Ingar Mehus
Ingar Mehus, associate professor of sport science, holds a B.A and M.A. in sport science, and PhD. in psychology from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). He has been working at the department of sociology and political science at NTNU since 2004, and was the leader of the Sport Science-staff in the period 2012-2014.
From January to July 2015, Ingar was a visiting scholar at University of North Carolina - Greensboro (UNCG). Staying at the department of Kinesiology and the Science of healthful living project.
Ingar´s teaching interests include organized sport, social psychology and quantitative methods. He has developed new courses in children- and youth sport, physical education, coaching, and quantitative methods. His primary research interests are in the field of motivational theory, obesity and measuring physical activity.
Piggott, Lucy Victoria;
Mehus, Ingar;
Adriaanse, Johanna.
Gender Distribution in Sport for Development and Peace Organizations: A Critical Mass of Women in Leadership and Governance Positions? .
Journal of Sport for Development
Academic article
Brevig, Emma Andersen;
Mehus, Ingar;
Williams, Jonathan Mark;
Øvretveit, Karsten.
Motivational dynamics and training experiences among female Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioners.
Martial Arts Studies
Academic article
Havnen, Audun;
Anyan, Frederick;
Mehus, Ingar;
Ernstsen, Linda.
The behavioural regulation in exercise questionnaire (BREQ): psychometric properties and associations with physical activity outcomes in a Norwegian sample of physically active adults.
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Academic article
Tangeraas, Gunnbjørg;
Mehus, Ingar.
Den lyse og mørke stien til motivasjon og inkludering i kroppsøving.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Øvretveit, Karsten;
Mehus, Ingar.
Exiting the Cave: Exploring the Transition From Paleolithic to Omnivorous Dieting.
Nutrition Today
Academic article
Carlsen, Håvard;
Mehus, Ingar.
Fysisk aktivitet og ensomhet blant unge studenter under koronapandemien.
Scandinavian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (SJSEP)
Academic article
Olsen, Thomas Mangor Jørgensen;
Mehus, Ingar.
Students’ Performance in Physical Education: The Role of Differential Achievement Goals and Self-Regulated Learning.
Education Sciences
Academic article
Gangsø, Kristian S.;
Aspvik, Nils Petter;
Mehus, Ingar;
Høigaard, Rune;
Sæther, Stig Arve.
Talent Development Environments in Football: Comparing the Top-Five and Bottom-Five-Ranked Football Academies in Norway.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic article
Østerlie, Ove;
Mehus, Ingar.
The impact of flipped learning on cognitive knowledge learning and intrinsic motivation in Norwegian secondary physical education.
Education Sciences
Academic article
Mehus, Ingar.
Barne- og ungdomsidrett.
Øvretveit, Karsten;
Sæther, Stig Arve;
Mehus, Ingar.
Mastery goals are associated with training effort in Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES)
Academic article
Sando, Ole Johan;
Mehus, Ingar.
Supportive indoor environments for functional play in ECEC institutions: a strategy for promoting well-being and physical activity? .
Early Child Development and Care
Academic article
Lagestad, Pål Arild;
Mehus, Ingar.
The Importance of Adolescents’
Participation in Organized Sport According to VO2peak: A Longitudinal Study.
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport
Academic article
Øvretveit, Karsten;
Sæther, Stig Arve;
Mehus, Ingar.
Achievement goal profiles, and perceptions of motivational climate and physical ability in male Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioners.
Archives of Budo
Academic article
Aspvik, Nils Petter;
Viken, Hallgeir;
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik;
Zisko, Nina;
Mehus, Ingar;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Do weather changes influence physical activity level among older adults? – The Generation 100 study.
Academic article
Martins, Catia;
Aschehoug, Irina;
Ludviksen, Marit Krey;
Mehus, Ingar;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Kulseng, Bård Eirik.
High-intensity interval training and isocaloric moderate-intensity continuous training results in similar improvements in body composition and fitness in obese individuals.
International Journal of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism
Academic article
Sæther, Stig Arve;
Mehus, Ingar.
“You’re Not Born with Talent” Talented Girls’ and Boys’ Perceptions of Their Talents as Football Players.
Academic article
Tjønndal, Anne Beret;
Sæther, Stig Arve;
Aspvik, Nils Petter;
Mehus, Ingar.
