Kjetil Obstfelder Uhlen
Kjetil Uhlen (1961) is a Professor at the Department of Electric Power Engineering. He is deputy head of department for research and study programme leader for the PhD programme in Electric Power Engineering. Professor Uhlen has a PhD and a MSc in Control Engineering from NTNU.
Work Experience
- 2009- Professor, Electrical Power Systems, NTNU
- 2003-2009 Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF Energy Research
- 1996-2002 Research Scientist, SINTEF Energy Research
- 1987-1995 Research Scientist, The Norwegian Electric Power Research Institute (EFI)
Membership in Professional Societies
- IEEE; The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- TEKNA: The Norwegian Association of Chartered Engineers
Committees and Task Forces
- Co-editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
- International Energy Agency (IEA) Implementing Agreement on Electricity Networks Analysis, Research & Development (ENARD). Operating Agent and coordinator of Annex IV:- Transmission Systems (2009-2012).
- Norwegian member of CIGRE Study Committee C4, “System technical performance” (2004-2012). Convenor of Advisory Group C4.6 “Power system security assessment” (2004-2010).
- Cigre Working Group WG C4.601: ”Power system security assessment”. Member of WG (2004 - 2010).
- Cigre Task Force TF 38.02.23: ”Coordinated Voltage Control in transmission Networks”. Member of TF (2000-2004).
- Cigre Task Force TF 38.02.16: ”Impact on interaction among power system controls”. Member of TF (1997-2000).
- IEEE PES Power Systems Stability Subcommittee
- International Energy Agency (IEA) R&D Wind programme: Member of Task VIII: Study of decentralised applications for wind energy (1987 - 1991).
Recent Selected Projects
- 2009 - 2012 IEA Enard Annex IV “Transmission Systems”
Role: Operating Agent
Client: IEA Implementing Agreement on Electricity Networks Analysis, Research and Development (Enard). - 2009- NOWITECH – Norwegian Research Centre for Offshore Wind Technology
Role: Work package leader and member of centre management
Client: Research Centre financed by the Research Council of Norway together with Norwegian and Danish wind industry and power companies. - 2011- STRONg2rid – Smart Transmission Grid Operation and Control
Role: Project coordinator
Client: Nordic research project financed by Nordic Energy Research and the Nordic TSOs. With participation from the Nordic Universities (Aalto, DTU, KTH, Univ. of Iceland and NTNU) and the Nordic TSOs (Statnett, Svenska Kraftnãt, Fingrid and Landsnet).
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder;
Reigstad, Tor Inge;
Hegglid, Gunne John;
shohreh, monshizadeh.
Flexible Hydropower Unit.
Norwegian Research Centre for Hydropower Technology TRONDHEIM
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder;
Reigstad, Tor Inge;
Hegglid, Gunne John.
Flexible Hydropower Unit .
Norwegian Research Centre for Hydropower Technology TRONDHEIM
Elenga Baningobera, Bwandakassy;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Enhancing Grid Resilience with the Integration of Frequency Response in Renewable Energy Systems.
IEEE conference proceedings
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Monteiro de Souza, Valéria;
Rodrigues de Brito, Hugo;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Comparative analysis of online voltage stability indices based on synchronized PMU measurements.
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
Academic article
Rodrigues de Brito, Hugo;
Monteiro de Souza, Valéria;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Impact of Secondary Voltage Regulation Dynamics on Transmission-Level Voltage Stability.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Monteiro de Souza, Valéria;
Rodrigues de Brito, Hugo;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Performance Assessment of Voltage Stability Indices for Real-Time Power Margin Estimation.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Elenga Baningobera, Bwandakassy;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder;
Pokhrel, Basanta Raj.
Challenges and solutions in low-inertia power systems with high wind penetration.
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Academic article
Monteiro de Souza, Valeria;
Rodrigues de Brito, Hugo;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Comparison of Voltage Stability Indices Based on Synchronized PMU Measurements.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rodrigues de Brito, Hugo;
Monteiro de Souza, Valeria;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Investigations on Secondary Voltage Control for Long-Term Reactive Power Management.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Baltensperger, Daniel Simon;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
D'Arco, Salvatore;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Assessing Hardware in the Loop Approaches for Wide-Area Monitoring Control and Protection Devices.
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
Academic article
Haugdal, Hallvar;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder;
Jóhannsson, Hjörtur.
Achieving Enhanced Phasor POD Performance by Introducing a Control-Input Model.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugdal, Hallvar;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder;
Johannsson, Hjortur.
A Novel Phasor Power Oscillation Damper With Adaptive Phase Compensation, Achieved Using Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Baltensperger, Daniel Simon;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Optimal and predictive under-frequency load shedding against critical islanding contingencies.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin;
Pleym, Anngjerd;
Jaehnert, Stefan;
Kallset, Vegard Viken;
Kiel, Erlend Sandø;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Hvor sårbart er vårt elektriske energisystem? .
Baltensperger, Daniel Simon;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Optimal Coordination of Multiple System Protection Schemes against Critical Overload Conditions.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reigstad, Tor Inge;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Variable Speed Hydropower for Provision of Fast Frequency Reserves in the Nordic Grid.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Reigstad, Tor Inge;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Nonlinear model predictive control of variable speed hydropower for provision of fast frequency reserves.
Electric power systems research
Academic article
Baltensperger, Daniel Simon;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
D'Arco, Salvatore.
Experimental Characterization of Methods for
Connecting Real-Time Simulations and
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugdal, Hallvar;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder;
Jóhannsson, Hjörtur.
An Open Source Power System Simulator in Python for Efficient Prototyping of WAMPAC Applications.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Monshizadeh, Shohreh;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Hegglid, Gunne John.
Transmission Loss Minimization Using Artificial Intelligent Algorithm for Nordic44 Network Model based on Hourly Load Variation .
Academic article
Jakobsen, Sigurd Hofsmo;
Bombois, Xavier;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Non-intrusive identification of hydro power plants’ dynamics using control system measurements.
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
Academic article
Reigstad, Tor Inge;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Variable speed hydropower plant with virtual inertia control for provision of fast frequency reserves
International Journal of Power and Energy Systems
Academic article
Reigstad, Tor Inge;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Stability properties of nonlinear model predictive control of variable speed hydropower.
IET Control Theory & Applications
Academic article
Reigstad, Tor Inge;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Variable Speed Hydropower Conversion and Control.
IEEE transactions on energy conversion
Academic article
Reigstad, Tor Inge;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Variabel hastighet i kraftverk.
Energiteknikk : fagbladet for energibransjen
Academic article
Haugdal, Hallvar;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Müller, Daniel;
Jóhannsson, Hjörtur.
Estimation of Oscillatory Mode Activity from PMU Measurements.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reigstad, Tor Inge;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Optimized Control of Variable Speed Hydropower for Provision of Fast Frequency Reserves.
Electric power systems research
Academic article
Hillberg, Emil;
Zegers, Antony;
Herndler, Barbara;
Wong, Steven;
Wong, Steven;
Pompee, Jean.
Flexibility needs in the future power system.
Haugdal, Hallvar;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Power Oscillation Monitoring using Statistical Learning Methods.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jakobsen, Sigurd Hofsmo;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Testing of a hydropower plant’s stability and performance using PMU and control system data in closed loop.
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Academic article
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Resultatrapport NFR
Project no 246784: Operation of the Smart Grid With Wide Area Information.
NTNU, Institutt for elkraftteknikk
Solvang, Espen Hafstad;
Sperstad, Iver Bakken;
Jakobsen, Sigurd Hofsmo;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Dynamic simulation of simultaneous HVDC contingencies relevant for vulnerability assessment of the nordic power system .
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Haileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta.
Operation and Control of hybrid AC/DC transmission grids.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugdal, Hallvar;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Mode Shape Estimation using Complex Principal Component Analysis and k-Means Clustering.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Na, Shweta;
Kishor, Nand;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Mohanty, Soumya R.
Detecting instant of multiple faults on the transmission line and its types using time-frequency analysis.
