter? : hvordan vil tanken om en kombinasjon av genteknologi og økologisk produksjon bli tatt i mot av ulike aktører i matvarekjeden og i samfunnet?.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (7/98)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Flø, Bjørn Egil.
Institusjonelle ordningar retta mot forvaltning av rurale ressursar - Frekvensrapport.
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Flø, Bjørn Egil;
Torjusen, Hanne ;
Vittersø, Gunnar.
Økologisk mat - forskning, strategier og erfaringer i Danmark : rapport fra en studietur november 1997.
Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning) (3/98)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Flø, Bjørn Egil;
Daugstad, Karoline.
Kartlegging av lokale bruksinteresser og forvaltning i de foreslåtte verneområdene i Verdal-Snåsa-Lierne samt Hartkjølen.
Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning (7/98)
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Flø, Bjørn Egil;
Torjusen, Hanne;
Vittersø, Gunnar.
Økologisk mat- forskning, strategier og erfaringer i Danmark.
Rapport - Senter for bygdeforskning (3/98)
Vik, Jostein;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Thanem, Alexander.
En større andel av bøndene har hatt positiv økonomisk utvikling på sine bruk. Faktaark 2/17.
Bjørkhaug, Hilde;
Thanem, Alexander.
Andelen kvinnebønder øker. Faktaark 4/17.
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Thorseth, May Britt. (2024) Good animal welfare in a sustainable food system. EurSafe network EurSafe 2024 : Back to the future Sustainable innovations for ethical food production and consumption , Ede Nederland 2024-09-11 - 2024-09-14
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2024) Deliberating Animal Welfare. Australasian Agri-Food Research Network Australasian Agri-Food Research Network conference , Tweed Heads, Australia 2024-12-03 - 2024-12-06
Academic lectureBurgess, Michael M.; Campbell, Hugh; Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Logstein, Brit. (2023) Public deliberation on agricultural innovation. The Australasian Agri-Food Research Network AUSTRALASIAN AGRI-FOOD RESEARCH NETWORK CONFERENCE Place-based Agri-food Systems in a Time of Climate Crisis: Resilience, Resistance, and Regeneration December 4-7, 2023. Hobart, Tasmania. , Tasmania 2023-12-06 - 2023-12-06
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2023) Sofaprat: Hva må gjøres for at årets valg blir et klimavalg? . Fremtiden i våre hender Sofaprat: Hva må gjøres for at årets valg blir et klimavalg? , Trondheim folkebibliotek 2023-02-27 - 2023-02-27
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2023) Dyrevelferd som konfliktområde. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab DKNVS Akademi , Trondheim Katedralskoles Festsal 2023-03-27 - 2023-03-27
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Muirhead, Bruce. (2023) Animal Welfare Standards in the Chicken & Egg (food)System. International Sociological Assosiation XX ISA World Congress of Sociology , Melbourne Australia 2023-06-25 - 2023-07-01
Academic lectureGylver, Erlend Engzelius; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2023) Land use challenges: Sustainability, governance, and social and political responses. NTNU Energy Team Society Beyond Crisis, Beyond Normal , DIGS, Trondheim 2023-09-27 - 2023-09-28
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2023) Social Science perspectives on environment and climate across the Atlantic. SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENT, RESOURCES AND SUSTAINABILITY SERS SALON , University of Waterloo, Canada 2023-11-13 - 2023-11-13
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Logstein, Brit. (2023) What Prevents Better Animal Welfare?. International Sociological Assosiation ISA World Congress of Sociology , Melbourne Australia 2023-06-25 - 2023-07-01
Academic lectureLogstein, Brit; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2023) Good Animal Welfare in Norwegian farmers' context. Can both industrial and natural conventions be achieved in the social licence to farm? . L'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers, France XXIXth European Society for Rural Sociology Congress Crises and the futures of rural areas , Rennes, France 2023-07-03 - 2023-07-07
Academic lectureJakobsen, Anita Nordeng; Hoel, Sunniva; Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Kahrs, Magnus Strøm; Korpås, Guri Sivertsen; Strandhagen, Jan Ola. (2023) How can we strengthen graduates' sustainability competence and mindset? . 19th International CDIO Conference 2023-06-26 - 2023-06-29
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2023) How can good animal welfare be achieved in a sustainable food system? . NSU Nordic Environmental Ethics and PAE, NTNU NSU Nordic Environmental Ethics Winter Symposium 2023 , Trondheim, Elvegata 17 (DKNVS) 2023-03-30 - 2023-03-31
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2022) Good animal welfare in a sustainable food system. Program for anvendt etikk, NTNU og BIONÆR-prosjektet GoodAni Dyrevelferd: Etikk og politikk , Trondheim, DKNVS Elvegata 17 2022-06-03 - 2022-06-03
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Brobakk, Jostein Tapper. (2022) Vulnerable and unjust: How Covid-19 revealed the true nature of the Norwegian agricultural model. ISA RC-40 The Food System in the (Post-)Pandemic World: Disruptions, Vulnerability, Resilience, and Alternatives , University of Leipzig 2022-10-20 - 2022-10-21
