Lars Christian Gansel
Associate Professor and Deputy head of research at Department of Biological Sciences.
I teach and do my research in marine sciences with focus on aquaculture, and I am responsible for NTNU's research license for salmonids in the sea.
Main research interest: understanding and describing 1) complex interactions between structures, biology and the physical-chemical environment, 2) transport mechanisms in the sea and 3) animal welfare. I like to work interdisciplinary to promote technology and knowledge transfer between research areas. Most of my work has been aquaculture related, with focus on fish welfare and environmental effects. Other areas of interest include planktology, biological and chemical oceanography; integrated aquaculture and scientific method development.
Banno, Kana;
Goncalves, Filipe Marcel Fernandes;
Sauphar, Clara Pauline;
Anichini, Marianna;
Aline, Hazelaar;
Sperre, Linda Helen.
Healthy and Loser Salmon Dataset.
Other product
Banno, Kana;
Gonçalves, Filipe Marcel Fernandes;
Sauphar, Clara Pauline;
Anichini, Marianna;
Hazelaar, Aline;
Sperre, Linda Helen.
Identifying losers: Automatic identification of growth-stunted salmon in aquaculture using computer vision.
Machine Learning with Applications (MLWA)
Academic article
Zheng, Lei;
Zhang, Chao;
Bracke, Marc;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Torres, Ricardo da Silva.
Detecting Salmon Lice in Seawater Using Synthetic Datasets.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gao, Sihan;
Wang, Chunlin;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Li, Guoyuan;
Zhang, Houxiang;
Gansel, Lars Christian.
In situ measurements and simulations of a net cage in currents.
Aquacultural Engineering
Academic article
Cao, Yanran;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Stene, Anne.
The impact of net cleaning on fecal cortisol metabolites in farmed Atlantic Salmon.
Academic article
Ding, Jingwen;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Finstad, Bengt;
Stene, Anne;
Bakke, Snorre;
Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen.
Investigating the biological relevance of measuring gastrointestinal cortisol metabolite levels to assess stress responses in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) after an acute stress.
Fish and Shellfish Immunology
Academic article
Banno, Kana;
Gao, Sihan;
Anichini, Marianna;
Stolz, Christian;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Gansel, Lars Christian.
Expanded vision for the spatial distribution of Atlantic salmon in sea cages.
Academic article
Zhang, Chao;
Bracke, Marc;
Torres, Ricardo;
Gansel, Lars Christian.
Rapid detection of salmon louse larvae in seawater based on machine learning.
Academic article
Gao, Sihan;
Han, Peihua;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Li, Guoyuan;
Zhang, Houxiang.
Real-time prediction of fish cage behaviors under varying currents using deep neural network.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gao, Sihan;
Oppedal, Frode;
Fosse, Jan Olav;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Gansel, Lars Christian.
Fluid–Structure Interactions of Net Cages—Full-Scale Pushing Tests in the Field.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Gao, Sihan;
Banno, Kana;
Hu, Zhicheng;
Han, Peihua;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Li, Guoyuan.
Digital Prototyping of a Stocked Cage with Multi-Sensor Integration.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sauphar, Clara Pauline;
Stolz, Christian;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen.
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) distribution and vertical size-stratification in a commercial sea cage: A case study.
Academic article
Kaland, Håvard;
Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen;
Amundsen, Trond;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Tuene, Stig Atle.
Hvordan studere lusebeiting i stor merd?.
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett
Popular scientific article
Kaland, Håvard;
Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen;
Amundsen, Trond;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Tuene, Stig Atle.
Cleaning behavior of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) studied using sea lice dummies in large scale sea cages.
Academic article
Ding, Jingwen;
Finstad, Bengt;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Tveten, Ann-Kristin;
Blindheim, Steffen H.;
Cao, Yanran.
Comparative assessment of plasma cortisol and fecal corticoid metabolites (FCM) of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) subjected to acute- and long-term stress.
Academic article
Banno, Kana;
Kaland, Håvard;
Crescitelli, Alberto Maximiliano;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Aas, Grete Hansen;
Gansel, Lars Christian.
A novel approach for wild fish monitoring at aquaculture sites: wild fish presence analysis using computer vision.
Aquaculture Environment Interactions
Academic article
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Jensen, Simen Muhle Steen;
Loen, Vegard Neverdal;
Vevelstad, Amund;
Tuene, Stig Atle.
Utvikling av en effektiv metode for registrering av lakseluslarver i ferske planktonprøver.
Thesis at a second degree level
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Bjørklund, Richard Hasan;
Lauridsen, Jan Inge;
Madsen-Stangebye, Erlend;
Tuene, Stig Atle.
Horisontal og vertikal fordeling av villfisk rundt oppdrettsmerder over tid.
Thesis at a second degree level
Gao, Sihan;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Li, Guoyuan;
Zhang, Houxiang.
An Integrated Approach to Modelling Fish Cage Response in the Flow.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Philis, Gaspard;
Ziegler, Friederike;
Jansen, Mona Dverdal;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Hornborg, Sara;
Aas, Grete Hansen.
