Karen Birgitte Dille
Dille, Karen Birgitte.
Praksislærer og studenters muligheter for profesjonell utvikling gjennom samskaping i praksisperioder .
Popular scientific chapter/article
Dille, Karen Birgitte;
Sandvik, Lise Vikan;
Einum, Even.
School-Based Teacher Educators’ Experiences of Collaboration in Field Practice.
International Journal of Educational Research Open
Academic article
Dille, Karen Birgitte;
Sandvik, Lise Vikan;
Røkenes, Fredrik Mørk.
Professional development and the potential for collaboration between schools and universities: A mixed methods research study of school-based teacher educators’ experiences.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Dille, Karen Birgitte.
An online teacher professional development programme as a boundary artefact for new school-based mentors.
International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education
Academic article
Dille, Karen Birgitte;
Olsson, Maja Reinåmo.
Har sommer og skolefri blitt sommer med lesepress? .
Feature article
Dille, Karen Birgitte;
Røkenes, Fredrik Mørk.
Teachers’ professional development in formal online communities: A scoping review.
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies
Academic literature review
Thorseth, Trond Morten;
Dille, Karen Birgitte;
Stoica, George Adrian;
Kahrs, Magnus Strøm.
Interventions On Learning, Stimulated By The Use Of Text-based Student Response System.
International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Dille, Karen Birgitte;
Sandvik, Lise Vikan;
Einum, Even.
School-Based Teacher Educators’ Experiences of Collaboration in Field Practice.
International Journal of Educational Research Open
Academic article
Dille, Karen Birgitte.
An online teacher professional development programme as a boundary artefact for new school-based mentors.
International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education
Academic article
Dille, Karen Birgitte;
Olsson, Maja Reinåmo.
Har sommer og skolefri blitt sommer med lesepress? .
Feature article
Dille, Karen Birgitte;
Røkenes, Fredrik Mørk.
Teachers’ professional development in formal online communities: A scoping review.
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies
Academic literature review
Part of book/report
Dille, Karen Birgitte.
Praksislærer og studenters muligheter for profesjonell utvikling gjennom samskaping i praksisperioder .
Popular scientific chapter/article
Thorseth, Trond Morten;
Dille, Karen Birgitte;
Stoica, George Adrian;
Kahrs, Magnus Strøm.
Interventions On Learning, Stimulated By The Use Of Text-based Student Response System.
International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dille, Karen Birgitte;
Sandvik, Lise Vikan;
Røkenes, Fredrik Mørk.
Professional development and the potential for collaboration between schools and universities: A mixed methods research study of school-based teacher educators’ experiences.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
- MGLU5122 - Field Practice, Teacher Education (1-7) Year 4 and 5
- MGLU3120 - Field Practice, Teacher Education (1-7) Year 3
- MGLU5120 - Field Practice, Teacher Education (1-7) Year 5
- SKOLE6014 - Mentoring in schools of student teachers and newly qualified teachers, module 1
- MGLU2120 - Field Practice, Teacher Education (1-7) Year 2
- MGLU1120 - Field Practice, Teacher Education (1-7) Year 1
LectureDille, Karen Birgitte; Emstad, Anne Berit. (2024) Teacher education and schools' responsibility for preparing and including PSTs as teacher researchers. International Society for Cultural Historical Activity Research International Society for Cultural Historical Activity Research , Rotterdam, Nederland 2024-08-28 - 2024-08-30
Academic lectureDille, Karen Birgitte; Emstad, Anne Berit. (2024) Teacher research. Transition from Education to Working Life. Is the School Ready to Utilize the Resource and Contribute to a Good Start for a Future Teacher Researcher?. ICSEI ICSEI Conference 2024 , Dublin 2024-01-09 - 2024-01-12
Academic lectureDille, Karen Birgitte; Storrøsæter, Hilde; Hellesnes, Gro. (2024) På hvilken måte kan oppfølgingslærer i større grad inkluderes i trepartssamarbeidet? . Nord Universitet Praksiskonferansen 2024 , Stjørdal 2024-05-22 - 2024-05-23
Academic lectureStorrøsæter, Hilde; Dille, Karen Birgitte. (2024) Bridging the Gap: Understanding Stakeholders' Perspectives on Future Teacher Competencies. European Educational Research Association (EERA) Emerging Researchers Conference , Nicosia 2024-08-26 - 2024-08-27
PosterDille, Karen Birgitte; Storrøsæter, Hilde. (2024) PSTs´ expectations and experiences of professional development in field practice . International Society for Cultural Historical Activity Research International Society for Cultural Historical Activity Research , Rotterdam, Nederland 2024-08-28 - 2024-08-30
Academic lectureDille, Karen Birgitte; Sandvik, Lise Vikan; Einum, Even. (2023) School-Based Teacher Educators’ Experiences of Collaboration in Field Practice. European Educational Research Association ECER , Glasgow, Storbritannia 2023-08-21 - 2023-08-24
Academic lectureDille, Karen Birgitte. (2022) Looking back – planning ahead. Field practice as partnership in teacher education. A scoping review. . Nasjonal forskerskole for lærerutdanning NAFOL conference , Trondheim 2022-06-13 - 2022-06-15
Academic lectureDille, Karen Birgitte. (2022) School-based mentors becoming teacher educators: The first meeting on the boundary in a third space . American Educational Research Associaton American Educational Research Associaton conference , San Diego 2022-04-21 - 2022-04-25
Academic lectureDille, Karen Birgitte. (2021) Online teacher professional development program as boundary artefact for new school-based mentors. Nordisk forening for Pedagogisk forskning Nordic Educational Research Association 2021 , Odense 2021-11-03 - 2021-11-05
PosterDille, Karen Birgitte. (2021) Feeling fine in my field-based bubble! . NAFOL/HVL Diversity in Teacher Education Research , Bergen 2021-11-09 - 2021-11-11
Academic lectureDille, Karen Birgitte. (2019) Digital course – creating a learning community for mentor teachers. Universitetet i Stavanger International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement , Stavanger 2019-01-10 -
LectureDille, Karen Birgitte; Sølvberg, Astrid Margrethe. (2018) Student Teachers' reflections after participating in mini-lectures of self-regulated learning. European Educational Research Association European Conference on Educational Research , Bolzano 2018-09-06 -
Academic lectureDille, Karen Birgitte; Bysveen, Åslaug. (2018) Skole- hjem- samarbeid. «Å rigge skuta for storm, men håpe på solgangsbris.". Atlanten ungdomsskole Planleggingsdag , Kristiansund 2018-03-07 -
Academic lectureDille, Karen Birgitte. (2018) Digital kursrekke for nye praksislærere. Universitetet i Sørøst- Norge Nasjonal konferanse for praksis i grunnskolelærerutdanningen , Tønsberg 2018-05-07 -