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Thorseth, May Britt. (2022) Good animal welfare in a sustainable food system. NTNU Animal Welfare: Ethics and Politics Workshop , Trondheim 2022-06-03 - 2022-06-03
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Muirhead, Bruce. (2022) Conventions on farm animal welfare in a financialized economy . International Rural Sociology Association, The Cairns Institute, James Cook University Rural sustainability in the urban century – XV World Congress of Rural Sociology , Cairns, Australia 2022-07-19 - 2022-07-22
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Brobakk, Jostein Tapper; Rye, Johan Fredrik. (2022) Rural and Urban Inequalities. A Bourdieuvian Approach. ESRS Inequalities, mobilities and justice in rural areas , Chania, Greece 2022-06-15 - 2022-06-17
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2021) Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence in the EU: transparency and accountability . European food Forum European Food Forum Event , Online 2021-04-22 - 2021-04-22
Academic lectureAustrheim, Gunnar; Speed, James David Mervyn; Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Kolstad, Anders Lorentzen; Martinsen, Vegard; Mulder, Jan. (2020) Managing livestock and wild herbivores for nature and climate in mountains. University of Zurich Research Priority Programme World Biodiversity Forum , Davos 2020-02-23 - 2020-02-28
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2019) Livskraftige bygder i framtida. Berre ein draum?Kva gir samfunns- og næringsutvikling i distriktskommunane?. Heiplan-samarbeidet Heiplansamlinga 2019 5. og 6. juni Nesflaten, Suldal kommune , Nesflaten, Suldal kommune 2019-06-05 - 2019-06-06
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2019) Trenger vi en bygdepolitikk?. Rendalen næringsforening Lunsjmøte for primærnæringene i Rendalen - tirsdag 2.april 2019 , Rendalen kommune 2019-04-02 - 2019-04-02
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2019) Good animal welfare for a sustainable food system. NTNU Sustainability Animal Ethics for Sustainability: ‘Clean’ Food, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development , Trondheim 2019-11-28 - 2019-11-29
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2019) Mountain Agriculture in the Bioeconomy. Univesitetet i Innsbruck International Mountain Conference , Innsbruck 2019-09-08 - 2019-09-12
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2019) Foresight as a method in developing the new bioeconomy. Faculty of Engineering, NTNU IFEL8000 Forskningsmetodikk, vitenskapsteori og etikk (PhD Course) , NTNU 2019-04-24 - 2019-04-24
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2019) Framsyn som metode i utviklingen av den nye bioøkonomien - WP2. ISS, NTNU Sos1002 Samfunnsvitenskapelig forskningsmetode , NTNU, Trondheim 2019-04-03 - 2019-04-03
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2019) Framsyn som metode i utviklingen av den nye bioøkonomien. ISS, NTNU Sos1002 Samfunnsvitenskapelig forskningsmetode , NTNU, Trondheim 2019-10-16 - 2019-10-16
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2019) Trenger vi en bygdepolitikk? . Rendalen Næringsforening Lunsjmøte for primærnæringene i Rendalen - tirsdag 2.april 2019 , Rendalen 2019-04-02 - 2019-04-02
Popular scientific lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2019) GoodAnimal God dyrevelferd for bærekraftig fremtid. Ruralis og Landbruksforsikring Frokostseminar om bønder og dyrevelferd , Oslo 2019-06-12 - 2019-06-12
Academic lectureBrobakk, Jostein Tapper; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2019) Moral, Ethics and Sustainability in Finacialisation: Examples from public investments. ESRS RC-40 PRE-CONFERENCE SESSION: FINANCIALISATION OF AGRI-FOOD SYSTEMS – URGENT AND FUTURE CHALLENGES , Trondheim 2019-06-25 - 2019-06-25
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2019) The financialization of the agri-food system. ISS, NTNU Lunjsseminar , Trondheim 2019-03-21 - 2019-03-21
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Follo, Gro Irene; Hansen, Lillian; Logstein, Brit. (2018) Biosmart Verksted 2. Ruralis Biosmart verksted 2 , Lysaker 2018-09-21 - 2018-09-21
LectureForbord, Magnar; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2017) Landbruk, politikk og romlig utvikling - en sammenligning av New Zealand, Østerrike og Norge. NIBIO og Norsk senter for bygdeforskning Brukersamling Agrispace , Oslo 2017-03-16 - 2017-03-16
Academic lectureVangelsten, Bjørn Vidar; Bay-Larsen, Ingrid Agathe; Bjørkan, Maiken; Dale, Brigt; Magnussen, Tone; Risvoll, Camilla. (2017) Kan vi bruke næringslivets veikart til å finne lavutslippsamfunnet?. Concerned Scientists Norway Concerned Scientists Norway konferansen «Omlegging av Norge til bærekraftig nullutslippssamfunn: Hvordan fikk vi det til?» , Oslo 2017-03-14 - 2017-03-14
Popular scientific lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2017) Hvordan fremme overgangen til en «smart» bioøkonomi?. Broen til framtiden 2017 , Olso 2017-02-17 - 2017-02-17
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Rønningen, Katrina; Vinge, Heidi. (2017) The ontology of land use discourses in Norway. European Society for Rural Sociology XXVII European Society for Rural Sociology Conference , Krakow 2017-07-24 - 2017-07-27
Academic lectureMcKee, Annie; Vinge, Heidi; Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Almås, Reidar. (2017) The Promised Land: Scottish land reform – why look to Norway?. European Society for Rural Sociology XXVII European Society for Rural Sociology Conference , Krakow 2017-07-24 - 2017-07-27
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Bay-Larsen, Ingrid Agathe; Bjørkan, Maiken; Risvoll, Camilla; Vangelsten, Bjørn Vidar. (2017) Upscaling algae cultivation in Norway – identifying challenges and opportunities. Hopefullness - The 13th Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference , Tampere 2017-06-06 - 2017-06-08
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Follo, Gro Irene; Hansen, Lillian; Logstein, Brit. (2017) Biosmart verksted 1. Ruralis Biosmart verksted 1 , Oslo 2017-11-23 - 2017-11-23
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Vinge, Heidi. (2017) Discourses on farmland management and protection. Saving land for future generations or optimize present societal needs?. Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet NTNU Sustainability Science Conference , Trondheim 2017-10-18 - 2017-10-20
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2016) Den trønderske bio-økonomiens rolle i det grønne skiftet. Sør-Trøndelag fylkeskommune Interreg prosjektutviklingsmøte , Trondheim 2016-05-02 - 2016-05-02
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Thanem, Alexander; Hansen, Lillian; Blekesaune, Arild. (2016) Survey of the bioeconomy. BIOSMART Biosmart workshop 2016 , Hell 2016-05-30 - 2016-05-31
Academic lectureKvam, Gunn-Turid; Knickel, Karlheinz; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2016) Trade-Offs in Growth Processes of Successful Organic Values Based Food Chains. IRSA IRSA Congress 2016 , Toronto 2016-08-10 - 2016-08-14
LectureKvam, Gunn-Turid; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2016) Hvordan kombinere vekst og merverdi i økologiske verdikjeder?. Landbruksdirektoratet Lansering av rapport om økologisk produksjon og forbruk , Oslo 2016-03-18 - 2016-03-18
LectureKvam, Gunn-Turid; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2016) Vekst og merverdi i økologiske verdikjeder. OIKOS Oikos seminar , Oslo 2016-03-02 - 2016-03-02
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2016) Women Quotas on Corporate and Cooperative boards in Norway. University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia Staff seminar , University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia 2016-03-04 - 2016-03-04
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2016) Agrispace (Space, land and society: challenges and opportunities for production and innovation in agriculture based value chains ). Agrispace Agrispace workshop 2016 , Tromsø-Kirkenes 2016-05-10 - 2016-05-12
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Vinge, Heidi; Rønningen, Katrina. (2016) Salamander, salat eller CO2-vennlige miljøhus? Kultur, verdier og etikk i forvaltningen av matjorda . Sosiologisk poliklinikk og Trøndesosiologene Sosiologifestival 2016 , Dokkhuset, Trondheim 15. september 2016 2016-09-15 - 2016-09-15
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Brobakk, Jostein Tapper; Carson, Siri Granum. (2016) Public funds balancing profit, aid and ethics in land investments. IRSA IRSA Congress 2016 , Toronto 2016-08-10 - 2016-08-14
Academic lectureForbord, Magnar; Schermer, Markus; Burton, Rob J.F.; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2016) Governance, policies and the spatial development of agriculture—a comparative study. IRSA IRSA Congress 2016 , Toronto 2016-08-10 - 2016-08-14
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Kvam, Gunn-Turid; Knickel, Karlheinz; Milestad, Rebecka; Skulskis, Virgilijus. (2016) Growing values and growing business. IRSA IRSA Congress 2016 , Toronto 2016-08-10 - 2016-08-14
Academic lectureHansen, Lillian; Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Forbord, Magnar. (2016) Envisioning a Norwegian bioeconomy across bio-sectors. IRSA IRSA Congress 2016 , Toronto 2016-08-10 - 2016-08-14
Popular scientific lectureSørensen, Siri Øyslebø; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2016) Likestillingstvang? Om kjønnskvotering som virkemiddel. Studentersamfundet Excenteraften 2016-11-01 - 2016-11-01
Popular scientific lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Sørensen, Siri Øyslebø. (2016) Excenteraften: Kvotering - virker det egentlig?. Studentersamfundet Trondheim Excenteraften i Biblioteket , Studentersamfundet Trondheim 2016-11-01 - 2016-11-01
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2016) Kvinner i styrene. Norsk landbrukssamvirke Valgkomitéseminar , Landbrukets hus, Oslo 2016-11-01 - 2016-11-01
Academic lectureMcKee, Annie; Vinge, Heidi; Almås, Reidar; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2016) Understanding the role of land tenure in producing sustainable outcomes: comparative case studies from Scotland and Norway. The Nordic Ruralities Network Nordic Ruralities: Crisis and Resilience. 4th Nordic Conference for Rural Research , Akureyri 2016-05-22 - 2016-05-24