Quantifying environmental impacts of cleaner fish used as sea lice treatments in salmon aquaculture with life cycle assessment.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Crescitelli, Alberto Maximiliano;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Zhang, Houxiang.
NorFisk: fish image dataset from Norwegian fish farms for species recognition using deep neural networks.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Myklebust, Rita Marie Strømmen.
Fjernstyrt undervannsfarkost som verktøy for kartlegging av bunnfisk nær oppdrettsanlegg.
Thesis at a second degree level
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Steffensen, Ole;
Ødegård, Sindre Schjønning;
Hansen, Jørgen Sandvold.
Metodikk for overvåkning av pelagisk villfisk rundt laksemerder.
Thesis at a second degree level
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Grønsberg, Espen Vabø;
Hansø, Adrian;
Selven, Sofie Maren.
Er undervannsfartøy egnet for observasjon av villfisk rundt oppdrettsanlegg?.
Thesis at a second degree level
Crescitelli, Alberto Maximiliano;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Zhang, Houxiang.
NorFisk Dataset .
Crescitelli, Alberto Maximiliano;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Zhang, Houxiang.
Semi-automatic Approach to Create Fish Image Datasets for Aquaculture Applications.
IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications
Academic article
Philis, Gaspard;
Ziegler, Friederike;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Jansen, Mona Dverdal;
Gracey, Erik Olav;
Stene, Anne.
Comparing life cycle assessment (LCA) of salmonid aquaculture production systems: Status and perspectives.
Academic literature review
Philis, Gaspard;
Gracey, Erik Olav;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Fet, Annik Magerholm;
Rebours, Celine.
Comparing the primary energy and phosphorus consumption of soybean and seaweed-based aquafeed proteins – A material and substance flow analysis.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Storholt, Malin Hoem;
Tysse, Katrine Ranvik;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Gansel, Lars Christian.
Blåskjell spiser de frittsvømmende larvene til lakselus.
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett
Popular scientific article
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Oppedal, Frode;
Birkevold, Jens;
Tuene, Stig Atle.
Drag Forces and deformation of aquaculture cages – full-scale towing tests in the field.
Aquacultural Engineering
Academic article
Stene, Anne;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Jansen, Mona Dverdal.
Strategier for å begrense spredning av virus mellom sjølokaliteter med laksefisk.
Hvas, Malthe;
Folkedal, Ole;
Solstorm, David;
Vågseth, Tone;
Fosse, Jan Olav;
Gansel, Lars Christian.
Assessing swimming capacity and schooling behaviour in farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar with experimental push-cages.
Academic article
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Endresen, Per Christian;
Steinhovden, Kristine;
Dahle, Stine Veronica Wiborg;
Svendsen, Eirik;
Forbord, Silje.
OMAE2017-62030 Drag on Nets Fouled With Blue Mussel (Mytilus Edulis) and Sugar Kelp (Saccharina Latissima) and Parameterization of Fouling
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cao, Yanran;
Stene, Anne;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Aas, Grete Hansen;
Røsvik, Anne Synnøve.
Natural Infection Induced Immune Response against Salmonid Alphavirus in Farmed Salmon.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gansel, Lars;
Blöcher, Nina;
Floerl, Oliver;
Günther, Jana.
Quantification of biofouling on nets: a comparison of wet weight measurements and optical (image analysis) methods.
Aquaculture International
Academic article
Erikson, Ulf Gøran;
Gansel, Lars;
Frank, Kevin;
Svendsen, Eirik;
Digre, Hanne.
Crowding of Atlantic salmon in net-pen before slaughter.
Academic article
Gansel, Lars;
Plew, David R.;
Endresen, Per Christian;
Ivanova, Anna;
Misimi, Ekrem;
Günther, Jana.
Drag of Clean and Fouled Net Panels – Measurements and Parameterization of Fouling.
Academic article
Lader, Pål;
Fredriksson, David W.;
Günther, Jana;
Volent, Zsolt;
Blöcher, Nina;
Kristiansen, David.
Drag on hydroid-fouled nets — An experimental approach.
China Ocean engineering
Academic article
Gansel, Lars;
Jensen, Østen;
Lien, Egil;
Endresen, Per Christian.
Forces On Nets With Bending Stiffness - an Experimental Study On the Effects Of Flow Speed and Angle Of Attack.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Frank, Kevin;
Gansel, Lars;
Lien, Andreas Myskja;
Birkevold, Jens.
Effects of a shielding skirt for prevention of sea lice on the flow past stocked salmon fish cages.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Gansel, Lars;
Jensen, Østen;
Endresen, Per Christian;
Føre, Martin.
Deformation of nets with bending stiffness normal to uniform currents.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Gansel, Lars;
Rackebrandt, Siri;
Oppedal, Frode;
McClimans, Thomas.
Flow fields inside stocked fish cages and the near environment.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Frank, Kevin;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Lien, Andreas Myskja.