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Academic article
Berglund, Frida;
Zaferanlouei, Salman;
Korpås, Magnus;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Optimal Operation of Battery Storage for a Subscribed Capacity-Based Power Tariff Prosumer—A Norwegian Case Study.
Academic article
Anaya-Lara, Olimpo;
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Merz, Karl Otto.
Offshore Wind energy technology.
John Wiley & Sons
John Wiley & Sons
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Solvang, Espen Hafstad;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Dynamic Simulations of Simultaneous HVDC Contingencies in the Nordic Power System Considering System Integrity Protection Schemes.
Masters thesis
Kalemba, Lester;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Hovd, Morten.
Stability Assessment of Power Systems Based on a Robust Sum-of-Squares Optimization Approach.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jakobsen, Sigurd Hofsmo;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Bombois, Xavier.
Identification of Hydro turbine governors using PMU data.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tuttelberg, Kaur;
Kilter, Jako;
Wilson, Douglas;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Estimation of Power System.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Karlsen, David;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Vormedal, L.
Introducing PMU-based Applications in the Control Room Setting.
CIGRE (Conseil international des grands réseaux électriques)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Duong, Dinh Thuc;
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Performance evaluation of the empirical method for online detection of power oscillations: a multiterminal HVDC application.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jakobsen, Sigurd Hofsmo;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Development of a test system for identification of turbine dynamics using the dc power flow.
Academic article
Andresen, Christian Andre;
Torsæter, Bendik Nybakk;
Haugdal, Hallvar;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Fault Detection and Prediction in Smart Grids .
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Parreiras, TJMA;
Gomes, S;
Taranto, Glauco Nery;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Closest security boundary for improving oscillation damping through generation redispatch using eigenvalue sensitivities.
Electric power systems research
Academic article
Negi, Sanjay S.;
Kishor, Nand;
Negi, Richa;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Event signal characterization for disturbance interpretation in power grid.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Kalemba, Lester;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Using Decentralized Control Techniques for Interaction Analysis in Hybrid AC/DC Grids .
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duong, Dinh Thuc;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
A Topology-based Scheme for Adaptive Underfrequency Load Shedding.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Polster, Stefan;
Renner, Herwig;
Duong, Dinh Thuc;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Voltage Stability Monitoring using a Modified Thevenin Impedance.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shweta, NN;
Kishor, Nand;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Mohanty, S..
Time-varying coherency study using TFC.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Negi, Sanjay Singh;
Kishor, Nand;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Negi, Richa.
Post-processing algorithmfor damped and step-change events detection in PMU signals.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jakobsen, Sigurd Hofsmo;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Vector fitting for estimation of turbine governing system parameters.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schweta, NN;
Kishor, Nand;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Soumya, Mohanty.
Identification of coherency and critical generators set in real-time signal.
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Academic article
Negi, Sanjay Singh;
Kishor, Nand;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Negi, Richa.
Event Detection and its Signal Characterization in PMU Data Stream.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Academic article
Negi, Sanjay Singh;
Kishor, Nand;
Kumar, Avinash;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Signal processing for time-frequency representation of synchro-phasor data.
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Academic article
Jha, Shailendra Kumar;
Støa, Petter;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Green and hybrid microgrid for rural electrification.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Avoiding AC/DC grid interaction in MMC based MTDC Systems.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zangmo, Gayleg;
Om, Khandu;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Impact of hydro-turbine and governor parameters on stability of grid connected power system.
International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Academic article
Dharmawardena, Hasala;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Gjerde, Sverre Skalleberg.
Modelling wind farm with synthetic inertia for power system dynamic studies.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kumar, Avinash;
Negi, Sanjay Singh;
Kishor, Nand;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Signal processing and classification of synchro-phasor data.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Haileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Anaya-Lara, Olimpo.
Transient stability analysis in multi-terminal VSC-HVDC grids.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Global analysis of frequency stability and inertia in AC systems interconnected through an HVDC.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kalemba, Lester;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Hovd, Morten.
Two-tier approach for the design of multiple power oscillation damping controllers.
IEEE conference proceedings
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Djustrom, Jam;
Ehnberg, Jimmy;
Segundo, Rafael.
CloudGrid – the development of a transnational smart grid lab cooperation.
21 Annual international conference on innovation Baltic Dynamics 2016
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Coordinated Converter Control Strategy in Hybrid AC/DC Power Systems for System Frequency Support.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Duong, Dinh Thuc;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Jansson, Erik Alexander.
Estimation of hydro turbine-governor system's transfer function from PMU measurements.
IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting
Academic article
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Bergna Diaz, Gilbert;
Beerten, Jef.
Small-signal modelling of an MMC-based HVDC link interfacing large AC systems.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Jaehnert, Stefan;
Hamon, Camille;
Bruno, C;
Farahmand, Hossein;
Inoue, Takehiro.
Analytical Techniques and tools for power balancing assessments.
CIGRE (Conseil international des grands réseaux électriques)
CIGRE Technical Brochure (648)
Ersdal, Anne Mai;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Model Predictive Load-Frequency Control.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Ersdal, Anne Mai;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Fabozzi, Davide;
Thornhill, Nina F..
Model predictive load–frequency control taking into account imbalance uncertainty.
Control Engineering Practice
Academic article
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Jaehnert, Stefan;
Hamon, Camille;
Bruno, C;
Farahmand, Hossein;
Inoue, T.
Analytical techniques and tools for power balancing assessments.
Cigre Science & Engineering
Academic article
Jha, S.K.;
Støa, Petter;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Socio-economic impact of a rural microgrid.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dharmawardena, Hasala Indika;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Modeling variable speed Wind turbine for power system dynamic studies.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kalemba, Lester;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Hovd, Morten.
A scheme for optimal coordination of reactive-power reserves in a large power system.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Preda, Traian Nicolae;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
A test distribution grid for study of slow coherency concept.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Investigation of Dynamic Behaviour of AC/DC Power Systems.
Energynautics GmbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Smart Transmission Grids Operation and Control
(STRONgrid) Sustainable Energy Systems 2050.
Duong, Dinh Thuc;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Taranto, Glauco Nery;
Løvlund, Stig.
A Comparative Case Study of Online Voltage Instability Monitoring.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta;
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Secondary control in multi-terminal VSC-HVDC transmission system.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duong, Dinh Thuc;
Kalemba, Lester;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Løvlund, Stig.
A scheme for coordinated secondary voltage control for systems with multiple VAr reserves.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tai, Vin Cent;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Resampling of data for offshore grid design based on kernel density estimation and genetic algorithm.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Beerten, Jef;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Dynamic Interactions between Asynchronous Grids Interconnected through an MTDC System.
CIGRE (Conseil international des grands réseaux électriques)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Satertro, Kristian;
Gjerde, Sverre Skalleberg;
Svendsen, Harald Georg;
Anaya-Lara, Olimpo;
Tande, John Olav Giæver.
Integrated modelling platform for dynamic performance assessment of floating wind turbines.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Leelaruji, Rujiroj;
Vanfretti, L;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Gjerde, Jan Ove.
Computing sensitivities from synchrophasor data for voltage stability monitoring and visualization.
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems
Academic article
Støylen, Hanne;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Årdal, Atle Rygg.
Laboratory demonstration of inertial response from VSC-HVDC connected wind farms.
IET Digital Library
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kile, Håkon;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Warland, Leif;
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin.
A Comparison of AC and DC Power Flow Models for Contingency and Reliability Analysis.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Støylen, Hanne;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Årdal, Atle Rygg;
Sharifabadi, Kamran Torki.
Laboratory demonstration of an offshore grid in the North Sea with DC droop control.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Preda, Traian Nicolae;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Hadjsaid, Nouredine.
Dynamic Equivalents of Active Distribution Grids Based on Model Parameters Identification.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kile, Håkon;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin.
Scenario selection in composite reliability assessment of deregulated power systems.
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
Academic article
Marvik, Jorun Irene;
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Wind farm voltage dip measurements.
Wind Energy
Academic article
Jha, S.K.;
Støa, Petter;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Microgrid: Prospects and challenges in Nepal.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duong, Dinh Thuc;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Analysis of Impacts of SVC on Voltage Collapse Mechanism and Maximum Loadability.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duong, Dinh Thuc;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Løvlund, Stig.