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2015) Kvinner i landbruket . Likestilte, mangfoldige, ressurssterke!. Norges bonde og småbrukarlag Jakten på Kvinnebonden: Hvem skal gi ansikt til kvinner i landbruket? , Bondeheimen, Oslo 2015-01-30 - 2015-01-30
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2015) Food or finance? Cultural and economic valuation in the debate on agricultural land managment. . Institutt for Biologi, NTNU Natural resources management 2015 , NTNU 2015-09-21 - 2015-09-21
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2015) Troms-bonden. Tine-Nord Workshop Tine-Nord , Sama, Narvik 2015-03-25 - 2015-03-25
Popular scientific lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2015) Norsk Matmakt - en introduksjon. Norsk senter for bygdeforskning Matmakktseminar , Næringslivets hus, Oslo 2015-11-10 - 2015-11-10
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2015) Bønder i styrerommet. NEON Presentasjon av Kjønn og Næringsliv i Norge – «Kvinner på topp». NEON-konferansen 2015 , Trondheim, Handelshøyskolen 2015-11-26 - 2015-11-26
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2015) Utviklingsmuligheter for landbruket framover. Partnerskap landbruk Nordland Partnerskap landbruk Nordland , Bodø 2015-10-26 - 2015-10-26
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2015) Jordvernets kulturelle forutsetninger - med grønn strek i Trondheim som case. Norsk senter for bygdeforskning Styremøte Bygdeforskning , Trondheim 2015-12-16 - 2015-12-16
InterviewBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2015) Handel med mat. https://www.spreaker.com/user/handelskampanjen/episode-4-han https://www.spreaker.com/user/handelskampanjen/episode-4-han [Internet] 2015-12-05
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2015) Hvem vil overta gårdene i fremtiden?. Norges bondelag Eierskiftedagene 2015 , Gardermoen 2015-12-14 - 2015-12-14
Popular scientific lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2015) Kommer ikke maten fra butikken da?. Kunnskapsbyen (Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab) Forskningsdagene 2015 , Theaterkafeen, Trondheim 2015-09-19 - 2015-09-19
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2015) Press på jord og areal: Trondheim som eksempel. AgriAnalyse Politikkseminar 2015: Norske arealer, bruk og vern – Kommunale dilemma , Litteraturhuset Oslo 2015-08-26 - 2015-08-26
Academic lectureVinge, Heidi; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2015) Farmland Preservation in a Context of Uncertainity: Market-based Instruments, Planning and Civic Knowledge. NESS2015 Nordic environmental social science conferences, NESS 2015 , Trondheim 2015-06-09 - 2015-06-11
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Burton, Rob J.F.. (2015) More-than-food chains. Neoliberal globalisation and the bio-economy. CIRIEC 2015 CIRIEC 2015 , Lisboa 2015-07-15 - 2015-07-18
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Vinge, Heidi. (2015) Food or finance? Cultural and economic valuation in the Norwegian debate on agricultural land protection. . ESRS ESRS2015 , Aberdeen 2015-08-18 - 2015-08-21
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2015) Samfunn areal og sted: Produksjon og innovasjon i landbruksbaserte verdikjeder. Bioforsk Biofoskkonferansen 2015 Landbruk i endring, effekter for verdiskaping, samfunn og miljø , Hamar 2015-02-04 - 2015-02-05
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2014) Frogs, Food or Both? Where is the public interest?. Norges forskningråd Samkulkonferansen 2014 , Trondheim 2014-12-03 - 2014-12-03
Popular scientific lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2014) Jordvern. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab Debattmøte om jordvern , Ringve Museeum 2014-10-15 - 2014-10-15
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2014) Soil. Institutt for biologi The Slettvik Seminar , Trondheim 2014-09-18 - 2014-09-18
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2014) Utenlandsk arbeidskraft i kyllingindustrien. Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap Seminar om arbeidsinnvandring. , Trondheim 2014-02-10 - 2014-02-10
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Brobakk, Jostein Tapper. (2014) Investments in land. Balancing profit, aid and ethics. International Sociology Assosiation ISA World Congress. , Yokohama 2014-07-13 - 2014-07-19
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Almås, Reidar; Brustad, Sigvat; Vik, Jostein. (2014) Verdikjede kylling. Norsk senter for bygdeforskning Seminar Matsats fase 1 , Kvilhaugen Gård 2014-01-16 - 2014-01-16
Academic lectureKvam, Gunn-Turid; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2014) State of the art review – On Healthy growth initiatives in the mid-scale values based chain of organic food. International farming Systems Assosiation (IFSA) The 11th European IFSA Symposium , Berlin 2014-04-01 - 2014-04-04
LectureFlemsæter, Frode; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2014) Norske bønder som klimaborgere. Avslutningsseminar, C-Scape , Ås 2014-04-28 - 2014-04-28
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2013) Strukturendringer – muligheter og begrensninger. Bioforsk Bioforsk seminar, Økt matproduksjon – muligheter og flaskehalser i Arktisk landbruk. , Hurtigruta Bodø-Tromsø 2013-11-26 - 2013-11-27
Popular scientific lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2013) Strukturendringer i landbruket. Kompetanseløft Trøndersk Landbruk. Kompetansekafe , Trondheim 2013-12-13 - 2013-12-13