Instruerende og positiv feedback ledelse i fotball:En undersøkelse av norske mannlige fotballtreneres lederstil. - Nordic Sport Studies Forum
Popular scientific article
Mehus, Ingar.
Fysisk aktivitet og skoleprestasjoner.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tjønndal, Anne;
Aspvik, Nils Petter;
Mehus, Ingar;
Sæther, Stig Arve.
Misforståelser om instruerende lederstil – svar på kronikk.
Reader opinion piece
Mehus, Ingar.
Motivasjon....til hva?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myrli, Tone Rian;
Mehus, Ingar.
Ulikhet i rekruttering og frafall i den organiserte idretten i Trondheim.
Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning
Academic article
Solberg, Harry Arne;
Mehus, Ingar.
The challenge of attracting football fans to stadia?.
International Journal of Sport Finance
Academic article
Mehus, Ingar.
Slipp til juniorene i eliteserien.
Feature article
Mehus, Ingar.
Slipp til juniorene i eliteserien.
Feature article
Mehus, Ingar.
Norwegian Spectators of Entertainment Sport.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (101)
Doctoral dissertation
Steinsbekk, Silje;
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Ødegård, Rønnaug;
Mehus, Ingar.
Change in Body Fat during a Family-Based Treatment of Obesity in Children: The Relative Importance of Energy Intake and Physical Activity.
Obesity Facts
Academic article
Mehus, Ingar.
Fotballens sammensatte publikum.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mehus, Ingar;
Kolstad, Arnulf.
Football team identification in Norway: Spectators of local and international football matches.
Social Identities
Academic article
Mehus, Ingar.
The diffused audience of football.
Continuum. Journal of Media and Cultural Studies
Academic article
Mehus, Ingar;
Osborn, Guy.
Consuming Football - The Norwegian experience, the English impact, and the possibilities of interdiciplinary research.
Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum
Academic article
Mehus, Ingar;
Sando, Ole Johan.
Overvekt og folkehelse - Evaluering av fysisk aktivitet for overvektige i seks kommuner i Sør-Trøndelag.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS, Senter for Idrettsforskning
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik;
Mehus, Ingar;
Aspvik, Nils Petter;
Sæther, Stig Arve.
Kroppsøving- hvorfor og hvordan?.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik;
Mehus, Ingar;
Sæther, Stig Arve;
Hoff, Anders.
Idrett - aktivitet - oppvekst.
NTNU samfunnsforskning as
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik;
Mehus, Ingar.
Kroppsøving og idrett for alle - hvordan nå målet?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sæther, Stig Arve;
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik;
Mehus, Ingar.
Arbeidsrapport 4/2006: Kjennetegn ved unge dyktige fotballspillere. Tredje oppfølging av talenter i 14 - 15 årsalderen.
NTNU samfunnsforskning as
Sæther, Stig Arve;
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik;
Mehus, Ingar.
Arbeidsrapport 2/05, Fotball og talent: En undersøkelse av 13-14 åringer.
Senter for idrettsforskning - NTNU samfunnsforskning as
Sæther, Stig Arve;
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik;
Mehus, Ingar.
Arbeidsrapport 4/05, Utvikling hos unge fotballspillere: Andre oppfølging av talenter i 13-14 årsalderen.
Senter for Idrettsforskning - NTNU Samfunnsforskning as
Mehus, Ingar.
Sociability and excitement motives of spectators attending entertainment sport events: Spectators of soccer and ski-jumping.
Journal of Sport Behavior
Academic article
Mehus, Ingar.
Distinction through sport consumption: Spectators of soccer, basketball, and ski-jumping.
International Review for the Sociology of Sport
Academic article
Mehus, Ingar;
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik.
Kompendium: Idr 1007 - Idrett og samfunn.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Mehus, Ingar.
Kvinner jakter på spenning.
Feature article
Mehus, Ingar.
Fotball - for følelsenes skyld.
Bergens Tidende
Feature article
Mehus, Ingar.
Sterke tribunefølelser godt for helsa.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Mehus, Ingar.
For følelsenes skyld.
Feature article
Mehus, Ingar;
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik.
utfordringer og gleder i barne- og ungdomsidretten.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mehus, Ingar;
Sisjord, Mari Kristin.