Permaskjørt A3–fullskala feltforsøk
Dokumentasjon av skjørtets påvirkning på vannstrøm.
SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk
Gansel, Lars.
Flow past porous cylinders and effects of biofouling and fish behavior on the flow in and around Atlantic salmon net cages.
Doctoral dissertation
Gansel, Lars;
Jensen, Østen;
Endresen, Per Christian;
Føre, Martin.
Deformation of Nets With Bending Stiffness Normal to Uniform Currents.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Frank, Kevin;
Gansel, Lars;
Lien, Andreas Myskja;
Birkevold, Jens.
Effects of a shielding skirt for prevention of sea lice on the flow past stocked Salmon fish cages.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jensen, Østen;
Gansel, Lars;
Føre, Martin;
Reite, Karl Johan;
Jensen, Jørgen Haavind;
Endresen, Per Christian.
Oscillation of a Net Panel With Bending Stiffness.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gansel, Lars;
Føre, Martin.
Measuring biofouling:A practical approach for including fouling into numerical net models.
Aquaculture Europe
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Pascal, Klebert;
Lader, Pål;
Gansel, Lars;
Oppedal, Frode.
Hydrodynamic interactions on net panel and aquaculture fish cages: A review.
Ocean Engineering
Academic literature review
Näslund, Joacim;
Rosengren, Malin;
Del Villar, Diego;
Gansel, Lars;
Norrgård, Johnny R.;
Persson, Lo.
Hatchery tank enrichment affects cortisol levels and shelter-seeking in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Academic article
Frank, Kevin;
Gansel, Lars;
Lien, Andreas Myskja.
Permaskjørt A3 – fullskala feltforsøk / Dokumentasjon av skjørtets påvirkning på vannstrøm.
SINTEF Rapport
Gansel, Lars;
McClimans, Thomas;
Myrhaug, Dag.
Flow Around the Free Bottom of Fish Cages in a Uniform Flow With and Without Fouling.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Gansel, Lars;
McClimans, Thomas;
Myrhaug, Dag.
The Effects of Fish Cages on Ambient Currents.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Gansel, Lars;
McClimans, Thomas;
Myrhaug, Dag.
Average Flow Inside and Around Fish Cages With and Without Fouling in a Uniform Flow.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Gansel, Lars;
Jensen, Østen;
Lien, Egil;
Endresen, Per Christian.
Forces On Nets With Bending Stiffness - an Experimental Study On the Effects Of Flow Speed and Angle Of Attack.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gansel, Lars;
Rackebrandt, Siri;
Oppedal, Frode;
McClimans, Thomas.
Flow fields inside stocked fish cages and the near environment.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Oppedal, Frode;
Stien, Lars Helge;
Gansel, Lars;
Pascal, Klebert;
Lader, Pål;
Guenther, Jana.
Popular scientific article
Gansel, Lars Christian;
McClimans, Thomas;
Myrhaug, Dag.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gansel, Lars Christian;
McClimans, Thomas;
Myrhaug, Dag.
Flow Around the Free Bottom of Fish Cages in a Uniform Flow With and Without Fouling.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gansel, Lars Christian;
McClimans, Thomas A.;
Myrhaug, Dag.
Flow patterns in and around fish cages: Their importance for fish welfare, environmental pollution and intergrated multitrophic aquaculture.
Special Publications (European Aquaculture Society)
Academic article
Gansel, Lars Christian;
McClimans, Thomas A.;
Myrhaug, Dag.
Flow Patterns in and around fish cages: The effects of biofouling on the flow in and around net pens and the resulting forces.
Special Publications (European Aquaculture Society)
Academic article
Gansel, Lars Christian;
McClimans, Thomas;
Myrhaug, Dag.
The effects of fish cages on ambient currents.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gansel, Lars Christian;
McClimans, Thomas A.;
Myrhaug, Dag.
Drag forces on and flow around and through porous cylinders.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Banno, Kana;
Gonçalves, Filipe Marcel Fernandes;
Sauphar, Clara Pauline;
Anichini, Marianna;
Hazelaar, Aline;
Sperre, Linda Helen.
Identifying losers: Automatic identification of growth-stunted salmon in aquaculture using computer vision.
Machine Learning with Applications (MLWA)
Academic article
Gao, Sihan;
Wang, Chunlin;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Li, Guoyuan;
Zhang, Houxiang;
Gansel, Lars Christian.
In situ measurements and simulations of a net cage in currents.
Aquacultural Engineering
Academic article
Cao, Yanran;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Stene, Anne.
The impact of net cleaning on fecal cortisol metabolites in farmed Atlantic Salmon.
Academic article
Ding, Jingwen;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Finstad, Bengt;
Stene, Anne;
Bakke, Snorre;
Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen.
Investigating the biological relevance of measuring gastrointestinal cortisol metabolite levels to assess stress responses in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) after an acute stress.