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Brobakk, Jostein Tapper. (2013) Investing Abroad. Norwegian land investments and the Government Pension Fund – Global (NGPG). Australasian Agri-Food Research Network Australasian Agri-Food Research Network XX 2013 , Melbourne 2013-12-02 - 2013-12-05
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Kvam, Gunn-Turid. (2013) Volume Growth in Quality Food Firms - Lessons and Reflections from Norway. ESRS XXVth ESRS Congress , Firenze 2013-07-29 - 2013-08-01
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2013) Frogs, fuel, finance or food? Cultures, values, ethics, arguments and justifications in the management og agricultural land (FORFOOD). Norges forskningsråd SAMKUL programseminar , Gardermoen 2013-10-23 - 2013-10-23
Academic lectureKvam, Gunn-Turid; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2013) State of the art report. University of Maribor Healthygrowth Workshop , Maribor 2013-11-04 - 2013-11-05
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2013) Strukturendring: Ulike definisjoner, ulike resultat?. Norsk senter for bygdeforskning, SLF Strukturendinger i landbruket , SLF, Oslo 2013-04-05 - 2013-04-05
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Brobakk, Jostein Tapper; Almås, Reidar. (2013) Klimaendringer og matvaresikkerhet: Er bærekraftig intensivering løsningen?. Bygdeforskning, Fylkesm i Nord-Trøndelag, HINT Klimatilpasset landbrukspolitikk , HINT; Steinkjer 2013-11-20 -
Popular scientific lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Almås, Reidar; Brustad, Sigvat; Vik, Jostein. (2013) Kyllingens landskap - forskning på endringer i eier- og maktrelasjoner i verdikjeden for kyllingkjøtt. Norsk senter for bygdeforskning, NILF Norsk matindustri. Endrede rammebetingelser og verdikjedesamarbeid - hva betyr det for innovasjon og økt konkurranseevne? , Kviamarka, Hå kommune 2013-10-09 - 2013-10-09
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2013) Bio-economy versus Eco-economy. OTIS, NTNU OTIS Sustainable developments breakfast seminars autumn 2013 , NTNU Dragvoll 2013-09-23 - 2013-09-23
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2013) Kultur, verdier, etikk og politikk - når matjord forvaltes. Norges forskningsråd Dialogmøte Samkul - Departementer , Forskningsrådet, Oslo 2013-06-10 - 2013-06-10
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2013) Frogs, fuel, finance or food? Cultures, values, ethics, arguments and justifications in the management of agricultural land. NTNU Globalisation Workshop , Trondheim 2013-06-14 - 2013-06-14
Academic lectureRichards, Carol, A.; Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Lyons, Kristen. (2013) Financialisation and land acquisition in developing countries: Discourses of power and resistance. ESRS XXVth ESRS Congress , Firenze 2013-07-30 - 2013-08-01
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2013) 5 minutter om strukturendringer. Norsk senter for bygdeforskning Internseminar , Trondheim 2013-10-11 - 2013-10-11
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Rye, Johan Fredrik. (2013) Store forskjeller på bygda? En Bourdieu-inspirert klasseanalyse av norske bygdesamfunn. Norsk sosiologforening Vinterseminaret , Skeikampen 2013-01-25 - 2013-01-27
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Blekesaune, Arild. (2013) Local communities and agriculture - effects of structural change?. University of Bonn Expert on Structural Change Workshop , Bonn 2013-09-18 - 2013-09-20
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Wiborg, Agnethe. (2013) Hva fører generasjonskifte til? Utfordrniger ved generasjonsskifte i gårdsbruk. Nordlandsforskning Sluttkonferanse , Bodø 2013-05-30 - 2013-05-30
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2012) Sustainable food production at the edge. Keynote speach. University of Eastern Finland Rural at the Edge – the 2nd Nordic conference for rural research , Joensuu 2012-05-21 - 2012-05-23
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Heggem, Reidun. (2012) Sense and Sensibility - A troublesome right to farm?. University of Eastern Finland Rural at the Edge – the 2nd Nordic conference for rural research , Joensuu 2012-05-21 - 2012-05-23
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Vik, Jostein; Richards, Carol, A.. (2012) Changes in the Norwegian Agri-food system: The chicken game. International Rural Sociology Association IRSA World Congress , Lisboa 2012-07-29 - 2012-08-04
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Richards, Carol, A.; Lyons, Kristen. (2012) Financialisation, Forests and Food: A Norway/Uganda Case Study. International Rural Sociology Association IRSA World Congress , Lisboa 2012-07-29 - 2012-08-04
Academic lectureForbord, Magnar; Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Burton, Rob J.F.. (2012) The new farmer: Control of land and structural change in Norwegian agriculture. International Rural Sociology Association IRSA World Congress , Lisboa 2012-07-29 - 2012-08-04
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Rye, Johan Fredrik. (2012) Rural-urban aspects of social exclusion in Norway. International Rural Sociology Association IRSA World Congress , Lisboa 2012-07-29 - 2012-08-04