En kvalitativ evaluering av FUNI prosjektet : delprosjekt Nord-Trøndelag Idrettskrets.
Norges idrettshøgskole
Norges idrettshøgskole
Mehus, Ingar;
Sisjord, Mari Kristin.
En kvalitativ evaluering av FUNI prosjektet : delprosjekt Nord-Trøndelag Idrettskrets.
En kvalitativ evaluering av FUNI prosjektet
Mehus, Ingar.
Idrettens Tilskuere, Delprosjekt Rosenborg Ballklub, Rapport 1, 2002.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik;
Mehus, Ingar.
Evaluering av prosjektet "Fleire ungdomar i norsk idrett" 1997 - 2000 Arbeidsrapport 2/99.
Ingebrigtsen, NTNU
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik;
Mehus, Ingar.
Padlemoro på alvor.
ingebrigtsen, NTNU
Journal publications
Piggott, Lucy Victoria;
Mehus, Ingar;
Adriaanse, Johanna.
Gender Distribution in Sport for Development and Peace Organizations: A Critical Mass of Women in Leadership and Governance Positions? .
Journal of Sport for Development
Academic article
Brevig, Emma Andersen;
Mehus, Ingar;
Williams, Jonathan Mark;
Øvretveit, Karsten.
Motivational dynamics and training experiences among female Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioners.
Martial Arts Studies
Academic article
Havnen, Audun;
Anyan, Frederick;
Mehus, Ingar;
Ernstsen, Linda.
The behavioural regulation in exercise questionnaire (BREQ): psychometric properties and associations with physical activity outcomes in a Norwegian sample of physically active adults.
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Academic article
Øvretveit, Karsten;
Mehus, Ingar.
Exiting the Cave: Exploring the Transition From Paleolithic to Omnivorous Dieting.
Nutrition Today
Academic article
Carlsen, Håvard;
Mehus, Ingar.
Fysisk aktivitet og ensomhet blant unge studenter under koronapandemien.
Scandinavian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (SJSEP)
Academic article
Olsen, Thomas Mangor Jørgensen;
Mehus, Ingar.
Students’ Performance in Physical Education: The Role of Differential Achievement Goals and Self-Regulated Learning.
Education Sciences
Academic article
Gangsø, Kristian S.;
Aspvik, Nils Petter;
Mehus, Ingar;
Høigaard, Rune;
Sæther, Stig Arve.
Talent Development Environments in Football: Comparing the Top-Five and Bottom-Five-Ranked Football Academies in Norway.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic article
Østerlie, Ove;
Mehus, Ingar.
The impact of flipped learning on cognitive knowledge learning and intrinsic motivation in Norwegian secondary physical education.
Education Sciences
Academic article
Øvretveit, Karsten;
Sæther, Stig Arve;
Mehus, Ingar.
Mastery goals are associated with training effort in Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES)
Academic article
Sando, Ole Johan;
Mehus, Ingar.
Supportive indoor environments for functional play in ECEC institutions: a strategy for promoting well-being and physical activity? .
Early Child Development and Care
Academic article
Lagestad, Pål Arild;
Mehus, Ingar.
The Importance of Adolescents’
Participation in Organized Sport According to VO2peak: A Longitudinal Study.
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport
Academic article
Øvretveit, Karsten;
Sæther, Stig Arve;
Mehus, Ingar.
Achievement goal profiles, and perceptions of motivational climate and physical ability in male Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioners.
Archives of Budo
Academic article
Aspvik, Nils Petter;
Viken, Hallgeir;
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik;
Zisko, Nina;
Mehus, Ingar;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Do weather changes influence physical activity level among older adults? – The Generation 100 study.
Academic article
Martins, Catia;
Aschehoug, Irina;
Ludviksen, Marit Krey;
Mehus, Ingar;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Kulseng, Bård Eirik.
High-intensity interval training and isocaloric moderate-intensity continuous training results in similar improvements in body composition and fitness in obese individuals.
International Journal of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism
Academic article
Sæther, Stig Arve;
Mehus, Ingar.
“You’re Not Born with Talent” Talented Girls’ and Boys’ Perceptions of Their Talents as Football Players.
Academic article
Tjønndal, Anne Beret;
Sæther, Stig Arve;
Aspvik, Nils Petter;
Mehus, Ingar.