A Method for Real Time Voltage Stability Monitoring in Sub-transmission Networks.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tai, Vin Cent;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Design and Optimisation of Offshore Grids in Baltic Sea for Scenario Year 2030.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Preda, Traian Nicolae;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Nordgård, Dag Eirik.
Clustering Distributed Generation Using the Instantaneous Euclidean Distance in Polar Coordinates.
IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
He, Wei;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Hadiya, Maheshkumar;
Shi, Gang;
del Rio, Emilio.
Case Study of Integrating an Offshore Wind Farm with Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms and with an Onshore Electrical Grid.
Journal of Renewable Energy
Academic article
Anaya-Lara, Olimpo;
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Adaramola, Muyiwa S..
Control Challenges and Possibilities for Offshore Wind Farms.
SINTEF Energi. Rapport (TR A7258)
Preda, Traian Nicolae;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Nordgård, Dag Eirik.
Códigos de rede atuais para integração da geração distribuída.
Eletricidade Moderna
Academic article
Haileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Power System Security in a Meshed North Sea HVDC Grid.
Proceedings of the IEEE
Academic article
Kile, Håkon;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin.
The Important Role of Feature Selection when Clustering Load and Generation Scenarios.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duong, Dinh Thuc;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Online voltage stability monitoring based on PMU measurements and system topology.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kile, Håkon;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin.
Scenario Selection by Unsupervised Learning in Reliability Analysis of Transmission Networks.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Toftevaag, Trond;
Preda, Traian Nicolae;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Impact of voltage phase angle changes on low-voltage ride-through performance of small scale hydro DG units.
CIRED - Congrès International des Réseaux Electriques de Distribution
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Preda, Traian Nicolae;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Nordgård, Dag Eirik;
Toftevaag, Trond.
Dynamic equivalents of active distribution power systems for investigation of transient stability.
CIRED - Congrès International des Réseaux Electriques de Distribution
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lindeberg, Eivind;
Svendsen, Harald Georg;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Smooth Transition Between Controllers for Floating Wind Turbines.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Korpås, Magnus;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Planning and Operation of Large Offshore Wind Farms in Areas with Limited Power Transfer Capacity.
Wind Engineering : The International Journal of Wind Power
Academic article
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Cirio, Diego.
IEA Implementing Agreement on Electricity Networks Analysis, Research & Development (ENARD)Annex IV: - Transmission SystemsFinal report.
Kile, Håkon;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Data reduction via clustering and averaging for contingency and reliability analysis.
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
Academic article
Kile, Håkon;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Supervised and Unsupervised Learning in Composite Reliability Evaluation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ersdal, Anne Mai;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Coordinated Control of Multiple HVDC links using backstepping.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Uhlen, Kjetil.
IEA Implementing Agreement on Electricity Networks Analysis, Research & Development (ENARD)Annex IV: - Transmission SystemsFinal report.
SINTEF Energi. Rapport (TR A7191)
Preda, Traian Nicolae;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Nordgård, Dag Eirik.
An overview of the present grid codes for integration of distributed generation.
Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Preda, Traian Nicolae;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Nordgård, Dag Eirik;
Toftevaag, Trond.
External Grid Representation for Assessing Fault Ride Through Capabilities of Distributed Generation Units.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kile, Håkon;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Averanging Operating States with Infinite Mixtures in Reliability Analysis of Transmission Networks.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Control, Dynamics and Operation of Multi-terminal VSC-HVDC Transmission Systems.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (354)
Doctoral dissertation
Haileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Impact of DC Line Voltage Drops on Power Flow of MTDC Using Droop Control.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Kalcon, Giddani O.;
Adam, Grain P.;
Anaya-Lara, Olimpo;
Lo, Stephen;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Small-Signal Stability Analysis of Multi-Terminal VSC-Based DC Transmission Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Haileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Precise control of power flow in multiterminal VSC-HVDCs using DC voltage droop control.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Preda, Traian Nicolae;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Nordgård, Dag Eirik.
Instantaneous Harmonics Compensation using Shunt Active Filters in a Norwegian Distribution Power System with Large Amount of Distributed Generation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Vanfretti, L;
de Oliveira, M;
Leirbukt, Albert;
Aarstand, Vemund Halmo;
Gjerde, Jan.
Wide-Area Power Oscillation Damper Implementation and Testing in the Norwegian Transmission Network.
IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting
Academic article
Hillberg, Karl Emil;
Trengereid, F.;
Breidablik, Ø.;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin;
Løvlund, S..
System Integrity Protection Schemes - Increasing operational Security and System Capacity.
CIGRE (Conseil international des grands réseaux électriques)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Storvann, V;
Johansson, Emil;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Indicating and Mitigating Voltage Collapse Comparing Voltage Stability Indicators.
IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe
Academic article
Haileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Anaya-Lara, Olimpo.
Connection Scheme for North Sea Offshore Wind Integration to UK and Norway: Power Balancing and Transient Stability Analysis.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Power Flow Analysis of Multi-terminal HVDC Networks.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta;
Torres Olguin, Raymundo E.;
Vrana, Til Kristian;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Main Grid Frequency Support Strategy for VSC-HVDC Connected Wind Farms with Variable Speed Wind Turbines.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Cirio, D;
Haarla, L;
Bekaert, D;
Jensen, KB;
Duthaler, C.
Quais os desafios e como serao os sistemas de transmissao do futuro?.
Eletricidade Moderna
Academic article
Svendsen, Harald Georg;
Hadiya, Maheshkumar;
Øyslebø, Eirik Veirød;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Integration of offshore wind farm with multiple oil and gas platforms.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Baker, John;
Brunner, Helfried;
Sinclair, John;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Cirio, Diego.
ENARD: Results from the First 5 year Term of International Collaboration in electricity networks.
CIRED Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Johansson, Emil;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Kjølle, Gerd;
Toftevaag, Trond.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Sætertrø, Kristian;
Gjerde, Sverre Skalleberg;
Svendsen, Harald Georg;
Anaya-Lara, Olimpo;
Tande, John Olav Giæver.
Performance assessment of floating wind turbines
during grid faults.
European Wind Energy Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Korba, Petr;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Wide-area monitoring of electromechanical oscillations in the Nordic power system: practical experience.
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Academic article
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Cirio, D;
Haarla, L;
Bekaert, K.;
Jensen, KB;
Duthaler, C.
IEA Enard: - International collaboration on developments in transmission systems R&D.
CIGRE (Conseil international des grands réseaux électriques)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chaudhuri, N.R.;
Domahidi, A.;
Majumder, R.;
Chaudhuri, B.;
Korba, P.;
Ray, S..
Wide-area power oscillation damping control in Nordic equivalent system.
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Academic article
Johansson, Emil;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Nybø, Agnes;
Kjølle, Gerd;
Gjerde, Oddbjørn.
Extraordinary events: Understanding sequence, causes, and remedies.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chaudhuri, Nilanjan Ray;
Domahidi, Alexander;
Chaudhuri, Balarko;
Majumder, Rajat;
Korba, Petr;
Ray, Swakshar.
Power oscillation damping control using wide-area signals: A case study on Nordic equivalent system.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haileselassie, Temesgen M.;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Primary Frequency Control of Remote Grids Connected by Multi-terminal HVDC.
IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting
Academic article
He, Wei;
Jacobsen, Gunnar;
Anderson, Tiit;
Olsen, Freydar;
Hanson, Tor;
Korpås, Magnus.
The Potential of Integrating Wind Power with
Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms.
Wind Engineering : The International Journal of Wind Power
Academic article
Warland, Leif;
Korpås, Magnus;
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Cross-border transmission upgrade with increasing wind power penetration.
European Wind Energy Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Korpås, Magnus;
Warland, Leif;
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Impact of increased wind integration on power flows and congestion costs in the European transmission network.
European Wind Energy Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Korpås, Magnus;
Warland, Leif;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
van Hulle, Frans.