Popular scientific lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2012) Landbruk og levende bygder - er det en sammenheng?. Norges forskningsråd Landbruk og «Levende bygder» – Hva viser forskningen? , Oslo 2012-02-23 - 2012-02-23
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2011) Chair of Working grouo 15 - Global shocks, changing agricultural policy and the viability of rural communities. XXIV European congress for rural sociology 2011-08-22 - 2011-08-25
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2011) Bønders reaksjoner på klimaendring og kriser. Referansegruppe, forskn.prosjekt Landbrukspolitikk og klima Landbrukspolitikk og klima 2011-10-13 -
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2011) Structural change in agriculture. The Norwegian situation: An overview. Structural changes in agriculture, rural communities and cultural landscapes 2011-09-23 - 2011-09-24
PosterBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2011) Makt og mening i næringslivet – kjønnsrelaterte endringer i næringslive. Norsk senter for bygdeforskning Bygdeforskningsdagen 2011 , Hell 2011-03-31 -
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2011) Hvordan få unge inn i landbruket?. Norges bonde og småbrukerlag Bruk mulighetene , Oslo 2011-11-19 -
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2011) Strukturendinger i landbruket. Prosjektpresentasjon for Bygdeforskning sitt styre 2011-09-30 -
PosterAlmås, Reidar; Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Vik, Jostein. (2011) GOFOOD - Makt i matvarekjeda. Norsk senter for bygdeforskning Bygdeforskningsdagen 2011 , Hell 2011-03-31 -
PosterAlmås, Reidar; Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Brobakk, Jostein Tapper; Rønningen, Katrina. (2011) Klima- og matvarekrisa endrar landbrukspolitikken. Norsk senter for bygdeforskning Bygdeforskningsdagen 2011 , Hell 2011-03-31 -
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2011) Mangfold og makt. Universitetet i Nordland Kjønnsforskning NÅ! , Bodø 2011-10-03 - 2011-10-04
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Richards, Carol, A.; Lawrence, Geoffrey. (2011) Proprietary and hybrid quality assurance standards: Power and food governance Australia, the UK and Norway. The the XXIV European congress for rural sociology , Chania 2011-08-22 - 2011-08-25
PosterBjørkhaug, Hilde; Burton, Rob J.F.; Forbord, Magnar. (2011) Strukturendringer i landbruket. Norsk senter for bygdeforskning Bygdeforskningsdagen 2011 , Hell 2011-03-31 - 2011-03-31
Academic lectureWiborg, Agnete; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2011) Challenges for future farming in Norway: The role of place for farm succession. The XXIV European Society for Rural Sociology Congress , Chania 2011-08-22 - 2011-08-25
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Rønningen, Katrina. (2011) Farming and rural communities in crisis – the case of northern Norway. The the XXIV European congress for rural sociology , Chania 2011-08-22 - 2011-08-25
Academic lectureWiborg, Agnete; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2011) Challenges for future farming in Norway: The role of place in farm succession. The the XXIV European congress for rural sociology , Chania 2011-08-22 - 2011-08-25
Popular scientific lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2011) Landbruket som befolkningsmessig stabilisator. Troms fylkeskommune/ Norsk senter for bygdeforskning Tromslandbruket – regional analyse: Mulighetsrom, utfordringer, virkemidler og veivalg. , Tromsø 2011-04-11 - 2011-04-11
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Brobakk, Jostein Tapper. (2011) Protectionism and Financialisation: Questioning future legitimacy of Norwegian Agriculture and Food Policy. The School of Sociology & National Centre for Epidemiology AGRI-FOOD CONFERENCE , Canberra 2011-12-05 - 2011-12-08
LectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2011) Sense and Sensibility - a troublesome Allodial Right act. Nordlandsforskning Paperseminar, Nordlandsforskning , Bodø 2011-03-24 - 2011-03-24
Academic lectureAlmås, Reidar; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2010) The challenge of climate change and new policy responses: Sustainable development for Norwegian agriculture?. XVII World Congress of Sociology , Gøteborg 2010-07-11 - 2010-07-17
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2010) Gjør kvinner en forskjell? Kvotering til styrer i Landbrukssamvirket. Mjøsen Skog 2010-06-08 -
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Richards, Carol, A.; Lawrence, Geoffrey. (2010) The rise of corporate governance and the demise of small-scale Agri-food producers through private regulation. XVII World Congress of Sociology , Gøteborg 2010-07-11 - 2010-07-17
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2010) Chair: Comparative perspectives on agricultural regimes and policy responses to the food crisis, increasing energy prices and climate change. RC-40 session. XVII World Congress of Sociology , Gøteborg 2010-07-11 - 2010-07-17
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2010) Who is joking? Power aspects of humor. University of New Sout Wales The Journalism and Media Research Centre (JMRC) , Sydney 2010-04-09 -
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2010) Negotiating authority: Signifying the backstage practises. The Journalism and Media Research Centre (JMRC), Gendered Concepts of Power and Authority , The University of New South Wales, Sydney 2010-03-12 -
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2010) Climate change and new policy responses in Norwegian agriculture. Agripol workshop , Trondheim 2010-05-18 -
Academic lectureRichards, Carol, A.; Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Lawrence, Geoffrey. (2010) Power and the food supply chain: Proprietary and hybrid Governance in Australia and Europe. Regulation in the age of crisis. Third Biennial Conference of the European Consortium of Political Research’s Standing Group on Regulatory Governance , Dublin 2010-06-17 - 2010-06-19
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2009) Do women make a difference?. Power and Privilege, Meaning and Management: Women in the Boardroom 2009-06-08 -
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2009) Kvotering til samvirkestyrer. Institutt for samfunnsforskning Kjønn og mangfold – i styrerommet og i næringslivets toppledelse 2009-06-10 -
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2009) Chair of Work Group 3.2 The new productivism: Agricultural responses to increasing food and energy prices and climate change. European Society for Rural Sociology congress , Vaasa 2009-08-17 - 2009-08-21
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2009) Local Rural Food Enterprises:When profit maximising is not everything. European Society for Rural Sociology XXIII European Society for Rural Sociology congress , Vaasa 2009-08-17 - 2009-08-21
Academic lectureRichards, Carol, A.; Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Lawrence, Geoffrey. (2009) Agrifood restructuring through quality assurance: proprietary and hybrid governance of the food supply chain in Australia and Europe. XVI Agri-Food meeting , Auckland 2009-11-25 - 2009-11-27
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Indrebø, Kirsti. (2009) Bodies on Board?. XXIII European Society for Rural Sociology congress , Vaasa 2009-08-17 - 2009-08-21
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2009) Generasjonsskifte: Kjønn – tradisjon eller endring?. No e’ da min tur – ei framtid på bygda og i landbruket , Øystese 2009-01-23 -
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2009) Gardbrukaren – livskvalitet og identitet. No e’ da min tur – ei framtid på bygda og i landbruket , Øystese 2009-01-24 -
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2009) Kvinner i landbruket i 2009. Innlegg for Fylkesmannen i Sør-Trøndelag 2009-03-09 -
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Kvam, Gunn-Turid. (2009) Growth Strategies among Entrepreneurs in Small-scale Food Enterprises: A gender sensitive approach. Lofoten writing seminar , Lofoten 2009-05-18 - 2009-05-19
Popular scientific lectureAlmås, Reidar; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2009) Neoproductivist agriculture- a sustainable approach to climate change. The 23rd Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology. , Vaasa 2009-11-17 - 2009-11-21
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2008) Agricultural Restructuring in Norwegian Family Farming. The University of Sidney Agri-Food XV 2008-11-26 - 2008-11-28
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2008) Power in the Board Boom, the Lunch Room and Between. The University of Melbourne The annual conference of The Australian Sociological Association 2008 , Melbourne 2008-12-02 - 2008-12-05
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Brandth, Berit; Indrebø, Kirsti. (2008) ‘A woman goes in, a man goes out!’ Quotas to agricultural cooperative boards: tradition meets innovation. The University of Melbourne The annual conference of The Australian Sociological Association 2008 , Melbourne 2008-12-02 - 2008-12-05
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2007) Gi en presentasjon av Pierre Bourdieu’s kapitalbegrep og drøft relevansen for bygdeosiologiske studier. NTNU Prøveforelesning for graden Dr.polit 2007-09-27 -
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Daugstad, Karoline. (2007) Concepts of sustainability in Norwegain mountain summer farming. The XXII Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology , Wageningen 2007-08-12 - 2007-08-24
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2006) The future of the average Norwegian farm. The 7th European symposium of the International Farming Systems Association , Wageningen 2006-05-07 - 2006-05-11
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2006) Sustainable Agriculture in Norwegian Farmers’ context. The Second International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability , Hanoi and Halong Bay 2006-01-09 - 2006-01-12
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Heggem, Reidun; Melberg, Kjersti. (2006) Women in Norwegian farming. The 7th European symposium of the International Farming Systems Association , Wageningen 2006-05-07 - 2006-05-11
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2006) Økologisk landbruk – et verdivalg for bøndene?. OikosØst Høsttakketing OikosØst , Ramme Gaard, Hvitsten 2006-10-28 -
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2005) Livskraftig landbruk?. Folkemøte i anledning åpning av Landbruksmartnan i Romsdal , Åndalsnes 2005-11-22 -
PosterBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2005) Hvorfor er du bonde? Om overlevelse og utvikling i norsk landbruk. Forbrukerrettet nyskaping i norsk matsektor - til glede for både forbrukeren og matbedriften? 2005-06-14 -
PosterBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2005) New Patterns of Gender Division of Work on Norwegian Family Farms?. The XXI Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology , Keszthely 2005-08-22 - 2005-08-27
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Blekesaune, Arild. (2005) New Patterns of Gender Division of Work on Norwegian Family Farms?. European Society for Rural Sociology the XXI Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology , Keszthely 2005-08-22 - 2005-08-27
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2004) Post-productivism or Multifunctionality? Conceptualising Emerging Agricultural Land Use in Australia and Norway. WI World Congress in Rural Sociology: Globalisation, Risk and Resistance 2004-07-25 - 2004-07-30
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2004) Is there a ‘feminine principle’ of farming – and is organic farming a way of expressing it?. WI World Congress in Rural Sociology: Globalisation, Risk and Resistance , Trondheim 2004-07-25 - 2004-07-30
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Blekesaune, Arild. (2004) Work and income patterns of men and women of Norwegian family farms. Masculinisation, feminization, or professionalisation of farm work?. The 6th European Symposium on Farming and Rural Systems Research and Extension 2004-04-04 - 2004-04-07
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Blekesaune, Arild. (2004) Work and income patterns of men and women of Norwegian family farms. Masculinisation, feminization, or professionalisation of farm work?. 6th European Symposium on Farming and Rural Systems Research and Extension , Vila Real 2004-04-03 - 2004-04-08
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2003) Gendered roles in Australian and Norwegian Family Farming. The Australian Sociological Association New Times, New Worlds, New Ideas: Sociology Today and Tomorrow’ , Armidale, NSW 2003-12-04 - 2003-12-06
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2003) Family farming in Norway. Postgraduate Research Conference, School of Social Science , Brisbane 2003-11-08 -
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Almås, Reidar; Brobakk, Jostein. (2002) GMO foods and trust in risk society - a European comparative perspective. The XV International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology , Brisbane, Australia 2002-07-13 -
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (2001) Strategier for overlevelse og utvikling blant primærprodusenter. ”Strategier og tilpasninger i matvareforedlingen” , Bodø 2001-11-21 - 2001-11-22
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Flø, Bjørn Egil. (2001) ”Konvensjonell” eller ”økologisk”? Bønders motivasjon for valg av driftsform. Forskningsprogammet ”Bærekraftig produksjon og forbruk” Mat og mijlø – bærekraftige matvaresystemer , Oslo 2001-09-28 -
Academic lectureStorstad, Oddveig; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2001) BSE and the effects on consumer trust in a BSE-free country. XIXth Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology. Society, Nature, Technology -The Contribution of Rural Sociology 2001-09-03 - 2001-09-07
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Storstad, Oddveig. (2001) Common Attitudes towards Food Production among Farmers and Consumers?. XIXth Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology. Society, Nature, Technology -The Contribution of Rural Sociology , Dijon 2001-09-03 - 2001-09-07
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (1999) Lokalt eller utenbygds eie? Eierskapets betydning for skog og utmarksrelatert verdiskaping. Den 20. Nordiske sosiologikongress, "Globalisering og fragmentering – det strukturelle og organisatoriske grunnlaget for samfunnsdannelse" , Bergen 1999-06-17 - 1999-06-19
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Flø, Bjørn Egil. (1999) Organic farming in Norway– production and distribution of organic food. the XVIII Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology, "How to be Rural in Late Modernity – Process, Project and Discourse , Lund 1999-08-24 - 1999-08-28
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (1999) The property structure in Norwegian forestry. The 1999 International Symphosium on Society and Resource Management "Application of Social Science to Resource Management in the Asia-Pacific Region" , Brisbane 1999-07-07 - 1999-07-10
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (1998) Om begrepene økologi og økologisk landbruk. Brimifisering eller Rimifisering? Trender i det norske matvaresystemet , Lom 1998-10-12 - 1998-10-14
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde. (1998) Bruk og forvaltning, holdninger til vern og forvaltning av verneområder. Nordlandsforskning Foredrag for referansegruppen for forskningsprosjektet "Friluftsliv i utmarka, Salten som caseområde" , Storjord i Saltdal 1998-12-11 - 1998-12-12
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Flø, Bjørn Egil. (1998) Mat og miljø: Lokal produksjon og nasjonal distribusjon av økologiske matvarer. Forskersamling for programmet "Bærekraftig produksjon og forbruk" , Oslo 1998-01-28 - 1998-01-29