Fish and Shellfish Immunology
Academic article
Banno, Kana;
Gao, Sihan;
Anichini, Marianna;
Stolz, Christian;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Gansel, Lars Christian.
Expanded vision for the spatial distribution of Atlantic salmon in sea cages.
Academic article
Zhang, Chao;
Bracke, Marc;
Torres, Ricardo;
Gansel, Lars Christian.
Rapid detection of salmon louse larvae in seawater based on machine learning.
Academic article
Gao, Sihan;
Oppedal, Frode;
Fosse, Jan Olav;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Gansel, Lars Christian.
Fluid–Structure Interactions of Net Cages—Full-Scale Pushing Tests in the Field.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Sauphar, Clara Pauline;
Stolz, Christian;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen.
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) distribution and vertical size-stratification in a commercial sea cage: A case study.
Academic article
Kaland, Håvard;
Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen;
Amundsen, Trond;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Tuene, Stig Atle.
Hvordan studere lusebeiting i stor merd?.
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett
Popular scientific article
Kaland, Håvard;
Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen;
Amundsen, Trond;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Tuene, Stig Atle.
Cleaning behavior of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) studied using sea lice dummies in large scale sea cages.
Academic article
Ding, Jingwen;
Finstad, Bengt;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Tveten, Ann-Kristin;
Blindheim, Steffen H.;
Cao, Yanran.
Comparative assessment of plasma cortisol and fecal corticoid metabolites (FCM) of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) subjected to acute- and long-term stress.
Academic article
Banno, Kana;
Kaland, Håvard;
Crescitelli, Alberto Maximiliano;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Aas, Grete Hansen;
Gansel, Lars Christian.
A novel approach for wild fish monitoring at aquaculture sites: wild fish presence analysis using computer vision.
Aquaculture Environment Interactions
Academic article
Gao, Sihan;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Li, Guoyuan;
Zhang, Houxiang.
An Integrated Approach to Modelling Fish Cage Response in the Flow.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Philis, Gaspard;
Ziegler, Friederike;
Jansen, Mona Dverdal;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Hornborg, Sara;
Aas, Grete Hansen.
Quantifying environmental impacts of cleaner fish used as sea lice treatments in salmon aquaculture with life cycle assessment.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Crescitelli, Alberto Maximiliano;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Zhang, Houxiang.
NorFisk: fish image dataset from Norwegian fish farms for species recognition using deep neural networks.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Crescitelli, Alberto Maximiliano;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Zhang, Houxiang.
Semi-automatic Approach to Create Fish Image Datasets for Aquaculture Applications.
IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications
Academic article
Philis, Gaspard;
Ziegler, Friederike;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Jansen, Mona Dverdal;
Gracey, Erik Olav;
Stene, Anne.
Comparing life cycle assessment (LCA) of salmonid aquaculture production systems: Status and perspectives.
Academic literature review
Philis, Gaspard;
Gracey, Erik Olav;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Fet, Annik Magerholm;
Rebours, Celine.
Comparing the primary energy and phosphorus consumption of soybean and seaweed-based aquafeed proteins – A material and substance flow analysis.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Storholt, Malin Hoem;
Tysse, Katrine Ranvik;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Gansel, Lars Christian.
Blåskjell spiser de frittsvømmende larvene til lakselus.
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett
Popular scientific article
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Oppedal, Frode;
Birkevold, Jens;
Tuene, Stig Atle.
Drag Forces and deformation of aquaculture cages – full-scale towing tests in the field.
Aquacultural Engineering
Academic article
Hvas, Malthe;
Folkedal, Ole;
Solstorm, David;
Vågseth, Tone;
Fosse, Jan Olav;
Gansel, Lars Christian.
Assessing swimming capacity and schooling behaviour in farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar with experimental push-cages.
Academic article
Gansel, Lars;
Blöcher, Nina;
Floerl, Oliver;
Günther, Jana.
Quantification of biofouling on nets: a comparison of wet weight measurements and optical (image analysis) methods.
Aquaculture International
Academic article
Erikson, Ulf Gøran;
Gansel, Lars;
Frank, Kevin;
Svendsen, Eirik;
Digre, Hanne.
Crowding of Atlantic salmon in net-pen before slaughter.
Academic article
Gansel, Lars;
Plew, David R.;
Endresen, Per Christian;
Ivanova, Anna;
Misimi, Ekrem;
Günther, Jana.
Drag of Clean and Fouled Net Panels – Measurements and Parameterization of Fouling.
Academic article
Lader, Pål;
Fredriksson, David W.;
Günther, Jana;
Volent, Zsolt;
Blöcher, Nina;
Kristiansen, David.
Drag on hydroid-fouled nets — An experimental approach.
China Ocean engineering
Academic article
Gansel, Lars;
Jensen, Østen;
Lien, Egil;
Endresen, Per Christian.
Forces On Nets With Bending Stiffness - an Experimental Study On the Effects Of Flow Speed and Angle Of Attack.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Frank, Kevin;
Gansel, Lars;
Lien, Andreas Myskja;
Birkevold, Jens.