Instruerende og positiv feedback ledelse i fotball:En undersøkelse av norske mannlige fotballtreneres lederstil. - Nordic Sport Studies Forum
Popular scientific article
Tjønndal, Anne;
Aspvik, Nils Petter;
Mehus, Ingar;
Sæther, Stig Arve.
Misforståelser om instruerende lederstil – svar på kronikk.
Reader opinion piece
Myrli, Tone Rian;
Mehus, Ingar.
Ulikhet i rekruttering og frafall i den organiserte idretten i Trondheim.
Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning
Academic article
Solberg, Harry Arne;
Mehus, Ingar.
The challenge of attracting football fans to stadia?.
International Journal of Sport Finance
Academic article
Mehus, Ingar.
Slipp til juniorene i eliteserien.
Feature article
Mehus, Ingar.
Slipp til juniorene i eliteserien.
Feature article
Steinsbekk, Silje;
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Ødegård, Rønnaug;
Mehus, Ingar.
Change in Body Fat during a Family-Based Treatment of Obesity in Children: The Relative Importance of Energy Intake and Physical Activity.
Obesity Facts
Academic article
Mehus, Ingar;
Kolstad, Arnulf.
Football team identification in Norway: Spectators of local and international football matches.
Social Identities
Academic article
Mehus, Ingar.
The diffused audience of football.
Continuum. Journal of Media and Cultural Studies
Academic article
Mehus, Ingar;
Osborn, Guy.
Consuming Football - The Norwegian experience, the English impact, and the possibilities of interdiciplinary research.
Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum
Academic article
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik;
Mehus, Ingar;
Aspvik, Nils Petter;
Sæther, Stig Arve.
Kroppsøving- hvorfor og hvordan?.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Mehus, Ingar.
Sociability and excitement motives of spectators attending entertainment sport events: Spectators of soccer and ski-jumping.
Journal of Sport Behavior
Academic article
Mehus, Ingar.
Distinction through sport consumption: Spectators of soccer, basketball, and ski-jumping.
International Review for the Sociology of Sport
Academic article
Mehus, Ingar.
Kvinner jakter på spenning.
Feature article
Mehus, Ingar.
Fotball - for følelsenes skyld.
Bergens Tidende
Feature article
Mehus, Ingar.
Sterke tribunefølelser godt for helsa.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Mehus, Ingar.
For følelsenes skyld.
Feature article
Part of book/report
Tangeraas, Gunnbjørg;
Mehus, Ingar.
Den lyse og mørke stien til motivasjon og inkludering i kroppsøving.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mehus, Ingar.
Barne- og ungdomsidrett.
Mehus, Ingar.
Fysisk aktivitet og skoleprestasjoner.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mehus, Ingar.
Motivasjon....til hva?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mehus, Ingar.
Fotballens sammensatte publikum.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik;
Mehus, Ingar.
Kroppsøving og idrett for alle - hvordan nå målet?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mehus, Ingar;
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik.
utfordringer og gleder i barne- og ungdomsidretten.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mehus, Ingar.
Norwegian Spectators of Entertainment Sport.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (101)
Doctoral dissertation
Mehus, Ingar;
Sando, Ole Johan.
Overvekt og folkehelse - Evaluering av fysisk aktivitet for overvektige i seks kommuner i Sør-Trøndelag.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS, Senter for Idrettsforskning
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik;
Mehus, Ingar;
Sæther, Stig Arve;
Hoff, Anders.
Idrett - aktivitet - oppvekst.
NTNU samfunnsforskning as
Sæther, Stig Arve;
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik;
Mehus, Ingar.
Arbeidsrapport 4/2006: Kjennetegn ved unge dyktige fotballspillere. Tredje oppfølging av talenter i 14 - 15 årsalderen.
NTNU samfunnsforskning as
Sæther, Stig Arve;
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik;
Mehus, Ingar.
Arbeidsrapport 2/05, Fotball og talent: En undersøkelse av 13-14 åringer.
Senter for idrettsforskning - NTNU samfunnsforskning as
Sæther, Stig Arve;
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik;
Mehus, Ingar.
Arbeidsrapport 4/05, Utvikling hos unge fotballspillere: Andre oppfølging av talenter i 13-14 årsalderen.
