Julia Sborz
Is urban living more/less sustainable than rural living?
Besides carbon emissions, resource use may also be related to the degree of urbanisation. Consumption and income tend to be higher in urban areas, but does it mean urban areas are more resource-intensive?
In addition, the energy transition requires more critical materials. Will we reduce oil extraction and start extracting minerals from the sea? My research, supervised by Associate Professor Juudit Ottelin, focuses on understanding how material and carbon footprints relate in different urban levels.
I study how urbanisation (or population density) affects (or not!) the carbon and material footprint of households in Europe :) To do so, I use Exiobase and Eurostat's Household Budget Survey (HBS). My methodology is based on Environmentally Extended Input-Output (EEIO), enriched with LCA and pricing data when necessary.
My work involves a lot of statistics (and R), data analysis, and observing the numbers behind (un)sustainable behaviour. I am particularly motivated to investigate sustainable justice and fair distribution of burdens and benefits, and what trade-offs/co-benefits we can find on our material dependency due to the energy transition (and the huge focus of sustainability on carbon emissions).
I look for collaboration opportunities involving MFA and material stocks per urban degree, plastic and fossil fuels use vs metal use, and the pricing-sustainability relation.
Main Publications
Sborz, J., Kalbusch, A., & Henning, E. (2022). A Review on Domestic Hot Water Consumption in Social Housing. Water, 14(17), 2699. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14172699
Sborz, J., Cominato, C., Kalbusch, A., Henning, E. Hourly and daily domestic hot water consumption in social housing dwellings: an analysis in apartment buildings in Southern Brazil. Solar Energy, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2021.12.067
Cominato, C., Sborz, J., Kalbusch, A., & Henning, E. (2022). Water demand profile before and during COVID-19 pandemic in a Brazilian social housing complex. Heliyon, e10307. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e10307
Garcia, Janine; Sborz, Julia; Kalbusch, Andreza; Henning, Elisa. Analysis Of Brazilian Legislation Based on Water Efficiency Criteria of LEED and AQUA-HQE Certifications. Revista Gestão E Sustentabilidade Ambiental, V. 9, P. 224, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.19177/rgsa.v9e02020224-236
Relevant presentations and posters
Marin, C. B.; Kuroshima, K.; Sborz, J. Massas De Água e Nutrientes Na Região Da Elevação De Rio Grande (Water masses and nutrients at the area of the Rio Grande Rise). In: Latin-American Congress for Marine Science (COLACMAR), 2017. Abstract available (Portuguese).
J. Sborz, W. B. Garcia, E. S. Watzko. Simulação de um Trocador de Calor e de um Reservatório Frio para Eficientização de um Sistema de Refrigeração de Água Tipo Bebedouro (Simulation of a heat exchanger and a cold-water reservoir to make a water refrigeration system of drinking fountain more efficient). IX Brazilian Conference on Thermodynamics – CBTermo 2017. Abstract available (Portuguese).
C. Da Silva, J. Sborz, D. A. Romero, and C. H. Amon, Predicting Phonon Transport in Twodimensional Boron Nitride-Graphene Superlattices. Full paper available. International Mechanical Engineering Congress (IMECE), 2014.
Sborz, Julia;
Cominato, Carolina;
Kalbusch, Andreza;
Henning, Elisa.
Individualized metering and the influence of other endogenous and exogenous factors on water consumption in social housing.
Academic article
Sborz, Julia;
Kalbusch, Andreza;
Henning, Elisa.
Factors that determine hot and cold-water consumption in social housing apartments.
Architectural Engineering and Design Management
Academic article
Journal publications
Sborz, Julia;
Cominato, Carolina;
Kalbusch, Andreza;
Henning, Elisa.
Individualized metering and the influence of other endogenous and exogenous factors on water consumption in social housing.
Academic article
Sborz, Julia;
Kalbusch, Andreza;
Henning, Elisa.
Factors that determine hot and cold-water consumption in social housing apartments.
Architectural Engineering and Design Management
Academic article