Effects of a shielding skirt for prevention of sea lice on the flow past stocked salmon fish cages.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Gansel, Lars;
Jensen, Østen;
Endresen, Per Christian;
Føre, Martin.
Deformation of nets with bending stiffness normal to uniform currents.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Gansel, Lars;
Rackebrandt, Siri;
Oppedal, Frode;
McClimans, Thomas.
Flow fields inside stocked fish cages and the near environment.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Gansel, Lars;
Føre, Martin.
Measuring biofouling:A practical approach for including fouling into numerical net models.
Aquaculture Europe
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Pascal, Klebert;
Lader, Pål;
Gansel, Lars;
Oppedal, Frode.
Hydrodynamic interactions on net panel and aquaculture fish cages: A review.
Ocean Engineering
Academic literature review
Näslund, Joacim;
Rosengren, Malin;
Del Villar, Diego;
Gansel, Lars;
Norrgård, Johnny R.;
Persson, Lo.
Hatchery tank enrichment affects cortisol levels and shelter-seeking in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Academic article
Gansel, Lars;
McClimans, Thomas;
Myrhaug, Dag.
Flow Around the Free Bottom of Fish Cages in a Uniform Flow With and Without Fouling.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Gansel, Lars;
McClimans, Thomas;
Myrhaug, Dag.
The Effects of Fish Cages on Ambient Currents.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Gansel, Lars;
McClimans, Thomas;
Myrhaug, Dag.
Average Flow Inside and Around Fish Cages With and Without Fouling in a Uniform Flow.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Oppedal, Frode;
Stien, Lars Helge;
Gansel, Lars;
Pascal, Klebert;
Lader, Pål;
Guenther, Jana.
Popular scientific article
Gansel, Lars Christian;
McClimans, Thomas A.;
Myrhaug, Dag.
Flow patterns in and around fish cages: Their importance for fish welfare, environmental pollution and intergrated multitrophic aquaculture.
Special Publications (European Aquaculture Society)
Academic article
Gansel, Lars Christian;
McClimans, Thomas A.;
Myrhaug, Dag.
Flow Patterns in and around fish cages: The effects of biofouling on the flow in and around net pens and the resulting forces.
Special Publications (European Aquaculture Society)
Academic article
Part of book/report
Zheng, Lei;
Zhang, Chao;
Bracke, Marc;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Torres, Ricardo da Silva.
Detecting Salmon Lice in Seawater Using Synthetic Datasets.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gao, Sihan;
Han, Peihua;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Li, Guoyuan;
Zhang, Houxiang.
Real-time prediction of fish cage behaviors under varying currents using deep neural network.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gao, Sihan;
Banno, Kana;
Hu, Zhicheng;
Han, Peihua;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Li, Guoyuan.
Digital Prototyping of a Stocked Cage with Multi-Sensor Integration.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Endresen, Per Christian;
Steinhovden, Kristine;
Dahle, Stine Veronica Wiborg;
Svendsen, Eirik;
Forbord, Silje.
OMAE2017-62030 Drag on Nets Fouled With Blue Mussel (Mytilus Edulis) and Sugar Kelp (Saccharina Latissima) and Parameterization of Fouling
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cao, Yanran;
Stene, Anne;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Aas, Grete Hansen;
Røsvik, Anne Synnøve.
Natural Infection Induced Immune Response against Salmonid Alphavirus in Farmed Salmon.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gansel, Lars;
Jensen, Østen;
Endresen, Per Christian;
Føre, Martin.
Deformation of Nets With Bending Stiffness Normal to Uniform Currents.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Frank, Kevin;
Gansel, Lars;
Lien, Andreas Myskja;
Birkevold, Jens.
Effects of a shielding skirt for prevention of sea lice on the flow past stocked Salmon fish cages.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jensen, Østen;
Gansel, Lars;
Føre, Martin;
Reite, Karl Johan;
Jensen, Jørgen Haavind;
Endresen, Per Christian.
Oscillation of a Net Panel With Bending Stiffness.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gansel, Lars;
Jensen, Østen;
Lien, Egil;
Endresen, Per Christian.
Forces On Nets With Bending Stiffness - an Experimental Study On the Effects Of Flow Speed and Angle Of Attack.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gansel, Lars;
Rackebrandt, Siri;
Oppedal, Frode;
McClimans, Thomas.
Flow fields inside stocked fish cages and the near environment.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gansel, Lars Christian;
McClimans, Thomas;
Myrhaug, Dag.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gansel, Lars Christian;
McClimans, Thomas;
Myrhaug, Dag.
Flow Around the Free Bottom of Fish Cages in a Uniform Flow With and Without Fouling.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gansel, Lars Christian;
McClimans, Thomas;
Myrhaug, Dag.
The effects of fish cages on ambient currents.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gansel, Lars Christian;
McClimans, Thomas A.;
Myrhaug, Dag.
