Ian Norheim
Educated at Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim (1993-2002). Doctor ingeniør degree in Electric Power Engineering in 2002. Work experience:
- Projects and research in SINTEF (2002-2007)
- Projects, license applications for building power system infrastructur and power system planning in the regional power system owner Eidsiva Nett (2007-2013).
- Teaching and supervision in electrical engineering and renewable energy at Gjøvik University College (2014-2015)
Work as an associate professor at NTNU in Gjøvik.
Ibrahimi, Njomza;
Gebremedhin, Alemayehu;
Folkestad, Tor Arne;
Norheim, Ian.
Impact of distributed capacitors on voltage profile and power losses in real low voltage distribution networks.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Norheim, Ian;
Pudjianto, Danny.
Method for assessing impact of large-scale wind power integration on reserves.
Wind Energy
Academic article
Sørensen, Poul;
Norheim, Ian;
Meibom, Peter;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Simulations of wind power integration with complementary power system planning tools.
Electric power systems research
Academic article
Journal publications
Norheim, Ian;
Pudjianto, Danny.
Method for assessing impact of large-scale wind power integration on reserves.
Wind Energy
Academic article
Sørensen, Poul;
Norheim, Ian;
Meibom, Peter;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Simulations of wind power integration with complementary power system planning tools.
Electric power systems research
Academic article
Part of book/report
Ibrahimi, Njomza;
Gebremedhin, Alemayehu;
Folkestad, Tor Arne;
Norheim, Ian.
Impact of distributed capacitors on voltage profile and power losses in real low voltage distribution networks.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- ELEG1001 - Electrical circuits - introduction
- ELEG1002 - Electric circuits - modelling and analysis
- IELEG2120 - Electrical Machines and Electromagnetic Energy Conversion
- IELEG2230 - Power Electronics and Semiconductor Components
- FENA2001 - Electrical energy system and district heating
- IELEG2910 - Bachelor Thesis Electric Power Engineering
- FENT2001 - Electrical energy system and district heating
- IELEG2231 - Electrical Machines
- IELEG2232 - High-voltage grid and protection
- FENG2001 - Electrical energy system and district heating
- IELEG3399 - High Voltage Technique
Academic lectureIbrahimi, Njomza; Gebremedhin, Alemayehu; Folkestad, Tor Arne; Norheim, Ian. (2018) Impact of distributed capacitors on voltage profile and power losses in real low voltage distribution networks. 2018 IEEE 12th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG 2018) , Doha 2018-04-10 - 2018-04-12
Academic lectureTvenge, Nina; Fykse, Terje; Pollen, Bjarte; Kampen, Anne-Lena; Mathiesen, Mathias Christian; Leiknes, Halgeir. (2017) Læringsteknologi og endring av undervisningspraksis gjennom situert læring i et praksisfellesskap. MNT MNT-konferansen 2017 , Oslo 2017-03-30 - 2017-03-31