Impact of TradeWind offshore wind power capacity scenarios on power flows in the European HV network.
Icfai University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Suul, Jon Are Wold;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Wind Power Integration in Isolated Grids enabled by Variable Speed Pumped Storage Hydropower Plant.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørensen, Poul;
Norheim, Ian;
Meibom, Peter;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Simulations of wind power integration with complementary power system planning tools.
Electric power systems research
Academic article
Eek, Jarle;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Gjengedal, Terje.
Wind Power Contribution to Primery Frequency Response in the Nordel Power System.
Nordic Wind Power Conference
Eek, Jarle;
Gjengedal, Terje;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Influence of High Wind Power Penetration on the Nordic Power Grid Primary Control Response.
Eek, Jarle;
Di Marzio, Giuseppe;
Lund, Torstein;
Fosso, Olav B;
Gjengedal, Terje;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Reactive Power Compensation and Voltage Control in Regional Networks with High Wind Power Penetration and Thermal Capacity Constraints.
EWEC 2006
Doorman, Gerard L.;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin;
Huse, Einar Ståle.
Vulnerability analysis of the Nordic power system.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Di Marzio, Giuseppe;
Fosso, Olav B;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Palsson, Magni T..
Large-Scale Wind Power Integration - Voltage Stability Limits and Modal Analysis.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Di Marzio, Giuseppe;
Eek, Jarle;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Fosso, Olav B.
A proposed model for stability assessment of electrical power systems with large scale wind power integration.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eek, Jarle;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Gjengedal, Terje.
Transient stability studies comparing synchronous and doubly fed induction generators.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Gjengedal, Terje.
Options for large scale integration of wind power.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Doorman, Gerard L.;
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder;
Huse, Einar Ståle;
Flatabø, Nils.
Vulnerability of the Nordic Power System.
Teknisk rapport / SINTEF energiforskning (TR A5962)
Doorman, Gerard L.;
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder;
Huse, Einar Ståle;
Flatabø, Nils.
Vulnerability of the Nordic Power System - Executive Summary.
Teknisk rapport / SINTEF energiforskning (TR A5968)
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Cost analysis case study of grid integration of larger wind farms.
Wind Engineering : The International Journal of Wind Power
Academic article
Pálsson, Magni Tor;
Toftevaag, Trond;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Tande, John Olav Giæver.
Control concepts to enable increased wind power penetration.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pálsson, Magni Tor;
Toftevaag, Trond;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Tande, John Olav Giæver.
Large-scale wind power integration and voltage stability limits in regional networks.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Wind turbines in weak grids-constraints and solutions.
Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grande, Ove Steinar;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder;
Bakken, Bjørn Harald;
Hernes, Magnar;
Fosso, Olav Bjarte.
Operational Security Assessment - Planning and Control.
SINTEF Energi. Rapport (TR A5294)
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Petterteig, Astrid;
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin;
Holen, Arne Torstein;
Løvås, Gunnar Gundersby;
Meisingset, M..
On-line security assessment and control - probabilistic versus deterministic operational criteria.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Monteiro de Souza, Valéria;
Rodrigues de Brito, Hugo;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Comparative analysis of online voltage stability indices based on synchronized PMU measurements.
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
Academic article
Elenga Baningobera, Bwandakassy;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder;
Pokhrel, Basanta Raj.
Challenges and solutions in low-inertia power systems with high wind penetration.
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Academic article
Baltensperger, Daniel Simon;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
D'Arco, Salvatore;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Assessing Hardware in the Loop Approaches for Wide-Area Monitoring Control and Protection Devices.
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
Academic article
Haugdal, Hallvar;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder;
Johannsson, Hjortur.
A Novel Phasor Power Oscillation Damper With Adaptive Phase Compensation, Achieved Using Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Reigstad, Tor Inge;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Variable Speed Hydropower for Provision of Fast Frequency Reserves in the Nordic Grid.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Reigstad, Tor Inge;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Nonlinear model predictive control of variable speed hydropower for provision of fast frequency reserves.
Electric power systems research
Academic article
Monshizadeh, Shohreh;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Hegglid, Gunne John.
Transmission Loss Minimization Using Artificial Intelligent Algorithm for Nordic44 Network Model based on Hourly Load Variation .
Academic article
Jakobsen, Sigurd Hofsmo;
Bombois, Xavier;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Non-intrusive identification of hydro power plants’ dynamics using control system measurements.
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
Academic article
Reigstad, Tor Inge;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Variable speed hydropower plant with virtual inertia control for provision of fast frequency reserves
International Journal of Power and Energy Systems
Academic article
Reigstad, Tor Inge;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Stability properties of nonlinear model predictive control of variable speed hydropower.
IET Control Theory & Applications
Academic article
Reigstad, Tor Inge;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Variable Speed Hydropower Conversion and Control.
IEEE transactions on energy conversion
Academic article
Reigstad, Tor Inge;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Variabel hastighet i kraftverk.
Energiteknikk : fagbladet for energibransjen
Academic article
Reigstad, Tor Inge;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Optimized Control of Variable Speed Hydropower for Provision of Fast Frequency Reserves.
Electric power systems research
Academic article
Jakobsen, Sigurd Hofsmo;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Testing of a hydropower plant’s stability and performance using PMU and control system data in closed loop.
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Academic article
Na, Shweta;
Kishor, Nand;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Mohanty, Soumya R.
Detecting instant of multiple faults on the transmission line and its types using time-frequency analysis.
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Academic article
Berglund, Frida;
Zaferanlouei, Salman;
Korpås, Magnus;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Optimal Operation of Battery Storage for a Subscribed Capacity-Based Power Tariff Prosumer—A Norwegian Case Study.
Academic article
Tuttelberg, Kaur;
Kilter, Jako;
Wilson, Douglas;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Estimation of Power System.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Jakobsen, Sigurd Hofsmo;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Development of a test system for identification of turbine dynamics using the dc power flow.
Academic article
Parreiras, TJMA;
Gomes, S;
Taranto, Glauco Nery;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Closest security boundary for improving oscillation damping through generation redispatch using eigenvalue sensitivities.
Electric power systems research
Academic article
Schweta, NN;
Kishor, Nand;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Soumya, Mohanty.
Identification of coherency and critical generators set in real-time signal.
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Academic article
Negi, Sanjay Singh;
Kishor, Nand;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Negi, Richa.
Event Detection and its Signal Characterization in PMU Data Stream.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Academic article
Negi, Sanjay Singh;
Kishor, Nand;
Kumar, Avinash;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Signal processing for time-frequency representation of synchro-phasor data.
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Academic article
Zangmo, Gayleg;
Om, Khandu;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Impact of hydro-turbine and governor parameters on stability of grid connected power system.
International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Academic article
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Coordinated Converter Control Strategy in Hybrid AC/DC Power Systems for System Frequency Support.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Duong, Dinh Thuc;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Jansson, Erik Alexander.
Estimation of hydro turbine-governor system's transfer function from PMU measurements.
IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting
Academic article
Ersdal, Anne Mai;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Model Predictive Load-Frequency Control.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Ersdal, Anne Mai;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Fabozzi, Davide;
Thornhill, Nina F..
Model predictive load–frequency control taking into account imbalance uncertainty.
Control Engineering Practice
Academic article
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Jaehnert, Stefan;
Hamon, Camille;
Bruno, C;
Farahmand, Hossein;
Inoue, T.
Analytical techniques and tools for power balancing assessments.
Cigre Science & Engineering
Academic article
Tai, Vin Cent;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Resampling of data for offshore grid design based on kernel density estimation and genetic algorithm.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Satertro, Kristian;
Gjerde, Sverre Skalleberg;
Svendsen, Harald Georg;
Anaya-Lara, Olimpo;
Tande, John Olav Giæver.
Integrated modelling platform for dynamic performance assessment of floating wind turbines.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Leelaruji, Rujiroj;
Vanfretti, L;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Gjerde, Jan Ove.
Computing sensitivities from synchrophasor data for voltage stability monitoring and visualization.
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems
Academic article
Kile, Håkon;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin.
Scenario selection in composite reliability assessment of deregulated power systems.
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
Academic article
Marvik, Jorun Irene;
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Wind farm voltage dip measurements.
Wind Energy
Academic article
Tai, Vin Cent;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Design and Optimisation of Offshore Grids in Baltic Sea for Scenario Year 2030.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
He, Wei;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Hadiya, Maheshkumar;
Shi, Gang;
del Rio, Emilio.
Case Study of Integrating an Offshore Wind Farm with Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms and with an Onshore Electrical Grid.
Journal of Renewable Energy
Academic article
Preda, Traian Nicolae;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Nordgård, Dag Eirik.
Códigos de rede atuais para integração da geração distribuída.
Eletricidade Moderna
Academic article
Haileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Power System Security in a Meshed North Sea HVDC Grid.
Proceedings of the IEEE
Academic article
Lindeberg, Eivind;
Svendsen, Harald Georg;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Smooth Transition Between Controllers for Floating Wind Turbines.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Korpås, Magnus;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Planning and Operation of Large Offshore Wind Farms in Areas with Limited Power Transfer Capacity.
Wind Engineering : The International Journal of Wind Power
Academic article
Kile, Håkon;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Data reduction via clustering and averaging for contingency and reliability analysis.
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
Academic article
Ersdal, Anne Mai;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Coordinated Control of Multiple HVDC links using backstepping.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Haileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Impact of DC Line Voltage Drops on Power Flow of MTDC Using Droop Control.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Kalcon, Giddani O.;
Adam, Grain P.;
Anaya-Lara, Olimpo;
Lo, Stephen;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Small-Signal Stability Analysis of Multi-Terminal VSC-Based DC Transmission Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Vanfretti, L;
de Oliveira, M;
Leirbukt, Albert;
Aarstand, Vemund Halmo;
Gjerde, Jan.
Wide-Area Power Oscillation Damper Implementation and Testing in the Norwegian Transmission Network.
IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting
Academic article
Storvann, V;
Johansson, Emil;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Indicating and Mitigating Voltage Collapse Comparing Voltage Stability Indicators.
IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe
Academic article
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Cirio, D;
Haarla, L;
Bekaert, D;
Jensen, KB;
Duthaler, C.
Quais os desafios e como serao os sistemas de transmissao do futuro?.
Eletricidade Moderna
Academic article
Baker, John;
Brunner, Helfried;
Sinclair, John;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Cirio, Diego.
ENARD: Results from the First 5 year Term of International Collaboration in electricity networks.
CIRED Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Korba, Petr;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Wide-area monitoring of electromechanical oscillations in the Nordic power system: practical experience.
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Academic article
Chaudhuri, N.R.;
Domahidi, A.;
Majumder, R.;
Chaudhuri, B.;
Korba, P.;
Ray, S..
Wide-area power oscillation damping control in Nordic equivalent system.
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Academic article
Haileselassie, Temesgen M.;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Primary Frequency Control of Remote Grids Connected by Multi-terminal HVDC.
IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting
Academic article
He, Wei;
Jacobsen, Gunnar;
Anderson, Tiit;
Olsen, Freydar;
Hanson, Tor;
Korpås, Magnus.
The Potential of Integrating Wind Power with
Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms.
Wind Engineering : The International Journal of Wind Power
Academic article
Sørensen, Poul;
Norheim, Ian;
Meibom, Peter;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Simulations of wind power integration with complementary power system planning tools.
Electric power systems research
Academic article
Doorman, Gerard L.;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin;
Huse, Einar Ståle.
Vulnerability analysis of the Nordic power system.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Cost analysis case study of grid integration of larger wind farms.
Wind Engineering : The International Journal of Wind Power
Academic article
Elenga Baningobera, Bwandakassy;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Enhancing Grid Resilience with the Integration of Frequency Response in Renewable Energy Systems.
IEEE conference proceedings
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Anaya-Lara, Olimpo;
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Merz, Karl Otto.
Offshore Wind energy technology.
John Wiley & Sons
John Wiley & Sons
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Kalemba, Lester;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Hovd, Morten.
Two-tier approach for the design of multiple power oscillation damping controllers.
IEEE conference proceedings
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Rodrigues de Brito, Hugo;
Monteiro de Souza, Valéria;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Impact of Secondary Voltage Regulation Dynamics on Transmission-Level Voltage Stability.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Monteiro de Souza, Valéria;
Rodrigues de Brito, Hugo;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Performance Assessment of Voltage Stability Indices for Real-Time Power Margin Estimation.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Monteiro de Souza, Valeria;
Rodrigues de Brito, Hugo;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Comparison of Voltage Stability Indices Based on Synchronized PMU Measurements.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rodrigues de Brito, Hugo;
Monteiro de Souza, Valeria;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Investigations on Secondary Voltage Control for Long-Term Reactive Power Management.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugdal, Hallvar;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder;
Jóhannsson, Hjörtur.
Achieving Enhanced Phasor POD Performance by Introducing a Control-Input Model.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Baltensperger, Daniel Simon;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Optimal and predictive under-frequency load shedding against critical islanding contingencies.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Baltensperger, Daniel Simon;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Optimal Coordination of Multiple System Protection Schemes against Critical Overload Conditions.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Baltensperger, Daniel Simon;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
D'Arco, Salvatore.
Experimental Characterization of Methods for
Connecting Real-Time Simulations and
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugdal, Hallvar;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder;
Jóhannsson, Hjörtur.
An Open Source Power System Simulator in Python for Efficient Prototyping of WAMPAC Applications.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugdal, Hallvar;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Müller, Daniel;
Jóhannsson, Hjörtur.
Estimation of Oscillatory Mode Activity from PMU Measurements.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugdal, Hallvar;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Power Oscillation Monitoring using Statistical Learning Methods.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Solvang, Espen Hafstad;
Sperstad, Iver Bakken;
Jakobsen, Sigurd Hofsmo;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Dynamic simulation of simultaneous HVDC contingencies relevant for vulnerability assessment of the nordic power system .
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Haileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta.
Operation and Control of hybrid AC/DC transmission grids.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugdal, Hallvar;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Mode Shape Estimation using Complex Principal Component Analysis and k-Means Clustering.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kalemba, Lester;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Hovd, Morten.
Stability Assessment of Power Systems Based on a Robust Sum-of-Squares Optimization Approach.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jakobsen, Sigurd Hofsmo;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Bombois, Xavier.
Identification of Hydro turbine governors using PMU data.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Karlsen, David;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Vormedal, L.
Introducing PMU-based Applications in the Control Room Setting.
CIGRE (Conseil international des grands réseaux électriques)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Duong, Dinh Thuc;
Taffese, Abel Assegid;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta.
Performance evaluation of the empirical method for online detection of power oscillations: a multiterminal HVDC application.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andresen, Christian Andre;
Torsæter, Bendik Nybakk;
Haugdal, Hallvar;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Fault Detection and Prediction in Smart Grids .
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Negi, Sanjay S.;
Kishor, Nand;
Negi, Richa;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Event signal characterization for disturbance interpretation in power grid.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Kalemba, Lester;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Using Decentralized Control Techniques for Interaction Analysis in Hybrid AC/DC Grids .
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duong, Dinh Thuc;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
A Topology-based Scheme for Adaptive Underfrequency Load Shedding.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Polster, Stefan;
Renner, Herwig;
Duong, Dinh Thuc;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Voltage Stability Monitoring using a Modified Thevenin Impedance.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shweta, NN;
Kishor, Nand;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Mohanty, S..
Time-varying coherency study using TFC.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Negi, Sanjay Singh;
Kishor, Nand;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Negi, Richa.
Post-processing algorithmfor damped and step-change events detection in PMU signals.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jakobsen, Sigurd Hofsmo;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Vector fitting for estimation of turbine governing system parameters.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jha, Shailendra Kumar;
Støa, Petter;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Green and hybrid microgrid for rural electrification.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Avoiding AC/DC grid interaction in MMC based MTDC Systems.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dharmawardena, Hasala;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Gjerde, Sverre Skalleberg.
Modelling wind farm with synthetic inertia for power system dynamic studies.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kumar, Avinash;
Negi, Sanjay Singh;
Kishor, Nand;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Signal processing and classification of synchro-phasor data.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Haileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Anaya-Lara, Olimpo.
Transient stability analysis in multi-terminal VSC-HVDC grids.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Global analysis of frequency stability and inertia in AC systems interconnected through an HVDC.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Bergna Diaz, Gilbert;
Beerten, Jef.
Small-signal modelling of an MMC-based HVDC link interfacing large AC systems.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jha, S.K.;
Støa, Petter;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Socio-economic impact of a rural microgrid.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dharmawardena, Hasala Indika;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Modeling variable speed Wind turbine for power system dynamic studies.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kalemba, Lester;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Hovd, Morten.
A scheme for optimal coordination of reactive-power reserves in a large power system.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Preda, Traian Nicolae;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
A test distribution grid for study of slow coherency concept.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Investigation of Dynamic Behaviour of AC/DC Power Systems.
Energynautics GmbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duong, Dinh Thuc;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Taranto, Glauco Nery;
Løvlund, Stig.
A Comparative Case Study of Online Voltage Instability Monitoring.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta;
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Secondary control in multi-terminal VSC-HVDC transmission system.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duong, Dinh Thuc;
Kalemba, Lester;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Løvlund, Stig.
A scheme for coordinated secondary voltage control for systems with multiple VAr reserves.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Beerten, Jef;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Dynamic Interactions between Asynchronous Grids Interconnected through an MTDC System.
CIGRE (Conseil international des grands réseaux électriques)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Støylen, Hanne;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Årdal, Atle Rygg.
Laboratory demonstration of inertial response from VSC-HVDC connected wind farms.
IET Digital Library
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kile, Håkon;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Warland, Leif;
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin.
A Comparison of AC and DC Power Flow Models for Contingency and Reliability Analysis.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Støylen, Hanne;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Årdal, Atle Rygg;
Sharifabadi, Kamran Torki.
Laboratory demonstration of an offshore grid in the North Sea with DC droop control.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Preda, Traian Nicolae;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Hadjsaid, Nouredine.
Dynamic Equivalents of Active Distribution Grids Based on Model Parameters Identification.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jha, S.K.;
Støa, Petter;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Microgrid: Prospects and challenges in Nepal.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duong, Dinh Thuc;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Analysis of Impacts of SVC on Voltage Collapse Mechanism and Maximum Loadability.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duong, Dinh Thuc;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Løvlund, Stig.
A Method for Real Time Voltage Stability Monitoring in Sub-transmission Networks.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Preda, Traian Nicolae;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Nordgård, Dag Eirik.
Clustering Distributed Generation Using the Instantaneous Euclidean Distance in Polar Coordinates.
IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kile, Håkon;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin.
The Important Role of Feature Selection when Clustering Load and Generation Scenarios.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duong, Dinh Thuc;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Online voltage stability monitoring based on PMU measurements and system topology.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kile, Håkon;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin.
Scenario Selection by Unsupervised Learning in Reliability Analysis of Transmission Networks.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Toftevaag, Trond;
Preda, Traian Nicolae;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Impact of voltage phase angle changes on low-voltage ride-through performance of small scale hydro DG units.
CIRED - Congrès International des Réseaux Electriques de Distribution
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Preda, Traian Nicolae;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Nordgård, Dag Eirik;
Toftevaag, Trond.
Dynamic equivalents of active distribution power systems for investigation of transient stability.
CIRED - Congrès International des Réseaux Electriques de Distribution
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kile, Håkon;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Supervised and Unsupervised Learning in Composite Reliability Evaluation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Preda, Traian Nicolae;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Nordgård, Dag Eirik.
An overview of the present grid codes for integration of distributed generation.
Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Preda, Traian Nicolae;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Nordgård, Dag Eirik;
Toftevaag, Trond.
External Grid Representation for Assessing Fault Ride Through Capabilities of Distributed Generation Units.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kile, Håkon;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Averanging Operating States with Infinite Mixtures in Reliability Analysis of Transmission Networks.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Precise control of power flow in multiterminal VSC-HVDCs using DC voltage droop control.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Preda, Traian Nicolae;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Nordgård, Dag Eirik.
Instantaneous Harmonics Compensation using Shunt Active Filters in a Norwegian Distribution Power System with Large Amount of Distributed Generation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hillberg, Karl Emil;
Trengereid, F.;
Breidablik, Ø.;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin;
Løvlund, S..
System Integrity Protection Schemes - Increasing operational Security and System Capacity.
CIGRE (Conseil international des grands réseaux électriques)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Anaya-Lara, Olimpo.
Connection Scheme for North Sea Offshore Wind Integration to UK and Norway: Power Balancing and Transient Stability Analysis.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Power Flow Analysis of Multi-terminal HVDC Networks.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta;
Torres Olguin, Raymundo E.;
Vrana, Til Kristian;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Main Grid Frequency Support Strategy for VSC-HVDC Connected Wind Farms with Variable Speed Wind Turbines.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Svendsen, Harald Georg;
Hadiya, Maheshkumar;
Øyslebø, Eirik Veirød;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Integration of offshore wind farm with multiple oil and gas platforms.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansson, Emil;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Kjølle, Gerd;
Toftevaag, Trond.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu;
Sætertrø, Kristian;
Gjerde, Sverre Skalleberg;
Svendsen, Harald Georg;
Anaya-Lara, Olimpo;
Tande, John Olav Giæver.
Performance assessment of floating wind turbines
during grid faults.
European Wind Energy Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Cirio, D;
Haarla, L;
Bekaert, K.;
Jensen, KB;
Duthaler, C.
IEA Enard: - International collaboration on developments in transmission systems R&D.
CIGRE (Conseil international des grands réseaux électriques)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansson, Emil;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Nybø, Agnes;
Kjølle, Gerd;
Gjerde, Oddbjørn.
Extraordinary events: Understanding sequence, causes, and remedies.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chaudhuri, Nilanjan Ray;
Domahidi, Alexander;
Chaudhuri, Balarko;
Majumder, Rajat;
Korba, Petr;
Ray, Swakshar.
Power oscillation damping control using wide-area signals: A case study on Nordic equivalent system.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Warland, Leif;
Korpås, Magnus;
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Cross-border transmission upgrade with increasing wind power penetration.
European Wind Energy Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Korpås, Magnus;
Warland, Leif;
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Impact of increased wind integration on power flows and congestion costs in the European transmission network.
European Wind Energy Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Korpås, Magnus;
Warland, Leif;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
van Hulle, Frans.
Impact of TradeWind offshore wind power capacity scenarios on power flows in the European HV network.
Icfai University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Suul, Jon Are Wold;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Wind Power Integration in Isolated Grids enabled by Variable Speed Pumped Storage Hydropower Plant.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Di Marzio, Giuseppe;
Fosso, Olav B;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Palsson, Magni T..
Large-Scale Wind Power Integration - Voltage Stability Limits and Modal Analysis.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Di Marzio, Giuseppe;
Eek, Jarle;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Fosso, Olav B.
A proposed model for stability assessment of electrical power systems with large scale wind power integration.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eek, Jarle;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Gjengedal, Terje.
Transient stability studies comparing synchronous and doubly fed induction generators.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Gjengedal, Terje.
Options for large scale integration of wind power.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pálsson, Magni Tor;
Toftevaag, Trond;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Tande, John Olav Giæver.
Control concepts to enable increased wind power penetration.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pálsson, Magni Tor;
Toftevaag, Trond;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Tande, John Olav Giæver.
Large-scale wind power integration and voltage stability limits in regional networks.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Wind turbines in weak grids-constraints and solutions.
Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Petterteig, Astrid;
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin;
Holen, Arne Torstein;
Løvås, Gunnar Gundersby;
Meisingset, M..
On-line security assessment and control - probabilistic versus deterministic operational criteria.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder;
Reigstad, Tor Inge;
Hegglid, Gunne John;
shohreh, monshizadeh.
Flexible Hydropower Unit.
Norwegian Research Centre for Hydropower Technology TRONDHEIM
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder;
Reigstad, Tor Inge;
Hegglid, Gunne John.
Flexible Hydropower Unit .
Norwegian Research Centre for Hydropower Technology TRONDHEIM
Hillberg, Emil;
Zegers, Antony;
Herndler, Barbara;
Wong, Steven;
Wong, Steven;
Pompee, Jean.
Flexibility needs in the future power system.
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Resultatrapport NFR
Project no 246784: Operation of the Smart Grid With Wide Area Information.
NTNU, Institutt for elkraftteknikk
Solvang, Espen Hafstad;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Dynamic Simulations of Simultaneous HVDC Contingencies in the Nordic Power System Considering System Integrity Protection Schemes.
Masters thesis
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Tedeschi, Elisabetta;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Djustrom, Jam;
Ehnberg, Jimmy;
Segundo, Rafael.
CloudGrid – the development of a transnational smart grid lab cooperation.
21 Annual international conference on innovation Baltic Dynamics 2016
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Jaehnert, Stefan;
Hamon, Camille;
Bruno, C;
Farahmand, Hossein;
Inoue, Takehiro.
Analytical Techniques and tools for power balancing assessments.
CIGRE (Conseil international des grands réseaux électriques)
CIGRE Technical Brochure (648)
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Smart Transmission Grids Operation and Control
(STRONgrid) Sustainable Energy Systems 2050.
Anaya-Lara, Olimpo;
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Adaramola, Muyiwa S..
Control Challenges and Possibilities for Offshore Wind Farms.
SINTEF Energi. Rapport (TR A7258)
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Cirio, Diego.
IEA Implementing Agreement on Electricity Networks Analysis, Research & Development (ENARD)Annex IV: - Transmission SystemsFinal report.
Uhlen, Kjetil.
IEA Implementing Agreement on Electricity Networks Analysis, Research & Development (ENARD)Annex IV: - Transmission SystemsFinal report.
SINTEF Energi. Rapport (TR A7191)
Haileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Control, Dynamics and Operation of Multi-terminal VSC-HVDC Transmission Systems.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (354)
Doctoral dissertation
Eek, Jarle;
Uhlen, Kjetil;
Gjengedal, Terje.
Wind Power Contribution to Primery Frequency Response in the Nordel Power System.
Nordic Wind Power Conference
Eek, Jarle;
Gjengedal, Terje;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Influence of High Wind Power Penetration on the Nordic Power Grid Primary Control Response.
Eek, Jarle;
Di Marzio, Giuseppe;
Lund, Torstein;
Fosso, Olav B;
Gjengedal, Terje;
Uhlen, Kjetil.
Reactive Power Compensation and Voltage Control in Regional Networks with High Wind Power Penetration and Thermal Capacity Constraints.
EWEC 2006
Doorman, Gerard L.;
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder;
Huse, Einar Ståle;
Flatabø, Nils.
Vulnerability of the Nordic Power System.
Teknisk rapport / SINTEF energiforskning (TR A5962)
Doorman, Gerard L.;
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder;
Huse, Einar Ståle;
Flatabø, Nils.
Vulnerability of the Nordic Power System - Executive Summary.
Teknisk rapport / SINTEF energiforskning (TR A5968)
Grande, Ove Steinar;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder;
Bakken, Bjørn Harald;
Hernes, Magnar;
Fosso, Olav Bjarte.
Operational Security Assessment - Planning and Control.
SINTEF Energi. Rapport (TR A5294)
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin;
Pleym, Anngjerd;
Jaehnert, Stefan;
Kallset, Vegard Viken;
Kiel, Erlend Sandø;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Hvor sårbart er vårt elektriske energisystem? .
- TET4575 - Kraftsystemer - drift og analyse, fordypningsemne
- ET8105 - Styring og drift av elkraftsystemer
- TET4180 - Dynamikk og regulering i elkraftsystemer
- HAV6002 - Elektrisk infrastruktur og systemintegrasjon
- ET6203 - Integrasjon av nye energikilder og komponenter med omformere som grensesnitt til kraftnettet
- ET6202 - Vern og overvåking i distribusjonsnett
Popular scientific lecturePokhrel, Basanta Raj; Oleinikova, Irina; D'Arco, Salvatore; Sanchez, Santiago; Hoidalen, Hans Kristian; Zeno, Aldrich. (2024) Advanced digital lab infrastructure for the development of smart power grid. Cardiff University UPEC 2024 , Cardiff, Wales, U.K. 2024-09-02 - 2024-09-06
Academic lectureUhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder. (2022) R&D in Hydropower to Support Renewable Deployment on the Transmission . IEEE PES IEEE PES General Meeting 2022 , Denver Colorado 2022-07-19 - 2022-07-19
Academic lectureMonshizadeh, Shohreh; Uhlen, Kjetil; Hegglid, Gunne.J. (2020) Transmission Loss Minimization Using Artificial Intelligent Algorithm for Nordic44 Network Model based on Hourly Load Variation . IFAC world congress 21st Virtual IFAC World Congress 2020 , Berlin 2020-07-12 - 2020-07-17
Academic lectureUhlen, Kjetil. (2020) Challenges with Lower Inertia -Provision of Fast Frequency Control Reserves. Kathmandu University International Conference on Role of Energy for Sustainable Social Development in ‘New Normal’ Era 28th -29th December 2020, Kathmandu, Nepal , Kathmandu 2020-12-28 -
Academic lectureUhlen, Kjetil. (2018) Smart and Flexible Energy Systems "Controlling the grid" - Challenges in power system operation. EUA-EPUE European Platform for Universities in Energy Resear European Universities for a Clean Energy Future: Interdisciplinary Education, Training and Research , Université d'Lorraine, Nancy 2018-03-21 - 2018-03-22
Academic lectureSanchez Acevedo, Santiago; Duong, Dinh Thuc; Taffese, Abel Assegid; Uhlen, Kjetil; Tedeschi, Elisabetta. (2018) Performance evaluation of the empirical method for online detection of power oscillations: a multiterminal HVDC application. IEEE IECON 2018 Annual conference of the IEEE industrial electronics society , Washington 2018-10-21 - 2018-10-23
Popular scientific lectureNegi, Sanjay S.; Kishor, Nand; Negi, Richa; Uhlen, Kjetil. (2018) Event signal characterization for disturbance interpretation in power grid. First International Colloquium on Smart Grid Metrology , Split 2018-04-24 - 2018-04-27
Academic lectureHillberg, Emil; Lindahl, G.; Pinares, G.; Segundo Sevilla, F. R.; Korba, Petr; Uhlen, Kjetil. (2017) Frequency stability assessment of decreased conventional production in the continental European power system. Cigre Cigre Symposium , Dublin 2017-05-30 - 2017-06-02
Academic lectureSegundo Sevilla, F. R.; Korba, Petr; Uhlen, Kjetil; Hillberg, Emil; Lindahl, G.; Sattinger, W.. (2017) Evaluation of the ENTSO-E initial dynamic model of continental Europe subject to parameter variations. IEEE IEEE ISGT, Washington DC, April 2017 , Washington DC 2017-04-23 - 2017-04-26
Academic lectureSegundo Sevilla, F. R.; Korba, Petr; Hillberg, Emil; Lindahl, G.; Uhlen, Kjetil. (2017) Robustness Assessment of the Continental European Power System Dynamic Model. Chalmers / Elforsk Elkraft 2017 , Chalmers, Gøteborg 2017-05-17 - 2017-05-18
Academic lectureEndegnanew, Atsede Gualu; Uhlen, Kjetil. (2016) Coordinated Tuning of Converter Controls in Hybrid AC/DC Grids for System Frequency Support. SINTEF/NTNU EERA DeepWind'2016 , Trondheim 2016-01-20 - 2016-01-22
LectureUhlen, Kjetil. (2016) Hvordan driver man et kraftsystem basert på 100% fornybar energi?. Norsk Klimastiftelse Lansering av publikasjonen "Tograder" , Oslo 2016-11-29 - 2016-11-30
PosterTande, John Olav Giæver; Anaya-Lara, Olimpo; Uhlen, Kjetil. (2015) LFAC Transmission for Offshore Wind Applications: Fundamentals and Technology Status Review. SINTEF / NTNU EERA DeepWind'2015 , Trondheim 2015-02-04 - 2015-02-06
LectureToftevaag, Trond; Uhlen, Kjetil. (2015) Stabilitet i kraftsystemet Del 1 og Del 2. Statnett/NTNU Kurs , Oslo 2015-11-19 - 2015-11-26
LectureTai, Vin Cent; Uhlen, Kjetil. (2014) Design and Optimisation of Offshore Grids in Baltic Sea for Scenario Year 2030. NOWITECH EERA DeepWind'2014 Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference , Radisson Blu Royal Garden Hotel, Kjøpmannsgata 73, Trondheim 2014-01-22 - 2014-01-24
LecturePreda, Traian Nicolae; Uhlen, Kjetil; Hadjsaid, Nouredine. (2014) Dynamic equivalents of active distribution grids based on model parameters identification. IEEE PES IEEE PES General Meeting , National Harbour, Washington DC 2014-07-27 - 2014-07-31
Academic lectureErsdal, Anne Mai; Imsland, Lars Struen; Uhlen, Kjetil. (2014) Model Predictive Control for Frequency Control of the Nordic Power System. Statnett Research Presentation at Statnett , Oslo 2014-10-14 -
Academic lectureCutululis, N; Zeni, Lorenzo; Ziad El-Khatib, Walid; Holbøll, Joachim; Sørensen, Poul; Stamatiou, Georgios. (2014) Challenges Towards the Deployment of Offshore Grids: the OffshoreDC Project. 13th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power (WIW 2014) , Berlin 2014-11-10 - 2014-11-11
Academic lectureKile, Håkon; Uhlen, Kjetil. (2012) Averaging Operating States with Infinite Mixtures in Reliability Analysis of Transmission. International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems 2012-06-10 - 2012-06-14
Academic lectureErsdal, Anne Mai; Imsland, Lars Struen; Uhlen, Kjetil. (2012) Coordinated control of multiple hvdc links using backstepping. IEEE 2012 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC 2012) , Dubrovnik 2012-10-03 - 2012-10-05
Academic lectureHaileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta; Uhlen, Kjetil. (2011) CONTROL OF MULTITERMINAL HVDC AND ITS IMPACT ON MULTI-NATIONAL POWER MARKET. CIGRÉ and the Brazilian National Committee Cigre International Symposium - Recife, Barzil , Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil 2011-04-03 - 2011-04-06
PosterAnaya-Lara, Olimpo; Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu; Tande, John Olav Giæver; Svendsen, Harald Georg; Uhlen, Kjetil; Gjerde, Sverre Skalleberg. (2011) Performance assessment of floating wind turbines during grid faults. EWEA European Offshore Wind Conference , Amsterdam 2011-11-29 - 2011-12-01
Academic lectureHaileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta; Torres Olguin, Raymundo E.; Vrana, Til Kristian; Uhlen, Kjetil; Undeland, Tore Marvin. (2011) Main Grid Frequency Support Strategy for VSC-HVDC Connected Wind Farms with Variable Speed Wind Turbines. IEEE Powertech 2011-06-19 - 2011-06-22
Academic lectureJohansson, Emil; Uhlen, Kjetil; Kjølle, Gerd. (2011) Mitigating Extraordinary Events using Wide Area Monitoring Applications. CIGRE CIGRE Symposium , Recife, Pernambuco 2011-04-03 - 2011-04-06
PosterTande, John Olav Giæver; Adaramola, Muyiwa S.; Krogstad, Per-Åge; Anaya-Lara, Olimpo; Uhlen, Kjetil. (2011) Power output optimisation from an offshore wind farm. EWEA Offshore Conference and Exhibition , Amsterdam 2011-11-29 - 2011-12-02
Academic lectureHaileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta; Uhlen, Kjetil. (2010) Frequency sensitivity analysis of ac grids connected to MTDC grid. The Institution of Engineering and Technology - The IET 9th IET International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission, 2010. ACDC. , London 2010-10-19 - 2010-10-21
Academic lectureHaileselassie, Temesgen; Undeland, Tore Marvin; Uhlen, Kjetil. (2009) Multiterminal HVDC for Offshore Windfarms – Control Strategy. European Power Electronics and Drives Association EPE Wind Energy Chapter Seminar 2009 , Stockholm, Royal Institute of technology (KTH) 2009-04-23 - 2010-04-24
Academic lectureHaileselassie, Temesgen; Uhlen, Kjetil; Undeland, Tore Marvin. (2009) Control of Multiterminal HVDC Transmission for Offshore Wind Energy. Nordic Wind Power Association Nordic Wind Power Conference , Bornholm 2009-09-10 - 2009-09-11
Academic lectureSuul, Jon Are Wold; Uhlen, Kjetil; Undeland, Tore Marvin. (2008) Wind Power Integration in Isolated Grids enabled by Variable Speed Pumped Storage Hydropower Plant. ICSET 2008 ICSET 2008 , Singapore 2008-11-24 - 2008-11-27
Academic lectureSuul, Jon Are Wold; Uhlen, Kjetil; Undeland, Tore Marvin. (2008) Pumped Storage for Balancing Wind Power Fluctuations in an Isolated Grid. EPE Association EPE Wind Energy Conference , Delft, The Netherlands 2008-03-27 - 2008-03-28
Academic lectureSuul, Jon Are Wold; Uhlen, Kjetil; Undeland, Tore Marvin. (2008) Variable Speed Pumped Storage Hydropower for Integration of Wind Energy in Isolated Grids - Case Description and Control Strategies. Helsinki University of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Eng. NORPIE 2008 , Espoo, Finland 2008-06-09 - 2008-06-11
Academic lectureEek, Jarle; Uhlen, Kjetil; Gjengedal, Terje. (2006) Wind Power Contribution to Primary Frequency Response in the Nordel Power System. Nordic Wind Power Conference Nordic Wind Power Conference 2006 , Espoo 2006-05-22 - 2006-05-23
Academic lectureKorpås, Magnus; Tande, John Olav Giæver; Uhlen, Kjetil; Huse, Einar Ståle; Gjengedal, Terje. (2006) Planning and operation of large wind farms in areas with limited power transfer capacity. EWEC 2006 European Wind Energy Conference EWEC 2006 European Wind Energy Conference , Athen 2006-02-27 - 2006-03-02
Academic lectureDi Marzio, Giuseppe; Eek, Jarle; Uhlen, K.; Fosso, Olav B. (2005) A PROPOSED MODEL FOR STABILITY ASSESSMENT OF ELECRTICAL POWER SYSTEMS WITH LARGE SCALE WIND POWER INTEGRATION. World Wind Energy Conference WWEC05 , Melbourne 2005-11-02 - 2005-11-04
Academic lectureDi Marzio, Giuseppe; Fosso, Olav B; Uhlen, K.; Palsson, Magni T.. (2005) LARGE-SCALE WIND POWER INTEGRATION, VOLTAGE STABILITY LIMITS AND MODAL ANALYSIS. PSCC05 , Liege 2005-08-22 - 2005-08-26
Academic lectureUhlen, K.; Petterteig, A.; Kjølle, G.H.; Holen, Arne Torstein; Løvås, G.G.; Meisingset, M.. (1998) On-line security assessment and control : probabilistic versus deterministic operational criteria. European Conference on Safety and Reliability - ESREL '98 , Trondheim, 16-19 June
Academic lectureUhlen, K.; Petterteig, A.; Kjølle, G.H.; Holen, Arne Torstein; Løvås, G.G.; Meisingset, M.. (1997) On-line security assessment and control : probabilistic vs. deterministic operational criteria. IERE Workshop: Future Directions in Power System Reliability , Palo Alto, Calif.
Academic lecturePalsson, Magni T.; Uhlen, K.; Toftevaag, T.. (1997) Modelling and simulation of an autonomous wind/diesel system equipped with forced commutated converter. 7th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications , Trondheim