Drag forces on and flow around and through porous cylinders.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Jensen, Simen Muhle Steen;
Loen, Vegard Neverdal;
Vevelstad, Amund;
Tuene, Stig Atle.
Utvikling av en effektiv metode for registrering av lakseluslarver i ferske planktonprøver.
Thesis at a second degree level
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Bjørklund, Richard Hasan;
Lauridsen, Jan Inge;
Madsen-Stangebye, Erlend;
Tuene, Stig Atle.
Horisontal og vertikal fordeling av villfisk rundt oppdrettsmerder over tid.
Thesis at a second degree level
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Myklebust, Rita Marie Strømmen.
Fjernstyrt undervannsfarkost som verktøy for kartlegging av bunnfisk nær oppdrettsanlegg.
Thesis at a second degree level
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Steffensen, Ole;
Ødegård, Sindre Schjønning;
Hansen, Jørgen Sandvold.
Metodikk for overvåkning av pelagisk villfisk rundt laksemerder.
Thesis at a second degree level
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Tuene, Stig Atle;
Grønsberg, Espen Vabø;
Hansø, Adrian;
Selven, Sofie Maren.
Er undervannsfartøy egnet for observasjon av villfisk rundt oppdrettsanlegg?.
Thesis at a second degree level
Stene, Anne;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Jansen, Mona Dverdal.
Strategier for å begrense spredning av virus mellom sjølokaliteter med laksefisk.
Frank, Kevin;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Lien, Andreas Myskja.
Permaskjørt A3–fullskala feltforsøk
Dokumentasjon av skjørtets påvirkning på vannstrøm.
SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk
Gansel, Lars.
Flow past porous cylinders and effects of biofouling and fish behavior on the flow in and around Atlantic salmon net cages.
Doctoral dissertation
Frank, Kevin;
Gansel, Lars;
Lien, Andreas Myskja.
Permaskjørt A3 – fullskala feltforsøk / Dokumentasjon av skjørtets påvirkning på vannstrøm.
SINTEF Rapport
Banno, Kana;
Goncalves, Filipe Marcel Fernandes;
Sauphar, Clara Pauline;
Anichini, Marianna;
Aline, Hazelaar;
Sperre, Linda Helen.
Healthy and Loser Salmon Dataset.
Other product
Crescitelli, Alberto Maximiliano;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Zhang, Houxiang.
NorFisk Dataset .
Academic lectureKaland, Håvard Blindheim; Banno, Kana; Gansel, Lars Christian; Amundsen, Trond; Tuene, Stig Atle; Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen. (2024) Does farmed Atlantic salmon get frightened of wild fish around sea cages?. AQUA 2024 , København 2024-08-26 - 2024-08-30
Academic lectureSauphar, Clara Pauline; Tuene, Stig Atle; Gansel, Lars Christian; Hansen Aas, Grete. (2024) MONITORING EARLY-STAGE BEHAVIOR OF ATLANTIC SALMON Salmo salar USING A “PING360” SONAR: WHAT HAPPENS TO POST-SMOLTS DURING THEIR FIRST MONTH IN A COMMERCIAL SEA-CAGE?. Euro Aquaculture Society and the World Aquaculture Society AQUA 2024 , Copenhagen 2024-08-26 - 2024-08-30
LectureLossius, Laila Linde; Gansel, Lars Christian; Rusten, Hilde; Leira, Torkjell; Sampaio, Flavia Duarte Ferraz. (2023) Building lasting structures for international collaborative education – Challenges and solutions. FAUBAI, Brazil FAUBAI2023 , Belo Horizonte, Brazil 2023-04-15 - 2023-04-19
Academic lectureSauphar, Clara Pauline; Tuene, Stig Atle; Gansel, Lars Christian; Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen. (2023) USE OF STEREOVISION TO ASSESS VERTICAL SIZESTRATIFICATION OF ATLANTIC SALMON Salmo salar IN A COMMERCIAL SEA-CAGE: A CASE STUDY. Euro Aquaculture Society Aquaculture Europe 2023 , Vienna 2023-09-18 - 2023-09-21
LectureGonçalves, Filipe M. F.; Banno, Kana; Anichini, Marianna; Gansel, Lars Christian; Torres, Ricardo. (2022) Automatic detection of growth-stunted phenotype in farmed Atlantic salmon: a new insight into quantify their distribution and behaviour based on a machine learning approach. European Aquaculture Society Aquaculture Europe 2022 , Rimini 2022-09-27 - 2022-09-30
Programme participationGansel, Lars Christian. (2022) Norwegian salmonid farming - A short discussion on sustainability, responsibility and animal welfare . Online Online [Internet] 2022-02-08
