Eivind Kasa
Academic Field
Dr. Eivind Kasa is Associate Professor in Aesthetic Communication at the Department of Architecture and Technology, Faculty for Architecture and Design.
Aesthetic Communication includes theory and history in the fields of architecture, art and design.
Professional Competence
Eivind Kasa has a Cand. mag. degree from the University of Oslo consisting of theology, sociology and psychology.
1987-1989: Civil Architect, Svingen og Voll arkitekter, Trondheim
1998 to present: Associate Professor at The Faculty of Architecture and Design, Department of Architecture and Technology, NTNU
2000: 20 % position at The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Department of Form, Theory and History
2005-2009 Head of Department of Architectural Design, Form and Colour Studies, NTNU
1995 to present.: Member of the Board of Nordic Association for Architectural Research
1999-2009: Member of the Board of the Department of Philosophy, NTNU
2009-13: Member of the Department Forum at the Department of Philosophy, NTNU
2004-2007: President of the Nordic Association for Architectural Research
2005-2017: Member of the Board of Programme for Applied Ethics, NTNU
2006-11: Editor in Chief of Nordic Journal of Architectural Research (level 2)
2009-2013: Member of the Board of Directors, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art, NTNU
1993: Guest Researcher at the Department for Theory, Jan van Eyck Akademie, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Kasa, Eivind.
Tropes In Meyer And Wittwer’S Project For The League Of Nations.
Nordisk arkitekturforskning
Academic article
Kasa, Eivind.
A Shelter in the Wilderness.
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bøe, Solveig;
Faber, Hege Charlotte;
Kasa, Eivind.
Introduction: Wild. Aesthetics of the Dangerous and Endangered.
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bøe, Solveig;
Faber, Hege Charlotte;
Kasa, Eivind.
Wild. Aesthetics of the Dangerous and Endangered.
Bloomsbury Academic
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Kasa, Eivind;
Bergmann, Sigurd.
Im theandrischen Raum. Atmosphären der Raumwerdung Christi.
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kasa, Eivind.
Medalje for Studentersamfundets Salongorkester.
Visual Arts
Kasa, Eivind.
The making of atmosphere in architecture.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kasa, Eivind.
Logo og redesign av grafisk profil for "Universal Code of Conduct on Holy Sites".
Kasa, Eivind.
Minding the Gap, Some Reflections on the Relation Between Theory and Practice in Architecture.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kasa, Eivind.
Lystenningssted for Kirkens Bymisjon i Trondheim.
Model (architecture)
Kasa, Eivind.
Arkitekturens estetiske kvalitet.
Santérus Academic Press Sweden
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kasa, Eivind.
Architecture and Religion in Secularized Times.
IKO - Verlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Foss, Gunnar;
Kasa, Eivind.
Forms of Knowledge and Sensibility. Ernst Cassirer and the Human Sciences.
Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget
Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget
Non-fiction book
Foss, Gunnar;
Kasa, Eivind.
Forms of Knowledge and Sensibility. Ernst Cassirer and the Human Sciences. Preface.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kasa, Eivind.
Arkitekturen som kunst.
Doctoral dissertation
Kasa, Eivind.
Locus solus, slik Aldo Rossi forstår det i boken L´architettura della città.
Skriftserien - Senter for kvinne- og kjønnsforskning, Universitetet i Bergen (4)
Journal publications
Kasa, Eivind.
Tropes In Meyer And Wittwer’S Project For The League Of Nations.
Nordisk arkitekturforskning
Academic article
Artistic productions
Kasa, Eivind.
Medalje for Studentersamfundets Salongorkester.
Visual Arts
Kasa, Eivind.
Lystenningssted for Kirkens Bymisjon i Trondheim.
Model (architecture)
Bøe, Solveig;
Faber, Hege Charlotte;
Kasa, Eivind.
Wild. Aesthetics of the Dangerous and Endangered.
Bloomsbury Academic
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Foss, Gunnar;
Kasa, Eivind.
Forms of Knowledge and Sensibility. Ernst Cassirer and the Human Sciences.
Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget
Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Kasa, Eivind.
A Shelter in the Wilderness.