Senter for Idrettsforskning - NTNU Samfunnsforskning as
Mehus, Ingar;
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik.
Kompendium: Idr 1007 - Idrett og samfunn.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Mehus, Ingar;
Sisjord, Mari Kristin.
En kvalitativ evaluering av FUNI prosjektet : delprosjekt Nord-Trøndelag Idrettskrets.
Norges idrettshøgskole
Norges idrettshøgskole
Mehus, Ingar;
Sisjord, Mari Kristin.
En kvalitativ evaluering av FUNI prosjektet : delprosjekt Nord-Trøndelag Idrettskrets.
En kvalitativ evaluering av FUNI prosjektet
Mehus, Ingar.
Idrettens Tilskuere, Delprosjekt Rosenborg Ballklub, Rapport 1, 2002.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik;
Mehus, Ingar.
Evaluering av prosjektet "Fleire ungdomar i norsk idrett" 1997 - 2000 Arbeidsrapport 2/99.
Ingebrigtsen, NTNU
Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik;
Mehus, Ingar.
Padlemoro på alvor.
ingebrigtsen, NTNU
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureMehus, Ingar; Aspvik, Nils Petter; Sæther, Stig Arve. (2024) Successful talent development environments and achievement goals of age-specific national teams in football, handball, and ice hockey. FEPSAC , Innsbruck 2024-07-14 - 2024-07-19
Academic lectureOkkenhaug, Ingrid; Mehus, Ingar. (2024) Fysisk aktivitetsnivå og arenaer for fysisk aktivitet blant autistisk ungdom: HUNT studien. NevSom, Regional kompetansetjeneste for autisme, ADHD og Tourette syndrom i Helse Sør-Øst og Glenne regionale senter for autisme Nasjonal autismekonferanse , Tønsberg 2024-06-05 - 2024-06-07
Academic lectureMehus, Ingar; Ulstad, Svein Olav; Woll, Lars; Ottosen, Marte; Reinaas Lysheim, Mari Helene. (2023) Learning or taking a break in physical education: Impact on need satisfaction, need frustration and academic performance. Center for Self-Determination Theory (CSDT) 8th International Self-Determination Conference , Orlando 2023-05-31 - 2023-06-03
Academic lectureMehus, Ingar; Aspvik, Nils Petter; Sæther, Stig Arve. (2023) Talent development environments in Norwegian age-specific national teams in handball and ice hockey. European College of Sport Science 28th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS) , Paris 2023-07-04 - 2023-07-07
Academic lectureWoll, Lars; Mehus, Ingar. (2022) Kroppsøving som læringsfag og pause fra skolehverdagen. NIH Kroppsøvingskonferansen , Oslo 2022-06-02 - 2022-06-03
Academic lecturePiggott, Lucy; Mehus, Ingar; Adriaanse, Johanna. (2022) Gender distribution across decision making positions of sport for development and peace (SDP) organisations. Nord University 14th Annual Conference of the Transnational Working Group for the Study of Gender and Sport , Bodø 2022-11-16 - 2022-11-18
Academic lectureMehus, Ingar; Aspvik, Nils Petter; Sæther, Stig Arve. (2022) Talentutviklingsmiljø i håndball og fotball: hvordan hindre burnout. NTNU NTNU Idrett Forskningskonferanse , Trondheim 2022-12-01 - 2022-12-01
Programme managementFeddersen, Niels Boysen; Woll, Lars; Rosvold, Malene; Mehus, Ingar. (2022) Idrettslabben - Episode 2: Motivasjon. Spotify Spotify [Radio] 2022-08-26
Academic lectureMehus, Ingar. (2016) Physical activity and academic achievement in Norwegian high schools. European Education Research Association European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) , Dublin 2016-08-23 - 2016-08-26
Academic lectureMehus, Ingar; Sæther, Stig Arve. (2016) The importance of achievement goal orientation when learning a novel, and increasingly complexed, skill. European College of sport Science 21th congress of European college of sport science (ECSS) , Wien 2016-07-05 - 2016-07-08
