Jeremy Hawthorn
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Studying the Novel Seventh Edition.
Bloomsbury Academic
Bloomsbury Academic
Non-fiction book
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Thoughts on Some Conradian Deletions.
Academic article
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Ernest Bramah: Source of Ford Madox Ford's "Chinese Proverb"?.
Notes and Queries
Academic article
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
From Race to Class in "The Nigger of the 'Narcissus'".
W.W. Norton
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
The Reader as Peeping Tom: Nonreciprocal Gazing in Fiction and Film.
Ohio State University Press
Ohio State University Press
Academic monograph
Hawthorn, Jeremy;
Lothe, Jakob;
Fincham, Gail.
Outposts of Progress. Joseph Conrad, Modernism and Post-colonialism.
UCT Press
UCT Press
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Penetrating the impenetrable in Conrad's fiction.
UCT Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Conrad--Origin of phrase 'with heartiness and dispatch'.
Notes and Queries
Academic article
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Review of Alan H Goldman, "Philosophy and the Novel"
Book review
Conrad, Joseph;
Osborne, Roger;
Eggert, Paul;
Carabine, Keith;
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Under Western Eyes.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
Academic commentary
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Reading fiction: voyeurism without shame?.
Brill | Rodopi
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy;
Lothe, Jakob.
Narrative Ethics.
Brill | Rodopi
Brill | Rodopi
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Philip Roth's "Exit Ghost", Joseph Conrad's "The Shadow-Line", and the Ethical Implications of Narrative Occasion.
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Bringing History to Fiction: Joseph Conrad and the Holocaust.
Partial Answers
Academic article
Hawthorn, Jeremy;
Stape, John;
Simmons, Allan.
Under Western Eyes: Centennial Essays.
Brill | Rodopi
Brill | Rodopi
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Orientalism as satirical pastoral: the Kai Lung stories of Ernest Bramah.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Generic transformations in "Under Western Eyes" and "The Secret Sharer": echoes of E.T.A. Hoffmann's "The Sandman" and Dostoevsky's "The Double".
Academic article
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
"No need of words": Joseph Conrad's Use of the Typographical Ellipsis in "Under Western Eyes" and "The Secret Sharer".
Conradiana: a Journal of Joseph Conrad Studies
Academic article
Goring, Paul;
Hawthorn, Jeremy;
Mitchell, Domhnall Martin.
Studying Literature.
Bloomsbury Academic
Bloomsbury Academic
Non-fiction book
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Collecting People is Wrong: Francis Veber's 'Le Diner des Cons' and Joseph Conrad's 'The Informer'.
Edizioni ETS
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Travel as Incarceration: Jean Rhys's "After Leaving Mr Mackenzie".
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Authority and the Death of the Author.
Brill | Rodopi
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Sexuality and the Erotic in the Fiction of Joseph Conrad.
Academic monograph
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Joseph Conrad's half-written fictions.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Reading and writhing: the exotic and the erotic in Joseph Conrad's "An Outcast of the Islands".
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Theories of the Gaze.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Artful Dodges in Mental Territory: Self-Deception in Conrad's Fiction.
Conradiana: a Journal of Joseph Conrad Studies
Academic article
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
The richness of meanness: Joseph Conrad's 'To-morrow' and James Joyce's 'Eveline'.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Optical toys and x-ray machines: seeing and believing in "Lord Jim".
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Power and perspective in Joseph Conrad's political fiction: the gaze and the other.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Cunning passages : new historicism, cultural materialism and Marxism in the contemporary litarary debate.
Non-fiction book
Journal publications
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Thoughts on Some Conradian Deletions.
Academic article
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Ernest Bramah: Source of Ford Madox Ford's "Chinese Proverb"?.
Notes and Queries
Academic article
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Conrad--Origin of phrase 'with heartiness and dispatch'.
Notes and Queries
Academic article
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Review of Alan H Goldman, "Philosophy and the Novel"
Book review
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Bringing History to Fiction: Joseph Conrad and the Holocaust.
Partial Answers
Academic article
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Generic transformations in "Under Western Eyes" and "The Secret Sharer": echoes of E.T.A. Hoffmann's "The Sandman" and Dostoevsky's "The Double".
Academic article
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
"No need of words": Joseph Conrad's Use of the Typographical Ellipsis in "Under Western Eyes" and "The Secret Sharer".
Conradiana: a Journal of Joseph Conrad Studies
Academic article
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Artful Dodges in Mental Territory: Self-Deception in Conrad's Fiction.
Conradiana: a Journal of Joseph Conrad Studies
Academic article
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Studying the Novel Seventh Edition.
Bloomsbury Academic
Bloomsbury Academic
Non-fiction book
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
The Reader as Peeping Tom: Nonreciprocal Gazing in Fiction and Film.
Ohio State University Press
Ohio State University Press
Academic monograph
Hawthorn, Jeremy;
Lothe, Jakob;
Fincham, Gail.
Outposts of Progress. Joseph Conrad, Modernism and Post-colonialism.
UCT Press
UCT Press
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Conrad, Joseph;
Osborne, Roger;
Eggert, Paul;
Carabine, Keith;
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Under Western Eyes.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
Academic commentary
Hawthorn, Jeremy;
Lothe, Jakob.
Narrative Ethics.
Brill | Rodopi
Brill | Rodopi
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Hawthorn, Jeremy;
Stape, John;
Simmons, Allan.
Under Western Eyes: Centennial Essays.
Brill | Rodopi
Brill | Rodopi
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Goring, Paul;
Hawthorn, Jeremy;
Mitchell, Domhnall Martin.
Studying Literature.
Bloomsbury Academic
Bloomsbury Academic
Non-fiction book
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Sexuality and the Erotic in the Fiction of Joseph Conrad.
Academic monograph
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Cunning passages : new historicism, cultural materialism and Marxism in the contemporary litarary debate.
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
From Race to Class in "The Nigger of the 'Narcissus'".
W.W. Norton
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Penetrating the impenetrable in Conrad's fiction.
UCT Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Reading fiction: voyeurism without shame?.
Brill | Rodopi
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Philip Roth's "Exit Ghost", Joseph Conrad's "The Shadow-Line", and the Ethical Implications of Narrative Occasion.
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Orientalism as satirical pastoral: the Kai Lung stories of Ernest Bramah.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Collecting People is Wrong: Francis Veber's 'Le Diner des Cons' and Joseph Conrad's 'The Informer'.
Edizioni ETS
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Travel as Incarceration: Jean Rhys's "After Leaving Mr Mackenzie".
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Authority and the Death of the Author.
Brill | Rodopi
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Joseph Conrad's half-written fictions.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Reading and writhing: the exotic and the erotic in Joseph Conrad's "An Outcast of the Islands".
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Theories of the Gaze.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
The richness of meanness: Joseph Conrad's 'To-morrow' and James Joyce's 'Eveline'.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Optical toys and x-ray machines: seeing and believing in "Lord Jim".
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawthorn, Jeremy.
Power and perspective in Joseph Conrad's political fiction: the gaze and the other.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper