Anne Kvikstad
Gastrosenteret, Trondheim, Kreftklinikken, Prinsesse Kristinas gt 1, 7030 Trondheim
Hjorth, Nina Elisabeth;
Hufthammer, Karl Ove;
Sigurdardottir, Katrin Rut;
Tripodoro, Vilma Adriana;
Goldraij, Gabriel;
Kvikstad, Anne.
Hospital care for the dying patient with cancer: does an advance care planning invitation influence bereaved relatives’ experiences? A two country survey.
BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care
Academic article
Thronæs, Morten;
Løhre, Erik T;
Kvikstad, Anne;
Brenne, Elisabeth;
Norvaag, Robin;
Aalberg, Kathrine Othelie.
Interventions and symptom relief in hospital palliative cancer care: results from a prospective longitudinal study.
Supportive Care in Cancer
Academic article
Hansen, Marit Irene Tuen;
Haugen, Dagny Faksvåg;
Sigurdardottir, Katrin Rut;
Kvikstad, Anne;
Mayland, Catriona Rachel;
Schaufel, Margrethe Aase.
Factors affecting quality of end-of-life hospital care - a qualitative analysis of free text comments from the i-CODE survey in Norway.
BMC Palliative Care
Academic article
Martinsen, Nils;
Tunaal, Hans Martin;
Bagøien, Gunnhild;
Getz, Linn Okkenhaug;
Kvikstad, Anne;
Mjølstad, Bente Prytz.
Kommunikasjon, pasientkontakt og profesjonalitet som tråd gjennom profesjonsstudiet i medisin.
Det medisinske fakultet
Anshushaug, Malin;
Gynnild, Mari Aas;
Kaasa, Stein;
Kvikstad, Anne;
Grønberg, Bjørn H..
Characterization of patients receiving palliative chemo- and radiotherapy during end of life at a regional cancer center in Norway.
Acta Oncologica
Academic article
Gynnild, Mari Aas;
Anshushaug, Malin;
Kaasa, Stein;
Kvikstad, Anne;
Grønberg, Bjørn H..
Palliative cancer therapy during end of life at a regional cancer center in Norway in 2005 and 2009.
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Journal publications
Hjorth, Nina Elisabeth;
Hufthammer, Karl Ove;
Sigurdardottir, Katrin Rut;
Tripodoro, Vilma Adriana;
Goldraij, Gabriel;
Kvikstad, Anne.
Hospital care for the dying patient with cancer: does an advance care planning invitation influence bereaved relatives’ experiences? A two country survey.
BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care
Academic article
Thronæs, Morten;
Løhre, Erik T;
Kvikstad, Anne;
Brenne, Elisabeth;
Norvaag, Robin;
Aalberg, Kathrine Othelie.
Interventions and symptom relief in hospital palliative cancer care: results from a prospective longitudinal study.
Supportive Care in Cancer
Academic article
Hansen, Marit Irene Tuen;
Haugen, Dagny Faksvåg;
Sigurdardottir, Katrin Rut;
Kvikstad, Anne;
Mayland, Catriona Rachel;
Schaufel, Margrethe Aase.
Factors affecting quality of end-of-life hospital care - a qualitative analysis of free text comments from the i-CODE survey in Norway.
BMC Palliative Care
Academic article
Anshushaug, Malin;
Gynnild, Mari Aas;
Kaasa, Stein;
Kvikstad, Anne;
Grønberg, Bjørn H..
Characterization of patients receiving palliative chemo- and radiotherapy during end of life at a regional cancer center in Norway.
Acta Oncologica
Academic article
Gynnild, Mari Aas;
Anshushaug, Malin;
Kaasa, Stein;
Kvikstad, Anne;
Grønberg, Bjørn H..
Palliative cancer therapy during end of life at a regional cancer center in Norway in 2005 and 2009.
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Martinsen, Nils;
Tunaal, Hans Martin;
Bagøien, Gunnhild;
Getz, Linn Okkenhaug;
Kvikstad, Anne;
Mjølstad, Bente Prytz.
Kommunikasjon, pasientkontakt og profesjonalitet som tråd gjennom profesjonsstudiet i medisin.
Det medisinske fakultet
PosterHansen, Marit Irene Tuen; Schaufel, Margrethe Aase; Sigurdardottir, Katrin Rut; Kvikstad, Anne; Haugen, Dagny Faksvåg. (2019) Factors affecting quality of end-of-life care - a qualitative analysis of free text comments from the i-CODE survey in Norway. Universitetet i Bergen A Good Ending - Good for All. 6th Annual Research Conference of the International Collaborative for Best Care for the Dying Person , Bergen 2019-11-06 - 2019-11-07
PosterGynnild, Mari Aas; Anshushaug, Malin; Kvikstad, Anne; Kaasa, Stein; Grønberg, Bjørn Henning. (2012) Use of palliative cancer therapy during End-of-life at St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim, Norway. American Society of Clinical Oncology ASCO Annual Meeting 2012 , Chicago 2012-06-01 - 2012-06-05
Academic lectureAnshushaug, Malin; Gynnild, Mari Aas; Kaasa, Stein; Kvikstad, Anne; Grønberg, Bjørn Henning. (2012) Palliative cancer therapy during end-of-life at St.Olavs Hospital – Trondheim University Hospital, Norway. European Assocation of Palliative Care 7th World Research Congress of the EAPC , Trondheim 2012-06-06 - 2012-06-09
Academic lectureJakobsen, Gunnhild; Kvikstad, Anne; Kaasa, Stein. (2007) Description of a new integrated palliative care model. European Association for Palliative Care 10th Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care 2007-06-07 -