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bøe, Solveig;
Faber, Hege Charlotte;
Kasa, Eivind.
Introduction: Wild. Aesthetics of the Dangerous and Endangered.
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kasa, Eivind;
Bergmann, Sigurd.
Im theandrischen Raum. Atmosphären der Raumwerdung Christi.
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kasa, Eivind.
The making of atmosphere in architecture.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kasa, Eivind.
Minding the Gap, Some Reflections on the Relation Between Theory and Practice in Architecture.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kasa, Eivind.
Arkitekturens estetiske kvalitet.
Santérus Academic Press Sweden
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kasa, Eivind.
Architecture and Religion in Secularized Times.
IKO - Verlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Foss, Gunnar;
Kasa, Eivind.
Forms of Knowledge and Sensibility. Ernst Cassirer and the Human Sciences. Preface.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kasa, Eivind.
Arkitekturen som kunst.
Doctoral dissertation
Kasa, Eivind.
Locus solus, slik Aldo Rossi forstår det i boken L´architettura della città.
Skriftserien - Senter for kvinne- og kjønnsforskning, Universitetet i Bergen (4)
Kasa, Eivind.
Logo og redesign av grafisk profil for "Universal Code of Conduct on Holy Sites".
Knowledge Transfer
Popular scientific lectureStrandhagen, Brit; Kasa, Eivind; Bøe, Solveig; Faber, Hege Charlotte. (2014) Presentasjon av den tverrfaglige antologien Raw: Architectural Engagements with Nature. Arkitektur- og byggbiblioteket, NTNU UB Lunsjarrangement , Gløshaugen 2014-11-21 -
LectureKasa, Eivind. (2014) Presentasjon av boken "RAW". Fakultetsbiblioteket arkitektur og bygg Bokpresentasjon , Trondheim 2014-11-21 - 2014-11-21
Academic lectureKasa, Eivind. (2013) The aesthetic and cultural character of architecture. Filosofisk instiutt Research Laboratory , Trondheim 2013-05-30 - 2013-05-31
Academic lectureKasa, Eivind. (2013) The aesthetic challenge. Nordic Association for Architectural Research Aesthetics, the uneasy dimension in architecture , Trondheim 2013-04-25 - 2013-04-27
Academic lectureKasa, Eivind. (2011) Aesthetic Formations: Nature and Architecture ?. Estetisk Selskap Trondheim Aesthetic Formations: Nature and Architecture , Trondheim 2011-09-29 - 2011-10-01
Academic lectureKasa, Eivind. (2010) Dr. grads seminar på Teologisk fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo Kommentar til avhandlingstekst. Teologisk fakultet Dr. grads seminar , Oslo 2010-11-24 - 2010-11-24
Academic lecture
Academic lectureKasa, Eivind. (2009) Criticism and Research in Architecture. Architectural Research & Architectural Criticism , Trondheim 2009-04-23 - 2009-04-25
Academic lectureKasa, Eivind. (2007) MINDING THE GAP – SOME REFELCTIONS ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THEORY AND PRACTICE IN ARCHITECTURE. EAAE-ENHSA Second EAAE-ENHSA Sub-network workshop on Architectural Theory , Trondheim 2007-06-28 - 2007-07-01
Academic lectureKasa, Eivind. (2006) Arkitekturen som speil og hammer. Hvordan den estetiske rasjonaliteten preger arkitekturen som kulturell refleksjonsform. Arkitektur- og Designhøgskolen i Oslo Kurs , Oslo 2006-03-29 - 2006-03-29
Academic lecture
Popular scientific lectureKasa, Eivind. (2004) Estetikk og sosiale sammenhenger. Husbanken Estetikk og sosiale sammenhenger , Oslo 2004-02-04 - 2004-02-04
Popular scientific lectureKasa, Eivind. (2002) Estetikk-begrepet og arkitekturen. Oppstartseminar for Oslo kommunes handlingsprogram for estetikk og god byarkitektur , Oslo 2002-04-19 -
Academic lectureKasa, Eivind. (2001) Architecture and Religion in Secularized Times. Architecture, Aesth/Ethics and Religion , Trondheim 2001-05-12 -