LectureMehus, Ingar. (2016) Håndball: deltakelse, frafall og motivasjon. Stjørdalsblink/Stjørdal Håndballklubb Foredrag for trenere ifm Stjørdalscupen 2016 , Stjørdal 2016-10-07 - 2016-10-09
InterviewCulpepper, Chuck; Mehus, Ingar. (2014) A quiet pride. Sports on earth Sports on earth [Internet] 2014-02-10
InterviewMehus, Ingar; Midling, Anne Sliper. (2014) Slipp juniorene mer til i tippeligakampene. [Internet] 2014-10-15
Popular scientific lectureMehus, Ingar. (2014) Kamp om idrettsverdier. Biblioteket Dragvoll Kunnskap:kaffe , Dragvoll 2014-10-01 -
Academic lectureMehus, Ingar. (2013) Goal orientation and physical fitness. European College of Sport Science 18th annual Congress, ECSS , Barcelona 2013-06-26 - 2013-06-29
Academic lectureSolberg, Harry Arne; Mehus, Ingar. (2011) The demand for football. EASM 19th Annual EASM conference , Madrid 2011-09-07 - 2011-09-10
Academic lectureMehus, Ingar; Solberg, Harry Arne. (2011) Explaining team identification: Basking in reflected glory revisited. European Association of Sport Management Conference of the European Association of Sport Management , Madrid 2011-09-08 - 2011-09-10
Programme participation
InterviewTorgersen, Eivind; Mehus, Ingar. (2011) Elitesåpeserien. [Internet] 2011-03-18
Academic lectureMehus, Ingar; Aspvik, Nils Petter. (2010) Determinants of exercise enjoyment. the Middle East Technical University European College of Sport Science , Antalya 2010-06-23 - 2010-06-26
Academic lectureMehus, Ingar. (2010) Football - Theatre of dreams. Høgskolen i Telemark og NTNU Fotballsupportere - Identiteter i endring , Bø i Telemark 2010-09-23 - 2010-09-24
Academic lectureMehus, Ingar; Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik. (2010) Veier til aktive livsstiler. S-Trøndelag Fylkeskommune, Fylkesm. i S-Trøndelag og Hdir Frisklivskonferanse , Britannia Hotell, Trondheim 2010-03-10 - 2010-03-11
Popular scientific lectureMehus, Ingar. (2008) Rett til å drive idrett. Sør-Trøndelag Idrettskrets Sør-Trøndelag Idrettskretsting , Britannia Hotell 2008-04-20 -
Popular scientific lectureMehus, Ingar. (2008) Store arrangement som identitetsbygger og rekrutteringsarena. Sør-Trøndelag Fylkeskommune Idrettspolitisk konferanse , Rica Hell Hotell 2008-11-13 - 2008-11-14
Popular scientific lectureMehus, Ingar. (2008) Spillerutvikling i et utviklingsperspektiv. Senter for idrettsforskning Seminaret: spillerutplukking og spillerutvikling , Trondheim 2008-06-12 - 2008-06-12
Academic lectureMehus, Ingar. (2004) Myter om fysisk aktivitet. Seminar om barn og motorisk utvikling , Trondheim 2004-03-08 -
Academic lectureMehus, Ingar. (2004) Social- and Excitement motives of spectators attending entertainment sport events. Pre-Olympic Congress , Thessaloniki 2004-08-06 - 2004-08-10
Popular scientific lectureMehus, Ingar; Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik. (2003) Den frivillige barne- og ungdomsidretten: Utfordringer og gleder. Idretten studieforbund , Bodø 2003-11-15 -
Popular scientific lectureMehus, Ingar. (2003) Dopa på Idrett? Idrett og identitetsbygging i Norge. Lørdagsuniversitetet , Trondheim 2003-05-10 -
PosterMehus, Ingar. (2002) Changing organized sport to fit the needs of youth � can it be done?. XV World Congress of Sociology , Brisbane 2002-07-13 -
PosterMehus, Ingar. (2002) Underholdningsidrett og Tilskuerne. Forskerseminar for Program for Idrett, Samfunn og Frivillig organisering, Norges Forskningsråd , Oslo 2002-05-07 -
PosterMehus, Ingar. (2001) The spectators of soccer: motives and identification. The third Conference on Social and Community Psychology , Trondheim, Norway 2001-11-07 -
PosterMehus, Ingar. (2001) Norwegian national sport: The spectators. World Congress of Sociology of Sport , Seoul, Korea 2001-07-20 -