Academic lectureKaland, Håvard; Aas, Grete Hansen; Amundsen, Trond; Gansel, Lars Christian; Tuene, Stig Atle. (2022) Delousing behavior of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) studied by a sea lice model in commercial sea cages. Fiskaaling Sealice conference international 2022 2022-05-09 - 2022-05-13
LectureGansel, Lars Christian. (2022) Applications of machine learning in Norwegian aquaculture - examples and outlook . Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology The 2nd Marine AI Open Seminar in AY2022 - Advanced case studies of Marine AI , Tokyo, Japan; online 2022-12-09 - 2022-12-09
LectureBanno, Kana; Anichini, Marianna; Auning, Kurt E.; Haugen, Pål; Almaas, Kjell; Tuene, Stig Atle. (2022) Monitoring the spatial distribution of farmed fish in large commercial sea cages deploying a multi-beam sonar. European Aquaculture Society Aquaculture Europe 2022 , Rimini 2022-09-27 - 2022-09-30
Academic lectureRebours, Celine; Philis, Gaspard; Gansel, Lars Christian; Fet, Annik Magerholm. (2021) The primary energy and phosphorus consumption of soybean and seaweed-based aquafeed proteins - A Norwegian case study. International Society For Applied Phycology International Society For Applied Phycology Conference , Japan/virtual 2021-05-14 - 2021-08-13
Academic lectureRebours, Celine; Philis, Gaspard; Gracey, Erik Olav; Gansel, Lars Christian; Kvadsheim, Nina Pereira; Halfdanarson, Jon. (2021) PRODUCTION OF PROTEINS FOR AQUAFEED FROM SEAWEED: A NORWEGIAN CASE STUDY. EABA SEAWEED CONFERENCE – EABA , Portugal/ virtual 2021-05-14 - 2021-08-13
Academic lectureBanno, Kana; Kaland, HÃ¥vard; Crescitelli, Alberto Maximiliano; Tuene, Stig Atle; Aas, Grete Hansen; Gansel, Lars Christian. (2021) A novel system for wild fish monitoring at aquaculture sites - artificial intelligence in wild fish abundance analysis. European Aquaculture Society Aquaculture Europe 2021 , Digital conference 2021-04-12 - 2021-04-15
Academic lectureKaland, Håvard; Aas, Grete Hansen; Gansel, Lars Christian; Tuene, Stig Atle. (2021) Atferd og lusebeiting hos oppdrettet berggylt-bruk av modell. Nofima Det 15. norske fiskeernæringsseminar , Lily Country Club, Væringveien 44, Kløfta 2021-11-09 - 2021-11-10
Popular scientific lectureGansel, Lars Christian. (2020) Oppdrett av laksefisk - Bærekraft og etikk i en kompleks næring. Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige Universitet NTNU Kveld , Parke Kulturhus, Ålesund 2020-02-10 - 2020-02-10
Academic lectureCrescitelli, Alberto Maximiliano; Gansel, Lars Christian; Zhang, Houxiang. (2020) Semi-automatic Approach to Create Fish Image Datasets for Aquaculture Applications. IEEE 15th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA) , Kristainsand 2020-11-09 - 2020-11-13
Academic lectureHaugen, Randi Wenche; Carson, Siri Granum; Gansel, Lars Christian. (2020) Lakseoppdrett og utfordringer knyttet til bærekraft – hva er status?. NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet NTNU Kveld , Parken Kulturhus Ålesund 2020-02-10 -
PosterPhilis, Gaspard; Gracey, Erik Olav; Fet, Annik Magerholm; Gansel, Lars Christian; Rebours, Celine. (2018) Sammenligning av primærenergi og fosforfotavtrykk av soyabønne- og makroalgeproteiner - Et material/stoff strømanalyse (MSFA). Forskningsrådet & FHF HAVBRUK 2018 , Oslo 2018-04-18 - 2018-04-20
InterviewMyrhol, Frøy Katrine; Gansel, Lars Christian. (2018) Havstrømmene sprer sykdom hos oppdrettslaks . [Journal] 2018-01-31
InterviewMyrhol, Frøy Katrine; Philis, Gaspard; Gracey, Erik Olav; Gansel, Lars Christian; Fet, Annik Magerholm; Rebours, Celine. (2018) Kan norsk tare bli fiskefôr?. [Business/trade/industry journal] 2018-10-29
Academic lecturePhilis, Gaspard; Gracey, Erik Olav; Gansel, Lars Christian; Fet, Annik Magerholm; Rebours, Celine. (2018) A material and substance flow analysis of soybean and seaweed-based aquafeed proteins. International Sustainable Development Research Society 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference - Action for a sustainable world: from theory to practice , Messina 2018-06-13 - 2018-06-15
Academic lecturePhilis, Gaspard; Ziegler, Friederike; Gansel, Lars Christian; Jansen, Mona Dverdal; Gracey, Erik Olav; Stene, Anne. (2018) Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of salmonid aquaculture systems: status and perspectives. Kasetsart University & King Mongkut's University 11th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2018 (LCA Food) , Bangkok 2018-10-16 - 2018-10-20
InterviewPhilis, Gaspard; Elde Thomsen, Anette Cecilie; Gracey, Erik Olav; Gansel, Lars Christian; Fet, Annik Magerholm; Rebours, Celine. (2018) Usikkert hvorvidt proteiner fra tare kan erstatte soyaproteiner i fiskefôr. [Business/trade/industry journal] 2018-11-08
LectureCao, Yanran; Stene, Anne; Gansel, Lars Christian; Tuene, Stig Atle; Aas, Grete Hansen; Røsvik, Anne Synnøve. (2017) Natural Infection Induced Immune Response against Salmonid Alphavirus in Farmed Salmon. MTS/IEEE Oceans17 , Aberdeen 2017-06-19 - 2017-06-22
Popular scientific lectureAas, Grete Hansen; Stene, Anne; Tuene, Stig Atle; Gansel, Lars Christian; Berge, Gerd Marit. (2017) Hvordan måle velferd i merd?. FHF Rensefiskkonferansen 2017 , Trondheim 2017-02-08 - 2017-02-09
Academic lectureGansel, Lars Christian; Endresen, Per Christian; Steinhovden, Kristine; Dahle, Stine Veronica Wiborg; Svendsen, Eirik; Forbord, Silje. (2017) OMAE2017-62030 Drag on Nets Fouled With Blue Mussel (Mytilus Edulis) and Sugar Kelp (Saccharina Latissima) and Parameterization of Fouling . NTNU, SINTEF Ocean, ASME OMAE 2017 , Trondheim 2017-06-25 - 2017-06-30
InterviewSkår Hosteland, Linn Therese; Gansel, Lars Christian. (2017) Ny forskning gir styrket tro på blåskjell som lusevåpen. [Internet] 2017-12-22
Academic lectureStene, Anne; Gansel, Lars Christian; Jansen, Mona Dverdal. (2017) Strategies to Control Pancreas Disease. European Aquaculture Society Aquaculture Europe 2017 , Dubrovnik 2017-10-17 - 2017-10-20
LectureGansel, Lars Christian; Knutsen, Øyvind; Asplin, Lars; Nøst, Ole Anders; Eckroth, Jared; Birkeland, Mads Joakim. (2017) Water transport models – decision support tools to battle disease spreading?. European Aquaculture Society Aquaculture Europe 2017 , Dubrovnik 2017-10-17 - 2017-10-20
PosterPhilis, Gaspard; Gracey, Erik Olav; Gansel, Lars Christian; Fet, Annik Magerholm; Rebours, Celine. (2017) A material and substance flow analysis of soybean and seaweed-based aquafeed proteins – Comparing primary energy and phosphorus requirements . NTNU Sustainability NTNU Sustainability Science Conference 2017 , Clarion Hotel & Congress Trondheim 2017-10-18 - 2017-10-20
InterviewSætre, Gunhild; Gansel, Lars Christian; Fjørtoft, Helene Børretzen; Aas, Grete Hansen; Tuene, Stig Atle. (2017) Blåskjell kan bli våpen mot lakselus. [TV] 2017-11-08
InterviewSætre, Gunhild; Gansel, Lars Christian; Fjørtoft, Helene Børretzen; Aas, Grete Hansen; Tuene, Stig Atle. (2017) Blåskjell kan bli våpen mot lakselus. [Internet] 2017-11-08
Academic lectureLien, Andreas Myskja; Stien, Lars Helge; Frank, Kevin; Volent, Zsolt; Rundtop, Per; Gansel, Lars. (2015) Permanent skjørt for redusering av luspåslag på laks – vannmiljø og fiskens posisjon. Norges forskningsråd Frisk Fisk 2015 , Tromsø 2015-03-03 - 2015-03-04
Academic lectureLien, Andreas Myskja; Frank, Kevin; Volent, Zsolt; Rundtop, Per; Gansel, Lars Christian; Birkevold, Jens. (2014) Shielding skirt for prevention of salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) infestation on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in cages – effects on cage and cage environment. Sea Lice 2014 , Portland, Maine 2014-08-31 - 2014-09-05
Academic lectureLien, Andreas Myskja; Frank, Kevin; Volent, Zsolt; Rundtop, Per; Gansel, Lars Christian; Birkevold, Jens. (2014) Permaskjørt – Resultater og erfaringer fra bruk. FHF FHFs Havbrukssamling 2014-09-23 - 2014-09-24
Academic lectureGansel, Lars; Oppedal, Frode. (2014) Drag og deformasjon på oppdrettsmerder i sjøen. Forskningsrådet Programkonferansen Havbruk 2014 , Tromsø 2014-03-31 - 2014-04-02
Academic lectureOppedal, Frode; Johansson, David; Laursen, Frida Maria; Remen, Mette; Folkedal, Ole; Nilsson, Jonatan. (2014) Responses of caged salmon to farm environment. WAS 2014 , adelaide 2014-06-08 - 2014-06-12
Academic lectureOppedal, Frode; Gansel, Lars. (2014) Pushing cages allows field investigations under controlled flow conditions. WAS 2014 , Adelaide 2014-06-08 - 2014-06-12